< 箴言 17 >
Better is a morsel with pleasure in peace, than a house [full] of many good things and unjust sacrifices, with strife.
2 聰明的僕人必能管治任性的兒子,且可與弟兄們共分產業。
A wise servant shall have rule over foolish masters, and shall divide portions among brethren.
As silver and gold are tried in a furnace, so are choice hearts with the Lord.
4 奸詐的人,愛聽胡言亂語;說謊的人,輕信是非長短。
A bad man hearkens to the tongue of transgressors: but a righteous man attends not to false lips.
5 嘲笑窮人的是凌辱他的造主;幸災樂禍的,必不能脫免懲罰。
He that laughs at the poor provokes him that made him; and he that rejoices at the destruction of another shall not be held guiltless: but he that has compassion shall find mercy.
Children's children are the crown of old men; and their fathers are the glory of children. The faithful has the whole world full of wealth; but the faithless not even a farthing.
7 優雅的言詞,不適宜於愚人;虛偽的狂語,更不宜於君王。
Faithful lips will not suit a fool; nor lying lips a just man.
8 賄賂在饋贈者眼中,有如寶石;不論他要轉向何方,無往不利。
Instruction is to them that use it a gracious reward; and wherever it may turn, it shall prosper.
9 掩飾他人的過錯,可獲得友愛;屢念舊日的過惡,則離間友誼。
He that conceals injuries seeks love; but he that hates to hide [them] separates friends and kindred.
A threat breaks down the heart of a wise man; but a fool, though scourged, understands not.
Every bad man stirs up strifes: but the Lord will send out against him an unmerciful messenger.
12 寧願遇見失掉幼子的母熊,不願逢著正在發狂的愚人。
Care may befall a man of understanding; but fools will meditate evils.
Whoso rewards evil for good, evil shall not be removed from his house.
14 爭論的開端,如水之破堤;在激辯之前,應極加制止。
Rightful rule gives power to words; but sedition and strife precede poverty.
15 宣判罪人無罪,判定義人有罪:二者同為上主所憎惡。
He that pronounces the unjust just, and the just unjust, is unclean and abominable with God.
16 愚昧的人,既沒有頭腦,手執金錢買智慧,又何益之有﹖
Why has the fool wealth? for a senseless man will not be able to purchase wisdom. He that exalts his own house seeks ruin; and he that turns aside from instruction shall fall into mischief.
Have you a friend for every time, and let brethren be useful in distress; for on this account are they born.
A foolish man applauds and rejoices over himself, [as he] also that becomes surety would make himself responsible for his own friends.
19 好爭辯的人,實喜愛罪過;高舉門戶的,必自趨滅亡。
A lover of sin rejoices in strifes;
20 誰存心欺詐,不會得幸福;誰搬弄是非,必陷於災禍。
and the hard-hearted man comes not in for good. A man of a changeful tongue will fall into mischiefs;
21 生糊塗孩子的,只有悲哀;糊塗人的父親,毫無樂趣。
and the heart of a fool is grief to its possessor. A father rejoices not over an uninstructed son; but a wise son gladdens his mother.
22 愉快的心,是良好的治療;神志憂鬱,能使筋骨枯萎。
A glad heart promotes health; but the bones of a sorrowful man dry up.
The ways of a man who unjustly receives gifts in [his] bosom do not prosper; and an ungodly man perverts the ways of righteousness.
24 精明的人,常面向智慧;愚者的眼,向地極呆望,
The countenance of a wise man is sensible; but the eyes of a fool [go] to the ends of the earth.
25 愚昧的兒子,是他父親的痛苦,是他生母的憂傷。
A foolish son [is a cause of] anger to his father, and grief to her that bore him.
[It is] not right to punish a righteous man, nor [is it] holy to plot against righteous princes.
He that forbears to utter a hard word is discreet, and a patient man is wise.
28 愚人不發言,亦可充作智者;若謹口慎言,亦可視為哲人。
Wisdom shall be imputed to a fool who asks after wisdom: and he who holds his peace shall seem to be sensible.