< Isaiah 24:2 >

It will be as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the creditor, so with the debtor; as with the taker of interest, so with the giver of interest.
Do t’i ndodhë e njëjta gjë popullit ashtu si priftit, shërbëtorit ashtu si padronit të tij, shërbëtores ashtu si padrones së saj, blerësit ashtu si shitësit, ai që jep borxh ashtu si ai që merr borxh, huadhënësit ashtu si huamarrësit.
وَكَمَا يَكُونُ ٱلشَّعْبُ هَكَذَا ٱلْكَاهِنُ. كَمَا ٱلْعَبْدُ هَكَذَا سَيِّدُهُ. كَمَا ٱلْأَمَةُ هَكَذَا سَيِّدَتُهَا. كَمَا ٱلشَّارِي هَكَذَا ٱلْبَائِعُ. كَمَا ٱلْمُقْرِضُ هَكَذَا ٱلْمُقْتَرِضُ. وَكَمَا ٱلدَّائِنُ هَكَذَا ٱلْمَدْيُونُ.
وَمَا يَقَعُ عَلَى الشَّعْبِ يَقْعُ عَلَى الْكَاهِنِ أَيْضاً، وَالسَّيِّدُ كَالْعَبْدِ وَالسَّيِّدَةُ كَأَمَتِهَا وَالْبَائِعُ كَالْمُشْتَرِي، وَالْمُقْتَرِضُ كَالْمُقْرِضِ، وَالدَّائِنُ كَالْمَدِينِ.
প্ৰজা যেনে পুৰোহিতো তেনে, দাস যেনে মালিকো তেনে, দাসী যেনে মালিকনীও তেনে, কিনা জন যেনে বিক্রী কৰা জনো তেনে, ধাৰ দিয়া জন যেনে ধাৰ লোৱা জনো তেনে, সূত লোৱা জন যেনে সূত দিয়া জনো তেনে হ’ব।
Nə xalqla kahin arasında, Nə nökərlə ağası arasında, Nə qarabaşla xanımı arasında, Nə alıcı ilə satıcı arasında, Nə borc verənlə borc alan arasında Nə də sələmçi ilə borc alan arasında Heç bir fərq qoyulmayacaq.
Dunu huluane, amo gobele salasu dunu, dunudafa, udigili hawa: hamosu dunu, ilia ouligisu dunu, bidiga lama: ne dunu, fa: no dabema: ne muni iasu dunu, bu ima: ne muni lasu dunu, bagade gagui dunu amola hame gagui dunu, amo huluane da defele se lamu.
সেই দিন পুরোহিত ও সাধারণ লোকদের, প্রভু ও চাকরের, কর্ত্রী ও দাসীর, ক্রেতার ও বিক্রেতার, যে ধার করে ও যে ধার দেয় তাদের এবং ঋণী ও ঋণদাতার সবাই একই রকম হবে।
সবার অবস্থা একইরকম হবে যাজকদের ও সাধারণ লোকদের, মনিব ও দাসদের, কর্ত্রী ও দাসীর, বিক্রয়কারী ও ক্রেতার, ঋণগ্রহীতার ও ঋণদাতার, উত্তমর্ণ ও অধমর্ণ, সকলের।
И ще стане, както на людете, така и на свещеника; Както на слугата така и на господаря му; Както на слугинята, така и на господарката й; Както на купувача, така и на продавача; Както на земеделеца, така и на заемача; Както на приемача с лихва, така и на оня, който му дава с лихва.
Mahitabo kini, ingon man sa katawhan, mao usab sa pari, ingon man sa sulugoon, mao usab sa iyang agalon; ingon man sa katabang, mao usab sa iyang kabit, ingon man sa mga mopalit, mao usab sa mobaligya; ingon man sa nagpautang; mao usab sa mangutang; ingon man sa modawat ug tubo, mao usab sa mohatag ug tubo.
Ug mahitabo ang ingon sa katawohan, mao man ang sa sacerdote; ang ingon sa sulogoong lalake, mao man ang sa iyang agalon; ang ingon sa sulogoong babaye, mao man ang sa iyang agalon nga babaye; ang ingon sa pumapalit, mao man ang sa magbabaligya; ingon man sa magpapalautang mao man ang mangungutang: ang ingon sa maniningil sa tubo, mao man ang sa maghahatag ug tubo kaniya.
Aliyense zidzamuchitikira mofanana: wansembe chimodzimodzi munthu wamba, antchito aamuna mofanananso ndi ambuye awo aamuna, antchito aakazi chimodzimodzi ambuye awo aakazi, wogula chimodzimodzi wogulitsa, wobwereka chimodzimodzi wobwereketsa, okongola chimodzimodzi okongoza.
Kamtang khaeah oh baktih toengah, qaima khaeah doeh om tih; tamna khaeah oh baktih toengah angraeng khaeah doeh om tih; tamna nongpata khaeah oh baktih toengah, angraeng nongpata khaeah doeh om tih; hmuen qan kami khaeah oh baktih toengah, hmuen zaw kami khaeah doeh om tih; coi han hmuen paek kami khaeah oh baktih toengah, hmuen coi kami khaeah doeh om tih; phoisa coi han paek kami khaeah oh baktih toengah, phoisa coi kami khaeah doeh om tih.
Te vaengah khosoih taengah khaw pilnam taengkah bangla, a boeipa taengah khaw sal taengkah bangla, boeinu taengah khaw salnu bangla, aka yoi taengah aka lai taengkah bangla, puhlah taengah purhong bangla, laibai aka suk taengah khaw laiba aka sah taengkah bangla a om pah ni.
Te vaengah khosoih taengah khaw pilnam taengkah bangla, a boeipa taengah khaw sal taengkah bangla, boeinu taengah khaw salnu bangla, aka yoi taengah aka lai taengkah bangla, puhlah taengah purhong bangla, laiba aka suk taengah khaw laiba aka sah taengkah bangla a om pah ni.
Thempu ho leh milham ho, sohho leh vaihom ho, sohnu holeh inneinu ho, sum hom pa leh sum laho, acho holeh ajoh ho, sum bat sah hole sum pa laho, khat cha soh cha lou ding ahiuve.
Hattoteh taminaw koe kaawm e patetlah vaihma koe ao van han. San koe kaawm e patetlah a bawi koehai ao van han. Ka ran e koe kaawm e patetlah kâyawt e koehai ao han. Lai ka ba e koe kaawm e patetlah lai a ba pouh e koehai ao han. Apung ka poe e koe kaawm e patetlah apung kacate koehai ao han.
那时百姓怎样,祭司也怎样; 仆人怎样,主人也怎样; 婢女怎样,主母也怎样; 买物的怎样,卖物的也怎样; 放债的怎样,借债的也怎样; 取利的怎样,出利的也怎样。
那時百姓怎樣,祭司也怎樣; 僕人怎樣,主人也怎樣; 婢女怎樣,主母也怎樣; 買物的怎樣,賣物的也怎樣; 放債的怎樣,借債的也怎樣; 取利的怎樣,出利的也怎樣。
Svećenik će biti k'o i narod, gospodar k'o i sluga, gospodarica k'o i sluškinja, prodavač k'o i kupac, zajmodavac k'o i zajmoprimac, vjerovnik k'o i dužnik.
I budeť jakož lid tak kníže, jakož služebník tak pán jeho, jakož děvka tak paní její, jakož kupující tak prodávající, jakož půjčující tak vypůjčující, jakož lichevník tak ten, jenž lichvu dává.
I budeť jakož lid tak kníže, jakož služebník tak pán jeho, jakož děvka tak paní její, jakož kupující tak prodávající, jakož půjčující tak vypůjčující, jakož lichevník tak ten, jenž lichvu dává.
det går Lægfolk som Præst, Træl som Herre, Trælkvinde som Frue, Køber som Sælger, Långiver som Låntager, Ågerkarl som Skyldner.
