< Ezekiel 41:9 >

The thickness of the outer wall of the side rooms was five cubits. That which was left was the place of the side rooms that belonged to the house.
عَرْضُ ٱلْحَائِطِ ٱلَّذِي لِلْغُرْفَةِ مِنْ خَارِجٍ خَمْسُ أَذْرُعٍ، وَمَا بَقِيَ فَفَسْحَةٌ لِغُرُفَاتِ ٱلْبَيْتِ.
وَسُمْكُ حَائِطِ الْحُجُرَاتِ مِنْ خَارِجٍ خَمْسَ أَذْرُعٍ (نَحْوَ مِتْرَيْنِ وَنِصْفِ الْمِتْرِ). وَمَا تَبَقَّى هُوَ فَسْحَةٌ لِحُجُرَاتِ الْهَيْكَلِ.
কিনাৰৰ কোঁঠালিবোৰৰ বাহিৰ ফালৰ দেৱালৰ ডাঠ পাঁচ হাত আৰু বাকী শূন্য ঠাইখিনি পাঁচ হাত আছিল।
Yan otaqların bayır divarının qalınlığı beş qulac idi. Məbədin yan otaqları ilə kahin otaqları arasında açıq bir sahə var idi.
Verse not available
বাইরে পাশের ঘরের দেওয়াল পাঁচ হাত চওড়া ছিল, ঘরের বাইরের দিকে পবিত্র জায়গা ছিল।
ঘরগুলির বাইরের দেয়াল ছিল পাঁচ হাত মোটা। যে খোলা জায়গা মন্দিরের পাশের ঘর থেকে
Външната стена на страничните стаи беше пет лакти широка; и оставеното празно място бе за страничните стаи, които принадлежаха на дома.
Lima ka cubit ang gilapdon sa bungbong sa kilirang mga lawak nga dapit sa gawas. Adunay hawan nga bahin sa gawas niini nga mga lawak sa balaang dapit.
Ang gibag-on sa bongbong, nga alang sa kilirang lawak, dapit sa gawas, lima ka maniko: ug ang nahibilin maoy dapit sa mga kilirang lawak nga iya sa balay.
Khoma lakunja la zipindazo linali la mamita awiri ndi theka kuchindikira kwake. Pakati pa chiwundocho
Tempul tasa bang ih imkhaannawk loe dong pangato thah; tempul tapang taengah kaom kalah ahmuen kakong ahmuen ah oh.
Poengben impalai pangbueng te a daang dong nga lo tih te te im neh impalai laklo ah a hoeng la a khueh.
Poengben impalai pangbueng te a daang dong nga lo tih te te im neh impalai laklo ah a hoeng la a khueh.
Houin panga indan kisem ho inbang chu feet geat leh hopli a hopthum sa ahi. Hiche inpanga indan teni kikah chun a onglai aum in ahi.
Ateng lae rakhan, alawilae tapang teh, dong panga touh a tha. Bawkim teng alawilae rakhan tapang hloilah dong panga touh, hmuen ka houng e ao rah.
Debljina vanjskoga zida pobočnih klijeti: pet lakata. Prolaz između pobočnih prostorija Doma
Širokost zdi, kteráž byla při pavlačích zevnitř, pěti loket byla, i plac pavlačí, kteréž byly při domu.
Širokost zdi, kteráž byla při pavlačích zevnitř, pěti loket byla, i plac pavlačí, kteréž byly při domu.
Tilbygningens Ydermur var fem Alen bred. Der var en åben Plads langs Templets Tilbygning.
Bredden af Væggen, som Sidekamrene havde udadtil, var fem Alen, og ligesaa den frie Plads ved Husets Sidebygninger.
Tilbygningens Ydermur var fem Alen bred. Der var en aaben Plads langs Templets Tilbygning.
Lach mar ohinga ma oko mar ute matindo tindo mane ni e alwora hekalugo noromo fut abiriyo gi nus. Kama owe thuolo mane ni e kind ute matindo mane ni e alwora hekalu
De breedte van den wand, die tot de zijkameren was naar buiten, was vijf ellen; en dat ledig gelaten was, was de plaats der zijkameren, die aan het huis waren.
De dikte van de buitenwand der cellen was vijf el. Er was een plein tussen de cellen van de tempel en het zalengebouw;
De breedte van den wand, die tot de zijkameren was naar buiten, was vijf ellen; en dat ledig gelaten was, was de plaats der zijkameren, die aan het huis waren.
