< Nehemiah 11:3 >

Now these are the chiefs of the province who lived in Jerusalem; but in the cities of Judah, everyone lived in his possession in their cities—Israel, the priests, the Levites, the temple servants, and the children of Solomon’s servants.
Këta janë krerët e provincës që u vendosën në Jeruzalem, (por në qytetet e Judës secili u vendos në pronën e vet, në qytetin e vet: Izraelitët, priftërinjtë, Levitët, Nethinejtë, dhe bijtë e shërbëtorëve të Salomonit).
وَهَؤُلَاءِ هُمْ رُؤُوسُ ٱلْبِلَادِ ٱلَّذِينَ سَكَنُوا فِي أُورُشَلِيمَ وَفِي مُدُنِ يَهُوذَا. سَكَنَ كُلُّ وَاحِدٍ فِي مُلْكِهِ، فِي مُدُنِهِمْ مِنْ إِسْرَائِيلَ، ٱلْكَهَنَةُ وَٱللَّاَوِيُّونَ وَٱلنَّثِينِيمُ وَبَنُو عَبِيدِ سُلَيْمَانَ.
وَهَذَا بَيَانٌ بِأَسْمَاءِ رُؤَسَاءِ الْبِلادِ الَّذِينَ اسْتَقَرُّوا فِي أُورُشَلِيمَ، وَإِنْ كَانَ بَعْضُ الإِسْرَائِيلِيِّينَ وَالْكَهَنَةِ وَاللّاوِيِّينَ وَخُدَّامِ الْهَيْكَلِ وَنَسْلِ رِجَالِ سُلَيْمَانَ أَقَامُوا فِي مُدُنِهِمْ، كُلُّ وَاحِدٍ فِي مُلْكِهِ.
যিৰূচালেমত বাস কৰা প্রাদেশীক বিষয়া সকল এওঁলোক। যি কি নহওক, যিহূদাৰ নগৰ বোৰত থকা প্রতিজন লোক আৰু তেওঁলোকৰ লগত ইস্ৰায়েলী লোক, পুৰোহিত, লেবীয়া, মন্দিৰৰ দাস, আৰু চলোমনৰ দাস সকলৰ বংশধৰ সকলে নিজৰ দেশত বাস কৰিলে।
Yerusəlimdə yerləşən vilayət başçıları bunlardır. Ancaq bəzi İsraillilər, kahinlər, Levililər, məbəd qulluqçuları və Süleymanın əyanlarının oğulları Yəhuda şəhərlərində, hər kəs öz şəhərindəki mülkündə yerləşdi.
Eno moilai amo ganodini, Isala: ili dunu, uda, gobele salasu dunu, Lifai dunu, Debolo hawa: hamosu dunu amola Soloumane ea hawa: hamosu dunu iligaga fi ilia da ilia sogebidafa amo ilia moilaidafa amo ganodini esalebe ba: i. Bisilua agoai dunu da Yelusaleme moilai Yuda soge ganodini esalebe ba: i, amo ilia dio da hagudu dedei,
প্রদেশের এই সব প্রধান লোক যিরূশালেমে বাস করল। কিন্তু যিহূদার শহরে শহরে ইস্রায়েলীয়, যাজক, লেবীয়, নথীনীয়েরা ও শলোমনের চাকরদের বংশধরেরা প্রত্যেকে নিজের নিজের অধিকারে নিজের নিজের শহরে বাস করল
প্রদেশের এসব প্রধান লোক জেরুশালেমে বসতি করল (কিন্তু যিহূদা দেশের বিভিন্ন নগরে কিছু ইস্রায়েলী, যাজকেরা, লেবীয়েরা, উপাসনা গৃহের সেবাকারীরা ও শলোমনের দাসদের বংশধরেরা নিজের নিজের জমিতে বাস করত,
А ето главните мъже от областта, които се заселиха в Ерусалим; (а в Юдовите градове се заселиха, всеки по притежанието си в градовете им, Израил, свещениците, левитите, нетинимите и потомците на Соломоновите слуги);
Mao kini ang mga opisyal sa probinsiya nga nagpuyo sa Jerusalem. Apan ang uban nga anaa sa lungsod sa Juda nagpuyo sa ilang kaugalingon nga yuta, lakip ang pipila sa mga Israelita, mga pari, mga Levita, mga sulugoon sa templo, ug ang mga kaliwat sa mga sulugoon ni Solomon.
Karon kini mao ang mga pangulo sa lalawigan nga namuyo sa Jerusalem: apan niining mga lungsod sa Juda nanagpuyo ang tagsatagsa sa iyang yuta nga kaugalingon sa ilang mga ciudad, nga mao ang Israel, ang mga sacerdote, ug ang mga Levihanon, ug ang mga Nethinhanon, ug ang mga anak sa mga alagad ni Salomon.
Aisraeli wamba, ansembe, Alevi, ogwira ntchito ku Nyumba ya Mulungu ndiponso zidzukulu za antchito a Solomoni ankakhala mʼmidzi yawo, aliyense mu dera lake. Koma atsogoleri a chigawo cha Yuda anali atakhazikika mu Yerusalemu.
Israel caanawk, qaimanawk, Levinawk, tempul thungah toksah Nethinim tamnanawk hoi Solomon tamna ih caanawk loe, angmacae ih ahmuen Judah vangpuinawk ah oh o; Jerusalem ah kaom prae zaehoikungnawk,
Paeng kah boeilu rhoek tah Jerusalem ah kho a sak uh. Tedae Judah khopuei khuikah rhoek tah amah kah khohut dongah rhip om uh. Amih kah khopuei rhoek ah Israel khosoih rhoek khaw, Levi rhoek khaw, tamtaeng rhoek khaw, Solomon kah sal koca rhoek khaw omuh.
Paeng kah boeilu rhoek tah Jerusalem ah kho a sak uh. Tedae Judah khopuei khuikah rhoek tah amah kah khohut dongah rhip om uh. Amih kah khopuei rhoek ah Israel khosoih rhoek khaw, Levi rhoek khaw, tamtaeng rhoek khaw, Solomon kah sal koca rhoek khaw om uh.
Hichea hin gamkai khat a vaihom ho Jerusalema cheng dinga hungho chu ahiuve. (Chule mipi atamjo chu thempu ho, Levite, houin lhacha ho chuleh Solomon lhacha ho sonle pah ho Judah khopi hoa ama in cheha cheng ho ahiuve.
Hetnaw teh, ram uk hanelah Jerusalem vah kaawm e naw doeh. (Hateiteh Judah kho e naw teh a hnopai onae kho dawk ao awh. Ahnimanaw teh Isarel tami vaihma Levih tami hoi Nethinim tami hoi Solomon e a sannaw doeh).
A evo glavara pokrajinskih koji su se nastanili u Jeruzalemu i po gradovima Judeje. Izrael, svećenici, leviti, netinci i sinovi Salomonovih slugu nastanili su se u svojim gradovima, svaki na svome posjedu.
A tito jsou přednější té krajiny, kteříž se osadili v Jeruzalémě. (V jiných pak městech Judských bydlili jeden každý v vládařství svém, po městech svých, lid Izraelský, kněží a Levítové, i Netinejští, též i synové služebníků Šalomounových.)
A tito jsou přednější té krajiny, kteříž se osadili v Jeruzalémě. (V jiných pak městech Judských bydlili jeden každý v vládařství svém, po městech svých, lid Izraelský, kněží a Levítové, i Netinejští, též i synové služebníků Šalomounových.)
Følgende er de Overhoveder i vor Landsdel, som boede i Jerusalem og i Judas Byer; de boede hver på sin Ejendom i deres Byer, Israel, Præsterne, Leviterne, Tempeltrællene og Efterkommerne af Salomos Trælle.
Og disse ere de Øverste af Landskabet, som boede i Jerusalem; og i Judas Stæder boede hver i sin Ejendom, i deres Stæder, nemlig Israel, Præsterne og Leviterne og de livegne og Salomos Tjeneres Børn.
Følgende er de Overhoveder i vor Landsdel, som boede i Jerusalem og i Judas Byer; de boede hver paa sin Ejendom i deres Byer, Israel, Præsterne, Leviterne, Tempeltrællene og Efterkommerne af Salomos Trælle.
Magi e jotelo mane odak Jerusalem mamoko ne gin jo-Israel, jodolo, jo-Lawi, jotij hekalu kod nyikwa jotij Solomon manodak e mier matindo mag Juda, ka moro ka moro e kare owuon e mier matindo mopogore opogore.
