< Mark 10:24 >

The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus answered again, “Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter into God’s Kingdom!
हाई ऐकीसन शिष्यसले आश्चर्य वाटणं, येशुनी त्यासले परत सांगं, “मना पोऱ्यासवन, देवना राज्यमा प्रवेश करनं कितलं कठीण शे!
Dishepujt u habitën shumë nga këto fjalë të tij. Por Jezusi foli përsëri dhe u tha atyre: “O bij, sa e vështirë është që të hyjnë në mbretërinë e Perëndisë ata që mbështeten te pasuria.
Nono katuwa me nidowo mine wati cancam nin tigbulang me Yisa tutun kuru a belle nani nono nig ubayitu nin nijasi unan nimon nacara piru kilari tigoh Kutellẹ!
فَتَحَيَّرَ ٱلتَّلَامِيذُ مِنْ كَلَامِهِ. فَأَجَابَ يَسُوعُ أَيْضًا وَقَالَ لَهُمْ: «يَا بَنِيَّ، مَا أَعْسَرَ دُخُولَ ٱلْمُتَّكِلِينَ عَلَى ٱلْأَمْوَالِ إِلَى مَلَكُوتِ ٱللهِ!
فَدُهِشَ التَّلامِيذُ لِهذَا الْكَلامِ. فَعَادَ يَسُوعُ يَقُولُ لَهُمْ: «يَا بَنِيَّ، مَا أَصْعَبَ دُخُولَ الْمُتَّكِلِينَ عَلَى الْمَالِ إِلَى مَلَكُوتِ اللهِ!
ܬܠܡܝܕܐ ܕܝܢ ܡܬܕܡܪܝܢ ܗܘܘ ܥܠ ܡܠܘܗܝ ܘܥܢܐ ܬܘܒ ܝܫܘܥ ܘܐܡܪ ܠܗܘܢ ܒܢܝ ܟܡܐ ܥܛܠܐ ܠܐܝܠܝܢ ܕܬܟܝܠܝܢ ܥܠ ܢܟܤܝܗܘܢ ܕܢܥܠܘܢ ܠܡܠܟܘܬܗ ܕܐܠܗܐ
Եւ աշակերտները զարմացած էին նրա խօսքերի վրայ. իսկ Յիսուս դարձեալ պատասխանեց նրանց եւ ասաց. «Զաւակնե՛րս, ինչքա՜ն դժուար է Աստծու արքայութիւն մտնել նրանց համար, որ իրենց յոյսը դրել են հարստութեան վրայ:
Աշակերտները այլայլեցան անոր խօսքերէն. բայց Յիսուս դարձեալ ըսաւ անոնց. «Զաւակնե՛ր, ո՜րչափ դժուար է Աստուծոյ թագաւորութիւնը մտնել՝ իրենց դրամին վստահողներուն:
তেওঁৰ সেই কথাত শিষ্য সকলে বিস্ময় মানিলে। কিন্তু যীচুৱে পুনৰ তেওঁলোকক ক’লে, “হে সন্তান সকল, যি সকলে ধনত ভাৰসা কৰে, তেওঁলোক ঈশ্বৰৰ ৰাজ্যত সোমোৱা কেনে দুঃসাধ্য!
Onun sözlərindən şagirdləri heyrət bürüdü. Amma İsa yenə onlara cavab verib dedi: «Övladlarım, Allahın Padşahlığına daxil olmaq nə qədər çətindir!
Eta discipuluac spanta citecen hitz hauçaz. Baina Iesusec berriz ihardesten çuela erran ciecén, Haourrác, cein gaitz den abrastassunetan fida diradenac, Iaincoaren resumán sar ditecen.
Yesu Ea ado ba: su dunu da Ea sia: nababeba: le, fofogadigi. Be Yesu da bu adole i, “Nagofelali! Gode Ea Hinadafa Hou amoga heda: su logo da ga: nasidafa.
Kahchu yaotatichne yazake kaooghulli. Ahwole Jesus ateyatetla kahchu toowehchu yehti, Tsitohkaine, tahtye indatlaooh ayi kiyasooli mehmehetatintlon kwewootyelu Nagha Tgha mataghe tsi!
তাঁর কথা শুনে শিষ্যরা অবাক হয়ে গেলো; কিন্তু যীশু আবার তাদের বললেন, সন্তানেরা যারা ধন সম্পত্তিতে নির্ভর করে, তাদের পক্ষে ঈশ্বরের রাজ্যে ঢোকা অনেক কঠিন!
শিষ্যেরা তাঁর কথা শুনে বিস্মিত হলেন। কিন্তু যীশু আবার বললেন, “বৎসেরা, যারা ধনসম্পদে নির্ভর করে, তাদের পক্ষে ঈশ্বরের রাজ্যে প্রবেশ করা কেমন কঠিন!
यीशुएरे चेले तैसेरी गल्लां शुन्तां हैरान भोए। पन यीशुए फिरी तैन सेइं ज़ोवं, “हे मट्ठाव, ज़ैना धने पुड़ भरोसो रखतन, तैन केरे लेइ परमेशरेरे राज़्ज़े मां दाखल भोनू बड़ू मुश्किल आए!
तालू चेले यीशुऐ दियां गल्लां सुणी की हेरान होई गे, यीशुऐ बोलया मेरे भाईयो, जड़ा कोई अपणे पैसयां उपर भरोसा करदा है, उना तांई परमेश्वरे दे राज्य जो जाणा बड़ा मुशकिल है।
ଜିସୁର୍‌ କଃତାସୁଣି ଚେଲାମଃନ୍ ବଃଡେ କାବା ଅୟ୍‌ଲାୟ୍‌ । ମଃତର୍‌ ଜିସୁ ଆରେକ୍‌ ଗଟ୍‌ତର୍‌ କୟ୍‌ଲା, “ହିଲାମଃନ୍‌ ସୁଣା, ଇସ୍ୱରାର୍‌ ରାଇଜେ ଜଃଉଁକେ ବଃଡେ ହାବଳ୍‌ ।
B́ danifwots b́keewman shisht bo adi, Iyesusmó aani hank'owa bí et, «Nanawotso! Ik' mengsto maants kindo aak'o kic'itke!
An diskibien a voe souezhet eus ar c'homzoù-se. Met Jezuz, oc'h adkemer ar gomz, a lavaras dezho: Va bugale, pegen diaes eo d'ar re a laka o fiziañs er madoù mont e rouantelezh Doue!
Almajere ma ba hanyue ni wotre ki i yesu lar tre burbru adi a hei niyah do ndi u wo du ri tar rji
А учениците се смайваха за Неговите думи. Но в отговор Исус пак им каза: Чада, колко е мъчно да влязат в Божието царство ония, които уповават на богатството.
Ang mga disipulo nahibulong sa iyang gipamulong. Apan si Jesus miingon ngadto kanila pag-usab, “Mga anak, lisod gayod ang pagsulod didto sa gingharian sa Dios!
"Ug ang mga tinun-an nahibulong tungod sa iyang mga pulong. Apan kanila si Jesus misulti pag-usab nga nag-ingon, " Mga anak, alang sa mga managsalig sa bahandi pagkalisud gayud ang pagsulod sa gingharian sa Dios!
Ya y disipulo sija ninafanmanman ni sinanganña: Lao si Jesus manope ilegña talo: Famaguon, na minapot manjalom, gui raenon Yuus y umangongoco sija gui güinaja!
Ophunzira anadabwa ndi mawu ake. Koma Yesu anatinso, “Ananu, nʼkovutadi kulowa mu ufumu wakumwamba!
Acuna ngthua phäha axüisaw he cun aktäa cäiki he. Acunüng Jesuh naw, “Ka ca he aw, Pamhnama khaw luh vai aktäa khak ve!
A hnukbang kaminawk loe a thuih ih lok pongah paroeai dawnrai o. Toe Jesu mah nihcae khaeah, Nawktanawk, long angraenghaih oep kaminawk loe Sithaw mah siangpahrang ah uk ih prae thungah akun hanah kawkruk maw rai! tiah pathim pae let.
Te dongah Jesuh olka dongah hnukbang rhoek tah a ngaihmang uh. Tedae Jesuh loh amih te koep a doo tih, “Camoe rhoek aih khaw, Pathen kah ram la kun ham te kuel kahlak la om ta.
Te dongah Jesuh olka dongah hnukbang rhoek tah a ngaihmang uh. Tedae Jesuh loh amih te koep a doo tih, “Camoe rhoek aih khaw, Pathen kah ram la kun ham te kuel kahlak la om ta.
Ak awih kqawnnaak awh a hubatkhqi taw aming ngaih na kyi hy. Cehlai Jesu ing, “Naasenkhqi, boei ak ypnaak thlangkhqi ham Khawsa qam khuiawh lut ve kyi soeih mah hy.
Taciang a nungzui te in Jesus i son thu hang in lungmang mamatek uh hi. Ahihang Jesus in amate tung ah, Ka tate awng, hauna a muang te atu in Pathian kumpingam sung ah tum tu sia bangza in haksa ziam!
Athusei chu aseijuiten adatmo lheh-uve, ahinlah Yeshuan asei kit'in, “Chateho, Pathen Lenggama luttheina ding hi thil hahsatah jong ahi,
A hnukkâbangnaw ni hote lawk a thai awh navah kângai lah a ru awh. Jisuh ni ka canaw, talai hno dawk a lung kapen e tami teh Cathut uknaeram dawk a kâen hane a ru poung bout atipouh.
门徒希奇他的话。耶稣又对他们说:“小子,倚靠钱财的人进 神的国是何等地难哪!
門徒就都驚奇他這句話。耶穌又對他們說:「孩子們! 仗恃錢財的人,進天主的國是多麼難啊!
Ŵakulijiganya ŵagasimosile maloŵe gao, nambo Che Yesu ŵaasalile sooni, “Achiŵanangu, chiilimbe kwannope kwa ŵandu kwalechelela Akunnungu ŵaatawale!
