< Joshua 15:2 >

Their south border was from the uttermost part of the Salt Sea, from the bay that looks southward;
وَكَانَ تُخْمُهُمُ ٱلْجَنُوبِيُّ أَقْصَى بَحْرِ ٱلْمِلْحِ مِنَ ٱللِّسَانِ ٱلْمُتَوَجِّهِ نَحْوَ ٱلْجَنُوبِ.
كَمَا بَدَأَتْ حُدُودُهُمُ الْجَنُوبِيَّةُ مِنَ الْخَلِيجِ فِي أَقْصَى الطَّرَفِ الْجَنُوبِيِّ لِلْبَحْرِ الْمَيِّتِ.
তেওঁলোকৰ দক্ষিণ সীমা লৱণ-সমুদ্ৰৰ শেষ অংশৰ পৰা অৰ্থাৎ দক্ষিণ ফাললৈ বাঢ়ি যোৱা উপসাগৰৰ পৰা আৰম্ভ হ’ল।
Onların cənub sərhədi Duz dənizi qurtaran yerdən – cənubda yerləşən körfəzdən başlayırdı.
Amo alalo da Bogoi Hano Wayabo ea ga alalo,
আর তাদের দক্ষিণ সীমা লবণসমুদ্রের প্রান্ত থেকে অর্থাৎ দক্ষিণ দিকে বঙ্ক থেকে আরম্ভ হল;
তাদের দক্ষিণ সীমানা মরুসাগরের দক্ষিণপ্রান্তে অবস্থিত উপসাগর থেকে শুরু হয়ে,
И южната им граница беше от най-далечния край на Соленото море, от залива, който се простира към юг;
Ang ilang utlanan sa habagatan nagsugod gikan sa kataposan sa Dagat nga Asin, gikan sa baybayon nga nag-atubang sa habagatan.
Ug ang utlanan sa habagatan nagasugod gikan sa kinatumyang dapit sa Dagat nga Maasgad sukad sa look nga nagabantaaw sa habagatan;
Malire awo a kummwera anayambira kummwera kwenikweni kwa Nyanja ya Mchere,
Aloih bang ramri loe paloi tuipui taeng hoi amtong moe, aloih bang prae boenghaih khoek to,
Te dongah lungkaeh li hmoi lamloh tuithim la aka hooi uh longken khaw, amih kah tuithim la om.
Te dongah lungkaeh li hmoi lamloh tuithim la aka hooi uh longken khaw, amih kah tuithim la om.
Chuleh lhanglang gamgichu lhanglang ngat tuikolla pat Chitwilen lang changei ahi.
Akalae khori teh, Sodom tuipui dawk hoi akalah hoi a tâco teh,
A južna im međa išla od kraja Slanoga mora od zaljeva što je na jugu;
I byla jejich meze polední kraj moře slaného od zátoky, kteráž se chýlí ku poledni.
I byla jejich meze polední kraj moře slaného od zátoky, kteráž se chýlí ku poledni.
Deres Sydgrænse begynder ved Enden af Salthavet, ved den sydlige Bugt,
Og deres Landemærke i Sønden var fra Salthavets Ende, fra den Odde, som vender imod Sønden.
Deres Sydgrænse begynder ved Enden af Salthavet, ved den sydlige Bugt,
Tongʼ-gi ma yo milambo nochakore e giko mar Nam Chumbi ma yo milambo,
Zodat hun landpale, tegen het zuiden, het uiterste van de Zoutzee was; van de tong af, die tegen het zuiden ziet;
Hun zuidelijke grens begon onderaan de Zoutzee, van de baai af, die zuidwaarts loopt;
Zodat hun landpale, tegen het zuiden, het uiterste van de Zoutzee was, van de tong af, die tegen het zuiden ziet;
And their south border was from the outermost part of the Salt Sea, from the bay that looks southward.
