< Job 1:5 >

It was so, when the days of their feasting had run their course, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, “It may be that my sons have sinned, and renounced God in their hearts.” Job did so continually.
وَكَانَ لَمَّا دَارَتْ أَيَّامُ ٱلْوَلِيمَةِ، أَنَّ أَيُّوبَ أَرْسَلَ فَقَدَّسَهُمْ، وَبَكَّرَ فِي ٱلْغَدِ وَأَصْعَدَ مُحْرَقَاتٍ عَلَى عَدَدِهِمْ كُلِّهِمْ، لِأَنَّ أَيُّوبَ قَالَ: «رُبَّمَا أَخْطَأَ بَنِيَّ وَجَدَّفُوا عَلَى ٱللهِ فِي قُلُوبِهِمْ». هَكَذَا كَانَ أَيُّوب يَفْعَلُ كُلَّ ٱلأَيَّامِ.
وَحَالَمَا تَنْقَضِي أَيَّامُ الْوَلائِمِ كَانَ أَيُّوبُ يَسْتَدْعِي أَبْنَاءَهُ وَيُقَدِّسُهُمْ، فَكَانَ يَنْهَضُ مُبَكِّراً فِي الصَّبَاحِ وَيُقَرِّبُ مُحْرَقَاتٍ عَلَى عَدَدِهِمْ قَائِلاً: «لِئَلّا يَكُونَ بَنِيَّ قَدْ أَخْطَأُوا فِي قُلُوبِهِمْ وَجَدَّفُوا عَلَى اللهِ». هَذَا مَا وَاظَبَ عَلَيْهِ أَيُّوبُ دَائِماً.
পাছত তেওঁলোকৰ ভোজনৰ দিন উকলি গ’লে, ইয়োবে মানুহ পঠিয়াই তেওঁলোকক পবিত্ৰ কৰায়, আৰু ৰাতিপুৱাতে উঠি তেওঁলোকৰ সকলোৰে সংখ্যা অনুসাৰে হোম-বলি দিয়ে; কাৰণ ইয়োবে কয়, “কিজানি মোৰ ল’ৰাহতে পাপ কৰি অন্তৰৰ পৰা ঈশ্বৰক বিদায় দিলে”! সেয়ে ইয়োবে সদায় এইদৰে কৰে।
Ziyafət müddəti bitəndən sonra Əyyub övladlarını çağırtdırıb təqdis edər və erkən qalxıb bütün övladlarının sayına görə yandırma qurbanı təqdim edərdi. Əyyub «bəlkə övladlarım günaha bataraq ürəklərində Allaha lənət ediblər» deyə düşündüyündən həmişə belə edərdi.
Lolo nanu gesafo, Yoube da hahabedafa wa: legadole, ea mano ilia wadela: i hou dodofema: ne, gobele salasu hamonanusu. Bai ea mano afae da mae dawa: iwane Godema gadesu hamosa: besa: le, e da agoane hamosu.
যখন ভোজের দিন গুলো শেষ হত, ইয়োব লোক পাঠিয়ে তাদের আনতেন এবং তাদের আরও একবার ঈশ্বরের কাছে পবিত্র করতেন। তিনি খুব সকালে উঠতেন এবং তাঁর প্রত্যেক সন্তানের জন্য হোমবলি উত্সর্গ করতেন, কারণ তিনি বলতেন, “হয়ত আমার সন্তানেরা পাপ করেছে এবং তাদের হৃদয়ে ঈশ্বরকে অভিশাপ দিয়েছে।” ইয়োব সব দিন এরকম করতেন।
ভোজপর্ব শেষ হয়ে যাওয়ার পর, ইয়োব তাদের শুচিশুদ্ধ করার ব্যবস্থা করতেন। ভোরবেলায় তাদের প্রত্যেকের জন্য তিনি এই ভেবে হোমবলি উৎসর্গ করতেন যে, “হয়তো আমার সন্তানেরা পাপ করেছে ও মনে মনে ঈশ্বরকে অভিশাপ দিয়ে বসেছে।” এই ছিল ইয়োবের বহুদিনের নিয়মিত অভ্যাস।
И когато се изреждаха дните на угощението, Иов пращаше за чадата си та ги освещаваше, като ставаше рано заранта и принасяше всеизгаряния според числото на всичките тях; защото Иов си думаше: Да не би синовете ми да са съгрешили и да са похулили Бога в сърцата си. Така правеше Иов постоянно.
Sa mga adlaw nga matapos na ang kombira, nagpasugo si Job alang kanila ug nagpabalaan kanila. Mobangon siya sayo sa kabuntagon ug maghalad sa mga halad sinunog alang sa tagsatagsa niya ka mga anak, kay mosulti man siya, “Tingali nakasala ug nakapasipala ang akong mga anak sa Dios diha sa ilang kasingkasing.” Gibuhat kini kanunay ni Job.
Ug mao kadto sa nangagi na ang mga adlaw sa ilang mga pagcombira, nga si Job nagpasugo ug nagbalaan kanila, ug misayo pagmata sa pagkabuntag, ug naghalad ug mga halad-nga-sinunog, sumala sa gidaghanon nilang tanan, kay miingon si Job: Tingali nakasala ang akong mga anak nga lalake, ug nagpasipala sa Dios diha sa ilang mga kasingkasing. Kini mao ang gihimo ni Job sa kanunay.
Masiku aphwandowo atatha, Yobu ankawayitana kuti adzawayeretse. Mmamawa iye ankapereka nsembe yopsereza kuperekera mwana aliyense, poganiza kuti, “Mwina ana anga achimwa ndi kutukwana Mulungu mʼmitima yawo.” Umu ndi mmene Yobu ankachitira nthawi zonse.
Job mah ka caanawk loe palungthin thungah Sithaw to kasae thuih o moe, zae o moeng boeh mue, tiah a poek pongah, buhraenghaih poih boeng pacoengah, nihcae to kawk moe, ciimcaisak; nihcae boih hanah hmai angbawnhaih to akhawnbang kruek a sak pae. Job mah to tiah sak toepsoep.
Buhkoknah khohnin a poeng van neh Job loh amih te a tah tih a ciim. Job loh, “Ka ca rhoek he tholh uh mai khaming, tedae a thinko ah Pathen uem mai saeh,” a ti. Te dongah amih boeih a tarhing la mincang ah thoo tih hmueihhlutnah a nawn. Te tlam te Job loh hnin takuem a saii.
Buhkoknah khohnin a poeng van neh Job loh amih te a tah tih a ciim. Job loh, “Ka ca rhoek he tholh uh mai khaming, tedae a thinko ah Pathen uem mai saeh,” a ti. Te dongah amih boeih kah a tarhing la mincang ah thoo tih hmueihhlutnah a nawn. Te tlam te Job loh hnin takuem a saii.
Hiche golvah chu akichai teng nikho phabep jouleh Job chun achate athenso jin ahi. Job chu jingkah matah in athou jin khat cheh a din govam thilto abolpeh ji'e. Ajeh chu Job in hiti hin aseijin, “Kachate hi ana chonseuvin tin chule alungthim uva jong Pathen agaosap sao himai theijinte,” ati. Hiti hin Job in abol jing jenge.
Hottelah bu canae pawi abaw hnukkhu vah, Job ni a kaw awh teh, ouk a kamkhueng sak awh. Amom a thaw teh ahnimae milu kuep lah hmaisawi thuengnae sathei ouk a poe. Bangkongtetpawiteh Job ni ka capanaw ni yonnae sak awh vaiteh, a lungthin hoi Cathut hah pahnawt awh langvaih telah ati. Hottelah, Job ni pou a sak.
筵宴的日子过了,约伯打发人去叫他们自洁。他清早起来,按着他们众人的数目献燔祭;因为他说:“恐怕我儿子犯了罪,心中弃掉 神。”约伯常常这样行。
A kad bi se izredali s gozbama, Job bi ih pozvao na očišćenje. Uranio bi izjutra i prinio paljenice za svakog od njih; mislio je: “Tko zna nisu li mi sinovi griješili i u srcu Boga hulili!” Tako je Job svagda činio.
A když vypořádali dny hodů, posílával Job, a posvěcoval jich, a vstávaje ráno, obětoval zápaly podlé počtu všech jich. Nebo říkával Job: Snad zhřešili synové moji, aneb zlořečili Bohu v srdci svém. Tak činíval Job po všecky ty dny.
A když vypořádali dny hodů, posílával Job, a posvěcoval jich, a vstávaje ráno, obětoval zápaly podlé počtu všech jich. Nebo říkával Job: Snad zhřešili synové moji, aneb zlořečili Bohu v srdci svém. Tak činíval Job po všecky ty dny.
Når så Gæstebudsdagene havde nået Omgangen rundt, sendte Job Bud og lod Sønnerne hellige sig, og tidligt om Morgenen ofrede han Brændofre, et for hver af dem. Thi Job sagde: "Måske har mine Sønner syndet og forbandet Gud i deres Hjerte." Således gjorde Job hver Gang.
Og det skete, naar Gæstebudsdagene vare omme, da sendte Job hen og helligede dem og stod aarle op om Morgenen og ofrede Brændofre efter Tallet paa dem alle; thi Job sagde: Maaske mine Sønner have syndet og fornægtet Gud i deres Hjerte. Saaledes gjorde Job alle de Dage.
Naar saa Gæstebudsdagene havde naaet Omgangen rundt, sendte Job Bud og lod Sønnerne hellige sig, og tidligt om Morgenen ofrede han Brændofre, et for hver af dem. Thi Job sagde: »Maaske har mine Sønner syndet og forbandet Gud i deres Hjerte.« Saaledes gjorde Job hver Gang.