ⲛⲓⲙⲁⲑⲏⲧⲏⲥ ⲇⲉ ⲛⲁⲩⲉⲣϩⲟϯ ⲡⲉ ⳿ⲉϫⲉⲛ ⲡⲓⲥⲁϫⲓ Ⲓⲏ̅ⲥ̅ ⲇⲉ ⲟⲛ ⳿ⲉⲧⲁϥ⳿ⲉⲣⲟⲩ⳿ⲱ ⲛⲱⲟⲩ ⲡⲉϫⲁϥ ϫⲉ ⲛⲁϣⲏⲣⲓ ⲡⲱⲥ ⳿ⲥⲙⲟⲕϩ ⳿ⲛⲧⲉ ⲛⲏ⳿ⲉⲧⲉ ⳿ϩⲑⲏⲟⲩ ⲭⲏ ⳿ⲉϩⲁⲛ⳿ⲭⲣⲏⲙⲁ ⳿ⲉ⳿ⲓ ⳿ⲉϧⲟⲩⲛ ⳿ⲉϯⲙⲉⲧⲟⲩⲣⲟ ⳿ⲛⲧⲉ ⲫϯ.
ⲙⲙⲁⲑⲏⲧⲏⲥ ⲇⲉ ⲁⲩϣⲧⲟⲣⲧⲣ ⲉϫⲛ ⲛⲉϥϣⲁϫⲉ ⲓⲏⲥ ⲇⲉ ⲁϥⲟⲩⲱϣⲃ ⲟⲛ ⲉϥϫⲱ ⲙⲙⲟⲥ ⲛⲁⲩ ϫⲉ ⲛⲁϣⲏⲣⲉ ⲉⲧⲃⲉ ⲟⲩ ⲥⲙⲟⲕϩ ⲛⲁⲩ ⲉⲧⲣⲉⲩⲃⲱⲕ ⲉϩⲟⲩⲛ ⲉⲧⲙⲛⲧⲣⲣⲟ ⲙⲡⲛⲟⲩⲧⲉ
ⲙ̅ⲙⲁⲑⲏⲧⲏⲥ ⲇⲉ ⲁⲩϣⲧⲟⲣⲧⲣ̅ ⲉϫⲛ̅ⲛⲉϥϣⲁϫⲉ. ⲓ̅ⲥ̅ ⲇⲉ ⲁϥⲟⲩⲱϣⲃ̅ ⲟⲛ ⲉϥϫⲱ ⲙ̅ⲙⲟⲥ ⲛⲁⲩ. ϫⲉ ⲛⲁϣⲏⲣⲉ ⲉⲧⲃⲉⲟⲩ ⲥⲙⲟⲕϩ ⲛⲁⲩ ⲉⲧⲣⲉⲩⲃⲱⲕ ⲉϩⲟⲩⲛ ⲉⲧⲙⲛ̅ⲧⲉⲣⲟ ⲙ̅ⲡⲛⲟⲩⲧⲉ.
Učenici ostadoše zapanjeni tim njegovim riječima. Zato im Isus ponovi: “Djeco, kako je teško u kraljevstvo Božje!
Tedy učedlníci užasli se nad těmi řečmi jeho. Ježíš pak zase odpověděv, dí jim: Synáčkové, kterak nesnadné jest doufajícím v statek do království Božího vjíti.
Tedy učedlníci užasli se nad řečmi jeho. Ježíš pak zase odpověděv, dí jim: Synáčkové, kterak nesnadné jest doufajícím v statek do království Božího vjíti.
To je zarazilo. Není snad majetek důkazem Boží přízně? „Přátelé, do Božího království se těžko dostanou ti, pro které jsou peníze a majetek smyslem života.
Men Disciplene bleve forfærdede over hans Ord. Men Jesus tog atter, til Orde og siger til dem: "Børn, hvor vanskeligt er det, at de som forlade sig på Rigdom, kunne komme ind i Guds Rige!
Men Disciplene bleve forfærdede over hans Ord. Men Jesus tog atter til Orde og siger til dem: „Børn, hvor vanskeligt er det, at [de, som forlade sig paa Rigdom, kunne] komme ind i Guds Rige!
Men Disciplene bleve forfærdede over hans Ord. Men Jesus tog atter til Orde og siger til dem: „Børn, hvor vanskeligt er det, at [de, som forlade sig paa Rigdom, kunne] komme ind i Guds Rige!
ଜିସୁର୍‌ କାତା ସୁନିକରି ସିସ୍‌ମନ୍‌ କାବା ଅଇଗାଲାଇ । ମାତର୍‌ ଜିସୁ ସେମନ୍‌କେ ଆରିତରେକ୍‌ କଇଲା, “ଏ ମର୍‌ ପିଲାମନ୍‌ ପର୍‌ମେସରର୍‌ ରାଇଜେ ଜିବାଟା ଲକ୍‌ମନ୍‌କେ କେଡେକ୍‍ କସ୍‌ଟ!
Jopuonjrene nowuoro wechegego. To Yesu nomedo wuoyo kodgi kawacho niya, “Nyithindo, mano kaka en gima tek mondo ngʼato odonji e pinyruoth Nyasaye!
Basikwiiya bakagamba kumajwi akwe.
En de discipelen werden verbaasd over deze Zijn woorden. Maar Jezus wederom antwoordende, zeide tot hen: Kinderen! Hoe zwaar is het, dat degenen, die op het goed hun betrouwen zetten, in het Koninkrijk Gods ingaan!
De leerlingen waren verbaasd over zijn woorden. Maar Jesus hernam, en zeide tot hen: Kinderen, hoe moeilijk is het toch, het koninkrijk Gods binnen te gaan!
En de discipelen werden verbaasd over deze Zijn woorden. Maar Jezus, wederom antwoordende, zeide tot hen: Kinderen! Hoe zwaar is het, dat degenen, die op het goed hun betrouwen zetten, in het Koninkrijk Gods ingaan!
And the disciples were astonished at his words. But again having answered, Jesus says to them, Children, how difficult it is for those who trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God.
The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus answered again, “Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter into God’s Kingdom!
And the disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!
And his disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus, answering again, said to them: Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God!
And the disciples were amazed at His words. But Jesus said to them again, “Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God!
And the disciples were full of wonder at his words. But Jesus said to them again, Children, how hard it is for those who put faith in wealth to come into the kingdom of God!
The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said to them again, “Children, how difficult it is for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God!
And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus, answering again, said to them: “Little sons, how difficult it is for those who trust in money to enter into the kingdom of God!
And the disciples were amazed at his words. And Jesus again answering says to them, Children, how difficult it is that those who trust in riches should enter into the kingdom of God!
And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus again answering, saith to them: Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches, to enter into the kingdom of God?
But the disciples were astounded at His words. So Jesus tried again and said to them: “Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the Kingdom of God.
The disciples were shocked at this. But Jesus went on, “My friends, it is difficult to enter God's kingdom.
And his disciples were afraide at his words. But Iesus answered againe, and sayd vnto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches, to enter into the kingdome of God!
And the disciples were astonished at His words, and Jesus again responding, says to them, Children, how difficult it is to enter into the kingdom of God!
Then his disciples were astonished at these words. But Jesus again addressing them, said unto them, Children, how difficult is it for those who trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!
And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus repeating it, saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them, that trust in riches, to enter into the kingdom of God!
And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!
And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answers again, and says to them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!
And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!
And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Yahushua answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of YHWH!
And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!
And the disciples were astonished at his words. (logos) But Jesus answers again, and says unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!
And the disciples were astonished at His words, and Jesus again answering says to them, “Children, how hard it is to those trusting on riches to enter into the Kingdom of God!
The disciples were astonished at his words; but Jesus resuming the discourse, said, Children, how difficult is it for them, who confide in wealth, to enter the kingdom of God!
The disciples were amazed at his words. Jesus looked around and said again to them.
The disciples were amazed at his words. But Yeshua answered again and said to them, "Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God.
The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus answered again and said to them, "Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God.
The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus answered again and said to them, "Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God.
The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus answered again and said to them, "Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God.
The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus answered again and said to them, "Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God.
The talmidim were amazed at his words. But Yeshua answered again and said to them, "Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God.
And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answering again saith to them, Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God!
The disciples were amazed at his words. But Yeshua [Salvation] answered again, “Children, how hard is it for those who trust in riches to enter into God’s Kingdom!
The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said again, ‘My children, how hard a thing it is to enter the kingdom of God!
The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said again, “My children, how hard a thing it is to enter the kingdom of God!
And the disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!
And, the disciples, were in amazement, because of the words. But, Jesus, again answering, saith unto them—Children! how difficult, it is, to enter, into the kingdom of God!
And the disciples were astonished at the words of Him. But Jesus again answering He says to them; Children, how difficult it is (having trusted upon *KO*) (*K*) (riches *KO*) into the kingdom of God to enter!
the/this/who then disciple to astonish upon/to/against the/this/who word it/s/he the/this/who then Jesus again to answer to say it/s/he child how! difficult to be (the/this/who to persuade upon/to/against *KO*) (the/this/who *K*) (money *KO*) toward the/this/who kingdom the/this/who God to enter
But his disciples were astonished at his words. And Jeshu answered again, and said to them, My sons, how hard (is it) for those who trust on their riches to enter into the kingdom of Aloha!
And the disciples wondered at the remark. And Jesus, replied again, and said to them: My children, how hard it is, for those who trust in riches, to enter into the kingdom of God.
The disciples were surprised at what he said. [They thought that God favored the rich people, so if God did not save them, he would not save anyone]. So Jesus replied again to them, “My dear friends, it is very difficult for anyone [to decide] to let God rule his life.
The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said again: “My children, how hard a thing it is to enter the Kingdom of God!
And his disciples were astonneyd at his wordes. But Iesus answered agayne and sayde vnto them: chyldre how harde is it for them that trust in riches to entre in to the kyngdome of God.
The disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus said to them again, “Children, how hard it is to enter into the kingdom of God!
And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith to them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!
And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith to them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!
The disciples were amazed at His words. Jesus, however, said again, "Children, how hard a struggle is it for those who trust in riches to enter the Kingdom of God!
