< 創世記 3 >

1 耶和華上帝所造的,惟有蛇比田野一切的活物更狡猾。蛇對女人說:「上帝豈是真說不許你們吃園中所有樹上的果子嗎?」
But and the serpent was feller than alle lyuynge beestis of erthe, whiche the Lord God hadde maad. Which serpent seide to the womman, Why comaundide God to you, that ye schulden not ete of ech tre of paradis?
2 女人對蛇說:「園中樹上的果子,我們可以吃,
To whom the womman answerde, We eten of the fruyt of trees that ben in paradis;
3 惟有園當中那棵樹上的果子,上帝曾說:『你們不可吃,也不可摸,免得你們死。』」
sothely God commaundide to vs, that we schulden not eate of the fruyt of the tre, which is in the myddis of paradijs, and that we schulden not touche it, lest perauenture we dien.
4 蛇對女人說:「你們不一定死;
Forsothe the serpent seide to the womman, ye schulen not die bi deeth;
5 因為上帝知道,你們吃的日子眼睛就明亮了,你們便如上帝能知道善惡。」
for whi God woot that in what euere dai ye schulen ete therof, youre iyen schulen be opened, and ye schulen be as Goddis, knowynge good and yuel.
6 於是女人見那棵樹的果子好作食物,也悅人的眼目,且是可喜愛的,能使人有智慧,就摘下果子來吃了,又給她丈夫,她丈夫也吃了。
Therfore the womman seiy that the tre was good, and swete to ete, and fair to the iyen, and delitable in bi holdyng; and sche took of the fruyt therof, and eet, and yaf to hir hosebande, and he eet.
7 他們二人的眼睛就明亮了,才知道自己是赤身露體,便拿無花果樹的葉子為自己編做裙子。
And the iyen of bothe weren openid; and whanne thei knowen that thei weren nakid, thei sewden the leeues of a fige tre, and maden brechis to hem silf.
8 天起了涼風,耶和華上帝在園中行走。那人和他妻子聽見上帝的聲音,就藏在園裏的樹木中,躲避耶和華上帝的面。
And whanne thei herden the vois of the Lord God goynge in paradijs at the wynd after myddai, Adam and his wijf hidden hem fro the face of the Lord God in the middis of the tre of paradijs.
9 耶和華上帝呼喚那人,對他說:「你在哪裏?」
And the Lord God clepide Adam, and seide to hym, Where art thou?
10 他說:「我在園中聽見你的聲音,我就害怕;因為我赤身露體,我便藏了。」
And Adam seide, Y herde thi vois in paradijs, and Y drede, for Y was nakid, and Y hidde me.
11 耶和華說:「誰告訴你赤身露體呢?莫非你吃了我吩咐你不可吃的那樹上的果子嗎?」
To whom the Lord seide, Who forsothe schewide to thee that thou were nakid, no but for thou hast ete of the tre of which Y comaundide to thee that thou schuldist not ete?
12 那人說:「你所賜給我、與我同居的女人,她把那樹上的果子給我,我就吃了。」
And Adam seide, The womman which thou yauest felowe to me, yaf me of the tre, and Y eet.
13 耶和華上帝對女人說:「你做的是甚麼事呢?」女人說:「那蛇引誘我,我就吃了。」
And the Lord seide to the womman, Whi didist thou this thing? Which answerde, The serpent disseyued me, and Y eet.
14 耶和華上帝對蛇說: 你既做了這事,就必受咒詛, 比一切的牲畜野獸更甚; 你必用肚子行走, 終身吃土。
And the Lord God seide to the serpent, For thou didist this, thou schalt be cursid among alle lyuynge thingis and vnresonable beestis of erthe; thou schalt go on thi brest, and thou schalt ete erthe in alle daies of thi liif;
15 我又要叫你和女人彼此為仇; 你的後裔和女人的後裔也彼此為仇。 女人的後裔要傷你的頭; 你要傷他的腳跟。
Y schal sette enemytees bitwixe thee and the womman, and bitwixe thi seed and hir seed; sche schal breke thin heed, and thou schalt sette aspies to hir heele.
16 又對女人說: 我必多多加增你懷胎的苦楚; 你生產兒女必多受苦楚。 你必戀慕你丈夫; 你丈夫必管轄你。
Also God seide to the womman, Y schal multiplie thi wretchidnessis and thi conseyuyngis; in sorewe thou schalt bere thi children; and thou schalt be vndur power of the hosebonde, and he schal be lord of thee.
17 又對亞當說: 你既聽從妻子的話, 吃了我所吩咐你不可吃的那樹上的果子, 地必為你的緣故受咒詛; 你必終身勞苦才能從地裏得吃的。
Sothely God seyde to Adam, For thou herdist the voys of thi wijf, and hast ete of the tree, of which Y comaundide to thee that thou schuldist not ete, the erthe schal be cursid in thi werk; in traueylis thou schalt ete therof in alle daies of thi lijf;
18 地必給你長出荊棘和蒺藜來; 你也要吃田間的菜蔬。
it schal brynge forth thornes and breris to thee, and thou schalt ete eerbis of the erthe;
19 你必汗流滿面才得糊口, 直到你歸了土, 因為你是從土而出的。 你本是塵土,仍要歸於塵土。
in swoot of thi cheer thou schalt ete thi breed, til thou turne ayen in to the erthe of which thou art takun; for thou art dust, and thou schalt turne ayen in to dust.
20 亞當給他妻子起名叫夏娃,因為她是眾生之母。
And Adam clepide the name of his wijf Eue, for sche was the moder of alle men lyuynge.
21 耶和華上帝為亞當和他妻子用皮子做衣服給他們穿。
And the Lord God made cootis of skynnys to Adam and Eue his wijf, and clothide hem; and seide, Lo!
22 耶和華上帝說:「那人已經與我們相似,能知道善惡;現在恐怕他伸手又摘生命樹的果子吃,就永遠活着。」
Adam is maad as oon of vs, and knowith good and yuel; now therfore se ye, lest perauenture he putte his hond, and take of the tre of lijf, and ete, and lyue with outen ende.
23 耶和華上帝便打發他出伊甸園去,耕種他所自出之土。
And the Lord God sente hym out of paradijs of likyng, that he schulde worche the erthe, of which he was takun.
24 於是把他趕出去了;又在伊甸園的東邊安設基路伯和四面轉動發火焰的劍,要把守生命樹的道路。
And God castide out Adam, and settide bifore paradis of lykyng cherubyn, and a swerd of flawme and turnynge aboute to kepe the weie of the tre of lijf.

< 創世記 3 >