En dit zijn de hoofden van het landschap, die te Jeruzalem woonden; (maar in de steden van Juda woonden, een iegelijk op zijn bezitting, in hun steden, Israel, de priesters, en de Levieten, en de Nethinim, en de kinderen der knechten van Salomo).
Dit zijn de hoofden van de provincie, die zich in Jerusalem vestigden. De hoofden van Israël, van de priesters, levieten, tempelknechten en zonen van Salomons slaven gingen ook in de steden van Juda wonen, iedereen op zijn eigen erfdeel in die steden,
En dit zijn de hoofden van het landschap, die te Jeruzalem woonden; (maar in de steden van Juda woonden, een iegelijk op zijn bezitting, in hun steden, Israel, de priesters, en de Levieten, en de Nethinim, en de kinderen der knechten van Salomo).
Now these are the chiefs of the province who dwelt in Jerusalem. But in the cities of Judah everyone dwells in his possession in their cities, namely, Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nethinim, and the sons of Solomon's servants.
Now these are the chiefs of the province who lived in Jerusalem; but in the cities of Judah, everyone lived in his possession in their cities—Israel, the priests, the Levites, the temple servants, and the children of Solomon’s servants.
Now these are the chiefs of the province that dwelt in Jerusalem: but in the cities of Judah dwelt every one in his possession in their cities, [to wit], Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nethinim, and the children of Solomon’s servants.
These are the heads of the provinces who settled in Jerusalem. (In the villages of Judah, however, each lived on his own property in their towns—the Israelites, priests, Levites, temple servants, and descendants of Solomon’s servants—
Now these are the chiefs of the divisions of the country who were living in Jerusalem: but in the towns of Judah everyone was living on his heritage in the towns, that is, Israel, the priests, the Levites, the Nethinim, and the children of Solomon's servants.
Now these [are] the chiefs of the province who dwelt in Jerusalem, and in the cities of Juda; [every] man dwelt in his possession in their cities: Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nathinim, and the children of the servants of Solomon.
Now these [are] the chiefs of the province who lived in Jerusalem, and in the cities of Juda; [every] man lived in his possession in their cities: Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nathinim, and the children of the servants of Solomon.
And so these are the leaders of the province, who were living in Jerusalem, and in the cities of Judah. Now each one lived in his possession, in their cities: Israel, the priests, the Levites, the temple servants, and the sons of the servants of Solomon.
And these are the chiefs of the province that dwelt in Jerusalem; but in the cities of Judah dwelt every one in his possession in their cities, Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nethinim, and the children of Solomon's servants.
These therefore are the chief men of the province, who dwelt in Jerusalem, and in the cities of Juda. And every one dwelt in his possession, in their cities: Israel, the priests, the Levites, the Nathinites, and the children of the servants of Solomon.
This is a list of the leaders of the province who came to live in Jerusalem. (Most of the Israelites lived on their own property in the towns of Judah. This included the priests, the Levites, the Temple servants, and the descendants of Solomon's servants who lived in their home towns.
These now are the chiefe of the prouince, that dwelt in Ierusalem, but in the cities of Iudah, euery one dwelt in his owne possession in their cities of Israel, the Priestes and the Leuites, and the Nethinims, and the sonnes of Salomons seruants.
Now these are the chiefs of the province that dwelt in Jerusalem; but in the cities of Judah dwelt every one in his possession in their cities, to wit, Israelites, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nethinim, and the children of Solomon's servants.
Now these [are] the chief of the province that dwelt in Jerusalem: but in the cities of Judah dwelt every one in his possession in their cities, [to wit], Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nethinims, and the children of Solomon’s servants.
Now these are the chief of the province that dwelled in Jerusalem: but in the cities of Judah dwelled every one in his possession in their cities, to wit, Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nethinims, and the children of Solomon’s servants.
Now these are the chief of the province that dwelt in Jerusalem: but in the cities of Judah dwelt every one in his possession in their cities, to wit, Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nethinims, and the children of Solomon’s servants.
Now these are the chief of the province that dwelt in Jerusalem: but in the cities of Judah dwelt every one in his possession in their cities, to wit, Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nethinims, and the children of Solomon's servants.
Now these are the chief of the province that dwelt in Jerusalem: but in the cities of Judah dwelt every one in his possession in their cities, to wit, Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nethinims, and the children of Solomon’s servants.
Now these are the chief of the province that dwelt in Jerusalem: but in the cities of Judah dwelt every one in his possession in their cities, to know, Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nethinims, and the children of Solomon's servants.
Now these [are] the chiefs of the province who lived in Jerusalem, and in the cities of Juda; [every] man lived in his possession in their cities: Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nathinim, and the children of the servants of Solomon.
Now these are the chiefs of the province that dwelt in Jerusalem; but in the cities of Judah dwelt every one in his possession in their cities, [to wit, ] Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the temple-servants, and the children of Solomon's servants.
And these [are] heads of the province who have dwelt in Jerusalem, and in cities of Judah, they have dwelt each in his possession in their cities; Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nethinim, and the sons of the servants of Solomon.
Now these are the chiefs of the province who lived in Jerusalem; but in the cities of Judah everyone lived in his possession in their cities: Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nethinim, and the descendants of Solomon's servants.
Now these are the chiefs of the province who lived in Jerusalem; but in the cities of Judah everyone lived in his possession in their cities: Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nethinim, and the descendants of Solomon's servants.
Now these are the chiefs of the province who lived in Jerusalem; but in the cities of Judah everyone lived in his possession in their cities: Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nethinim, and the descendants of Solomon's servants.
Now these are the chiefs of the province who lived in Jerusalem; but in the cities of Judah everyone lived in his possession in their cities: Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nethinim, and the descendants of Solomon's servants.
Now these are the chiefs of the province who lived in Jerusalem; but in the cities of Judah everyone lived in his possession in their cities: Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nethinim, and the descendants of Solomon's servants.
Now these are the chiefs of the province who lived in Jerusalem; but in the cities of Judah everyone lived in his possession in their cities: Israel, the cohanim, and the Levites, and the Nethinim, and the descendants of Solomon's servants.
Now these are the chiefs of the province that dwelt in Jerusalem: but in the cities of Judah dwelt every one in his possession in their cities, [to wit], Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nethinim, and the children of Solomon’s servants.
Now, these, are the chiefs of the province, who dwelt in Jerusalem, but, in the cities of Judah, dwelt every man in his possession throughout their cities, Israel, the priests, and the Levites and the Nethinim, and the Sons of the Servants of Solomon.
And these [are] [the] leaders of the province who they dwelt in Jerusalem and in [the] cities of Judah they dwelt each one on own property his in own cities their Israel the priests and the Levites and the temple servants and [the] descendants of [the] servants of Solomon.
and these head: leader [the] province which to dwell in/on/with Jerusalem and in/on/with city Judah to dwell man: anyone in/on/with possession his in/on/with city their Israel [the] priest and [the] Levi and [the] temple servant and son: descendant/people servant/slave Solomon
[Some of] the priests, [some of] the [other] descendants of Levi, [some of] the temple workers, and the descendants of King Solomon’s servants, and many of the other people lived on their own property in the towns [where their ancestors had lived].
These are the provincial officials who lived in Jerusalem. However, in the towns of Judah everyone lived on his own land, including some Israelites, priests, Levites, temple servants, and descendants of Solomon's servants.
Now these [are] the chief of the province that dwelt in Jerusalem: but in the cities of Judah dwelt every one in his possession in their cities, [to wit], Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nethinims, and the children of Solomon's servants.
Now these are the chief of the province that dwelt in Jerusalem: but in the cities of Judah dwelt every one in his possession in their cities, that is, Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nethinims, and the children of Solomon’s servants.
Now these are the chiefs of the province who lived in Jerusalem; but in the cities of Judah, everyone lived in his possession in their cities—Israel, the priests, the Levites, the temple servants, and the children of Solomon’s servants.
Now these are the chiefs of the province who lived in Jerusalem; but in the cities of Judah, everyone lived in his possession in their cities—Israel, the priests, the Levites, the temple servants, and the children of Solomon’s servants.
Now these are the chiefs of the province who lived in Jerusalem; but in the cities of Judah, everyone lived in his possession in their cities—Israel, the priests, the Levites, the temple servants, and the children of Solomon’s servants.
