< Yeremiya 48 >

1 Ponena za Mowabu: Yehova Wamphamvuzonse, Mulungu wa Israeli akuti, “Tsoka kwa mzinda wa Nebo, chifukwa wawonongedwa. Mzinda wa Kiriyataimu wachititsidwa manyazi ndipo wagonjetsedwa; linga lichititsidwa manyazi ndipo lagumulidwa.
To Moab, Yahweh of hosts, God of Israel, says this, “Woe to Nebo, for it has been devastated. Kiriathaim has been humiliated and captured. Her fortress has been disgraced and crushed.
2 Palibenso amene akutamanda Mowabu; ku Hesiboni anthu anamupanganira zoyipa: ‘Bwerani, tiyeni timuwonongeretu kuti asakhalenso mtundu wa anthu.’ Inunso anthu a ku Madimena, adzakukhalitsani chete; ankhondo adzakupirikitsani.
The honor of Moab is no more. Their enemies in Heshbon plotted disaster against her. They said, 'Come and let us destroy her as a nation. Madmen will also perish—a sword will go after you.'
3 Tamvani mfuwu wa anthu a ku Horonaimu. Iwo akulira kuti, ‘Kusakazika ndi kuwonongeka kwakukulu.’
Listen! A sound of screaming is coming from Horonaim, where there is ruin and great destruction.
4 Mowabu wawonongeka; ana ake angʼonoangʼono akulira kwambiri.
Moab has been destroyed. Her children have made their cries heard.
5 Anthu akukwera chikweza cha ku Luhiti, akulira kwambiri pamene akupita. Kulira chifukwa cha chiwonongeko kukumveka pa njira yotsikira ku Horonaimu.
They go up the hill of Luhith weeping, for on the way down to Horonaim, screams are heard because of the destruction.
6 Thawani! Dzipulumutseni; khalani ngati mbidzi ya mʼchipululu.
Flee! Save your lives and become like a juniper bush in the wilderness.
7 Popeza inu munkadalira ntchito zanu ndi chuma chanu, nanunso mudzatengedwa ukapolo, ndipo Kemosi adzapita ku ukapolo, pamodzi ndi ansembe ake ndi akuluakulu ake.
For because of your trust in your practices and your wealth, you also will be captured. Then Chemosh will go away into captivity, together with his priests and leaders.
8 Wowononga adzabwera ndi kusakaza mzinda uliwonse, ndipo palibe mzinda umene udzapulumuke. Chigwa chidzasanduka bwinja ndipo malo athyathyathya a pamwamba pa phiri adzawonongedwa monga Yehova wayankhulira.
For the destroyer will come to every city; no city will escape. So the valley will perish and the plain will be devastated, as Yahweh has said.
9 Mtsineni khutu Mowabu chifukwa adzasakazika; mizinda yake idzasanduka mabwinja, wopanda munthu wokhalamo.
Give wings to Moab, for she must certainly fly away. Her cities will become a wasteland, where there is no one to live in them.
10 “Wotembereredwa munthu amene amagwira ntchito ya Yehova monyinyirika! Wotembereredwa munthu amene amaletsa lupanga lake kupha anthu!
May anyone who is lazy in doing Yahweh's work be cursed! May anyone who keeps his sword back from shedding blood be cursed!
11 “Mowabu wakhala pa mtendere kuyambira ubwana wake, ngati vinyo wokhazikika pa masese ake, osapungulidwa kuchoka mu mtsuko wina kuthira mu mtsuko wina; iye sanatengedwepo ukapolo. Nʼchifukwa chake kukoma kwake nʼkomwe kuja ndipo fungo lake silinasinthe.
Moab has felt secure since he was young. He is like his wine that has never been poured from pot to pot. He has never gone into captivity. Therefore he tastes as good as ever; his flavor remains unchanged.
