< 尼希米记 11 >

1 百姓的首领住在耶路撒冷。其余的百姓掣签,每十人中使一人来住在圣城耶路撒冷,那九人住在别的城邑。
and to dwell ruler [the] people in/on/with Jerusalem and remnant [the] people to fall: allot allotted to/for to come (in): bring one from [the] ten to/for to dwell in/on/with Jerusalem city [the] holiness and nine [the] hand: times in/on/with city
2 凡甘心乐意住在耶路撒冷的,百姓都为他们祝福。
and to bless [the] people to/for all [the] human [the] be willing to/for to dwell in/on/with Jerusalem
3 以色列人、祭司、利未人、尼提宁,和所罗门仆人的后裔都住在犹大城邑,各在自己的地业中。本省的首领住在耶路撒冷的记在下面:
and these head: leader [the] province which to dwell in/on/with Jerusalem and in/on/with city Judah to dwell man: anyone in/on/with possession his in/on/with city their Israel [the] priest and [the] Levi and [the] temple servant and son: descendant/people servant/slave Solomon
4 其中有些犹大人和便雅悯人。犹大人中有法勒斯的子孙、乌西雅的儿子亚他雅。乌西雅是撒迦利雅的儿子;撒迦利雅是亚玛利雅的儿子;亚玛利雅是示法提雅的儿子;示法提雅是玛勒列的儿子。
and in/on/with Jerusalem to dwell from son: descendant/people Judah and from son: descendant/people Benjamin from son: descendant/people Judah Athaiah son: child Uzziah son: child Zechariah son: child Amariah son: child Shephatiah son: child Mahalalel from son: descendant/people Perez
5 又有巴录的儿子玛西雅。巴录是谷何西的儿子;谷何西是哈赛雅的儿子;哈赛雅是亚大雅的儿子;亚大雅是约雅立的儿子;约雅立是撒迦利雅的儿子;撒迦利雅是示罗尼的儿子。
and Maaseiah son: child Baruch son: child Col-hozeh Col-hozeh son: child Hazaiah son: child Adaiah son: child Joiarib son: child Zechariah son: child [the] Shilonite
6 住在耶路撒冷、法勒斯的子孙共四百六十八名,都是勇士。
all son: descendant/people Perez [the] to dwell in/on/with Jerusalem four hundred sixty and eight human strength
7 便雅悯人中有米书兰的儿子撒路。米书兰是约叶的儿子;约叶是毗大雅的儿子;毗大雅是哥赖雅的儿子;哥赖雅是玛西雅的儿子;玛西雅是以铁的儿子;以铁是耶筛亚的儿子。
and these son: descendant/people Benjamin Sallu son: child Meshullam son: child Joed son: child Pedaiah son: child Kolaiah son: child Maaseiah son: child Ithiel son: child Jeshaiah
8 其次有迦拜、撒来的子孙,共九百二十八名。
and after him `men` `valor` nine hundred twenty and eight
9 细基利的儿子约珥是他们的长官。哈西努亚的儿子犹大是耶路撒冷的副官。
and Joel son: child Zichri overseer upon them and Judah son: child [the] Hassenuah upon [the] city second
10 祭司中有雅斤,又有约雅立的儿子耶大雅;
from [the] priest Jedaiah son: child Joiarib Jachin
11 还有管理 神殿的西莱雅。西莱雅是希勒家的儿子;希勒家是米书兰的儿子;米书兰是撒督的儿子;撒督是米拉约的儿子;米拉约是亚希突的儿子。
Seraiah son: child Hilkiah son: child Meshullam son: child Zadok son: child Meraioth son: child Ahitub leader house: temple [the] God
12 还有他们的弟兄在殿里供职的,共八百二十二名;又有耶罗罕的儿子亚大雅。耶罗罕是毗拉利的儿子;毗拉利是暗洗的儿子;暗洗是撒迦利亚的儿子;撒迦利亚是巴施户珥的儿子;巴施户珥是玛基雅的儿子。
and brother: male-relative their to make: do [the] work to/for house: temple eight hundred twenty and two and Adaiah son: child Jeroham son: child Pelaliah son: child Amzi son: child Zechariah son: child Pashhur son: child Malchijah
13 还有他的弟兄作族长的,二百四十二名;又有亚萨列的儿子亚玛帅。亚萨列是亚哈赛的儿子;亚哈赛是米实利末的儿子;米实利末是音麦的儿子。
and brother: male-relative his head: leader to/for father hundred forty and two and Amashsai son: child Azarel son: child Ahzai son: child Meshillemoth son: child Immer
14 还有他们弟兄、大能的勇士共一百二十八名。哈基多琳的儿子撒巴第业是他们的长官。
and brother: male-relative their mighty man strength hundred twenty and eight and overseer upon them Zabdiel son: child (Haggedolim *L(F)*)
15 利未人中有哈述的儿子示玛雅。哈述是押利甘的儿子;押利甘是哈沙比雅的儿子;哈沙比雅是布尼的儿子。
