< Ezekiel 18:24 >

“But when the righteous turns away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, should he live? None of his righteous deeds that he has done will be remembered. In his trespass that he has trespassed, and in his sin that he has sinned, in them he shall die.
وَإِذَا رَجَعَ ٱلْبَارُّ عَنْ بِرِّهِ وَعَمِلَ إِثْمًا وَفَعَلَ مِثْلَ كُلِّ ٱلرَّجَاسَاتِ ٱلَّتِي يَفْعَلُهَا ٱلشِّرِّيرُ، أَفَيَحْيَا؟ كُلُّ بِرِّهِ ٱلَّذِي عَمِلَهُ لَا يُذْكَرُ. فِي خِيَانَتِهِ ٱلَّتِي خَانَهَا وَفِي خَطِيَّتِهِ ٱلَّتِي أَخْطَأَ بِهَا يَمُوتُ.
وَإذَا تَحَوَّلَ الصِّدِّيقُ عَنْ بِرِّهِ وَارْتَكَبَ إِثْماً عَلَى غِرَارِ كُلِّ الرَّجَاسَاتِ الَّتِي يَرْتَكِبُهَا الشِّرِّيرُ، أَفَيَحْيَا؟ إِنَّ كُلَّ مَا صَنَعَهُ مِنْ بِرٍّ لَا يُذْكَرُ لَهُ. إِنَّمَا يَمُوتُ بِخِيَانَتِهِ الَّتِي خَانَهَا، وَمَا اقْتَرَفَهُ مِنْ خَطَايَا.
কিন্তু যদি ধাৰ্মিকজনে তেওঁৰ ধাৰ্মিকতাৰ পৰা ঘূৰি অপৰাধ কৰে আৰু দুষ্ট লোকসকলে কৰা আটাই ঘিণলগীয়া কাৰ্যৰ দৰে কাৰ্য কৰে, তেন্তে তেওঁ জীয়াই থাকিব নে? তেওঁ কৰা ধৰ্ম-কৰ্মবোৰৰ একোকেই সোঁৱৰণ কৰা নাযাব। সেই কাৰণে তেওঁ কৰা অপৰাধতেই আৰু তেওঁ কৰা পাপতেই তেওঁ মৰিব।
Ancaq saleh adam öz salehliyindən dönüb pislik edərsə, pis adamın etdiyi bütün iyrənc işləri görərsə, yaşayacaqmı? Etdiyi saleh işlərindən heç biri onun ayağına yazılmayacaq. Etdiyi xainlik və işlədiyi günahından ötrü öləcək.
Be moloidafa dunu da moloi hou fisili, wadela: i dunu ilia wadela: idafa hou defele hamosea, e da esaloma: bela: ? Hamefa! Na da ea musa: moloi hou hamoi amo bu hame dawa: mu. E da didili hame hamobeba: le amola wadela: le hamobeba: le, bogosu ba: mu.
কিন্তু ধার্মিক লোক যদি নিজের ধার্ম্মিকতা থেকে ফিরে অন্যায় করে ও দুষ্টের করা সমস্ত ঘৃণ্য কাজের মতো আচরণ করে, তবে সে কি বাঁচবে? তার করা কোনো ধার্ম্মিকতা মনে করা যাবে না; সে যে সত্য লঙ্ঘন করেছে ও যে পাপ করেছে, তাতেই মরবে।
“কিন্তু যদি একজন ধার্মিক লোক নিজের ধার্মিকতা থেকে ফিরে পাপ করে এবং সেই একই ঘৃণ্য কাজ করে যা দুষ্টলোক করে, তবে সে কি বাঁচবে? তার সব ধার্মিকতার কাজ যা সে আগে করেছে তা মনে রাখা হবে না। কারণ তার অবিশ্বস্ততার জন্য সে দোষী এবং যে পাপ সে করেছে, তার জন্য সে মরবে।
Когато обаче праведният се отвърне от правдата си и стори неправда, като извърши всичките мерзости, които нечестивият върши, тогава ще живее ли? Ни едно от праведните дела, които е сторил, няма да се помни; за престъплението, което е извършил, и за греха, който е сторил, за тях ще умре.