The thickness of the wall, which was for the side-chambers, on the outside, was five cubits. And that which was left was the place of the side-chambers that belonged to the house.
The thickness of the outer wall of the side rooms was five cubits. That which was left was the place of the side rooms that belonged to the house.
The thickness of the wall, which was for the side-chambers, on the outside, was five cubits: and that which was left was the place of the side-chambers that belonged to the house.
The outer wall of the side rooms was five cubits thick, and the open area between the side rooms of the temple
The wall supporting the side-rooms on the outside was five cubits thick: and there was a free space of five cubits between the side-rooms of the house.
and the breadth of the wall of each side without was five cubits; and the spaces that were left between the sides of the house,
and the breadth of the wall of each side without was five cubits; and the spaces that were left between the sides of the house,
And the width of the exterior wall for the side chambers was five cubits. And the inner house was within the side chambers of the house.
The thickness of the wall, which was for the side-chambers without, was five cubits, as also what was left free along the building of the side-chambers that pertained to the house.
And the thickness of the wall for the side chamber without, which was five cubits: and the inner house was within the side chambers of the house.
The thickness of the outer wall of the side rooms was five cubits, and there was open space between the side rooms of the Temple
The thickenesse of the wall which was for the chamber without, was fiue cubites, and that which remained, was the place of the chambers that were within.
The breadth of the outer wall which belonged to the side-chambers was five cubits; and so that which was left by the structure of the side-chambers that belonged to the house.
The thickness of the wall, which [was] for the side chamber without, [was] five cubits: and [that] which [was] left [was] the place of the side chambers that [were] within.
The thickness of the wall, which was for the side chamber without, was five cubits: and that which was left was the place of the side chambers that were within.
The thickness of the wall, which was for the side chamber without, was five cubits: and that which was left was the place of the side chambers that were within.
The thickness of the wall, which was for the side chamber without, was five cubits: and that which was left was the place of the side chambers that were within.
The thickness of the wall, which was for the side chamber without, was five cubits: and that which was left was the place of the side chambers that were within.
The thickness of the wall, which was for the side chamber without, was five cubits: and that which was left was the place of the side chambers that were within.
and the breadth of the wall of each side without was five cubits; and the spaces that were left between the sides of the house,
The thickness of the wall, which was for the side-chambers without, was five cubits, as also the space which was left open by the row of the side-chambers that were on the house.
The breadth of that wall, of the side-chamber, at the outside, [is] five cubits; and the space remaining of the side-chambers—that of the house,
The thickness of the wall, which was for the side-rooms, on the outside, was eight feet seven inches: and that which was left was the place of the side-rooms that belonged to the house.
The thickness of the wall, which was for the side-rooms, on the outside, was eight feet seven inches: and that which was left was the place of the side-rooms that belonged to the house.
The thickness of the wall, which was for the side-rooms, on the outside, was eight feet seven inches: and that which was left was the place of the side-rooms that belonged to the house.
The thickness of the wall, which was for the side-rooms, on the outside, was eight feet seven inches: and that which was left was the place of the side-rooms that belonged to the house.
The thickness of the wall, which was for the side-rooms, on the outside, was eight feet seven inches: and that which was left was the place of the side-rooms that belonged to the house.
The thickness of the wall, which was for the side-rooms, on the outside, was eight feet seven inches: and that which was left was the place of the side-rooms that belonged to the house.
The thickness of the wall of the side-chambers outward was five cubits, and the space which was left was the place of the side-chambers of the house.
The thickness of the wall, which was for the side chambers, on the outside, was five cubits: and that which was left was the place of the side-chambers that belonged to the house.
The breadth of the wall which pertained to the side-chamber on the outside was five cubits, - and that which was left vacant between the side-chambers which pertained to the house.
[the] breadth of The wall which [belonged] to the side-chamber to the outside [was] five cubits and which [was] free space between [the] side-chambers which [belonged] to the house.
width [the] wall which to/for side to(wards) [the] outside five cubit and which to rest place side which to/for house: home
The outer wall of those side rooms was (8-3/4 feet/2.6 meters) thick. All around those side rooms there was an open area that was (35 feet/10.6 meters) wide.
The width of the wall of the side rooms on the outside was five cubits. There was an open space to the outside of these rooms in the sanctuary.