Og det skal gaa Præsten som Folket, Herren som Tjeneren, Fruen som Tjenestepigen; den, der sælger, som den, der køber; den, der laaner, som den, der udlaaner; den, som modtager paa Aager, som den, der sætter ud paa Aager.
det gaar Lægfolk som Præst, Træl som Herre, Trælkvinde som Frue, Køber som Sælger, Laangiver som Laantager, Aagerkarl som Skyldner.
Notime machalre ne jodolo kata ne joma moko, misumba kata ne ruodhe, ne dhako man-gi jatich kata ne nyako matiyone, ne jahono kata ne jangʼiewo, ne ngʼat ma holo ji, kata ne ngʼat ma holo, ne ngʼat man-gi gowi kata ngʼat ma holo ji.
En gelijk het volk, alzo zal de priester wezen; gelijk de knecht, alzo zijn heer; gelijk de dienstmaagd, alzo haar vrouw; gelijk de koper, alzo de verkoper; gelijk de lener, alzo de ontlener; gelijk de woekeraar, alzo die, van welken hij woeker ontvangt.
Het zal den priester vergaan als het volk, Den slaaf als zijn meester, Slavin als gebiedster, Verkoper als koper, Borger als lener, Schuldeiser als schuldenaar.
En gelijk het volk, alzo zal de priester wezen; gelijk de knecht, alzo zijn heer; gelijk de dienstmaagd, alzo haar vrouw; gelijk de koper, alzo de verkoper; gelijk de lener, alzo de ontlener; gelijk de woekeraar, alzo die, van welken hij woeker ontvangt.
And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest, as with the servant, so with his master, as with the maid, so with her mistress, as with the buyer, so with the seller, as with the creditor, so with the debtor, as with the taker of interest, so with the giver of interest to him.
It will be as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the creditor, so with the debtor; as with the taker of interest, so with the giver of interest.
And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the creditor, so with the debtor; as with the taker of interest, so with the giver of interest to him.
people and priest alike, servant and master, maid and mistress, buyer and seller, lender and borrower, creditor and debtor.
And it will be the same for the people as for the priest; for the servant as for his master; and for the woman-servant as for her owner; the same for the one offering goods for a price as for him who takes them; the same for him who gives money at interest and for him who takes it; the same for him who lets others have the use of his property as for those who make use of it.
And the people shall be as the priest, and the servant as the lord, and the maid as the mistress; the buyer shall be as the seller, the lender as the borrower, and the debtor as his creditor.
And the people shall be as the priest, and the servant as the lord, and the maid as the mistress; the buyer shall be as the seller, the lender as the borrower, and the debtor as his creditor.
And this shall be: as with the people, so with the priest; and as with the servant, so with his master; as with the handmaid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the creditor, so with the debtor.
And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the taker of usury, so with him from whom usury is taken.
And it shall be as with the people, so with the priest: and as with the servant, so with his master: as with the handmaid, so with her mistress: as with the buyer, so with the seller: as with the lender, so with the borrower: as with him that calleth for his money, so with him that oweth.
It will happen the same for everybody—whether people or priests, servants or their masters, maids or their mistresses, buyers or sellers, lenders or borrowers, creditors or debtors.
And there shalbe like people, like Priest, and like seruaunt, like master, like maide, like mistresse, like bier, like seller, like lender, like borower, like giuer, like taker to vsurie.
And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the creditor, so with the debtor.
And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him.
And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him.
And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him.
And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the taker of usury so with the giver of usury to him.
And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him.
And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the taker of interest, so with the giver of interest to him.
And the people shall be as the priest, and the servant as the lord, and the maid as the mistress; the buyer shall be as the seller, the lender as the borrower, and the debtor as his creditor.
And it shall be with the people as with the priest; with the servant as with his master; with the bondwoman as with her mistress; with the buyer as with the seller; with the lender as with the borrower; with the debtor as with his creditor.
And it has been—as a people so a priest, As the servant so his master, As the maidservant so her mistress, As the buyer so the seller, As the lender so the borrower, As the usurer so he who is lifting [it] on himself.
It will be as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the creditor, so with the debtor; as with the taker of interest, so with the giver of interest.
It will be as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the creditor, so with the debtor; as with the taker of interest, so with the giver of interest.
It will be as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the creditor, so with the debtor; as with the taker of interest, so with the giver of interest.
It will be as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the creditor, so with the debtor; as with the taker of interest, so with the giver of interest.
It will be as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the creditor, so with the debtor; as with the taker of interest, so with the giver of interest.
It will be as with the people, so with the cohen; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the creditor, so with the debtor; as with the taker of interest, so with the giver of interest.
As with the people, so is it with the priest; As with the servant, so with the master; As with the maid, so with the mistress; As with the buyer, so with the seller; As with the borrower, so with the lender; As with the usurer, so with the giver of usury.
It will be as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the creditor, so with the debtor; as with the taker of interest, so with the giver of interest.
And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him.
And it shall be—As the people, so, the priest, As the servant, so his lord, As the maid, so, her mistress, —As the buyer, so, the seller, As the lender, so, the borrower, As the debtor, so! his creditor.
And it will be as the people as the priest as the servant as master his as the maidservant as mistress her as the buyer as the seller as the lender as the borrower as the creditor as [the one] who a creditor [is] in him.
and to be like/as people like/as priest like/as servant/slave like/as lord his like/as maidservant like/as lady her like/as to buy like/as to sell like/as to borrow like/as to borrow like/as to lend like/as as which to exact in/on/with him
He will scatter everyone— priests and common people, servants and their masters, maids and their mistresses, buyers and sellers, lenders and borrowers, people who owe money and people who are owed money.
It will come about that, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the creditor, so with the debtor; as with the receiver of interest, so with the giver of interest.
And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the taker of interest, so with the giver of interest to him.
And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the taker of interest, so with the giver of interest to him.
It will be as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the creditor, so with the debtor; as with the taker of interest, so with the giver of interest.
It will be as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the creditor, so with the debtor; as with the taker of interest, so with the giver of interest.
It will be as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the creditor, so with the debtor; as with the taker of interest, so with the giver of interest.
It will be as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the creditor, so with the debtor; as with the taker of interest, so with the giver of interest.
It will be as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the creditor, so with the debtor; as with the taker of interest, so with the giver of interest.
It will be as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the creditor, so with the debtor; as with the taker of interest, so with the giver of interest.
And it schal be, as the puple, so the preest; as the seruaunt, so his lord; as the handmaide, so the ladi of hir; as a biere, so he that sillith; as the leenere, so he that takith borewyng; as he that axith ayen, so he that owith.
And it hath been — as a people so a priest, As the servant so his master, As the maid-servant so her mistress, As the buyer so the seller, As the lender so the borrower, As the usurer so he who is lifting [it] on himself.
Kaj estos al la popolo kiel al la pastro, al la servisto kiel al lia mastro, al la servistino kiel al ŝia mastrino, al la aĉetanto kiel al la vendanto, al la pruntedonanto kiel al la prunteprenanto, al la ŝuldanto kiel al la kreditoro.
Anɔ alea na nunɔlawo kple amehawo, na aƒetɔ kple dɔlaŋutsu, na aƒenɔ kple dɔlanyɔnu, nudzrala kple nuƒlela, na ame si doa nugbana kple nugbanadola, na fetɔ kple fenyila.
Ja papeille tapahtuu niinkuin kansallekin, herralle niinkuin palveliallekin, emännälle niinkuin piiallekin, myyjälle niinkuin ostajallekin, lainaajalle niinkuin lainaksi ottajallekin, korkorahan ottajlle niinkuin antajallekin.