Kane kinde mane gitimoe nyasigo oserumo, Ayub ne luongogi mondo opwodhgi. Okinyi kogwen notimo misango miwangʼo pep ne moro ka moro kuomgi, koparo ni dipo ka achiel kuomgi osetimo richo mi giyanyo Nyasaye gie chunygi. Ma ne en tim Ayub mane otimo kinde ka kinde.
Het geschiedde dan, als de dagen der maaltijden omgegaan waren, dat Job henenzond, en hen heiligde en des morgens vroeg opstond, en brandofferen offerde naar hun aller getal; want Job zeide: Misschien hebben mijn kinderen gezondigd, en God in hun hart gezegend. Alzo deed Job al die dagen.
Maar zodra dan de dagen van het feestmaal voorbij waren, liet Job ze bij zich ontbieden, om hen te heiligen, en droeg dan in de vroege morgen voor ieder van hen een brandoffer op. Want Job dacht: Misschien hebben mijn kinderen gezondigd en God vervloekt in hun hart. Zo deed Job geregeld.
Het geschiedde dan, als de dagen der maaltijden omgegaan waren, dat Job henenzond, en hen heiligde en des morgens vroeg opstond, en brandofferen offerde naar hun aller getal; want Job zeide: Misschien hebben mijn kinderen gezondigd, en God in hun hart gezegend. Alzo deed Job al die dagen.
And it was so, when the days of their feasting were completed, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and renounced God in their hearts. Thus Job did continually.
It was so, when the days of their feasting had run their course, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, “It may be that my sons have sinned, and renounced God in their hearts.” Job did so continually.
And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt-offerings according to the number of them all: for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and renounced God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.
And when the days of feasting were over, Job would send for his children to purify them, rising early in the morning to offer burnt offerings for all of them. For Job thought, “Perhaps my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.” This was Job’s regular practice.
And at the end of their days of feasting, Job sent and made them clean, getting up early in the morning and offering burned offerings for them all. For, Job said, It may be that my sons have done wrong and said evil of God in their hearts. And Job did this whenever the feasts came round.
And when the days of the banquet were completed, Job sent and purified them, having risen up in the morning, and offered sacrifices for them, according to their number, and one calf for a sin-offering for their souls: for Job said, Lest peradventure my sons have thought evil in their minds against God. Thus, then Job did continually.
And when the days of the banquet were completed, Job sent and purified them, having risen up in the morning, and offered sacrifices for them, according to their number, and one calf for a sin-offering for their souls: for Job said, Lest perhaps my sons have thought evil in their minds against God. Thus, then Job did continually.
And when the days of their feasting had been completed, Job sent to them and sanctified them, and, getting up at dawn, he offered holocausts for each one. For he said, “Perhaps my sons have sinned and have not praised God in their hearts.” So Job did all the days.
And it was so, when the days of the feasting were gone about, that Job sent and hallowed them; and he rose up early in the morning, and offered up burnt-offerings [according to] the number of them all; for Job said, It may be that my children have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.
And when the days of their feasting were gone about, Job sent to them, and sanctified them: and rising up early offered holocausts for every one of them. For he said: Lest perhaps my sons have sinned, and have blessed God in their hearts. So did Job all days.
When the days of feasting were over, Job would send for them and purify them by getting up early in the morning to offer a burnt offering for each of them. He was concerned, thinking to himself, “Maybe my children have sinned in some way and have unintentionally offended God.” This is what Job always did.
And when the dayes of their banketting were gone about, Iob sent, and sanctified them, and rose vp early in the morning, and offred burnt offrings according to the nomber of them all. For Iob thought, It may be that my sonnes haue sinned, and blasphemed God in their hearts: thus did Iob euery day.
And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt-offerings according to the number of them all; for Job said: 'It may be that my sons have sinned, and blasphemed God in their hearts.' Thus did Job continually.
And it was so, when the days of [their] feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings [according] to the number of them all: for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.
And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all: for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.
And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all: for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.
And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all: for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned and cursed Elohim in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.
And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all: for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.
And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all: for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.
And when the days of the banquet were completed, Job sent and purified them, having risen up in the morning, and offered sacrifices for them, according to their number, and one calf for a sin-offering for their souls: for Job said, Lest perhaps my sons have thought evil in their minds against God. Thus, then Job did continually.
And it happened, when the days of the feast were gone round, that Job sent and sanctified them, and he then rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt-offerings according to the number of all of them; for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and have renounced God in their heart. In this manner used Job to do all the time.
and it comes to pass, when they have gone around the days of the banquet, that Job sends and sanctifies them, and has risen early in the morning, and caused burnt-offerings to ascend—the number of them all—for Job said, “Perhaps my sons have sinned, yet blessed God in their heart.” Thus Job does all the days.
It was so, when the days of their feasting had run their course, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, "It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts." Job did so continually.
It was so, when the days of their feasting had run their course, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, "It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts." Job did so continually.
It was so, when the days of their feasting had run their course, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, "It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts." Job did so continually.
It was so, when the days of their feasting had run their course, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, "It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts." Job did so continually.
It was so, when the days of their feasting had run their course, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, "It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts." Job did so continually.
It was so, when the days of their feasting had run their course, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, "It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts." Job did so continually.
And when the days of their feasting had gone round, Job used to send for them and sanctify them, and to rise up early in the morning and offer burnt-offerings according to the number of them all; for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and have renounced God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.
And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burn offerings according to the number of them all: for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and renounced God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.
And so it was, when the days of the banquet came round, that Job sent and hallowed them, and rising early in the morning offered ascending-sacrifices according to the number of them all; for Job said, Peradventure my sons have sinned, and have cursed God in their hearts. Thus and thus, was Job wont to do all the days.
And it was that they had gone round [the] days of the feast and he sent Job and he sanctified them and he rose early in the morning and he offered up burnt offerings [the] number of all of them for he said Job perhaps they have sinned children my and they have blessed God in heart their thus he did Job all the days.
and to be for to surround day [the] feast and to send: depart Job and to consecrate: consecate them and to rise in/on/with morning and to ascend: offer up burnt offering number all their for to say Job perhaps to sin son: child my and to bless God in/on/with heart their thus to make: do Job all [the] day: daily
When each celebration ended, Job would summon them. He would get up early in the morning and kill animals and burn them on the altar as sacrifices, one for each of his children. He said to himself, “Perhaps [one of] my sons has sinned and said something evil about God in his heart.”
When the days of the feast were over, Job would send for them and he would consecrate them. He would rise early in the morning and offer burnt offerings for each of his children, for he would say, “It may be that my children have sinned and cursed God in their hearts.” Job always did this.
And it was so, when the days of [their] feasting were ended, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose early in the morning, and offered burnt-offerings [according] to the number of them all; for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.
And it was so, when the days of their feasting were ended, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all: for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.
It was so, when the days of their feasting had run their course, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, “It may be that my sons have sinned, and renounced God in their hearts.” Job did so continually.
It was so, when the days of their feasting had run their course, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, “It may be that my sons have sinned, and renounced God in their hearts.” Job did so continually.
It was so, when the days of their feasting had run their course, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, “It may be that my sons have sinned, and renounced God in their hearts.” Job did so continually.
It was so, when the days of their feasting had run their course, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, “It may be that my sons have sinned, and renounced God in their hearts.” Job did so continually.
It was so, when the days of their feasting had run their course, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, “It may be that my sons have sinned, and renounced God in their hearts.” Job did so continually.
It was so, when the days of their feasting had run their course, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all. For Job said, “It may be that my sons have sinned, and renounced God in their hearts.” Job did so continually.
And whanne the daies of feeste hadden passid in to the world, Joob sente to hem, and halewide hem, and he roos eerli, and offride brent sacrifices `bi alle. For he seide, Lest perauenture my sones do synne, and curse God in her hertis. Joob dide so in alle daies.
and it cometh to pass, when they have gone round the days of the banquet, that Job doth send and sanctify them, and hath risen early in the morning, and caused to ascend burnt-offerings — the number of them all — for Job said, 'Perhaps my sons have sinned, yet blessed God in their heart.' Thus doth Job all the days.
Kaj ĉiufoje, kiam la rondo de la festenaj tagoj estis finita, Ijob sendis, por sanktigi ilin, kaj li leviĝis frue matene kaj alportis bruloferojn laŭ la nombro de ili ĉiuj; ĉar, diris Ijob: Eble miaj filoj pekis kaj blasfemis Dion en sia koro. Tiel agadis Ijob ĉiam.
Ne kplɔ̃ɖoɖo la dze wo dzi kpe ɖo vɔ la, Hiob dɔa ame ɖa woɖakɔa wo ŋuti. Esaa numevɔ ɖe wo dometɔ ɖe sia ɖe nu, le ŋdi kanya elabena esusuna be, “Ɖewohĩ vinyewo wɔ nu vɔ̃ eye wodo ɖiŋu na Mawu le woƒe dziwo me.” Esiae Hiob wɔna ɖaa.
Ja kuin pitopäivät olivat kuluneet, lähetti Job ja pyhitti heitä, ja nousi aamulla varhain ja uhrasi polttouhria kaikkein heidän lukunsa jälkeen. Sillä Job ajatteli: minun poikani ovat taitaneet syntiä tehdä ja unohtaneet Jumalan sydämessänsä. Näin teki Job joka päivä.
Mutta kun pitopäivät olivat kiertonsa kiertäneet, lähetti Job sanan ja pyhitti heidät; hän nousi varhain aamulla ja uhrasi polttouhreja, yhtä monta kuin heitä oli. Sillä Job ajatteli: "Ehkä poikani ovat tehneet syntiä ja sydämessään luopuneet Jumalasta". Näin Job teki aina.