The thickness of the wall, which [was] for the side-chamber without, [was] five cubits: and [that] which [was] left [was] the place of the side-chambers that [were] within.
The thickness of the wall, which was for the side chamber on the outside, was five cubits: and that which was left was the place of the side chambers that were within.
The thickness of the outer wall of the side rooms was five cubits. That which was left was the place of the side rooms that belonged to the house.
The thickness of the outer wall of the side rooms was five cubits. That which was left was the place of the side rooms that belonged to the house.
The thickness of the outer wall of the side rooms was five cubits. That which was left was the place of the side rooms that belonged to the house.
The thickness of the outer wall of the side rooms was five cubits. That which was left was the place of the side rooms that belonged to the house.
The thickness of the outer wall of the side rooms was five cubits. That which was left was the place of the side rooms that belonged to the house.
The thickness of the outer wall of the side rooms was five cubits. That which was left was the place of the side rooms that belonged to the house.
and the breede by the wal of the side with outforth, of fyue cubitis; and the ynnere hous was in the sidis of the hous.
The breadth of the wall that [is] to the side-chamber at the outside [is] five cubits; and that which is left [is] the place of the side-chambers that [are] to the house.
La larĝo de la muro de la galerio ekstere estis kvin ulnoj, kaj libera loko kondukis al la galerioj de la domo.
Axadzixɔawo ƒe gli egodotɔ tri mita eve kple afã. Teƒe si tsi anyi le axadzixɔawo
Ja seinän leveys, joka oli kammion ulkoisella puolella, oli viisi kyynärää; ne muut olivat huoneen käytävät sisimäisellä puolella.
Sivukammioitten ulkoseinän paksuus oli viisi kyynärää; yhtä leveä oli avoin tila sivukammiorakennuksen ääressä, joka temppeliin kuului.
Le mur extérieur de l'édifice latéral était large de cinq coudées; à la suite venait l'assise de l'édifice latéral de la maison.
L'épaisseur du mur extérieur des chambres latérales était de cinq coudées. Ce qui restait était l'emplacement des pièces latérales de la maison.
La largeur du mur qu’avaient les chambres latérales, en dehors, était de cinq coudées, comme aussi ce qui était laissé libre le long du bâtiment des chambres latérales qui étaient [attenantes] à la maison.
La largeur de la muraille qu'avaient les chambres vers le dehors, était de cinq coudées; lequel [espace] était aussi [dans la muraille], où on laissait quelque endroit qui n'était point bâti; [et ces deux murailles étaient] ce sur quoi étaient appuyées les chambres d'alentour du Temple.
Je vis aussi l’épaisseur du mur des chambres à l’extérieur; elle était de cinq coudées; et la maison intérieure était entourée par les chambres collatérales de l’autre maison.
Le mur extérieur des chambres latérales avait une épaisseur de cinq coudées. L’espace libre entre les chambres latérales de la maison
Le mur extérieur de l’édifice latéral était large de cinq coudées; à la suite venait l’assise de l’édifice latéral de la maison.
L'épaisseur de la muraille extérieure des chambres latérales était de cinq coudées.
La largeur du mur extérieur aux chambres latérales était de cinq coudées, et le vide entre les chambres latérales de la maison
Et l'épaisseur du mur extérieur de cinq coudées, et le surplus de l'espace compris entre les côtés
La largeur du mur extérieur aux chambres était de cinq coudées; et l’espace libre entre les chambres attenant à l’édifice
Die Außenmauer jener Zimmer war fünf Ellen dick und soviel auch der freie Raum des Zimmerbaus beim Tempelhaus,
Die Breite der Wand, welche die Seitenzimmer nach außen hatten, war fünf Ellen; und auch was freigelassen war am Seitenzimmergebäude des Hauses.
Die Breite der Wand, welche die Seitenzimmer nach außen hatten, war fünf Ellen; und auch was freigelassen war am Seitenzimmergebäude des Hauses.
Die Breite der Wand des Seitenstocks nach außen betrug fünf Ellen; dazu kam ein Raum, der freigelassen war zwischen dem Seitenstock und dem Tempel.
Und die Weite der obern Gänge war fünf Ellen, und die Pfeiler trugen die Gänge am Hause.
Und die Breite der Wand außen an den Gängen war fünf Ellen; und es war ein freigelassener Raum an den Gemächern am Hause.
