< Galačanima 5 >

1 Za slobodu nas Krist oslobodi! Držite se dakle i ne dajte se ponovno u jaram ropstva!
Stand fast, therefore, in the liberty with which the Messiah hath made us free; and be not subjected again to the yoke of bondage.
2 Evo ja, Pavao, velim vam: ako se obrežete, Krist vam ništa neće koristiti.
Behold, I Paul say to you, That if ye become circumcised, the Messiah is of no advantage to you.
3 I ponovno jamčim svakom čovjeku koji se obreže: dužan je opsluživati sav Zakon.
And again, I testify to every one who becometh circumcised, that he is bound to fulfill the whole law.
4 Prekinuli ste s Kristom vi koji se u Zakonu mislite opravdati; iz milosti ste ispali.
Ye have renounced the Messiah, ye who seek justification by the law: and ye have apostatized from grace.
5 Jer mi po Duhu iz vjere očekujemo pravednost, nadu svoju.
For we, through the Spirit, which is from faith, are waiting for the hope of righteousness.
6 Uistinu, u Kristu Isusu ništa ne vrijedi ni obrezanje ni neobrezanje, nego - vjera ljubavlju djelotvorna.
For, in the Messiah Jesus, circumcision is nothing, neither is uncircumcision, but the faith that is perfected by love.
7 Dobro ste trčali; tko li vas je samo spriječio da se više ne pokoravate istini?
Ye did run well: who hath interrupted you, that ye acquiesce not in the truth?
8 Ta pobuda nije od Onoga koji vas zove!
The bias of your mind is not from him who called you.
9 Malo kvasca cijelo tijesto ukvasa.
A little leaven leaveneth the whole mass.
10 Ja se uzdam u vas u Gospodinu: vi nećete drukčije misliti. A tko vas zbunjuje, snosit će osudu, tko god bio.
I confide in you through our Lord, that ye will entertain no other thoughts. And he that disquieteth you, shall bear his judgment, whoever he may be.
11 A ja, braćo, ako sveudilj propovijedam obrezanje, zašto me sveudilj progone? Onda je obeskrijepljena sablazan križa!
And I, my brethren, if I still preached circumcision, why should I suffer persecution? Hath the offensiveness of the cross ceased?
12 Uškopili se oni koji vas podbunjuju!
But I would, that they who disquiet you, were actually cut off.
13 Doista vi ste, braćo, na slobodu pozvani! Samo neka ta sloboda ne bude izlikom tijelu, nego - ljubavlju služite jedni drugima.
And ye, my brethren, have been called into liberty: only let not your liberty be an occasion to the flesh; but, by love, be ye servants to each other.
14 Ta sav je Zakon ispunjen u jednoj jedinoj riječi, u ovoj: Ljubi bližnjega svoga kao sebe samoga!
For the whole law is fulfilled in one sentence; in this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
15 Ako li pak jedni druge grizete i glođete, pazite da jedni druge ne proždrete.
But if ye bite and devour one another, beware, lest ye be consumed one by another.
16 Hoću reći: po Duhu živite pa nećete ugađati požudi tijela!
And I say: Walk ye in the Spirit; and never follow the cravings of the flesh.
17 Jer tijelo žudi protiv Duha, a Duh protiv tijela. Doista, to se jedno drugomu protivi da ne činite što hoćete.
For the flesh craveth that which is repugnant to the Spirit; and the Spirit craveth that which is repugnant to the flesh: and the two are the opposites of each other, so that ye do not that which ye desire.
18 Ali ako vas Duh vodi, niste pod Zakonom.
But if ye are guided by the Spirit, ye are not under the law.
19 A očita su djela tijela. To su: bludnost, nečistoća, razvratnost,
For the works of the flesh are known, which are whoredom, impurity, lasciviousness,
20 idolopoklonstvo, vračanje, neprijateljstva, svađa, ljubomor, srdžbe, spletkarenja, razdori, strančarenja,
idol-worship, magic, malice, contention, rivalry, wrath, strife, divisions, discords,
21 zavisti, pijančevanja, pijanke i tome slično. Unaprijed vam kažem, kao što vam već rekoh: koji takvo što čine, kraljevstva Božjega neće baštiniti.
envy, murder, drunkenness, revelling, and all the like things. And they who perpetrate these things, as I have before told you, and also now tell you, do not inherit the kingdom of God.
22 Plod je pak Duha: ljubav, radost, mir, velikodušnost, uslužnost, dobrota, vjernost,
But the fruits of the Spirit are, love, joy, peace, long suffering, suavity, kindness, fidelity, modesty, patience.
23 blagost, uzdržljivost. Protiv tih nema zakona.
Against these there standeth no law.
24 Koji su Kristovi, razapeše tijelo sa strastima i požudama.
And they who are of the Messiah, have crucified their flesh, with all its passions and its cravings.
25 Ako živimo po Duhu, po Duhu se i ravnajmo!
Let us therefore live in the Spirit; and let us press on after the Spirit.
26 Ne hlepimo za taštom slavom! Ne izazivajmo jedni druge, ne zaviđajmo jedni drugima!
And let us not be vain-glorious, despising one another, and envying one another.

< Galačanima 5 >