Ja niinkuin kansan käy, niin papinkin, niinkuin orjan, niin hänen herransa, niinkuin orjattaren, niin hänen emäntänsä, niinkuin ostajan, niin myyjän, niinkuin lainanottajan, niin lainanantajan, niinkuin velallisen, niin velkojankin.
Et il en sera du prêtre comme du peuple, du maître comme de son serviteur, de la maîtresse comme de sa servante, du vendeur comme de l'acheteur, de l'emprunteur comme du prêteur, du débiteur comme du créancier.
Il en sera du peuple comme du prêtre, du serviteur comme du maître, de la servante comme de la maîtresse, de l'acheteur comme du vendeur, du créancier comme du débiteur, du preneur d'intérêts comme du donneur d'intérêts.
Et il en sera, comme du peuple, ainsi du sacrificateur; comme du serviteur, ainsi de son maître; comme de la servante, ainsi de sa maîtresse; comme de l’acheteur, ainsi du vendeur; comme du prêteur, ainsi de l’emprunteur; de celui qui prête à usure, comme de celui à qui est fait un prêt à usure.
Et tel sera le Sacrificateur que le peuple; tel le maître que son serviteur; telle la dame que sa servante; tel le vendeur que l'acheteur; tel celui qui prête que celui qui emprunte; tel le créancier, que le débiteur.
Et comme sera le peuple, ainsi sera le prêtre; et comme l’esclave, ainsi son maître; comme la servante, ainsi sa maîtresse; comme l’achetant, ainsi celui qui vend; comme le prêteur, ainsi celui qui emprunte; comme celui qui redemande, ainsi celui qui doit.
Et il en est du sacrificateur comme du peuple, Du maître comme du serviteur, De la maîtresse comme de la servante, Du vendeur comme de l’acheteur, Du prêteur comme de l’emprunteur, Du créancier comme du débiteur.
Et il en sera du prêtre comme du peuple, du maître comme de son serviteur, de la maîtresse comme de sa servante, du vendeur comme de l’acheteur, de l’emprunteur comme du prêteur, du débiteur comme du créancier.
Et il en sera du sacrificateur comme du peuple, du maître comme de son serviteur, de la maîtresse comme de la servante, du vendeur comme de l'acheteur, du prêteur comme de l'emprunteur, du créancier comme du débiteur.
Et il en sera du sacrificateur comme du peuple, du maître comme du serviteur, de la maîtresse comme de la servante, du vendeur comme de l'acheteur, du prêteur comme de l'emprunteur, du créancier comme du débiteur.
Et le peuple sera comme le prêtre, le serviteur comme le maître, et la servante comme la maîtresse; le marchand sera comme l'acheteur, le préteur comme l'emprunteur, et le débiteur comme le créancier.
Un même sort atteint peuple et prêtre, esclave et maître, servante et maîtresse, acheteur et vendeur, prêteur et emprunteur, créancier et débiteur.
Dem Priester geht es wie dem Volk, dem Herrn wie seinem Knechte, der Frau wie ihrer Magd, und dem Verkäufer wie dem Käufer, dem Borger wie dem Ausleiher, dem Schuldner wie dem Gläubiger.
Und wie dem Volke, so ergeht es dem Priester; wie dem Knechte, so seinem Herrn; wie der Magd, so ihrer Gebieterin; wie dem Käufer, so dem Verkäufer; wie dem Leiher, so dem Borger; wie dem Schuldner, so seinem Gläubiger.
Und wie dem Volke, so ergeht es dem Priester; wie dem Knechte, so seinem Herrn; wie der Magd, so ihrer Gebieterin; wie dem Käufer, so dem Verkäufer; wie dem Leiher, so dem Borger; wie dem Schuldner, so seinem Gläubiger.
Dem Priester wird es ergehen wie dem Volke, dem Herrn wie seinem Knechte, der Herrin wie ihrer Magd, dem Verkäufer wie dem Käufer, dem Leiher wie dem Verleiher, dem Schuldner wie dem Gläubiger.
Und gehet dem Priester wie dem Volk, dem HERRN wie dem Knechte, der Frau wie der Magd, dem Verkäufer wie dem Käufer, dem Leiher wie dem Borger, dem Mahnenden wie dem Schuldiger.
Und es geht dem Priester wie dem Volk, dem Herrn wie dem Knecht, der Frau wie der Magd, dem Verkäufer wie dem Käufer, dem Leiher wie dem Borger, dem Mahnenden wie dem Schuldner.
Da ergeht es dem Priester wie dem Mann des Volkes, dem Herrn wie seinem Knecht, der Herrin wie ihrer Magd, dem Verkäufer wie dem Käufer, dem Darleiher wie dem Entlehner, dem Gläubiger ebenso wie seinem Schuldner.
Alsdann wird der Priester wie das Volk, der Herr wie sein Knecht, die Frau wie ihre Magd, der Verkäufer wie der Käufer, der Leiher wie der Entlehner, der Gläubiger wie der Schuldner sein.
Und wird sein wie das Volk, so der Priester; wie der Knecht, so sein Herr; wie die Dienstmagd, so ihre Gebieterin; wie der Käufer, so der Verkäufer; wie der Leiher, so der Borger; wie der Gläubiger, so der Schuldner.
gũgaakorwo kũrĩ ũndũ o ũmwe kũrĩ mũthĩnjĩri-Ngai na kũrĩ andũ, kũrĩ ndungata na kũrĩ mũmĩathi, kũrĩ ndungata ya mũirĩtu na kũrĩ mũtumia ũrĩa mũmĩathi, kũrĩ mwendia wa indo na kũrĩ mũgũri, kũrĩ mũkoombi na kũrĩ mũkoombanĩri, kũrĩ mũndũ ũrĩa ũrĩ na thiirĩ na kũrĩ ũrĩa ũrandũraga thiirĩ.
Και θέλει είσθαι, ως ο λαός, ούτως ο ιερεύς· ως ο θεράπων, ούτως ο κύριος αυτού· ως η θεράπαινα, ούτως η κυρία αυτής· ως ο αγοραστής, ούτως ο πωλητής· ως ο δανειστής, ούτως ο δανειζόμενος· ως ο λαμβάνων τόκον, ούτως ο πληρόνων τόκον εις αυτόν.
καὶ ἔσται ὁ λαὸς ὡς ὁ ἱερεὺς καὶ ὁ παῖς ὡς ὁ κύριος καὶ ἡ θεράπαινα ὡς ἡ κυρία ἔσται ὁ ἀγοράζων ὡς ὁ πωλῶν καὶ ὁ δανείζων ὡς ὁ δανειζόμενος καὶ ὁ ὀφείλων ὡς ᾧ ὀφείλει
જેવી લોકની, તેવી યાજકની; જેવી ચાકરની, તેવી જ તેના શેઠની; જેવી દાસીની, તેવી જ તેની શેઠાણીની; જેવી ખરીદનારની, તેવી જ વેચનારની; જેવું ઉછીનું આપનારની, તેવી જ લેનારની; જેવી લેણદારની, તેવી જ દેણદારની સ્થિતિ થશે.
Tout moun pral pase, prèt yo kou moun nan pèp la, esklav yo kou mèt yo, sèvant yo kou metrès yo, sa k'ap vann kou sa k'ap achte, sa k'ap bay ponya kou sa k'ap pran ponya, sa k'ap bay kredi kou sa k'ap pran kredi.
Pèp la menm jan ak prèt la, sèvitè a tankou mèt li, sèvant lan tankou mètrès li, sa k ap achte tankou sa k ap vann, sila k ap fè prè a tankou sila k ap prete a, sila ki resevwa kredi a tankou sila k ap bay kredi a.
zai zama abu ɗaya ga firist kamar yadda yake ga mutane, ga maigida kamar yadda yake ga bawa, ga uwargijiya kamar yadda yake ga baiwa, ga mai sayarwa kamar yadda yake ga mai saya, ga mai karɓan rance kamar yadda yake ga mai ba da rance, ga mai karɓan bashi kamar yadda yake ga mai ba da bashi.
