< 詩篇 78 >

1 亞薩的訓誨詩。 我的民哪,你們要留心聽我的訓誨, 側耳聽我口中的話。
An Instruction of Asaph. Give ear, O my people, to my law, Incline your ear to sayings of my mouth.
2 我要開口說比喻; 我要說出古時的謎語,
I open with a simile my mouth, I bring forth hidden things of old,
3 是我們所聽見、所知道的, 也是我們的祖宗告訴我們的。
That we have heard and do know, And our fathers have recounted to us.
4 我們不將這些事向他們的子孫隱瞞, 要將耶和華的美德和他的能力, 並他奇妙的作為,述說給後代聽。
We do not hide from their sons, To a later generation recounting praises of Jehovah, And His strength, and His wonders that He hath done.
5 因為,他在雅各中立法度, 在以色列中設律法; 是他吩咐我們祖宗要傳給子孫的,
And He raiseth up a testimony in Jacob, And a law hath placed in Israel, That He commanded our fathers, To make them known to their sons.
6 使將要生的後代子孫可以曉得; 他們也要起來告訴他們的子孫,
So that a later generation doth know, Sons who are born, do rise and recount to their sons,
7 好叫他們仰望上帝, 不忘記上帝的作為, 惟要守他的命令。
And place in God their confidence, And forget not the doings of God, But keep His commands.
8 不要像他們的祖宗, 是頑梗悖逆、居心不正之輩, 向着上帝,心不誠實。
And they are not like their fathers, A generation apostate and rebellious, A generation! it hath not prepared its heart, Nor stedfast with God [is] its spirit.
9 以法蓮的子孫帶着兵器,拿着弓, 臨陣之日轉身退後。
Sons of Ephraim — armed bearers of bow, Have turned in a day of conflict.
10 他們不遵守上帝的約, 不肯照他的律法行;
They have not kept the covenant of God, And in His law they have refused to walk,
11 又忘記他所行的 和他顯給他們奇妙的作為。
And they forget His doings, And His wonders that He shewed them.
12 他在埃及地,在瑣安田, 在他們祖宗的眼前施行奇事。
Before their fathers He hath done wonders, In the land of Egypt — the field of Zoan.
13 他將海分裂,使他們過去, 又叫水立起如壘。
He cleft a sea, and causeth them to pass over, Yea, He causeth waters to stand as a heap.
14 他白日用雲彩, 終夜用火光引導他們。
And leadeth them with a cloud by day, And all the night with a light of fire.
15 他在曠野分裂磐石, 多多地給他們水喝,如從深淵而出。
He cleaveth rocks in a wilderness, And giveth drink — as the great deep.
16 他使水從磐石湧出, 叫水如江河下流。
And bringeth out streams from a rock, And causeth waters to come down as rivers.
17 他們卻仍舊得罪他, 在乾燥之地悖逆至高者。
And they add still to sin against Him, To provoke the Most High in the dry place.
18 他們心中試探上帝, 隨自己所欲的求食物,
And they try God in their heart, To ask food for their lust.
19 並且妄論上帝說: 上帝在曠野豈能擺設筵席嗎?
And they speak against God — they said: 'Is God able to array a table in a wilderness?'
20 他曾擊打磐石,使水湧出,成了江河; 他還能賜糧食嗎? 還能為他的百姓預備肉嗎?
Lo, He hath smitten a rock, And waters flow, yea, streams overflow. 'Also — bread [is] He able to give? Doth He prepare flesh for His people?'
21 所以,耶和華聽見就發怒; 有烈火向雅各燒起; 有怒氣向以色列上騰;
Therefore hath Jehovah heard, And He sheweth Himself wroth, And fire hath been kindled against Jacob, And anger also hath gone up against Israel,
22 因為他們不信服上帝, 不倚賴他的救恩。
For they have not believed in God, Nor have they trusted in His salvation.
23 他卻吩咐天空, 又敞開天上的門,
And He commandeth clouds from above, Yea, doors of the heavens He hath opened.