Die Dicke der Außenmauer des Anbaues betrug fünf Ellen; und was freigelassen war zwischen den Seitengemächern, die sich am Hause befanden,
Die Dicke der äußern Mauer des Seitenbaues betrug fünf Ellen; und es war ein Raum freigelassen längs des Seitenbaues am Tempel.
Die Breite der Mauer zum Seitengemach nach außen war fünf Ellen, und was gelassen wurde, war das Inwendige der Seitengemächer des Hauses.
Rũthingo rwa na nja rwa tũnyũmba tũu twa mĩena-inĩ rwarĩ rwa ũtungu wa mĩkono ĩtano. Ithenya rĩrĩa rĩatigĩtio gatagatĩ ga tũnyũmba tũu twa mĩena-inĩ ya hekarũ
Το πλάτος του τοίχου διά τα έξωθεν πλάγια οικήματα ήτο πέντε πηχών· και το εναπολειφθέν κενόν ήτο ο τόπος των έσωθεν πλαγίων οικημάτων.
καὶ εὖρος τοῦ τοίχου τῆς πλευρᾶς ἔξωθεν πηχῶν πέντε καὶ τὰ ἀπόλοιπα ἀνὰ μέσον τῶν πλευρῶν τοῦ οἴκου
આ ઓરડીઓની બહારની દીવાલ પાંચ હાથ હતી. જે જગા ખુલ્લી પડી રહેતી હતી તે સભાસ્થાનની આજુબાજુની ઓરડીઓ હતી.
Miray deyò pyès sou kote yo te gen wit pye epesè. Se sou teras la yo pase pou antre nan pyès sou kote yo. Ant teras la
Gwosè a miray eksteryè pou chanm akote yo te senk koude. Men espas lib antre chanm akote yo te apatyen a tanp lan.
Kaurin bangon waje na ɗakunan da suke gefe kamu biyar ne. Faɗin filin da yake tsakanin ɗakunan da suke gefen haikalin
O ka manoanoa o ka paia, no ke keena aoao mawaho, elima kubita ia; a o ke koena o ka hale, no na keena aoao oloko ia.
רחב הקיר אשר לצלע אל החוץ חמש אמות ואשר מנח בית צלעות אשר לבית
רֹ֣חַב הַקִּ֧יר אֲ‍ֽשֶׁר־לַצֵּלָ֛ע אֶל־הַח֖וּץ חָמֵ֣שׁ אַמֹּ֑ות וַאֲשֶׁ֣ר מֻנָּ֔ח בֵּ֥ית צְלָעֹ֖ות אֲשֶׁ֥ר לַבָּֽיִת׃
רֹ֣חַב הַקִּ֧יר אֲֽשֶׁר־לַצֵּלָ֛ע אֶל־הַח֖וּץ חָמֵ֣שׁ אַמּ֑וֹת וַאֲשֶׁ֣ר מֻנָּ֔ח בֵּ֥ית צְלָע֖וֹת אֲשֶׁ֥ר לַבָּֽיִת׃
רֹחַב הַקִּיר אֲֽשֶׁר־לַצֵּלָע אֶל־הַחוּץ חָמֵשׁ אַמּוֹת וַאֲשֶׁר מֻנָּח בֵּית צְלָעוֹת אֲשֶׁר לַבָּֽיִת׃
רחב הקיר אשר לצלע אל החוץ חמש אמות ואשר מנח בית צלעות אשר לבית׃
רֹחַב הַקִּיר אֲ‍ֽשֶׁר־לַצֵּלָע אֶל־הַחוּץ חָמֵשׁ אַמּוֹת וַאֲשֶׁר מֻנָּח בֵּית צְלָעוֹת אֲשֶׁר לַבָּֽיִת׃
רֹ֣חַב הַקִּ֧יר אֲֽשֶׁר־לַצֵּלָ֛ע אֶל־הַח֖וּץ חָמֵ֣שׁ אַמּ֑וֹת וַאֲשֶׁ֣ר מֻנָּ֔ח בֵּ֥ית צְלָע֖וֹת אֲשֶׁ֥ר לַבָּֽיִת׃
बाहरी कोठरियों के लिये जो दीवार थी, वह पाँच हाथ मोटी थी, और जो स्थान खाली रह गया था, वह भवन की बाहरी कोठरियों का स्थान था।
बाजू के कमरों की बाहरी दीवार लगभग ढाई मीटर मोटी थी. मंदिर के बाजू के कमरों
Az oldalkamara külső falának szélessége pedig öt singnyi vala. És a mi üresen maradt a ház oldalkamrái között,
Az oldalterem falának szélessége, mely kifelé van, öt könyöknyi és a mi tér meghagyatott, az a ház oldal termeinek volt a helye;
Ịdị arọ nke mgbidi ọnụụlọ nta ndị a nʼakụkụ ezi bụ mita abụọ na ụma atọ. Ala tọgbọrọ nʼefu nʼetiti ọnụụlọ nta ụlọnsọ ukwu ahụ,
Iti ruar, ti kapuskol ti diding dagiti siled ket lima a kubit. Adda nawaya a disso iti ruar dagitoy a siled iti santuario.
