< Leviticus 9:7 >

Moses said to Aaron, “Draw near to the altar, and offer your sin offering, and your burnt offering, and make atonement for yourself, and for the people; and offer the offering of the people, and make atonement for them, as the LORD commanded.”
Pastaj Moisiu i tha Aaronit: “Afroju altarit; paraqit flijimin tënd për mëkatin dhe olokaustin tënd, dhe bëj shlyerjen për vete dhe për popullin; paraqit gjithashtu ofertën e popullit dhe bëj shlyerjen për ata, siç ka urdhëruar Zoti”.
ثُمَّ قَالَ مُوسَى لِهَارُونَ: «تَقَدَّمْ إِلَى ٱلْمَذْبَحِ وَٱعْمَلْ ذَبِيحَةَ خَطِيَّتِكَ وَمُحْرَقَتَكَ، وَكَفِّرْ عَنْ نَفْسِكَ وَعَنِ ٱلشَّعْبِ. وَٱعْمَلْ قُرْبَانَ ٱلشَّعْبِ وَكَفِّرْ عَنْهُمْ كَمَا أَمَرَ ٱلرَّبُّ».
ثُمَّ قَالَ مُوسَى لِهَرُونَ: «اقْتَرِبْ مِنَ الْمَذْبَحِ وَقَدِّمْ ذَبِيحَةَ خَطِيئَتِكَ وَمُحْرَقَتَكَ، وَكَفِّرْ عَنْ نَفْسِكَ وَعَنِ الشَّعْبِ، ثُمَّ أَحْضِرْ قُرْبَانَ الشَّعْبِ وَكَفِّرْ عَنْهُمْ كَمَا أَمَرَ الرَّبُّ».
পাছত মোচিয়ে হাৰোণক ক’লে, “তুমি বেদীৰ ওচৰলৈ গৈ, যিহোৱাৰ আজ্ঞা অনুসাৰে তোমাৰ পাপাৰ্থক বলি আৰু হোম-বলি উৎসৰ্গ কৰি, নিজক আৰু লোকসকলক প্ৰায়শ্চিত্ত কৰা; আৰু লোকসকলৰো উপহাৰ উৎসৰ্গ কৰি, তেওঁলোককো প্ৰায়শ্চিত্ত কৰা।”
Musa Haruna dedi: «Qurbangaha yaxınlaş və özün üçün günah qurbanı ilə yandırma qurbanını gətir. Həm özünün, həm də xalqının günahlarını bunlarla kəffarə et. Xalqın qurbanını da təqdim edərək onların günahını bununla kəffarə et. Rəbb əmr etdiyi kimi olsun».
Amasea, e da Elanema amane sia: i, “Di oloda amoga asili, Wadela: i Hou Dabe Ima: ne Iasu gobele salasu amola Wadela: i Hou Gogolema: ne Olofoma: ne Iasu gobele salasu amo Hina Gode Ea hamoma: ne sia: i defele, fi dunu ilia wadela: i hou fadegama: ne, hamoma.
তখন মোশি হারোণকে বললেন, তুমি বেদির কাছে যাও, তোমার পাপের জন্য বলি ও হোমবলি উৎসর্গ কর, নিজের ও লোকদের জন্য প্রায়শ্চিত্ত কর; আর লোকদের উপহার উত্সর্গ করে তাদের জন্য প্রায়শ্চিত্ত কর; যেমন সদাপ্রভু আজ্ঞা দিয়েছিলেন।
মোশি হারোণকে বললেন, “তুমি বেদির নিকটবর্তী হও এবং তোমার পাপার্থক বলি ও তোমার হোমবলি উৎসর্গ করো এবং তোমার ও লোকদের পক্ষে প্রায়শ্চিত্ত করো; লোকদের জন্য উপহার নিবেদন করো এবং তাদের জন্য প্রায়শ্চিত্ত করো, যেমন সদাপ্রভু আজ্ঞা দিয়েছিলেন।”
Тогава рече Моисей на Аарона: Пристъпи при олтара та принеси приноса си за грях и всеизгарянето си, и направи умилостивение за себе си и за людете; принеси и приноса за людете и направи умилостивение за тях, според както заповяда Господ.
Miingon si Moises kang Aaron, “Adto duol sa halaran ug ihalad ang imong halad alang sa sala ug ang halad sinunog, ug paghimo ug pagpapas sa sala alang sa imong kaugalingon ug alang sa katawhan, ug paghalad ug halad alang sa katawhan aron sa pagpapas sa sala alang kanila, sumala sa gisugo ni Yahweh.”
Ug miingon si Moises kang Aaron: Dumuol ka sa halaran, ug buhaton mo ang imong halad-tungod-sa-sala, ug imong halad-nga-sinunog ug buhaton mo ang pagtabon alang sa imong sala, ug alang sa sala sa katawohan: buhaton mo usab ang halad sa katawohan, ug buhaton mo ang pagtabon-sa-sala alang kanila ingon sa gisugo ni Jehova.
Pambuyo pake Mose anawuza Aaroni kuti, “Sendera pafupi ndi guwa ndipo upereka nsembe yako yopepesera machimo ndi nsembe yako yopsereza ndikuchita mwambo wopepesera machimo ako ndi machimo a anthu. Anthuwa apereke nsembe zawo zopepesera machimo monga momwe Yehova walamulira.”
Mosi mah Aaron khaeah, Hmaicam kung ah caeh ah, zae angbawnhaih, hmai angbawnhaih to sah ah loe, nangmah hoi nangmah ih kaminawk zaehaih loih o thai hanah angbawnhaih to sah ah, tiah a naa.
Te phoeiah Moses loh Aaron taengah, “Hmueihtuk la halo phai. Namah kah boirhaem neh hmueihhlutnah te saii lamtah namah ham neh pilnam ham dawth pah laeh. Te phoeiah pilnam kah nawnnah te saii pah lamtah BOEIPA a uen vanbangla amih ham khaw dawth pah,” a ti nah.
Te phoeiah Moses loh Aaron taengah, “Hmueihtuk la halo phai. Namah kah boirhaem neh hmueihhlutnah te saii lamtah namah ham neh pilnam ham dawth pah laeh. Te phoeiah pilnam kah nawnnah te saii pah lamtah BOEIPA a uen vanbangla amih ham khaw dawth pah,” a ti nah.
Hiti chun Mose’n jong Aaron henga hiti hin aseipeh in, maicham phung lam hin nailut in, chonset maicham thilto nato ding le pumgo maicham thilto nato ding chu hung toh'in lang, hichea chu nangma mimala ding ahin namite jousea ding hijongleh ki thoidamna nasem ding, Pathen thupeh bangmin japin maicham thilto dinga ahin choi chengse chu, hinchoi inlang amaho dia jong kithoidamna nasem peh diu ahi.
Mosi ni Aron koe, khoungroe koe, cet nateh, Cathut ni kâ na poe e patetlah nama e thuengnae, hmaisawi thuengnae sak nateh, nama hoi na taminaw hanelah, yonthanae sak awh. Taminaw ni a thokhai e sathei thuengnae a thueng teh taminaw hanlah yonthanae sak awh, telah atipouh.
Zatim Mojsije reče Aronu: “Stupi k žrtveniku, prinesi svoju žrtvu okajnicu i svoju žrtvu paljenicu i tako izvrši obred pomirenja za se i svoj dom; onda prinesi dar naroda i za nj izvrši obred pomirenja, kako je Jahve naredio.”
Aronovi pak řekl Mojžíš: Přistup k oltáři a obětuj obět za hřích svůj, a obět zápalnou svou k vykonání očištění za sebe i za lid tento; obětuj také obět lidu všeho, a učiň očištění za ně, jakož přikázal Hospodin.
Aronovi pak řekl Mojžíš: Přistup k oltáři a obětuj obět za hřích svůj, a obět zápalnou svou k vykonání očištění za sebe i za lid tento; obětuj také obět lidu všeho, a učiň očištění za ně, jakož přikázal Hospodin.
Så sagde Moses til Aron: "Træd hen til Alteret og bring dit Syndoffer og dit Brændoffer for at skaffe dig og dit Hus Soning og bring så Folkets Offergave for at skaffe det Soning, således som HERREN har påbudt!"
Og Mose sagde til Aron: Træd frem for Alteret, og bring dit Syndoffer og dit Brændoffer, og gør Forligelse forlig og for Folket, og bring Folkets Offer og gør saa Forligelse for dem, saa som Herren har befalet.
