< 西番雅书 2 >

1 不知羞耻的国民哪,你们应当聚集! 趁命令没有发出, 日子过去如风前的糠, 耶和华的烈怒未临到你们, 他发怒的日子未到以先, 你们应当聚集前来。
to assemble and to assemble [the] nation not to long
in/on/with before to beget statute: decree like/as chaff to pass day in/on/with before not to come (in): come upon you burning anger face: anger LORD in/on/with before not to come (in): come upon you day face: anger LORD
3 世上遵守耶和华典章的谦卑人哪, 你们都当寻求耶和华! 当寻求公义谦卑, 或者在耶和华发怒的日子可以隐藏起来。
to seek [obj] LORD all poor [the] land: country/planet which justice his to work to seek righteousness to seek humility perhaps to hide in/on/with day face: anger LORD
4 迦萨必致见弃; 亚实基伦必然荒凉。 人在正午必赶出亚实突的民; 以革伦也被拔出根来。
for Gaza to leave: forsake to be and Ashkelon to/for devastation Ashdod in/on/with midday to drive out: drive out her and Ekron to uproot
5 住沿海之地的基利提族有祸了! 迦南、非利士人之地啊,耶和华的话与你反对, 说:我必毁灭你,以致无人居住。
woe! to dwell cord [the] sea nation Cherethite word LORD upon you Canaan land: country/planet Philistine and to perish you from nothing to dwell
6 沿海之地要变为草场, 其上有牧人的住处和羊群的圈。
and to be cord [the] sea pasture hollow to pasture and wall flock
7 这地必为犹大家剩下的人所得; 他们必在那里牧放群羊, 晚上必躺卧在亚实基伦的房屋中; 因为耶和华—他们的 神必眷顾他们, 使他们被掳的人归回。
and to be cord to/for remnant house: household Judah upon them to pasture [emph?] in/on/with house: home Ashkelon in/on/with evening to stretch [emph?] for to reckon: visit them LORD God their and to return: rescue (captivity their *Q(k)*)
8 我听见摩押人的毁谤和亚扪人的辱骂, 就是毁谤我的百姓,自夸自大, 侵犯他们的境界。
to hear: hear reproach Moab and reviling son: descendant/people Ammon which to taunt [obj] people my and to magnify upon border: area their
9 万军之耶和华—以色列的 神说: 我指着我的永生起誓: 摩押必像所多玛, 亚扪人必像蛾摩拉, 都变为刺草、盐坑、永远荒废之地。 我百姓所剩下的必掳掠他们; 我国中所余剩的必得着他们的地。
to/for so alive I utterance LORD Hosts God Israel for Moab like/as Sodom to be and son: descendant/people Ammon like/as Gomorrah possession nettle and pit salt and devastation till forever: enduring remnant people my to plunder them and remainder (nation my *Q(K)*) to inherit them
10 这事临到他们是因他们骄傲,自夸自大, 毁谤万军之耶和华的百姓。
this to/for them underneath: instead pride their for to taunt and to magnify upon people LORD Hosts
11 耶和华必向他们显可畏之威, 因他必叫世上的诸神瘦弱。 列国海岛的居民各在自己的地方敬拜他。
to fear: revere LORD upon them for to starve [obj] all God [the] land: country/planet and to bow to/for him man: anyone from place his all coastland [the] nation
12 古实人哪,你们必被我的刀所杀。
also you(m. p.) Ethiopian slain: killed sword my they(masc.)
13 耶和华必伸手攻击北方,毁灭亚述, 使尼尼微荒凉,又干旱如旷野。
and to stretch hand his upon north and to perish [obj] Assyria and to set: make [obj] Nineveh to/for devastation dryness like/as wilderness
14 群畜,就是各国的走兽必卧在其中; 鹈鹕和箭猪要宿在柱顶上。 在窗户内有鸣叫的声音; 门槛都必毁坏, 香柏木已经露出。
and to stretch in/on/with midst her flock all living thing nation also pelican also porcupine in/on/with capital her to lodge voice to sing in/on/with window desolation in/on/with threshold for cedar to uncover
15 这是素来欢乐安然居住的城, 心里说:惟有我,除我以外再没有别的; 现在何竟荒凉成为野兽躺卧之处! 凡经过的人都必摇手嗤笑她。
this [the] city [the] jubilant [the] to dwell to/for security [the] to say in/on/with heart her I and end I still how? to be to/for horror: destroyed resting to/for living thing all to pass upon her to whistle to shake hand his

< 西番雅书 2 >