12 Nʼchifukwa chake masiku akubwera,” akutero Yehova, “pamene ndidzatuma anthu amene amakhuthula vinyo mʼmitsuko ndipo adzamukhutula; adzakhuthula vinyo yense mitsuko yake pambuyo pake nʼkuphwanya mitsukoyo.
So see, the days are coming—this is Yahweh's declaration—when I will send him those who will tip him over and pour out all his pots and shatter his jars.
13 Pamenepo Mowabu adzachita manyazi ndi Kemosi, monga momwe Aisraeli anachitira manyazi ndi Beteli amene ankamukhutulira.
Then Moab will be ashamed of Chemosh just as the house of Israel was ashamed of Bethel, their object of trust.
14 “Kodi munganene bwanji kuti, ‘Ife ndife asilikali. Ife ndife ngwazi, anthu amphamvu pa nkhondo?’
How can you say, 'We are soldiers, powerful fighting men'?
15 Owononga Mowabu ndi mizinda yake abwera ndipo ankhondo adzalowa mʼmidzi yake; anyamata ake okongola apita kukaphedwa,” ikutero Mfumu, imene dzina lake ndi Yehova Wamphamvuzonse.
Moab will be devastated and its cities attacked. For its finest young men have gone down to the place of slaughter. This is the king's declaration! Yahweh of hosts is his name.
16 Kugwa kwa Mowabu kuli pafupi; masautso ake akubwera posachedwa.
Moab's disaster is soon to happen; calamity is hurrying quickly.
17 Mulireni kwambiri, inu nonse amene mwamuzungulira, inu nonse amene mumadziwa za kutchuka kwake; nenani kuti, “Taonani momwe yathyokera ndodo yamphamvu yaufumu ija, taonani momwe ndodo yaulemu yathyokera!”
All you who are around Moab, wail; and all you who know its fame, shout this, 'Woe, the strong staff, the honored rod, has been broken.'
18 “Tsikani pa ulemerero wanu ndipo khalani pansi powuma, inu anthu okhala ku Diboni, pakuti wowononga Mowabu wabwera kudzamenyana nanu, wasakaza mizinda yanu yotetezedwa.
Come down from your honored place and sit on the dry ground, you daughter living in Dibon. For the one who will destroy Moab is attacking you, the one who will destroy your strongholds.
19 Inu amene mumakhala ku Aroeri, imani mʼmbali mwa msewu ndi kumaonerera. Funsani mwamuna amene akuthawa ndiponso mkazi amene wapulumuka, afunseni kuti, ‘Kodi chachitika nʼchiyani?’”
Stand on the road and watch, you people who live in Aroer. Ask the ones who are fleeing and escaping. Say, 'What has happened?'
20 Iwo adzayankha kuti, “Mowabu wachititsidwa manyazi, pakuti wasakazika. Lirani mwachisoni ndipo fuwulani! Lengezani ku mtsinje wa Arinoni kuti Mowabu wawonongedwa.
Moab has been shamed, for it has been shattered. Howl and lament; shout for help. Tell it to people by the Arnon River that Moab has been devastated.
21 Chiweruzo chabwera ku mizinda ya ku mapiri, ndiyo Holoni, Yaza, Mefaati,
Now punishment has come to the hill country, to Holon, Jahzah, and Mephaath,
22 Diboni, Nebo, Beti-Dibilataimu,
to Dibon, Nebo, and Beth Diblathaim,
23 Kiriyataimu, Beti-Gamuli, Beti-Meoni,
to Kiriathaim, Beth Gamul, and Beth Meon,
24 Keriyoti ndi Bozira ndi mizinda yonse ya Mowabu, yakutali ndi yapafupi yomwe.
To Kerioth and Bozrah, and to all the cities in the land of Moab— the farthest and the closest cities.
25 Mphamvu za Mowabu zawonongeka; mkono wake wathyoka,” akutero Yehova.
The horn of Moab has been hacked off; its arm has been broken—this is Yahweh's declaration.