Verse not available
Tebal dinding yang sebelah luar kamar tambahan adalah lima hasta; lebar bagian alas Bait Suci yang dibiarkan kosong adalah lima hasta. Di antara alas bangunan itu dan
La larghezza del muro, [ch'era] alle pile in fuori, [era] di cinque cubiti; come anche ciò ch'era stato lasciato di vuoto fra le pile della casa.
La larghezza del muro esterno dell'edificio laterale era di cinque cubiti, come quella dello spazio rimanente. Fra l'edificio laterale del tempio
La larghezza del muro esterno delle camere laterali era di cinque cubiti;
Hagi hunaraginte nontamimofo fegi'a asamofo tapa'amo'a 2.5 mita hu'ne. Hagi ana ne'one nontamine,
ಹೊರಗಡೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಪಕ್ಕದ ಕೊಠಡಿಗಳಿಗಾದ ಗೋಡೆಯ ದಪ್ಪವು ಐದು ಮೊಳ ಮತ್ತು ಉಳಿದದ್ದು ಒಳಗಿನ ಕಡೆಯ ಕೊಠಡಿಗಳ ಸ್ಥಳವಾಗಿತ್ತು.
ಕೊಠಡಿಗಳ ಹೊರ ಗೋಡೆಯ ದಪ್ಪವು ಐದು ಮೊಳವಿತ್ತು ಮತ್ತು ಉಳಿದದ್ದು, ಒಳಗಿನ ಪಕ್ಕದ ಕೊಠಡಿಗಳ ಸ್ಥಳವಾಗಿತ್ತು.
전을 의지한 그 골방 바깥벽 두께는 오 척이요 그 외에 빈 터가 남았으며
전을 의지한 그 골방 바깥벽 두께는 오척이요 그 외에 빈 터가 남았으며
Sinka lik ke infukil inge fit oalkosr matoltol.
ئەستوورایی دیواری ژوورە لاتەنیشتەکان لە دیوی دەرەوە پێنج باڵ بوو. حەوشەیەک هەبوو لەنێوان ژوورە لاتەنیشتەکانی پیرۆزگاکە و
et latitudinem per parietem lateris forinsecus quinque cubitorum: et erat interior domus in lateribus domus.
et latitudinem per parietem lateris forinsecus quinque cubitorum: et erat interior domus in lateribus domus.
et latitudinem per parietem lateris forinsecus quinque cubitorum: et erat interior domus in lateribus domus.
et latitudinem per parietem lateris forinsecus quinque cubitorum: et erat interior domus in lateribus domus.
et latitudinem per parietem lateris forinsecus quinque cubitorum et interior domus in lateribus domus
et latitudinem per parietem lateris forinsecus quinque cubitorum: et erat interior domus in lateribus domus.
Un tās sienas platums, kas priekš tiem sānu kambariem bija uz ārpusi, bija piecas olektis, un kas atlikās, bija sānu kambaru iekšpusē.
Monene ya mir ya libanda ya bashambre ya mipanzi ezalaki na bametele pene mibale na basantimetele tuku mitano. Nzela oyo ezalaki na kati-kati ya ngambo ya bashambre ya Tempelo
Waaliwo ekisenge ekyebunguludde ebisenge eby’ebbali. Omubiri gw’ekisenge ekyo gwali mita bbiri n’ekitundu. Waaliwo ekibangirizi wakati w’ebisenge eby’ebbali ebya yeekaalu n’ekisenge ekyebunguludde ebisenge eby’ebbali ebya yeekaalu. Waaliwo n’ekibangirizi wakati wa bbugwe n’ekisenge ekyebunguludde ebisenge eby’ebbali ebya yeekaalu.