Their south border was from the uttermost part of the Salt Sea, from the bay that looks southward;
And their south border was from the uttermost part of the Salt Sea, from the bay that looketh southward;
Their southern border started at the bay on the southern tip of the Salt Sea,
Their south limit was from the farthest part of the Salt Sea, from the inlet looking to the south:
And their borders were from the south as far as a part of the salt sea from the high country that extends southward.
And their borders were from the south as far as a part of the salt sea from the high country that extends southward.
Its beginning was from the summit of the very salty sea, and from its bay, which looks toward the south.
And their southern border was from the end of the salt sea, from the tongue that turns southward;
Its beginning was from the top of the most salt sea, and from the bay thereof, that looketh to the south.
Their boundary began at the end of the Salt Sea—the bay that faces south—
And their South border was the salt Sea coast, from the point that looketh Southward.
And their south border was from the uttermost part of the Salt Sea, from the bay that looked southward.
And their south border was from the shore of the salt sea, from the bay that looketh southward:
And their south border was from the shore of the salt sea, from the bay that looks southward:
And their south border was from the shore of the salt sea, from the bay that looketh southward:
And their south border was from the shore of the salt sea, from the bay that looketh southward:
And their south border was from the shore of the salt sea, from the bay that looketh southward:
And their south border was from the shore of the salt sea, from the bay that looks southward:
And their borders were from the south as far as a part of the salt sea from the high country that extends southward.
And their southern boundary was from the end of the salt sea, from the bay that bendeth southward:
and to them the south border is at the extremity of the Salt Sea, from the bay which is looking southward;
Their south border was from the uttermost part of the Salt Sea, from the bay that looks southward;
Their south border was from the uttermost part of the Salt Sea, from the bay that looks southward;
Their south border was from the uttermost part of the Salt Sea, from the bay that looks southward;
Their south border was from the uttermost part of the Salt Sea, from the bay that looks southward;
Their south border was from the uttermost part of the Salt Sea, from the bay that looks southward;
Their south border was from the uttermost part of the Salt Sea, from the bay that looks southward;
And their south border was from the uttermost part of the Salt Sea, from the bay that looked southward:
so their south boundary beginneth at the end of the Salt Sea, —from the bay that turneth to the south;
And it was to them border of [the] south from [the] end of [the] Sea of Salt from the bay which faces [the] south towards.
and to be to/for them border: boundary south from end sea [the] Salt (Sea) from [the] tongue: bar [the] to turn south [to]
The southern border of the land that was allotted to the tribe of Judah started at the south end of the Dead Sea [and extended west].
Their border on the south ran from the end of the Salt Sea, from the bay that faces to the south.
And their south border was from the shore of the salt-sea, from the bay that looketh southward:
And their south border was from the shore of the salt sea, from the bay that looketh southward:
Their south border was from the uttermost part of the Salt Sea, from the bay that looks southward;
Their south border was from the uttermost part of the Salt Sea, from the bay that looks southward;
Their south border was from the uttermost part of the Salt Sea, from the bay that looks southward;
Their south border was from the uttermost part of the Salt Sea, from the bay that looks southward;
Their south border was from the uttermost part of the Salt Sea, from the bay that looks southward;
Their south border was from the uttermost part of the Salt Sea, from the bay that looks southward;
the bigynnyng therof fro the hiynesse of the saltist see, and fro the arm therof, that biholdith to the south.
and to them the south border is at the extremity of the salt sea, from the bay which is looking southward;
Ilia suda limo estis de la fino de la Sala Maro, de la golfo, kiu direktiĝas suden.
Dzieheliƒo sia tso Dzeƒu alo Ƒukuku la to le anyigbeme
Niin että heidän lounainen maan rajansa oli Suolameren äärestä, se on, siitä lahdesta, joka menee etelään päin,
Heidän eteläinen rajansa alkaa Suolameren päästä, sen eteläisimmästä pohjukasta,
Leur frontière du midi partait de l'extrémité de la mer Salée, de la langue tournée vers le sud;
Leur limite méridionale partait de l'extrémité de la mer Salée, de la baie qui regarde le sud;
Et leur frontière méridionale était depuis le bout de la mer Salée, depuis la pointe qui regarde vers le midi;
Tellement que leur frontière du côté du Midi fut le dernier bout de la mer salée, depuis le bras qui regarde vers le Midi.
