< 以斯帖記 1 >

1 亞哈隨魯作王,從印度直到古實,統管一百二十七省。
In the daies of kyng Assuerus, that regnede fro Ynde `til to Ethiopie, on an hundrid and seuene and twenti prouynces, whanne he sat in the seete of his rewme,
2 亞哈隨魯王在書珊城的宮登基;
the citee Susa was the bigynnyng of his rewme.
3 在位第三年,為他一切首領臣僕設擺筵席,有波斯和米底亞的權貴,就是各省的貴冑與首領,在他面前。
Therfor in the thridde yeer of his empire he made a greet feeste to alle hise princes and children, the strongeste men of Persis, and to the noble men of Medeis, and to the prefectis of prouynces, bifor him silf,
4 他把他榮耀之國的豐富和他美好威嚴的尊貴給他們看了許多日,就是一百八十日。
to schewe the richessis of the glorie of his rewme, and the gretnesse, and boost of his power in myche tyme, that is, an hundrid and `foure scoor daies.
5 這日子滿了,又為所有住書珊城的大小人民在御園的院子裏設擺筵席七日。
And whanne the daies of the feeste weren fillid, he clepide to feeste al the puple that was foundun in Susa, fro the moost `til to the leeste; and he comaundide the feeste to be maad redi bi seuene daies in the porche of the orcherd and wode, that was set with the kyngis ournement and hond.
6 有白色、綠色、藍色的帳子,用細麻繩、紫色繩從銀環內繫在白玉石柱上;有金銀的床榻擺在紅、白、黃、黑玉石的鋪石地上。
And tentis of `the colour of the eir, and of gold, and of iacynct, susteyned with coordis of bijs, and of purpur, hangiden on ech side, whiche weren set in cerclis of yuer, and weren vndur set with pilers of marble; also seetis at the maner of beddis of gold and of siluer `weren disposid on the pawment arayede with smaragde and dyuerse stoon; which pawment peynture made fair bi wondurful dyuersite.
7 用金器皿賜酒,器皿各有不同。御酒甚多,足顯王的厚意。
Sotheli thei, that weren clepid to meet, drunkun in goldun cuppis, and metes weren borun in with othere `and othere vessels; also plenteuouse wiyn, and `the best was set, as it was worthi to the greet doyng of the kyng.
8 喝酒有例,不准勉強人,因王吩咐宮裏的一切臣宰,讓人各隨己意。
And `noon was that constreynede `men not willynge to drynke; but so the kyng hadde ordeyned, `makynge souereyns of hise princes `to alle boordis, that ech man schulde take that, that he wolde.
9 王后瓦實提在亞哈隨魯王的宮內也為婦女設擺筵席。
Also Vasthi, the queen, made a feeste of wymmen in the paleis, where kyng Assuerus was wont to dwelle.
10 第七日,亞哈隨魯王飲酒,心中快樂,就吩咐在他面前侍立的七個太監米戶幔、比斯他、哈波拿、比革他、亞拔他、西達、甲迦,
Therfor in the seuenthe dai, whanne the kyng was gladdere, and was hoot of wiyn aftir ful myche drinkyng, he comaundide Nauman, and Baracha, and Arbana, and Gabatha, and Zarath, and Abgatha, and Charchas, seuene oneste and chast seruauntis, `that mynistriden in his siyt,
11 請王后瓦實提頭戴王后的冠冕到王面前,使各等臣民看她的美貌,因為她容貌甚美。
that thei schulden brynge in bifor the kyng the queen Vasti, with a diademe set on hir heed, to schewe hir fairnesse to alle the puplis and prynces; for sche was ful fair.
12 王后瓦實提卻不肯遵太監所傳的王命而來,所以王甚發怒,心如火燒。
And sche forsook, and dispiside to come at the comaundement of the kyng, which he hadde sent bi the oneste and chast seruauntes. Wherfor the kyng was wrooth, and kyndlid bi fulgreet woodnesse; and he axide the wise men,
13 那時,在王左右常見王面、國中坐高位的,有波斯和米底亞的七個大臣,就是甲示拿、示達、押瑪他、他施斯、米力、瑪西拿、米母干,都是達時務的明哲人。按王的常規,辦事必先詢問知例明法的人。王問他們說:
whiche bi the `kyngis custom weren euere with hym, and he dide alle thingis bi the counsel of hem, kunnynge the lawis and ritis of grettere men;
forsothe the firste and the nexte weren Carsena, and Sechaaba, Admatha, and Tharsis, and Mares, and Marsana, and Manucha, seuene duykis of Persis and of Medeis, that sien the face of the kyng, and weren wont to sitte the firste aftir hym;
15 「王后瓦實提不遵太監所傳的王命,照例應當怎樣辦理呢?」
`the kyng axide hem, to what sentence the queen Vasthi schulde be suget, that nolde do the comaundement of kyng Assuerus, which he hadde sent bi the onest and chast seruauntis.
16 米母干在王和眾首領面前回答說:「王后瓦實提這事,不但得罪王,並且有害於王各省的臣民;
And Manucha answeride, in audience of the kyng and of the pryncis, The queen Vasthi hath not oneli dispisid the kyng, but alle the pryncis and puplis, that ben in alle prouynces of kyng Assuerus.
17 因為王后這事必傳到眾婦人的耳中,說:『亞哈隨魯王吩咐王后瓦實提到王面前,她卻不來』,她們就藐視自己的丈夫。
For the word of the queen schal go out to alle wymmen, that thei dispise her hosebondis, and seie, Kyng Assuerus comaundide, that the queen Vasthi schulde entre to hym, and sche nolde.
18 今日波斯和米底亞的眾夫人聽見王后這事,必向王的大臣照樣行;從此必大開藐視和忿怒之端。
And bi this saumple alle the wyues of prynces of Persis and of Medeis schulen dispise the comaundementis of hosebondis; wherfor the indignacioun of the kyng is iust.
19 王若以為美,就降旨寫在波斯和米底亞人的例中,永不更改,不准瓦實提再到王面前,將她王后的位分賜給比她還好的人。
If it plesith to thee, `a comaundement go out fro thi face, and `be writun bi the lawe of Persis and of Medeis, which it is vnleueful to be passid, that Vasthi entre no more to the kyng, but anothir womman, which is betere than sche, take `the rewme of hir.
20 所降的旨意傳遍通國(國度本來廣大),所有的婦人,無論丈夫貴賤都必尊敬他。」
And be this puplischid in to al the empire of thi prouynces, which is ful large, that alle wyues, both of grettere men and of lesse, yyue onour to her hosebondis.
21 王和眾首領都以米母干的話為美,王就照這話去行,
His counsel pleside the kyng and the prynces, and the kyng dide bi the counsel of Manucha;
22 發詔書,用各省的文字、各族的方言通知各省,使為丈夫的在家中作主,各說本地的方言。
and he sente pistlis bi alle the prouyncis of his rewme, as ech folk myyte here and rede, in dyuerse langagis and lettris, that hosebondis ben prynces and the grettere in her housis; and `he sente, that this be pupplischid bi alle puplis.

< 以斯帖記 1 >