The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus answered again, “Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter into God’s Kingdom!
The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus answered again, “Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter into God’s Kingdom!
The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus answered again, “Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter into God’s Kingdom!
The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus answered again, “Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter into God’s Kingdom!
The disciples were amazed at his words. But Yeshua answered again, “Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter into God’s Kingdom!
The disciples were amazed at his words. But Yeshua answered again, “Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter into God’s Kingdom!
And the disciplis weren astonyed in hise wordis. And Jhesus eftsoone answeride, and seide `to hem, Ye litle children, hou hard it is for men that tristen in ritchessis to entre in to the kyngdom of God.
And the disciples were astonished at his words, and Jesus again answering saith to them, 'Children, how hard is it to those trusting on the riches to enter into the reign of God!
Kaj la disĉiploj miris pro liaj vortoj. Sed Jesuo, respondante denove, diris al ili: Infanoj, kiel malfacile estas por tiuj, kiuj fidas al la riĉo, eniri en la regnon de Dio!
Jüngrid olid sellest vapustatud. Kuid Jeesus jätkas: „Mu sõbrad, Jumala riiki on raske pääseda.
Nya siawo wɔ nuku na nusrɔ̃lawo ŋutɔ. Yesu gagblɔ be, “Vinyewo, asesẽ na ame siwo ɖoa ŋu ɖe woƒe kesinɔnuwo ŋu be woayi ɖe mawufiaɖuƒe la me!
Mutta opetuslapset hämmästyivät näistä hänen sanoistansa. Niin Jesus taas vastaten sanoi: rakkaat pojat! kuinkas työläs on niiden tulla Jumalan valtakuntaan, jotka tavaroihinsa uskaltavat.
Niin opetuslapset hämmästyivät hänen sanoistaan. Mutta Jeesus rupesi taas puhumaan ja sanoi heille: "Lapset, kuinka vaikea onkaan niiden, jotka luottavat tavaraansa, päästä Jumalan valtakuntaan!
En de discipelen werden verwonderd over zijn woorden. Maar Jezus antwoordde wederom en zeide tot hen: Kinderen! hoe bezwaarlijk is het voor hen die op hun goederen vertrouwen, tot het koninkrijk Gods in te gaan!
Comme les disciples étaient étonnés de ses paroles, Jésus reprit: " Mes petits enfants, qu'il est difficile à ceux qui se confient dans les richesses, d'entrer dans le royaume de Dieu!
Les disciples étaient stupéfaits de ses paroles. Mais Jésus reprit la parole: « Enfants, comme il est difficile à ceux qui se confient dans les richesses d'entrer dans le Royaume de Dieu!
Et les disciples s’étonnèrent de ses paroles; et Jésus, répondant encore, leur dit: Enfants, combien il est difficile à ceux qui se confient aux richesses d’entrer dans le royaume de Dieu!
Et ses Disciples s'étonnèrent de ces paroles; mais Jésus prenant encore la parole, leur dit: mes enfants, qu'il est difficile à ceux qui se confient aux richesses d'entrer dans le Royaume de Dieu!
Or ses disciples étaient tout étonnés de ce discours; mais Jésus prenant de nouveau la parole, leur dit: Mes enfants bien-aimés, qu’il est difficile à ceux qui se confient dans les richesses, d’entrer dans le royaume de Dieu!
Les disciples furent étonnés de ce que Jésus parlait ainsi. Et, reprenant, il leur dit: Mes enfants, qu’il est difficile à ceux qui se confient dans les richesses d’entrer dans le royaume de Dieu!
Comme les disciples étaient étonnés de ses paroles, Jésus reprit: « Mes petits enfants, qu’il est difficile à ceux qui se confient dans les richesses, d’entrer dans le royaume de Dieu!
Ils furent stupéfaits de ces paroles. Alors Jésus reprit: «Mes enfants, qu'il est difficile à ceux qui mettent leur confiance dans les richesses d'entrer dans le royaume de Dieu!
Et ses disciples furent étonnés de ce discours. Mais Jésus, reprenant la parole, leur dit: Mes enfants, qu'il est difficile à ceux qui se confient dans les richesses d'entrer dans le royaume de Dieu!
Mais les disciples étaient terrifiés de son langage; sur quoi Jésus, prenant derechef la parole leur dit: « Mes enfants, qu'il est difficile d'entrer dans le royaume de Dieu!
Ces paroles surprenaient les disciples. Jésus reprit alors en ces termes: «Qu'il est difficile, mes enfants, d'entrer dans le Royaume de Dieu!
Ses disciples furent étonnés de ces paroles. Mais Jésus, reprenant, leur dit: Mes enfants, qu'il est difficile à ceux qui se confient dans les richesses d'entrer dans le royaume de Dieu!
Iza kalizaytikka iza hasa7an malaletida. Yesusay qasse zaridi “nayto, Xoossa kawoteth geloy ay mala dexo miishe!
Die Jünger waren über diese Worte betroffen. Doch Jesus wiederholte ihnen: "Kinder, wie schwer ist doch (für Leute die am Geld hängen, ) der Eingang in Gottes Königreich!
Die Jünger waren über seine Worte sehr betroffen. Doch Jesus sprach noch einmal zu ihnen: "Kinder! Wie schwer ist es doch für die, die auf ihr Geld vertrauen, in das Reich Gottes zu kommen!
Die Jünger aber entsetzten sich über seine Worte. Jesus aber antwortete wiederum und spricht zu ihnen: Kinder, wie schwer ist es, daß die, welche auf Güter [O. Vermögen, Geld] vertrauen, in das Reich Gottes eingehen!
Die Jünger aber entsetzten sich über seine Worte. Jesus aber antwortete wiederum und spricht zu ihnen: Kinder, wie schwer ist es, daß die, welche auf Güter vertrauen, in das Reich Gottes eingehen!
Die Jünger aber waren betroffen über seinen Reden. Jesus aber hob wieder an und sagt zu ihnen: Kinder, wie schwer ist es in das Reich Gottes einzugehen.
Die Jünger aber entsetzten sich über seine Rede. Aber Jesus antwortete wiederum und sprach zu ihnen: Liebe Kinder, wie schwerlich ist's, daß die, so ihr Vertrauen auf Reichtum setzen, ins Reich Gottes kommen!
Die Jünger aber entsetzten sich über seine Rede. Aber Jesus antwortete wiederum und sprach zu ihnen: Liebe Kinder, wie schwer ist's, daß die, so ihr Vertrauen auf Reichtum setzen, ins Reich Gottes kommen!
Die Jünger waren über diese seine Worte betroffen, Jesus aber wiederholte seinen Ausspruch nochmals mit den Worten: »Kinder, wie schwer ist es doch [für Menschen, die sich auf Geld und Gut verlassen], in das Reich Gottes einzugehen!
Die Jünger aber erstaunten über seine Worte. Da hob Jesus wiederum an und sprach zu ihnen: Kinder, wie schwer ist es für die, welche ihr Vertrauen auf Reichtum setzen, in das Reich Gottes einzugehen!
Die Jünger aber waren bestürzt über Seine Worte; Jesus aber antwortete wieder und sprach zu ihnen: Kinder, wie schwer ist es, daß die auf das Vermögen vertrauen, ins Reich Gottes kommen!
Die Jünger aber entsetzten sich ob seinen Worten. Jesus aber antwortete wiederum, und sagt ihnen: Kinder, wie schwer ist es, daß die so auf Güter vertrauen, in die Gottesherrschaft eingehen.
Nao arutwo makĩgega maigua ciugo ciake. No Jesũ akiuga o rĩngĩ atĩrĩ, “Ciana, kaĩ nĩ ũndũ wĩ hinya gũtoonya ũthamaki-inĩ wa Ngai-ĩ!
Iya tamaareti iya timirttiya si7idi malaalettidosona. Shin Yesuusi qassika enttako, “Nayto, Xoossaa kawotethaa gelanayssi waanidi metanddeeshsha!
Jesu n den yedi yeni li den paki o ŋoadikaaba. O go den goa ki yedi ba n bila, li ba yaa pa leni yaaba n puni bi yula bi piama n kua U Tienu diema.
ke li lidi o ŋɔdikaaba. Ke Jesu gɔ yedi ba! «N bila, U Tienu diema nni kuama paa hali boncianla!»
οι δε μαθηται εθαμβουντο επι τοις λογοις αυτου ο δε ιησους παλιν αποκριθεις λεγει αυτοις τεκνα πως δυσκολον εστιν τους πεποιθοτας επι χρημασιν εις την βασιλειαν του θεου εισελθειν
Οι δε μαθηταί εξεπλήττοντο διά τους λόγους αυτού. Και ο Ιησούς πάλιν αποκριθείς λέγει προς αυτούς· Τέκνα, πόσον δύσκολον είναι να εισέλθωσιν εις την βασιλείαν του Θεού οι έχοντες το θάρρος αυτών εις τα χρήματα.
