< 耶利米哀歌 1 >

1 先前滿有人民的城, 現在何竟獨坐! 先前在列國中為大的, 現在竟如寡婦; 先前在諸省中為王后的, 現在成為進貢的。
Aleph. Hou sittith aloone the citee ful of puple? the ladi of folkis is maad as a widewe; the prince of prouynces is maad vndir tribute.
2 她夜間痛哭,淚流滿腮; 在一切所親愛的中間沒有一個安慰她的。 她的朋友都以詭詐待她, 成為她的仇敵。
Beth. It wepynge wepte in the niyt, and the teeris therof ben in `the chekis therof; `noon is of alle the dereworthe therof, that coumfortith it; alle the frendis therof forsoken it, and ben maad enemyes to it.
3 猶大因遭遇苦難, 又因多服勞苦就遷到外邦。 她住在列國中,尋不着安息; 追逼她的都在狹窄之地將她追上。
Gymel. Juda passide fro turment and multitude of seruage, it dwellide among hethene men, and foond no reste; alle the pursueris therof token it among angwischis.
4 錫安的路徑因無人來守聖節就悲傷; 她的城門淒涼; 她的祭司歎息; 她的處女受艱難,自己也愁苦。
Deleth. The weies of Sion mourenen, for no men comen to the solempnytee; alle the yatis therof ben distried, the prestis therof weilen; the vergyns therof ben defoulid, and it is oppressid with bitternesse.
5 她的敵人為首; 她的仇敵亨通; 因耶和華為她許多的罪過使她受苦; 她的孩童被敵人擄去。
He. The enemyes therof ben maad in the heed, and the enemyes therof ben maad riche, for the Lord spak on it. For the multitude of wickidnessis therof the litle children therof ben led in to caitiftee, bifore the face of the troblere.
6 錫安城的威榮全都失去。 她的首領像找不着草場的鹿; 在追趕的人前無力行走。
Vau. And al the fairnesse of the douyter of Syon yede out fro the douyter of Sion; the princes therof ben maad as rammes not fyndynge lesewis; and yeden forth withouten strengthe bifore the face of the suere.
7 耶路撒冷在困苦窘迫之時, 就追想古時一切的樂境。 她百姓落在敵人手中,無人救濟; 敵人看見,就因她的荒涼嗤笑。
Zai. And Jerusalem bithouyte on the daies of hir affliccioun and of trespassyng, and on alle hir desirable thingis whiche it hadde fro elde daies; whanne the puple therof felle doun in the hond of enemyes, and noon helpere was; enemyes sien it, and scorneden the sabatis therof.
8 耶路撒冷大大犯罪, 所以成為不潔之物; 素來尊敬她的,見她赤露就都藐視她; 她自己也歎息退後。
Heth. Jerusalem synnede a synne, therfor it was maad vnstidfast; alle that glorifieden it forsoken it, for thei sien the schenschipe therof; forsothe it weilide, and was turned a bak.
9 她的污穢是在衣襟上; 她不思想自己的結局, 所以非常地敗落, 無人安慰她。 她說:耶和華啊,求你看我的苦難, 因為仇敵誇大。
Theth. The filthis therof ben in the feet therof, and it hadde no mynde of hir ende; it was putte doun greetli, and hadde no coumfortour; Lord, se thou my turment, for the enemye is reisid.
10 敵人伸手,奪取她的美物; 她眼見外邦人進入她的聖所- 論這外邦人,你曾吩咐不可入你的會中。
Joth. The enemye putte his hond to alle desirable thingis therof; for it siy hethene men entride in to thi seyntuarie, of which thou haddist comaundid, that thei schulden not entre in to thi chirche.
11 她的民都歎息,尋求食物; 他們用美物換糧食,要救性命。 他們說:耶和華啊,求你觀看, 因為我甚是卑賤。
Caph. Al the puple therof was weilinge and sekynge breed, thei yauen alle preciouse thingis for mete, to coumforte the soule; se thou, Lord, and biholde, for Y am maad vijl.
12 你們一切過路的人哪,這事你們不介意嗎? 你們要觀看: 有像這臨到我的痛苦沒有- 就是耶和華在他發烈怒的日子使我所受的苦?
