< Kološanima 3 >
1 Ako ste suuskrsli s Kristom, tražite što je gore, gdje Krist sjedi zdesna Bogu!
If you then are risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ abides, seated on the right hand of God.
2 Za onim gore težite, ne za zemaljskim!
Set your heart on things above, not on earthly things;
3 Ta umrijeste i život je vaš skriven s Kristom u Bogu!
for you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
4 Kad se pojavi Krist, život vaš, tada ćete se i vi s njime pojaviti u slavi.
When Christ, who is our life, appears, then will you also appear with him in glory.
5 Umrtvite dakle udove svoje zemaljske: bludnost, nečistoću, strasti, zlu požudu i pohlepu - to idolopoklonstvo!
So slay your baser inclinations. fornication, impurity, appetite, unnatural desires, and the greed which is idolatry.
6 Zbog toga dolazi gnjev Božji na sinove neposlušne.
These things are ever bringing down the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience,
7 Tim ste putom i vi nekoć hodili, kad ste u tome živjeli.
among whom you once led your daily life when you lived in them.
8 Ali sada i vi odložite sve! Gnjev, srdžba, opakost, hula, prostota van iz vaših usta!
But now you also must renounce them all. Anger, passion, and ill- will must be put away; slander, too, and foul talk, so that they may never soil your lips.
9 Ne varajte jedni druge! Jer svukoste staroga čovjeka s njegovim djelima
Lie not one to another, but strip off the old self with its doings,
10 i obukoste novoga, koji se obnavlja za spoznanje po slici svoga Stvoritelja!
and put on that new self which is continually made over according to the likeness of its Creator, into full understanding.
11 Tu više nema: Grk - Židov, obrezanje - neobrezanje, barbar - skit, rob - slobodnjak, nego sve i u svima - Krist.
In it that new creation there is no "Greek and Jew," "circumcised and uncircumcised," "barbarian," "Scythian," "slave," "free man," but Christ is all, and in us all.
12 Zaodjenite se dakle - kao izabranici Božji, sveti i ljubljeni - u milosrdno srce, dobrostivost, poniznost, blagost, strpljivost
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, consecrated and beloved, clothe yourselves with tenderness of heart, kindness, humility, gentleness, good temper;
13 te podnosite jedni druge praštajući ako tko ima protiv koga kakvu pritužbu! Kao što je Gospodin vama oprostio, tako i vi!
bearing with one another and forgiving each other, if any one has a grievance against another. Just as Christ the Lord forgave you, so must you forgive.
14 A povrh svega - ljubav! To je sveza savršenstva.
Over them all bind on love, which is the girdle of completeness.
15 I mir Kristov neka upravlja srcima vašim - mir na koji ste pozvani u jednom tijelu! I zahvalni budite!
Let the peace of Christ, to which also you were called in one body, rule in your hearts, and show yourselves thankful.
16 Riječ Kristova neka u svem bogatstvu prebiva u vama! U svakoj se mudrosti poučavajte i urazumljujte! Psalmima, hvalospjevima, pjesmama duhovnim od srca pjevajte hvalu Bogu!
Let the word of Christ have its home in you richly, in all wisdom. Teach and admonish one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, ever singing with grace in your hearts unto God.
17 I sve što god riječju ili djelom činite, sve činite u imenu Gospodina Isusa, zahvaljujući Bogu Ocu po njemu!
And whatever you do, whether in word of in deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God our Father through him.
18 Žene, pokoravajte se svojim muževima kao što dolikuje u Gospodinu!
Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting for Christians.
19 Muževi, ljubite svoje žene i ne budite osorni prema njima.
Husbands, be loving to your wives, and be not cross or surly with them.
20 Djeco, slušajte roditelje u svemu, ta to je milo u Gospodinu!
Children, obey your parents in everything, for this is well pleasing in Christians.
21 Očevi, ne ogorčujte svoje djece da ne klonu duhom.
Fathers, do not harass your children, lest you make them spiritless.
22 Robovi, slušajte u svemu svoje zemaljske gospodare! Ne naoko, kao oni koji se ulaguju ljudima, nego u jednostavnosti srca, bojeći se Gospodina.
Slaves, obey in all things your earthly masters, not with eye- service, as men-pleasers, but in singleness of purpose, out of reverence for your Lord.
23 Što god radite, zdušno činite, kao Gospodinu, a ne ljudima,
And whatever you do, do it heartily as for the Lord, and not for men.
24 znajući da ćete od Gospodina primiti nagradu, baštinu. Gospodinu Kristu služite.
You know that from the Lord you will receive reward of the inheritance, for you are the Lord Christ’s slaves.
25 Doista, nepravedniku će se uzvratiti što je nepravedno učinio. Ne, nema pristranosti!
For he who wrongs another will be paid back for his wrong-doing, and there will be no favoritism.