Saa sagde Moses til Aron: »Træd hen til Alteret og bring dit Syndoffer og dit Brændoffer for at skaffe dig og dit Hus Soning og bring saa Folkets Offergave for at skaffe det Soning, saaledes som HERREN har paabudt!«
Musa nowacho ne Harun niya, “Sud machiegni gi kendo mar misango, kendo itim misango mar golo richo, gi misango miwangʼo pep, mondo ipwodhrigo kaachiel gi oganda; eka ichiw misango kipwodhogo oganda kaka Jehova Nyasaye osechiko.”
En Mozes zeide tot Aaron: Nader tot het altaar, en maak uw zondoffer, en uw brandoffer toe; en doe verzoening voor u en voor het volk; maak daarna de offerande des volks toe, en doe de verzoening voor hen, gelijk als de HEERE geboden heeft.
En tot Aäron zei Moses: Treed nader tot het altaar, en draag uw zonde en brandoffer op, om verzoening voor uzelf en voor het volk te verkrijgen; breng dan de gave van het volk en verkrijg verzoening voor hen, zoals Jahweh het heeft bevolen.
En Mozes zeide tot Aaron: Nader tot het altaar, en maak uw zondoffer toe; en uw brandoffer toe; en doe verzoening voor u en voor het volk; maak daarna de offerande des volks toe, en doe de verzoening voor hen, gelijk als de HEERE geboden heeft.
And Moses said to Aaron, Draw near to the altar, and offer thy sin offering, and thy burnt offering, and make atonement for thyself, and for the people. And offer the oblation of the people, and make atonement for them, as Jehovah commanded.
Moses said to Aaron, “Draw near to the altar, and offer your sin offering, and your burnt offering, and make atonement for yourself, and for the people; and offer the offering of the people, and make atonement for them, as the LORD commanded.”
And Moses said unto Aaron, Draw near unto the altar, and offer thy sin-offering, and thy burnt-offering, and make atonement for thyself, and for the people; and offer the oblation of the people, and make atonement for them; as Jehovah commanded.
Then Moses said to Aaron, “Approach the altar and sacrifice your sin offering and your burnt offering to make atonement for yourself and for the people. And sacrifice the people’s offering to make atonement for them, as the LORD has commanded.”
And Moses said to Aaron, Come near to the altar and make your sin-offering and your burned offering to take away your sin and the sin of the people, and make the people's offering to take away their sin; as the Lord has given orders.
And Moses said to Aaron, Draw nigh to the altar, and offer thy sin-offering, and thy whole-burnt-offering, and make atonement for thyself, and for thy house; and offer the gifts of the people, and make atonement for them, as the Lord commanded Moses.
And Moses said to Aaron, Draw near to the altar, and offer your sin-offering, and your whole burnt offering, and make atonement for yourself, and for your house; and offer the gifts of the people, and make atonement for them, as the Lord commanded Moses.
And he said to Aaron: “Approach toward the altar, and immolate on behalf of your sin. Offer the holocaust, and pray for yourself and for the people. And when you have slain the victim for the people, pray for them, just as the Lord has instructed.”
And Moses said unto Aaron, Go to the altar, and offer thy sin-offering, and thy burnt-offering, and make atonement for thyself, and for the people; and offer the offering of the people, and make atonement for them, as Jehovah has commanded.
And he said to Aaron: Approach to the altar, and offer sacrifice for thy sin: offer the holocaust, and pray for thyself and for the people: and when thou hast slain the people’s victim, pray for them, as the Lord hath commanded.
Then Moses told Aaron, “Go to the altar and sacrifice your sin offering and your burnt offering to make you and the people right. Then sacrifice the offerings brought by the people as a means to make them right, as the Lord ordered.”
Then Moses sayd vnto Aaron, Draw neere to the Altar, and offer thy sinne offering, and thy burnt offring, and make an attonement for thee and for the people: offer also the offring of the people, and make an atonement for them, as the Lord hath commanded.
And Moses said unto Aaron: 'Draw near unto the altar, and offer thy sin-offering, and thy burnt-offering, and make atonement for thyself, and for the people; and present the offering of the people, and make atonement for them; as the LORD commanded.'
And Moses said unto Aaron, Go unto the altar, and offer thy sin offering, and thy burnt offering, and make an atonement for thyself, and for the people: and offer the offering of the people, and make an atonement for them; as the LORD commanded.
And Moses said to Aaron, Go to the altar, and offer your sin offering, and your burnt offering, and make an atonement for yourself, and for the people: and offer the offering of the people, and make an atonement for them; as the LORD commanded.
And Moses said unto Aaron, Go unto the altar, and offer thy sin offering, and thy burnt offering, and make an atonement for thyself, and for the people: and offer the offering of the people, and make an atonement for them; as the Lord commanded.
And Moses said unto Aaron, Go unto the altar, and offer thy sin offering, and thy burnt offering, and make an atonement for thyself, and for the people: and offer the offering of the people, and make an atonement for them; as YHWH commanded.
And Moses said unto Aaron, Go unto the altar, and offer thy sin offering, and thy burnt offering, and make an atonement for thyself, and for the people: and offer the offering of the people, and make an atonement for them; as Yhwh commanded.
And Moses said unto Aaron, Go unto the altar, and offer your sin offering, and your burnt offering, and make an atonement for yourself, and for the people: and offer the offering of the people, and make an atonement for them; as the LORD commanded.
And Moses said to Aaron, Draw near to the altar, and offer your sin-offering, and your whole burnt offering, and make atonement for yourself, and for your house; and offer the gifts of the people, and make atonement for them, as the Lord commanded Moses.
And Moses said unto Aaron, Draw near unto the altar, and prepare thy sin-offering, and thy burnt-offering, and make an atonement for thyself, and for the people; and prepare the offering of the people, and make an atonement for them; as the Lord hath commanded.
And Moses says to Aaron, “Draw near to the altar, and make your sin-offering, and your burnt-offering, and make atonement for yourself, and for the people, and make the offering of the people, and make atonement for them, as YHWH has commanded.”
Moses said to Aaron, "Draw near to the altar, and offer your sin offering, and your burnt offering, and make atonement for yourself, and for the people; and offer the offering of the people, and make atonement for them; as the LORD commanded."
Moses said to Aaron, "Draw near to the altar, and offer your sin offering, and your burnt offering, and make atonement for yourself, and for the people; and offer the offering of the people, and make atonement for them; as Jehovah commanded."
Moses said to Aaron, "Draw near to the altar, and offer your sin offering, and your burnt offering, and make atonement for yourself, and for the people; and offer the offering of the people, and make atonement for them; as the LORD commanded."
Moses said to Aaron, "Draw near to the altar, and offer your sin offering, and your burnt offering, and make atonement for yourself, and for the people; and offer the offering of the people, and make atonement for them; as the LORD commanded."
Moses said to Aaron, "Draw near to the altar, and offer your sin offering, and your burnt offering, and make atonement for yourself, and for the people; and offer the offering of the people, and make atonement for them; as YHWH commanded."
Moses said to Aaron, "Draw near to the altar, and offer your sin offering, and your burnt offering, and make atonement for yourself, and for the people; and offer the offering of the people, and make atonement for them; as the LORD commanded."
Moses [Drawn out] said to Aaron [Light-bringer], “Draw near to the altar, and offer your sin offering, and your burnt offering, and make atonement for yourself, and for the people; and offer the offering of the people, and make atonement for them; as Adonai enjoined.”
And Moses said unto Aaron, Draw near unto the altar, and offer thy sin offering, and thy burnt offering, and make atonement for thyself, and for the people: and offer the oblation of the people, and make atonement for them; as the LORD commanded.
and Moses said unto Aaron—Draw near unto the altar, and offer thy sin-bearer and thine ascending-sacrifice, and put a propitiatory-covering about thyself and about the people, —and offer the oblation of the people and put a propitiatory-covering about them, As Yahweh hath commanded.
And he said Moses to Aaron draw near to the altar and offer sin offering your and burnt offering your and make atonement for yourself and for the people and offer [the] present of the people and make atonement for them just as he has commanded Yahweh.
and to say Moses to(wards) Aaron to present: come to(wards) [the] altar and to make: offer [obj] sin: sin offering your and [obj] burnt offering your and to atone about/through/for you and about/through/for [the] people and to make: do [obj] offering [the] people and to atone about/through/for them like/as as which to command LORD
Then Moses/I said to Aaron, “Come to the altar and sacrifice the animal that is your offering to enable you to be forgiven for the sins you have committed, and the animal that will be completely burned there. Because of those offerings, God will forgive you and the people for the sins that you have committed [DOU]. Do those things that Yahweh has commanded.”