οι δε μαθηται εθαμβουντο επι τοις λογοις αυτου ο δε ιησους παλιν αποκριθεις λεγει αυτοις τεκνα πως δυσκολον εστιν τους πεποιθοτας επι χρημασιν εις την βασιλειαν του θεου εισελθειν
οι δε μαθηται εθαμβουντο επι τοισ λογοισ αυτου ο δε ιησουσ παλιν αποκριθεισ λεγει αυτοισ τεκνα πωσ δυσκολον εστιν τουσ πεποιθοτασ επι χρημασιν εισ την βασιλειαν του θεου εισελθειν
οἱ δὲ μαθηταὶ ἐθαμβοῦντο ἐπὶ τοῖς λόγοις αὐτοῦ. ὁ δὲ Ἰησοῦς πάλιν ἀποκριθεὶς λέγει αὐτοῖς· τέκνα, πῶς δύσκολόν ἐστι τοὺς πεποιθότας ἐπὶ χρήμασιν εἰς τὴν βασιλείαν τοῦ Θεοῦ εἰσελθεῖν·
οἱ δὲ μαθηταὶ ἐθαμβοῦντο ἐπὶ τοῖς λόγοις αὐτοῦ. ὁ δὲ Ἰησοῦς πάλιν ἀποκριθεὶς λέγει αὐτοῖς Τέκνα, πῶς δύσκολόν ἐστιν εἰς τὴν βασιλείαν τοῦ Θεοῦ εἰσελθεῖν·
οἱ δὲ μαθηταὶ ἐθαμβοῦντο ἐπὶ τοῖς λόγοις αὐτοῦ. ὁ δὲ Ἰησοῦς πάλιν ἀποκριθεὶς λέγει αὐτοῖς· Τέκνα, πῶς δύσκολόν ⸀ἐστινεἰς τὴν βασιλείαν τοῦ θεοῦ εἰσελθεῖν·
οἱ δὲ μαθηταὶ ἐθαμβοῦντο ἐπὶ τοῖς λόγοις αὐτοῦ. ὁ δὲ Ἰησοῦς πάλιν ἀποκριθεὶς λέγει αὐτοῖς· τέκνα, πῶς δύσκολόν ἐστιν (τοὺς πεποιθότας ἐπὶ *KO*) (τοῖς *K*) (χρήμασιν *KO*) εἰς τὴν βασιλείαν τοῦ θεοῦ εἰσελθεῖν.
οι δε μαθηται εθαμβουντο επι τοις λογοις αυτου ο δε ιησους παλιν αποκριθεις λεγει αυτοις τεκνα πως δυσκολον εστιν τους πεποιθοτας επι τοις χρημασιν εις την βασιλειαν του θεου εισελθειν
Οἱ δὲ μαθηταὶ ἐθαμβοῦντο ἐπὶ τοῖς λόγοις αὐτοῦ. Ὁ δὲ ˚Ἰησοῦς πάλιν ἀποκριθεὶς λέγει αὐτοῖς, “Τέκνα, πῶς δύσκολόν ἐστιν εἰς τὴν Βασιλείαν τοῦ ˚Θεοῦ εἰσελθεῖν.
οι δε μαθηται εθαμβουντο επι τοις λογοις αυτου ο δε ιησους παλιν αποκριθεις λεγει αυτοις τεκνα πως δυσκολον εστιν τους πεποιθοτας επι τοις χρημασιν εις την βασιλειαν του θεου εισελθειν
Οἱ δὲ μαθηταὶ ἐθαμβοῦντο ἐπὶ τοῖς λόγοις αὐτοῦ. Ὁ δὲ Ἰησοῦς πάλιν ἀποκριθεὶς λέγει αὐτοῖς, Τέκνα, πῶς δύσκολόν ἐστι τοὺς πεποιθότας ἐπὶ χρήμασιν εἰς τὴν βασιλείαν τοῦ Θεοῦ εἰσελθεῖν.
οι δε μαθηται εθαμβουντο επι τοις λογοις αυτου ο δε ιησους παλιν αποκριθεις λεγει αυτοις τεκνα πως δυσκολον εστιν τους πεποιθοτας επι τοις χρημασιν εις την βασιλειαν του θεου εισελθειν
Οἱ δὲ μαθηταὶ ἐθαμβοῦντο ἐπὶ τοῖς λόγοις αὐτοῦ. Ὁ δὲ Ἰησοῦς πάλιν ἀποκριθεὶς λέγει αὐτοῖς, Τέκνα, πῶς δύσκολόν ἐστι τοὺς πεποιθότας ἐπὶ τοῖς χρήμασιν εἰς τὴν βασιλείαν τοῦ Θεοῦ εἰσελθεῖν.
οι δε μαθηται εθαμβουντο επι τοις λογοις αυτου ο δε ιησους παλιν αποκριθεις λεγει αυτοις τεκνα πως δυσκολον εστιν τους πεποιθοτας επι τοις χρημασιν εις την βασιλειαν του θεου εισελθειν
οι δε μαθηται εθαμβουντο επι τοις λογοις αυτου ο δε ιησους παλιν αποκριθεις λεγει αυτοις τεκνα πως δυσκολον εστιν τους πεποιθοτας επι τοις χρημασιν εις την βασιλειαν του θεου εισελθειν
οἱ δὲ μαθηταὶ ἐθαμβοῦντο ἐπὶ τοῖς λόγοις αὐτοῦ. ὁ δὲ Ἰησοῦς πάλιν ἀποκριθεὶς λέγει αὐτοῖς, Τέκνα, πῶς δύσκολόν ἐστιν τοὺς πεποιθότας ἐπὶ χρήμασιν εἰς τὴν βασιλείαν τοῦ θεοῦ εἰσελθεῖν.
οι δε μαθηται εθαμβουντο επι τοις λογοις αυτου ο δε ιησους παλιν αποκριθεις λεγει αυτοις τεκνα πως δυσκολον εστιν εις την βασιλειαν του θεου εισελθειν
οι δε μαθηται εθαμβουντο επι τοις λογοις αυτου ο δε ιησους παλιν αποκριθεις λεγει αυτοις τεκνα πως δυσκολον εστιν τους πεποιθοτας επι χρημασιν εις την βασιλειαν του θεου εισελθειν
οἱ δὲ μαθηταὶ ἐθαμβοῦντο ἐπὶ τοῖς λόγοις αὐτοῦ. ὁ δὲ Ἰησοῦς πάλιν ἀποκριθεὶς λέγει αὐτοῖς· τέκνα, πῶς δύσκολόν ἐστιν εἰς τὴν βασιλείαν τοῦ θεοῦ εἰσελθεῖν·
ଜିସୁନେ ସାମୁଆଁ ଅଁଚେ ସିସ୍ଇଂ କାବା ଡିଙ୍ଗ୍‌ୱେଆର୍‌ଗେ ଡାଗ୍‌ଲା ଜିସୁ ଆମେଇଂକେ ଆରି ବାସଙ୍ଗ୍‌କେ, “ଏ ନେଙ୍ଗ୍‌ନେ ଗଡ଼େଇଂ ଇସ୍‌ପର୍‌ନେ ରାଜିନ୍ନିଆ ଗାନ୍‍ସା ସତେଆ ଉଡ଼ି କଷ୍ଟ ।
ઈસુની વાતોથી શિષ્યો આશ્ચર્ય પામ્યા પણ ઈસુ ફરી જવાબ આપતાં તેઓને કહે છે કે, ‘બાળકો, મિલકત પર ભરોસો રાખનારાઓને ઈશ્વરના રાજ્યમાં પેસવું ઘણું અઘરું છે!
Disip li yo te sezi anpil lè yo tande pawòl sa a. Men Jezi di yo konsa: -Mezanmi, sa ap difisil nèt pou moun antre nan peyi kote Bondye Wa a.
Disip Li yo te etone de pawòl Li yo. Men Jésus te reponn yo ankò e te di yo: “Zanfan yo, ala sa difisil pou antre nan wayòm Bondye a!
चेल्लें उसकी बात तै हैरान होए। इसपै यीशु नै उनतै दुबारै कह्या, “हे बाळकों, जो धन पै भरोस्सा राक्खै सै, उनकै खात्तर परमेसवर कै राज्य म्ह बड़णा कितना ओक्खा सै!
Almajiransa suka yi mamakin kalmominsa. Amma Yesu ya sāke ce musu, “’Ya’yana, yana da wuya fa a shiga mulkin Allah!
Almajiransa suka yi mamakin maganarsa. Sai Yesu ce masu, ya ku ya'ya'na yana da wuya kamar me a shiga mulkin Allah.
Kahaha iho la ka naau o ka poe haumana i kana olelo. I hou mai la Iesu ia lakou, E na pokii, he mea pilikia loa ke komo ana o ka poe paulele i ka waiwai, iloko o ke aupuni o ke Akua!
דבריו של ישוע הדהימו את התלמידים, ולכן חזר ואמר:”ילדים יקרים, מי שבוטח בכסף וברכוש קשה לו מאוד להיכנס למלכות האלוהים.
ויבהלו התלמידים על דבריו ויסף ישוע ויען ויאמר להם בני מה קשה לבטחים על חילם לבוא אל מלכות האלהים׃
चेले उसकी बातों से अचम्भित हुए। इस पर यीशु ने फिर उनसे कहा, “हे बालकों, जो धन पर भरोसा रखते हैं, उनके लिए परमेश्वर के राज्य में प्रवेश करना कैसा कठिन है!
मसीह येशु के इन विचारों से शिष्य चकित रह गए. एक बार फिर मसीह येशु ने उनसे कहा, “अज्ञानियो! कितना कठिन होगा! परमेश्वर के राज्य में प्रवेश!
A tanítványok pedig elálmélkodtak az ő beszédén, de Jézus ismét mondta nékik: „Gyermekeim, milyen nehéz azoknak, akik a gazdagságban bíznak, az Isten országába bemenni!
A tanítványok pedig álmélkodának az ő beszédén; de Jézus ismét felelvén, monda nékik: Gyermekeim, mily nehéz azoknak, a kik a gazdagságban bíznak, az Isten országába bemenni!
Lærisveinarnir urðu undrandi! Jesús sagði því aftur: „Börnin góð, það er erfitt fyrir þá, sem treysta auðæfunum, að komast inn í guðsríki.
Okwu ya tụrụ ndị na-eso ụzọ ya nʼanya, ma Jisọs gwakwara ha ọzọ sị, “Ụmụntakịrị, ọ bụ nnọọ ihe rara ahụ ịbanye nʼalaeze Chineke.
Nasdaaw dagiti adalan iti saona. Ngem kinuna manen ni Jesus kadakuada, “Ubbing, anian a nagrigat ti sumrek iti pagarian ti Dios!
Pengikut-pengikut-Nya heran mendengar perkataan Yesus itu. Tetapi Yesus berkata pula, "Anak-anak-Ku, memang sukar untuk menjadi anggota umat Allah!
Para murid-Nya heran mendengar perkataan-Nya. Tetapi Yesus berkata lagi, “Teman-teman-Ku, sulit untuk masuk ke dalam kerajaan Allah.