Et, quand le cercle des festins était fini, Job envoyait chercher ses fils et les purifiait; puis il se levait de bon matin et offrait un holocauste pour chacun d'eux, car il se disait: « Peut-être mes fils ont-ils péché et offensé Dieu dans leur cœur!... » Et Job faisait ainsi chaque fois.
Lorsque leurs jours de fête furent écoulés, Job les envoya et les sanctifia; il se leva de bon matin et offrit des holocaustes selon leur nombre. Car Job disait: « Il se peut que mes fils aient péché et renoncé à Dieu dans leur cœur. » Et Job ne cessait de le faire.
Et il arrivait que, quand les jours de festin étaient terminés, Job envoyait [vers eux] et les sanctifiait: il se levait de bonne heure le matin et offrait des holocaustes selon leur nombre à tous, car Job disait: Peut-être mes fils ont-ils péché et ont-ils maudit Dieu dans leurs cœurs. Job faisait toujours ainsi.
Puis quand le tour des jours de leurs festins était achevé, Job envoyait vers eux, et les sanctifiait, et se levant de bon matin, il offrait des holocaustes selon le nombre de ses enfants; car Job disait: Peut-être que mes enfants auront péché, et qu'ils auront blasphémé contre Dieu dans leurs cœurs. Et Job en usait toujours ainsi.
Et lorsque les jours du festin étaient successivement passés, Job envoyait chez ses enfants, et il les sanctifiait; puis, se levant au point du jour, il offrait des holocaustes pour chacun d’eux; car il disait: Peut-être que mes enfants ont péché et maudit Dieu en leur cœur. Ainsi faisait Job tous les jours.
Et quand les jours de festin étaient passés, Job appelait et sanctifiait ses fils, puis il se levait de bon matin et offrait pour chacun d’eux un holocauste; car Job disait: Peut-être mes fils ont-ils péché et ont-ils offensé Dieu dans leur cœur. C’est ainsi que Job avait coutume d’agir.
Et, quand le cercle des festins était fini, Job envoyait chercher ses fils et les purifiait; puis il se levait de bon matin et offrait un holocauste pour chacun d’eux, car il se disait: « Peut-être mes fils ont-ils péché et offensé Dieu dans leur cœur!... » Et Job faisait ainsi chaque fois.
Et quand le cercle des jours de festin était achevé, Job envoyait chercher ses fils pour les purifier, et se levant de bon matin, il offrait un holocauste pour chacun d'eux; car Job disait: Peut-être mes fils ont-ils péché, et ont-ils renié Dieu dans leurs cœurs. Ainsi faisait Job toujours.
Et, quand le tour des jours du festin était terminé, Job les envoyait chercher, et les purifiait, et se levant matin, il offrait des holocaustes selon le nombre d'eux tous; car, disait Job, peut-être mes fils ont-ils péché et renié Dieu en leur cœur. Ainsi faisait Job en tout temps.
Et dès que leurs jours de repas étaient écoulés, Job, s'étant levé de grand matin, les convoquait; et il les purifiait, et il immolait autant de victimes que le comportait leur nombre et de plus un bœuf pour le péché de leurs âmes. Car Job disait: Qui sait si les fils au fond du cœur, n'ont pas eu de mauvaises pensées contre Dieu? Ainsi faisait donc Job toutes les fois.
Et lorsque le cycle de ces jours de festin était révolu, Job envoyait chercher ses fils pour les purifier; il se levait de grand matin et offrait un holocauste pour chacun d’eux, car Job se disait: "Peut-être mes enfants auront-ils commis quelque péché et renié Dieu en leur cœur." C’Est ainsi qu’agissait Job en tout temps.
Und hatten sie die Tage des Gelages die Runde machen lassen, dann sandte Job und ließ sie reinigen, erhob er sich doch früh am Morgen und brachte Opfer dar für jeden einzelnen von ihnen. Denn also dachte Job: "Vielleicht daß meine Kinder sich versündigt und so in ihrem Herzen Gott 'gesegnet' haben." So tat denn Job ein jedesmal.
Und es geschah, wenn die Tage des Gastmahls umgegangen waren, so sandte Hiob hin [d. h. er ließ sie holen] und heiligte sie; und er stand des Morgens früh auf und opferte Brandopfer nach ihrer aller Zahl; denn Hiob sprach: Vielleicht haben meine Kinder gesündigt und sich in ihrem Herzen von Gott losgesagt. [Das hebr. Zeitwort bedeutet eigentlich: jemand Lebewohl sagen, und daher, in Verbindung mit Gott, sich von ihm lossagen, ihn fahren lassen; so auch v 11;2,5. 9] Also tat Hiob allezeit.
Und es geschah, wenn die Tage des Gastmahls herum waren, so sandte Hiob hin und heiligte sie; und er stand des Morgens früh auf und opferte Brandopfer nach ihrer aller Zahl; denn Hiob sprach: Vielleicht haben meine Kinder gesündigt und sich in ihrem Herzen von Gott losgesagt. Also tat Hiob allezeit.
Wenn nun diese Gelage reihum gegangen waren, ließ ihnen Hiob sagen, sie möchten sich weihen; dann machte er sich früh am Morgen auf und brachte für jedes von ihnen ein Brandopfer dar. Denn Hiob dachte: Vielleicht haben sich meine Kinder versündigt und sich in ihrem Herzen von Gott losgesagt! So that Hiob regelmäßig.
Und wenn ein Tag des Wohllebens um war, sandte Hiob hin und heiligte sie; und machte sich des Morgens frühe auf und opferte Brandopfer nach ihrer aller Zahl. Denn Hiob gedachte: Meine Söhne möchten gesündiget und Gott gesegnet haben in ihrem Herzen. Also tat Hiob alle Tage.
Und wenn die Tage des Mahls um waren, sandte Hiob hin und heiligte sie und machte sich des Morgens früh auf und opferte Brandopfer nach ihrer aller Zahl; denn Hiob gedachte: Meine Söhne möchten gesündigt und Gott abgesagt haben in ihrem Herzen. Also tat Hiob allezeit.
Wenn aber die Tage des betreffenden Gastmahls um waren, ließ Hiob ihnen sagen, sie möchten sich heiligen; er stand dann am andern Morgen früh auf und brachte für jeden von ihnen ein Brandopfer dar; denn Hiob dachte: »Vielleicht haben meine Kinder sich versündigt und in ihrem Herzen Gott verwünscht.« So machte es Hiob jedesmal.
Wenn dann die Tage des Gastmahls zu Ende waren, ließ Hiob sie holen und heiligte sie; er stand des Morgens früh auf und brachte Opfer nach ihrer aller Zahl; denn Hiob sprach: Vielleicht möchten meine Söhne gesündigt und in ihren Herzen Gott den Abschied gegeben haben. Also tat Hiob allezeit.
Na matukũ ma maruga maathira, Ayubu nĩamatũmanagĩra moke nĩguo amatherie. Nĩokagĩra rũciinĩ tene akaruta igongona rĩa njino nĩ ũndũ wa o ũmwe wao, tondũ eeciiragia atĩrĩ, “No gũkorwo ciana ciakwa nĩciĩhĩtie ikaruma Ngai na ngoro.” Ũcio nĩguo warĩ mũtũgo wa Ayubu wa mahinda mothe.
Και ότε ετελείονον αι ημέραι του συμποσίου, έστελλεν ο Ιώβ και ηγίαζεν αυτούς, και εξεγειρόμενος πρωΐ προσέφερεν ολοκαυτώματα κατά τον αριθμόν πάντων αυτών· διότι έλεγεν ο Ιώβ, Μήπως οι υιοί μου ημάρτησαν και εβλασφήμησαν τον Θεόν εν τη καρδία αυτών. Ούτως έκαμνεν ο Ιώβ, πάντοτε.
καὶ ὡς ἂν συνετελέσθησαν αἱ ἡμέραι τοῦ πότου ἀπέστελλεν Ιωβ καὶ ἐκαθάριζεν αὐτοὺς ἀνιστάμενος τὸ πρωὶ καὶ προσέφερεν περὶ αὐτῶν θυσίας κατὰ τὸν ἀριθμὸν αὐτῶν καὶ μόσχον ἕνα περὶ ἁμαρτίας περὶ τῶν ψυχῶν αὐτῶν ἔλεγεν γὰρ Ιωβ μήποτε οἱ υἱοί μου ἐν τῇ διανοίᾳ αὐτῶν κακὰ ἐνενόησαν πρὸς θεόν οὕτως οὖν ἐποίει Ιωβ πάσας τὰς ἡμέρας
તેઓની ઉજાણીના દિવસો પૂરા થયા પછી અયૂબ તેઓને તેડાવીને પવિત્ર કરતો. અને વહેલી સવારમાં ઊઠીને તે સર્વની ગણતરી મુજબ દરેકને સારુ દહનીયાર્પણ કરતો. તે કહેતો, “કદાચ મારા સંતાનોએ પાપ કરીને પોતાના હૃદયમાં ઈશ્વરને શ્રાપ આપ્યો હોય!” અયૂબ હંમેશાં આ પ્રમાણે કરતો.
Chak lè yo fin fete konsa, Jòb fè yo tout vini lakay li. Nan maten, anvan bajou kase, li leve, li boule ofrann bay Bondye pou mande padon pou yo chak. Li te toujou fè sa, paske li t'ap di nan kè l': Ou pa janm konnen. Pitit gason m' yo ka fè peche, yo ka di sa yo pa t' dwe di sou Bondye, san yo pa fè espre.
Lè jou a fèt yo te fini, Job ta voye konsakre yo, nan leve granmmaten pou ofri ofrann brile selon fòs kantite a yo tout. Paske Job te di: “Petèt fis mwen yo te peche, e te modi Bondye nan kè yo.” Konsa Job te fè tout tan.
