< 馬可福音 8 >

1 那時,又有許多人聚集,並沒有甚麼吃的。耶穌叫門徒來,說:
In tho daies eft, whanne myche puple was with Jhesu, and hadden not what thei schulden ete, whanne hise disciplis weren clepid togidir,
2 「我憐憫這眾人;因為他們同我在這裏已經三天,也沒有吃的了。
he seide to hem, I haue reuth on the puple, for lo! now the thridde dai thei abiden me, and han not what to ete;
3 我若打發他們餓着回家,就必在路上困乏,因為其中有從遠處來的。」
and if Y leeue hem fastynge in to her hous, thei schulen faile in the weie; for summe of hem camen fro fer.
4 門徒回答說:「在這野地,從哪裏能得餅,叫這些人吃飽呢?」
And hise disciplis answerden to hym, Wherof schal a man mowe fille hem with looues here in wildirnesse?
5 耶穌問他們說:「你們有多少餅?」他們說:「七個。」
And he axide hem, Hou many looues han ye?
6 他吩咐眾人坐在地上,就拿着這七個餅祝謝了,擘開,遞給門徒,叫他們擺開,門徒就擺在眾人面前。
Whiche seiden, Seuene. And he comaundide the puple to sitte doun on the erthe. And he took the seuene looues, and dide thankyngis, and brak, and yaf to hise disciplis, that thei schulden sette forth. And thei settiden forth to the puple.
7 又有幾條小魚;耶穌祝了福,就吩咐也擺在眾人面前。
And thei hadden a few smale fischis; and he blesside hem, and comaundide, that thei weren sette forth.
8 眾人都吃,並且吃飽了,收拾剩下的零碎,有七筐子。
And thei eten, and weren fulfillid; and thei token vp that that lefte of relifs, seuene lepis.
9 人數約有四千。耶穌打發他們走了,
And thei that eeten, weren as foure thousynde of men; and he lefte hem.
10 隨即同門徒上船,來到大瑪努他境內。
And anoon he wente vp in to a boot, with hise disciplis, and cam in to the coostis of Dalmamytha.
11 法利賽人出來盤問耶穌,求他從天上顯個神蹟給他們看,想要試探他。
And the Farisees wenten out, and bigunnen to dispuyte with hym, and axiden a tokne of hym fro heuene, and temptiden hym.
12 耶穌心裏深深地歎息,說:「這世代為甚麼求神蹟呢?我實在告訴你們,沒有神蹟給這世代看。」
And he sorewynge `with ynne in spirit, seide, What sekith this generacioun a tokne? Treuli Y seie to you, a tokene schal not be youun to this generacioun.
13 他就離開他們,又上船往海那邊去了。
And he lefte hem, and wente vp eftsoone in to a boot, and wente ouer the see.
14 門徒忘了帶餅;在船上除了一個餅,沒有別的食物。
And thei foryaten to take breed, and thei hadden not with hem but o loof in the boot.
15 耶穌囑咐他們說:「你們要謹慎,防備法利賽人的酵和希律的酵。」
And he comaundide hem, and seide, Se ye, and `be war of the sowre dowy of Farisees, and of the sowrdowy of Eroude.
16 他們彼此議論說:「這是因為我們沒有餅吧。」
And thei thouyten, and seiden oon to anothir, For we han not looues.
17 耶穌看出來,就說:「你們為甚麼因為沒有餅就議論呢?你們還不省悟,還不明白嗎?你們的心還是愚頑嗎?
And whanne this thing was knowun, Jhesus seide to hem, What thenken ye, for ye han not looues? Yit ye knowun not, ne vndurstonden; yit ye han youre herte blyndid.
18 你們有眼睛,看不見嗎?有耳朵,聽不見嗎?也不記得嗎?
Ye hauynge iyen, seen not, and ye hauynge eeris, heren not; nethir ye han mynde,
19 我擘開那五個餅分給五千人,你們收拾的零碎裝滿了多少籃子呢?」他們說:「十二個。」
whanne Y brak fyue looues among fyue thousynde, and hou many cofynes ful of brokun meete `ye tokun vp? Thei seien to hym, Twelue.
20 「又擘開那七個餅分給四千人,你們收拾的零碎裝滿了多少筐子呢?」他們說:「七個。」
Whanne also seuene looues among foure thousynde of men, hou many lepis of brokun mete tokun ye vp?