Ny hatevin’ ny rindrina ivelany amin’ ny paosin-trano dia dimy hakiho; ary hoatra izany koa ilay sisa navela manolotra ny paosin-trano.
Ty treha’ i rindriñe alafe’ o efe-trañoo, le kiho lime; mira amy zay ty malalak’ añivo’ o efe-trañoo naho i anjombay.
പാർശ്വമുറികളുടെ പുറംഭിത്തിയുടെ ഘനം അഞ്ച് മുഴമായിരുന്നു;
പുറവാരത്തിന്റെ പുറമെയുള്ള ചുവരിന്റെ കനം അഞ്ചു മുഴമായിരുന്നു;
പുറവാരത്തിന്റെ പുറമെയുള്ള ചുവരിന്റെ കനം അഞ്ചു മുഴമായിരുന്നു;
വശത്തോടുചേർന്ന മുറികളുടെ പുറത്തെ ചുമരിന്റെ കനം അഞ്ചുമുഴമായിരുന്നു. ആലയത്തിന്റെ വശങ്ങളിലെ മുറികൾക്കും
बाजूच्या खोल्यांची बाहेरील भिंतीची जाडी पाच हात होती. मंदिराच्या बाजूच्या खोल्यास लागून एक जागा खुली राहिली होती.
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ထရံအခန်းပြင်ဘက်၌ကာသော ထရံသည် အထုငါးတောင်ရှိ၏။ ကျန်ကြွင်းသောအရပ်သည် ထရံအခန်းတို့နှင့် ဆိုင်၏။
ထရံ အခန်းပြင် ဘက်၌ ကာသော ထရံ သည် အထု ငါး တောင် ရှိ၏။ ကျန်ကြွင်း သောအရပ်သည် ထရံ အခန်းတို့နှင့် ဆိုင်၏။
Ko te matotoru o te pakitara, o tera mo nga ruma i nga taha, i waho, e rima whatianga; a ko te mea i mahue ko te wahi o nga ruma o te taha, no te whare era.
Umduli wangaphandle wezindlu zasemaceleni wawuzingalo ezinhlanu ubuqatha bawo. Indawo eligceke phakathi kwezindlu zasemaceleni zethempeli
Ubuqatha bomduli, owawungowekamelo eliseceleni ngaphandle, babuzingalo ezinhlanu; njalo okuseleyo kwakuyindawo yamakamelo aseceleni ayengakuyo indlu.
छेउका कोठाहरूका बाहिरी भागको चौडाइ पाँच हात थियो । पवित्र-स्थानमा यी कोठाहरूको बाहिरपट्टि खुला ठाउँ थियो ।
Bredden av den vegg sidekammerne hadde utad, var fem alen, og den frie plass mellem husets sidekammere
Tjukkleiken på utveggen åt sidekovarne var fem alner. Og romet millom sidekovarne på huset
ବାହାର ଭାଗରେ ପାର୍ଶ୍ୱସ୍ଥ କୋଠରିସକଳର କାନ୍ଥ ପାଞ୍ଚ ହାତ ପ୍ରସ୍ଥ ଥିଲା ଓ ଅବଶିଷ୍ଟ ଯେଉଁ ସ୍ଥାନ ରହିଲା, ତାହା ଗୃହର ପାର୍ଶ୍ୱସ୍ଥ କୋଠରିର ସ୍ଥାନ ଥିଲା।
Keenyan dareewwan sanaa gara alaatiin dhundhuma shan yabbata ture. Iddoon duwwaan dareewwan mana qulqullummaatii fi
ਪਾਸੇ ਦੀਆਂ ਕੋਠੜੀਆਂ ਦੀ ਬਾਹਰਲੀ ਕੰਧ ਦੀ ਚੌੜਾਈ ਪੰਜ ਹੱਥ ਸੀ ਅਤੇ ਜਿਹੜੀ ਥਾਂ ਬਾਕੀ ਰਹੀ ਉਹ ਭਵਨ ਦੇ ਪਾਸੇ ਵੱਲ ਦੀਆਂ ਕੋਠੜੀਆਂ ਵਿਚਕਾਰ ਸੀ।
و بطرف بیرون عرض دیواری که به جهت غرفه‌ها بود پنج ذراع بود و فسحت باقی‌مانده مکان غرفه های خانه بود.
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Szerokość też muru przy komorach z dworu była na pięć łokci, i plac próżny pod komorami, które były przy domu.