Now these are the chiefs of the province who lived in Jerusalem; but in the cities of Judah, everyone lived in his possession in their cities—Israel, the priests, the Levites, the temple servants, and the children of Solomon’s servants.
Now these are the chiefs of the province who lived in Jerusalem; but in the cities of Judah, everyone lived in his possession in their cities—Israel, the priests, the Levites, the temple servants, and the children of Solomon’s servants.
Now these are the chiefs of the province who lived in Jerusalem; but in the cities of Judah, everyone lived in his possession in their cities—Israel, the priests, the Levites, the temple servants, and the children of Solomon’s servants.
And so these ben the princes of prouynce, that dwelliden in Jerusalem, and in the citees of Juda; sothely ech man dwellide in his possessioun, in her citees of Israel, prestis, dekenes, Nathynneis, and the sones of the seruauntis of Salomon.
And these [are] heads of the province who have dwelt in Jerusalem, and in cities of Judah, they have dwelt each in his possession in their cities; Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the Nethinim, and the sons of the servants of Solomon.
Jen estas la ĉefoj de la provinco, kiuj loĝis en Jerusalem; en la urboj de Judujo loĝis ĉiu en sia posedaĵo, laŭ siaj urboj, la Izraelidoj, pastroj, Levidoj, Netinoj, kaj idoj de la servantoj de Salomono.
Kplɔla aɖewo tso du bubuwo me va Yerusalem, ke Israelvi aɖewo, nunɔlawo, Levitɔwo, gbedoxɔmedɔwɔlawo kple Solomo ƒe dɔwɔlawo ƒe dzidzimeviwo dometɔ geɖewo ganɔ woawo ŋutɔ ƒe aƒewo me le du vovovowo me le Yuda,
Nämä ovat maakunnan päämiehet, jotka asuivat Jerusalemissa; mutta Juudan kaupungeissa asui itsekukin omaisuuudessansa kaupungeissansa: Israel, papit, Leviläiset, Netinimit ja Salomon palveliain lapset.
Nämä olivat ne maakunnan päämiehet, jotka asettuivat Jerusalemiin ja Juudan kaupunkeihin; he asuivat kukin perintöosallaan, kaupungeissaan, Israel, papit, leeviläiset ja temppelipalvelijat sekä Salomon palvelijain jälkeläiset.
Voici les chefs de famille de la province qui s'établirent à Jérusalem. Dans les villes de Juda, chacun s'établit dans sa propriété, dans sa ville: Israël, les prêtres et les lévites, les Nathinéens et les fils des serviteurs de Salomon:
Voici les chefs de la province qui habitaient à Jérusalem; mais dans les villes de Juda, chacun habitait dans sa propriété dans ses villes: Israël, les prêtres, les lévites, les serviteurs du temple et les enfants des serviteurs de Salomon.
Or ce sont ici les chefs de la province qui habitèrent à Jérusalem; mais, dans les villes de Juda, habitèrent, chacun dans sa possession, dans leurs villes, Israël, les sacrificateurs, et les lévites, et les Nethiniens, et les fils des serviteurs de Salomon.
Or ce sont ici les principaux de la province qui s'habituèrent à Jérusalem; les autres s'étant habitués dans les villes de Juda, chacun dans sa possession, selon leurs villes, [savoir] les Israélites, les Sacrificateurs, les Lévites, les Néthiniens, et les enfants des serviteurs de Salomon.
Voici donc les princes de la province qui habitèrent dans Jérusalem et dans les villes de Juda. Or chacun habita dans sa possession, dans ses villes, Israël, les prêtres, les Lévites, les Nathinéens, et les fils des serviteurs de Salomon.
Voici les chefs de la province qui s’établirent à Jérusalem. Dans les villes de Juda, chacun s’établit dans sa propriété, dans sa ville, Israël, les sacrificateurs et les Lévites, les Néthiniens, et les fils des serviteurs de Salomon.
Voici les chefs de famille de la province qui s’établirent à Jérusalem. Dans les villes de Juda, chacun s’établit dans sa propriété, dans sa ville: Israël, les prêtres et les lévites, les Nathinéens et les fils des serviteurs de Salomon:
Voici les principaux de la province qui s'établirent à Jérusalem, les autres s'étant établis dans les villes de Juda, chacun dans sa possession, dans sa ville, Israélites, sacrificateurs, Lévites, Néthiniens et enfants des serviteurs de Salomon.
Et voici les chefs de la province dont le domicile fut à Jérusalem. Or dans les villes de Juda chacun habitait sur sa propriété dans leurs villes, Israélites, Prêtres et Lévites et Assujettis et fils des serviteurs de Salomon.
Voici les princes de la terre qui habitèrent, soit Jérusalem, soit les villes de Juda; chacun demeura en son héritage et en sa ville: Israël, prêtres, lévites, Nathinéens, fils des serviteurs de Salomon:
Voici les chefs de la province qui se fixèrent à Jérusalem; quant aux villes de Juda, chacun s’était établi dans sa propriété, dans sa ville respective, Israélites, prêtres, Lévites, serviteurs du temple et descendants des esclaves de Salomon.
Dies sind die Häupter der Provinz, die in Jerusalem Wohnung genommen. In den Städten Judas aber war jeder in seinem Besitztum und in seiner Stadt geblieben: Israels Priester, Leviten und Tempelsklaven und die Söhne der Sklaven Salomos.
Und dies sind die Häupter der Landschaft, welche in Jerusalem wohnten; [Vergl. 1. Chron. 9,2] in den Städten Judas aber wohnten, ein jeder in seinem Besitztum, in ihren Städten: Israel, die Priester und die Leviten und die Nethinim und die Söhne der Knechte Salomos.
Und dies sind die Häupter der Landschaft, welche in Jerusalem wohnten; in den Städten Judas aber wohnten, ein jeder in seinem Besitztum, in ihren Städten: Israel, die Priester und die Leviten und die Nethinim und die Söhne der Knechte Salomos.
Und dies sind die Häupter der Provinz, die in Jerusalem und in den Städten Judas wohnten - sie wohnten nämlich in ihren Städten, ein jeder in seinem Besitztum: Israel, die Priester, die Leviten, die Tempeldiener und die Nachkommen der Sklaven Salomos -:
Dies sind die Häupter in der Landschaft, die zu Jerusalem wohneten. In den Städten Judas aber wohnete ein jeglicher in seinem Gut, das in ihren Städten war, nämlich Israel, Priester, Leviten, Nethinim und die Kinder der Knechte Salomos.
Dies sind die Häupter in der Landschaft, die zu Jerusalem und in den Städten Juda's wohnten. (Sie wohnten aber ein jeglicher in seinem Gut, das in ihren Städten war: nämlich Israel, Priester, Leviten, Tempelknechte und die Kinder der Knechte Salomos.)
Und dies sind die Häupter des Bezirks, die sich in Jerusalem und in den Ortschaften Judas niedergelassen haben, und zwar ein jeder auf seinem Besitztum in den dortigen Ortschaften: die (gewöhnlichen) Israeliten, die Priester und die Leviten, die Tempelhörigen und die Nachkommen der Leibeigenen Salomos.
Folgendes sind die Bezirksvorsteher, die zu Jerusalem und in den Städten Judas wohnten, ein jeder in seiner Besitzung, in ihren Städten, nämlich Israel, die Priester, die Leviten, die Tempeldiener und die Söhne der Knechte Salomos.
Aya nĩo atongoria a bũrũri arĩa maatũũrire Jerusalemu (na rĩrĩ, andũ amwe a Isiraeli, na athĩnjĩri-Ngai, na Alawii, na ndungata cia hekarũ, na njiaro cia ndungata cia Solomoni maatũũraga matũũra-inĩ ma Juda, o mũndũ gĩthaka-inĩ gĩake thĩinĩ wa matũũra mao.
Ούτοι δε είναι οι άρχοντες της επαρχίας οι κατοικήσαντες εν Ιερουσαλήμ· εν δε ταις πόλεσι του Ιούδα κατώκησαν έκαστος εν τη ιδιοκτησία αυτού, εν ταις πόλεσιν αυτών, ο Ισραήλ, οι ιερείς και οι Λευΐται και οι Νεθινείμ και οι υιοί των δούλων του Σολομώντος.