Le commencement de ce pays est à la pointe de la mer très salée, et à cette langue de mer qui regarde le midi;
Ainsi, leur limite méridionale partait de l’extrémité de la mer Salée, de la langue qui fait face au sud.
Leur frontière du midi partait de l’extrémité de la mer Salée, de la langue tournée vers le sud;
Leur frontière méridionale partait de l'extrémité de la mer Salée, depuis le bras qui regarde vers le midi;
Et leur frontière méridionale, partant de l'extrémité de la Mer Salée, de la pointe tournée au midi,
Puis, elles vont du côté du midi jusqu'aux bords de la mer Salée, du côté de la colline qui regarde le midi.
Leur limite méridionale commençait à l’extrémité de la mer Salée, à la pointe qui regarde le sud,
Ihre Südgrenze beginnt mit dem Ende des Salzmeeres, von der nach Süden gerichteten Zunge,
Und ihre Südgrenze war vom Ende des Salzmeeres, von der Zunge, die sich gegen Süden wendet;
Und ihre Südgrenze war vom Ende des Salzmeeres, von der Zunge, die sich gegen Süden wendet;
Und zwar läuft ihre Südgrenze vom Ende des Salzmeers - von der nach Süden gewendeten Spitze - aus
daß ihre Mittagsgrenzen waren von der Ecke an dem Salzmeer, das ist, von der Zunge, die gegen mittagwärts gehet,
daß ihre Mittagsgrenze war von der Ecke an dem Salzmeer, das ist, von der Zunge, die mittagswärts geht,
und zwar geht ihre Südgrenze vom Ende des Salzmeeres, von seiner Südspitze aus,
Und ihre südliche Grenze beginnt am Ende des Salzmeeres, bei der Zunge, die mittagwärts reicht,
Und ihre Mittagsgrenze war vom Ende des Salzmeeres an, von der Zunge, die sich gegen Mittag wendet.
Mũhaka wao wa mwena wa gũthini wambĩrĩire gĩcongoco-inĩ kĩa mwena wa gũthini kĩa Iria rĩa Cumbĩ,
Και τα μεσημβρινά αυτών όρια ήσαν από των παραλίων της αλμυράς θαλάσσης, από του κόλπου του βλέποντος προς μεσημβρίαν·
καὶ ἐγενήθη αὐτῶν τὰ ὅρια ἀπὸ λιβὸς ἕως μέρους τῆς θαλάσσης τῆς ἁλυκῆς ἀπὸ τῆς λοφιᾶς τῆς φερούσης ἐπὶ λίβα
તેની સીમા દક્ષિણના ખારા સમુદ્રના છેડાથી, એટલે દક્ષિણના અખાતથી શરુ થતી હતી.
Fwontyè tè a konmanse nan pwent sid lanmè Sale a,
Lizyè sid la te sòti nan pwent piba nan Lamè Sale a, soti nan dlo ki vire vè sid la.
Iyakarsu a kudanci ta tashi tun daga kurewar kudu na Tekun Gishiri,
A o ko lakou mokuna hema, aia mai kahakai o ka moanakai, mai ke kaikuono hoi e oi ana i ka hema.