E hiki mai auanei keia, E like me kanaka, pela no ke kahuna; E like me ka kauwa kane, pela no kona haku kane; E like me ke kauwa wahine, pela no kona haku wahine; E like me ka mea kuai mai, pela no ka mea kuai aku; E like me ka mea noi, pela no ka mea haawi; E like me ka mea loaa ka ukuhoopanee, Pela no ka mea haawi i ka ukuhoopanee.
והיה כעם ככהן כעבד כאדניו כשפחה כגברתה כקונה כמוכר כמלוה כלוה כנשה כאשר נשא בו
וְהָיָ֤ה כָעָם֙ כַּכֹּהֵ֔ן כַּעֶ֙בֶד֙ כַּֽאדֹנָ֔יו כַּשִּׁפְחָ֖ה כַּגְּבִרְתָּ֑הּ כַּקֹּונֶה֙ כַּמֹּוכֵ֔ר כַּמַּלְוֶה֙ כַּלֹּוֶ֔ה כַּנֹּשֶׁ֕ה כַּאֲשֶׁ֖ר נֹשֶׁ֥א בֹֽו׃
וְהָיָ֤ה כָעָם֙ כַּכֹּהֵ֔ן כַּעֶ֙בֶד֙ כַּֽאדֹנָ֔יו כַּשִּׁפְחָ֖ה כַּגְּבִרְתָּ֑הּ כַּקּוֹנֶה֙ כַּמּוֹכֵ֔ר כַּמַּלְוֶה֙ כַּלֹּוֶ֔ה כַּנֹּשֶׁ֕ה כַּאֲשֶׁ֖ר נֹשֶׁ֥א בֽוֹ׃
וְהָיָה כָעָם כַּכֹּהֵן כַּעֶבֶד כַּֽאדֹנָיו כַּשִּׁפְחָה כַּגְּבִרְתָּהּ כַּקּוֹנֶה כַּמּוֹכֵר כַּמַּלְוֶה כַּלֹּוֶה כַּנֹּשֶׁה כַּאֲשֶׁר נֹשֶׁא בֽוֹ׃
והיה כעם ככהן כעבד כאדניו כשפחה כגברתה כקונה כמוכר כמלוה כלוה כנשה כאשר נשא בו׃
וְהָיָה כָעָם כַּכֹּהֵן כַּעֶבֶד כַּֽאדֹנָיו כַּשִּׁפְחָה כַּגְּבִרְתָּהּ כַּקּוֹנֶה כַּמּוֹכֵר כַּמַּלְוֶה כַּלֹּוֶה כַּנֹּשֶׁה כַּאֲשֶׁר נֹשֶׁא בֽוֹ׃
וְהָיָ֤ה כָעָם֙ כַּכֹּהֵ֔ן כַּעֶ֙בֶד֙ כַּֽאדֹנָ֔יו כַּשִּׁפְחָ֖ה כַּגְּבִרְתָּ֑הּ כַּקּוֹנֶה֙ כַּמּוֹכֵ֔ר כַּמַּלְוֶה֙ כַּלֹּוֶ֔ה כַּנֹּשֶׁ֕ה כַּאֲשֶׁ֖ר נֹשֶׁ֥א בֽוֹ׃
और जैसी यजमान की वैसी याजक की; जैसी दास की वैसी स्वामी की; जैसी दासी की वैसी स्वामिनी की; जैसी लेनेवाले की वैसी बेचनेवाले की; जैसी उधार देनेवाले की वैसी उधार लेनेवाले की; जैसी ब्याज लेनेवाले की वैसी ब्याज देनेवाले की; सभी की एक ही दशा होगी।
प्रजा पुरोहित के समान, सेवक अपने स्वामी के समान, सेविका अपनी स्वामिनी के समान, खरीदने और बेचनेवाले के समान, साहूकार ऋणी के समान और वह जो उधार देता है, और जो उधार लेता है सब एक समान हो जायेंगे.
S olyan lesz a nép, mint a pap; a szolga, mint az ő ura; a szolgáló, mint asszonya; a vevő, mint az eladó; a kölcsönadó, mint a kölcsönkérő; a hitelező, mint az, a kinek hitelez;
És olyan lesz a nép mint a pap, a szolga mint az úr, a szolgáló mint az úrnője, a vevő mint az eladó, a kölcsönadó mint a kölcsönvevő, a hitelező mint akinek hitelez.
Otu ihe ahụ ka ọ ga-eme mmadụ niile, nye ndị nchụaja ma ndị mmadụ, nye ụmụodibo na ndị nwe ha, nye ndị odibo nwanyị, na nne ha ukwu, nye ndị na-azụ ihe a na-ere ere, na ndị na-ere ihe orire; nye ndị na-ebinye ego, na ndị a na-ebinye ego; nye ndị ji ụgwọ, na ndị e ji ụgwọ.
Mapasamakto a no ania ti mapasamak iti tattao, ket kasta met iti padi; no kasano iti adipen, ket kasta met iti amongna; no kasano ti tagabo a babai ket kasta met iti amongna a babai; no kasano iti gumatgatang, kasta met iti aglaklako; no kasano iti agpapautang, kasta met iti umut-utang; no kasano iti umaw-awat iti porsiento ti kuarta, ket kasta met iti mangmangted iti porsiento ti kuarta.
Semua orang akan mengalami nasib yang sama: imam-imam dan rakyat, budak belian dan majikan, penjual dan pembeli, peminjam dan yang meminjamkan, kaya dan miskin.
Maka seperti nasib rakyat demikianlah nasib imam, seperti nasib hamba laki-laki demikianlah nasib tuannya, seperti nasib hamba perempuan demikianlah nasib nyonyanya, seperti nasib pembeli demikianlah nasib penjual, seperti nasib peminjam demikianlah nasib yang meminjamkan, seperti nasib orang yang berhutang demikianlah nasib orang yang berpiutang.
E il sacerdote sarà come il popolo, il padrone come il servo, la padrona come la serva, chi compera come chi vende, chi presta come chi prende in presto, chi dà ad usura come chi prende ad usura.
Avverrà lo stesso al popolo come al sacerdote, allo schiavo come al suo padrone, alla schiava come alla sua padrona, al compratore come al venditore, al creditore come al debitore, a chi riceve come a chi dà in prestito.
Avverrà al sacerdote lo stesso che al popolo, al padrone lo stesso che al suo servo, alla padrona lo stesso che alla sua serva, a chi vende lo stesso che a chi compra, a chi presta lo stesso che a chi prende ad imprestito, al creditore lo stesso che al debitore.
かくて民も祭司もひとしく 僕も主もひとしく 下婢も主婦もひとしく 買ものも賣ものもひとしく 貸ものも借ものもひとしく 利をはたるものも利をいだす者もひとしくこの事にあふべし
Hagi pristi vahe'ma amne vahe'ma, eri'za vahe'ene kva vahe'ene, eri'za a'nanene kva a'nanenena anahu knazanke enerisageno, fenozama mizanesaza vahe'mo'zane, zagore'ma fenozama netraza vahe'mo'zane, zagoma nofi'ma nehaza vahe'mo'zane zagoma nofite'ma netraza vahe'mo'zanena anazanke hu'za anahu knazanke erigahaze. Ana zanke hu'za vahe'zama erite'za nezamiza vahe'mo'zane, vahe'zama eneriza vahe'mo'zanena anahu' knazanke erigahaze.