Moses said to Aaron, “Come near the altar and offer your sin offering and burnt offering, and make atonement for yourself and for the people, and offer the sacrifice for the people to make atonement for them, as Yahweh has commanded.”
And Moses said to Aaron, Go to the altar, and offer thy sin-offering, and thy burnt-offering, and make an atonement for thyself, and for the people: and offer the offering of the people, and make an atonement for them; as the LORD commanded.
And Moses said to Aaron, Go to the altar, and offer thy sin offering, and thy burnt offering, and make an atonement for thyself, and for the people: and offer the offering of the people, and make an atonement for them; as the LORD commanded.
Moses said to Aaron, “Draw near to the altar, and offer your sin offering, and your burnt offering, and make atonement for yourself, and for the people; and offer the offering of the people, and make atonement for them, as Yahweh commanded.”
Moses said to Aaron, “Draw near to the altar, and offer your sin offering, and your burnt offering, and make atonement for yourself, and for the people; and offer the offering of the people, and make atonement for them, as the LORD commanded.”
Moses said to Aaron, “Draw near to the altar, and offer your sin offering, and your burnt offering, and make atonement for yourself, and for the people; and offer the offering of the people, and make atonement for them, as the LORD commanded.”
Moses said to Aaron, “Draw near to the altar, and offer your sin offering, and your burnt offering, and make atonement for yourself, and for the people; and offer the offering of the people, and make atonement for them, as the LORD commanded.”
Moses said to Aaron, “Draw near to the altar, and offer your sin offering, and your burnt offering, and make atonement for yourself, and for the people; and offer the offering of the people, and make atonement for them, as the LORD commanded.”
Moses said to Aaron, “Draw near to the altar, and offer your sin offering, and your burnt offering, and make atonement for yourself, and for the people; and offer the offering of the people, and make atonement for them, as the LORD commanded.”
And Moises seide to Aaron, Neiye thou to the auter, and offre thou for thi synne; offre thou brent sacrifice, and preye for thee, and for the puple; and whanne thou hast slayn the sacrifice of the puple, preye thou for hem, as the Lord comaundide.
And Moses saith unto Aaron, 'Draw near unto the altar, and make thy sin-offering, and thy burnt-offering, and make atonement for thyself, and for the people, and make the offering of the people, and make atonement for them, as Jehovah hath commanded.'
Kaj Moseo diris al Aaron: Aliru al la altaro, kaj faru vian pekoferon kaj vian bruloferon kaj pekliberigu vin kaj la popolon, kaj faru la oferon de la popolo kaj pekliberigu ilin, kiel ordonis la Eternulo.
Mose gblɔ na Aron be wòate ɖe vɔsamlekpui la ŋu, eye wòasa nu vɔ̃ vɔsa kple numevɔ, alé avu gbã ɖe eɖokui ta, eye emegbe la, ɖe ame bubuawo ta abe ale si Yehowa ɖo ene.
Ja Moses sanoi Aaronille: astu alttarin tykö, ja tee rikosuhris, ja poltouhris ja sovita sinuas ja kansaa, ja tee sitte kansan uhri ja sovita heitä, niinkuin Herra käskenyt on.
Ja Mooses sanoi Aaronille: "Astu alttarin ääreen ja uhraa syntiuhrisi ja polttouhrisi ja toimita itsellesi ja kansalle sovitus ja uhraa sitten kansan uhrilahja ja toimita heille sovitus, niinkuin Herra on käskenyt".
Moïse dit à Aaron: " Approche-toi de l'autel; offre ton sacrifice pour le péché et ton holocauste, et fais l'expiation pour toi et pour le peuple; présente aussi l'offrande du peuple et fais l'expiation pour lui, comme Yahweh l'a ordonné. "
Moïse dit à Aaron: « Approche-toi de l'autel, offre ton sacrifice pour le péché et ton holocauste, et fais l'expiation pour toi et pour le peuple; offre l'offrande du peuple et fais l'expiation pour lui, comme Yahvé l'a ordonné. »
Et Moïse dit à Aaron: Approche-toi de l’autel, et offre ton sacrifice pour le péché, et ton holocauste, et fais propitiation pour toi et pour le peuple; et offre l’offrande du peuple, et fais propitiation pour eux, comme l’Éternel a commandé.
Et Moïse dit à Aaron: Approche-toi de l'autel, et fais ton offrande pour le péché, et ton holocauste, et fais propitiation pour toi, et pour le peuple; et présente l'offrande pour le peuple; et fais propitiation pour eux, comme l'Eternel l'a commandé.
Et il dit à Aaron: Approche-toi de l’autel, et immole pour ton péché; offre l’holocauste, et prie pour toi et pour le peuple, et lorsque tu auras sacrifié l’hostie du peuple, prie pour lui, comme a ordonné le Seigneur.
Moïse dit à Aaron: Approche-toi de l’autel; offre ton sacrifice d’expiation et ton holocauste, et fais l’expiation pour toi et pour le peuple; offre aussi le sacrifice du peuple, et fais l’expiation pour lui, comme l’Éternel l’a ordonné.
Moïse dit à Aaron: « Approche-toi de l’autel; offre ton sacrifice pour le péché et ton holocauste, et fais l’expiation pour toi et pour le peuple; présente aussi l’offrande du peuple et fais l’expiation pour lui, comme Yahweh l’a ordonné. »
Puis Moïse dit à Aaron: Approche-toi de l'autel; fais ton sacrifice pour le péché et ton holocauste, et fais l'expiation pour toi et pour le peuple; présente aussi l'offrande du peuple, et fais l'expiation pour lui, comme l'Éternel l'a commandé.
Et Moïse dit à Aaron: Approche-toi de l'Autel, et fais ton sacrifice expiatoire et ton holocauste et la propitiation pour toi et pour le peuple; et fais l'oblation du peuple et la propitiation pour lui, comme l'Éternel l'a ordonné.
Moïse dit aussi à Aaron: Approche-toi de l'autel, sacrifie la victime pour ton péché, brûle ton holocauste, et prie pour toi et pour ta maison; ensuite, sacrifie les victimes données par le peuple, et prie pour eux tous, comme le Seigneur l'a prescrit à Moïse.
Et Moïse dit à Aaron: "Approche de l’autel, offre ton expiatoire et ton holocauste, obtiens propitiation pour toi et pour le peuple; puis, offre le sacrifice du peuple et obtiens-lui propitiation, comme l’a prescrit l’Éternel."
Und Moses sprach zu Aaron: "Tritt an den Altar! Besorge dein Sünd- und Brandopfer und schaffe für dich und für das Volk Sühne! Dann besorge des Volkes Opfergabe und schaffe ihnen Sühne, wie der Herr befohlen hat!"
Und Mose sprach zu Aaron: Nahe zum Altar, und opfere dein Sündopfer und dein Brandopfer, und tue Sühnung für dich und für das Volk; und opfere die Opfergabe des Volkes und tue Sühnung für sie, so wie Jehova geboten hat.
Und Mose sprach zu Aaron: Nahe zum Altar, und opfere dein Sündopfer und dein Brandopfer, und tue Sühnung für dich und für das Volk; und opfere die Opfergabe des Volkes und tue Sühnung für sie, so wie Jehova geboten hat.
Sodann gebot Mose Aaron: Tritt heran an den Altar und besorge dein Sündopfer und dein Brandopfer, damit du für dich und das Volk Sühne schaffst; sodann besorge die Opfergabe des Volks, damit du für sie Sühne schaffst, wie Jahwe befohlen hat.
Und Mose sprach zu Aaron: Tritt zum Altar und mache dein Sündopfer und dein Brandopfer und versöhne dich und das Volk; danach mache des Volks Opfer und versöhne sie auch, wie der HERR geboten hat.
Und Mose sprach zu Aaron: Tritt zum Altar und mache dein Sündopfer und dein Brandopfer und versöhne dich und das Volk; darnach mache des Volkes Opfer und versöhne sie auch, wie der HERR geboten hat.
Hierauf sagte Mose zu Aaron: »Tritt an den Altar und bringe dein Sündopfer und dein Brandopfer dar, damit du für dich [und für das Volk] Sühne erwirkst; danach bringe die Opfergabe des Volkes dar, damit du auch für sie Sühne erwirkst, wie der HERR geboten hat.«
Und Mose sprach zu Aaron: Tritt zum Altar und verrichte dein Sündopfer und dein Brandopfer und erwirke Sühne für dich und das Volk. Darnach bringe das Opfer des Volkes dar und erwirke Sühnung für sie, wie der HERR geboten hat!