Murid-murid-Nya tercengang mendengar perkataan-Nya itu. Tetapi Yesus menyambung lagi: "Anak-anak-Ku, alangkah sukarnya masuk ke dalam Kerajaan Allah.
Mereka terheran-heran mendengar perkataan-Nya itu. Tetapi Yesus berkata lagi, “Anak-anak-Ku, memang sulit sekali bagi orang yang mengandalkan kekayaannya untuk menjadi warga kerajaan Allah!
Amanyisigwa ai akuiwe ku makani aya. Kuiti uYesu aka atambuila hangi, “Ang'yinya, ingi kinya uli ni yili ikaku kingia mu utemi nuang'wa Itunda!
E i discepoli sbigottirono per le sue parole. E Gesù da capo replicò, e disse loro: Figliuoli, quanto malagevol cosa è, che coloro che si confidano nelle ricchezze entrino nel regno di Dio!
I discepoli rimasero stupefatti a queste sue parole; ma Gesù riprese: «Figlioli, com'è difficile entrare nel regno di Dio!
E i discepoli sbigottirono a queste sue parole. E Gesù da capo replicò loro: Figliuoli, quant’è malagevole a coloro che si confidano nelle ricchezze entrare nel regno di Dio!
Ahana utarsa umeme biyau bimikuwe inni gurang me sa mabuka, Yesu ma kuru ma gun we “idi cukono ini jas unukim maribe Asesere!
弟子たちは彼の言葉に驚いた。しかしイエスは再び答えた, 「子供たちよ,富を信頼する者たちが神の王国に入るのは何と難しいことか!
ଆ ବର୍ନେନ୍‌ ଅମ୍‌ଡଙ୍‌ଡାଲେ ଞଙ୍‌ନେମରଞ୍ଜି ସାନ୍ନି ଡେଏଞ୍ଜି । ବନ୍‌ଡ ଜିସୁନ୍‌ ଆନିଞ୍ଜିଆଡଙ୍‌ ଆରି ବରେଞ୍ଜି, “ପସିୟ୍‌ଜି, ଇସ୍ୱରନ୍‌ ଆ ରାଜ୍ୟଲୋଙ୍‌ ଗଙ୍ଗନନ୍‌ ଡିଅଙ୍ଗା ଆ ଡଣ୍ଡ!
Ri tijoxelabꞌ xemayijanik che ri xubꞌij ri Jesús. Junmul chik xubꞌij: Walkꞌwaꞌl, sibꞌalaj kꞌax okem pa ri ajawarem rech ri Dios.
Anagema hige'za amagema nentaza disaipol naga'mo'za antri ana kegura hu'naze. Hianagi mago'ene Jisasi'a anage huno zamasami'ne, Mofavre naga'mote, Anumzamofo kumapima ufrezamo'a tusi'a amuho hu'ne!
ಶಿಷ್ಯರು ಯೇಸುವಿನ ಮಾತುಗಳಿಗೆ ಬೆರಗಾದರು. ಆದರೆ ಯೇಸು ತಿರುಗಿ ಅವರಿಗೆ, “ಮಕ್ಕಳೇ, ದೇವರ ರಾಜ್ಯವನ್ನು ಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸುವುದು ಬಹಳ ಕಷ್ಟ.
ಶಿಷ್ಯರು ಆತನ ಮಾತುಗಳನ್ನು ಕೇಳಿ ಅಶ್ಚರ್ಯಪಟ್ಟರು. ಆದರೆ ಯೇಸು ಪುನಃ ಅವರಿಗೆ, “ಮಕ್ಕಳೇ, ದೇವರ ರಾಜ್ಯದಲ್ಲಿ ಸೇರುವುದು ಬಹಳ ಕಷ್ಟ.
Abhanafunzi nibhalugushwa namagambo ago. Nawe Yesu nabhabhwila bhuyaya, “Abhana, nikukomee okwingila mubhukama bhwa Nyamuwanga!
Avakhongi vakhadega khu mamenyu aga. Pwu Yiisu akhavavola akhange, “Vana, vukhafu ukhwingela khu ludeva lwa Nguluve!
Bhanafunzi bhashangisiibhu ni malobhi agha. Lakini Yesu akabhajobhela kabhele, “Bhana, ni jinsi gani kyajhijhela panonono kujhingila mu bhufalme bhwa K'yara!
제자들이 그 말씀에 놀라는지라 예수께서 다시 대답하여 가라사대 얘들아 하나님의 나라에 들어가기가 어떻게 어려운지
제자들이 그 말씀에 놀라는지라 예수께서 다시 대답하여 가라사대 얘들아 하나님의 나라에 들어가기가 어떻게 어려운지
Mwet tumal lutlut elos arulana lut ke kas inge, ac Jesus el sifilpa fahk, “Tulik nutik, kowos in etu lah ma na upa se in utyak nu in Tokosrai lun God!
Varutwana niva komokiswa kuziwambo zakwe. Imi Jesu navolela kucho kuvali, “Vahwile, ku ka vo vule kwi njile mu muvuso we Ireeza!
قوتابییەکان لە قسەکانی سەرسام بوون، بەڵام عیسا دیسان پێی فەرموون: «کوڕینە، چوونە ناو شانشینی خودا چەند زەحمەتە!
ଏ଼ୱାଣି କାତା ୱେଞ୍ଜାନା ସୀସୁୟାଁ କାବା ଆ଼ତେରି, ସାମା ଜୀସୁ ଅ଼ଡ଼େ ୱେଣ୍ତେ ଏ଼ୱାରାଇଁ ଏଲେଇଚେସି, “ଆଡ଼େ କକାତେରି ମାହାପୂରୁ ରା଼ଜିତା ହ଼ଡ଼୍‌ନାୟି ହା଼ରେକା କସ୍ତ ।
Discipuli autem obstupescebant in verbis ejus. At Jesus rursus respondens ait illis: Filioli, quam difficile est, confidentes in pecuniis, in regnum Dei introire!
Discipuli autem obstupescebant in verbis eius. At Iesus rursus respondens ait illis: Filioli, quam difficile est, confidentes in pecuniis, in regnum Dei introire!
Discipuli autem obstupescebant in verbis eius. At Iesus rursus respondens ait illis: Filioli, quam difficile est, confidentes in pecuniis, in regnum Dei introire!
Discipuli autem obstupescebant in verbis ejus. At Jesus rursus respondens ait illis: Filioli, quam difficile est, confidentes in pecuniis, in regnum Dei introire!
discipuli autem obstupescebant in verbis eius at Iesus rursus respondens ait illis filioli quam difficile est confidentes in pecuniis regnum Dei introire
Discipuli autem obstupescebant in verbis eius. At Iesus rursus respondens ait illis: Filioli, quam difficile est, confidentes in pecuniis, in regnum Dei introire!
Un tie mācekļi iztrūcinājās par Viņa vārdiem. Bet Jēzus atkal atbildēja un uz tiem sacīja: “Bērni, cik grūti ir, Dieva valstībā ieiet tiem, kas uz bagātību liek savu cerību.
Bayekoli bakamwaki mingi mpo na maloba na Ye. Kasi Yesu alobaki na bango lisusu: — Solo, bana na Ngai, ezali pasimpo na kokota kati na Bokonzi ya Nzambe!
हि चेला ओको बातों सी अचम्भित भयो। येको पर यीशु न फिर सी उन्को सी कह्यो; “हे बच्चा, जो धन पर भरोसा रखय हय, उन्को लायी परमेश्वर को राज्य म सिरनो कितनो कठिन हय?
Kino ne kibeewuunyisa nnyo. Yesu n’ayongera n’abagamba nti, “Abaana abaagalwa, nga kizibu abo abeesiga obugagga okuyingira mu bwakabaka bwa Katonda!
चेले तिना री गल्ला ते हैरान ऊईगे, ये देखी की यीशुए तिना खे फेर बताया, “ओ बाल़को! जो धनो पाँदे विश्वास राखोए, तिना खे परमेशरो रे राज्य रे जाणा बऊत कठण ए।
Ary ny mpianatra dia gaga tamin’ ny teniny. Fa Jesosy namaly indray ka nanao taminy hoe: Anaka, manao ahoana ny hasarotry ny hidiran’ ny matoky ny harena amin’ ny fanjakan’ Andriamanitra!
Nilatsà’ o mpiama’eo i tsara’ey, le nindrai’ Iesoà ty hoe: Ry anake, fihirimbeloñe ty fizilihañe amy Fifehean’ Añaharey ao!
അവന്റെ ഈ വാക്കിനാൽ ശിഷ്യന്മാർ വിസ്മയിച്ചു; എന്നാൽ യേശു പിന്നെയും: “മക്കളേ, ദൈവരാജ്യത്തിൽ കടക്കുന്നത് എത്ര പ്രയാസം!
അവന്റെ ഈ വാക്കിനാൽ ശിഷ്യന്മാർ വിസ്മയിച്ചു; എന്നാൽ യേശു പിന്നെയും: മക്കളേ, സമ്പത്തിൽ ആശ്രയിക്കുന്നവർ ദൈവരാജ്യത്തിൽ കടക്കുന്നതു എത്ര പ്രയാസം.
അവന്റെ ഈ വാക്കിനാൽ ശിഷ്യന്മാർ വിസ്മയിച്ചു; എന്നാൽ യേശു പിന്നെയും: മക്കളേ, സമ്പത്തിൽ ആശ്രയിക്കുന്നവർ ദൈവരാജ്യത്തിൽ കടക്കുന്നതു എത്ര പ്രയാസം.
ശിഷ്യന്മാർ അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്റെ വാക്കുകൾ കേട്ട് വിസ്മയിച്ചു. യേശു വീണ്ടും പറഞ്ഞു: “കുഞ്ഞുങ്ങളേ, ദൈവരാജ്യത്തിൽ പ്രവേശിക്കുകയെന്നത് എത്രയോ വിഷമകരം!
Ibungogi wasing asi tabada tung-inbasing adu i-ngak ngaklammi, maduda Jisuna makha tana hairak-i, “Angangsa, lanthumda thajabasing aduna Tengban Mapugi leibakta changba kayada lukhrabano!