ויהי להם גבול נגב מקצה ים המלח מן הלשן הפנה נגבה
וַיְהִ֤י לָהֶם֙ גְּב֣וּל נֶ֔גֶב מִקְצֵ֖ה יָ֣ם הַמֶּ֑לַח מִן־הַלָּשֹׁ֖ן הַפֹּנֶ֥ה נֶֽגְבָּה׃
וַיְהִ֤י לָהֶם֙ גְּב֣וּל נֶ֔גֶב מִקְצֵ֖ה יָ֣ם הַמֶּ֑לַח מִן־הַלָּשֹׁ֖ן הַפֹּנֶ֥ה נֶֽגְבָּה׃
וַיְהִי לָהֶם גְּבוּל נֶגֶב מִקְצֵה יָם הַמֶּלַח מִן־הַלָּשֹׁן הַפֹּנֶה נֶֽגְבָּה׃
ויהי להם גבול נגב מקצה ים המלח מן הלשן הפנה נגבה׃
וַיְהִי לָהֶם גְּבוּל נֶגֶב מִקְצֵה יָם הַמֶּלַח מִן־הַלָּשֹׁן הַפֹּנֶה נֶֽגְבָּה׃
וַיְהִ֤י לָהֶם֙ גְּב֣וּל נֶ֔גֶב מִקְצֵ֖ה יָ֣ם הַמֶּ֑לַח מִן־הַלָּשֹׁ֖ן הַפֹּנֶ֥ה נֶֽגְבָּה׃
उनके भाग का दक्षिणी सीमा खारे ताल के उस सिरेवाले कोल से आरम्भ हुई जो दक्षिण की ओर बढ़ी है;
उनकी दक्षिण सीमा लवण-सागर के दक्षिण छोर से, उस खाड़ी से, जो दक्षिण की ओर मुड़ती है;
Vala pedig az ő déli határuk a Sóstengernek szélétől, a tengernyelvtől fogva, a mely délfelé fordul.
S volt nekik déli határul a Sóstenger szélétől, a nyelvtől, mely délnek fordul;
Nʼakụkụ ndịda, oke ala ha malitere nʼọnụ ọnụ ndịda osimiri Nnu.
Naglayon ti beddengda iti abagatan manipud iti pagpatinggaan ti Asin a Baybay, manipud iti sabangan a nakasango iti abagatan.
mulai dari ujung selatan Laut Mati,
Batas selatan bagi mereka mulai dari ujung Laut Asin, dari teluk yang menghadap ke selatan;
Batas selatan wilayah mereka mulai dari ujung selatan Laut Mati,
Così ebbero per confine dal Mezzodì, l'estremità del mar salso, dalla punta che riguarda verso il Mezzodì.
Il loro confine a mezzogiorno cominciava alla parte estrema del Mar Morto, dalla punta rivolta verso mezzodì,
Il loro confine meridionale partiva dall’estremità del mar Salato, dalla lingua che volge a sud,
Hanki mopazmimofo agema'amo'a fenkamu sauti kazigati'ma agafama hu'neana, fri hagerimofo ankenaregati agafa huteno,
ಲವಣ ಸಮುದ್ರದ ಕಡೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ದಕ್ಷಿಣ ಕಡೆಗಿರುವ ಕೊನೆಯಿಂದ,
ಅದರ ದಕ್ಷಿಣದ ಮೇರೆಯು ಲವಣ ಸಮುದ್ರದ ತೆಂಕಣ ಕೊನೆಯಿಂದ
그 남편 경계는 염해의 극단 곧 남향한 해만에서부터
그 남편 경계는 염해의 극단 곧 남향한 해만에서부터
Masrol nu eir fahla eir in Meoa Misa,
سنووری باشووریان لە کەنداوەوە دەستپێدەکات، لە کۆتایی باشووری دەریای مردووە و
Initium ejus a summitate maris salsissimi, et a lingua ejus, quæ respicit meridiem.
Initium eius a summitate maris salsissimi, et a lingua eius, quæ respicit Meridiem.
initium eius a summitate maris salsissimi, et a lingua eius, quæ respicit Meridiem.
Initium ejus a summitate maris salsissimi, et a lingua ejus, quæ respicit meridiem.
initium eius a summitate maris Salsissimi et a lingua eius quae respicit meridiem
initium eius a summitate maris salsissimi, et a lingua eius, quae respicit Meridiem.