Bayan lokacin bikin ya wuce, sai Ayuba yă aika su zo don yă tsarkake su. Tun da sassafe zai miƙa hadaya ta ƙonawa domin kowannensu, don yana tunani cewa, “Mai yiwuwa’ya’yana sun yi wa Allah zunubi, ko sun la’anta shi a cikin zuciyarsu.” Haka Ayuba ya saba yi.
A i ka manawa i hala ae ai na la o ka ahaaina ana, hoouna aku la o Ioba a hoomaemae ia lakou, a ala ae la i kakahiaka nui, a kaumaha aku la i na mohaikuni e like me ka nui o lakou a pau; no ka mea, i iho la o Ioba, Malia paha ua hana hewa ka'u mau keikikane, a ua olelo hoino i ke Akua ma ko lakou naau. Pela o Ioba i hana'i i na la a Pau.
ויהי כי הקיפו ימי המשתה וישלח איוב ויקדשם והשכים בבקר והעלה עלות מספר כלם--כי אמר איוב אולי חטאו בני וברכו אלהים בלבבם ככה יעשה איוב כל הימים
וַיְהִ֡י כִּ֣י הִקִּיפֽוּ֩ יְמֵ֨י הַמִּשְׁתֶּ֜ה וַיִּשְׁלַ֧ח אִיֹּ֣וב וַֽיְקַדְּשֵׁ֗ם וְהִשְׁכִּ֣ים בַּבֹּקֶר֮ וְהֶעֱלָ֣ה עֹלֹות֮ מִסְפַּ֣ר כֻּלָּם֒ כִּ֚י אָמַ֣ר אִיֹּ֔וב אוּלַי֙ חָטְא֣וּ בָנַ֔י וּבֵרֲכ֥וּ אֱלֹהִ֖ים בִּלְבָבָ֑ם כָּ֛כָה יַעֲשֶׂ֥ה אִיֹּ֖וב כָּל־הַיָּמִֽים׃ פ
וַיְהִ֡י כִּ֣י הִקִּיפֽוּ֩ יְמֵ֨י הַמִּשְׁתֶּ֜ה וַיִּשְׁלַ֧ח אִיּ֣וֹב וַֽיְקַדְּשֵׁ֗ם וְהִשְׁכִּ֣ים בַּבֹּקֶר֮ וְהֶעֱלָ֣ה עֹלוֹת֮ מִסְפַּ֣ר כֻּלָּם֒ כִּ֚י אָמַ֣ר אִיּ֔וֹב אוּלַי֙ חָטְא֣וּ בָנַ֔י וּבֵרֲכ֥וּ אֱלֹהִ֖ים בִּלְבָבָ֑ם כָּ֛כָה יַעֲשֶׂ֥ה אִיּ֖וֹב כָּל־הַיָּמִֽים׃ פ
וַיְהִי כִּי הִקִּיפוּ יְמֵי הַמִּשְׁתֶּה וַיִּשְׁלַח אִיּוֹב וַֽיְקַדְּשֵׁם וְהִשְׁכִּים בַּבֹּקֶר וְהֶעֱלָה עֹלוֹת מִסְפַּר כֻּלָּם כִּי אָמַר אִיּוֹב אוּלַי חָטְאוּ בָנַי וּבֵרְכוּ אֱלֹהִים בִּלְבָבָם כָּכָה יַעֲשֶׂה אִיּוֹב כׇּל־הַיָּמִֽים׃
ויהי כי הקיפו ימי המשתה וישלח איוב ויקדשם והשכים בבקר והעלה עלות מספר כלם כי אמר איוב אולי חטאו בני וברכו אלהים בלבבם ככה יעשה איוב כל הימים׃
וַיְהִי כִּי הִקִּיפֽוּ יְמֵי הַמִּשְׁתֶּה וַיִּשְׁלַח אִיּוֹב וַֽיְקַדְּשֵׁם וְהִשְׁכִּים בַּבֹּקֶר וְהֶעֱלָה עֹלוֹת מִסְפַּר כֻּלָּם כִּי אָמַר אִיּוֹב אוּלַי חָטְאוּ בָנַי וּבֵרֲכוּ אֱלֹהִים בִּלְבָבָם כָּכָה יַעֲשֶׂה אִיּוֹב כָּל־הַיָּמִֽים׃
וַיְהִ֡י כִּ֣י הִקִּיפֽוּ֩ יְמֵ֨י הַמִּשְׁתֶּ֜ה וַיִּשְׁלַ֧ח אִיּ֣וֹב וַֽיְקַדְּשֵׁ֗ם וְהִשְׁכִּ֣ים בַּבֹּקֶר֮ וְהֶעֱלָ֣ה עֹלוֹת֮ מִסְפַּ֣ר כֻּלָּם֒ כִּ֚י אָמַ֣ר אִיּ֔וֹב אוּלַי֙ חָטְא֣וּ בָנַ֔י וּבֵרֲכ֥וּ אֱלֹהִ֖ים בִּלְבָבָ֑ם כָּ֛כָה יַעֲשֶׂ֥ה אִיּ֖וֹב כָּל־הַיָּמִֽים׃ פ
और जब जब दावत के दिन पूरे हो जाते, तब-तब अय्यूब उन्हें बुलवाकर पवित्र करता, और बड़ी भोर को उठकर उनकी गिनती के अनुसार होमबलि चढ़ाता था; क्योंकि अय्यूब सोचता था, “कदाचित् मेरे बच्चों ने पाप करके परमेश्वर को छोड़ दिया हो।” इसी रीति अय्यूब सदैव किया करता था।
जब उत्सवों का समय समाप्‍त हो जाता था, तब अय्योब अपनी इन संतानों को अपने यहां बुलाकर उन्हें पवित्र किया करते थे. वह बड़े भोर को उठकर उनकी संख्या के अनुरूप होमबलि अर्पित करते थे. उनकी सोच थी, “संभव है मेरे पुत्रों से कोई पाप हुआ हो और उन्होंने अपने हृदय में ही परमेश्वर के प्रति अनिष्ट किया हो और परमेश्वर को छोड़ दिया हो.” अय्योब यह सब नियमपूर्वक किया करते थे.
Mikor pedig a vendégség napjai sorra lejártak vala, elkülde értök Jób és megszentelé őket, és jóreggel felserkene és áldozik vala égőáldozattal mindnyájuk száma szerint; mert ezt mondja vala Jób: Hátha vétkeztek az én fiaim és gonoszt gondoltak az Isten ellen az ő szivökben! Így cselekedik vala Jób minden napon.
Volt pedig, midőn sorban lefolytak a lakoma napjai, küldött Jób és megszentelte őket; fölkelt reggel és bemutatott égőáldozatokat mindnyájok száma szerint, mert azt mondta Jób: hátha vétkeztek fiaim és káromolták Istent szívükben. Így szokott tenni Jób minden időben.
Mgbe oge mmemme ndị ahụ gwụsịrị, Job na-akpọkọta ụmụ ya doo ha nsọ. Nʼisi ụtụtụ ya, ọ na-achụ aja nsure ọkụ nʼihi onye ọbụla nʼetiti ụmụ ya. Echiche ya bụ, “Ma eleghị anya, ụmụ ya emehiela kọchaa Chineke nʼime obi ha.” Nke a bụ ihe Job na-eme mgbe niile.
No malpas dagiti aldaw ti padaya, paayaban ni Job ida ket idatonna ida iti maminsan pay iti Dios. Bumangon isuna a nasapa iti bigat ket mangidatag iti daton a mapuoran amin nga agpaay iti tunggal maysa kadagiti putotna, ta kunana, “Nalabit a nagbasol dagiti putotko ket inlunodda ti Dios kadagiti pusoda.” Kankanayon nga ar-aramiden ni Job daytoy.
Sehabis setiap pesta, Ayub selalu bangun pagi-pagi dan mempersembahkan kurban untuk tiap-tiap anaknya supaya mereka diampuni TUHAN. Sebab Ayub berpikir, boleh jadi anak-anaknya itu sudah berdosa dan menghina Allah tanpa sengaja.
Setiap kali, apabila hari-hari pesta telah berlalu, Ayub memanggil mereka, dan menguduskan mereka; keesokan harinya, pagi-pagi, bangunlah Ayub, lalu mempersembahkan korban bakaran sebanyak jumlah mereka sekalian, sebab pikirnya: "Mungkin anak-anakku sudah berbuat dosa dan telah mengutuki Allah di dalam hati." Demikianlah dilakukan Ayub senantiasa.
E quando aveano compiuta la volta de' giorni del convito, Giobbe mandava a santificarli; poi si levava la mattina, ed offeriva olocausti, [secondo] il numero di essi tutti; perciocchè Giobbe diceva: I miei figliuoli avranno forse peccato, ed avranno parlato male di Dio nei cuori loro. Così faceva sempre Giobbe.
Quando avevano compiuto il turno dei giorni del banchetto, Giobbe li mandava a chiamare per purificarli; si alzava di buon mattino e offriva olocausti secondo il numero di tutti loro. Giobbe infatti pensava: «Forse i miei figli hanno peccato e hanno offeso Dio nel loro cuore». Così faceva Giobbe ogni volta.
E quando la serie dei giorni di convito era finita Giobbe li faceva venire per purificarli; si levava di buon mattino, e offriva un olocausto per ciascun d’essi, perché diceva: “Può darsi che i miei figliuoli abbian peccato ed abbiano rinnegato Iddio in cuor loro”. E Giobbe faceva sempre così.