त्याचे शब्द ऐकून शिष्य थक्क झाले, परंतु येशू त्यांना पुन्हा म्हणाला, “माझ्या मुलांनो, देवाच्या राज्यात प्रवेश होणे किती कठीण आहे!
ଏନ୍‌ କାଜିକ ଆୟୁମ୍‌କେଦ୍‌ତେ ଚେଲାକ ଆକ୍‌ଦାନ୍ଦାଅୟାନା, ମେନ୍‌ଦ ୟୀଶୁ ଆଡଃଗି କାଜିୟାଦ୍‌କଆଏ, “ଏ ହନ୍‌କ, ପାର୍‌ମେଶ୍ୱାରାଃ ରାଇଜ୍‌ରେ ବଲଃ ପୁରାଃଗି ହାମ୍ୱାଲାଃ ।
Bhaajiganywa gubhakanganigwenje kwa malobhe gabho. A Yeshu gubhaajangwilenje kabhili, “Ashibhanangu nnolanje, shiishite komala kwa akulupalila mali, kujinjila mu Upalume gwa a Nnungu!
တ​ပည့်​တော်​တို့​သည်​ကိုယ်​တော်​၏​စ​ကား​ကို ကြား​လျှင် လွန်​စွာ​အံ့​သြ​ကြ​၏။ တစ်​ဖန်​သ​ခင် ယေ​ရှု​က ``ငါ့​သား​တို့၊ ဘု​ရား​သ​ခင်​၏​နိုင်​ငံ တော်​သို့​ဝင်​နိုင်​ရန်​ခက်​လှ​၏။-
တပည့်တော်တို့သည် ထိုစကားကိုကြားလျှင်၊ မိန်မောတွေဝေခြင်းရှိကြ၏။ တဖန်ယေရှုက၊ ငါသားတို့၊ မိမိဥစ္စာကိုမှီခိုသောသူသည် ဘုရားသခင်၏ နိုင်ငံတော်သို့အလွန်ဝင်ခဲလှ၏။
တပည့် တော်တို့သည် ထို စကား ကိုကြားလျှင် ၊ မိန်းမော တွေဝေခြင်းရှိကြ၏။ တစ်ဖန် ယေရှု က၊ ငါသား တို့၊ မိမိဥစ္စာကိုမှီခိုသောသူသည် ဘုရားသခင် ၏ နိုင်ငံ တော်သို့ အလွန်ဝင် ခဲ လှ၏။”
Na ka miharo nga akonga ki ana kupu. Otira ka whakahoki ano a Ihu, ka mea ki a ratou, E tama ma, ano te whakauaua o te tapoko ki to te Atua rangatiratanga o te hunga e whakawhirinaki ana ki nga taonga!
Aru chela khan Tai kotha pora asurit hoise. Kintu Jisu taikhan ke aru koise, “Bacha khan, Isor laga rajyote gushi bole kiman bhi digdar ase!
Heliphante loong ah Jisu jengkhaap suh rapne ih paatja rumta, eno Jisu ih we baat rumta, “Ngaasuh ngaasah loong, Rangte Hasong nah chowang tumthan echaan ang ah!
Abafundi bamangaliswa ngamazwi akhe lawo. Kodwa uJesu waphinda wathi, “Bantwana, kunzima kanganani ukungena embusweni kaNkulunkulu!
Abafundi basebemangala ngamazwi akhe. Kodwa uJesu ephendula futhi wathi kubo: Bantwana, kulukhuni kangakanani kwabathembela enothweni ukungena embusweni kaNkulunkulu;
Benepunzi batekanganya gano mayaulio. Yesu kabaakokeya yeya, “Bana kunonopa kunonopa kuyingi kupwalume wa Nnongo.
Avɨz sezɨrɨv ya mbɨkɨr mban njɨhame ntamŋgɨmar. Kɨrɨm Jisasɨv ndɨŋ mbahon kamar. Nor kɨra amar. Wɨram hamb Yakŋ Ohɨrand kwɨŋ ñɨŋɨn are pɨrasɨndɨramŋgi amar.
चेलाहरू उहाँका वचनहरूमा छक्‍क परे । तर येशूले फेरि तिनीहरूलाई भन्‍नुभयो, “बालकहरू हो, परमेश्‍वरको राज्‍यमा प्रवेश गर्नु अति गाह्रो छ!”
Vawuliwa vakakangasa ndava ya malovi gala. Nambu Yesu akavajovela kavili, “Vana vangu mlola cheyinonopa neju kumlekela Chapanga alongosa wumi wavi!
Disiplene blev forferdet over hans ord. Da tok Jesus atter til orde og sa til dem: Barn! hvor vanskelig det er for dem som setter sin lit til sin rikdom, å komme inn i Guds rike!
Jesus så at disiplene ble forskrekket over det han sa, og fortsatte:”Ja, hvor vanskelig er det ikke å få tilhøre Guds eget folk.
Læresveinarne stokk yver ordi hans. Men Jesus tok til ords att og sagde: «Kor vandt det er, borni mine, å koma inn i Guds rike for deim som set si lit til rikdom!
ତାହାଙ୍କ କଥା ଶୁଣି ଶିଷ୍ୟମାନେ ବିସ୍ମୟାନ୍ୱିତ ହେଲେ। କିନ୍ତୁ ଯୀଶୁ ପୁନର୍ବାର ସେମାନଙ୍କୁ ଉତ୍ତର ଦେଲେ, “ବତ୍ସଗଣ, ଈଶ୍ବରଙ୍କ ରାଜ୍ୟରେ ପ୍ରବେଶ କରିବା କେଡ଼େ କଷ୍ଟକର!
Barattoonnis dubbii isaa ni dinqisiifatan. Yesuus garuu ammas akkana jedheen; “Ijoolle, mootummaa Waaqaatti galuun akkam rakkisaa dha!
ਚੇਲੇ ਉਹ ਦੀਆਂ ਗੱਲਾਂ ਤੋਂ ਹੈਰਾਨ ਹੋਏ, ਪਰ ਯਿਸੂ ਨੇ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਫੇਰ ਕਿਹਾ, ਹੇ ਬਾਲਕੋ, ਜਿਹੜੇ ਧਨ ਉੱਤੇ ਭਰੋਸਾ ਰੱਖਦੇ ਹਨ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਲਈ ਪਰਮੇਸ਼ੁਰ ਦੇ ਰਾਜ ਵਿੱਚ ਵੜਨਾ ਕਿੰਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਹੀ ਔਖਾ ਹੈ!
ଜିସୁତି କାତା ୱେନ୍‌ଞ୍ଜି ଚେଲାର୍‌ କାବା ଆତାର୍‌, ମାତର୍‌ ଜିସୁ ଆରେ ରଗ ହେୱେରିଂ ଇଚାନ୍‌, “ବପାର୍‌ ଇସ୍ୱର୍‌ ରାଜିତ ହାନାକା କେତେକ୍‌ କସ୍ଟ!”
چون شاگردانش از سخنان او در حیرت افتادند، عیسی باز توجه نموده، بدیشان گفت: «ای فرزندان، چه دشوار است دخول آنانی که به مال و اموال توکل دارند در ملکوت خدا!
شاگردان از این گفتهٔ عیسی تعجب کردند. پس عیسی بازگفت: «ای فرزندان، ورود به ملکوت خدا بسیار سخت است.
Wafundwa walikangasha nentu kwa visoweru vyakuwi. Yesu kawagambira kayi, “Wana wangu, vikamala nentu kwingira Muufalumi wa Mlungu!
Tounpadak kan ap puriamui kila a masan oko. Iesus ap pil kotin sapeng masani ong irail: Seri ko! Meid apwal ong irail, me keleki kapwa, en pedelong ong nan wein Kot.
Tounpadak kan ap puriamui kila a majan oko. Iejuj ap pil kotin japen majani on irail: Jeri ko! Meid apwal on irail, me keleki kapwa, en pedelon on nan Wein Kot.
Tedy uczniowie zdumieli się nad temi słowami jego. Lecz Jezus zaś odpowiadając, rzekł im: Dziatki! jakoż jest trudno tym, co ufają w bogactwach, wnijść do królestwa Bożego.
A ponieważ zdumiało to uczniów, dodał: —Nie sposób wejść do Bożego królestwa, jeśli pokłada się nadzieję w bogactwie.
I uczniowie zdumieli się jego słowami. Lecz Jezus znowu powiedział: Dzieci, jakże trudno jest tym, którzy ufają bogactwom, wejść do królestwa Bożego!
E os discípulos se espantaram destas suas palavras; mas Jesus, voltando a responder, disse-lhes: Filhos, como é difícil entrar no Reino de Deus!
E os discipulos se admiraram d'estas suas palavras; mas Jesus, tornando a fallar, disse-lhes: Filhos, quão difficil é, para os que confiam nas riquezas, entrar no reino de Deus!
E os discípulos se admiraram destas suas palavras; mas Jesus, tornando a falar, disse-lhes: Filhos, quão difícil é, para os que confiam nas riquezas, entrar no reino de Deus!
Os discípulos ficaram admirados ao ouvir isso, pois [achavam que Deus favorecia os ricos e, portanto, se Deus não salvasse os ricos, não iria salvar ninguém]. Por isso Jesus respondeu assim a eles: -Meus amigos, é muito difícil alguém deixar que Deus governe a sua vida.
Os discípulos ficaram chocados com o que ele disse. Mas Jesus continuou: “Meus filhos, é difícil entrar no Reino de Deus.
Os discípulos ficaram maravilhados com suas palavras. Mas Jesus respondeu novamente: “Filhos, como é difícil para aqueles que confiam nas riquezas entrar no Reino de Deus!
Ученичий ау рэмас уймиць де кувинтеле Луй. Исус а луат дин ноу кувынтул ши ле-а зис: „Фиилор, кыт де аневое есте пентру чей чесе ынкред ын богэций сэ интре ын Ымпэрэция луй Думнезеу!