Und Mose sprach zu Aharon: Nahe dich zum Altar, und tue dein Sündopfer und dein Brandopfer, und sühne für dich und für das Volk, und mache die Opfergabe des Volkes, und sühne für sie, wie Jehovah geboten hat.
Musa akĩĩra Harũni atĩrĩ, “Ũka kĩgongona-inĩ ũrute igongona rĩaku rĩa kũhoroherio mehia na iruta rĩaku rĩa njino, wĩhoroherie wee mwene na ũhoroherie andũ aya; ũcooke ũrute igongona rĩa indo iria andũ marehete ũmahoroherie, o ta ũrĩa Jehova aathanĩte.”
Και είπεν ο Μωϋσής προς τον Ααρών, Πρόσελθε εις το θυσιαστήριον και κάμε την περί αμαρτίας προσφοράν σου, και το ολοκαύτωμά σου και κάμε εξιλέωσιν υπέρ σεαυτού και υπέρ του λαού· και πρόσφερε το δώρον του λαού και κάμε εξιλέωσιν υπέρ αυτών, καθώς προσέταξεν ο Κύριος.
καὶ εἶπεν Μωυσῆς τῷ Ααρων πρόσελθε πρὸς τὸ θυσιαστήριον καὶ ποίησον τὸ περὶ τῆς ἁμαρτίας σου καὶ τὸ ὁλοκαύτωμά σου καὶ ἐξίλασαι περὶ σεαυτοῦ καὶ τοῦ οἴκου σου καὶ ποίησον τὰ δῶρα τοῦ λαοῦ καὶ ἐξίλασαι περὶ αὐτῶν καθάπερ ἐνετείλατο κύριος τῷ Μωυσῇ
મૂસાએ હારુનને કહ્યું, “વેદી પાસે જઈને તારું પાપાર્થાર્પણ તથા દહનીયાર્પણ ચઢાવ અને તારે પોતાને માટે તથા લોકોને માટે પ્રાયશ્ચિત કર અને લોકોનું અર્પણ ચઢાવ અને તેઓને માટે પ્રાયશ્ચિત કર. જેમ યહોવાહે આજ્ઞા આપી તેમ.”
Apre sa, Moyiz di Arawon konsa: -Pwoche bò lotèl la, fè yon ofrann pou peye pou tou sa ou fè ki mal, ak yon ofrann pou ou boule nèt pou Seyè a. Apre sa w'a fè menm bagay pou pèp la. Wi, mete ofrann pèp la devan Bondye, mande Bondye pou l' fè yo gras, jan Seyè a te bay lòd la.
Konsa, Moïse te di a Aaron: “Vin toupre lotèl la, e ofri ofrann peche ak ofrann brile nou yo, pou nou kapab fè ekspiyasyon pou nou menm, ak pou pèp la; pou nou kapab fè ekspiyasyon pou yo, jan SENYÈ a te kòmande a.”
Musa ya ce wa Haruna, “Matsa kusa da bagaden, ka miƙa hadayarka don zunubi, da hadayarka ta ƙonawa, ka yi kafara don kanka da kuma don jama’a. Ka kuma kawo hadayar jama’a, ka yi kafara dominsu kamar yadda Ubangiji ya umarta.”
Olelo aku la hoi o Mose ia Aarona, E hele oe i ke kuahu, a e kanmaha aku i kau mohailawehala, a me kau mohaikuni, a e hana i kalahala nou iho, a no na kanaka; a e alana aku i ka mohai a na kanaka, a e hana i kalahala no lakou, e like me ka Iehova kauoha,
ויאמר משה אל אהרן קרב אל המזבח ועשה את חטאתך ואת עלתך וכפר בעדך ובעד העם ועשה את קרבן העם וכפר בעדם כאשר צוה יהוה
וַיֹּ֨אמֶר מֹשֶׁ֜ה אֶֽל־אַהֲרֹ֗ן קְרַ֤ב אֶל־הַמִּזְבֵּ֙חַ֙ וַעֲשֵׂ֞ה אֶת־חַטָּֽאתְךָ֙ וְאֶת־עֹ֣לָתֶ֔ךָ וְכַפֵּ֥ר בַּֽעַדְךָ֖ וּבְעַ֣ד הָעָ֑ם וַעֲשֵׂ֞ה אֶת־קָרְבַּ֤ן הָעָם֙ וְכַפֵּ֣ר בּֽ͏ַעֲדָ֔ם כַּאֲשֶׁ֖ר צִוָּ֥ה יְהוָֽה׃
וַיֹּ֨אמֶר מֹשֶׁ֜ה אֶֽל־אַהֲרֹ֗ן קְרַ֤ב אֶל־הַמִּזְבֵּ֙חַ֙ וַעֲשֵׂ֞ה אֶת־חַטָּֽאתְךָ֙ וְאֶת־עֹ֣לָתֶ֔ךָ וְכַפֵּ֥ר בַּֽעַדְךָ֖ וּבְעַ֣ד הָעָ֑ם וַעֲשֵׂ֞ה אֶת־קָרְבַּ֤ן הָעָם֙ וְכַפֵּ֣ר בַּֽעֲדָ֔ם כַּאֲשֶׁ֖ר צִוָּ֥ה יְהוָֽה׃
וַיֹּאמֶר מֹשֶׁה אֶֽל־אַהֲרֹן קְרַב אֶל־הַמִּזְבֵּחַ וַעֲשֵׂה אֶת־חַטָּֽאתְךָ וְאֶת־עֹלָתֶךָ וְכַפֵּר בַּֽעַדְךָ וּבְעַד הָעָם וַעֲשֵׂה אֶת־קׇרְבַּן הָעָם וְכַפֵּר בַּֽעֲדָם כַּאֲשֶׁר צִוָּה יְהֹוָֽה׃
ויאמר משה אל אהרן קרב אל המזבח ועשה את חטאתך ואת עלתך וכפר בעדך ובעד העם ועשה את קרבן העם וכפר בעדם כאשר צוה יהוה׃
וַיֹּאמֶר מֹשֶׁה אֶֽל־אַהֲרֹן קְרַב אֶל־הַמִּזְבֵּחַ וַעֲשֵׂה אֶת־חַטָּֽאתְךָ וְאֶת־עֹלָתֶךָ וְכַפֵּר בַּֽעַדְךָ וּבְעַד הָעָם וַעֲשֵׂה אֶת־קָרְבַּן הָעָם וְכַפֵּר בּֽ͏ַעֲדָם כַּאֲשֶׁר צִוָּה יְהוָֽה׃
וַיֹּ֨אמֶר מֹשֶׁ֜ה אֶֽל־אַהֲרֹ֗ן קְרַ֤ב אֶל־הַמִּזְבֵּ֙חַ֙ וַעֲשֵׂ֞ה אֶת־חַטָּֽאתְךָ֙ וְאֶת־עֹ֣לָתֶ֔ךָ וְכַפֵּ֥ר בַּֽעַדְךָ֖ וּבְעַ֣ד הָעָ֑ם וַעֲשֵׂ֞ה אֶת־קָרְבַּ֤ן הָעָם֙ וְכַפֵּ֣ר בַּֽעֲדָ֔ם כַּאֲשֶׁ֖ר צִוָּ֥ה יְהוָֽה׃
तब मूसा ने हारून से कहा, “यहोवा की आज्ञा के अनुसार वेदी के समीप जाकर अपने पापबलि और होमबलि को चढ़ाकर अपने और सब जनता के लिये प्रायश्चित कर और जनता के चढ़ावे को भी चढ़ाकर उनके लिये प्रायश्चित कर।”
इसके बाद मोशेह ने अहरोन को यह आदेश दिया, “वेदी के निकट आ जाओ, और अपनी पापबलि और होमबलि भेंट करो कि तुम स्वयं के लिए और प्रजा के लिए प्रायश्चित पूरा कर सको; इसके बाद प्रजा के लिए बलि अर्पण करो कि उनके लिए प्रायश्चित पूरा कर सको, ठीक जैसा आदेश याहवेह ने दिया है.”
Áronnak pedig monda Mózes: Járulj az oltárhoz, és készítsd el a te bűnért való áldozatodat és egészen égőáldozatodat, és végezz engesztelést magadért és a népért. Készítsd el a nép áldozatát is, és végezz engesztelést érettök is, a mint megparancsolta az Úr.
És mondta Mózes Áronnak: Közeledjél az oltárhoz és készítsd el vétekáldozatodat és égőáldozatodat, hogy engesztelést szerezz magadért és a népért; azután készítsd el a nép áldozatát, hogy engesztelést szerezz értük, amint parancsolta az Örökkévaló.