その宴筵の日はつる毎にヨブかならず彼らを召よせて潔む 即ち朝はやく興き彼ら一切の數にしたがひて燔祭を獻ぐ 是はヨブ我子ら罪を犯し心を神を忘れたらんも知べからずと謂てなり ヨブの爲ところ常に是のごとし
その宴筵の日はつる毎にヨブかならず彼らを召よせて潔む 即ち朝はやく興き彼ら一切の數にしたがひて燔祭を獻ぐ 是はヨブ我子ら罪を犯し心を神を忘れたらんも知べからずと謂てなり ヨブの爲ところ常に是のごとし
Hagi ana'ma hu'za ne'zama kre'za nene'za musenkasema huvagama retazageno'a, mofavre'amo'za ne'zama kre'za nene'za musenkasema hazafina kumima nehu'za Anumzamofoma huhaviza hunte'nesagura, nanterana Jopu'a ana maka mofavreramima'a kehutru huno zmente zmente sipisipi afura aheno tevefi kre fananehu ofa huno zamazeri agru Anumzamofo avurera hutere hu'ne.
ಔತಣದ ದಿನಗಳು ಮುಗಿದ ಬಳಿಕ, ಯೋಬನು, “ಬಹುಶಃ ನನ್ನ ಮಕ್ಕಳು ಪಾಪಮಾಡಿ, ಮನದಲ್ಲೇ ದೇವರನ್ನು ದೂಷಿಸಿರಬಹುದು,” ಎಂದುಕೊಂಡು, ಅವರನ್ನು ಶುದ್ಧಿಗೊಳಿಸಲು ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥೆ ಮಾಡುತ್ತಿದ್ದನು. ಬೆಳಿಗ್ಗೆ ಎದ್ದು ಪ್ರತಿಯೊಬ್ಬರಿಗಾಗಿ ದಹನಬಲಿಗಳನ್ನು ಅರ್ಪಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದನು. ಇದು ಯೋಬನ ದೈನಂದಿನ ವಾಡಿಕೆಯಾಗಿತ್ತು.
ಔತಣದ ಸರದಿ ತೀರಿದ ನಂತರ ಯೋಬನು, “ನನ್ನ ಮಕ್ಕಳು ಒಂದು ವೇಳೆ ಹೃದಯದಲ್ಲಿ ದೇವರನ್ನು ದೂಷಿಸಿ ಪಾಪ ಮಾಡಿರಬಹುದು” ಎಂದು ಅವರನ್ನು ಕರೆಯಿಸಿ ಶುದ್ಧಿಪಡಿಸಿ, ಬೆಳಿಗ್ಗೆ ಎದ್ದು ಅವರ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆಗೆ ತಕ್ಕಂತೆ ಹೋಮಗಳನ್ನು ಅರ್ಪಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದನು. ಹೀಗೆ ಯೋಬನು ಕ್ರಮವಾಗಿ ಮಾಡುವುದು ದೈನಂದಿನ ಕ್ರಮವಾಗಿತ್ತು.
그 잔치 날이 지나면 욥이 그들을 불러다가 성결케 하되 아침에 일어나서 그들의 명수대로 번제를 드렸으니 이는 욥이 말하기를 혹시 내 아들들이 죄를 범하여 마음으로 하나님을 배반하였을까 함이라 욥의 행사가 항상 이러하였더라
그 잔치 날이 지나면 욥이 그들을 불러다가 성결케 하되 아침에 일어나서 그들의 명수대로 번제를 드렸으니 이는 욥이 말하기를 혹시 내 아들들이 죄를 범하여 마음으로 하나님을 배반하였을까 함이라 욥의 행사가 항상 이러하였더라
Ke lotu se tukun pacl in kufwa nukewa, Job el ac toangna tukakek ac orek kisa lun kais sie tulik inge in aknasnasyalosla. El oru ouinge mweyen el mu sahp sie selos tuh kaskas koluk lain God ke seasmak lal uh.
کاتێک کە ڕۆژانی خوان سازکردنەکە دەسووڕایەوە، ئەیوب بەدوایاندا دەینارد و پیرۆزی دەکردن، بۆ ڕۆژی پاشتر بەیانی زوو هەڵدەستا و بەپێی ژمارەیان قوربانی سووتاندنی پێشکەش دەکرد، چونکە ئەیوب دەیگوت: «ڕەنگە منداڵەکانم گوناهیان کردبێت و لە دڵیاندا نەفرەتیان لە خودا کردبێت.» ئەیوب بە بەردەوامی ئەم کارەی دەکرد.
Cumque in orbem transissent dies convivii, mittebat ad eos Job, et sanctificabat illos: consurgensque diluculo, offerebat holocausta pro singulis. Dicebat enim: Ne forte peccaverint filii mei, et benedixerint Deo in cordibus suis. Sic faciebat Job cunctis diebus.
Cumque in orbem transissent dies convivii, mittebat ad eos Iob, et sanctificabat illos, consurgensque diluculo offerebat holocausta pro singulis. Dicebat enim: Ne forte peccaverint filii mei, et benedixerint Deo in cordibus suis. Sic faciebat Iob cunctis diebus.
Cumque in orbem transissent dies convivii, mittebat ad eos Iob, et sanctificabat illos, consurgensque diluculo offerebat holocausta pro singulis. Dicebat enim: Ne forte peccaverint filii mei, et benedixerint Deo in cordibus suis. Sic faciebat Iob cunctis diebus.
Cumque in orbem transissent dies convivii, mittebat ad eos Job, et sanctificabat illos: consurgensque diluculo, offerebat holocausta pro singulis. Dicebat enim: Ne forte peccaverint filii mei, et benedixerint Deo in cordibus suis. Sic faciebat Job cunctis diebus.
cumque in orbem transissent dies convivii mittebat ad eos Iob et sanctificabat illos consurgensque diluculo offerebat holocausta per singulos dicebat enim ne forte peccaverint filii mei et benedixerint Deo in cordibus suis sic faciebat Iob cunctis diebus
Cumque in orbem transissent dies convivii, mittebat ad eos Iob, et sanctificabat illos, consurgensque diluculo offerebat holocausta pro singulis. Dicebat enim: Ne forte peccaverint filii mei, et benedixerint Deo in cordibus suis. Sic faciebat Iob cunctis diebus.
Kad nu tās dzīru dienas bija apkārt, tad Ījabs sūtīja (atgādinājumu šķīstīties) un tos svētīja un cēlās no rīta agri un upurēja dedzināmos upurus pēc visu viņu skaita, jo Ījabs sacīja: Varbūt, ka mani dēli apgrēkojušies un Dievam savā sirdī atsacījuši. Tā Ījabs darīja ikdienas.
Mpe soki mikolo ya feti esili, Yobo azalaki kobengisa bana na ye mpo na kopetola bango. Na tongo-tongo, azalaki kobonza mbeka ya kotumba mpo na moko na moko kati na bango; pamba te azalaki komilobela: « Tango mosusu bana na ngai basali masumu mpe balakeli Nzambe mabe kati na mitema na bango. » Yobo azalaki kosala bongo tango nyonso.
Ennaku z’embaga bwe zaggwangako, Yobu yabatumyanga n’abatukuza; yakeeranga mu makya n’abaweerangayo ebiweebwayo ebyokebwa ng’omuwendo gwabwe bwe gwali ng’alowooza nti, “Oboolyawo ng’abaana bange bayonoonye ne bavvoola Katonda mu mitima gyabwe.” Kino yakikolanga bulijjo.
Ary isaky ny tapitra nitsingerina ireo andro fanasana ireo dia naniraka Joba ka nanamasina ireny ary nifoha maraina koa izy ka nanatitra fanatitra dorana araka ny isan’ izy rehetra; fa hoy Joba: Fandrao efa nanota ny zanako ka nandà an’ Andriamanitra tao am-pony. Izany no nataon’ i Joba mandrakariva.
Aa ie nimodo ty san-tsabadida’ iareo le nitokave’ Iobe vaho nefera’e. Nañaleñalen-dre nañenga soroñe ty ami’ty ia’iareo iaby, fa hoe t’Iobe, Ke nandilatse o anakoo vaho niteratera an’ Andrianañahare an-tro’e ao. Izay ty nilili’ Iobe.
എന്നാൽ വിരുന്നുനാളുകൾ കഴിയുമ്പോൾ ഇയ്യോബ്: “എന്റെ പുത്രന്മാർ പാപംചെയ്ത് ദൈവത്തെ ഹൃദയംകൊണ്ട് ത്യജിച്ചുപോയിരിക്കും” എന്ന് പറഞ്ഞ് ആളയച്ച് അവരെ വരുത്തി ശുദ്ധീകരിക്കുകയും അതിരാവിലെ എഴുന്നേറ്റ് അവരുടെ എണ്ണമനുസരിച്ച് ഹോമയാഗങ്ങളെ അർപ്പിക്കുകയും ചെയ്യും. ഇങ്ങനെ ഇയ്യോബ് എല്ലായ്പോഴും ചെയ്തുപോന്നു.
എന്നാൽ വിരുന്നുനാളുകൾ വട്ടംതികയുമ്പോൾ ഇയ്യോബ്: പക്ഷെ എന്റെ പുത്രന്മാർ പാപം ചെയ്തു ദൈവത്തെ ഹൃദയംകൊണ്ടു ത്യജിച്ചുപോയിരിക്കും എന്നു പറഞ്ഞു ആളയച്ചു അവരെ വരുത്തി ശുദ്ധീകരിക്കയും നന്നാ രാവിലെ എഴുന്നേറ്റു അവരുടെ സംഖ്യക്കു ഒത്തവണ്ണം ഹോമയാഗങ്ങളെ കഴിക്കയും ചെയ്യും. ഇങ്ങനെ ഇയ്യോബ് എല്ലായ്പോഴും ചെയ്തുപോന്നു.
