< 尼希米记 13 >

1 当日,人念摩西的律法书给百姓听,遇见书上写着说,亚扪人和摩押人永不可入 神的会;
in/on/with day [the] he/she/it to call: read out in/on/with scroll: book Moses in/on/with ear: hearing [the] people and to find to write in/on/with him which not to come (in): come Ammon and Moabite in/on/with assembly [the] God till forever: enduring
2 因为他们没有拿食物和水来迎接以色列人,且雇了巴兰咒诅他们,但我们的 神使那咒诅变为祝福。
for not to meet [obj] son: descendant/people Israel in/on/with food: bread and in/on/with water and to hire upon him [obj] Balaam to/for to lighten him and to overturn God our [the] curse to/for blessing
3 以色列民听见这律法,就与一切闲杂人绝交。
and to be like/as to hear: hear they [obj] [the] instruction and to separate all racial-mix from Israel
4 先是蒙派管理我们 神殿中库房的祭司以利亚实与多比雅结亲,
and to/for face: before from this Eliashib [the] priest to give: put in/on/with chamber house: temple God our near to/for Tobiah
5 便为他预备一间大屋子,就是从前收存素祭、乳香、器皿,和照命令供给利未人、歌唱的、守门的五谷、新酒,和油的十分之一,并归祭司举祭的屋子。
and to make to/for him chamber great: large and there to be to/for face: before to give: put [obj] [the] offering [the] frankincense and [the] article/utensil and tithe [the] grain [the] new wine and [the] oil commandment [the] Levi and [the] to sing and [the] gatekeeper and contribution [the] priest
6 那时我不在耶路撒冷;因为巴比伦王亚达薛西三十二年,我回到王那里。过了多日,我向王告假。
and in/on/with all this not to be in/on/with Jerusalem for in/on/with year thirty and two to/for Artaxerxes king Babylon to come (in): come to(wards) [the] king and to/for end day to ask from [the] king
7 我来到耶路撒冷,就知道以利亚实为多比雅在 神殿的院内预备屋子的那件恶事。
and to come (in): come to/for Jerusalem and to understand [emph?] in/on/with distress: evil which to make: do Eliashib to/for Tobiah to/for to make to/for him chamber in/on/with court house: temple [the] God
8 我甚恼怒,就把多比雅的一切家具从屋里都抛出去,
and be evil to/for me much and to throw [emph?] [obj] all article/utensil house: home Tobiah [the] outside from [the] chamber
9 吩咐人洁净这屋子,遂将 神殿的器皿和素祭、乳香又搬进去。
and to say [emph?] and be pure [the] chamber and to return: return [emph?] there article/utensil house: temple [the] God [obj] [the] offering and [the] frankincense
10 我见利未人所当得的分无人供给他们,甚至供职的利未人与歌唱的俱各奔回自己的田地去了。
and to know [emph?] for portion [the] Levi not to give: give and to flee man: anyone to/for land: country his [the] Levi and [the] to sing to make: do [the] work
11 我就斥责官长说:“为何离弃 神的殿呢?”我便招聚利未人,使他们照旧供职。
and to contend [emph?] with [the] ruler and to say [emph?] why? to leave: neglect house: temple [the] God and to gather them and to stand: stand them upon post their
12 犹大众人就把五谷、新酒,和油的十分之一送入库房。
and all Judah to come (in): bring tithe [the] grain and [the] new wine and [the] oil to/for treasure
13 我派祭司示利米雅、文士撒督,和利未人毗大雅作库官管理库房;副官是哈难。哈难是撒刻的儿子;撒刻是玛他尼的儿子。这些人都是忠信的,他们的职分是将所供给的分给他们的弟兄。
and to store [emph?] upon treasure Shelemiah [the] priest and Zadok [the] secretary and Pedaiah from [the] Levi and upon hand: to their Hanan son: child Zaccur son: child Mattaniah for be faithful to devise: count and upon them to/for to divide to/for brother: male-relative their
14 我的 神啊,求你因这事记念我,不要涂抹我为 神的殿与其中的礼节所行的善。
to remember [emph?] to/for me God my upon this and not to wipe kindness my which to make: do in/on/with house: temple God my and in/on/with custody his
15 那些日子,我在犹大见有人在安息日榨酒,搬运禾捆驮在驴上,又把酒、葡萄、无花果,和各样的担子在安息日担入耶路撒冷,我就在他们卖食物的那日警戒他们。
in/on/with day [the] they(masc.) to see: see in/on/with Judah to tread wine press in/on/with Sabbath and to come (in): bring [the] heap and to lift upon [the] donkey and also wine grape and fig and all burden and to come (in): bring Jerusalem in/on/with day [the] Sabbath and to testify in/on/with day to sell they food
16 又有泰尔人住在耶路撒冷;他们把鱼和各样货物运进来,在安息日卖给犹大人。
and [the] Tyrian to dwell in/on/with her to come (in): bring fish and all merchandise and to sell in/on/with Sabbath to/for son: descendant/people Judah and in/on/with Jerusalem
17 我就斥责犹大的贵胄说:“你们怎么行这恶事犯了安息日呢?