ಜನಗಳಿಗೆ ಹೇಗೋ ಹಾಗೆಯೇ ಯಾಜಕರಿಗೆ; ದಾಸನಿಗೆ ಹೇಗೋ ಹಾಗೆಯೇ ಯಜಮಾನನಿಗೆ; ದಾಸಿಗೆ ಹೇಗೋ ಹಾಗೆಯೇ ಅವಳ ಯಜಮಾನಿಗೆ; ಕೊಳ್ಳುವವನಿಗೆ ಹೇಗೋ ಹಾಗೆಯೇ ಮಾರುವವನಿಗೆ; ಸಾಲಕೊಡುವವನಿಗೆ ಹೇಗೋ ಹಾಗೆಯೇ ಸಾಲ ಪಡೆಯುವವನಿಗೆ; ಬಡ್ಡಿ ತೆಗೆಯುವವನಿಗೆ ಹೇಗೋ ಹಾಗೆಯೇ ಬಡ್ಡಿ ತರುವವನಿಗೆ ಆಗುವುದು.
ಪ್ರಜೆಗಳು ಯಾಜಕ, ದಾಸ ಯಜಮಾನ, ದಾಸಿ, ಯಜಮಾನಿ, ಕೊಳ್ಳುವವನು, ಮಾರುವವನು, ಸಾಲ ಕೊಡುವವನು ಸಾಲ ಪಡೆಯುವವನು, ಬಡ್ಡಿ ಪಡೆಯುವವನು ಬಡ್ಡಿ ತೆರುವವನು, ಇವರೆಲ್ಲರಿಗೂ ಒಂದೇ ಗತಿಯಾಗುವುದು.
백성과 제사장이 일반일 것이며 종과 상전이 일반일 것이며 비자와 가모가 일반일 것이며 사는 자와 파는 자가 일반일 것이며 채급하는 자와 채용하는 자가 일반일 것이며 이자를 받는 자와 이자를 내는 자가 일반일 것이라
백성과 제사장이 일반일 것이며 종과 상전이 일반일 것이며 비자와 가모가 일반일 것이며 사는 자와 파는 자가 일반일 것이며 채급하는 자와 채용하는 자가 일반일 것이며 이자를 받는 자와 이자를 내는 자가 일반일 것이라
Mwet nukewa fah pulakin kain in ongoiya sefanna — mwet tol ac mwet uh, mwet kohs ac mwet kacto, mwet kuka ac mwet moli, mwet ngusr mani ac mwet sang mani, mwet kasrup ac mwet sukasrup.
کاهین وەک خەڵکی سادەی لێدێت، گەورە وەک کۆیلەکەی، خانم وەک کەنیزەکەی، کڕیار وەک فرۆشیار، بەخشەر وەک وەرگر، قەرزدەر وەک قەرزار.
Et erit sicut populus, sic sacerdos; et sicut servus, sic dominus ejus; sicut ancilla, sic domina ejus; sicut emens, sic ille qui vendit; sicut fœnerator, sic is qui mutuum accipit; sicut qui repetit, sic qui debet.
Et erit sicut populus, sic sacerdos: et sicut servus, sic dominus eius: sicut ancilla, sic domina eius: sicut emens, sic ille qui vendit: sicut fœnerator, sic is qui mutuum accipit: sicut qui repetit, sic qui debet.
Et erit sicut populus, sic sacerdos: et sicut servus, sic dominus eius: sicut ancilla, sic domina eius: sicut emens, sic ille qui vendit: sicut fœnerator, sic is qui mutuum accipit: sicut qui repetit, sic qui debet.
Et erit sicut populus, sic sacerdos; et sicut servus, sic dominus ejus; sicut ancilla, sic domina ejus; sicut emens, sic ille qui vendit; sicut fœnerator, sic is qui mutuum accipit; sicut qui repetit, sic qui debet.
et erit sicut populus sic sacerdos et sicut servus sic dominus eius sicut ancilla sic domina eius sicut emens sic ille qui vendit sicut fenerator sic is qui mutuum accipit sicut qui repetit sic qui debet
Et erit sicut populus, sic sacerdos: et sicut servus, sic dominus eius: sicut ancilla, sic domina eius: sicut emens, sic ille qui vendit: sicut foenerator, sic is qui mutuum accipit: sicut qui repetit, sic qui debet.
Un kā tiem ļaudīm, tāpat klāsies priesterim; kā kalpam, tāpat viņa kungam; kā kalponei tāpat viņas saimniecei; kā pircējam, tāpat pārdevējam; kā aizdevējam, tāpat aizņēmējam; kā pagaidu dzinējam, tāpat pagaidu maksātajam.
Ekozala mpe kaka ndenge moko mpo na Banganga-Nzambe mpe bato, mpo na nkolo mpe mowumbu na ye, mpo na nkolo ya mwasi mpe mwasi mosali na ye, mpo na moteki mpe mosombi, mpo na modefisi mpe modefi, mpo na moto oyo bakofuta ye niongo mpe mpo na moto oyo akofuta niongo.
Bwe kityo bwe kiriba, ekiriba ku kabona kye kiriba ne ku bantu, ekiriba ku mwami kye kiriba ne ku muweereza omusajja, ekiriba ku mugole we kye kiriba ne ku muweereza we omukazi, ekiriba ku atunda kye kiriba ne ku muguzi, ekiriba ku awola kye kiriba ne ku yeewola, ekiriba ku abanja kye kiriba ne ku abanjibwa.
Koa ho sahala ihany ny hanjo ny mpisorona sy ny vahoaka, ny tompolahy sy ny mpanompolahiny, ny tompovavy sy ny mpanompovaviny, ny mpivarotra sy ny mpividy, ny mpampisambotra sy ny mpisambotra, ny mpampanàna vola sy ny mpanana vola.
ty mpisoroñe naho ty fokonontsoa, ty ondevo naho ty tale; ty anak’ampatañe naho ty rakemba; ty mpivily naho ty mpandetake; ty mpampindrañe naho ty mpindrañe, ty mampisongo naho ty mpisongo.
ജനത്തിനും പുരോഹിതനും, ദാസനും യജമാനനും, ദാസിക്കും യജമാനത്തിക്കും, വാങ്ങുന്നവനും വില്‍ക്കുന്നവനും, കടം കൊടുക്കുന്നവനും കടം വാങ്ങുന്നവനും, പലിശ വാങ്ങുന്നവനും പലിശ കൊടുക്കുന്നവനും ഒരുപോലെ സംഭവിക്കും.
ജനത്തിന്നും പുരോഹിതന്നും, ദാസന്നും യജമാനന്നും, ദാസിക്കും യജമാനത്തിക്കും, കൊള്ളുന്നവന്നും വില്ക്കുന്നവന്നും, കടം കൊടുക്കുന്നവന്നും കടം വാങ്ങുന്നവന്നും, പലിശ വാങ്ങുന്നവന്നും പലിശ കൊടുക്കുന്നവന്നും ഒരുപോലെ ഭവിക്കും.
ജനത്തിന്നും പുരോഹിതന്നും, ദാസന്നും യജമാനന്നും, ദാസിക്കും യജമാനത്തിക്കും, കൊള്ളുന്നവന്നും വില്ക്കുന്നവന്നും, കടം കൊടുക്കുന്നവന്നും കടം വാങ്ങുന്നവന്നും, പലിശ വാങ്ങുന്നവന്നും പലിശ കൊടുക്കുന്നവന്നും ഒരുപോലെ ഭവിക്കും.
അത് ഒരുപോലെ, ജനങ്ങൾക്കെന്നപോലെ പുരോഹിതനും ദാസന്മാർക്കെന്നപോലെ യജമാനനും ദാസിക്കെന്നപോലെ യജമാനത്തിക്കും വാങ്ങുന്നവർക്കെന്നപോലെ കൊടുക്കുന്നവർക്കും കടം കൊടുക്കുന്നവർക്കെന്നപോലെ കടം വാങ്ങുന്നവർക്കും പലിശ വാങ്ങുന്നവർക്കെന്നപോലെ പലിശ കൊടുക്കുന്നവർക്കും സംഭവിക്കും.