Lameth. A! alle ye that passen bi the weie, perseyue, and se, if ony sorewe is as my sorewe; for he gaderide awei grapis fro me, as the Lord spak in the day of wraththe of his strong veniaunce.
13 他從高天使火進入我的骨頭, 剋制了我; 他鋪下網羅,絆我的腳, 使我轉回; 他使我終日淒涼發昏。
Men. Fro an hiy he sente fier in my boonys, and tauyte me; he spredde a brood a net to my feet, he turnede me a bak; he settide me desolat, meddlid togidere al dai with mourenyng.
14 我罪過的軛是他手所綁的, 猶如軛繩縛在我頸項上; 他使我的力量衰敗。 主將我交在我所不能敵擋的人手中。
Nun. The yok of my wickidnessis wakide in the hond of hym, tho ben foldid togidere, and put on my necke; my vertu is maad feble; the Lord yaf me in the hond, fro which Y schal not mowe rise.
15 主輕棄我中間的一切勇士, 招聚多人攻擊我, 要壓碎我的少年人。 主將猶大居民踹下, 像在酒醡中一樣。
Sameth. The Lord took awei alle my worschipful men fro the myddis of me; he clepide tyme ayens me, that he schulde al to-foule my chosun men; the Lord stampide a pressour to the virgyn, the douytir of Juda.
16 我因這些事哭泣; 我眼淚汪汪; 因為那當安慰我、救我性命的, 離我甚遠。 我的兒女孤苦, 因為仇敵得了勝。
Ayn. Therfor Y am wepynge, and myn iye is ledynge doun watir; for a coumfortour, conuertynge my soule, is maad fer fro me; my sones ben maad lost, for the enemye hadde the maistrie.
17 錫安舉手,無人安慰。 耶和華論雅各已經出令, 使四圍的人作他仇敵; 耶路撒冷在他們中間像不潔之物。
Phe. Sion spredde a brood hise hondis, noon is that coumfortith it; the Lord sente ayenus Jacob enemyes therof, in the cumpas therof; Jerusalem is maad as defoulid with vncleene blood among hem.
18 耶和華是公義的! 他這樣待我,是因我違背他的命令。 眾民哪,請聽我的話, 看我的痛苦; 我的處女和少年人都被擄去。
Sade. The Lord is iust, for Y terride his mouth to wrathfulnesse; alle puplis, Y biseche, here ye, and se my sorewe; my virgyns and my yonge men yeden forth in to caitiftee.
19 我招呼我所親愛的, 他們卻愚弄我。 我的祭司和長老正尋求食物、救性命的時候, 就在城中絕氣。
Coth. I clepide my frendis, and thei disseyueden me; my prestis and myn elde men in the citee ben wastid; for thei souyten mete to hem silf, to coumforte hir lijf.
20 耶和華啊,求你觀看, 因為我在急難中。 我心腸擾亂; 我心在我裏面翻轉, 因我大大悖逆。 在外,刀劍使人喪子; 在家,猶如死亡。
Res. Se thou, Lord, for Y am troblid, my wombe is disturblid; myn herte is distried in my silf, for Y am ful of bittirnesse; swerd sleeth with outforth, and lijk deth is at hoome.
21 聽見我歎息的有人; 安慰我的卻無人! 我的仇敵都聽見我所遭的患難; 因你做這事,他們都喜樂。 你必使你報告的日子來到, 他們就像我一樣。
Syn. Thei herden, that Y make ynward weilyng, and noon is that coumfortith me; alle myn enemyes herden myn yuel, thei ben glad, for thou hast do; thou hast brouyt a dai of coumfort, and thei schulen be maad lijk me.
22 願他們的惡行都呈在你面前; 你怎樣因我的一切罪過待我, 求你照樣待他們; 因我歎息甚多,心中發昏。
Tau. Al the yuel of hem entre byfore thee, and gadere thou grapis awei fro hem, as thou hast gaderid grapis awei fro me; for my wickidnessis, for my weilyngis ben manye, and myn herte is mornynge.

< 耶利米哀歌 1 >