and to contend [emph?] with noble Judah and to say [emph?] to/for them what? [the] word: thing [the] bad: evil [the] this which you(m. p.) to make: do and to profane/begin: profane [obj] day [the] Sabbath
18 从前你们列祖岂不是这样行,以致我们 神使一切灾祸临到我们和这城吗?现在你们还犯安息日,使忿怒越发临到以色列!”
not thus to make: do father your and to come (in): bring God our upon us [obj] all [the] distress: harm [the] this and upon [the] city [the] this and you(m. p.) to add burning anger upon Israel to/for to profane/begin: profane [obj] [the] Sabbath
19 在安息日的前一日,耶路撒冷城门有黑影的时候,我就吩咐人将门关锁,不过安息日不准开放。我又派我几个仆人管理城门,免得有人在安息日担什么担子进城。
and to be like/as as which to shade gate Jerusalem to/for face: before [the] Sabbath and to say [emph?] and to shut [the] door and to say [emph?] which not to open them till after [the] Sabbath and from youth my to stand: stand upon [the] gate not to come (in): come burden in/on/with day [the] Sabbath
20 于是商人和贩卖各样货物的,一两次住宿在耶路撒冷城外。
and to lodge [the] to trade and to sell all sale from outside to/for Jerusalem beat and two
21 我就警戒他们说:“你们为何在城外住宿呢?若再这样,我必下手拿办你们。”从此以后,他们在安息日不再来了。
and to testify [emph?] in/on/with them and to say [emph?] to(wards) them why? you(m. p.) to lodge before [the] wall if to repeat hand to send: reach in/on/with you from [the] time [the] he/she/it not to come (in): come in/on/with Sabbath
22 我吩咐利未人洁净自己,来守城门,使安息日为圣。我的 神啊,求你因这事记念我,照你的大慈爱怜恤我。
and to say [emph?] to/for Levi which to be be pure and to come (in): come to keep: guard [the] gate to/for to consecrate: consecate [obj] day [the] Sabbath also this to remember [emph?] to/for me God my and to pity [emph?] upon me like/as abundance kindness your
23 那些日子,我也见犹大人娶了亚实突、亚扪、摩押的女子为妻。
also in/on/with day [the] they(masc.) to see: see [obj] [the] Jew to dwell woman (Ashdod Ammon *Q(k)*) Moabite
24 他们的儿女说话,一半是亚实突的话,不会说犹大的话,所说的是照着各族的方言。
and son: child their half to speak: speak Ashdod and nothing they to recognize to/for to speak: speak Judahite and like/as tongue: language people and people
25 我就斥责他们,咒诅他们,打了他们几个人,拔下他们的头发,叫他们指着 神起誓,必不将自己的女儿嫁给外邦人的儿子,也不为自己和儿子娶他们的女儿。
and to contend with them and to lighten them and to smite from them human and to smooth them and to swear them in/on/with God if: surely no to give: give(marriage) daughter your to/for son: child their and if: surely no to lift: marry from daughter their to/for son: child your and to/for you
26 我又说:“以色列王所罗门不是在这样的事上犯罪吗?在多国中并没有一王像他,且蒙他 神所爱, 神立他作以色列全国的王;然而连他也被外邦女子引诱犯罪。
not upon these to sin Solomon king Israel and in/on/with nation [the] many not to be king like him and to love: lover to/for God his to be and to give: make him God king upon all Israel also [obj] him to sin [the] woman [the] foreign
27 如此,我岂听你们行这大恶,娶外邦女子干犯我们的 神呢?”
and to/for you to hear: hear to/for to make: do [obj] all [the] distress: evil [the] great: large [the] this to/for be unfaithful in/on/with God our to/for to dwell woman foreign
28 大祭司以利亚实的孙子、耶何耶大的一个儿子是和伦人参巴拉的女婿,我就从我这里把他赶出去。
and from son: child Joiada son: child Eliashib [the] priest [the] great: large son-in-law to/for Sanballat [the] Horonite and to flee him from upon me
29 我的 神啊,求你记念他们的罪;因为他们玷污了祭司的职任,违背你与祭司利未人所立的约。
to remember [emph?] to/for them God my upon defilement [the] priesthood and covenant [the] priesthood and [the] Levi
30 这样,我洁净他们,使他们离绝一切外邦人,派定祭司和利未人的班次,使他们各尽其职。
and be pure them from all foreign and to stand: appoint [emph?] charge to/for priest and to/for Levi man: anyone in/on/with work his
31 我又派百姓按定期献柴和初熟的土产。我的 神啊,求你记念我,施恩与我。
and to/for offering [the] tree: wood in/on/with time to appoint and to/for firstfruit to remember [emph?] to/for me God my to/for welfare

< 尼希米记 13 >