आणि जशी लोकांची तशी याजकांची, जशी सेवकाची तशी धन्याची, जशी दासीची तशी तिच्या धनिणीशी, जशी विकत घेणाऱ्याची तशी विकणाऱ्याची, जशी उसणे देणाऱ्याची तशी उसणे घेणाऱ्याची, जशी उधार घेणाऱ्याची तशी जो त्यास उधार देतो त्याची स्थिती होईल.
ယဇ်​ပု​ရော​ဟိတ်​နှင့်​ပြည်​သူ၊ ကျွန်​နှင့်​သ​ခင်၊ ဝယ်​သူ​နှင့်​ရောင်း​သူ၊ ချေး​သူ​နှင့်​ငှား​သူ၊ ချမ်း သာ​သူ​နှင့်​ဆင်း​ရဲ​သူ၊ ရှိ​ရှိ​သ​မျှ​သော​လူ တို့​သည်​ကံ​ကြမ္မာ​တစ်​မျိုး​တစ်​စား​တည်း နှင့်​ကြုံ​တွေ့​ရ​ကြ​လိမ့်​မည်။-
ထိုအခါ ယဇ်ပုရောဟိတ်သည် ဆင်းရဲသားကဲ့သို့ ၎င်း၊ သခင်သည် ကျွန်ကဲ့သို့၎င်း၊ သခင်မသည် ကျွန်မကဲ့ သို့၎င်း၊ ရောင်းသောသူသည် ဝယ်သောသူကဲ့သို့၎င်း၊ ကြွေးရှင်သည် ကြွေးတင်သောသူကဲ့သို့၎င်း၊ အတိုးစား သောသူသည် အတိုးပေးသောသူကဲ့သို့၎င်း ဖြစ်ရ လိမ့် မည်။
ထိုအခါ ယဇ်ပုရောဟိတ် သည် ဆင်းရဲသား ကဲ့သို့ ၎င်း၊ သခင် သည် ကျွန် ကဲ့သို့ ၎င်း၊ သခင်မ သည် ကျွန်မ ကဲ့သို့ ၎င်း၊ ရောင်း သောသူသည် ဝယ် သောသူကဲ့သို့ ၎င်း၊ ကြွေးရှင် သည် ကြွေးတင် သောသူကဲ့သို့ ၎င်း၊ အတိုး စား သောသူသည် အတိုး ပေးသောသူကဲ့သို့ ၎င်း ဖြစ် ရ လိမ့်မည်။
A ka rite te iwi ki te tohunga, te pononga ki tona ariki, te pononga wahine ki tona rangatira wahine, te tangata i utua ai te taonga ki te tangata i a ia nei te utu, te kaiwhakatarewa mai ki te tangata i te nama, te tangata i te moni whakatupu ki te tangata nana nei i homai ki a ia.
Kuzafanana okuzenziwa kumphristi kuzenziwa lasebantwini, okuzenziwa enkosini kuzenziwa lasencekwini, okuzenziwa enkosikazini kuzenziwa lasencekukazini, okuzenziwa kumthengisi kuzenziwa lakumthengi, okuzenziwa kowebolekayo kuzenziwa lakumebolekisi, okuzenziwa kokweledayo kuzenziwa lakokweledisayo.
Kuzakuthi njengabantu kube njalo umpristi; njengesisebenzi kube njalo inkosi yaso; njengencekukazi kube njalo inkosikazi yayo; njengomthengi kube njalo umthengisi; njengombolekisi kube njalo obolekayo; njengomniki wesikwelede kube njalo okweledayo.
यो मानिसहरूलाई झैं पुजारीहरूलाई, नोकरलाई झैं मालिकलाई, दासीलाई झैं मलिक्‍नीलाई, किन्‍नेलाई झैं बेच्‍नेलाई, ऋण दिनेलाई झैं ऋण लिनेलाई, ब्याज लिनेलाई झैं ब्याज दिनेलाई हुनेछ ।
Da går det presten som folket, herren som trælen, fruen som trælkvinnen, selgeren som kjøperen, låntageren som långiveren, ågerkaren som hans skyldner.
Då gjeng det presten som folket, trælen som herren hans, trælkvinna som frua hennar, kjøparen som seljaren, utlånaren som lånaren, okraren som skuldmannen hans.
ତହିଁରେ ଯେପରି ଲୋକମାନଙ୍କର, ସେହିପରି ଯାଜକର; ଯେପରି ଦାସର, ସେହିପରି ତାହାର କର୍ତ୍ତାର; ଯେପରି ଦାସୀର, ସେହିପରି ତାହାର କର୍ତ୍ତ୍ରୀର; ଯେପରି କ୍ରୟକାରୀର, ସେହିପରି ବିକ୍ରୟକାରୀର; ଯେପରି ମହାଜନର, ସେହିପରି ଖାତକର; ଯେପରି ସୁଧଗ୍ରାହୀର, ସେହିପରି ସୁଧଦାତାର ପ୍ରତି ଘଟିବ।
Kan saba irra gaʼu luba irra, kan garbicha irra gaʼu gooftaa irra, kan garbittii irra gaʼu giiftii irra, kan bitataa irra gaʼu gurgurataa irra, kan isa ergifatu irra gaʼu, isa ergisu irra, kan liqeeffataa irra gaʼu, isa liqeessu ni gaʼaatii.
ਤਦ ਅਜਿਹਾ ਹੋਵੇਗਾ ਕਿ ਜਿਵੇਂ ਲੋਕ ਤਿਵੇਂ ਜਾਜਕ, ਜਿਵੇਂ ਦਾਸ ਤਿਵੇਂ ਉਹ ਦਾ ਮਾਲਕ, ਜਿਵੇਂ ਦਾਸੀ ਤਿਵੇਂ ਉਹ ਦੀ ਮਾਲਕਣ, ਜਿਵੇਂ ਮੁੱਲ ਲੈਣ ਵਾਲਾ ਤਿਵੇਂ ਮੁੱਲ ਦੇਣ ਵਾਲਾ, ਜਿਵੇਂ ਕਰਜਾ ਦੇਣ ਵਾਲਾ ਤਿਵੇਂ ਕਰਜਾ ਲੈਣ ਵਾਲਾ, ਜਿਵੇਂ ਬਿਆਜ ਲੈਣ ਵਾਲਾ ਤਿਵੇਂ ਬਿਆਜ ਦੇਣ ਵਾਲਾ ਹੋਵੇਗਾ।
و مثل قوم، مثل کاهن و مثل بنده، مثل آقایش و مثل کنیز، مثل خاتونش و مثل مشتری، مثل فروشنده و مثل قرض دهنده، مثل قرض گیرنده و مثل سودخوار، مثل سود دهنده خواهد بود.
همه به یک سرنوشت دچار خواهند شد: کاهن و غیرکاهن، نوکر و ارباب، کنیز و خاتون، خریدار و فروشنده، قرض دهنده و قرض گیرنده، برنده و بازنده.
I będzie jako lud pospolity tak i książę; jako sługa, tak pan jego; jako dziewka, tak pani jej; jako kupujący, tak sprzedawający; jako pożyczający, tak i ten, co u drugiego pożycza; jako lichwiarz, tak ten, co lichwę daje.
I będzie z ludem jak z kapłanem, ze sługą jak z jego panem, ze służącą jak z jej panią, z kupującym jak ze sprzedającym, z udzielającym pożyczki jak z biorącym ją, z lichwiarzem jak z płacącym lichwę.
E [isso] acontecerá, tanto ao povo, como ao sacerdote; tanto ao servo, como a seu senhor; tanto à serva, como a sua senhora; tanto ao comprador, como ao vendedor; tanto a quem empresta, como ao que toma emprestado; tanto ao credor, como ao devedor.