Tā ka viņu robeža pret dienvidiem bija Sāls jūras gals no tās mēles, kas pret dienvidiem stiepjas,
Mondelo na yango ya sude ebandaki na suka ya ebale monene ya Barozo, longwa na eteni ya mabele oyo ekota kati na ebale monene oyo etalana na Negevi,
N’ensalo yaabwe ey’oluuyi olwo okuva ku Nnyanja ey’Omunnyo w’eva, ku kikono ekitunudde mu bukiikaddyo;
Ary ny fari-taniny atsimo dia hatramin’ ny faran’ ny Ranomasin-tsira, dia hatramin’ ny helo-drano atsimo,
Ty efe-tane’ iareo atimo, le boak’ añ’ olo’ i Riake Siray hirik’ amy fitolian-dakañe mitolike mañatimoy;
അവരുടെ ദേശത്തിന്റെ തെക്കെ അതിർ ഉപ്പുകടലിന്റെ തെക്കുവശത്തുള്ള ഉൾക്കടലിൽ നിന്നു ആരംഭിച്ച്
അവരുടെ തെക്കെ അതിർ ഉപ്പുകടലിന്റെ അറ്റംമുതൽ തെക്കോട്ടു നീണ്ടിരിക്കുന്ന ഇടക്കടൽമുതൽതന്നേ ആയിരുന്നു.
അവരുടെ തെക്കെ അതിർ ഉപ്പുകടലിന്റെ അറ്റംമുതൽ തെക്കോട്ടു നീണ്ടിരിക്കുന്ന ഇടക്കടൽമുതൽതന്നേ ആയിരുന്നു.
അവരുടെ തെക്കേ അതിര് ഉപ്പുകടലിന്റെ തെക്കേ അറ്റത്തുള്ള ഉൾക്കടലിൽ തുടങ്ങി;
आणि त्यांची दक्षिण सीमा क्षारसमुद्राच्या शेवटची खाडी, जिचे तोंड दक्षिणेस आहे, तेथून झाली.
တောင်​ဘက်​နယ်​နိ​မိတ်​သည်​ပင်လယ်​သေ​တောင် ဘက်​စွန်း​မှ​စ​၍ တောင်​ဘက်​ရှိ​အ​က​ရဗ္ဗိမ် တောင်​ကြား​ကို​ဖြတ်​ပြီး​လျှင်​ဇိ​န​မြို့​အ​ထိ ရောက်​သည်။ ထို​မှ​တစ်​ဖန်​ကာ​ဒေ​ရှ​ဗာ​နာ​မြို့ ၏​တောင်​ဘက်​သို့​သွား​၍​ဟေ​ဇ​ရုန်​မြို့​ကို​ဖြတ် လျက်​အာ​ဒါ​မြို့​ဘက်​သို့​တက်​ပြီး​လျှင် ကာ ကာ​မြို့​ဘက်​သို့​ကွေ့​ပြီး​နောက်​အ​ဇ​မုန်​မြို့ သို့​ရောက်​လေ​သည်။ ထို​နောက်​အီ​ဂျစ်​ပြည်​နယ် စပ်​ရှိ​ချောင်း​ကို​လိုက်​၍​မြေ​ထဲ​ပင်​လယ်​တွင် အ​ဆုံး​သတ်​သည်။ ဤ​ကား​ယု​ဒ​နယ်​မြေ​၏ တောင်​ဘက်​နယ်​နိ​မိတ်​ဖြစ်​သ​တည်း။
တောင်ဘက်အပိုင်းအခြားသည် သောဒုံအိုင်၌ တောင်အကွေ့မှထွက်၍၊
တောင် ဘက်အပိုင်း အခြားသည် သောဒုံ အိုင် ၌ တောင် အကွေ့ မှ ထွက် ၍၊
Ko to ratou rohe ki te tonga kei te pito ra ano o te Moana Tote, kei te matamata e anga ana whaka te tonga:
Umngcele wabo weningizimu wawuqalisela ethekwini oluseningizimu emaphethelweni oLwandle lweTswayi,
Lomngcele wabo weningizimu wawusuka ephethelweni loLwandle lweTshwayi, kusukela ethekwini elikhangela eningizimu.
