< 約伯記 31 >

1 我與眼睛立約, 怎能戀戀瞻望處女呢?
I made couenaunt with myn iyen, that Y schulde not thenke of a virgyn.
2 從至上的上帝所得之分, 從至高全能者所得之業是甚麼呢?
For what part schulde God aboue haue in me, and eritage Almyyti God of hiye thingis?
3 豈不是禍患臨到不義的, 災害臨到作孽的呢?
Whether perdicioun is not to a wickid man, and alienacioun of God is to men worchynge wickidnesse?
4 上帝豈不是察看我的道路, 數點我的腳步呢?
Whether he biholdith not my weies, and noumbrith alle my goyngis?
5 我若與虛謊同行, 腳若追隨詭詐; (
If Y yede in vanyte, and my foot hastide in gile,
6 我若被公道的天平稱度, 使上帝可以知道我的純正;)
God weie me in a iust balaunce, and knowe my symplenesse.
7 我的腳步若偏離正路, 我的心若隨着我的眼目, 若有玷污粘在我手上;
If my step bowide fro the weie; if myn iye suede myn herte, and a spotte cleuede to myn hondis;
8 就願我所種的有別人吃, 我田所產的被拔出來。
sowe Y, and another ete, and my generacioun be drawun out bi the root.
9 我若受迷惑,向婦人起淫念, 在鄰舍的門外蹲伏,
If myn herte was disseyued on a womman, and if Y settide aspies at the dore of my frend; my wijf be the hoore of anothir man,
10 就願我的妻子給別人推磨, 別人也與她同室。
and othir men be bowid doun on hir.
11 因為這是大罪, 是審判官當罰的罪孽。
For this is vnleueful, and the moost wickidnesse.
12 這本是火焚燒,直到毀滅, 必拔除我所有的家產。
Fier is deourynge `til to wastyng, and drawynge vp bi the roote alle generaciouns.
13 我的僕婢與我爭辯的時候, 我若藐視不聽他們的情節;
If Y dispiside to take doom with my seruaunt and myn hand mayde, whanne thei stryueden ayens me.
14 上帝興起,我怎樣行呢? 他察問,我怎樣回答呢?
What sotheli schal Y do, whanne God schal rise to deme? and whanne he schal axe, what schal Y answere to hym?
15 造我在腹中的,不也是造他嗎? 將他與我摶在腹中的豈不是一位嗎?
Whether he, that wrouyte also hym, made not me in the wombe, and o God formede me in the wombe?
16 我若不容貧寒人得其所願, 或叫寡婦眼中失望,
If Y denyede to pore men that, that thei wolden, and if Y made the iyen of a wydewe to abide;
17 或獨自吃我一點食物, 孤兒沒有與我同吃; (
if Y aloone eet my mussel, and a faderles child eet not therof;
18 從幼年時孤兒與我同長,好像父子一樣; 我從出母腹就扶助 寡婦。)
for merciful doyng encreesside with me fro my yong childhed, and yede out of my modris wombe with me;
19 我若見人因無衣死亡, 或見窮乏人身無遮蓋;
if Y dispiside a man passynge forth, for he hadde not a cloth, and a pore man with out hilyng;
20 我若不使他因我羊的毛得暖, 為我祝福;
if hise sidis blessiden not me, and was not maad hoot of the fleeces of my scheep;
21 我若在城門口見有幫助我的, 舉手攻擊孤兒;
if Y reiside myn hond on a fadirles child, yhe, whanne Y siy me the hiyere in the yate;
22 情願我的肩頭從缺盆骨脫落, 我的膀臂從羊矢骨折斷。
my schuldre falle fro his ioynt, and myn arm with hise boonys be al to-brokun.
23 因上帝降的災禍使我恐懼; 因他的威嚴,我不能妄為。
For euere Y dredde God, as wawis wexynge gret on me; and `Y myyte not bere his birthun.
24 我若以黃金為指望, 對精金說:你是我的倚靠;
If Y gesside gold my strengthe, and if Y seide to purid gold, Thou art my trist;
25 我若因財物豐裕, 因我手多得資財而歡喜;
if Y was glad on my many ritchessis, and for myn hond foond ful many thingis;
26 我若見太陽發光, 明月行在空中,
if Y siy the sunne, whanne it schynede, and the moone goynge clereli;
27 心就暗暗被引誘, 口便親手;
and if myn herte was glad in priuyte, and if Y kisside myn hond with my mouth;
28 這也是審判官當罰的罪孽, 又是我背棄在上的上帝。
which is the moost wickidnesse, and deniyng ayens hiyeste God;
29 我若見恨我的遭報就歡喜, 見他遭災便高興; (
if Y hadde ioye at the fallyng of hym, that hatide me, and if Y ioide fulli, that yuel hadde founde hym;
30 我沒有容口犯罪, 咒詛他的生命;)
for Y yaf not my throte to do synne, that Y schulde asaile and curse his soule;
31 若我帳棚的人未嘗說, 誰不以主人的食物吃飽呢? (
if the men of my tabernacle seiden not, Who yyueth, that we be fillid of hise fleischis? a pilgryme dwellide not with outforth;
32 從來我沒有容客旅在街上住宿, 卻開門迎接行路的人;)
my dore was opyn to a weiegoere;
33 我若像亞當 遮掩我的過犯, 將罪孽藏在懷中;
if Y as man hidde my synne, and helide my wickidnesse in my bosum;
34 因懼怕大眾, 又因宗族藐視我使我驚恐, 以致閉口無言,杜門不出;
if Y dredde at ful greet multitude, and if dispisyng of neyyboris made me aferd; and not more Y was stille, and yede not out of the dore;
35 惟願有一位肯聽我! (看哪,在這裏有我所劃的押, 願全能者回答我!)
who yyueth an helpere to me, that Almyyti God here my desire? that he that demeth,
36 願那敵我者所寫的狀詞在我這裏! 我必帶在肩上,又綁在頭上為冠冕。
write a book, that Y bere it in my schuldre, and cumpasse it as a coroun to me?
37 我必向他述說我腳步的數目, 必如君王進到他面前。
Bi alle my degrees Y schal pronounce it, and Y schal as offre it to the prynce.
38 我若奪取田地,這地向我喊冤, 誆溝一同哭泣;
If my lond crieth ayens me, and hise forewis wepen with it;
39 我若吃地的出產不給價值, 或叫原主喪命;
if Y eet fruytis therof with out money, and Y turmentide the soule of erthetileris of it;
40 願這地長蒺藜代替麥子, 長惡草代替大麥。 約伯的話說完了。
a brere growe to me for wheete, and a thorn for barli.

< 約伯記 31 >