E assim como fôr o povo, assim será o sacerdote; como o servo, assim o seu senhor; como a serva, assim a sua senhora; como o comprador, assim o vendedor; como o que empresta, assim o que toma emprestado; como o que dá usura, assim o que toma usura.
E assim como for o povo, assim será o sacerdote; como o servo, assim o seu senhor; como a serva, assim a sua senhora; como o comprador, assim o vendedor; como o que empresta, assim o que toma emprestado; como o que dá usura, assim o que toma usura.
Será como com o povo, assim com o sacerdote; como com o servo, assim com seu senhor; como com a criada, assim com sua amante; como com o comprador, assim com o vendedor; como com o credor, assim com o devedor; como com o tomador de juros, assim com o doador de juros.
кум се ынтымплэ преотулуй, се ынтымплэ ши попорулуй; стэпынулуй, ка ши слуӂий; стэпыней, ка ши служничей; вынзэторулуй, ка ши кумпэрэторулуй; челуй че дэ ку ымпрумут, ка ши челуй че я ку ымпрумут; даторникулуй, ка ши челуй кэруя ый есте датор.
Şi va fi, precum poporului, aşa şi preotului; precum servitorului, aşa şi stăpânului său; precum servitoarei, aşa şi stăpânei ei; precum cumpărătorului, aşa şi vânzătorului; precum creditorului, aşa şi debitorului; precum celui ce ia camătă, aşa şi celui ce îi dă cu camătă.
И что будет с народом, то и со священником; что со слугою, то и с господином его; что со служанкою, то и с госпожею ее; что с покупающим, то и с продающим; что с заемщиком, то и с заимодавцем; что с ростовщиком, то и с дающим в рост.
И биће свештеник као народ, господар као слуга, госпођа као слушкиња, продавац као купац, који даје у зајам као који узима у зајам, који узима добит као који даје.
I biæe sveštenik kao narod, gospodar kao sluga, gospoða kao sluškinja, prodavac kao kupac, koji daje u zajam kao koji uzima u zajam, koji uzima dobit kao koji daje.
zvichangofanana, zvinoitirwa muprista nezvinoitirwa vanhu, zvinoitirwa vatenzi nezvinoitirwa muranda, zvinoitirwa vahosi nezvinoitirwa mushandiri, zvinoitirwa mutengesi nezvinoitirwa mutengi, zvinoitirwa anokwereta nezvinoitirwa akweretwa, zvinoitirwa anoripa mhindu nezvinoitirwa anoreva mhindu.
И будут людие аки жрец, и раб аки господин, и раба аки госпожа: будет купуяй яко продаяй, и взаим емляй аки заимодавец, и должный аки емуже есть должен.
Zgodilo se bo, kakor z ljudstvom, tako z duhovnikom; kakor s služabnikom, tako z njegovim gospodarjem; kakor s služabnico, tako z njeno gospodarico; kakor s kupcem, tako s prodajalcem; kakor s tistim, ki posoja, tako z izposojevalcem; kakor z jemalcem obresti, tako s tistim, ki mu daje obresti.
Oo waxay noqon doontaa in wixii dadka ku dhaca ay wadaadkana ku dhacaan, oo wixii addoonka hela, sayidkana way heli doonaan, oo wixii iibiyaha helana, iibsadahana way heli doonaan, oo wixii amaahiyaha helana amaahsadahana way heli doonaan, oo wixii korsaarqaataha helana, korsaarbixiyahana way heli doonaan.
Y será como el pueblo, tal el sacerdote; como el siervo, tal su señor; como la criada, tal su señora; tal el que compra, como el que vende; tal el que da prestado, como el que toma prestado; tal el que da a logro, como el que lo recibe.
Sucederá lo mismo con todos, ya sean personas o sacerdotes, siervos o sus amos, criadas o sus amantes, compradores o vendedores, prestamistas o prestados, acreedores o deudores.
Será como con el pueblo, así con el sacerdote; como con el siervo, así con su amo; como con la criada, así con su ama; como con el comprador, así con el vendedor; como con el acreedor, así con el deudor; como con el que cobra intereses, así con el que los da.
tanto al pueblo como al sacerdote, al esclavo como a su amo, a la esclava como a su ama, al comprador como al vendedor, al prestamista como al que toma prestado, al acreedor como al deudor.
Y será del pueblo como del sacerdote, del siervo como de su amo, de la sierva como de su dueña, del comprador como del vendedor, del que presta, como del que toma prestado, del acreedor como del deudor.
Y será, como el pueblo tal el sacerdote; como el siervo tal su señor; como la criada tal su señora; tal el que compra, como el que vende; tal el que da emprestado, como el que toma emprestado; tal el que da a logro, como el que lo recibe.
Y será como el pueblo, tal el sacerdote; como el siervo, tal su señor; como la criada, tal su señora; tal el que compra, como el que vende; tal el que da emprestado, como el que toma prestado; tal el que da á logro, como el que lo recibe.
Y será lo mismo para el pueblo que para el sacerdote; para el siervo como para su amo; y para la sirvienta como para su dueña; lo mismo para el que compra y para él que vende; lo mismo para el que presta y él que recibe prestado; lo mismo para el que permite que otros tengan el uso de su propiedad como para aquellos que lo utilizan.
Itakuwa kama ilivyo kwa watu itakuwa hivyo hivyo kwa kuhani; na kwa watumishi na kwa bwana wake, na kwa mfanyakazi wa ndani itakuwa hivyo na kwa tajiri yake, ndivyo itakavyokuwa kwa anayeuza na anayenunua; ndivyo itakavyokwa kwa wenye kupata faida na wenye madeni, na wale wennye kupokea faida itakuwa hivyo hivyo kwa wale wenye kutoa faida.
ndivyo itakavyokuwa kwa makuhani na kwa watu, kwa bwana na kwa mtumishi, kwa bibi na kwa mtumishi wake wa kike, kwa muuzaji na kwa mnunuzi, kwa mkopaji na kwa mkopeshaji, kwa mdaiwa na kwa mdai.
Och det går prästen såsom folket, husbonden såsom tjänaren, husfrun såsom tjänarinnan, säljaren såsom köparen, låntagaren såsom långivaren, gäldenären såsom borgenären.
Och Prestenom går såsom folkena; herranom såsom tjenarenom, frune såsom tärnone; så honom som säljer, som honom som köper, honom som lånar, såsom honom som borgar; kräfvarenom, såsom gäldenärenom;
Och det går prästen såsom folket, husbonden såsom tjänaren, husfrun såsom tjänarinnan, säljaren såsom köparen, låntagaren såsom långivaren, gäldenären såsom borgenären.
At mangyayari, na kung paano sa mga tao, gayon sa saserdote; kung paano sa alipin, gayon sa kaniyang panginoon; kung paano sa alilang babae, gayon sa kaniyang panginoong babae; kung paano sa mamimili, gayon sa nagbibili; kung paano sa mapagpahiram, gayon sa manghihiram; kung paano sa mapagpatubo, gayon sa pinatutubuan.
Mangyayari ito, sa mga tao, ganun din sa mga pari; sa mga lingkod, ganun din sa kaniyang amo; sa mga katulong na babae, ganun din sa kaniyang among babae; sa mga mamimimili, ganun din sa nagbebenta; sa mga pinagkakautangan, ganun din sa mga nangungutang; sa mga tumatanggap ng tubo, ganun din sa mga tagapagbigay ng tubo.
அப்பொழுது, மக்களுக்கு எப்படியோ அப்படியே ஆசாரியனுக்கும் வேலைக்காரனுக்கு எப்படியோ அப்படியே எஜமானுக்கும், வேலைக்காரிக்கு எப்படியோ அப்படியே எஜமானிக்கும், கொண்டவனுக்கு எப்படியோ அப்படியே விற்றவனுக்கும், கடன் கொடுத்தவனுக்கு எப்படியோ அப்படியே கடன்வாங்கினவனுக்கும், வட்டிவாங்கினவனுக்கு எப்படியோ அப்படியே வட்டிகொடுத்தவனுக்கும் எல்லோருக்கும் சரியாக நடக்கும்.