दक्षिणतिरको सिमाना खारा समुद्रदेखि दक्षिणी मोहडाको खाडीसम्म जान्छ ।
Og deres grense mot syd gikk ut fra enden av Salthavet, fra den bukt som vender mot syd,
Landskilet deira gjekk på sudsida ut frå enden av Saltsjøen, frå den viki som sting lengst i sud,
ପୁଣି ସେମାନଙ୍କ ଦକ୍ଷିଣ ସୀମା ଲବଣ ସମୁଦ୍ରର ପ୍ରାନ୍ତଭାଗ, ଅର୍ଥାତ୍‍, ଦକ୍ଷିଣ ଦିଗ ଅଭିମୁଖ ଆଖାତଠାରୁ
Daariin isaanii karaa kibbaa galoo galaanaa qarqara kibba Galaana soogiddaattii jalqabee
ਅਤੇ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਦੀ ਦੱਖਣੀ ਹੱਦ ਖਾਰੇ ਸਮੁੰਦਰ ਤੋਂ ਸੀ ਅਰਥਾਤ ਉਸ ਖਾੜੀ ਤੋਂ ਜਿਹੜੀ ਦੱਖਣ ਵੱਲ ਮੁੜਦੀ ਹੈ।
و حد جنوبی ایشان از آخر بحرالملح، از خلیجی که متوجه به سمت جنوب است، بود.
این مرز جنوبی از جنوب دریای مرده شروع می‌شد و از جنوب «گردنهٔ عقربها» گذشته، به سوی بیابان صین پیش می‌رفت. از آنجا به جنوب قادش برنیع می‌رسید و سپس از حصرون گذشته، به طرف ادار بالا می‌رفت و به طرف قَرقَع برمی‌گشت و به عصمون می‌رسید، بعد درۀ مصر را طی کرده، به دریای مدیترانه ختم می‌شد.
A była ich granica od południa, od końca morza słonego, i od skały, która jest ku południowi.
A ich granica południowa biegła od krańca Morza Słonego, od zatoki zwróconej ku południowi.
E seu termo da parte do sul foi desde a costa do mar Salgado, desde a baía que está voltada ao sul;
E foi o seu termo para o sul, desde a ribeira do mar salgado, desde a bahia que olha para o sul;
E foi o seu termo para o sul, desde a ribeira do mar salgado, desde a bahia que olha para o sul;
A fronteira sul deles era a partir da parte mais extrema do Mar Salgado, a partir da baía que olha para o sul;
Астфел, хотарул лор де мязэзи порня де ла капэтул Мэрий Сэрате, де ла сынул каре каутэ спре мязэзи.
Și granița lor dinspre sud era de la țărmul Mării Sărate, de la golful care se întoarce spre sud;
южным пределом их был край моря Соленого от простирающегося к югу залива;
И беше им јужна међа од краја сланог мора, од залива који иде к југу.
I bješe im južna meða od kraja slanoga mora, od zaliva koji ide k jugu.
Muganhu wavo wezasi waitangira pamuganhu weGungwa roMunyu,
и быша пределы их от полудне до части моря Сланаго, от верха клонящагося к югу,
Njihova južna meja je bila od obale slanega morja, od zaliva, ki gleda proti jugu
Oo soohdintooda koonfureedna waxay gaadhsiisnayd xagga ugu shishaysa ee Badda Cusbada leh, iyo tan iyo gacanka koonfur u jeeda,
Y su término de la parte del mediodía fue desde la costa del mar Salado, desde la lengua que mira hacia el mediodía;
Su frontera comenzaba en el extremo del Mar Salado – la bahía que mira hacia el sur —
Su límite sur era desde el extremo del Mar Salado, desde la bahía que mira hacia el sur;
Su límite por el lado sur iba desde la costa del mar Salado, desde la bahía que mira hacia el sur,
Partía su frontera meridional, desde el extremo del Mar Salado, desde la lengua que mira hacia el sur;
Y su término de la parte del mediodía fue desde la costa de la mar salada, desde la lengua que mira hacia el mediodía.