Și discipolii au fost înmărmuriți la cuvintele lui. Iar Isus răspunde din nou și le zice: Copii, cât de greu este pentru cei ce se încred în bogății să intre în împărăția lui Dumnezeu.
Ucenicii au rămas uimiți de cuvintele Lui. Dar Isus le-a răspuns din nou: “Copii, cât de greu intră în Împărăția lui Dumnezeu cei ce se încred în bogății!
Rena taꞌo naa boe, mana tungga nara bingun. Te Yesus olaꞌ seluꞌ nae, “Rena matalolole! Mae dadꞌi Lamatualain atahori na, susa lao esaꞌ! Afiꞌ dꞌua mae naa mudaꞌ.
Ученики ужаснулись от слов Его. Но Иисус опять говорит им в ответ: дети! как трудно надеющимся на богатство войти в Царствие Божие!
Asundwa bhaswijiziwa humaneno iga. Lelo uYesu abhabhula nantyele, “Bhana, ni jinsi bhule ishili shikhome awinjile utawala Ungulubhi!
Ruoisingei han a chongril hah jâmzal aom sabak an tia, hannirese Jisua'n a la tibanga an kôm, “Ka nâingei, Pathien Rêngrama lût rang hi idôra ântak mo ani zoi!
tasya kathAtaH ziSyAzcamaccakruH, kintu sa punaravadat, he bAlakA ye dhane vizvasanti teSAm IzvararAjyapravezaH kIdRg duSkaraH|
তস্য কথাতঃ শিষ্যাশ্চমচ্চক্ৰুঃ, কিন্তু স পুনৰৱদৎ, হে বালকা যে ধনে ৱিশ্ৱসন্তি তেষাম্ ঈশ্ৱৰৰাজ্যপ্ৰৱেশঃ কীদৃগ্ দুষ্কৰঃ|
তস্য কথাতঃ শিষ্যাশ্চমচ্চক্রুঃ, কিন্তু স পুনরৱদৎ, হে বালকা যে ধনে ৱিশ্ৱসন্তি তেষাম্ ঈশ্ৱররাজ্যপ্রৱেশঃ কীদৃগ্ দুষ্করঃ|
တသျ ကထာတး ၑိၐျာၑ္စမစ္စကြုး, ကိန္တု သ ပုနရဝဒတ်, ဟေ ဗာလကာ ယေ ဓနေ ဝိၑွသန္တိ တေၐာမ် ဤၑွရရာဇျပြဝေၑး ကီဒၖဂ် ဒုၐ္ကရး၊
tasya kathAtaH ziSyAzcamaccakruH, kintu sa punaravadat, hE bAlakA yE dhanE vizvasanti tESAm IzvararAjyapravEzaH kIdRg duSkaraH|
तस्य कथातः शिष्याश्चमच्चक्रुः, किन्तु स पुनरवदत्, हे बालका ये धने विश्वसन्ति तेषाम् ईश्वरराज्यप्रवेशः कीदृग् दुष्करः।
તસ્ય કથાતઃ શિષ્યાશ્ચમચ્ચક્રુઃ, કિન્તુ સ પુનરવદત્, હે બાલકા યે ધને વિશ્વસન્તિ તેષામ્ ઈશ્વરરાજ્યપ્રવેશઃ કીદૃગ્ દુષ્કરઃ|
tasya kathātaḥ śiṣyāścamaccakruḥ, kintu sa punaravadat, he bālakā ye dhane viśvasanti teṣām īśvararājyapraveśaḥ kīdṛg duṣkaraḥ|
tasya kathātaḥ śiṣyāścamaccakruḥ, kintu sa punaravadat, hē bālakā yē dhanē viśvasanti tēṣām īśvararājyapravēśaḥ kīdr̥g duṣkaraḥ|
tasya kathAtaH shiShyAshchamachchakruH, kintu sa punaravadat, he bAlakA ye dhane vishvasanti teShAm IshvararAjyapraveshaH kIdR^ig duShkaraH|
ತಸ್ಯ ಕಥಾತಃ ಶಿಷ್ಯಾಶ್ಚಮಚ್ಚಕ್ರುಃ, ಕಿನ್ತು ಸ ಪುನರವದತ್, ಹೇ ಬಾಲಕಾ ಯೇ ಧನೇ ವಿಶ್ವಸನ್ತಿ ತೇಷಾಮ್ ಈಶ್ವರರಾಜ್ಯಪ್ರವೇಶಃ ಕೀದೃಗ್ ದುಷ್ಕರಃ|
តស្យ កថាតះ ឝិឞ្យាឝ្ចមច្ចក្រុះ, កិន្តុ ស បុនរវទត៑, ហេ ពាលកា យេ ធនេ វិឝ្វសន្តិ តេឞាម៑ ឦឝ្វររាជ្យប្រវេឝះ កីទ្ឫគ៑ ទុឞ្ករះ។
തസ്യ കഥാതഃ ശിഷ്യാശ്ചമച്ചക്രുഃ, കിന്തു സ പുനരവദത്, ഹേ ബാലകാ യേ ധനേ വിശ്വസന്തി തേഷാമ് ഈശ്വരരാജ്യപ്രവേശഃ കീദൃഗ് ദുഷ്കരഃ|
ତସ୍ୟ କଥାତଃ ଶିଷ୍ୟାଶ୍ଚମଚ୍ଚକ୍ରୁଃ, କିନ୍ତୁ ସ ପୁନରୱଦତ୍, ହେ ବାଲକା ଯେ ଧନେ ୱିଶ୍ୱସନ୍ତି ତେଷାମ୍ ଈଶ୍ୱରରାଜ୍ୟପ୍ରୱେଶଃ କୀଦୃଗ୍ ଦୁଷ୍କରଃ|
ਤਸ੍ਯ ਕਥਾਤਃ ਸ਼ਿਸ਼਼੍ਯਾਸ਼੍ਚਮੱਚਕ੍ਰੁਃ, ਕਿਨ੍ਤੁ ਸ ਪੁਨਰਵਦਤ੍, ਹੇ ਬਾਲਕਾ ਯੇ ਧਨੇ ਵਿਸ਼੍ਵਸਨ੍ਤਿ ਤੇਸ਼਼ਾਮ੍ ਈਸ਼੍ਵਰਰਾਜ੍ਯਪ੍ਰਵੇਸ਼ਃ ਕੀਦ੍ਰੁʼਗ੍ ਦੁਸ਼਼੍ਕਰਃ|
තස්‍ය කථාතඃ ශිෂ්‍යාශ්චමච්චක්‍රුඃ, කින්තු ස පුනරවදත්, හේ බාලකා යේ ධනේ විශ්වසන්ති තේෂාම් ඊශ්වරරාජ්‍යප්‍රවේශඃ කීදෘග් දුෂ්කරඃ|
தஸ்ய கதா²த​: ஸி²ஷ்யாஸ்²சமச்சக்ரு​: , கிந்து ஸ புநரவத³த், ஹே பா³லகா யே த⁴நே விஸ்²வஸந்தி தேஷாம் ஈஸ்²வரராஜ்யப்ரவேஸ²​: கீத்³ரு’க்³ து³ஷ்கர​: |
తస్య కథాతః శిష్యాశ్చమచ్చక్రుః, కిన్తు స పునరవదత్, హే బాలకా యే ధనే విశ్వసన్తి తేషామ్ ఈశ్వరరాజ్యప్రవేశః కీదృగ్ దుష్కరః|
ตสฺย กถาต: ศิษฺยาศฺจมจฺจกฺรุ: , กินฺตุ ส ปุนรวทตฺ, เห พาลกา เย ธเน วิศฺวสนฺติ เตษามฺ อีศฺวรราชฺยปฺรเวศ: กีทฺฤคฺ ทุษฺกร: ฯ
ཏསྱ ཀཐཱཏཿ ཤིཥྱཱཤྩམཙྩཀྲུཿ, ཀིནྟུ ས པུནརཝདཏ྄, ཧེ བཱལཀཱ ཡེ དྷནེ ཝིཤྭསནྟི ཏེཥཱམ྄ ཨཱིཤྭརརཱཛྱཔྲཝེཤཿ ཀཱིདྲྀག྄ དུཥྐརཿ།
تَسْیَ کَتھاتَح شِشْیاشْچَمَچَّکْرُح، کِنْتُ سَ پُنَرَوَدَتْ، ہے بالَکا یے دھَنے وِشْوَسَنْتِ تیشامْ اِیشْوَرَراجْیَپْرَویشَح کِیدرِگْ دُشْکَرَح۔
tasya kathaata. h "si. syaa"scamaccakru. h, kintu sa punaravadat, he baalakaa ye dhane vi"svasanti te. saam ii"svararaajyaprave"sa. h kiid. rg du. skara. h|
Is ghabh a dheisciopuil ioghnadh a bhriathran. Ach Iosa freagairt a rithist, thuirt e riutha: A chlann bheag, nach duilich dhaibhsan, a chuireas uidh am beartas, dhol a stigh do rioghachd Dhe!
А ученици се уплашише од речи Његових. А Исус опет одговарајући рече им: Децо! Како је тешко онима који се уздају у своје богатство ући у царство Божје!
A uèenici se uplašiše od rijeèi njegovijeh. A Isus opet odgovarajuæi reèe im: djeco! kako je teško onima koji se uzdaju u svoje bogatstvo uæi u carstvo Božije!
Mme mafoko a, a ba gakgamatsa. Hong Jesu a boelela mafoko a gape a re, “Bana ba ba rategang, go thata jang mo go ba ba ikantseng dikhumo go tsena mo Bogosing jwa Modimo.
Vadzidzi vakashamisika nemashoko ake. Asi Jesu wakapindurazve, akati kwavari: Vana, zvinorema sei kune vanovimba nefuma kupinda muushe hwaMwari;
Vadzidzi vakashamiswa namashoko ake. Asi Jesu akatizve, “Vana, zvakaoma sei kupinda muumambo hwaMwari!
