< 以西結書 25 >

1 耶和華的話臨到我說:
And the word of the Lord was maad to me,
2 「人子啊,你要面向亞捫人說預言,攻擊他們,
and he seide, Thou, sone of man, sette thi face ayens the sones of Amon, and thou schalt profesie of hem.
3 說:你們當聽主耶和華的話。主耶和華如此說:我的聖所被褻瀆,以色列地變荒涼,猶大家被擄掠;那時,你便因這些事說:『阿哈!』
And thou schalt seie to the sones of Amon, Here ye the word of the Lord God; the Lord God seith these thingis, For that that ye seiden, Wel! wel! on my seyntuarie, for it is defoulid, and on the lond of Israel, for it is maad desolat, and on the hous of Juda, for thei ben led in to to caitifte; lo!
4 所以我必將你的地交給東方人為業;他們必在你的地上安營居住,吃你的果子,喝你的奶。
therfor Y schal yyue thee the sones of the eest in to eritage, and thei schulen sette her foldis in thee, and thei shulen sette her tentis in thee; thei schulen ete thi fruytis, and thei schulen drynke thi mylk.
5 我必使拉巴為駱駝場,使亞捫人的地為羊群躺臥之處,你們就知道我是耶和華。」
And Y schal yyue Rabath in to a dwellyng place of camels, and the sones of Amon in to a bed of beestis; and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord.
6 主耶和華如此說:「因你拍手頓足,以滿心的恨惡向以色列地歡喜,
For the Lord God seith these thingis, For that that thou flappidist with hond, and smytidist with the foot, and ioyedist of al desijr on the lond of Israel;
7 所以我伸手攻擊你,將你交給列國作為擄物。我必從萬民中剪除你,使你從萬國中敗亡。我必除滅你,你就知道我是耶和華。」
therfor lo! Y schal stretche forth myn hond on thee, and Y schal yyue thee in to rauyschyng of hethene men, and Y schal sle thee fro puplis, and Y schal leese thee, and al to-breke thee fro londis; and ye schulen wite, that Y am the Lord.
8 主耶和華如此說:「因摩押和西珥人說:『看哪,猶大家與列國無異』,
The Lord God seith these thingis, For that that Moab and Seir seiden, Lo! the hous of Juda is as alle folkis; therfor lo!
9 所以我要破開摩押邊界上的城邑,就是摩押人看為本國之榮耀的伯‧耶西末、巴力‧免、基列亭,
Y schal opene the schuldre of Moab of citees, sotheli of citees therof and of the endis therof, the noble citees of the lond, Bethiesmoth, and Beelmoth,
10 好使東方人來攻擊亞捫人。我必將亞捫人之地交給他們為業,使亞捫人在列國中不再被記念。
and Cariathaym, to the sones of the eest, with the sones of Amon. And Y schal yyue it in to eritage, that mynde of the sones of Amon be no more among hethene men,
11 我必向摩押施行審判,他們就知道我是耶和華。」
and in Moab Y schal make domes; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord.
12 主耶和華如此說:「因為以東報仇雪恨,攻擊猶大家,向他們報仇,大大有罪,
The Lord God seith these thingis, For that that Ydumee dide veniaunce, that it avengide it silf of the sones of Juda, and synnede doynge trespas, and axide greetli veniaunce of hem;
13 所以主耶和華如此說:我必伸手攻擊以東,剪除人與牲畜,使以東從提幔起,人必倒在刀下,地要變為荒涼,直到底但。
therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, Y schal stretche forth myn hond on Idumee, and Y schal take awei fro it man and beeste, and Y schal make it desert of the south; and thei that ben in Dedan schulen falle bi swerd.
14 我必藉我民以色列的手報復以東;以色列民必照我的怒氣,按我的忿怒在以東施報,以東人就知道是我施報。這是主耶和華說的。」
And Y schal yyue my veniaunce on Idumee, bi the hond of my puple Israel; and thei schulen do in Edom bi my wraththe, and bi my strong veniaunce; and thei schulen knowe my veniaunce, seith the Lord God.
15 主耶和華如此說:「因非利士人向猶大人報仇,就是以恨惡的心報仇雪恨,永懷仇恨,要毀滅他們,
The Lord God seith these thingis, For that that Palestyns diden veniaunce, and auengiden hem silf, with al wille sleynge, and fillynge elde enemytees;
16 所以主耶和華如此說:我必伸手攻擊非利士人,剪除基利提人,滅絕沿海剩下的居民。
therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal stretche forth myn hond on Palestyns, and Y schal sle sleeris, and Y schal leese the remenauntis of the se coost;
17 我向他們大施報應,發怒斥責他們。我報復他們的時候,他們就知道我是耶和華。」
and Y schal make grete veniaunces in hem, and Y schal repreue in strong veniaunce; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord, whanne Y schal yyue my veniaunce on hem.

< 以西結書 25 >