< Mudre Izreke 29 >

1 Čovjek koji, po opomeni, ostaje tvrdoglav, u tren će se slomiti, i neće mu biti spasa.
He who is often rebuked and stiffens his neck will be destroyed suddenly, with no remedy.
2 Narod se veseli kad se množe pravednici, a puk uzdiše kad zavlada opaki.
When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; but when the wicked rule, the people groan.
3 Čovjek koji ljubi mudrost, veseli oca svoga, a koji se druži s bludnicama, rasipa imetak.
Whoever loves wisdom brings joy to his father; but a companion of prostitutes squanders his wealth.
4 Kralj pravicom održava državu, a ruši je čovjek koji nameće daće.
The king by justice makes the land stable, but he who takes bribes tears it down.
5 Čovjek koji laska bližnjemu svome razapinje mrežu stopama njegovim.
A man who flatters his neighbor spreads a net for his feet.
6 U grijehu je zamka zlu čovjeku, a pravednik likuje i veseli se.
An evil man is snared by his sin, but the righteous can sing and be glad.
7 Pravednik razumije pravo malenih, a opaki ne shvaća spoznaju.
The righteous care about justice for the poor. The wicked aren’t concerned about knowledge.
8 Podsmjevači uzbunjuju grad, a mudri stišavaju srdžbu.
Mockers stir up a city, but wise men turn away anger.
9 Kad se mudrac parbi s bezumnikom, il' se srdio, il' se smijao, svejednako mira nema.
If a wise man goes to court with a foolish man, the fool rages or scoffs, and there is no peace.
10 Krvopije mrze poštenoga, a pravednici mu se za život brinu.
The bloodthirsty hate a man of integrity; and they seek the life of the upright.
11 Bezumnik izlijeva sav svoj gnjev, a mudrac susteže svoju srdžbu.
A fool vents all of his anger, but a wise man brings himself under control.
12 Ako vladalac posluša riječ lažljivu, sve mu sluge postaju opake.
If a ruler listens to lies, all of his officials are wicked.
13 Siromah se i gulikoža susreću: Jahve obojici prosvjetljuje oči.
The poor man and the oppressor have this in common: The LORD gives sight to the eyes of both.
14 Kralj koji sudi siromasima po istini ima prijesto čvrst dovijeka.
The king who fairly judges the poor, his throne shall be established forever.
15 Šiba i ukor podaruju mudrost, a razuzdan mladić sramoti majku svoju.
The rod of correction gives wisdom, but a child left to himself causes shame to his mother.
16 Kad se množe opaki, množi se i grijeh, ali pravednici promatraju propast njihovu.
When the wicked increase, sin increases; but the righteous will see their downfall.
17 Ukori sina svoga, i zadovoljit će te i dati radost duši tvojoj.
Correct your son, and he will give you peace; yes, he will bring delight to your soul.
18 Kad objave nema, narod se razuzda, a blago onome tko se drži Zakona!
Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but one who keeps the Torah is blessed.
19 Samim se riječima sluga ne popravlja, jer se ne pokorava iako umom shvaća.
A servant can’t be corrected by words. Though he understands, yet he will not respond.
20 Jesi li vidio čovjeka brza na riječima? I bezumnik ima više nade nego on.
Do you see a man who is hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him.
21 Tko mazi slugu svoga od djetinjstva bit će mu poslije neposlušan.
He who pampers his servant from youth will have him become a son in the end.
22 Gnjevljiv čovjek zameće svađu, a naprasit čovjek počini mnoge grijehe.
An angry man stirs up strife, and a wrathful man abounds in sin.
23 Oholost ponizuje čovjeka, a ponizan duhom postiže časti.
A man’s pride brings him low, but one of lowly spirit gains honor.
24 Tko s lupežom plijen dijeli, mrzi sebe samog: čuje proklinjanje i ništa ne otkriva.
Whoever is an accomplice of a thief is an enemy of his own soul. He takes an oath, but dares not testify.
25 Strah čovjeku postavlja zamku, a tko se uzda u Jahvu, nalazi okrilje.
The fear of man proves to be a snare, but whoever puts his trust in the LORD is kept safe.
26 Mnogi traže milost vladaočevu, ali Jahve dijeli pravdu svakome.
Many seek the ruler’s favor, but a man’s justice comes from the LORD.
27 Nepravednik je mrzak pravednicima, a pravednik je mrzak opakima.
A dishonest man detests the righteous, and the upright in their ways detest the wicked.

< Mudre Izreke 29 >