എന്നാൽ വിരുന്നുനാളുകൾ വട്ടംതികയുമ്പോൾ ഇയ്യോബ്: പക്ഷെ എന്റെ പുത്രന്മാർ പാപം ചെയ്തു ദൈവത്തെ ഹൃദയംകൊണ്ടു ത്യജിച്ചുപോയിരിക്കും എന്നു പറഞ്ഞു ആളയച്ചു അവരെ വരുത്തി ശുദ്ധീകരിക്കയും നന്നാ രാവിലെ എഴുന്നേറ്റു അവരുടെ സംഖ്യക്കു ഒത്തവണ്ണം ഹോമയാഗങ്ങളെ കഴിക്കയും ചെയ്യും. ഇങ്ങനെ ഇയ്യോബ് എല്ലായ്പോഴും ചെയ്തുപോന്നു.
ആഘോഷങ്ങൾക്കൊടുവിൽ, ഇയ്യോബ് അവരെ വിളിപ്പിച്ച് ശുദ്ധീകരണകർമങ്ങൾ നടത്തുകയും അതിരാവിലെ എഴുന്നേറ്റ് അവരുടെ എണ്ണത്തിനനുസരിച്ച് അവർക്കുവേണ്ടി ഹോമയാഗങ്ങൾ അർപ്പിക്കുകയും ചെയ്തുപോന്നു. “ഒരുപക്ഷേ, എന്റെ മക്കൾ പാപം ചെയ്യുകയോ ഹൃദയംകൊണ്ടു ദൈവത്തെ തിരസ്കരിക്കുകയോ ചെയ്തിരിക്കാം,” എന്നു ചിന്തിച്ച് ഇയ്യോബ് ഈ കൃത്യം പതിവായി അനുഷ്ഠിക്കുമായിരുന്നു.
जेव्हा भोजनसमारंभाचे दिवस पूर्ण झाल्यावर, ईयोब त्यांना बोलवून त्यांची देवासाठी पुन्हा शुद्धी करी. तो मोठ्या पहाटेस लवकर ऊठे आणि त्याच्या प्रत्येक मुलासाठी होमार्पण करीत असे, तो म्हणत असे, “कदाचित माझ्या मुलांनी पाप केले असेल आणि त्यांच्या मनात देवाचा तिरस्कार केला असेल.” ह्याप्रमाणे ईयोब नित्य करीत असे.
ပွဲခံသောနေ့ရက်လွန်သောအခါ၊ ယောဘသည်သူတို့ကိုခေါ်၍ သန့်ရှင်းစေပြီးလျှင် နံနက်စောစောထ၍ သူတို့အရေအတွက်အတိုင်း မီးရှို့သောယဇ်ကိုပူဇော်လေ့ရှိ၏။ အကြောင်းမူကား၊ ငါ့သားတို့သည် မှားယွင်း၍ စိတ်နှလုံးထဲ၌ ဘုရားသခင်ကို စွန့်ပစ်ကြပြီလောဟု ယောဘအောက်မေ့၏။ ထိုသို့ယောဘသည် အစဉ်ပြုမြဲ ရှိ၏။
ပွဲခံသောနေ့ရက်လွန်သောအခါ၊ ယောဘသည်သူတို့ကိုခေါ်၍ သန့်ရှင်းစေပြီးလျှင် နံနက်စောစောထ၍ သူတို့အရေအတွက်အတိုင်း မီးရှို့သောယဇ်ကိုပူဇော်လေ့ရှိ၏။ အကြောင်းမူကား၊ ငါ့သားတို့သည် မှားယွင်း၍ စိတ်နှလုံးထဲ၌ ဘုရားသခင်ကို စွန့်ပစ်ကြပြီလောဟု ယောဘအောက်မေ့၏။ ထိုသို့ယောဘသည် အစဉ်ပြုမြဲ ရှိ၏။
ပွဲ ခံသောနေ့ ရက်လွန်သောအခါ ၊ ယောဘ သည်သူ တို့ကိုခေါ်၍ သန့်ရှင်း စေပြီးလျှင် နံနက် စောစောထ ၍ သူ တို့အရေ အတွက်အတိုင်း မီး ရှို့သောယဇ်ကိုပူဇော် လေ့ရှိ၏။ အကြောင်း မူကား၊ ငါ့ သား တို့သည် မှားယွင်း ၍ စိတ် နှလုံးထဲ ၌ဘုရား သခင်ကို စွန့်ပယ်ကြပြီလောဟု ယောဘ အောက်မေ့ ၏။ ထိုသို့ ယောဘ သည် အစဉ် ပြု မြဲ ရှိ၏။
A ka taka nga ra o ta ratou kai hakari, ka unga tangata a Hopa, a whakatapua ana ratou, maranga wawe ana ia i te ata, whakaekea ana e ia he tahunga tinana, rite tonu ki a ratou katoa te maha; i mea hoki a Hopa, Tera pea kua hara aku tama, kua kan ga ki te Atua i roto i o ratou ngakau. Ko ta Hopa mahi tonu tenei i nga ra katoa.
Kwakusithi mhla idili liphela, uJobe wayewabiza azowahlambulula. Ekuseni kakhulu wayesenza umnikelo wokutshiswa wamunye ngamunye esithi, “Mhlawumbe abantwabami benzile isono bathuka uNkulunkulu ezinhliziyweni zabo.” Lo waba ngumkhuba wakhe uJobe.
Kwakusithi lapho esephelile amazopha ensuku zedili, uJobe athume, awangcwelise, avuke ekuseni kakhulu, anikele iminikelo yokutshiswa ngokwenani lawo wonke, ngoba uJobe wathi: Mhlawumbe amadodana ami onile, amthuka uNkulunkulu enhliziyweni yawo. Wenza njalo uJobe zonke izinsuku.
जब भोजका दिनहरू समाप्‍त हुन्‍थे, तब अय्यूबले तिनीहरूलाई बोलाउन पठाउँथे र तिनले तिनीहरूलाई शुद्ध पार्थे । तिनी बिहान सबेरै उठ्थे, र आफ्ना हरेक छोराछोरीका लागि होमबलिहरू चढाउँथे, किनकि तिनले यसो भन्थे, “मेरा छोराछोरीले पाप गरेका अनि आ-आफ्ना हृदयमा परमेश्‍वरलाई सरापेका हुन सक्छन् ।” अय्यूबले सधैं यसै गर्थै ।
Og så ofte en omgang av disse gjestebud var til ende, sendte Job bud efter dem og helliget dem; han stod tidlig op om morgenen og ofret brennoffer, ett for hver av dem; for Job sa: Kanskje mine sønner har syndet og sagt Gud farvel i sitt hjerte. Således gjorde Job alltid.
Når so ein umgang med gjestebodsdagar var til endes, sende Job bod etter deim og helga deim tidleg um morgonen ofra han brennoffer, eitt for kvar einskild av deim. For Job tenkte: «Kanskje hev sønerne mine synda og banna Gud i hjarto sine.» Soleis gjorde Job kvar gong.
ପୁଣି, ପାଳିକ୍ରମେ ସେମାନଙ୍କ ଭୋଜର ଦିନ ଗତ ହୁଅନ୍ତେ, ଆୟୁବ ସେମାନଙ୍କୁ ଡକାଇ ପବିତ୍ର କଲା ଓ ଅତି ପ୍ରଭାତରେ ଉଠି ସେ ସମସ୍ତଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ହୋମବଳି ଉତ୍ସର୍ଗ କଲା; କାରଣ ଆୟୁବ କହିଲା, “ହୋଇପାରେ, ଆମ୍ଭର ପିଲାମାନେ ପାପ କରିଥିବେ ଓ ମନେ ମନେ ପରମେଶ୍ୱରଙ୍କୁ ଅଭିଶାପ କରିଥିବେ।” ଏହିରୂପେ ଆୟୁବ ସର୍ବଦା କଲା।
Erga yeroon cidha sanaa raawwatamee booddee Iyyoob itti ergee ijoollee isaa waamsisuudhaan, “Tarii ijoolleen koo cubbuu hojjetanii garaa isaaniittis Waaqa abaaraniiru taʼa” jedhee ganama barii waaʼee tokkoo tokkoo isaaniitiif aarsaa gubamu dhiʼeessuudhaan isaan qulqulleessa ture. Iyyoob yeroo hunda waan kana godha ture.
ਜਦ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਦੀ ਦਾਵਤ ਦੇ ਦਿਨ ਬੀਤ ਜਾਂਦੇ ਤਦ ਅੱਯੂਬ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਸੱਦ ਲੈਂਦਾ ਅਤੇ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਪਵਿੱਤਰ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਸੀ ਅਤੇ ਸਵੇਰੇ ਹੀ ਉੱਠ ਕੇ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਸਾਰਿਆਂ ਦੀ ਗਿਣਤੀ ਅਨੁਸਾਰ ਹੋਮ ਦੀਆਂ ਬਲੀਆਂ ਚੜ੍ਹਾਉਂਦਾ ਸੀ, ਕਿਉਂ ਜੋ ਅੱਯੂਬ ਆਖਦਾ ਸੀ ਕਿਤੇ ਅਜਿਹਾ ਨਾ ਹੋਵੇ ਮੇਰੇ ਬੱਚਿਆਂ ਨੇ ਪਾਪ ਕੀਤਾ ਹੋਵੇ ਅਤੇ ਆਪਣੇ ਮਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਪਰਮੇਸ਼ੁਰ ਨੂੰ ਫਿਟਕਾਰਿਆ ਹੋਵੇ। ਅੱਯੂਬ ਹਮੇਸ਼ਾ ਇਸੇ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੁੰਦਾ ਸੀ।
و واقع می‌شد که چون دوره روزهای مهمانی‌ایشان بسر می‌رفت، ایوب فرستاده، ایشان را تقدیس می‌نمود و بامدادان برخاسته، قربانی های سوختنی، به شماره همه ایشان می‌گذرانید، زیرا ایوب می‌گفت: «شایدپسران من گناه کرده، خدا را در دل خود ترک نموده باشند» و ایوب همیشه چنین می‌کرد.