καὶ οὗτοι οἱ ἄρχοντες τῆς χώρας οἳ ἐκάθισαν ἐν Ιερουσαλημ καὶ ἐν πόλεσιν Ιουδα ἐκάθισαν ἀνὴρ ἐν κατασχέσει αὐτοῦ ἐν πόλεσιν αὐτῶν Ισραηλ οἱ ἱερεῖς καὶ οἱ Λευῖται καὶ οἱ ναθιναῖοι καὶ οἱ υἱοὶ δούλων Σαλωμων
પ્રાંતના જે આગેવાનો યરુશાલેમમાં રહ્યા તેઓ આ છે. ઇઝરાયલના લોકો, યાજકો, લેવીઓ, ભક્તિસ્થાનના સેવકો અને સુલેમાનના ચાકરોના વંશજો યહૂદિયાના નગરોમાં પોતપોતાનાં વતનમાં રહ્યા.
Men lis chèf ki t'ap dirije pwovens Jida a, epi ki te rete lavil Jerizalèm. Rès moun pèp Izrayèl la, prèt yo, moun Levi yo, travayè tanp yo ak pitit domestik wa Salomon yo t'ap viv nan lòt lavil peyi Jida a, chak moun nan lavil kote yo te moun lan, sou pòsyon tè ki te pou yo a.
Alò, sila yo se chèf an tèt pwovens ki te vin rete Jérusalem yo; men nan vil a Juda yo, chak moun te rete sou pwòp teren pa l nan vil pa yo—Izrayelit yo, prèt yo, Levit yo, sèvitè tanp yo ak desandan a sèvitè Salomon yo.
Waɗannan su ne shugabannin yankuna waɗanda suka zauna a Urushalima (ko da yake waɗansu Isra’ilawa, da firistoci, da Lawiyawa, da ma’aikatan haikali, da zuriyar bayin Solomon, suka yi zama a cikin garuruwan Yahuda, kowanne a mallakarsa cikin garuruwa dabam-dabam,
Eia ka poe koikoi o ka aina, ka poe i noho iloko o Ierusalema; aka, iloko o na kulanakauhale o Iuda, noho iho la kela kanaka keia kanaka ma kahi i hoiliia nona iloko o ko lakou mau kulanakauhale, o ka Iseraela, o na kahuna, a me na Levi, a me ka poe Netini a me na mamo a na kauwa a Solomona.
ואלה ראשי המדינה אשר ישבו בירושלם ובערי יהודה ישבו איש באחזתו בעריהם ישראל הכהנים והלוים והנתינים ובני עבדי שלמה
וְאֵ֙לֶּה֙ רָאשֵׁ֣י הַמְּדִינָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֥ר יָשְׁב֖וּ בִּירוּשָׁלָ֑͏ִם וּבְעָרֵ֣י יְהוּדָ֗ה יָֽשְׁב֞וּ אִ֤ישׁ בַּאֲחֻזָּתֹו֙ בְּעָ֣רֵיהֶ֔ם יִשְׂרָאֵ֤ל הַכֹּהֲנִים֙ וְהַלְוִיִּ֣ם וְהַנְּתִינִ֔ים וּבְנֵ֖י עַבְדֵ֥י שְׁלֹמֹֽה׃
וְאֵ֙לֶּה֙ רָאשֵׁ֣י הַמְּדִינָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֥ר יָשְׁב֖וּ בִּירוּשָׁלִָ֑ם וּבְעָרֵ֣י יְהוּדָ֗ה יָֽשְׁב֞וּ אִ֤ישׁ בַּאֲחֻזָּתוֹ֙ בְּעָ֣רֵיהֶ֔ם יִשְׂרָאֵ֤ל הַכֹּהֲנִים֙ וְהַלְוִיִּ֣ם וְהַנְּתִינִ֔ים וּבְנֵ֖י עַבְדֵ֥י שְׁלֹמֹֽה׃
וְאֵלֶּה רָאשֵׁי הַמְּדִינָה אֲשֶׁר יָשְׁבוּ בִּירוּשָׁלָ͏ִם וּבְעָרֵי יְהוּדָה יָֽשְׁבוּ אִישׁ בַּאֲחֻזָּתוֹ בְּעָרֵיהֶם יִשְׂרָאֵל הַכֹּהֲנִים וְהַלְוִיִּם וְהַנְּתִינִים וּבְנֵי עַבְדֵי שְׁלֹמֹֽה׃
ואלה ראשי המדינה אשר ישבו בירושלם ובערי יהודה ישבו איש באחזתו בעריהם ישראל הכהנים והלוים והנתינים ובני עבדי שלמה׃
וְאֵלֶּה רָאשֵׁי הַמְּדִינָה אֲשֶׁר יָשְׁבוּ בִּירוּשָׁלָ͏ִם וּבְעָרֵי יְהוּדָה יָֽשְׁבוּ אִישׁ בַּאֲחֻזָּתוֹ בְּעָרֵיהֶם יִשְׂרָאֵל הַכֹּהֲנִים וְהַלְוִיִּם וְהַנְּתִינִים וּבְנֵי עַבְדֵי שְׁלֹמֹֽה׃
וְאֵ֙לֶּה֙ רָאשֵׁ֣י הַמְּדִינָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֥ר יָשְׁב֖וּ בִּירוּשָׁלִָ֑ם וּבְעָרֵ֣י יְהוּדָ֗ה יָֽשְׁב֞וּ אִ֤ישׁ בַּאֲחֻזָּתוֹ֙ בְּעָ֣רֵיהֶ֔ם יִשְׂרָאֵ֤ל הַכֹּהֲנִים֙ וְהַלְוִיִּ֣ם וְהַנְּתִינִ֔ים וּבְנֵ֖י עַבְדֵ֥י שְׁלֹמֹֽה׃
उस प्रान्त के मुख्य-मुख्य पुरुष जो यरूशलेम में रहते थे, वे ये हैं; परन्तु यहूदा के नगरों में एक-एक मनुष्य अपनी निज भूमि में रहता था; अर्थात् इस्राएली, याजक, लेवीय, नतीन और सुलैमान के दासों की सन्तान।
ये वे हैं, जो राज्यों (प्रदेशों) पर अधिकारी थे, जो येरूशलेम में ही रहते थे, मगर यहूदिया के नगरों में हर एक प्रधान अपनी-अपनी संपत्ति में अपने-अपने नगरों में रहता था, इस्राएल के वंशजों के पुरोहित, लेवी, मंदिर के सेवक और शलोमोन के सेवकों के वंशज.
Ezek pedig a tartomány fejei, a kik Jeruzsálemben megtelepedének; de Júda városaiban lakozék kiki az ő örökségében, városaikban: az Izráel, a papok, a Léviták, a Léviták szolgái és Salamon szolgáinak fiai.
És ezek a tartomány fejei, akik Jeruzsálemben laktak; Jehúda városaiban pedig laktak, ki-ki az ő birtokán, városaikban, az izraeliták, a papok s a leviták s a szentélyszolgák meg Salamon szolgáinak fiai.
Ndị a bụ ndịisi ala ahụ a na-achị achị ndị bịara biri na Jerusalem (ma ọtụtụ ndị Izrel, ndị nchụaja, ndị Livayị, ndị na-eje ozi nʼụlọnsọ na ụmụ ndị na-ejere Solomọn ozi biiri nʼobodo Juda, onye ọbụla nʼihe onwunwe ya nʼobodo ha dị iche iche.
Dagitoy dagiti opisial ti probinsia a nagnaed idiay Jerusalem. Nupay kasta, nagnaed dagiti tattao iti bukodda a daga idiay Juda, agraman dagiti dadduma nga Israelita, dagiti papadi, dagiti Levita, dagiti agserserbi iti templo, ken dagiti kaputotan dagiti adipen ni Solomon.
Di kota-kota lain, rakyat Israel, para imam, orang-orang Lewi, para pekerja Rumah TUHAN, dan keturunan pelayan-pelayan Salomo tinggal di tanah milik mereka dan di kota-kota mereka sendiri.
Inilah kepala-kepala propinsi Yehuda yang menetap di Yerusalem, sedang di kota-kota di Yehuda setiap orang, yakni orang-orang Israel awam, para imam, orang-orang Lewi, para budak di bait Allah dan keturunan para hamba Salomo, tinggal di tanah miliknya, di kotanya sendiri.
Selebihnya dari rakyat suku Yehuda dan Benyamin, para imam, orang Lewi, pelayan rumah TUHAN, dan keturunan hamba Salomo, tinggal di tanah warisan keluarganya masing-masing yang tersebar di kota-kota daerah Yehuda. Inilah daftar kepala suku yang menetap di kota Yerusalem bersama keluarga mereka. Pemimpin suku Yehuda: Ataya, kepala kaum Peres. Daftar nenek moyangnya adalah Mahalalel, kemudian Sefatya, Amaria, Zakaria, dan Uzia, yang adalah ayah Ataya.
