< Mudre Izreke 31 >
1 Riječ Lemuela, kralja Mase, kojima ga je učila majka njegova.
THE WORDS OF KING LEMUEL: The prophecie which his mother taught him.
2 Ne, sine moj! Ne, sine srca mog! Ne, sine zavjeta mojih!
What my sonne! and what ye sonne of my wombe! and what, O sonne of my desires!
3 Ne daj snage svoje ženama ni putova svojih zatiračima kraljeva.
Giue not thy strength vnto women, nor thy wayes, which is to destroy Kings.
4 Nije za kraljeve, Lemuele, ne pristaje kraljevima vino piti, ni glavarima piće opojno,
It is not for Kings, O Lemuel, it is not for Kings to drink wine nor for princes strog drinke,
5 da u piću ne zaborave zakona i prevrnu pravo nevoljnicima.
Lest he drinke and forget the decree, and change the iudgement of all the children of affliction.
6 Dajte žestoko piće onomu koji će propasti i vino čovjeku komu je gorčina u duši:
Giue ye strong drinke vnto him that is readie to perish, and wine vnto them that haue griefe of heart.
7 on će piti i zaboraviti svoju bijedu i neće se više sjećati svoje nevolje.
Let him drinke, that he may forget his pouertie, and remember his miserie no more.
8 Otvaraj usta svoja za nijemoga i za pravo sviju nesretnika što propadaju.
Open thy mouth for the domme in the cause of all the children of destruction.
9 Otvaraj usta svoja, sudi pravedno i pribavi pravo siromahu i nevoljniku.
Open thy mouth: iudge righteously, and iudge the afflicted, and the poore.
10 Tko će naći ženu vrsnu? Više vrijedi ona nego biserje.
Who shall finde a vertuous woman? for her price is farre aboue the pearles.
11 Muževljevo se srce uzda u nju i blagom neće oskudijevati.
The heart of her husband trusteth in her, and he shall haue no neede of spoyle.
12 Ona mu čini dobro, a ne zlo, u sve dane vijeka svojeg.
She will doe him good, and not euill all the dayes of her life.
13 Pribavlja vunu i lan i vješto radi rukama marnim.
She seeketh wooll and flaxe, and laboureth cheerefully with her handes.
14 Ona je kao lađa trgovačka: izdaleka donosi kruh svoj.
She is like the shippes of marchants: shee bringeth her foode from afarre.
15 Još za noći ona ustaje, hrani svoje ukućane i određuje posao sluškinjama svojim.
And she riseth, whiles it is yet night: and giueth the portion to her houshold, and the ordinarie to her maides.
16 Opazi li polje, kupi ga; plodom svojih ruku sadi vinograd.
She considereth a field, and getteth it: and with the fruite of her handes she planteth a vineyarde.
17 Opasuje snagom bedra svoja i živo miče rukama.
She girdeth her loynes with strength, and strengtheneth her armes.
18 Vidi kako joj posao napreduje: noću joj se ne gasi svjetiljka.
She feeleth that her marchandise is good: her candle is not put out by night.
19 Rukama se maša preslice i prstima drži vreteno.
She putteth her handes to the wherue, and her handes handle the spindle.
20 Siromahu dlan svoj otvara, ruke pruža nevoljnicima.
She stretcheth out her hand to the poore, and putteth foorth her hands to the needie.
21 Ne boji se snijega za svoje ukućane, jer sva čeljad ima po dvoje haljine.
She feareth not the snowe for her familie: for all her familie is clothed with skarlet.
22 Sama sebi šije pokrivače, odijeva se lanom i purpurom.
She maketh her selfe carpets: fine linen and purple is her garment.
23 Muž joj je slavan na Vratima, gdje sjedi sa starješinama zemaljskim.
Her husband is knowen in the gates, when he sitteth with the Elders of the land.
24 Platno tka i prodaje ga i pojase daje trgovcu.
She maketh sheetes, and selleth them, and giueth girdels vnto the marchant.
25 Odjevena je snagom i dostojanstvom, pa se smije danu budućem.
Strength and honour is her clothing, and in the latter day she shall reioyce.
26 Svoja usta mudro otvara i pobožan joj je nauk na jeziku.
She openeth her mouth with wisdome, and the lawe of grace is in her tongue.
27 Na vladanje pazi ukućana i ne jede kruha besposlice.
She ouerseeth the wayes of her housholde, and eateth not the bread of ydlenes.
28 Sinovi njezini podižu se i sretnom je nazivaju, i muž njezin hvali je:
Her children rise vp, and call her blessed: her husband also shall prayse her, saying,
29 “Mnoge su žene bile vrsne, ali ti ih sve nadmašuješ.”
Many daughters haue done vertuously: but thou surmountest them all.
30 Lažna je ljupkost, tašta je ljepota: žena sa strahom Gospodnjim zaslužuje hvalu.
Fauour is deceitfull, and beautie is vanitie: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praysed.
31 Plod joj dajte ruku njezinih i neka je na Vratima hvale djela njezina!
Giue her of the fruite of her hands, and let her owne workes prayse her in the gates.