وقتی روزهای جشن به پایان می‌رسید، ایوب صبح زود برمی‌خاست و برای طهارت هر کدام از فرزندانش به خداوند قربانی سوختنی تقدیم می‌کرد. ایوب با خود فکر می‌کرد: «شاید فرزندانم گناه ورزیده و در دل خود به خدا لعن کرده باشند.» ایوب همیشه چنین می‌کرد.
A gdy wkoło obeszły dni uczty, posyłał Ijob, a poświęcał ich, a wstawając rano sprawował całopalenia według liczby ich wszystkich; bo mówił Ijob: Podobno zgrzeszyli synowie moi, a złorzeczyli Bogu w sercach swych. Tak czynił Ijob po one wszystkie dni.
A gdy minęły dni uczty, Hiob posyłał i poświęcał ich. Potem wstawał wczesnym rankiem i składał całopalenia [stosownie do] ich liczby. Mówił bowiem Hiob: Może moi synowie zgrzeszyli i złorzeczyli Bogu w swoich sercach. Tak Hiob czynił zawsze.
E acontecia que, acabando-se o revezamento dos dias de banquetes, Jó enviava e os santificava, e se levantava de madrugada para apresentar holocaustos[conforme] o número de todos eles. Pois Jó dizia: Talvez meus filhos tenham pecado, e tenham amaldiçoado a Deus em seus corações. Assim Jó fazia todos aqueles dias.
Succedeu pois que, tendo decorrido o turno de dias de seus banquetes, enviava Job, e os sanctificava, e se levantava de madrugada, e offerecia holocaustos segundo o numero de todos elles; porque dizia Job: Porventura peccaram meus filhos, e amaldiçoaram a Deus no seu coração. Assim o fazia Job continuamente.
Sucedeu pois que, tendo decorrido o turno de dias de seus banquetes, enviava Job, e os santificava, e se levantava de madrugada, e oferecia holocaustos segundo o número de todos eles; porque dizia Job: Porventura pecaram meus filhos, e amaldiçoaram a Deus no seu coração. Assim o fazia Job continuamente.
Foi assim que, quando os dias de sua festa terminaram, Jó os enviou e os santificou, levantando-se de manhã cedo, e ofereceu holocaustos de acordo com o número de todos eles. Pois Jó disse: “Pode ser que meus filhos tenham pecado, e renunciado a Deus em seus corações”. Jó o fez continuamente.
Ши, дупэ че тречяу зилеле де оспэц, Йов кема ши сфинця пе фиий сэй: се скула дис-де-диминяцэ ши адучя пентру фиекаре дин ей кыте о ардере-де-тот. Кэч зичя Йов: „Поате кэ фиий мей ау пэкэтуит ши ау супэрат пе Думнезеу ын инима лор.” Аша авя Йов обичей сэ факэ.
Și se întâmpla, când zilele ospețelor treceau, că Iov trimitea și îi sfințea și se ridica devreme dimineața și aducea ofrande arse conform numărului lor, al tuturor, pentru că Iov spunea: Poate că fiii mei au păcătuit și au blestemat pe Dumnezeu în inimile lor. Astfel făcea Iov continuu.
Когда круг пиршественных дней совершался, Иов посылал за ними и освящал их и, вставая рано утром, возносил всесожжения по числу всех их и одного тельца за грех о душах их. Ибо говорил Иов: может быть, сыновья мои согрешили и похулили Бога в сердце своем. Так делал Иов во все такие дни.
И кад би се обредили гозбом, пошиљаше Јов и освећиваше их, и устајући рано приношаше жртве паљенице према броју свих њих; јер говораше Јов: Може бити да су се огрешили синови моји и похулили на Бога у срцу свом. Тако чињаше Јов сваки пут.
I kad bi se obredili gozbom, pošiljaše Jov i osveæivaše ih, i ustajuæi rano prinošaše žrtve paljenice prema broju svijeh njih; jer govoraše Jov: može biti da su se ogriješili sinovi moji i pohulili na Boga u srcu svom. Tako èinjaše Jov svaki put.
Nguva yomutambo yapera, Jobho aituma nhume kundovadana kuti vazonatswa. Aimuka mangwanani-ngwanani achibayira mwana mumwe nomumwe chipiriso chinopiswa, achiti, “Zvichida vana vangu vakatadza uye vakatuka Mwari mumwoyo yavo.” Aya ndiwo aiva maitiro aJobho nguva dzose.
И егда скончавашеся дние пира, посылаше Иов и очищаше их, востая заутра, и приношаше о них жертвы по числу их, и телца единаго о гресе о душах их. Глаголаше бо Иов: негли когда сынове мои согрешиша и в мысли своей злая помыслиша противу Бога? Тако убо творяше Иов вся дни.
Bilo je tako, da ko so se dnevi njihovega praznovanja iztekli, je Job poslal, jih posvečeval in vstajal zgodaj zjutraj ter daroval žgalne daritve glede na število njih vseh, kajti Job je rekel: »Morda so moji sinovi grešili in v svojih srcih prekleli Boga.« Tako je Job nenehno delal.
Oo maalmihii ay diyaafaddii hayn jireen markay dhammaadaan ayaa Ayuub carruurtiisii u cid diri jiray oo daahirin jiray, oo intuu aroor hore kaco ayuu intay ahaayeen oo dhan u bixin jiray qurbaanno la gubo, waayo, Ayuub wuxuu isyidhi, Waaba intaasoo wiilashaydu ay dembaabeen, oo ay qalbigooda Ilaah wax xun kaga sheegeen. Oo Ayuubna sidaasuu yeeli jiray had iyo goorba.
Y acontecía que, habiendo pasado en turno los días del convite, Job enviaba y los santificaba, y se levantaba de mañana y ofrecía holocaustos conforme al número de todos ellos. Porque decía Job: Por ventura habrán pecado mis hijos, y habrán blasfemado a Dios en sus corazones. De esta manera hacía Job todos los días.
Cuando terminaban los días de fiesta, Job mandaba a buscarlos y los purificaba, levantándose de madrugada para ofrecer un holocausto por cada uno de ellos. Job se preocupaba, pensando para sí mismo: “Tal vez mis hijos hayan pecado de alguna manera y hayan ofendido a Dios sin querer”. Era lo que Job hacía siempre.
Y cuando los días de su fiesta se acabaron, Job envió a santificarlas, y se levantó de madrugada y ofreció holocaustos según el número de todas ellas. Porque Job decía: “Puede ser que mis hijos hayan pecado y renunciado a Dios en su corazón”. Job lo hacía continuamente.
Sucedía que cuando los días del festín terminaban su ciclo, Job mandaba [a buscarlos] y los purificaba. Se levantaba de madrugada y ofrecía holocaustos por ellos, conforme a su número, pues Job decía: Tal vez mis hijos pecaron contra ʼElohim y blasfemaron en su corazón. Job siempre hacía esto.
Concluido el turno de los días del convite, Job los hacía venir, y los santificaba. Madrugando por la mañana ofrecía holocaustos conforme al número de todos ellos; pues decía Job: “Quizá hayan pecado mis hijos, y maldecido a Dios en sus corazones.” Así obraba Job siempre.
Y acontecía que habiendo pasado en torno los días del convite, Job enviaba, y santificábalos, y levantábase de mañana, y ofrecía holocaustos al número de todos ellos. Porque decía Job: Quizá habrán pecado mis hijos, y habrán blasfemado de Dios en sus corazones. De esta manera hacía Job todos los días.
Y acontecía que, habiendo pasado en turno los días del convite, Job enviaba y santificábalos, y levantábase de mañana y ofrecía holocaustos conforme al número de todos ellos. Porque decía Job: Quizá habrán pecado mis hijos, y habrán blasfemado á Dios en sus corazones. De esta manera hacía todos los días.
Y al final de sus días de banquete, Job los llamaba y los purificaba, levantándose temprano por la mañana y ofreciendo ofrendas quemadas por todos ellos. Porque, dijo Job: puede ser que mis hijos hayan hecho algo malo y hayan dicho mal de Dios en sus corazones. Y Job hizo esto cada vez que las fiestas vinieron.
Baada ya siku za karamu zilipokuwa zimetimia, Ayubu hutuma kwao na kuwatakasa. Aliamka asubuhi na mapema na kutoa sadaka za kuteketezwa kwa kila mtoto wake, kwa kusema, “Yawezekana kwamba wanangu wamefanya dhambi na kumkufuru Mungu mioyoni mwao.” Siku zote Ayubu alifanya hivi.
Wakati kipindi cha karamu kilimalizika, Ayubu angetuma waitwe na kuwafanyia utakaso. Angetoa dhabihu ya sadaka ya kuteketezwa kwa ajili ya kila mmoja wao asubuhi na mapema, akifikiri, “Pengine wanangu wametenda dhambi na kumlaani Mungu mioyoni mwao.” Hii ilikuwa ndiyo desturi ya kawaida ya Ayubu.
När så en omgång av gästabudsdagar var till ända, sände Job efter dem för att helga dem; bittida om morgonen offrade han då ett brännoffer för var och en av dem. Ty Job tänkte "Kanhända hava mina barn syndat och i sina hjärtan talat förgripligt om Gud". Så gjorde Job för var gång.
Och när en gästabådsdagen ute var, sände Job bort och helgade dem; och stod bittida upp om morgonen, och offrade bränneoffer, efter allas deras tal. Förty Job tänkte: Mine söner kunna hafva syndat, och välsignat Gud i sin hjerta. Så gjorde Job hvar dag.
När så en omgång av gästabudsdagar var till ända, sände Job efter dem för att helga dem; bittida om morgonen offrade han då ett brännoffer för var och en av dem. Ty Job tänkte »Kanhända hava mina barn syndat och i sina hjärtan talat förgripligt om Gud». Så gjorde Job för var gång.