Apan kung mobiya ang tawong matarong gikan sa iyang pagkamatarong ug nagbuhat ug mga sala ug nagbuhat ug malaw-ay sama sa gibuhat sa tawong daotan, unya mabuhi ba siya? Kalimtan na ang tanang matarong nga iyang gibuhat sa dihang nagbudhi siya kanako pinaagi sa iyang pagluib. Busa mamatay siya sa mga sala nga iyang nabuhat.
Apan kong ang matarung motalikod gikan sa iyang pagkamatarung, ug magapakasala ug magabuhat sumala sa tanan nga mga dulumtanan nga gibuhat sa tawo nga dautan, mabuhi ba diay siya? Walay mausa sa iyang mga matarung buhat nga iyang nahimo nga pagahandumon: sa iyang paglapas nga iyang nalapas, ug sa iyang sala nga iyang nahimo, diha niana siya mamatay.
“‘Koma ngati munthu wolungama apatuka kusiya zachilungamo ndi kuyamba kuchita tchimo ndi zonyansa za mtundu uliwonse zimene amachita anthu oyipa, kodi munthu wotereyu nʼkukhala ndi moyo? Ayi ndithu, zolungama zake zonse sizidzakumbukiridwa. Iye adzayenera kufa chifukwa cha machimo amene anachita.
Toe katoeng kami loe a toenghaih hoiah angqoi ving moe, kasae kaminawk mah sak o ih zaehaih hoi panuet thok hmuennawk to sah nahaeloe, anih to hing tih maw? Canghnii ah a sak ih katoeng hmuennawk to pakuem pae mak ai boeh; a sakpazaehaih hmuen hoiah a sak ih zaehaih pongah, anih loe dueh tih.
Tedae aka dueng khaw a duengnah lamloh mael tih halang loh tueilaehkoi boeih a saii bangla dumlai saii koinih boekoeknah la boe a koek dongah a hing vaengah a duengnah neh duengnah cungkuem a saii khaw a saii la poek uh mahpawh. Amah kah tholhnah a saii dongah amah ni a duek eh.
Tedae aka dueng khaw a duengnah lamloh mael tih halang loh tueilaehkoi boeih a saii bangla dumlai saii koinih boekoeknah la boe a koek dongah a hing vaengah a duengnah neh duengnah cungkuem a saii khaw a saii la poek uh mahpawh. Amah kah tholhnah a saii dongah amah ni a duek eh.
Iti hen lang hijongle michonpha khat tou chu achonphatna lampia konna akihei manga chonset abolpat tah a, midang chonset banga achonset tah a ahileh, amaho chu ahin diu kiphal peh ding ham. Ahipoi hithei louhel ding ahibouve. Achonphat nahou jouse chu kisuhmil peh a chule achonset nauva thiden diu ahi.
Hateiteh, tamikalan ni a lannae a kamlang takhai teh, yonnae sak pawiteh, tamikayon ni a sak e patetlah panuettho e hno a sak toteh, a hring han na ou. a sak e lannae hah panue pouh e lah awm hoeh vaiteh, kâlawk tapoenae roeroe dawkvah, yonnae a sak dawk roeroe a due han.
Ako li se pravednik odvrati od svoje pravednosti i stane činiti nepravdu i sve gadosti koje radi bezbožnik - hoće li živjeti? Sva pravedna djela koja bijaše činio zaboravit će se, a zbog svoje nevjere kojom se iznevjerio i zbog grijeha što ih počini, umrijet će.
Pakli by se odvrátil spravedlivý od spravedlnosti své, a činil by nepravost, čině podlé všech ohavností, kteréž činí bezbožný, takový-liž by živ byl? Na žádné spravedlnosti jeho, kteréž činil, nebude pamatováno. Pro přestoupení své, jehož se dopouštěl, a pro hřích svůj, kterýž páchal, pro tyť věci umře.