26 “Muledzeretseni Mowabu, chifukwa anadzikuza powukira Yehova. Mulekeni Mowabu avivinizike mʼmasanzi ake; mulekeni akhale chinthu chomachiseka.
Make him drunk, because he acted proudly against Yahweh. Let Moab wallow in his vomit, and let him be an object of ridicule.
27 Kodi suja Israeli anali kwa iwe ngati chinthu chomachiseka? Kodi Israeli anapezeka pakati pa akuba kuti nthawi zonse poyankhula za iye, iwe uzimupukusira mutu momunyoza?
For did not Israel become an object for laughter to you? Was he found among thieves, so that you shook your head at him as often as you spoke about him?
28 Inu amene mumakhala ku Mowabu, siyani mizinda yanu ndi kukakhala pakati pa matanthwe. Khalani ngati nkhunda imene imamanga chisa chake pa khomo la phanga.
Abandon the cities and camp on the cliffs, inhabitants of Moab. Become like a dove that is nesting over the mouth of a hole in the rocks.
29 “Tamva za kunyada kwa Mowabu, kunyada kwake nʼkwakukulu. Ndi wodzitama, wonyada ndi wodzitukumula. Ali ndi mtima wodzikweza.
We have heard of Moab's pride—his arrogance, his haughtiness, his pride, his self-glory and the conceit in his heart.
30 Ine ndikuzidziwa ntchito zake, akutero Yehova. Ntchitozo ndi nʼzosapindulitsa kanthu.
This is Yahweh's declaration—I myself know his defiant speech, which amounts to nothing, like his deeds.
31 Nʼchifukwa chake ndidzamulira Mowabu, ine ndikulira chifukwa cha anthu onse a ku Mowabu, ndikubuwula chifukwa cha anthu a ku Kiri Heresi.
So I will howl a lament for Moab, and I will shout in sorrow for all of Moab. I will lament for the people of Kir Hareseth.
32 Ndikukhetsa misozi chifukwa cha inu, kupambana momwe ndinalirira Yazeri. Inu anthu a ku Sibina muli ngati mipesa imene nthambi zake zatambalala mpaka ku Nyanja; zafika mpaka ku nyanja ya Yazeri. Wowononga wasakaza zipatso zake zachilimwe ndi mpesa.
I will weep for you more than I did for Jazer, vine of Sibmah! Your branches passed across the Salt Sea and reached as far as Jazer. The destroyers have attacked your summer fruit and your wine.
33 Chimwemwe ndi chisangalalo zatha ku minda ya zipatso ya ku Mowabu. Ndaletsa kuchucha kwa vinyo mopsinyira mphesa; palibe amene akufuwula mokondwa akamapsinya mphesa. Ngakhale kufuwula kulipo, koma sikufuwula kwa chimwemwe.
So celebration and rejoicing have been taken away from the fruit trees and the land of Moab. I have put an end to the wine from their winepresses. They will not tread with joyful shouts. Any shouts will not be shouts of joy.
34 “A ku Hesiboni ndi Eleali akulira ndipo mfuwu wawo ukumveka mpaka ku Yahazi, kuchokera ku Zowari mpaka ku Horonaimu ndi ku Egilati Selisiya. Ngakhale madzi a ku Nimurimu aphwa.
From the shouts at Heshbon as far as Elealeh, their sound is heard at Jahaz, from Zoar to Horonaim and Eglath Shelishiyah, since even the waters of Nimrim have dried up.
35 Ndidzawaletsa anthu a ku Mowabu kupereka nsembe mʼmalo awo opembedzera ndi kufukiza lubani kwa milungu yawo,” akutero Yehova.
For I will put an end to anyone in Moab who makes sacrifices on the high places and burns incense to his gods—this is Yahweh's declaration.
36 “Nʼchifukwa chake mtima wanga ukulirira Mowabu ngati chitoliro. Mtima wanga ukulirira anthu a ku Kiri Heresi ngati chitoliro chifukwa chuma chimene anachipata chatha.