Mosis sịrị Erọn, “Bịa nso nʼebe ịchụ aja. Chụọ aja mmehie, na aja nsure ọkụ nke a ga-eji kpuchie mmehie gị na mmehie ndị ahụ niile. Chụọ aja onyinye dịrị ndị ahụ, maka ikpuchiri ha mmehie ha, dịka Onyenwe anyị nyere nʼiwu.”
Kinuna ni Moises kenni Aaron, “Umasidegka iti altar ket idatonmo ti daton a gapu iti basolmo ken ti daton a maipuor amin, ket mangaramidka iti pangabbong iti basolmo ken kadagiti basbasol dagiti tattao, ken idatonmo ti daton a para kadagiti tattao tapno maabbongan dagiti basolda, a kas imbilin ni Yahweh.”
Sesudah itu ia berkata kepada Harun, "Pergilah ke mezbah dan siapkanlah kurban pengampunan dosa dan kurban bakaran, supaya dosamu dan dosa umat diampuni TUHAN. Lakukanlah itu seperti yang diperintahkan TUHAN."
Kata Musa kepada Harun: "Datanglah mendekat kepada mezbah, olahlah korban penghapus dosa dan korban bakaranmu, dan adakanlah pendamaian bagimu sendiri dan bagi bangsa itu; sesudah itu olahlah persembahan bangsa itu dan adakanlah pendamaian bagi mereka, seperti yang diperintahkan TUHAN."
E Mosè disse ad Aaronne: Accostati all'Altare, e fa' il tuo [sacrificio per lo] peccato, e il tuo olocausto; e fa' il purgamento de' tuoi peccati, e di que' del popolo; offerisci eziandio l'offerta del popolo, e fa' il purgamento de lor peccati; come il Signore ha comandato.
Mosè disse ad Aronne: «Avvicinati all'altare: offri il tuo sacrificio espiatorio e il tuo olocausto e compi il rito espiatorio per te e per il tuo casato; presenta anche l'offerta del popolo e fà l'espiazione per esso, come il Signore ha ordinato».
E Mosè disse ad Aaronne: “Accostati all’altare; offri il tuo sacrifizio per il peccato e il tuo olocausto, e fa’ l’espiazione per te e per il popolo; presenta anche l’offerta del popolo e fa’ l’espiazione per esso, come l’Eterno ha ordinato”.
Anante Mosese'a anage huno Aronina asami'ne, Kumite'ma nona huno kresramna vu ofaka'ane tevefima kre fanane hu ofaka'a erinka enka kagra'a kumitera nona hunka ofa nehunka, Anumzamo'ma hu'nea kante antenka ruga'amokizmi kumi'zamirera nona hunka kresramna vuzamantegahane.
ಮೋಶೆಯು ಆರೋನನಿಗೆ, “ಬಲಿಪೀಠದ ಕಡೆಗೆ ಹೋಗಿ, ಯೆಹೋವ ದೇವರು ಆಜ್ಞಾಪಿಸಿದಂತೆಯೇ ನಿನ್ನ ಪಾಪ ಪರಿಹಾರದ ಬಲಿಯನ್ನೂ ದಹನಬಲಿಯನ್ನೂ ಅರ್ಪಿಸು. ನಿನಗಾಗಿ ಪ್ರಾಯಶ್ಚಿತ್ತವನ್ನು ಮಾಡು, ಜನರ ಸಮರ್ಪಣೆಗಳನ್ನು ಸಮರ್ಪಿಸಿ, ಅವರಿಗಾಗಿಯೂ ಪ್ರಾಯಶ್ಚಿತ್ತವನ್ನು ಮಾಡು,” ಎಂದನು.
ಆಗ ಮೋಶೆ ಆರೋನನಿಗೆ, “ಯಜ್ಞವೇದಿಯ ಹತ್ತಿರಕ್ಕೆ ಬಂದು ನೀನು ಮಾಡಬೇಕಾದ ದೋಷಪರಿಹಾರಕ ಯಜ್ಞವನ್ನು, ಸರ್ವಾಂಗಹೋಮವನ್ನು ಸಮರ್ಪಿಸಿ ನಿನಗೋಸ್ಕರವೂ ಮತ್ತು ನಿನ್ನ ಜನರಿಗೋಸ್ಕರವೂ ದೋಷವನ್ನು ಪರಿಹರಿಸು; ಜನರು ತಂದದ್ದನ್ನು ಸಮರ್ಪಿಸಿ ಯೆಹೋವನ ಆಜ್ಞೆಯಂತೆ ಅವರಿಗಾಗಿ ದೋಷಪರಿಹಾರವನ್ನು ಮಾಡು” ಎಂದು ಹೇಳಿದನು.
그가 또 아론에게 이르되 너는 단에 나아가 네 속죄제와 네 번제를 드려서 너를 위하여, 백성을 위하여 속하고 또 백성의 예물을 드려서 그들을 위하여 속하되 무릇 여호와의 명대로 하라
그가 또 아론에게 이르되 `너는 단에 나아가 네 속죄제와 네 번제를 드려서 너를 위하여, 백성을 위하여 속하고 또 백성의 예물을 드려서 그들을 위하여 속하되 무릇 여호와의 명대로 하라'
Na el fahk nu sel Aaron, “Fahla nu ke loang uh ac oru kisa ke ma koluk ac kisa firir in eela ma koluk lom ac ma koluk lun mwet uh. Oru kisa inge in eela ma koluk lun mwet uh, oana LEUM GOD El sapkin.”
پاشان موسا بە هارونی گوت: «بڕۆ پێشەوە بۆ لای قوربانگاکە و قوربانی گوناهت و قوربانی سووتاندنەکەت بکە و کەفارەت بۆ خۆت و گەل بکە و قوربانی گەل بکە و کەفارەتیان بۆ بکە، هەروەک یەزدان فەرمانی دا.»
Et dixit ad Aaron: Accede ad altare, et immola pro peccato tuo: offer holocaustum, et deprecare pro te et pro populo: cumque mactaveris hostiam populi, ora pro eo, sicut præcepit Dominus.
Et dixit ad Aaron: Accede ad altare, et immola pro peccato tuo: offer holocaustum, et deprecare pro te et pro populo. Cumque mactaveris hostiam populi, ora pro eo, sicut præcepit Dominus.
Et dixit ad Aaron: Accede ad altare, et immola pro peccato tuo: offer holocaustum, et deprecare pro te et pro populo. cumque mactaveris hostiam populi, ora pro eo, sicut præcepit Dominus.
Et dixit ad Aaron: Accede ad altare, et immola pro peccato tuo: offer holocaustum, et deprecare pro te et pro populo: cumque mactaveris hostiam populi, ora pro eo, sicut præcepit Dominus.
dixit et ad Aaron accede ad altare et immola pro peccato tuo offer holocaustum et deprecare pro te et pro populo cumque mactaveris hostiam populi ora pro eo sicut praecepit Dominus
Et dixit ad Aaron: Accede ad altare, et immola pro peccato tuo: offer holocaustum, et deprecare pro te et pro populo. cumque mactaveris hostiam populi, ora pro eo, sicut praecepit Dominus.
Un Mozus sacīja uz Āronu: pieej pie altāra un sataisi savu grēku upuri un savu dedzināmo upuri un dari salīdzināšanu priekš sevis un priekš tiem ļaudīm, pēc upurē to ļaužu upuri un salīdzini tos, itin kā Tas Kungs pavēlējis.
Moyize alobaki na Aron: « Pusana pene ya etumbelo mpe bonza mbeka na yo ya masumu mpe mbeka na yo ya kotumba; mpe sala mosala ya bolimbisi masumu mpo na yo moko mpe mpo na bato. Bonza likabo ya bato mpe sala mosala ya bolimbisi masumu mpo na bango, kolanda ndenge Yawe apesaki mitindo. »
Awo Musa n’agamba Alooni nti, “Sembera ku kyoto oweeyo ekiweebwayo kyo olw’ebyonoono byo, n’ekiweebwayo kyo ekyokebwa, olyoke weetangiririre awamu n’abantu era oleete ekiweebwayo eky’abantu; obatangiririre; nga Mukama Katonda bwe yalagidde.”
Ary hoy Mosesy tamin’ i Arona: Manatona ny alitara, dia manatera ny fanatitrao noho ny ota sy ny fanatitra odoranao ka manaova fanavotana ho an’ ny tenanao sy ho an’ ny olona; dia manatera ny fanatitry ny olona ka manaova fanavotana ho azy, araka izay nandidian’ i Jehovah.