Or costoro [sono] i principali della provincia, i quali abitarono in Gerusalemme; [gli altri], Israeliti, sacerdoti, Leviti, Netinei, e figliuoli de' servi di Salomone, essendosi ridotti ad abitar nelle città di Giuda, ciascuno nella sua possessione, per le lor città.
Ecco i capi della provincia che si sono stabiliti a Gerusalemme, mentre nelle città di Giuda ognuno si è stabilito nella sua proprietà, nella sua città: Israeliti, sacerdoti, leviti, oblati e i discendenti dei servi di Salomone.
Ecco i capi della provincia che si stabilirono a Gerusalemme, mentre che, nelle città di Giuda, ognuno si stabilì nella sua proprietà, nella sua città: Israeliti, Sacerdoti, Leviti, Nethinei, e figliuoli dei servi di Salomone.
Hanki provinsirema kvama huterema hu'naza Jerusalemi rankumapi emani'naze. Hagi Pristi naga'ene Livae naga'ene, mono nompima eri'zama erisaza vahe'ene Solomoni eri'za vahe'mokizmi naga nofipinti vahe'ma Juda mopafima me'nea ne'onse kumatamimpima nemaniza vahe'mo'zanena kumazamifi mani'ne'za mopazamine rankumazmia zamagra'a kegava hutere hu'naze.
ಯೆರೂಸಲೇಮಿನಲ್ಲಿ ವಾಸವಾಗಿದ್ದ ಸಂಸ್ಥಾನಪ್ರಧಾನರು ಯಾರೆಂದರೆ: ಯೆಹೂದದ ಪಟ್ಟಣಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಇಸ್ರಾಯೇಲರೂ, ಯಾಜಕರೂ, ಲೇವಿಯರೂ, ದೇವಾಲಯದ ಸೇವಕರೂ, ಸೊಲೊಮೋನನ ಸೇವಕರ ಮಕ್ಕಳೂ, ಅವರವರು ತಮ್ಮ ತಮ್ಮ ಪಟ್ಟಣಗಳ ಸ್ವಾಸ್ತ್ಯಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ವಾಸವಾಗಿದ್ದರು.
ಯೆರೂಸಲೇಮಿನಲ್ಲಿ ವಾಸಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದ ಯೆಹೂದ ಸಂಸ್ಥಾನ ಪ್ರಧಾನರು ಯಾರಾರೆಂದರೆ: ಇಸ್ರಾಯೇಲರೂ, ಯಾಜಕರೂ, ಲೇವಿಯರೂ, ದೇವಾಲಯದ ಸೇವಕರು, ಸೊಲೊಮೋನನ ಸೇವಕರ ವಂಶದವರೂ ತಮ್ಮ ತಮ್ಮ ಸ್ವತ್ತುಗಳಿರುವ ಯೆಹೂದ ದೇಶದ ಪಟ್ಟಣಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ವಾಸಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದರು.
이스라엘과 제사장들과 레위 사람들과 느디님 사람들과 솔로몬의 신복의 자손은 유다 여러 성읍에서 각각 그 본성 본 기업에 거하였고 예루살렘에 거한 그 도의 두목들은 이러하니
이스라엘과 제사장들과 레위 사람들과 느디님 사람들과 솔로몬의 신복의 자손은 유다 여러 성읍에서 각각 그 본성 본 기업에 거하였고 예루살렘에 거한 그 도의 두목들은 이러하니
In siti srisrik ac siti lulap saya ah, mwet Israel, mwet tol, mwet Levi, mwet orekma lun Tempul, ac mwet in sou lun mwet kulansap lal Solomon, elos muta yen selos sifacna in siti selos sifacna. Pa inge inen mwet kol ke kais sie ipin acn lun Judah su muta in Jerusalem:
هەندێک ئیسرائیلی، کاهین، لێڤی، خزمەتکارانی پەرستگا و نەوەی خزمەتکارەکانی سلێمان لە شارۆچکەکانی یەهودا نیشتەجێ بوون، هەرکەسێک لەسەر موڵکەکەی خۆی،
Hi sunt itaque principes provinciæ qui habitaverunt in Jerusalem, et in civitatibus Juda. Habitavit autem unusquisque in possessione sua, in urbibus suis, Israël, sacerdotes, Levitæ, Nathinæi, et filii servorum Salomonis.
Hi sunt itaque principes provinciæ qui habitaverunt in Ierusalem, et in civitatibus Iuda. Habitavit autem unusquisque in possessione sua, in urbibus suis, Israel, Sacerdotes, Levitæ, Nathinæi, et filii servorum Salomonis.
Hi sunt itaque principes provinciæ qui habitaverunt in Ierusalem, et in civitatibus Iuda. Habitavit autem unusquisque in possessione sua, in urbibus suis, Israel, Sacerdotes, Levitæ, Nathinæi, et filii servorum Salomonis.
Hi sunt itaque principes provinciæ qui habitaverunt in Jerusalem, et in civitatibus Juda. Habitavit autem unusquisque in possessione sua, in urbibus suis, Israël, sacerdotes, Levitæ, Nathinæi, et filii servorum Salomonis.
hii sunt itaque principes provinciae qui habitaverunt in Hierusalem et in civitatibus Iuda habitavit unusquisque in possessione sua in urbibus suis Israhel sacerdotes Levitae Nathinnei et filii servorum Salomonis
Hi sunt itaque principes provinciae qui habitaverunt in Ierusalem, et in civitatibus Iuda. Habitavit autem unusquisque in possessione sua, in urbibus suis, Israel, Sacerdotes, Levitae, Nathinaei, et filii servorum Salomonis.
Un šie ir tie valsts virsnieki, kas Jeruzālemē dzīvoja. Bet pa Jūda pilsētām dzīvoja ikviens savā iemantotā tiesā, savās pilsētās, Israēlieši, priesteri un leviti un Dieva nama kalpotāji un Salamana kalpu bērni.
Tala bakambi ya bituka oyo bavandaki na Yelusalemi; nzokande na tango wana, bana ya Isalaele, Banganga-Nzambe, Balevi, basali ya Tempelo mpe bakitani ya basali ya Salomo bavandaki kati na bingumba ya Yuda, moko na moko kati na mabele mpe engumba na ye;
Bano be bakungu b’amasaza abaasenga mu Yerusaalemi: Abayisirayiri abamu, nga mwe muli bakabona n’Abaleevi, n’abaweereza ab’omu yeekaalu, ne bazzukulu ba baddu ba Sulemaani; buli omu yabeeranga ku ttaka lye mu kibanja kye.
Ary izao no ben’ ny tany izay nonina tany Jerosalema; fa ny tao an-tanànan’ ny Joda samy nonina tao amin’ ny taniny avy, tao an-tanànany, dia ny Isiraely, ny mpisorona sy ny Levita sy ny Netinima ary ny taranaky ny mpanompon’ i Solomona.
Irezao o mpiaolo’ i borizà nimoneñe e Ierosalaimeoy, fe songa nimoneñe am-panaña’e amo rova’ Iehodao o nte-Israeleo, o mpisoroñeo naho o nte-Levio naho o mpitoroñ’ anjombao vaho o anam-pitoro’ i Selomòo.
യെരൂശലേമിൽ പാർത്ത സംസ്ഥാനത്തലവന്മാർ ഇവരാകുന്നു: യെഹൂദാ നഗരങ്ങളിൽ യിസ്രായേല്യരും പുരോഹിതന്മാരും ലേവ്യരും ദൈവാലയദാസന്മാരും ശലോമോന്റെ ദാസന്മാരുടെ മക്കളും ഓരോരുത്തൻ താന്താന്റെ പട്ടണത്തിലും അവകാശത്തിലും പാർത്തു.
യെരൂശലേമിൽ പാൎത്ത സംസ്ഥാനത്തലവന്മാർ ഇവരാകുന്നു: യെഹൂദാനഗരങ്ങളിൽ യിസ്രായേല്യരും പുരോഹിതന്മാരും ലേവ്യരും ദൈവാലയദാസന്മാരും ശലോമോന്റെ ദാസന്മാരുടെ മക്കളും ഓരോരുത്തൻ താന്താന്റെ പട്ടണത്തിലും അവകാശത്തിലും പാൎത്തു.
