< Job 36 >

1 Og Elihu blev ved og sagde:
Continuing in a similar manner, Eliu had this to say:
2 Bi mig lidt, og jeg vil belære dig, thi her er endnu noget at tale for Gud.
Bear with me for a little while and I will show you; for I have still more to say in favor of God.
3 Jeg vil hente min Kundskab langt borte fra og skaffe den, som har skabt mig, Ret.
I will review my knowledge from the beginning, and I will prove my Maker to be just.
4 Thi sandelig, mine Taler ere ikke Løgn; een, som er oprigtig i hvad han ved, er hos dig.
For truly my words are without any falsehood and perfect knowledge will be proven to you.
5 Se, Gud er mægtig, og han vil ikke forkaste nogen, han er mægtig i Forstandens Styrke.
God does not abandon the powerful, for he himself is also powerful.
6 Han lader ikke en ugudelig leve, men skaffer de elendige Ret.
But he does not save the impious, though he grants judgment to the poor.
7 Han drager ikke sine Øjne bort fra de retfærdige, hos Konger paa Tronen, der sætter han dem evindelig, og de skulle ophøjes.
He will not take his eyes away from the just, and he continually establishes kings on their throne, and they are exalted.
8 Og om de blive bundne i Lænker, blive fangne med Elendigheds Snore,
And, if they are in captivity, or are bound with the chains of poverty,
9 da forkynder han dem deres Gerninger og deres Overtrædelser, at de vare overmodige;
he will reveal to them their works, as well as their sinfulness, in that they were violent.
10 da aabner han deres Øren for Formaningen og siger, at de skulle omvende sig fra Uretfærdighed.
Likewise, he will open their ears to his correction, and he will speak to them, so that they may return from iniquity.
11 Dersom de da ville høre og tjene ham, da skulle de ende deres Dage i det gode og deres Aar i Liflighed;
If they listen and obey, they will fill their days with goodness and complete their years in glory.
12 men dersom de ikke ville høre, da skulle de omkomme ved Sværdet op opgive Aanden i Uforstand.
But if they will not listen, they will pass away by the sword and will be consumed by foolishness.
13 Og de vanhellige af Hjerte nære Vrede, de raabe ej til ham, naar han binder dem.
The false and the crafty provoke the wrath of God, yet they do not cry out to him when they are chained.
14 Deres Sjæl dør hen i Ungdommen og deres Liv som Skørlevneres.
Their soul will die in a storm, and their life, among the unmanly.
15 Han frier en elendig ved hans Elendighed og aabner deres Øre ved Trængsel.
He will rescue the poor from his anguish, and he will open his ear during tribulation.
16 Ogsaa dig leder han ud af Trængselens Strube til det vide Rum, hvor der ikke er snævert; og hvad, som sættes paa dit Bord, er fuldt af Fedme.
Therefore, he will save you from the narrow mouth very widely, even though it has no foundation under it. Moreover, your respite at table will be full of fatness.
17 Men har du fuldt op af den uretfærdiges Sag, skal Sag og Dom følges ad.
Your case has been judged like that of the impious; you will withdraw your plea and your judgment.
18 Thi lad ej Vreden forlede dig til Spot og lad ej den store Løsesum forføre dig!
Therefore, do not let anger overwhelm you so that you oppress another; neither should you allow a multitude of gifts to influence you.
19 Mon han skulde agte din Rigdom? nej, hverken det skønne Guld eller nogen Magts Styrke!
Lay down your greatness without distress, and put aside all of your power with courage.
20 Du skal ikke hige efter Natten, da Folk borttages fra deres Sted.
Do not prolong the night, even if people rise on their behalf.
21 Forsvar dig, at du ikke vender dit Ansigt til Uret; thi denne har du foretrukket fremfor det at lide.
Be careful that you do not turn to iniquity; for, after your misery, you have begun to follow this.
22 Se, Gud er ophøjet ved sin Kraft; hvo er en Lærer som han?
Behold, God is exalted in his strength, and there is no one like him among the law-givers.
23 Hvo har foreskrevet ham hans Vej? og hvo tør sige: Du har gjort Uret?
Who is able to investigate his ways? And who can say, “You have done iniquity,” to him?
24 Kom i Hu, at du ophøjer hans Gerning, hvilken Folk have besunget;
Remember that you are ignorant of his work, yet men have sung its praises.
25 hvilken alle Mennesker have set, hvilken Mennesket skuer langtfra.
All men consider him; and each one ponders from a distance.
26 Se, Gud er stor, og vi kunne ikke kende ham, og man kan ikke udgrunde Tallet paa hans Aar.
Behold, God is great, defeating our knowledge; the number of his years is inestimable.
27 Thi han drager Vandets Draaber til sig; gennem hans Dunstkreds beredes de til Regn,
He carries away the drops of rain, and he sends forth showers like a raging whirlpool;
28 hvilken Skyerne lade nedflyde, lade neddryppe over mange Mennesker.
they flow from the clouds that are woven above everything.
29 Mon ogsaa nogen forstaa hans Skyers Udspænding, hans Hyttes Bragen?
If he wills it, he extends the clouds as his tent
30 Se, han udbreder sit Lys om sig og skjuler Havets Rødder.
and shines with his light from above; likewise, he covers the oceans within his tent.
31 Thi derved dømmer han Folkene, giver dem Spise i Overflødighed.
For he judges the people by these things, and he gives food to a multitude of mortals.
32 Over sine Hænder dækker han med Lyset, og han giver det Befaling imod den, det skal ramme.
Within his hands, he hides the light, and he commands it to come forth again.
33 Om ham forkynder hans Torden, ja om ham Kvæget, naar han drager op.
He announces it to his friend, for it is his possession and he is able to reach out to it.

< Job 36 >