Le hoe ty Mosè amy Aharone, Harineo i kitreliy naho soroño i engan-kakeo’oy naho i hisoroña’oy, hañeferañe azo naho ondatio. Le soroño i nengae’ ondatio hañeferañe iareo, amy nandilia’ Iehovày.
അഹരോനോട് മോശെ: “നീ യാഗപീഠത്തിന്റെ അടുക്കൽ ചെന്നു യഹോവ കല്പിച്ചതുപോലെ നിന്റെ പാപയാഗവും ഹോമയാഗവും അർപ്പിച്ചു നിനക്കും ജനത്തിനുംവേണ്ടി പ്രായശ്ചിത്തം കഴിച്ചു ജനത്തിന്റെ വഴിപാട് അർപ്പിച്ച് അവർക്കായിട്ടും പ്രായശ്ചിത്തം കഴിക്കുക എന്നു പറഞ്ഞു.
അഹരോനോടു മോശെ: നീ യാഗപീഠത്തിന്റെ അടുക്കൽ ചെന്നു യഹോവ കല്പിച്ചതുപോലെ നിന്റെ പാപയാഗവും ഹോമയാഗവും അൎപ്പിച്ചു നിനക്കും ജനത്തിന്നും വേണ്ടി പ്രായശ്ചിത്തം കഴിച്ചു ജനത്തിന്റെ വഴിപാടു അൎപ്പിച്ചു അവൎക്കായിട്ടും പ്രായശ്ചിത്തം കഴിക്ക എന്നു പറഞ്ഞു.
അഹരോനോടു മോശെ: നീ യാഗപീഠത്തിന്റെ അടുക്കൽ ചെന്നു യഹോവ കല്പിച്ചതുപോലെ നിന്റെ പാപയാഗവും ഹോമയാഗവും അർപ്പിച്ചു നിനക്കും ജനത്തിന്നും വേണ്ടി പ്രായശ്ചിത്തം കഴിച്ചു ജനത്തിന്റെ വഴിപാടു അർപ്പിച്ചു അവർക്കായിട്ടും പ്രായശ്ചിത്തം കഴിക്ക എന്നു പറഞ്ഞു.
മോശ അഹരോനോടു പറഞ്ഞു: “യഹോവ കൽപ്പിച്ചതുപോലെ യാഗപീഠത്തിലേക്കു വന്നു നിങ്ങൾ പാപശുദ്ധീകരണയാഗവും ഹോമയാഗവും അർപ്പിച്ച് നിനക്കും ജനത്തിനുംവേണ്ടി പ്രായശ്ചിത്തം ചെയ്യുക; ജനത്തിനുവേണ്ടിയുള്ള വഴിപാടും യാഗവും കഴിച്ചു ജനത്തിന്നു പ്രായശ്ചിത്തം ചെയ്യുക.”
मग मोशेने अहरोनाला सांगितले, “जा व परमेश्वराने आज्ञा दिल्याप्रमाणे सर्वकाही कर; वेदीजवळ जाऊन आपला पापबली व होमबली ह्यांचे अर्पण कर आणि स्वत: साठी व लोकांसाठी प्रायश्चित कर आणि लोकांकडील बलीही अर्पण करून त्यांच्यासाठी प्रायश्चित कर.”
ထို့​နောက်​သူ​သည်​အာ​ရုန်​အား``သင်​၏​အ​ပြစ် နှင့်​ဣ​သ​ရေ​လ​အ​မျိုး​သား​တို့​၏​အ​ပြစ် ပြေ​ရန်​အ​တွက် ယဇ်​ပလ္လင်​သို့​သွား​၍​အ​ပြစ် ဖြေ​ရာ​ယဇ်​ကို​လည်း​ကောင်း၊ မီး​ရှို့​ရာ​ယဇ်​ကို လည်း​ကောင်း​ပူ​ဇော်​လော့။ ထာ​ဝ​ရ​ဘု​ရား မိန့်​တော်​မူ​သည့်​အ​တိုင်း ဣ​သ​ရေ​လ​အ​မျိုး သား​တို့​အ​တွက်​အ​ပြစ်​ဖြေ​ရာ​ယဇ်​ကို ပူ​ဇော်​လော့'' ဟု​ဆို​လေ​၏။
အာရုန်အားလည်း၊ သင်သည် ယဇ်ပလ္လင်သို့သွား၍ ထာဝရဘုရား မှာထားတော်မူသည်အတိုင်း၊ သင်၏ အပြစ်ဖြေရာယဇ်၊ မီးရှို့ရာယဇ်ကို ပူဇော်သဖြင့်၊ သင်နှင့်လူများအတွက် အပြစ်ဖြေခြင်းကို ပြုလော့။ လူများ ဆောင်ယူခဲ့သော ပူဇော်သက္ကာကိုလည်း ပူဇော်၍၊ သူတို့အတွက် အပြစ်ဖြေခြင်းကို ပြုလော့ဟူ၍ ၎င်းဆိုလေ၏။
အာရုန် အား လည်း ၊ သင်သည် ယဇ် ပလ္လင်သို့ သွား ၍ ထာဝရဘုရား မှာ ထားတော်မူသည်အတိုင်း ၊ သင် ၏ အပြစ် ဖြေရာယဇ်၊ မီး ရှို့ရာယဇ်ကို ပူဇော် သဖြင့် ၊ သင် နှင့် လူ များအတွက် အပြစ် ဖြေခြင်းကို ပြုလော့။ လူ များ ဆောင်ယူခဲ့သော ပူဇော် သက္ကာကိုလည်း ပူဇော် ၍ ၊ သူ တို့အတွက် အပြစ် ဖြေခြင်းကို ပြုလော့ဟူ၍၎င်း ဆိုလေ၏။
A ka mea a Mohi ki a Arona, Whakatata ki te aata, mahia tau whakahere hara, me tau tahunga tinana, ka whakamarie ai mou, mo te iwi hoki: ka whakahere atu ai hoki i te whakahere a te iwi, ka whakamarie ai mo ratou, ko ta Ihowa hoki i whakahau ai.
UMosi wathi ku-Aroni, “Woza e-alithareni uzonikela umhlatshelo wesono sakho kanye lomnikelo wakho wokutshiswa, wenzele wena kanye labantu indlela yokubuyisana. Unikele umhlatshelo wabantu ubenzele uxolo njengalokhu okulaywe nguThixo.”
UMozisi wasesithi kuAroni: Sondela elathini, wenze umnikelo wakho wesono lomnikelo wakho wokutshiswa, uzenzele wena inhlawulo yokuthula lokwabantu; ubususenza umnikelo wabantu, ubenzele inhlawulo yokuthula, njengokulaya kweNkosi.
मोशाले हारूनलाई भने, “परमप्रभुले आज्ञा गर्नुभएझैँ वेदीको नजिक आऊ र आफ्नो पापबलि र होमबलि अर्पण गर, र आफ्नै निम्ति र मानिसहरूका निम्ति प्रायश्‍चित्त गर, र मानिसहरूका निम्ति प्रायश्‍चित्तस्वरूप बलिदानलाई अर्पण गर ।”
Så sa Moses til Aron: Tred frem til alteret og ofre ditt syndoffer og ditt brennoffer og gjør soning for dig og for folket, og ofre så folkets offer og gjør soning for dem, således som Herren har befalt!
So sagde han til Aron: «Kom hit åt altaret, og ofra syndofferet og brennofferet ditt, og gjer soning for deg og for folket, og ber so fram offergåva frå folket og gjer soning for deim, soleis som Herren hev sagt!»
ତହୁଁ ମୋଶା ହାରୋଣଙ୍କୁ କହିଲେ, “ତୁମ୍ଭେ ବେଦି ନିକଟକୁ ଯାଇ ସଦାପ୍ରଭୁଙ୍କ ଆଜ୍ଞାନୁସାରେ ଆପଣାର ପାପାର୍ଥକ ବଳି ଓ ଆପଣା ହୋମବଳି ଉତ୍ସର୍ଗ କର, ପୁଣି ଆପଣା ନିମନ୍ତେ ଓ ଲୋକମାନଙ୍କ ନିମନ୍ତେ ପ୍ରାୟଶ୍ଚିତ୍ତ କର; ତହିଁ ଉତ୍ତାରେ ଲୋକମାନଙ୍କର ଉପହାର ଉତ୍ସର୍ଗ କରି ସେମାନଙ୍କ ନିମନ୍ତେ ପ୍ରାୟଶ୍ଚିତ୍ତ କର।”
Ergasii Museen Arooniin akkana jedhe; “Gara iddoo aarsaa kottuutii aarsaa cubbuu keetiitii fi aarsaa kee kan gubamu dhiʼeeffadhuutii ofii keetii fi sabaaf araara buusi; akkuma Waaqayyo ajajettis aarsaa sabaa dhiʼeessiitii araara isaaniif buusi.”
