< Deuteronomo 16 >

1 Samalirani mwezi wa Abibu ndi kukondwerera Paska wa Yehova Mulungu wanu, chifukwa pa mwezi wa Abibu, usiku, Iye anakutulutsani mu Igupto.
“Observe the month of new grain, at the beginning of springtime, so that you may accomplish the Passover to the Lord your God. For in this month, the Lord your God led you away from Egypt in the night.
2 Mumuphere Yehova Mulungu wanu nsembe ya Paska, chiweto chochokera pa nkhosa zanu kapena ngʼombe zanu kumalo kumene Yehova adzasankha kuti akhazikeko dzina lake.
And you shall immolate the Passover to the Lord your God, from sheep and from oxen, in the place which the Lord your God will choose, so that his name may dwell there.
3 Musadyere pamodzi ndi buledi wopanga ndi yisiti, koma kwa masiku asanu ndi awiri muzidya buledi wopanda yisiti, buledi wa masautso, chifukwa munachoka ku Igupto mwamsangamsanga kuti pa masiku onse a moyo wanu muzikumbukira nthawi imene munanyamukira ku Igupto.
You shall not eat it with leavened bread. For seven days you shall eat, without leaven, the bread of affliction. For you departed from Egypt in fear. So may you remember the day of your departure from Egypt, throughout all the days of your life.
4 Yisiti asapezeke kwa masiku asanu ndi awiri pa katundu wanu mʼdziko lanu lonse. Ndipo musasunge nyama imene mwapereka nsembe madzulo a tsiku loyamba mpaka mmawa.
No leaven shall be present in all your confines for seven days. And by morning, there shall not remain any of the flesh which was immolated on the first day in the evening.
5 Musamangopereka nsembe ya Paska mu mzinda wina uliwonse umene Yehova Mulungu wanu wakupatsani,
You cannot immolate the Passover in any of your cities, which the Lord your God will give to you, that you wish,
6 koma ku malo wokhawo amene Iye adzawasankhe kukhazikitsako Dzina lake. Kumeneko ndiye muzikapereka nsembe ya Paska madzulo, pamene dzuwa likulowa, pa tsiku lokumbukira kutuluka mu Igupto.
but only in the place which the Lord your God will choose, so that his name may dwell there. You shall immolate the Passover in the evening, upon the setting of the sun, which is the time when you departed from Egypt.
7 Muyiwotche ndi kuyidya pa malo pamene Yehova Mulungu wanu adzasankhe. Kenaka mmawa mubwerere ku matenti anu.
And you shall cook and eat it in the place which the Lord your God will choose, and, rising up in the morning, you shall go into your tent.
8 Kwa masiku asanu ndi limodzi muzidya buledi wopanda yisiti ndipo pa tsiku lachisanu ndi chiwiri muzikhala ndi msonkhano wa Yehova Mulungu wanu ndipo musamagwire ntchito iliyonse.
For six days, you shall eat unleavened bread. And on the seventh day, because it is the assembly of the Lord your God, you shall do no work.
9 Muziwerenga masabata asanu ndi awiri kuyambira pamene mwatenga chikwakwa ndi kuyamba kumweta tirigu wachilili.
You shall number for yourself seven weeks from that day, the day on which you put the sickle to the grain field.
10 Pamenepo muzichita Chikondwerero cha Masabata pamaso pa Yehova Mulungu wanu popereka chopereka chaufulu mofanana ndi madalitso amene Yehova Mulungu wakupatsani
And you shall celebrate the Feast of Weeks, to the Lord your God, with a voluntary oblation from your hand, which you shall offer according to the blessing of the Lord your God.
11 Ndipo inu, ana anu aamuna, aakazi, antchito anu aamuna, adzakazi, Alevi a mʼmizinda mwanu, alendo, ana ndi akazi amasiye okhala pakati panu, mukondwere pamaso pa Yehova Mulungu wanu ku malo amene adzawasankhe kukhazikitsako dzina lake.