Ученицы же ужасахуся о словесех Его. Иисус же паки отвещав глагола им: чада, како неудобь уповающым на богатство в Царствие Божие внити:
In učenci so bili ob njegovih besedah osupli. Vendar Jezus ponovno odgovarja in jim reče: »Otroci, kako težko je tem, ki zaupajo v bogastva, vstopiti v Božje kraljestvo!
Učenci so se pa zavzemali nad besedami njegovimi. Jezus pa zopet odgovorí in jim reče: Otroci, kako težko je tistim, kteri zaupajo bogastvu, v kraljestvo Božje vniti!
Maswi awa alabakankamanisha beshikwiya. Kayi Yesu walabweshapo kwambeti, “Cakubinga, amwe bana bame, nicapatali kuya kwingila mu Bwami bwa Lesa,
Xertiisii hadalladiisii bay ka yaabeen. Laakiin Ciise mar kaluu u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Ilma yahow, siday ugu adag tahay kuwa maalka isku halleeya inay boqortooyada Ilaah galaan!
Y los discípulos se espantaron de sus palabras; mas Jesús respondiendo, les volvió a decir: ¡Hijos, cuán difícil es entrar en el Reino de Dios, los que confían en las riquezas!
Los discípulos quedaron impresionados por esto. Pero Jesús siguió: “Amigos míos, es difícil entrar al reino de Dios.
Los discípulos se asombraron de sus palabras. Pero Jesús volvió a responder: “Hijos, ¡qué difícil es entrar en el Reino de Dios para los que confían en las riquezas!
Los discípulos se asombraron por sus palabras. Entonces Jesús replicó: Hijos, ¡cuán difícil es entrar en el reino de Dios!
Como los discípulos se mostrasen asombrados de sus palabras, volvió a decirles Jesús: “Hijitos, ¡cuán difícil es para los que confían en las riquezas, entrar en el reino de Dios!
Y los discípulos se espantaron de sus palabras: mas Jesús respondiendo, les volvió a decir: ¡Hijos, cuán difícil es entrar en el reino de Dios, los que confían en las riquezas!
Y los discípulos se espantaron de sus palabras; mas Jesús respondiendo, les volvió á decir: ¡Hijos, cuán difícil es entrar en el reino de Dios, los que confían en las riquezas!
Y los discípulos se espantaron de sus palabras; mas Jesus respondiendo les volvió á decir: ¡Hijos, cuán difícil es entrar en el reino de Dios los que confian en las riquezas,
Y los discípulos estaban maravillados de sus palabras. Pero Jesús les dijo otra vez, Hijos, ¡qué difícil es para los que ponen fe en la riqueza entrar en el reino de Dios!
Wanafunzi walishangazwa kwa maneno haya. Lakini Yesu akawaambia tena, “Watoto, ni jinsi gani ilivyo vigumu kuingia katika ufalme wa Mungu!
Wanafunzi walishangazwa na maneno yake. Yesu akawaambia tena, “Watoto wangu, ni vigumu sana kuingia katika Ufalme wa Mungu!
Wanafunzi wake wakashangazwa sana na maneno hayo. Lakini Yesu akawaambia tena, “Wanangu, tazama jinsi ilivyo vigumu kwa wale wanaotumainia mali kuingia katika Ufalme wa Mungu.
Men lärjungarna häpnade vid hans ord. Då tog Jesus åter till orda och sade till dem: "Ja, mina barn, huru svårt är det icke att komma in i Guds rike!
Men hans Lärjungar vordo förskräckte af hans ord. Då svarade åter Jesus, och sade till dem: Huru svårt är det, kära barn, dem som sätta sina tröst på sina rikedomar, ingå uti Guds rike.
Men lärjungarna häpnade vid hans ord. Då tog Jesus åter till orda och sade till dem: »Ja, mina barn, huru svårt är det icke att komma in i Guds rike!
At nangagtaka ang mga alagad sa kaniyang mga salita. Datapuwa't si Jesus ay muling sumagot at nagsabi sa kanila, Mga anak, kay hirap na magsipasok sa kaharian ng Dios ang mga magsisiasa sa mga kayamanan!
Namangha ang mga alagad sa kaniyang mga salita. Ngunit muling sinabi ni Jesus sa kanila, “Mga bata, napakahirap ang makapasok sa kaharian ng Diyos!
Lvbwlaksu vdwv ho gv gaam minam vdwa lamtoku, vbvritola Jisu minbwng jito, “Ngoogv vmi vdwa, Pwknvyarnv gv Karv lo aadu bv so si achialvbv aanyu manam gubv ridu!
சீடர்கள் அவருடைய வார்த்தைகளைக்குறித்து ஆச்சரியப்பட்டார்கள். இயேசு மீண்டும் அவர்களைப் பார்த்து: பிள்ளைகளே, செல்வத்தின்மேல் நம்பிக்கையாக இருக்கிறவர்கள் தேவனுடைய ராஜ்யத்தில் பிரவேசிப்பது எவ்வளவு கடினமாக இருக்கிறது!
அவருடைய வார்த்தைகளைக்குறித்து சீடர்கள் வியப்படைந்தார்கள். ஆனால் இயேசு மீண்டும் அவர்களிடம், “பிள்ளைகளே, செல்வந்தர்கள் இறைவனுடைய அரசிற்குள் போவது எவ்வளவு கடினமானது!
ఆయన మాటలకు శిష్యులు ఎంతో ఆశ్చర్యపడ్డారు. యేసు మళ్ళీ, “పిల్లలారా, దేవుని రాజ్యంలో ప్రవేశించడం ఎంతో కష్టం!
Pea ofo ʻae kau ākonga ʻi heʻene ngaahi lea. Ka naʻe toe lea ʻa Sisu, ʻo pehēange kiate kinautolu, “Fānau ʻe faingataʻa ʻaupito kiate kinautolu ʻoku falala ki he koloa ke hū ki he puleʻanga ʻoe ʻOtua!
Öğrenciler O'nun sözlerine şaştılar. Ama İsa onlara yine, “Çocuklar” dedi, “Tanrı'nın Egemenliği'ne girmek ne güçtür!
Asɛm a Yesu kaa no maa asuafo no ho dwiriw wɔn. Yesu san kaa bio se, “Me mma, sɛ moahu den a ɛyɛ ma wɔn a wɔwɔ ahonyade sɛ wɔbɛkɔ Onyankopɔn ahenni mu?
Asɛm a Yesu kaeɛ no maa asuafoɔ no ho dwirii wɔn. Yesu sane kaa bio sɛ, “Me mma, sɛ moahunu den a ɛyɛ ma wɔn a wɔwɔ ahonyadeɛ sɛ wɔbɛkɔ Onyankopɔn Ahennie mu?
Учні були вражені словами Ісуса. Ісус знову сказав їм: ―Діти, як важко тим, хто покладається на багатства, увійти в Царство Боже.
І учні жахнулись від слів Його. А Ісус знов у відповідь каже до них: „ Мої діти, як тяжко отим, хто наді́ю кладе на багатство, увійти в Царство Боже!
Ученики ж вжахнулись од словес Його. Ісус же, знов озвавшись, рече їм: Діти, як тяжко вповаючим на багацтва в царство Боже ввійти!
शागिर्द उस की बातों से हैरान हुए ईसा ने फिर जवाब में उनसे कहा, “बच्चो जो लोग दौलत पर भरोसा रखते हैं उन के लिए ख़ुदा की बादशाही में दाख़िल होना क्या ही मुश्किल है।
مۇخلىسلار ئۇنىڭ سۆزلىرىگە ئىنتايىن ھەيران بولۇشتى، لېكىن ئەيسا ئۇلارغا يەنە جاۋابەن: ــ بالىلىرىم، مال-مۈلۈككە تايانغانلار ئۈچۈن خۇدانىڭ پادىشاھلىقىغا كىرىش نېمىدېگەن تەس-ھە!
Мухлислар униң сөзлиригә интайин һәйран болушти, лекин Әйса уларға йәнә җававән: — Балилирим, мал-мүлүккә таянғанлар үчүн Худаниң падишалиғиға кириш немидегән тәс-һә!
Muxlislar uning sözlirige intayin heyran bolushti, lékin Eysa ulargha yene jawaben: — Balilirim, mal-mülükke tayan’ghanlar üchün Xudaning padishahliqigha kirish némidégen tes-he!
Muhlislar uning sɵzlirigǝ intayin ⱨǝyran boluxti, lekin Əysa ularƣa yǝnǝ jawabǝn: — Balilirim, mal-mülükkǝ tayanƣanlar üqün Hudaning padixaⱨliⱪiƣa kirix nemidegǝn tǝs-ⱨǝ!
Môn đồ lấy mấy lời đó làm lạ. Nhưng Đức Chúa Jêsus lại phán rằng: Hỡi các con, những kẻ cậy sự giàu có vào nước Đức Chúa Trời khó là dường nào!
Môn đồ lấy mấy lời đó làm lạ. Nhưng Ðức Chúa Jêsus lại phán rằng: Hỡi các con, những kẻ cậy sự giàu có vào nước Ðức Chúa Trời khó là dường nào!
Nghe lời ấy, các môn đệ đều ngạc nhiên. Chúa Giê-xu dạy tiếp: “Này các con, người nào cậy mình giàu có, rất khó vào Nước của Đức Chúa Trời.
Avavulanisivua vakadegha amasioghaake. UYesu akavavuula kange akati, “Vanango, lutalamu kyongo kukwingilila ku vutwa vwa Nguluve!
Minlonguki misimina buwombo mu diambu di mambu mandi. Vayi Yesu wubuela bakamba: —Bana, ziphasi ziwombo zidi mu kota mu Kipfumu ki Nzambi.
Ọ̀rọ̀ yìí ya àwọn ọmọ-ẹ̀yìn rẹ̀ lẹ́nu. Jesu tún sọ fún wọn pé, “Ẹyin ọmọ yóò tí ṣòro tó fún àwọn tí ó ní ìgbẹ́kẹ̀lé nínú ọrọ̀ láti wọ ìjọba Ọlọ́run.
Verse Count = 346

< Mark 10:24 >