ਅਤੇ ਮੂਸਾ ਨੇ ਹਾਰੂਨ ਨੂੰ ਆਖਿਆ, “ਯਹੋਵਾਹ ਦੇ ਹੁਕਮ ਅਨੁਸਾਰ ਜਗਵੇਦੀ ਦੇ ਕੋਲ ਜਾ ਕੇ ਆਪਣੀ ਪਾਪ ਬਲੀ ਦੀ ਭੇਟ ਅਤੇ ਹੋਮ ਬਲੀ ਦੀ ਭੇਟ ਚੜ੍ਹਾ ਅਤੇ ਆਪਣੇ ਲਈ ਅਤੇ ਸਾਰੇ ਲੋਕਾਂ ਦੇ ਲਈ ਪ੍ਰਾਸਚਿਤ ਕਰ ਅਤੇ ਲੋਕਾਂ ਦੀ ਭੇਟ ਚੜ੍ਹਾ ਕੇ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਦੇ ਲਈ ਪ੍ਰਾਸਚਿਤ ਕਰ।”
و موسی هارون را گفت: «نزدیک مذبح بیا و قربانی گناه خود و قربانی سوختنی خود را بگذران، و برای خود و برای قوم کفاره کن، و قربانی قوم را بگذران و بجهت ایشان کفاره کن، چنانکه خداوند امرفرموده است.»
آنگاه موسی به هارون گفت: «نزدیک مذبح بیا و همان‌طور که خداوند فرموده است قربانی گناه و قربانی سوختنی خود را تقدیم کرده، برای خود کفاره کن و سپس قربانیهای قوم را تقدیم نموده، برای آنها کفاره نما.»
Rzekł zaś Mojżesz do Aarona: Przystąp do ołtarza, a uczyń ofiarę za grzech swój, i ofiarę paloną twoję, a wykonaj oczyszczenie za się i za lud; uczyń też ofiarę od ludu, i uczyń oczyszczenie za lud, jako rozkazał Pan.
Do Aarona zaś Mojżesz powiedział: Zbliż się do ołtarza i złóż swoją ofiarę za grzech i swoje całopalenie, i dokonaj przebłagania za siebie i lud. Złóż też ofiarę ludu i dokonaj za niego przebłagania, jak PAN rozkazał.
E disse Moisés a Arão: Achega-te ao altar, e faze tua expiação, e teu holocausto, e faze a reconciliação por ti e pelo povo: faze também a oferta do povo, e faze a reconciliação por eles; como mandou o SENHOR.
E disse Moysés a Aarão: Chega-te ao altar, e faze a tua expiação de peccado e o teu holocausto; e faze expiação por ti e pelo povo: depois faze a offerta do povo, e faze expiação por elles, como ordenou o Senhor.
E disse Moisés a Aarão: Chega-te ao altar, e faze a tua expiação de pecado e o teu holocausto; e faze expiação por ti e pelo povo: depois faze a oferta do povo, e faze expiação por eles, como ordenou o Senhor.
Moisés disse a Arão: “Aproximai-vos do altar e fazei vossa oferta pelo pecado e vosso holocausto e fazei expiação por vós e pelo povo; e oferecei a oferta do povo e fazei expiação por eles, como Javé ordenou”.
Мойсе а зис луй Аарон: „Апропие-те де алтар, аду-ць жертфа та де испэшире ши ардеря та де тот ши фэ испэшире пентру тине ши пентру попор; аду ши жертфа попорулуй ши фэ испэшире пентру ел, кум а порунчит Домнул.”
Și Moise i-a spus lui Aaron: Du-te la altar și adu ofranda ta pentru păcat și ofranda ta arsă, și fă ispășire pentru tine însuți și pentru popor, și adu ofranda poporului și fă ispășire pentru ei, precum DOMNUL a poruncit.
И сказал Моисей Аарону: приступи к жертвеннику и соверши жертву твою о грехе и всесожжение твое, и очисти себя и народ, и сделай приношение от народа, и очисти их, как повелел Господь.
И рече Мојсије Арону: Приступи к олтару, и принеси жртву за грех свој и жртву своју паљеницу, и очисти од греха себе и народ; и принеси жртву народну и очисти их од греха, као што је заповедио Господ.
I reèe Mojsije Aronu: pristupi k oltaru, i prinesi žrtvu za grijeh svoj i žrtvu svoju paljenicu, i oèisti od grijeha sebe i narod; i prinesi žrtvu narodu i oèisti ih od grijeha, kao što je zapovjedio Gospod.
Mozisi akati kuna Aroni, “Uya kuaritari ugobayira chipiriso chako chechivi nechipiriso chako chinopiswa ugozviyananisira iwe navanhu; bayira chipiriso chavanhu ugovayananisira sezvakarayirwa naJehovha.”
И рече Моисей Аарону: приступи ко олтарю и сотвори еже греха ради твоего, и всесожжение твое, и помолися о себе и о доме твоем: и сотвори дары людския, и помолися о них, якоже заповеда Господь Моисею.
Mojzes je rekel Aronu: »Pojdi k oltarju in daruj svojo daritev za greh in svojo žgalno daritev in opravi spravo zase in za ljudstvo in daruj dar ljudstva in opravi spravo zanje; kakor je zapovedal Gospod.«
Kolkaasaa Muuse wuxuu Haaruun ku yidhi, Meesha allabariga u dhowow, oo waxaad bixisaa qurbaankaaga dembiga iyo qurbaankaaga la gubo, oo nafsaddaada kafaaraggud u samee, iyo weliba dadka aawadiis, oo waxaad bixisaa dadka qurbaankiisii oo iyaga kafaaraggud ugu samee sidii Rabbigu amray.
Y dijo Moisés a Aarón: Llégate al altar, y haz tu expiación, y tu holocausto, y haz la reconciliación por ti y por el pueblo; haz también la ofrenda del pueblo, y haz la reconciliación por ellos; como ha mandado el SEÑOR.
Entonces Moisés le dijo a Aarón: “Ve al altar y sacrifica tu ofrenda por el pecado y tu holocausto para que tú y el pueblo estén bien. Luego sacrifica las ofrendas traídas por el pueblo para enderezarlas, como el Señor lo ordenó”.
Moisés dijo a Aarón: “Acércate al altar y ofrece tu ofrenda por el pecado y tu holocausto, y haz la expiación por ti y por el pueblo; y ofrece la ofrenda del pueblo y haz la expiación por ellos, como lo ha ordenado Yahvé.”
Luego Moisés dijo a Aarón: Acércate al altar y prepara tu sacrificio por el pecado y tu holocausto. Ofrece sacrificio que apacigua por ti y por el pueblo. Presenta también el sacrificio del pueblo y ofrece sacrificio que apacigua por él, como Yavé ordenó.
Después dijo Moisés a Aarón: “Acércate al altar y ofrece tu sacrificio por el pecado y tu holocausto, y haz la expiación por ti mismo y por el pueblo; ofrece también la oblación del pueblo y haz la expiación por ellos; como Yahvé lo ha prescrito.
Y dijo Moisés a Aarón: Llégate al altar, y haz tu expiación, y tu holocausto: y haz la reconciliación por ti y por el pueblo: y haz la ofrenda del pueblo, y haz la reconciliación por ellos, como ha mandado Jehová.
Y dijo Moisés á Aarón: Llégate al altar, y haz tu expiación, y tu holocausto, y haz la reconciliación por ti y por el pueblo: haz también la ofrenda del pueblo, y haz la reconciliación por ellos; como ha mandado Jehová.
Entonces Moisés dijo a Aarón: Acércate al altar y haz tu ofrenda por el pecado y tu ofrenda quemada para quitarte el pecado y el pecado del pueblo, y haz la ofrenda del pueblo para quitar el pecado; como el Señor ha dado órdenes.
“Musa akamwambia Aroni, “Njoo karibu na Madhabahu na uteo sadaka yako ya dhambi na sadaka ya kuteketezwa, na kufanya upatanisho kwa ajili ya watu ili kufanya upatanisho kwa ajili yao kama vile ambavyo Yahweh amekwishaamru.”
Mose akamwambia Aroni, “Njoo madhabahuni ili utoe dhabihu yako ya sadaka ya dhambi na sadaka yako ya kuteketezwa, ufanye upatanisho kwa ajili yako mwenyewe na kwa ajili ya watu. Kisha utoe sadaka ya upatanisho kwa ajili ya watu, kama vile Bwana alivyoagiza.”
