< Luka 23 >
1 I ustade sva ona svjetina. Odvedoše ga Pilatu
Then the whole assembly rose and brought Him to Pilate, and began to accuse Him.
2 i stadoše ga optuživati: “Ovoga nađosmo kako zavodi naš narod i brani davati caru porez te za sebe tvrdi da je Krist, kralj.”
"We have found this man," they said, "an agitator among our nation, forbidding the payment of tribute to Caesar, and claiming to be himself an anointed king."
3 Pilat ga upita: “Ti li si kralj židovski?” On mu odgovori: “Ti kažeš!”
Then Pilate asked Him, "You, then, are the King of the Jews?" "It is as you say," He replied.
4 Tada Pilat reče glavarima svećeničkim i svjetini: “Nikakve krivnje ne nalazim na ovom čovjeku!”
Pilate said to the High Priests and to the crowd, "I can find no crime in this man."
5 No oni navaljivahu: “Buni narod naučavajući po svoj Judeji, počevši od Galileje pa dovde!”
But they violently insisted. "He stirs up the people," they said, "throughout all Judaea with His teaching--even from Galilee (where He first started) to this city."
6 Čuvši to, Pilat propita da li je taj čovjek Galilejac.
On hearing this, Pilate inquired, "Is this man a Galilaean?"
7 Saznavši da je iz oblasti Herodove, posla ga Herodu, koji i sam bijaše onih dana u Jeruzalemu.
And learning that He belonged to Herod's jurisdiction he sent Him to Herod, for he too was in Jerusalem at that time.
8 A kad Herod ugleda Isusa, veoma se obradova jer ga je već odavna želo vidjeti zbog onoga što je o njemu slušao te se nadao od njega vidjeti koje čudo.
To Herod the sight of Jesus was a great gratification, for, for a long time, he had been wanting to see Him, because he had heard so much about Him. He hoped also to see some miracle performed by Him.
9 Postavljao mu je mnoga pitanja, ali mu Isus uopće nije odgovarao.
So he put a number of questions to Him, but Jesus gave him no reply.
10 A stajahu ondje i glavari svećenički i pismoznanci optužujući ga žestoko.
Meanwhile the High Priests and the Scribes were standing there and vehemently accusing Him.
11 Herod ga zajedno sa svojom vojskom prezre i ismija: obuče ga u bijelu haljinu i posla natrag Pilatu.
Then, laughing to scorn the claims of Jesus, Herod (and his soldiers with him) made sport of Him, dressed Him in a gorgeous costume, and sent Him back to Pilate.
12 Onoga se dana Herod i Pilat sprijateljiše, jer prije bijahu neprijatelji.
And on that very day Herod and Pilate became friends again, for they had been for some time at enmity.
13 A Pilat dade sazvati glavare svećeničke, vijećnike i narod
Then calling together the High Priests and the Rulers and the people, Pilate said,
14 te im reče: “Doveli ste mi ovoga čovjeka kao da buni narod. Ja ga evo ispitah pred vama pa ne nađoh na njemu ni jedne krivice za koju ga optužujete.
"You have brought this man to me on a charge of corrupting the loyalty of the people. But, you see, I have examined him in your presence and have discovered in the man no ground for the accusations which you bring against him.
15 A ni Herod jer ga posla natrag nama. Evo, on nije počinio ništa čime bi zaslužio smrt.
No, nor does Herod; for he has sent him back to us; and, you see, there is nothing he has done that deserves death.
16 Kaznit ću ga dakle i pustiti.”
I will therefore give him a light punishment and release him."
18 I povikaše svi uglas: “Smakni ovoga, a pusti nam Barabu!”
Then the whole multitude burst out into a shout. "Away with this man," they said, "and release Barabbas to us"
19 A taj bijaše bačen u tamnicu zbog neke pobune u gradu i ubojstva.
--Barabbas! who had been lodged in jail for some time in connexion with a riot which had occurred in the city, and for murder.
20 Pilat im stoga ponovno progovori hoteći osloboditi Isusa.
But Pilate once more addressed them, wishing to set Jesus free.
21 Ali oni vikahu: “Raspni, raspni ga!”
They, however, persistently shouted, "Crucify, crucify him!"
22 On im treći put reče: “Ta što je on zla učinio? Ne nađoh na njemu smrtne krivice. Kaznit ću ga dakle i pustiti.”
A third time he appealed to them: "Why, what crime has the man committed? I have discovered in him nothing that deserves death. I will therefore give him a light punishment and release him."
23 Ali oni navaljivahu iza glasa ištući da se razapne. I vika im bivala sve jača.
But they urgently insisted, demanding with frantic outcries that He should be crucified; and their clamour prevailed.
24 Pilat presudi da im bude što ištu.
So Pilate gave judgement, yielding to their demand.
25 Pusti onoga koji zbog pobune i ubojstva bijaše bačen u tamnicu, koga su iskali, a Isusa preda njima na volju.
The man who was lying in prison charged with riot and murder and for whom they clamoured he set free, but Jesus he gave up to be dealt with as they desired.
26 Kad ga odvedoše, uhvatiše nekog Šimuna Cirenca koji je dolazio s polja i stave na nj križ da ga nosi za Isusom.
As soon as they led Him away, they laid hold on one Simon, a Cyrenaean, who was coming in from the country, and on his shoulders they put the cross, for him to carry it behind Jesus.
27 Za njim je išlo silno mnoštvo svijeta, napose žena, koje su plakale i naricale za njim.
A vast crowd of the people also followed Him, and of women who were beating their breasts and wailing for Him.
28 Isus se okrenu prema njima pa im reče: “Kćeri Jeruzalemske, ne plačite nada mnom, nego plačite nad sobom i nad djecom svojom.
