< Psalmi 139 >

1 Zborovođi. Davidov. Jahve, proničeš me svega i poznaješ,
To the choirmaster of David a psalm O Yahweh you have examined me and you have known [me].
2 ti znaš kada sjednem i kada ustanem, izdaleka ti već misli moje poznaješ.
You you know sitting my and standing my you understand thought[s] my from a distance.
3 Hodam li ili ležim, sve ti vidiš, znani su ti svi moji putovi.
Traveling I and lying down my you sift and all ways my you know intimately.
4 Riječ mi još nije na jezik došla, a ti, Jahve, sve već znadeš.
For there not [is] a word on tongue my there! O Yahweh you know all of it.
5 S leđa i s lica ti me obuhvaćaš, na mene si ruku svoju stavio.
Back part and front you enclose me and you have put on me hand your.
6 Znanje to odveć mi je čudesno, previsoko da bih ga dokučio.
([is too] wonderful *Q(k)*) Knowledge for me it is set on high not I am able to it.
7 Kamo da idem od duha tvojega i kamo da od tvog lica pobjegnem?
Where? will I go from spirit your and where? from presence your will I flee.
8 Ako se na nebo popnem, ondje si, ako u Podzemlje legnem, i ondje si. (Sheol h7585)
If I will ascend heavens [are] there you and I will spread as a bed Sheol there [are] you. (Sheol h7585)
9 Uzmem li krila zorina pa se naselim moru na kraj
I will rise up [the] wings of dawn I dwell at [the] end of [the] sea.
10 i ondje bi me ruka tvoja vodila, desnica bi me tvoja držala.
Also there hand your it will lead me and it will grasp me right [hand] your.
11 Reknem li: “Nek' me barem tmine zakriju i nek' me noć umjesto svjetla okruži!” -
And I said surely darkness it will crush me and [will be] night [the] light behind me.
12 ni tmina tebi neće biti tamna: noć sjaji kao dan i tama kao svjetlost.
Also darkness not it is [too] dark for you and night like the day it shines as darkness as the light.
13 Jer ti si moje stvorio bubrege, satkao me u krilu majčinu.
For you you created kidneys my you wove together me in [the] womb of mother my.
14 Hvala ti što sam stvoren tako čudesno, što su djela tvoja predivna. Dušu moju do dna si poznavao,
I will give thanks to you on for awesome I am wonderful [are] wonderful works your and self my [is] knowing exceedingly.
15 kosti moje ne bjehu ti sakrite dok nastajah u tajnosti, otkan u dubini zemlje.
Not it was hidden bone[s] my from you who I was made in the secret place I was formed in [the] lower parts of [the] earth.
16 Oči tvoje već tada gledahu djela moja, sve već bješe zapisano u knjizi tvojoj: dani su mi određeni dok još ne bješe ni jednoga.
Shapeless form my - they saw eyes your and on scroll your all of them they were written days [which] they were ordained (and to it *Q(K)*) one among them.
17 Kako su mi, Bože, naumi tvoji nedokučivi, kako li je neprocjenjiv zbroj njihov.
And to me how! they are precious thoughts your O God how! they are vast sum their.
18 Da ih brojim? Više ih je nego pijeska! Dođem li im do kraja, ti mi preostaješ!
I will count them more than sand they will be numerous! I awoke and still I [am] with you.
19 De, istrijebi, Bože, zlotvora, krvoloci nek' odstupe od mene!
If you will kill O God - [the] wicked and O men of blood depart from me.
20 Jer podmuklo se bune protiv tebe, uzalud se dižu tvoji dušmani.
[those] who They speak of you to wickedness they lift up to falsehood enemies your.
21 Jahve, zar da ne mrzim tvoje mrzitelje? Zar da mi se ne gade protivnici tvoji?
¿ Not [those who] hate you O Yahweh - do I hate and rebels your do I loathe?
22 Mržnjom dubokom ja ih mrzim i držim ih svojim neprijateljima.
Completeness of hatred I hate them enemies they have become of me.
23 Pronikni me svega, Bože, srce mi upoznaj, iskušaj me i upoznaj misli moje:
Examine me O God and know heart my test me and know disquieting thoughts my.
24 pogledaj, ne idem li putem pogubnim i povedi me putem vječnim!
And see if a way of an idol [is] in me and lead me in [the] way of antiquity.

< Psalmi 139 >