യെരൂശലേമിൽ പാർത്ത സംസ്ഥാനത്തലവന്മാർ ഇവരാകുന്നു: യെഹൂദാനഗരങ്ങളിൽ യിസ്രായേല്യരും പുരോഹിതന്മാരും ലേവ്യരും ദൈവാലയദാസന്മാരും ശലോമോന്റെ ദാസന്മാരുടെ മക്കളും ഓരോരുത്തൻ താന്താന്റെ പട്ടണത്തിലും അവകാശത്തിലും പാർത്തു.
ജെറുശലേമിൽ താമസമുറപ്പിച്ച പ്രവിശ്യയുടെ അധിപന്മാർ ഇവരായിരുന്നു (ചില ഇസ്രായേല്യരും പുരോഹിതന്മാരും ലേവ്യരും ദൈവാലയദാസരും ശലോമോന്റെ ദാസന്മാരുടെ പിൻതുടർച്ചക്കാരും യെഹൂദാനഗരങ്ങളിലെ വ്യത്യസ്ത പട്ടണങ്ങളിൽ അവരവരുടെ സ്ഥലത്ത് താമസിച്ചു.
जे प्रांताचे अधिकारी यरूशलेमात राहिले ते हेच होते. पण काही इस्राएल लोक, याजक, लेवी, मंदिराचे सेवेकरी व शलमोनाच्या सेवकांचे वंशज यहूदातील आपआपल्या नगरामध्ये व वतनात राहत होते.
အ​ခြား​မြို့​ရွာ​များ​တွင်​ဣ​သ​ရေ​လ​အ​မျိုး သား​များ၊ ယဇ်​ပု​ရော​ဟိတ်​များ၊ လေ​ဝိ​အ​နွယ် ဝင်​များ၊ ဗိ​မာန်​တော်​အ​လုပ်​သ​မား​များ၊ ရှော လ​မုန်​၏​အ​စေ​ခံ​များ​မှ​ဆင်း​သက်​လာ သူ​များ​သည်​ကိုယ်​ပိုင်​အိမ်​များ​တွင်​နေ​ထိုင် ကြ​လေ​သည်။ ယေ​ရု​ရှ​လင်​မြို့​တွင်​နေ​ထိုင်​သော​ယု​ဒ​ပြည် နယ်​အ​ကြီး​အ​ကဲ​များ​ကို​ဖော်​ပြ​အံ့။
ယုဒမြို့ရွာတို့တွင် ဣသရေလလူ၊ ယဇ်ပုရော ဟိတ်၊ လေဝိသား၊ ဘုရားကျွန်၊ ရှောလမုန့်၏ ကျွန် အမျိုးသားအသီးအသီးတို့သည် မိမိတို့ ဆိုင်ရာအရပ်၌ နေကြ၏။ ယေရုရှလင်မြို့၌နေသော ပြည်သူပြည်သား အကြီးအကဲ၊ မင်းအရာရှိဟူမူကား၊
ယုဒ မြို့ ရွာတို့တွင် ဣသရေလ လူ၊ ယဇ်ပုရောဟိတ် ၊ လေဝိ သား၊ ဘုရား ကျွန်၊ ရှောလမုန် ၏ ကျွန် အမျိုးသား အသီး အသီးတို့သည် မိမိ တို့ ဆိုင် ရာအရပ် ၌ နေ ကြ၏။ ယေရုရှလင် မြို့၌ နေ သော ပြည်သူပြည်သားအကြီး အကဲ၊ မင်းအရာရှိဟူမူကား၊
Na ko nga ariki enei o te kawanatanga i noho ki Hiruharama: i nga pa ia o Hura i noho ratou i tona wahi, i tona wahi, i o ratou pa, ara a Iharaira, nga tohunga, nga Riwaiti, nga Netinimi, ratou ko nga tama a nga pononga a Horomona.
Laba yibo abakhokheli bezigodi abayahlala eJerusalema (amanye ama-Israyeli, labaphristi, labaLevi, lezinceku zethempelini kanye labezizukulwane zezisebenzi zikaSolomoni bahlala emadolobheni akoJuda, ngulowo esabelweni sakhe emadolobheni ehlukeneyo,
Lezi-ke zinhloko zesabelo ezahlala eJerusalema. Kodwa emizini yakoJuda bahlala, ngulowo kumfuyo yakhe, emizini yabo: UIsrayeli, abapristi, lamaLevi, lamaNethini, labantwana benceku zikaSolomoni.
यरूशलेममा बस्‍ने प्रादेशिक अधिकारीहरू यी नै हुन् । तथापि केही इस्राएलीहरू, पुजारीहरू, लेवीहरू, मन्दिरका सेवकहरू र सोलोमनका सेवकहरूका सन्तानहरूचाहिँ यहूदाका सहरहरूमा आ-आफ्नै जग्गाजमिनमा बसोबास गरे ।
Dette er de familie-overhoder i landskapet som bodde i Jerusalem, og de som bodde i Judas byer, hver på sin eiendom, i sine byer, både av legfolket i Israel og av prestene, levittene, tempeltjenerne og efterkommerne av Salomos tjenere.
Dette er dei hovdingarne i jarleriket som budde i Jerusalem; men i Juda-byarne budde kvar i sin by der han hadde sin eigedom, vanlege israelitar, prestar, levitar, tempelsveinarne og søner etter Salomos trælar.
ପ୍ରଦେଶରେ ଏହି ପ୍ରଧାନବର୍ଗ ଯିରୂଶାଲମରେ ବାସ କଲେ; ମାତ୍ର ଯିହୁଦାର ନାନା ନଗରରେ ଲୋକମାନେ, ଅର୍ଥାତ୍‍, ଇସ୍ରାଏଲ, ଯାଜକମାନେ ଓ ଲେବୀୟମାନେ ଓ ନଥୀନୀୟମାନେ ଓ ଶଲୋମନଙ୍କର ଦାସଗଣର ସନ୍ତାନମାନେ ପ୍ରତ୍ୟେକେ ଆପଣା ଆପଣା ଅଧିକାରରେ ଆପଣା ଆପଣା ନଗରରେ ବାସ କଲେ।
Warri kunneen hooggantoota kutaa biyyaa kanneen Yerusaalem keessa qubatanii dha; magaalaawwan Yihuudaa keessa garuu tokkoon tokkoon isaanii qabeenya ofii isaaniitiin magaalaawwan ofii isaanii keessa jiraatan; isaanis: Israaʼeloota, luboota, Lewwota, tajaajiltoota mana qulqullummaa fi sanyiiwwan tajaajiltoota Solomoon;
ਇਹ ਉਸ ਸੂਬੇ ਦੇ ਆਗੂ ਹਨ ਜਿਹੜੇ ਯਰੂਸ਼ਲਮ ਵਿੱਚ ਵੱਸ ਗਏ ਪਰ ਯਹੂਦਾਹ ਦੇ ਸ਼ਹਿਰਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਹਰ ਮਨੁੱਖ ਆਪਣੀ ਨਿੱਜ ਭੂਮੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਵੱਸਦਾ ਸੀ ਅਰਥਾਤ ਇਸਰਾਏਲੀ, ਜਾਜਕ, ਲੇਵੀ, ਨਥੀਨੀਮ (ਭਵਨ ਦੇ ਸੇਵਕ) ਅਤੇ ਸੁਲੇਮਾਨ ਦੀ ਸੇਵਕਾਂ ਦੀ ਸੰਤਾਨ
و اینانند سروران بلدانی که دراورشلیم ساکن شدند، (و سایر اسرائیلیان وکاهنان و لاویان و نتینیم و پسران بندگان سلیمان، هر کس در ملک شهر خود، در شهرهای یهوداساکن شدند).
سایر مردم همراه عده‌ای از کاهنان، لاویان، خدمتگزاران خانۀ خدا و نسل خادمان سلیمان پادشاه در املاک اجدادی خود در شهرهای دیگر یهودا باقی ماندند،
A cić są przedniejsi onej krainy, którzy mieszkali w Jeruzalemie. (A w inszych miastach Judzkich mieszkał każdy w osiadłości swojej, i w miastach swych, Izraelczycy, kapłani, i Lewitowie, i Netynejczycy, i synowie sług Salomonowych.)