24 降嗎哪,像雨給他們吃, 將天上的糧食賜給他們。
And He raineth on them manna to eat, Yea, corn of heaven He hath given to them.
25 各人吃大能者的食物; 他賜下糧食,使他們飽足。
Food of the mighty hath each eaten, Venison He sent to them to satiety.
26 他領東風起在天空, 又用能力引了南風來。
He causeth an east wind to journey in the heavens, And leadeth by His strength a south wind,
27 他降肉,像雨在他們當中,多如塵土, 又降飛鳥,多如海沙,
And He raineth on them flesh as dust, And as sand of the seas — winged fowl,
28 落在他們的營中, 在他們住處的四面。
And causeth [it] to fall in the midst of His camp, Round about His tabernacles.
29 他們吃了,而且飽足; 這樣就隨了他們所欲的。
And they eat, and are greatly satisfied, And their desire He bringeth to them.
30 他們貪而無厭, 食物還在他們口中的時候,
They have not been estranged from their desire, Yet [is] their food in their mouth,
31 上帝的怒氣就向他們上騰, 殺了他們內中的肥壯人, 打倒以色列的少年人。
And the anger of God hath gone up against them, And He slayeth among their fat ones, And youths of Israel He caused to bend.
32 雖是這樣,他們仍舊犯罪, 不信他奇妙的作為。
With all this they have sinned again, And have not believed in His wonders.
33 因此,他叫他們的日子全歸虛空, 叫他們的年歲盡屬驚恐。
And He consumeth in vanity their days, And their years in trouble.
34 他殺他們的時候,他們才求問他, 回心轉意,切切地尋求上帝。
If He slew them, then they sought Him, And turned back, and sought God earnestly,
35 他們也追念上帝是他們的磐石, 至高的上帝是他們的救贖主。
And they remember that God [is] their rock, And God Most High their redeemer.
36 他們卻用口諂媚他, 用舌向他說謊。
And — they deceive Him with their mouth, And with their tongue do lie to Him,
37 因他們的心向他不正, 在他的約上也不忠心。
And their heart hath not been right with Him, And they have not been stedfast in His covenant.
38 但他有憐憫, 赦免他們的罪孽, 不滅絕他們, 而且屢次消他的怒氣, 不發盡他的忿怒。
And He — the Merciful One, Pardoneth iniquity, and destroyeth not, And hath often turned back His anger, And waketh not up all His fury.
39 他想到他們不過是血氣, 是一陣去而不返的風。
And He remembereth that they [are] flesh, A wind going on — and it returneth not.
40 他們在曠野悖逆他, 在荒地叫他擔憂,何其多呢!
How often do they provoke Him in the wilderness, Grieve Him in the desolate place?
41 他們再三試探上帝, 惹動以色列的聖者。
Yea, they turn back, and try God, And the Holy One of Israel have limited.
42 他們不追念他的能力 和贖他們脫離敵人的日子;
They have not remembered His hand The day He ransomed them from the adversary.
43 他怎樣在埃及地顯神蹟, 在瑣安田顯奇事,
When He set His signs in Egypt, And His wonders in the field of Zoan,
44 把他們的江河並河汊的水都變為血, 使他們不能喝。
And He turneth to blood their streams, And their floods they drink not.
45 他叫蒼蠅成群落在他們當中,嘬盡他們, 又叫青蛙滅了他們,
He sendeth among them the beetle, and it consumeth them, And the frog, and it destroyeth them,
46 把他們的土產交給螞蚱, 把他們辛苦得來的交給蝗蟲。
And giveth to the caterpillar their increase, And their labour to the locust.
47 他降冰雹打壞他們的葡萄樹, 下嚴霜打壞他們的桑樹,
He destroyeth with hail their vine, And their sycamores with frost,
48 又把他們的牲畜交給冰雹, 把他們的群畜交給閃電。
And delivereth up to the hail their beasts, And their cattle to the burning flames.
