< 使徒行傳 9 >
1 掃祿還是向主的門徒口吐恐嚇和兇殺之氣,遂去見大司祭,
Meanwhile Saul, still breathing murderous threats against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest,
2 求他發文書給大馬士革各會堂,凡他搜出的這道門的人,不拘男女,都綁起來,解送到耶路撒冷。
and asked him to give him letters to the Jewish congregations at Damascus, authorizing him, if he found there any supporters of the Way, whether men or women, to have them put in chains and brought to Jerusalem.
3 當他前行,快要臨近大馬士革的時候,忽然從天上有一道光,環射到他身上。
While on his journey, as he was nearing Damascus, suddenly a light from the heavens flashed around him.
4 他便跌倒在地,聽見有聲音向他說:「掃祿,掃祿,你為什麼迫害我﹖」
He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him – “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?”
5 他答說:「主! 你是誰﹖」主說:「我就是你所迫害的耶穌。
“Who are you, Lord?” he asked. “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” the voice answered;
“Yet stand up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”
7 陪他同行的人站在那裏,說不出話來;只聽見聲音,卻看不見什麼人。
The men traveling with Saul were meanwhile standing speechless; they heard the sound of the voice, but saw no one.
8 掃祿從地上起來,睜開他的眼,什麼也看不見了。人們牽著他的手,領他進了大馬士革。
When Saul got up from the ground, though his eyes were open, he could see nothing. So his men led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus;
and for three days he was unable to see, and took nothing either to eat or to drink.
10 在大馬士革有個門徒,名叫阿納尼雅,主在異像中向他說:「阿納尼雅!」他答說:「主,我在這裏。」
Now there was at Damascus a disciple named Ananias, to whom, in a vision, the Lord said, “Ananias.” “Yes, Lord,” he answered.
11 主向他說:「起來,往那條名叫「直街」的地方去,要在猶大家裏找一個名叫掃祿的塔爾索人;看,他正在祈禱。」──
“Go at once,” said the Lord, “to the Straight Street, and ask at Judas’s house for a man named Saul, from Tarsus. He is at this moment praying,
12 掃祿此時在異像中看見一個名叫阿納尼雅的人進來給自己覆手, 使他復明──
and he has seen, in a vision, a man named Ananias coming in and placing his hands on him, so that he may recover his sight.”
13 阿納尼雅卻答說:「關於這個人,我聽許多人說:他在耶路撒冷對你的聖徒作了許多壞事;
“Lord,” exclaimed Ananias, “I have heard from many people about this man – how much harm he has done at Jerusalem to your people there.
14 他在這裏也有從大司祭取得的權柄,要捆綁一切呼號你名字的人。」
And, here, too, he holds authority from the chief priests to put in chains all those who invoke your name.”
15 主卻向他說:「你去罷!因為這人是我所揀選的器皿,把我的名字帶到外邦人、 國王和以色列子民前,
But the Lord said to him, “Go, for this man is my chosen instrument to uphold my name before the Gentiles and their kings, and the people of Israel.
16 因為我要指示他,為我的名字該受多麼大的苦。」
I will myself show him all that he has to suffer for my name.”
17 阿納尼雅就去了,進了那一家,給他覆手說:「掃祿兄弟!在你來的路上,發顯給你的主耶穌打發我來,叫你看見,叫你充滿聖神。」
So Ananias went, entered the house, and, placing his hands on Saul, said, “Saul, my brother, I have been sent by the Lord – by Jesus, who appeared to you on your way here – so that you may recover your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.”
18 立刻有像鱗甲一樣的東西,從他的眼中掉了下來,他便看見了,遂起來領 了洗。
Instantly it seemed as if a film fell from Saul’s eyes, and his sight was restored. Then he got up and was baptized,
19 進食以後,就有了力量。他同大馬士革的門徒住了幾天之後,
and, after he had taken food, he felt his strength return. Saul stayed for some days with the disciples who were at Damascus,
and at once began in the synagogues to proclaim Jesus as the Son of God.
21 凡聽見的人都奇怪說:「這不是那在耶路撒冷消滅呼求這名字的人嗎﹖他不是為這事來這裏,要捆綁他們,解送到大司祭前嗎﹖」
All who heard him were amazed. “Is not this,” they asked, “the man who worked havoc in Jerusalem among those that invoke this name, and who had also come here for the express purpose of having such persons put in chains and taken before the chief priests?”
22 掃祿卻更強而有力了,使僑居在大馬士革的猶太人驚惶失措,因為他指證耶穌就是默西亞。
Saul’s influence, however, kept steadily increasing, and he confounded the Jewish people who lived in Damascus by the proofs that he gave that Jesus was the Christ.