Oto naczelnicy tej prowincji, którzy zamieszkali w Jerozolimie – ale w innych miastach Judy mieszkali Izraelici, kapłani, Lewici, Netinici i synowie sług Salomona, każdy w swojej posiadłości, w swoim mieście:
E estes são os chefes da província que habitaram em Jerusalém (porém os israelitas, os sacerdotes e os levitas, os servos do templo, e os filhos dos servos de Salomão, nas cidades de Judá, habitaram cada um em sua possessão, em suas cidades).
E estes são os chefes da provincia, que habitaram em Jerusalem (porém nas cidades de Judah habitou cada um na sua possessão, nas suas cidades, Israel, os sacerdotes, e os levitas, e os nethineos, e os filhos dos servos de Salomão):
E estes são os chefes da província, que habitaram em Jerusalém (porém nas cidades de Judá habitou cada um na sua possessão, nas suas cidades, Israel, os sacerdotes, e os levitas, e os nethineos, e os filhos dos servos de Salomão):
Now estes são os chefes da província que viviam em Jerusalém; mas nas cidades de Judá, todos viviam em sua posse em suas cidades - Israel, os sacerdotes, os levitas, os servos do templo e os filhos dos servos de Salomão.
Ятэ кэпетенииле цинутулуй каре с-ау ашезат ла Иерусалим. Ын четэциле луй Иуда, фиекаре с-а ашезат ын мошия луй, ын четатя луй Исраел, преоций ши левиций, служиторий Темплулуй ши фиий робилор луй Соломон.
Acum, aceștia sunt mai marii provinciei care au locuit în Ierusalim; dar în cetățile lui Iuda au locuit fiecare în stăpânirea sa în cetățile lor, adică, Israel, preoții, și leviții și netinimii și copiii servitorilor lui Solomon.
Вот главы страны, которые жили в Иерусалиме, - а в городах Иудеи жили, всякий в своем владении, по городам своим: Израильтяне, священники, левиты и нефинеи и сыновья рабов Соломоновых;
Ово су главари земаљски који се населише у Јерусалиму, а по осталим градовима јудејским настанише се сваки на свом наследству по градовима својим Израиљци свештеници и Левити, Нетинеји и синови слуга Соломунових:
Ovo su glavari zemaljski koji se naseliše u Jerusalimu, a po ostalijem gradovima Judejskim nastaniše se svaki na svojem našljedstvu po gradovima svojim Izrailjci, sveštenici i Leviti, Netineji i sinovi sluga Solomunovijeh:
Ava ndivo vakuru vamatunhu vakandogara muJerusarema (zvino vamwe vavaIsraeri, vaprista, vaRevhi, vashandi vomutemberi nezvizvarwa zvavaranda vaSoromoni vakagara mumaguta aJudha, mumwe nomumwe panzvimbo yake mumaguta akasiyana-siyana,
И сии началницы страны, иже обиташа во Иерусалиме: и во градех Иудиных обиташе кийждо во одержании своем, во градех своих Израилевых, священницы и левити, и нафинее и сынове рабов Соломоновых.
Torej ti so vodje province, ki so prebivali v Jeruzalemu. Toda v judejskih mestih je vsak prebival na svoji posesti v svojih mestih, namreč Izrael, duhovniki, Lévijevci, Netinimci in otroci Salomonovih služabnikov.
Haddaba kuwanu waa madaxdii gobolka oo Yeruusaalem degay, laakiinse magaalooyinkii dalka Yahuudah mid waluba wuxuu degay meeshii hantidiisii ahayd oo ku tiil magaalooyinkoodii, oo waxay ahaayeen reer binu Israa'iil, iyo wadaaddadii, iyo kuwii reer Laawi, iyo reer Netiiniim, iyo carruurtii addoommadii Sulaymaan.
Y éstos son los cabezas de la provincia que moraron en Jerusalén; mas en las ciudades de Judá habitaron cada uno en su posesión en sus ciudades, de Israel, de los sacerdotes, levitas, netineos, y de los hijos de los siervos de Salomón.
Esta es una lista de los líderes de la provincia que vinieron a vivir a Jerusalén. (La mayoría de los israelitas vivían en su propia propiedad en las ciudades de Judá. Esto incluía a los sacerdotes, los levitas, los servidores del Templo y los descendientes de los servidores de Salomón que vivían en sus ciudades de origen.
Estos son los jefes de la provincia que vivían en Jerusalén; pero en las ciudades de Judá, cada uno vivía en su posesión en sus ciudades: los sacerdotes, los levitas, los servidores del templo y los hijos de los servidores de Salomón.
En las distintas ciudades de Judá cada uno vivió en la propiedad de los israelitas, sacerdotes y levitas, servidores y de los descendientes de los esclavos de Salomón.
He aquí los principales de la provincia que vivían en Jerusalén. (Los otros) vivían en las ciudades de Judá, cada uno en su posesión y en su ciudad, así Israel, como los sacerdotes, los levitas, los natineos y los hijos de los siervos de Salomón.
Y estos son las cabezas de la provincia que moraron en Jerusalem: y en las ciudades de Judá habitaron cada uno en su posesión en sus ciudades, de Israel, de los sacerdotes, y Levitas, y Natineos, y de los hijos de los siervos de Salomón.
Y estos son los principales de la provincia que moraron en Jerusalem; mas en las ciudades de Judá habitaron cada uno en su posesión en sus ciudades, de Israel, de los sacerdotes, y Levitas, y Nethineos, y de los hijos de los siervos de Salomón.
Estos son los jefes de las provincias del país que vivían en Jerusalén; pero en las ciudades de Judá todos vivían de su herencia en las ciudades, es decir, Israel, los sacerdotes, los levitas, los Servidores del templo y los hijos de los siervos de Salomón.
Hawa ndio viongozi wa mkoa ambao waliishi Yerusalemu. Hata hivyo, katika miji ya Yuda kila mtu aliishi katika nchi yake mwenyewe, ikiwa ni pamoja na Waisraeli, makuhani, Walawi, watumishi wa hekalu, na wazao wa watumishi wa Sulemani.
Hawa ndio viongozi wa majimbo waliokuja kuishi Yerusalemu (baadhi ya Waisraeli, makuhani, Walawi, watumishi wa Hekalu, na wazao wa watumishi wa Solomoni waliendelea kuishi katika miji ya Yuda, kila mmoja katika milki yake mwenyewe katika miji mbalimbali,
Och de huvudmän i hövdingdömet, som bodde i Jerusalem, bodde var och en där han hade sin arvsbesittning, i sin stad; vanliga israeliter, präster, leviter och tempelträlar, så ock Salomos tjänares barn.
Desse äro hufvuden i landskapen, de som i Jerusalem bodde; men i Juda städer bodde hvar och en på sina ägor, som i deras städer voro; nämliga Israel, Presterna, Leviterna, Nethinim och Salomos tjenares barn.
Och de huvudmän i hövdingdömet, som bodde i Jerusalem, bodde var och en där han hade sin arvsbesittning, i sin stad; vanliga israeliter, präster, leviter och tempelträlar, så ock Salomos tjänares barn.
Ang mga ito nga ang mga pinuno sa lalawigan na nagsitahan sa Jerusalem: nguni't sa bayan ng Juda ay tumahan bawa't isa sa kaniyang pag-aari sa kanilang mga bayan, sa makatuwid baga'y ang Israel, ang mga saserdote, at ang mga Levita, at ang mga Nethineo, at ang mga anak ng mga lingkod ni Salomon.
Ito ang mga pinuno sa lalawigan na nanirahan sa Jerusalem. Gayumpaman, sa mga bayan ng Juda, bawat isa ay nanirahan sa kaniyang sariling lupa, kasama ang ilang mga Israelita, mga pari, mga Levita, mga tagapaglingkod sa templo at mga kaapu-apuhan ng mga lingkod ni Solomon.
யூதாவின் பட்டணங்களில் இஸ்ரவேலர்களும், ஆசாரியர்களும், லேவியர்களும், ஆலயப் பணியாளர்களும், சாலொமோனுடைய வேலைக்காரர்களின் சந்ததிகளும், அவரவர் தங்கள் பட்டணங்களிலுள்ள தங்கள் சொந்த இடத்திலே குடியிருந்தார்கள்; எருசலேமிலே குடியிருந்த நாடுகளின் தலைவர்கள் யாரென்றால்:
எருசலேமில் குடியமர்ந்த மாகாணத் தலைவர்களின் பெயர்கள்: ஆயினும் இஸ்ரயேலரிலும், ஆசாரியர்களிலும், லேவியர்களிலும், ஆலய பணியாட்களிலும், சாலொமோனின் வேலையாட்களின் வழித்தோன்றல்களிலும் உள்ள பலர் யூதாவிலுள்ள பல்வேறுபட்ட பட்டணங்களிலுள்ள தங்களுக்குச் சொந்தமான இடங்களில் தொடர்ந்து வாழ்ந்தார்கள்.