and from [the] Levi Shemaiah son: child Hasshub son: child Azrikam son: child Hashabiah son: child Bunni
16 又有利未人的族长沙比太和约撒拔管理 神殿的外事。
and Shabbethai and Jozabad upon [the] work [the] outer to/for house: temple [the] God from head: leader [the] Levi
17 祈祷的时候,为称谢领首的是米迦的儿子玛他尼。米迦是撒底的儿子;撒底是亚萨的儿子;又有玛他尼弟兄中的八布迦为副。还有沙母亚的儿子押大。沙母亚是加拉的儿子;加拉是耶杜顿的儿子。
and Mattaniah son: child Mica son: child Zabdi son: child Asaph head: leader [the] beginning to give thanks to/for prayer and Bakbukiah second from brother: male-relative his and Abda son: child Shammua son: child Galal son: child (Jeduthun *Q(K)*)
18 在圣城的利未人共二百八十四名。
all [the] Levi in/on/with city [the] holiness hundred eighty and four
19 守门的是亚谷和达们,并守门的弟兄,共一百七十二名。
and [the] gatekeeper Akkub Talmon and brother: male-relative their [the] to keep: guard in/on/with gate hundred seventy and two
20 其余的以色列人、祭司、利未人都住在犹大的一切城邑,各在自己的地业中。
and remnant Israel [the] priest [the] Levi in/on/with all city Judah man: anyone in/on/with inheritance his
21 尼提宁却住在俄斐勒;西哈和基斯帕管理他们。
and [the] temple servant to dwell in/on/with Ophel and Ziha and Gishpa upon [the] temple servant
22 在耶路撒冷、利未人的长官,管理 神殿事务的是歌唱者亚萨的子孙、巴尼的儿子乌西。巴尼是哈沙比雅的儿子;哈沙比雅是玛他尼的儿子;玛他尼是米迦的儿子。
and overseer [the] Levi in/on/with Jerusalem Uzzi son: child Bani son: child Hashabiah son: child Mattaniah son: child Mica from son: descendant/people Asaph [the] to sing to/for before work house: temple [the] God
23 王为歌唱的出命令,每日供给他们必有一定之粮。
for commandment [the] king upon them and sure upon [the] to sing word: portion day in/on/with day: daily his
24 犹大儿子谢拉的子孙、米示萨别的儿子毗他希雅辅助王办理犹大民的事。
and Pethahiah son: child Meshezabel from son: descendant/people Zerah son: child Judah to/for hand: to [the] king to/for all word: thing to/for people
25 至于村庄和属村庄的田地,有犹大人住在基列·亚巴和属基列·亚巴的乡村;底本和属底本的乡村;叶甲薛和属叶甲薛的村庄;
and to(wards) [the] village in/on/with land: country their from son: descendant/people Judah to dwell in/on/with Kiriath-arba [the] Kiriath-arba and daughter: village her and in/on/with Dibon and daughter: village her and in/on/with Jekabzeel and village her
26 耶书亚、摩拉大、伯·帕列、
and in/on/with Jeshua and in/on/with Moladah and in/on/with Beth-pelet Beth-pelet
27 哈萨·书亚、别是巴,和属别是巴的乡村;
and in/on/with Hazar-shual Hazar-shual and in/on/with Beersheba Beersheba and daughter: village her
28 洗革拉、米哥拿,和属米哥拿的乡村;
and in/on/with Ziklag and in/on/with Meconah and in/on/with daughter: village her
29 音·临门、琐拉、耶末、
and in/on/with En-rimmon En-rimmon and in/on/with Zorah and in/on/with Jarmuth
30 撒挪亚、亚杜兰,和属这两处的村庄;拉吉和属拉吉的田地;亚西加和属亚西加的乡村。他们所住的地方是从别是巴直到欣嫩谷。
Zanoah Adullam and village their Lachish and land: country her Azekah and daughter: village her and to camp from Beersheba Beersheba till Valley (Topheth of) Hinnom
31 便雅悯人从迦巴起,住在密抹、亚雅、伯特利和属伯特利的乡村。
and son: descendant/people Benjamin from Geba Michmash and Ai and Bethel Bethel and daughter: village her
32 亚拿突、挪伯、亚难雅、
Anathoth Nob Ananiah
33 夏琐、拉玛、基他音、
Hazor Ramah Gittaim
34 哈叠、洗编、尼八拉、
Hadid Zeboim Neballat
35 罗德、阿挪、匠人之谷。
Lod and Ono valley [the] artificer
36 利未人中有几班曾住在犹大地归于便雅悯的。
and from [the] Levi division Judah to/for Benjamin

< 尼希米记 11 >