Y su término de la parte del mediodía fué desde la costa del mar Salado, desde la lengua que mira hacia el mediodía;
Su límite sur era desde la parte más lejana del Mar Salado, desde el extremo mirando hacia el sur:
Mpaka wao wa upande wa kusini ulianzia mwisho wa Bahari ya Chumvi, kutoka ghuba iliyokabili upande wa kusini.
Mpaka wao wa kusini ulianzia kwenye ghuba iliyoko kwenye ncha ya kusini mwa Bahari ya Chumvi,
Och deras södra gräns begynte vid ändan av Salthavet, vid dess sydligaste vik,
Så att deras södergränsor voro ifrån ändanom af salthafvet, det är, ifrå den tungone som drager söderåt;
Och deras södra gräns begynte vid ändan av Salthavet, vid dess sydligaste vik,
At ang kanilang hangganang timugan ay mula sa kahulihulihang bahagi ng Dagat na Alat, mula sa dagat-dagatan na nakaharap sa dakong timugan:
Ang kanilang hangganan sa timog ay sinimulan sa dulo ng Dagat ng Asin, mula sa dalampasigan na nakaharap sa timog.
தென்பகுதியான அவர்களுடைய எல்லை சவக்கடலின் கடைசியில் தெற்கு நோக்கி இருக்கிற முனைதுவங்கி,
அதன் தென் எல்லை உப்புக்கடலில் தென் மூலையிலுள்ள முனையிலிருந்து,
వారి దక్షిణ సరిహద్దు, ఉప్పు సముద్రపు ఒడ్డు నుండి అంటే దక్షిణంగా ఉన్న అఖాతం నుండి వ్యాపించింది.
Pea ko honau ngataʻanga ʻi he potu tonga naʻe fai mei he matātahi kona, mei he potu [tahi ]ki kō ʻoku hanga ki tonga:
Güney sınırları, Lut Gölü'nün güney ucundaki körfezden başlayıp
Anafo fam hye no fitii ase wɔ Nkyene Po no awiei a ɛwɔ anafo fam,
Anafoɔ fam ɛhyeɛ no hyɛɛ aseɛ wɔ Nkyene Ɛpo no mpoano a ɛwɔ anafoɔ fam,
І була їм південна границя від кінця Солоного моря, від затоки, зве́рненої на пі́вдень.
और उनकी दख्खिनी हद दरिया — ए — शोर के इन्तिहाई हिस्से की उस खाड़ी से जिसका रुख दख्खिन की तरफ़ है शुरू'' हुई;
جەنۇبىي چېگرىسى «شور دېڭىزى»نىڭ ئايىغىدىن، يەنى جەنۇبىي تەرەپكە چوقچىيىپ چىققان قولتۇقتىن باشلىنىپ،
җәнубий чегариси «Шор деңизи»ниң айиғидин, йәни җәнубий тәрәпкә чоқчийип чиққан қолтуқтин башлинип,
jenubiy chégrisi «Shor déngizi»ning ayighidin, yeni jenubiy terepke choqchiyip chiqqan qoltuqtin bashlinip,
jǝnubiy qegrisi «Xor dengizi»ning ayiƣidin, yǝni jǝnubiy tǝrǝpkǝ qoⱪqiyip qiⱪⱪan ⱪoltuⱪtin baxlinip,
Giới hạn phía nam chạy từ đầu Biển mặn, tức là từ phía ở ngay về hướng nam;
Giới hạn phía nam chạy từ đầu Biển mặn, tức là từ phía ở ngay về hướng nam;
Biên giới phía nam của Giu-đa chạy từ vịnh phía nam của Biển Chết,
Ààlà wọn ní ìhà gúúsù bẹ̀rẹ̀ láti etí òpin ìhà gúúsù Òkun Iyọ̀,
Verse Count = 211

< Joshua 15:2 >