49 他使猛烈的怒氣和忿怒、惱恨、苦難 成了一群降災的使者,臨到他們。
He sendeth on them the fury of His anger, Wrath, and indignation, and distress — A discharge of evil messengers.
50 他為自己的怒氣修平了路, 將他們交給瘟疫, 使他們死亡,
He pondereth a path for His anger, He kept not back their soul from death, Yea, their life to the pestilence He delivered up.
51 在埃及擊殺一切長子, 在含的帳棚中擊殺他們強壯時頭生的。
And He smiteth every first-born in Egypt, The first-fruit of the strong in tents of Ham.
52 他卻領出自己的民如羊, 在曠野引他們如羊群。
And causeth His people to journey as a flock, And guideth them as a drove in a wilderness,
53 他領他們穩穩妥妥地,使他們不致害怕; 海卻淹沒他們的仇敵。
And He leadeth them confidently, And they have not been afraid, And their enemies hath the sea covered.
54 他帶他們到自己聖地的邊界, 到他右手所得的這山地。
And He bringeth them in unto the border of His sanctuary, This mountain His right hand had got,
55 他在他們面前趕出外邦人, 用繩子將外邦的地量給他們為業, 叫以色列支派的人住在他們的帳棚裏。
And casteth out nations from before them, And causeth them to fall in the line of inheritance, And causeth the tribes of Israel to dwell in their tents,
56 他們仍舊試探、悖逆至高的上帝, 不守他的法度,
And they tempt and provoke God Most High, And His testimonies have not kept.
57 反倒退後,行詭詐,像他們的祖宗一樣; 他們改變,如同翻背的弓。
And they turn back, And deal treacherously like their fathers, They have been turned like a deceitful bow,
58 因他們的邱壇惹了他的怒氣; 因他們雕刻的偶像觸動他的憤恨。
And make Him angry with their high places, And with their graven images make Him zealous,
59 上帝聽見就發怒, 極其憎惡以色列人。
God hath heard, and sheweth Himself wroth. And kicketh exceedingly against Israel.
60 甚至他離棄示羅的帳幕, 就是他在人間所搭的帳棚;
And He leaveth the tabernacle of Shiloh, The tent He had placed among men,
61 又將他的約櫃交與人擄去, 將他的榮耀交在敵人手中;
And He giveth His strength to captivity, And His beauty into the hand of an adversary,
62 並將他的百姓交與刀劍, 向他的產業發怒。
And delivereth up to the sword His people, And with His inheritance shewed Himself angry.
63 少年人被火燒滅; 處女也無喜歌。
His young men hath fire consumed, And His virgins have not been praised.
64 祭司倒在刀下, 寡婦卻不哀哭。
His priests by the sword have fallen, And their widows weep not.
65 那時,主像世人睡醒, 像勇士飲酒呼喊。
And the Lord waketh as a sleeper, As a mighty one crying aloud from wine.
66 他就打退了他的敵人, 叫他們永蒙羞辱;
And He smiteth His adversaries backward, A reproach age-during He hath put on them,
67 並且他棄掉約瑟的帳棚, 不揀選以法蓮支派,
And He kicketh against the tent of Joseph, And on the tribe of Ephraim hath not fixed.
68 卻揀選猶大支派-他所喜愛的錫安山;
And He chooseth the tribe of Judah, With mount Zion that He loved,
69 蓋造他的聖所,好像高峰, 又像他建立永存之地;
And buildeth His sanctuary as a high place, Like the earth, He founded it to the age.
70 又揀選他的僕人大衛, 從羊圈中將他召來,
And He fixeth on David His servant, And taketh him from the folds of a flock,
71 叫他不再跟從那些帶奶的母羊, 為要牧養自己的百姓雅各 和自己的產業以色列。
From behind suckling ones He hath brought him in, To rule over Jacob His people, And over Israel His inheritance.
72 於是,他按心中的純正牧養他們, 用手中的巧妙引導他們。
And he ruleth them according to the integrity of his heart, And by the skilfulness of his hands leadeth them!

< 詩篇 78 >