Grubość zewnętrznego muru bocznych komór wynosiła pięć łokci, a przed komorami, które były przy domu, pozostała wolna przestrzeń.
A largura da parede das câmaras externas era de cinco côvados, e o espaço que restava era o lugar das câmaras laterais que eram junto ao templo.
A grossura da parede das camaras lateraes de fóra era de cinco covados; e o que foi deixado vazio era o logar das camaras lateraes, que estavam junto ao templo.
A grossura da parede das câmaras laterais de fora era de cinco côvados; e o que foi deixado vazio era o lugar das câmaras laterais, que estavam junto ao templo.
A espessura da parede externa dos quartos laterais era de cinco côvados. O que restava era o lugar dos cômodos laterais que pertenciam à casa.
Зидул де афарэ ал одэилор лэтуралниче авя о гросиме де чинч коць.
Grosimea zidului, care [era] pentru camera laterală din afară, [era] de cinci coți; și [ceea] ce [era] lăsat [era] locul camerelor laterale care [erau] înăuntru.
Ширина стены боковых комнат, выходящих наружу, пять локтей, и открытое пространство есть подле боковых комнат храма.
Ширина зиду уз клети споља беше пет лаката, а беше празно место клетима која беху уз дом.
Širina zidu uz klijeti spolja bješe pet lakata, a bješe prazno mjesto klijetima koje bjehu uz dom.
Madziro okunze emakamuri okumativi aiva noukobvu hwaisvika makubhiti mashanu. Nzvimbo yakashama yakanga iri pakati pamakamuri okumativi etemberi.
широта же стены страны внеуду пяти лактей, и прочая между странами храма,
Debelina zidu, ki je bil znotraj, za stransko sobo, je bila pet komolcev. In to, kar je preostalo, je bil prostor stranskih sob, ki so bile znotraj.
Oo qolladaha derbigooda dibadda ah qaradiisuna waxay ahayd shan dhudhun, oo intii hadhayna waxay ahayd meeshii qolladaha ee daarta.
Y la anchura de la pared de afuera de las cámaras era de cinco codos, y el espacio que quedaba de las cámaras de la Casa por dentro.
El grosor de la pared exterior de las salas laterales era de cinco codos, y había un espacio abierto entre las salas laterales del Templo
El grosor de la pared exterior de las habitaciones laterales era de cinco codos. Lo que quedaba era el lugar de las habitaciones laterales que pertenecían a la casa.
El espesor del muro exterior de las cámaras laterales era de 2,5 metros. Entre las cámaras laterales de la Casa había un espacio de igual medida.
La pared de las cámaras laterales tenía por afuera un espesor de cinco codos; y había un espacio libre entre el edificio lateral de la Casa,
Y la anchura de la pared de afuera de las cámaras era de cinco codos, y el espacio que quedaba de las cámaras de la casa por de dentro.
Y la anchura de la pared de afuera de las cámaras era de cinco codos, y el espacio que quedaba de las cámaras de la casa por de dentro.
El muro que sostenía las habitaciones laterales en el exterior tenía cinco codos de espesor y había un espacio libre de cinco codos entre las habitaciones laterales de la casa.
Upana wa ukuta wa vyumba vya pembeni kwa upande wa nje ulikuwa dhiraa tano. Kulikuwa na sehemu ya wazi kwa upande wa nje wa hivi vyumba katika patakatifu.
Ukuta wa nje wa vyumba vya pembeni ulikuwa na unene wa dhiraa tano. Eneo la wazi katikati ya vyumba vya pembeni vya Hekalu
Sidokamrarnas yttermur var fem alnar tjock; och den plats som blev fri tillhörde husets sidokamrar.
Och öfversta gångens bredd var fem alnar, och pelarena båro uppe gångerna på husena.
Sidokamrarnas yttermur var fem alnar tjock; och den plats som blev fri tillhörde husets sidokamrar.
Ang kapal ng pader, na nasa mga tagilirang silid, sa dakong labas, ay limang siko: at ang naiwan ay dako ng mga tagilirang silid na ukol sa bahay.
Limang siko ang lapad ng pader ng mga tagilirang silid sa labas. May isang bakanteng lugar sa labas ng mga silid na ito sa santuwaryo.
வெளியே பக்கஅறைகளுக்கு இருந்த சுவரின் அகலம் ஐந்துமுழமாக இருந்தது; ஆலயத்திற்கு இருக்கும் பக்கஅறைகளின் மாளிகையிலே வெறுமையாக விட்டிருந்த இடங்களும் அப்படியே இருந்தது.