So my heart is lamenting for Moab like a flute. My heart is lamenting like flutes for the people of Kir Hareseth. The riches they gained are gone.
37 Aliyense wameta mutu wake ndi ndevu zake; manja a munthu aliyense ndi ochekacheka, ndipo munthu aliyense wavala chiguduli mʼchiwuno mwake.
For every head is bald and every beard shaved. Incisions are on every hand, and sackcloth is around their waists.
38 Pa madenga onse a ku Mowabu ndiponso mʼmisewu yake anthu akungolira, pakuti ndaphwanya Mowabu ngati mtsuko wopanda ntchito,” akutero Yehova.
There is mourning everywhere, on every flat roof of Moab and in Moab's plazas. For I have destroyed Moab like pots that no one wants—this is Yahweh's declaration.
39 “Taonani mmene waphwanyikira! Tamvani momwe akulirira! Taonani momwe Mowabu wachititsidwira manyazi. Mowabu wasanduka chinthu chonyozeka, chinthu chochititsa mantha kwa onse amene amuzungulira.”
How it has been shattered! How they howl in their lamenting! Moab turns its back in shame! So Moab will become an object of derision and a terror to all those who are around him.”
40 Yehova akuti, “Mtundu wina udzachita kuwuluka nʼkugwera pa Mowabu ngati chiwombankhanga chimene chatambalitsa mapiko ake.
For Yahweh says this, “See, the enemy will come flying like an eagle, spreading out his wings over Moab.
41 Mizinda idzagwidwa ndipo malinga adzalandidwa. Pa tsiku limenelo mitima ya ankhondo a ku Mowabu idzakhala ngati mtima wa mayi pa nthawi yake yochira.
Kerioth has been captured, and its strongholds have been seized. For in that day the hearts of Moab's soldiers will be like the hearts of women in birth labor.
42 Mowabu sudzakhala mtundu wa anthu chifukwa unadzikuza powukira Yehova.
So Moab will be destroyed and be no longer a people, because he made himself to be great against Yahweh.
43 Zoopsa, dzenje ndi msampha zikudikira inu anthu a ku Mowabu,” akutero Yehova.
Terror and the pit, and a trap are coming on you, inhabitant of Moab—this is Yahweh's declaration.
44 “Aliyense wothawa zoopsa adzagwera mʼdzenje, aliyense wotuluka mʼdzenje adzakodwa mu msampha. Ndigwetsa zimenezi pa Mowabu pa nthawi ya chilango chake,” akutero Yehova.
Anyone who flees because of terror will fall into the pit, and anyone who climbs out of the pit will be caught in the trap, for I will bring this on them in the year of my vengeance against them—this is Yahweh's declaration.
45 “Anthu othawa nkhondo ayima pa mthunzi wa Hesiboni chifukwa chotopa. Koma moto wayaka kuchokera ku Hesiboni, malawi a moto abuka kuchokera ku nyumba ya mfumu Sihoni. Motowo ukuwononga mapiri a ku Mowabu, dziko la anthu onyada.
The ones who flee will stand in the shadow of Heshbon without any strength, for fire will go out from Heshbon, flame from the middle of Sihon. It will devour the forehead of Moab and the top of the heads of the boastful people.
46 Tsoka kwa iwe Mowabu! Anthu opembedza Kemosi awonongeka. Ana ako aamuna ndi aakazi atengedwa ukapolo.
Woe to you, Moab! Chemosh's people are destroyed, For your sons are taken as captives and your daughters into captivity.
47 “Komabe masiku akutsogolo ndidzabwezeranso Mowabu chuma chake,” akutero Yehova. Chiweruzo cha Mowabu chathera pamenepa.
But I will restore the fortunes of Moab in later days—this is Yahweh's declaration.” The judgment on Moab ends here.

< Yeremiya 48 >