Och Mose sade till Aron: "Träd fram till altaret och offra ditt syndoffer och ditt brännoffer, och bringa försoning för dig själv och folket; offra sedan folkets offer och bringa försoning för dem, såsom HERREN har bjudit."
Och Mose sade till Aaron: Gack fram till altaret, och gör ditt syndoffer, och ditt bränneoffer, och försona dig och folket. Derefter gör folkens offer, och försona desslikes dem; såsom Herren budit hafver.
Och Mose sade till Aron: »Träd fram till altaret och offra ditt syndoffer och ditt brännoffer, och bringa försoning för dig själv och folket; offra sedan folkets offer och bringa försoning för dem, såsom HERREN har bjudit.»
At sinabi ni Moises kay Aaron, Lumapit ka sa dambana, at ihandog mo ang iyong handog dahil sa kasalanan, at ang iyong handog na susunugin, at itubos mo sa iyong sarili at sa bayan: at ihandog mo ang alay ng bayan, at itubos mo sa kanila; gaya ng iniutos ng Panginoon.
Sinabi ni Moises kay Aaron, “Lumapit ka sa altar at ialay ang iyong handog para sa kasalanan at handog na susunugin, at gumawa ng kabayaran sa kasalanan para sa iyong sarili at para sa mga tao, at ihandog ang alay para sa mga tao bilang kabayaran ng kasalanan para sa kanila, tulad ng iniutos ni Yahweh.”
மோசே ஆரோனை நோக்கி: “நீ பலிபீடத்தின் அருகில் வந்து, யெகோவா கட்டளையிட்டபடியே, உன் பாவநிவாரணபலியையும் உன் சர்வாங்க தகனபலியையும் செலுத்தி, உனக்காகவும் மக்களுக்காகவும் பாவநிவிர்த்தி செய்து, மக்களுடைய பலியையும் செலுத்தி, அவர்களுக்காகவும் பாவநிவிர்த்தி செய்” என்றான்.
மோசே ஆரோனிடம், “நீ பலிபீடத்தின் அருகில் வந்து பாவநிவாரண காணிக்கையையும், தகன காணிக்கையையும் பலியிட்டு, உனக்காகவும், மக்களுக்காகவும் பாவநிவிர்த்தி செய்யவேண்டும். மக்களுக்கான காணிக்கையைப் பலியிட்டு, அவர்களுக்காகவும் பாவநிவிர்த்தி செய்யவேண்டும். யெகோவா கட்டளையிட்டபடியே இவற்றைச் செய்” என்றான்.
తరువాత మోషే అహరోనుకి ఇలా చెప్పాడు. “బలిపీఠం దగ్గరికి రా, యెహోవా ఆజ్ఞాపించినట్టు నీ పాపం కోసం అర్పించాల్సిన బలినీ, నీ కోసం దహనబలినీ అర్పించి నీ కోసం, ప్రజల కోసం పరిహారం చెయ్యి. ప్రజల కోసం బలి అర్పించి వాళ్ళ కోసం పరిహారం చెయ్యి.”
Pea pehē ʻe Mōsese kia ʻElone, “ʻAlu ki he feilaulauʻanga, ʻo ʻatu ʻa hoʻo feilaulau maʻae angahala, mo hoʻo feilaulau tutu, pea fai ʻae fakalelei koeʻuhi ko koe, pea maʻae kakai: pea ʻatu ʻae feilaulau ʻae kakai, mo fai ʻae fakalelei koeʻuhi ko kinautolu; ʻo hangē ko e fekau ʻa Sihova.”
Sonra Harun'a, “Sunağa git, günah ve yakmalık sunularını sun” dedi, “Hem kendinin, hem de halkın günahlarını bağışlat. RAB'bin buyurduğu gibi halkın sunusunu sun, günahlarını bağışlat.”
Mose ka kyerɛɛ Aaron se ɔnkɔ afɔremuka no so na ɔnkɔbɔ bɔne ne ɔhyew afɔre no mfa nyɛ mpata mma ne ho ansa na ato nnipa no sɛnea Awurade hyɛe no.
Mose ka kyerɛɛ Aaron sɛ ɔnkɔ afɔrebukyia no so na ɔnkɔbɔ bɔne ne ɔhyeɛ afɔdeɛ no mfa nyɛ mpatadeɛ mma ne ho ansa na ato nnipa no sɛdeɛ Awurade hyɛeɛ no.
І сказав Мойсей до Ааро́на: „Підійди до жертівника, і вчини свою жертву за гріх та своє цілопа́лення, і очисти себе та наро́д, і вчини жертву за наро́д, і очисти їх, як наказав був Господь“.
और मूसा ने हारून से कहा, कि मज़बह के नज़दीक जा और अपनी ख़ता की क़ुर्बानी और अपनी सोख़्तनी क़ुर्बानी पेश कर और अपने लिए और क़ौम के लिए कफ़्फ़ारा दे, और जमा'अत के हदिये को पेश कर और उनके लिए कफ़्फ़ारा दे जैसा ख़ुदावन्द ने हुक्म किया है।
شۇنىڭ بىلەن مۇسا ھارۇنغا: ــ سەن قۇربانگاھقا يېقىن بېرىپ گۇناھ قۇربانلىقىڭ بىلەن كۆيدۈرمە قۇربانلىقىڭنى سۇنۇپ ئۆزۈڭ ۋە خەلق ئۈچۈن كافارەت كەلتۈرگىن؛ ئاندىن خەلقنىڭ قۇربانلىقىنىمۇ سۇنۇپ، پەرۋەردىگار ئەمر قىلغاندەك ئۇلار ھەققىدە كافارەت كەلتۈرگىن» ــ دېدى.
Шуниң билән Муса Һарунға: — Сән қурбангаһқа йеқин берип гуна қурбанлиғиң билән көйдүрмә қурбанлиғиңни сунуп өзүң вә хәлиқ үчүн кафарәт кәлтүргин; андин хәлиқниң қурбанлиғиниму сунуп, Пәрвәрдигар әмир қилғандәк улар һәққидә кафарәт кәлтүргин» — деди.
Shuning bilen Musa Harun’gha: — Sen qurban’gahqa yéqin bérip gunah qurbanliqing bilen köydürme qurbanliqingni sunup özüng we xelq üchün kafaret keltürgin; andin xelqning qurbanliqinimu sunup, Perwerdigar emr qilghandek ular heqqide kafaret keltürgin» — dédi.
Xuning bilǝn Musa Ⱨarunƣa: — Sǝn ⱪurbangaⱨⱪa yeⱪin berip gunaⱨ ⱪurbanliⱪing bilǝn kɵydürmǝ ⱪurbanliⱪingni sunup ɵzüng wǝ hǝlⱪ üqün kafarǝt kǝltürgin; andin hǝlⱪning ⱪurbanliⱪinimu sunup, Pǝrwǝrdigar ǝmr ⱪilƣandǝk ular ⱨǝⱪⱪidǝ kafarǝt kǝltürgin» — dedi.
Đoạn, Môi-se nói cùng A-rôn rằng: Ngươi hãy đến gần bàn thờ dâng của lễ chuộc tội và của lễ thiêu của ngươi đi, để vì ngươi và vì dân sự làm lễ chuộc tội; lại cũng hãy dâng của lễ của dân sự và làm lễ chuộc tội cho họ, y như Đức Giê-hô-va đã phán dặn vậy.
Ðoạn, Môi-se nói cùng A-rôn rằng: Ngươi hãy đến gần bàn thờ dâng của lễ chuộc tội và của lễ thiêu của ngươi đi, để vì ngươi và vì dân sự làm lễ chuộc tội; lại cùng hãy dâng của lễ của dân sự và làm lễ chuộc tội cho họ, y như Ðức Giê-hô-va đã phán dặn vậy.
Rồi Môi-se bảo A-rôn đến gần bàn thờ, dâng sinh tế chuộc tội và sinh tế thiêu để chuộc tội cho chính mình; rồi dâng sinh tế để chuộc tội lên Chúa Hằng Hữu cho dân, như lời Chúa dạy.
Mose sọ fún Aaroni pé, “Wá sí ibi pẹpẹ kí o sì rú ẹbọ ẹ̀ṣẹ̀ rẹ àti ẹbọ sísun rẹ, kí o sì ṣe ètùtù fún ara rẹ àti fún àwọn ènìyàn; rú ẹbọ ti àwọn ènìyàn náà, kí o sì ṣe ètùtù fún wọn gẹ́gẹ́ bí Olúwa ti pa á láṣẹ.”
Verse Count = 212

< Leviticus 9:7 >