மக்களைப்போலவே ஆசாரியனுக்கும், வேலைக்காரனைப் போலவே தலைவனுக்கும், வேலைக்காரியைப் போலவே தலைவிக்கும், வாங்குபவனைப் போலவே விற்பவனுக்கும், இரவல் வாங்குபவனைப் போலவே இரவல் கொடுப்பவனுக்கும், கடனாளியைப்போலவே கடன் கொடுப்பவனுக்குமாக எல்லோருக்கும் ஒரேவிதமாகவே நடக்கும்.
ప్రజలకు కలిగినట్టు యాజకులకు కలుగుతుంది. దాసులకు జరిగినట్టు యజమానులకు జరుగుతుంది. దాసీలకు జరిగినట్టు వారి యజమానురాళ్లకు జరుగుతుంది. కొనేవారికి జరిగినట్టు అమ్మేవారికి జరుగుతుంది. అప్పిచ్చే వారికి జరిగినట్టు అప్పు పుచ్చుకొనే వారికి జరుగుతుంది. వడ్డీకి ఇచ్చేవారికి జరిగినట్టు వడ్డీకి తీసుకునేవారికి జరుగుతుంది.
Pea ʻe pehē pe, hangē ko ia ʻoku ʻi he kakai, ʻe pehē pe ki he taulaʻeiki; hangē ko e tamaioʻeiki, ʻe pehē pe ki heʻene ʻeiki; hangē ko e kaunanga, ʻe pehē pe ki heʻene ʻeiki fefine; hangē ko e tangata fakatau mai, ʻe pehē pe ki he tangata fakatau atu; hangē ko ia ʻoku tali ʻae nono, ʻe pehē pe ki he tangata kole; hangē ko ia ʻoku ʻi he tangata maʻu totongi nō paʻanga, ʻe pehē ʻi he tangata ʻoku ʻatu ʻae totongi nō paʻanga kiate ia.
Ayrım yapılmayacak; Ne halkla kâhin arasında, Ne köleyle efendi arasında, Ne hizmetçiyle hanım arasında, Ne alıcıyla satıcı arasında, Ne ödünç alanla ödünç veren arasında, Ne faizciyle borç alan arasında.
ɛbɛyɛ saa ara ama ɔsɔfo sɛnea ɛbɛyɛ ama nnipa, ama owura sɛnea ɛbɛyɛ ama asomfo, ama awuraa sɛnea ɛbɛyɛ ama afenaa, ama nea ɔtɔn sɛnea ɛbɛyɛ ama nea ɔtɔ, ama nea ogye bosea sɛnea ɛbɛyɛ ama nea ɔma bosea, ama ɔkafo sɛnea ɛbɛyɛ ama nea ɔde ma.
ɛbɛyɛ saa ara ama ɔsɔfoɔ sɛdeɛ ɛbɛyɛ ama nnipa, ama owura sɛdeɛ ɛbɛyɛ ama asomfoɔ, ama awuraa sɛdeɛ ɛbɛyɛ ama afenaa, ama deɛ ɔtɔn sɛdeɛ ɛbɛyɛ ama deɛ ɔtɔ, ama deɛ ɔgye bosea sɛdeɛ ɛbɛyɛ ama deɛ ɔma bosea, ama ɔkafoɔ sɛdeɛ ɛbɛyɛ ama deɛ ɔde ma.
І стане священик як і наро́д, а пан — немов раб, пані, — як невільниця її, продаве́ць — немов той покупе́ць, боргува́льник — немов винува́тець, віри́тель — як довжни́к.
और यूँ होगा कि जैसा र'इयत का हाल, वैसा ही काहिन का; जैसा नौकर का, वैसा ही उसके साहिब का; जैसा लौंडी का, वैसा ही उसकी बीबी का; जैसा ख़रीदार का, वैसा ही बेचनेवाले का; जैसा क़र्ज़ देनेवाले का, वैसा ही क़र्ज़ लेनेवाले का; जैसा सूद देनेवाले का, वैसा ही सूद लेनेवाले का।
شۇ ۋاقىتتا شۇنداق بولىدۇكى، خەلقلەر قانداق بولسا، كاھىن شۇنداق بولىدۇ؛ قۇل قانداق بولسا، خوجايىنى شۇنداق بولىدۇ؛ دېدەك قانداق بولسا، ئايال خوجايىنى شۇنداق بولىدۇ؛ سېتىۋالغۇچى قانداق بولسا، سېتىۋەتكۈچى شۇنداق بولىدۇ؛ ئۆتنە ئالغۇچى قانداق بولسا، ئۆتنە بەرگۈچى شۇنداق بولىدۇ؛ ئۆسۈم ئالغۇچى قانداق بولسا، ئۆسۈم بەرگۈچى شۇنداق بولىدۇ.
Шу вақитта шундақ болидуки, Хәлиқләр қандақ болса, каһин шундақ болиду; Қул қандақ болса, ғоҗайини шундақ болиду; Дедәк қандақ болса, аял ғоҗайини шундақ болиду; Сетивалғучи қандақ болса, сетивәткүчи шундақ болиду; Өтнә алғучи қандақ болса, өтнә бәргүчи шундақ болиду; Өсүм алғучи қандақ болса, өсүм бәргүчи шундақ болиду.
Shu waqitta shundaq boliduki, Xelqler qandaq bolsa, kahin shundaq bolidu; Qul qandaq bolsa, xojayini shundaq bolidu; Dédek qandaq bolsa, ayal xojayini shundaq bolidu; Sétiwalghuchi qandaq bolsa, sétiwetküchi shundaq bolidu; Ötne alghuchi qandaq bolsa, ötne bergüchi shundaq bolidu; Ösüm alghuchi qandaq bolsa, ösüm bergüchi shundaq bolidu.
Xu waⱪitta xundaⱪ boliduki, Hǝlⱪlǝr ⱪandaⱪ bolsa, kaⱨin xundaⱪ bolidu; Ⱪul ⱪandaⱪ bolsa, hojayini xundaⱪ bolidu; Dedǝk ⱪandaⱪ bolsa, ayal hojayini xundaⱪ bolidu; Setiwalƣuqi ⱪandaⱪ bolsa, setiwǝtküqi xundaⱪ bolidu; Ɵtnǝ alƣuqi ⱪandaⱪ bolsa, ɵtnǝ bǝrgüqi xundaⱪ bolidu; Ɵsüm alƣuqi ⱪandaⱪ bolsa, ɵsüm bǝrgüqi xundaⱪ bolidu.
Thầy tế lễ như chúng dân, ông chủ như đầy tớ trai, bà chủ như đầy tớ gái, kẻ bán như người mua, kẻ cho mượn như người mượn, kẻ lấy lợi như người nộp lợi, ai cũng đồng một thể.
Thầy tế lễ như chúng dân, ông chủ như đầy tớ trai, bà chủ như đầy tớ gái, kẻ bán như người mua, kẻ cho mượn như người mượn, kẻ lấy lợi như người nộp lợi, ai cũng đồng một thể.
Thầy tế lễ và dân chúng, đầy tớ trai và ông chủ, người hầu gái và bà chủ, người mua và người bán, người cho vay và người đi vay, chủ nợ và con nợ—không ai được miễn.
bákan náà ni yóò sì rí fún àlùfáà àti àwọn ènìyàn, fún ọ̀gá àti ọmọ ọ̀dọ̀, fún ìyá-ilé àti ọmọbìnrin, fún olùtà àti olùrà, fún ayáni àti atọrọ fún ayánilówó àti onígbèsè.
Verse Count = 214

< Isaiah 24:2 >