But Jesus turned towards them and said, "Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.
29 Jer evo idu dani kad će se govoriti: 'Blago nerotkinjama, utrobama koje ne rodiše i sisama koje ne dojiše.'
For a time is coming when they will say, 'Blessed are the women who never bore children, and the breasts which have never given nourishment.'
30 Tad će početi govoriti gorama: 'Padnite na nas!' i bregovima: 'Pokrijte nas!'
Then will they begin to say to the mountains, 'Fall on us;' and to the hills, 'Cover us.'
31 Jer ako se tako postupa sa zelenim stablom, što li će biti sa suhim?”
For if they are doing these things in the case of the green tree, what will be done in that of the dry?"
32 A vodili su i drugu dvojicu, zločince, da ih s njime pogube.
They brought also two others, criminals, to put them to death with Him.
33 I kada dođoše na mjesto zvano Lubanja, ondje razapeše njega i te zločince, jednoga zdesna, drugoga slijeva.
When they reached the place called 'The Skull,' there they nailed Him to the cross, and the criminals also, one at His right hand and one at His left.
34 A Isus je govorio: “Oče, oprosti im, ne znaju što čine!” I razdijeliše među se haljine njegove bacivši kocke.
Jesus prayed, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing." And they divided His garments among them, drawing lots for them;
35 Stajao je ondje narod i promatrao. A podrugivali se i glavari govoreći: “Druge je spasio, neka spasi sam sebe ako je on Krist Božji, Izabranik!”
and the people stood looking on. The Rulers, too, repeatedly uttered their bitter taunts. "This fellow," they said, "saved others: let him save himself, if he is God's Anointed, the Chosen One."
36 Izrugivali ga i vojnici, prilazili mu i nudili ga octom
And the soldiers also made sport of Him, coming and offering Him sour wine and saying,
37 govoreći: “Ako si ti kralj židovski, spasi sam sebe!”
"Are you the King of the Jews? Save yourself, then!"
38 A bijaše i natpis ponad njega: “Ovo je kralj židovski.”
There was moreover a writing over His head: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.
39 Jedan ga je od obješenih zločinaca pogrđivao: “Nisi li ti Krist? Spasi sebe i nas!”
Now one of the criminals who had been crucified insulted Him, saying, "Are not you the Christ? Save yourself and us."
40 A drugi ovoga prekoravaše: “Zar se ne bojiš Boga ni ti, koji si pod istom osudom?
But the other, answering, reproved him. "Do you also not fear God," he said, "when you are actually suffering the same punishment?
41 Ali mi po pravdi jer primamo što smo djelima zaslužili, a on - on ništa opako ne učini.”
And we indeed are suffering justly, for we are receiving due requital for what we have done. But He has done nothing amiss."
42 Onda reče: “Isuse, sjeti me se kada dođeš u kraljevstvo svoje.”
And he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come in your Kingdom."
43 A on će mu: “Zaista ti kažem: danas ćeš biti sa mnom u raju!”
"I tell you in solemn truth," replied Jesus, "that this very day you shall be with me in Paradise."
44 Bijaše već oko šeste ure kad nasta tama po svoj zemlji - sve do ure devete,
It was now about noon, and a darkness came over the whole country till three o'clock in the afternoon.
45 jer sunce pomrča, a hramska se zavjesa razdrije po sredini.
The sun was darkened, and the curtain of the Sanctuary was torn down the middle,
46 I povika Isus iza glasa: “Oče, u ruke tvoje predajem duh svoj!” To rekavši, izdahnu.
and Jesus cried out in a loud voice, and said, "Father, to Thy hands I entrust my spirit." And after uttering these words He yielded up His spirit.
47 Kad satnik vidje što se zbiva, stane slaviti Boga: “Zbilja, čovjek ovaj bijaše pravednik!”
The Captain, seeing what had happened, gave glory to God, saying, "Beyond question this man was innocent."
48 I kad je sav svijet koji se zgrnuo na taj prizor vidio što se zbiva, vraćao se bijući se u prsa.
And all the crowds that had come together to this sight, after seeing all that had occurred, returned to the city beating their breasts.
49 Stajahu podalje i gledahu to svi znanci njegovi i žene koje su za njim išle iz Galileje.
But all His acquaintances, and the women who had been His followers after leaving Galilee, continued standing at a distance and looking on.
50 I dođe čovjek imenom Josip, vijećnik, čovjek čestit i pravedan;
There was a member of the Council of the name of Joseph, a kind-hearted and upright man,
51 on ne privoli njihovoj odluci i postupku. Bijaše iz Arimateje, grada judejskoga i iščekivaše kraljevstvo Božje.
who came from the Jewish town of Arimathaea and was awaiting the coming of the Kingdom of God. He had not concurred in the design or action of the Council,
52 Taj dakle pristupi Pilatu i zaiska tijelo Isusovo.
and now he went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus.
53 Zatim ga skinu, povi u platno i položi u grob isklesan u koji još ne bijaše nitko položen.
Then, taking it down, he wrapped it in a linen sheet and laid it in a tomb in the rock, where no one else had yet been put.
54 Bijaše dan Priprave; subota je svitala.
It was the Preparation Day, and the Sabbath was near at hand.
55 A pratile to žene koje su s Isusom došle iz Galileje: motrile grob i kako je položeno tijelo njegovo.
The women--those who had come with Jesus from Galilee--followed close behind, and saw the tomb and how His body was placed.
56 Zatim se vrate i priprave miomirise i pomasti. U subotu mirovahu po propisu.
Then they returned, and prepared spices and perfumes. On the Sabbath they rested in obedience to the Commandment.