பக்க அறைகளின் வெளிச்சுவர் ஐந்துமுழ தடிப்பாயிருந்தது. ஆலயத்தின் பக்க அறைகளுக்கும்,
మేడగదుల బయట ఉన్న గోడ వెడల్పు 2 మీటర్ల 70 సెంటి మీటర్లు. మందిరపు మేడగదుల పక్కన ఖాళీ స్థలం ఉంది.
Ko hono matolu ʻoe holisi ki he potu fale kituʻa, ko e kiupite ʻe nima: pea ko e potu naʻe tuku ke ʻatā ko e tuʻuʻanga ia ʻoe ngaahi potu fale ki lotoʻā.
Yan odaların dış duvarının kalınlığı beş arşındı. Tapınağın yan odaları ile kâhin odaları arasındaki açık alanın genişliği tapınak çevresi boyunca yirmi arşındı.
Nkyɛnkyɛn adan afasu a ɛwɔ akyi no mu piw yɛ anammɔn ason ne fa. Ɔkwan a ɛda asɔredan no nkyɛnkyɛn adan no a atwa asɔredan no ho ahyia
Nkyɛnkyɛn adan afasuo a ɛwɔ akyire no pipiripie yɛ anammɔn nson ne fa. Ɛkwan a ɛda asɔredan no nkyɛnkyɛn adan no a atwa asɔredan no ho ahyia
Ширина́ стіни, що в бічні́й кімна́ті назо́вні, п'ять ліктів, а вільне місце між бічни́ми кімна́тами, що належить до храму.
और पहलू के कमरों की बैरूनी दीवार की चौड़ाई पाँच हाथ थी, और जो जगह बाक़ी बची वह घर के पहलू के कमरों के बीच थी।
يېنىدىكى خانىلارنىڭ سىرتقى تېمىنىڭ قېلىنلىقى بەش گەز ئىدى. مۇقەددەسخانىنىڭ يېنىدىكى كىچىك خانىلار بىلەن [كاھىنلارنىڭ] ھۇجرىلىرى ئارىلىقىدىكى بوش يەرنىڭ كەڭلىكى يىگىرمە گەز ئىدى؛ بۇ بوش يەر مۇقەددەسخانىنىڭ ھەممە تەرىپىدە بار ئىدى.
Йенидики ханиларниң сиртқи теминиң қелинлиғи бәш гәз еди. Муқәддәсханиниң йенидики кичик ханилар билән [каһинларниң] һуҗрилири арилиғидики бош йәрниң кәңлиги жигирмә гәз еди; бу бош йәр муқәддәсханиниң һәммә тәрипидә бар еди.
Yénidiki xanilarning sirtqi témining qélinliqi besh gez idi. Muqeddesxanining yénidiki kichik xanilar bilen [kahinlarning] hujriliri ariliqidiki bosh yerning kengliki yigirme gez idi; bu bosh yer muqeddesxanining hemme teripide bar idi.
Yenidiki hanilarning sirtⱪi temining ⱪelinliⱪi bǝx gǝz idi. Muⱪǝddǝshanining yenidiki kiqik hanilar bilǝn [kaⱨinlarning] ⱨujriliri ariliⱪidiki box yǝrning kǝngliki yigirmǝ gǝz idi; bu box yǝr muⱪǝddǝshanining ⱨǝmmǝ tǝripidǝ bar idi.
Bề dày của tường ngoài về các phòng bên hông là năm cu-đê; cái tường ấy lò ra bởi nền của nhà bên hông nhà.
Bề dày của tường ngoài về các phòng bên hông là năm cu-đê; cái tường ấy lò ra bởi nền của nhà bên hông nhà.
Tường bên ngoài cả dãy phòng Đền Thờ dày 2,7 mét. Có một khoảng trống giữa các phòng này
Ògiri ìta àwọn yàrá ẹ̀gbẹ̀gbẹ́ náà jẹ́ ìgbọ̀nwọ́ márùn-ún ni nínípọn. Agbègbè tí ó wà lófo ní àárín àwọn yàrá ẹ̀gbẹ̀gbẹ́ ilé Ọlọ́run náà jẹ́ ìgbọ̀nwọ́ márùn-ún yípo.
Verse Count = 207

< Ezekiel 41:9 >