At nangyari, nang makaraan ang mga kaarawan ng kanilang pagpipista, na si Job ay nagsugo, at pinapagbanal sila, at bumangong maaga sa kinaumagahan, at naghandog ng mga handog na susunugin ayon sa bilang nilang lahat: sapagka't sinabi ni Job, Marahil ang aking mga anak ay nangagkasala, at itinakuwil ang Dios sa kanilang mga puso. Ganito ang ginawa ni Job na palagi.
Pagkatapos ng mga araw ng pista, sila ay ipinapatawag at muli silang itatalaga ni Job sa Diyos. Babangon siya nang maagang-maaga at mag-aalay ng sinunog na handog para sa bawat kaniyang mga anak, dahil iniisip niya na, “Marahil nagkasala ang aking mga anak at isinumpa ang Diyos sa kanilang mga puso.” Ito ay laging ginagawa ni Job.
விருந்துசெய்கிற அவரவருடைய நாள்முறை முடிகிறபோது, யோபு: ஒருவேளை என் மகன்கள் பாவம் செய்து, தேவனைத் தங்கள் இருதயத்திலே நிந்தித்திருப்பார்கள் என்று சொல்லி, அவர்களை வரவழைத்து, பரிசுத்தப்படுத்தி, அதிகாலமே எழுந்து, அவர்கள் எல்லோருடைய எண்ணிக்கையின் வரிசையில் சர்வாங்க தகனபலிகளைச் செலுத்துவான்; இந்த முறையில் யோபு அந்நாட்களிலெல்லாம் செய்துவருவான்.
ஒவ்வொரு முறையும் விருந்து முடிந்தவுடன் யோபு, “என் பிள்ளைகள் ஒருவேளை தங்கள் இருதயங்களில் பாவம் செய்து, இறைவனைத் தூஷித்திருக்கலாம்” என நினைத்து அவர்களை வரவழைத்துத் தூய்மைப்படுத்துவான். அதிகாலையில் ஒவ்வொருவருக்காகவும் தகனபலிகளையும் செலுத்துவான். இவ்வாறு செய்வது யோபுவின் வழக்கமான நடைமுறையாய் இருந்தது.
వాళ్ళ విందు సమయాలు ముగిసిన తరువాత యోబు ఉదయాన్నే లేచి తన కుటుంబ సభ్యుల్లో ఒక్కొక్కరి కోసం హోమబలి అర్పించే వాడు. తన కొడుకులు ఏదైనా పాపం చేసి తమ హృదయాల్లో దేవుణ్ణి దూషించారేమో అని వాళ్ళను పిలిపించి పవిత్రపరిచేవాడు. ప్రతి రోజూ యోబు ఈ విధంగా చేస్తూ ఉండేవాడు.
Pea kuo ʻosi ʻae ngaahi ʻaho ʻo ʻenau fai kātoanga, naʻe fekau ʻe Siope ke fakatapui ʻakinautolu, pea ne tuʻu hengihengi hake, ʻo ʻatu ʻae ngaahi feilaulau tutu ʻo fakatatau ki honau tokolahi kotoa pē: he naʻe pehē ʻe Siope, naʻa kuo angahala ʻa hoku ngaahi foha, ʻo lea kovi ki he ʻOtua ʻi honau loto. Naʻe fai pehē pe ʻa Siope ʻi he ʻaho kotoa pē.
Bu şölen dönemi bitince Eyüp onları çağırtıp kutsardı. Sabah erkenden kalkar, “Çocuklarım günah işlemiş, içlerinden Tanrı'ya sövmüş olabilirler” diyerek her biri için yakmalık sunu sunardı. Eyüp hep böyle yapardı.
Sɛ aponto nna no twa mu a, Hiob soma kɔfrɛ wɔn na wodwira wɔn ho. Ɔsɔre anɔpahema bɔ ɔhyew afɔre ma wɔn mu biara, efisɛ na osusuw sɛ, “Ebia na me mma no ayɛ bɔne na wɔadome Onyankopɔn wɔ wɔn koma mu.” Eyi yɛ dwuma a na Hiob di no bere ano bere ano.
Sɛ apontoɔ nna no twam a, Hiob soma kɔfrɛ wɔn na wɔdwira wɔn ho. Ɔsɔre anɔpahema bɔ ɔhyeɛ afɔdeɛ ma wɔn mu biara, ɛfiri sɛ ɔdwene sɛ, “Ebia na me mma no ayɛ bɔne na wɔadome Onyankopɔn wɔ wɔn akoma mu.” Yei yɛ dwuma a na Hiob di no ɛberɛ-ano-berɛ ano.
І бувало, як миналося ко́ло бенке́тних днів, то Йов посилав за ді́тьми й освячував їх, — і вставав він рано вранці, і прино́сив цілопа́лення за числом їх усіх, бо Йов казав: „Може згрішили сини мої, і знева́жили Бога в серці своєму“. Так робив Йов по всі дні.
और जब उनकी मेहमान नवाज़ी के दिन पूरे हो जाते, तो अय्यूब उन्हें बुलवाकर पाक करता और सुबह को सवेरे उठकर उन सभों की ता'दाद के मुताबिक़ सोख़्तनी क़ुर्बानियाँ अदा करता था, क्यूँकि अय्यूब कहता था, कि “शायद मेरे बेटों ने कुछ ख़ता की हो और अपने दिल में ख़ुदा की बुराई की हो।” अय्यूब हमेशा ऐसा ही किया करता था।
ئۇلارنىڭ شۇ زىياپەت كۈنلىرى ئاياغلىشى بىلەن ئايۇپ ئادەم ئەۋەتىپ ئۇلارنى خۇدا ئالدىدا پاكلىنىشقا ئورۇنلاشتۇراتتى. ئۇ تاڭ سەھەردە ئورنىدىن تۇرۇپ ئۇلارنىڭ سانىغا ئاساسەن كۆيدۈرمە قۇربانلىقلارنى قىلاتتى. چۈنكى ئايۇپ: «بالىلىرىم گۇناھ قىلىپ قويۇپ، كۆڭلىدە خۇداغا بىھۆرمەتلىك قىلىپ قويامدىكىن» دەپ ئويلايتتى. ئايۇپ ھەردائىم ئەنە شۇنداق قىلىپ تۇراتتى.
Уларниң шу зияпәт күнлири аяқлиши билән Аюп адәм әвәтип уларни Худа алдида паклинишқа орунлаштуратти. У таң сәһәрдә орнидин туруп уларниң саниға асасән көйдүрмә қурбанлиқларни қилатти. Чүнки Аюп: «Балилирим гуна қилип қоюп, көңлидә Худаға беһөрмәтлик қилип қоямдикин» дәп ойлайтти. Аюп һәрдайим әнә шундақ қилип туратти.
Ularning shu ziyapet künliri ayaghlishi bilen Ayup adem ewetip ularni Xuda aldida paklinishqa orunlashturatti. U tang seherde ornidin turup ularning sanigha asasen köydürme qurbanliqlarni qilatti. Chünki Ayup: «Balilirim gunah qilip qoyup, könglide Xudagha bihörmetlik qilip qoyamdikin» dep oylaytti. Ayup herdaim ene shundaq qilip turatti.
Ularning xu ziyapǝt künliri ayaƣlixi bilǝn Ayup adǝm ǝwǝtip ularni Huda aldida paklinixⱪa orunlaxturatti. U tang sǝⱨǝrdǝ ornidin turup ularning saniƣa asasǝn kɵydürmǝ ⱪurbanliⱪlarni ⱪilatti. Qünki Ayup: «Balilirim gunaⱨ ⱪilip ⱪoyup, kɵnglidǝ Hudaƣa biⱨɵrmǝtlik ⱪilip ⱪoyamdikin» dǝp oylaytti. Ayup ⱨǝrdaim ǝnǝ xundaⱪ ⱪilip turatti.
Xảy khi các ngày yến tiệc xong rồi, Gióp sai người đi dọn các con cái mình cho thanh sạch, thức dậy sớm, dâng của lễ thiêu tùy số chúng nó; vì người nói rằng: Dễ thường các con ta có phạm tội, và trong lòng từ chối Đức Chúa Trời chăng. Gióp hằng làm như vậy.
Xảy khi các ngày yến tiệc xong rồi, Gióp sai người đi dọn các con cái mình cho thanh sạch, thức dậy sớm, dâng của lễ thiêu tùy số nó; vì người nói rằng: Dễ thường các con ta có phạm tội, và trong lòng từ chối Ðức Chúa Trời chăng. Gióp hằng làm như vậy.
Sau khi các ngày tiệc kết thúc—có khi kéo dài nhiều ngày—Gióp sai gọi các con về để làm lễ thanh tẩy. Ông thức dậy sớm dâng tế lễ thiêu cho mỗi người con vì Gióp thầm nghĩ rằng: “Có thể con cái ta phạm tội và xúc phạm Đức Chúa Trời trong lòng!” Gióp thường làm lễ thanh tẩy như vậy.
Ó sì ṣe, nígbà tí ọjọ́ àsè wọn pé yíká, ni Jobu ránṣẹ́ lọ í yà wọ́n sí mímọ́, ó sì dìde ní kùtùkùtù òwúrọ̀, ó sì rú ẹbọ sísun níwọ̀n iye gbogbo wọn; nítorí tí Jobu wí pé: bóyá àwọn ọmọ mi ti ṣẹ̀, wọn kò sì ṣọpẹ́ fún Ọlọ́run lọ́kàn wọn. Bẹ́ẹ̀ ní Jobu máa ń ṣe nígbà gbogbo.
Verse Count = 211

< Job 1:5 >