And you shall feast in the sight of the Lord your God: you, your son and your daughter, your man servant and your woman servant, and the Levite who is within your gates, and the new arrival as well as the orphan and the widow, who abide with you, in the place which the Lord your God will choose, so that his name may dwell there.
12 Kumbukirani kuti inunso munali akapolo ku Igupto, ndiye muzitsatira malangizo awa mosamalitsa.
And you shall recall that you were a servant in Egypt. And you shall preserve and carry out the things that have been instructed.
13 Mukatha kukolola tirigu wanu ndi kupsinya vinyo wanu, muzikhala ndi Chikondwerero cha Misasa kwa masiku asanu ndi awiri.
Likewise, you shall celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles for seven days, when you will have gathered your fruits from the orchard and the winepress.
14 Musangalale pa chikondwerero chanu, inu, ana anu aamuna, aakazi, antchito anu aamuna, adzakazi, Alevi, alendo, ana ndi akazi amasiye amene ali mʼmizinda yanu.
And you shall feast at the time of your festival: you, your son and daughter, your man servant and woman servant, likewise the Levite and the new arrival, the orphan and the widow, who are within your gates.
15 Kwa masiku asanu ndi awiri muzichita chikondwererochi kwa Yehova Mulungu wanu kumalo kumene Yehova adzasankhe. Pakuti Yehova Mulungu wanu adzakudalitsani inu pa zokolola zanu ndi pa ntchito za manja anu, ndipo chimwemwe chanu chidzakhala chathunthu.
For seven days you shall celebrate feasts to the Lord your God in the place which the Lord will choose. And the Lord your God will bless you in all your crops, and in every work of your hands. And you shall be joyful.
16 Amuna onse azionekera pamaso pa Yehova Mulungu katatu pa chaka ku malo amene Iye adzasankha. Pa Chikondwerero cha Buledi wopanda Yisiti, pa Chikondwerero cha Masabata ndi pa Chikondwerero cha Misasa. Munthu aliyense asadzapite pamaso pa Yehova wopanda kanthu mʼmanja mwake.
Three times a year, all your males shall appear in the sight the Lord your God in the place which he will choose: at the Feast of Unleavened Bread, at the Feast of Weeks, and at the Feast of Tabernacles. No one shall appear before the Lord empty.
17 Aliyense wa inu adzabweretse mphatso molingana ndi momwe Yehova Mulungu wanu wakudalitsirani.
But each one shall offer according to what he will have, according to the blessing of the Lord his God, which he will give to him.
18 Musankhe oweruza ndi akuluakulu a fuko lanu lililonse mu mzinda uliwonse umene Yehova Mulungu wanu akukupatsani, ndipo adzaweruza anthuwa mwachilungamo.
You shall appoint judges and magistrates at all your gates, which the Lord your God will give to you, throughout each of your tribes, so that they may judge the people with a just judgment,
19 Musamakhotetse chiweruzo kapena kukondera. Musamalandire chiphuphu pakuti chiphuphu chimadetsa mʼmaso anthu a nzeru ndi kusintha mawu awo kuti mlandu uyipire osalakwa.
and not so as to show favoritism to either side. You shall not accept a person’s reputation, nor gifts. For gifts blind the eyes of the wise and alter the words of the just.
20 Tsatani chilungamo chokhachokha basi kuti mukhale ndi moyo ndi kutenga dziko limene Yehova Mulungu wanu akukupatsani.
You shall justly pursue what is just, so that you may live and possess the land, which the Lord your God will give to you.
21 Musazike mtengo wina uliwonse wa mafano a Asera pambali pa guwa lansembe la Yehova Mulungu wanu,
You shall not plant a sacred grove, nor shall you plant any tree near the altar of the Lord your God;
22 ndipo musayimike mwala wachipembedzo pakuti Yehova Mulungu wanu amadana nazo zimenezi.
you shall neither make nor set up for yourself a statue. These things the Lord your God hates.”

< Deuteronomo 16 >