21 耶穌說:「你們還是不明白嗎?」
And thei seien to hym, Seuene. And he seide to hem, Hou vndurstonden ye not yit?
22 他們來到伯賽大,有人帶一個瞎子來,求耶穌摸他。
And thei camen to Bethsaida, and thei bryngen to hym a blynde man, and thei preieden hym, that he schulde touche hym.
23 耶穌拉着瞎子的手,領他到村外,就吐唾沫在他眼睛上,按手在他身上,問他說:「你看見甚麼了?」
And whanne he hadde take the blynde mannus hoond, he ledde hym out of the street, and spete in to hise iyen, and sette hise hoondis on hym; and he axide hym, if he saye ony thing.
24 他就抬頭一看,說:「我看見人了;他們好像樹木,並且行走。」
And he bihelde, and seide, Y se men as trees walkynge.
25 隨後又按手在他眼睛上,他定睛一看,就復了原,樣樣都看得清楚了。
Aftirward eftsoones he sette hise hondis on hise iyen, and he bigan to see, and he was restorid, so that he saiy cleerli alle thingis.
26 耶穌打發他回家,說:「連這村子你也不要進去。」
And he sente hym in to his hous, and seide, Go in to thin hous; and if thou goist in to the streete, seie to no man.
27 耶穌和門徒出去,往凱撒利亞‧腓立比村莊去;在路上問門徒說:「人說我是誰?」
And Jhesus entride and hise disciplis in to the castels of Cesarye of Philip. And in the weie he axide hise disciplis, and seide to hem, Whom seien men that Y am?
28 他們說:「有人說是施洗的約翰;有人說是以利亞;又有人說是先知裏的一位。」
Whiche answeriden to hym, and seiden, Summen seien, Joon Baptist; other seien, Heli; and other seien, as oon of the prophetis.
29 又問他們說:「你們說我是誰?」彼得回答說:「你是基督。」
Thanne he seith to hem, But whom seien ye that Y am? Petre answeride, and seide to hym, Thou art Crist.
30 耶穌就禁戒他們,不要告訴人。
And he chargide hem, that thei schulden not seie of hym to ony man.
31 從此,他教訓他們說:「人子必須受許多的苦,被長老、祭司長,和文士棄絕,並且被殺,過三天復活。」
And he bigan to teche hem, that it bihoueth mannus sone to suffre many thingis, and to be repreued of the elder men, and of the hiyest prestis, and the scribis, and to be slayn, and aftir thre dayes, to rise ayen.
32 耶穌明明地說這話,彼得就拉着他,勸他。
And he spak pleynli the word. And Peter took hym, and bigan to blame hym, and seide, Lord, be thou merciful to thee, for this schal not be.
33 耶穌轉過來,看着門徒,就責備彼得說:「撒但,退我後邊去吧!因為你不體貼上帝的意思,只體貼人的意思。」
And he turnede, and saiy hise disciplis, and manasside Petir, and seide, Go after me, Satanas; for thou sauerist not tho thingis that ben of God, but tho thingis that ben of men.
34 於是叫眾人和門徒來,對他們說:「若有人要跟從我,就當捨己,背起他的十字架來跟從我。
And whanne the puple was clepid togidere, with hise disciplis, he seide to hem, If ony man wole come after me, denye he hym silf, and take his cros, and sue he me.
35 因為,凡要救自己生命的,必喪掉生命;凡為我和福音喪掉生命的,必救了生命。
For he that wole make saaf his lijf, schal leese it; and he that leesith his lijf for me, and for the gospel, schal make it saaf.
36 人就是賺得全世界,賠上自己的生命,有甚麼益處呢?
For what profitith it to a man, if he wynne al the world, and do peiryng to his soule?
37 人還能拿甚麼換生命呢?
or what chaunging schal a man yyue for his soule?
38 凡在這淫亂罪惡的世代,把我和我的道當作可恥的,人子在他父的榮耀裏,同聖天使降臨的時候,也要把那人當作可恥的。」
But who that knoulechith me and my wordis in this generacioun avowtresse and synful, also mannus sone schal knouleche him, whanne he schal come in the glorie of his fadir, with his aungels.

< 馬可福音 8 >