After some time some of them laid a plot to kill Saul,
24 他們的計謀卻為掃祿知道了。猶太人便日夜把守城門,要殺害他。
but it became known to him. They even watched the gates day and night, to kill him;
25 但他的門徒把他帶去,夜間用籃子將他從城牆上縋了下去。
but his disciples let him down by night through an opening in the wall, lowering him in a basket.
26 掃祿來到耶路撒冷,設法與門徒們交結;眾人都怕他,不信他是門徒。
On his arrival in Jerusalem, Saul attempted to join the disciples, but they were all afraid of him, as they did not believe that he was really a disciple.
27 巴爾納伯卻接待了他,引他去見宗徒,並給他們講述掃祿在路上怎樣看見了主,主怎樣給他說了話;他又怎樣在大馬士革因耶穌的名字勇敢講道。
Barnabas, however, taking him by the hand, brought him to the apostles, and told them the whole story of how Saul on his journey had seen the Lord, and how the Lord had talked to him, and how in Damascus he had spoken out fearlessly in the name of Jesus.
28 掃祿遂在耶路撒冷同他們來往,也因主的名字勇敢講道;
After that, Saul remained in Jerusalem, in close contact with the apostles; and he spoke fearlessly in the name of the Lord,
29 並且同希臘化的猶太人談論辯道,他們就打算殺害他。
talking and arguing with the Jews of foreign birth, who, however, made attempts to kill him.
30 兄弟們一知道這事,就領他下到凱撒勒雅,以後打發他到塔爾索去了。
But, when the followers found this out, they took him down to Caesarea, and sent him on his way to Tarsus.
31 教會既在全猶太、加里肋亞和撒瑪黎雅得了平安,遂建立起來,懷著敬畏上主之情行動,並因著聖神的鼓勵,逐漸發展。
And so it came about that the church, throughout Judea, Galilee, and Samaria, enjoyed peace and became firmly established; and, ordering its life by respect for the Lord and the help of the Holy Spirit, it increased in numbers.
32 當伯多祿巡視各處時,也到了居住在里達的聖徒那裏。
Peter, while traveling from place to place throughout the country, went down to visit the people of Christ living at Lydda.
33 在那裏遇見了一個人,名叫艾乃阿,患癱瘓病,躺在床上已有八年。
There he found a man named Aeneas, who had been bedridden for eight years with paralysis.
34 伯多祿向他說:「艾乃阿!耶穌基督治好你了;起來,整理你的床褥罷!」他即刻起來了。
“Aeneas,” Peter said to him, “Jesus Christ cures you. Get up, and make your bed.” Aeneas got up at once;
35 凡住在里達和沙龍的人,見了他,就都歸依了主。
and all the inhabitants of Lydda and of the Plain of Sharon saw him, and came over to the Lord’s side.
36 在約培有個女門徒,名叫塔彼達,希臘文叫作多爾卡,她多行善事,廣施賙濟,
At Joppa there lived a disciple whose name was Tabitha, which is in Greek ‘Dorcas’ – a Gazelle. Her life was spent in doing kind and charitable actions.
Just at that time she was taken ill, and died; and they had washed her body and laid it out in an upstairs room.
38 里達因臨近約培,門徒們聽說伯多祿在那裏,就打發兩個人到他那裏去,請求說:「你不可再遲延倒到我們那裏去了。」
Joppa was near Lydda, and the disciples, having heard that Peter was at Lydda, sent two men with the request that he come to them without delay.
39 伯多祿就動身同他們去了;他一來到,他們領他上了樓;所有的寡婦都來到他前,哭著把多爾卡同她們在一起的時候所製的內外衣,指給他看。
Peter returned with them at once. On his arrival, he was taken upstairs, and all the widows came around him in tears, showing the coats and other clothing which Dorcas had made while she was among them.
40 伯多祿叫眾人都退到外面以後,遂屈膝祈禱,轉身向遺體說:「塔彼達,起來!」她便睜開眼,看見了伯多祿,就坐了起來。
But Peter sent everybody out of the room, and knelt down and prayed. Then, turning to the body, he said, “Tabitha! Stand up.” She opened her eyes, and, seeing Peter, sat up.
41 伯多祿伸手扶她起來;隨後,叫聖徒和寡婦們進來,叫他們看她已活了。
Giving her his hand, Peter raised her up, and, calling in the widows and others of Christ’s people, presented her to them alive.
This became known all through Joppa, and numbers of people came to believe in the Lord.
43 以後,伯多祿在約培一個皮匠西滿家裏,住了一些日子。
And Peter stayed some days at Joppa with a tanner named Simon.