ఇశ్రాయేలీయులు, యాజకులు, లేవీయులు, దేవాలయ సేవకులు, సొలొమోను సేవకుల వంశాలవారు, దేశంలో ప్రముఖులు యెరూషలేం, యూదా పట్టణాల్లో వారికి నిర్దేశించిన ప్రాంతాల్లో నివసించారు.
Pea ko e kau tuʻukimuʻa eni ʻoe puleʻanga naʻe nofo ʻi Selūsalema: ka ʻi he ngaahi kolo ʻo Siuta naʻe nofo taki taha ʻi hono tofiʻa ʻi honau ngaahi kolo, ʻio, ʻa ʻIsileli, mo e kau taulaʻeiki, mo e kau Livai, mo e kau Netenimi, mo e fānau ʻae kau tamaioʻeiki ʻa Solomone.
Yeruşalim'e yerleşen bölge önderleri şunlardır: –Ancak bazı İsrailliler, kâhinler, Levililer, tapınak görevlileri, Süleyman'ın kullarının soyundan gelenler Yahuda kentlerine, her biri kendi kentindeki kendi mülküne yerleşti.
Amantam mu mpanyimfo a wɔbaa Yerusalem no din na wɔakyerɛw wɔ ha yi. Ɔmanfo no mu fa kɛse a wɔyɛ asɔfo, Lewifo, Asɔredan mu asomfo ne Salomo asomfo asefo no kɔɔ so tenaa wɔn ankasa afi mu wɔ Yuda nkurow ahorow so,
Amantam mu mpanimfoɔ a wɔbaa Yerusalem no din na wɔatwerɛ wɔ ha yi. Ɔmanfoɔ no mu fa kɛseɛ a wɔyɛ asɔfoɔ, Lewifoɔ, Asɔredan mu asomfoɔ ne Salomo asomfoɔ asefoɔ no kɔɔ so tenaa wɔn ankasa afie mu wɔ Yuda nkuro ahodoɔ so,
А оце го́лови окру́ги, що сиділи в Єрусалимі, а по Юдиних міста́х сиділи, кожен у своїй посі́лості, по своїх міста́х, Ізра́їль, священики, і Левити, і храмові підда́нці, і сини Соломонових рабів.
उस सूबे के सरदार, जो येरूशलेम में आ बसे ये हैं; लेकिन यहूदाह के शहरों में हर एक अपने शहर में अपनी ही मिल्कियत में रहता था, या'नी अहल — ए — इस्राईल और काहिन और लावी और नतीनीम, और सुलेमान के मुलाज़िमों की औलाद।
يەھۇدىيە ئۆلكىسىدىن، يېرۇسالېمغا ماكانلىشىپ قالغان بەگ-ئەمىرلەر تۆۋەندىكىدەك (ئىسرائىللار، كاھىنلار، لاۋىيلار، ئىبادەتخانا خىزمەتكارلىرى ۋە سۇلايماننىڭ خىزمەتكارلىرىنىڭ ئەۋلادلىرى يەھۇدىيە شەھەرلىرىدە، ھەربىرى ئۆز تەۋەلىكىدە ماكانلاشقان بولسىمۇ، يەھۇدالاردىن ۋە بىنيامىنلاردىن بەزىلىرى يېرۇسالېمدا ماكانلاشتى): ــ بۇلارنىڭ ئىچىدە، يەھۇدالاردىن: ــ پەرەزنىڭ ئەۋلادىدىن بولغان ئۇززىيانىڭ ئوغلى ئاتايا؛ ئۇززىيا زەكەرىيانىڭ ئوغلى، زەكەرىيا ئامارىيانىڭ ئوغلى، ئامارىيا شەفاتىيانىڭ ئوغلى، شەفاتىيا ماھالالېلنىڭ ئوغلى ئىدى.
Йәһудийә өлкисидин, Йерусалимға маканлишип қалған бәг-әмирләр төвәндикидәк (Исраиллар, каһинлар, Лавийлар, ибадәтхана хизмәткарлири вә Сулайманниң хизмәткарлириниң әвлатлири Йәһудийә шәһәрлиридә, һәр бири өз тәвәлигидә маканлашқан болсиму, Йәһудалардин вә Биняминлардин бәзилири Йерусалимда маканлашти): — Буларниң ичидә, Йәһудалардин: — Пәрәзниң әвладидин болған Уззияниң оғли Атая; Уззия Зәкәрияниң оғли, Зәкәрия Амарияниң оғли, Амария Шәфатияниң оғли, Шәфатия Маһалалелниң оғли еди.
Yehudiye ölkisidin, Yérusalémgha makanliship qalghan beg-emirler töwendikidek (Israillar, kahinlar, Lawiylar, ibadetxana xizmetkarliri we Sulaymanning xizmetkarlirining ewladliri Yehudiye sheherliride, herbiri öz tewelikide makanlashqan bolsimu, Yehudalardin we Binyaminlardin beziliri Yérusalémda makanlashti): — Bularning ichide, Yehudalardin: — Perezning ewladidin bolghan Uzziyaning oghli Ataya; Uzziya Zekeriyaning oghli, Zekeriya Amariyaning oghli, Amariya Shefatiyaning oghli, Shefatiya Mahalalélning oghli idi.
Yǝⱨudiyǝ ɵlkisidin, Yerusalemƣa makanlixip ⱪalƣan bǝg-ǝmirlǝr tɵwǝndikidǝk (Israillar, kaⱨinlar, Lawiylar, ibadǝthana hizmǝtkarliri wǝ Sulaymanning hizmǝtkarlirining ǝwladliri Yǝⱨudiyǝ xǝⱨǝrliridǝ, ⱨǝrbiri ɵz tǝwǝlikidǝ makanlaxⱪan bolsimu, Yǝⱨudalardin wǝ Binyaminlardin bǝziliri Yerusalemda makanlaxti): — Bularning iqidǝ, Yǝⱨudalardin: — Pǝrǝzning ǝwladidin bolƣan Uzziyaning oƣli Ataya; Uzziya Zǝkǝriyaning oƣli, Zǝkǝriya Amariyaning oƣli, Amariya Xǝfatiyaning oƣli, Xǝfatiya Maⱨalalelning oƣli idi.
Vả, đây là những quan trưởng hàng tỉnh ở tại Giê-ru-sa-lem; nhưng trong các thành Giu-đa, ai nấy đều ở trong đất mình tại trong bổn thành của mình: ấy là dân Y-sơ-ra-ên, những thầy tế lễ, người Lê-vi, người Nê-thi-nim, và con cháu của các tôi tớ Sa-lô-môn.
Vả, đây là những quan trưởng hàng tỉnh ở tại Giê-ru-sa-lem; nhưng trong các thành Giu-đa, ai nấy đều ở trong đất mình tại trong bổn thành của mình: ấy là dân Y-sơ-ra-ên, những thầy tế lễ, người Lê-vi, người Nê-thi-nim, và con cháu của các tôi tớ Sa-lô-môn.
Sau đây là danh sách các nhà lãnh đạo cấp tỉnh sống tại Giê-ru-sa-lem. (Mặc dù đa số các nhà lãnh đạo toàn dân Ít-ra-ên, các thầy tế lễ người Lê-vi, người phục dịch Đền Thờ, và con cháu quần thần Sa-lô-môn vẫn sống trong đất mình tại các thành khác thuộc Giu-đa,
Wọ̀nyí ni àwọn olórí agbègbè ìjọba tí wọ́n tẹ̀dó sí Jerusalẹmu (díẹ̀ nínú àwọn ọmọ Israẹli àwọn àlùfáà, àwọn ọmọ Lefi, àwọn ìránṣẹ́ tẹmpili àti àwọn ìran àwọn ìránṣẹ́ Solomoni ń gbé àwọn ìlú Juda, olúkúlùkù ń gbé lórí ilẹ̀ ìní rẹ̀ ní àwọn ìlú náà.
Verse Count = 212

< Nehemiah 11:3 >