Pakli by se odvrátil spravedlivý od spravedlnosti své, a činil by nepravost, čině podlé všech ohavností, kteréž činí bezbožný, takový-liž by živ byl? Na žádné spravedlnosti jeho, kteréž činil, nebude pamatováno. Pro přestoupení své, jehož se dopouštěl, a pro hřích svůj, kterýž páchal, pro tyť věci umře.
Men når den retfærdige vender sig fra sin Retfærdighed og gør Uret, lignende Vederstyggeligheder, som den gudløse øver, så skal ingen af de retfærdige Gerninger, han har gjort tilregnes ham; for den Troløshed, han øvede, og den Synd, han gjorde, skal han dø.
Men naar den retfærdige vender sig bort fra sin Retfærdighed og gør Uret, gør efter alle de Vederstyggeligheder, som den ugudelige gør, skulde han da leve? Alle hans retfærdige Gerninger, som han har gjort, skulle ikke ihukommes; formedelst den Troløshed, han begik, og formedelst den Synd, som han øvede, formedelst dem skal han dø.
Men naar den retfærdige vender sig fra sin Retfærdighed og gør Uret, lignende Vederstyggeligheder, som den gudløse øver, saa skal ingen af de retfærdige Gerninger, han har gjort tilregnes ham; for den Troløshed, han øvede, og den Synd, han gjorde, skal han dø.
“To ka ngʼat makare olokore oweyo timbene makare mi otimo richo kendo otimo gik mamono machalo gi mago ma ngʼat ma timbene richo timo, bende dobed mangima adier? Gik mabeyo mosetimo kata achiel ok nopar. Nikech timne mar bedo ngʼama ok ja-ratiro kendo nikech richo mosetimo, obiro tho.
Maar als de rechtvaardige zich afkeert van zijn gerechtigheid, en onrecht doet, doende naar al de gruwelen, die de goddeloze doet, zou die leven? Al zijn gerechtigheden, die hij gedaan heeft, zullen niet gedacht worden; in zijn overtreding, waardoor hij overtreden heeft, en in zijn zonde, die hij gezondigd heeft, in die zal hij sterven.
Maar als een rechtvaardige zijn deugd verlaat, en zich even slecht gaat gedragen als de zondaar, zal zo iemand dan in leven blijven? Neen, op zijn rechtschapen verleden zal niet worden gelet; maar hij zal sterven tot straf voor zijn ontrouw, en om de zonden, die hij bedrijft.
Maar als de rechtvaardige zich afkeert van zijn gerechtigheid, en onrecht doet, doende naar al de gruwelen, die de goddeloze doet, zou die leven? Al zijn gerechtigheden, die hij gedaan heeft, zullen niet gedacht worden; in zijn overtreding, waardoor hij overtreden heeft, en in zijn zonde, die hij gezondigd heeft, in die zal hij sterven.
But when a righteous man turns away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that a wicked man does, shall he live? None of his righteous deeds that he has done shall be remembered. In his trespass that he has trespassed, and in his sin that he has sinned, in them he shall die.
“But when the righteous turns away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, should he live? None of his righteous deeds that he has done will be remembered. In his trespass that he has trespassed, and in his sin that he has sinned, in them he shall die.
But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? None of his righteous deeds that he hath done shall be remembered: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die.
But if a righteous man turns from his righteousness and practices iniquity, committing the same abominations as the wicked, will he live? None of the righteous acts he did will be remembered. Because of the unfaithfulness and sin he has committed, he will die.
But when the upright man, turning away from his righteousness, does evil, like all the disgusting things which the evil man does, will he have life? Not one of his upright acts will be kept in memory: in the wrong which he has done and in his sin death will overtake him.
But when the righteous man turns away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, according to all the transgressions which the transgressor has wrought, none of his righteousness which he has wrought shall be at all remembered: in his trespass wherein he has trespassed, and in his sins wherein he has sinned, in them shall he die.
But when the righteous man turns away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, according to all the transgressions which the transgressor has wrought, none of his righteousness which he has wrought shall be at all remembered: in his trespass wherein he has trespassed, and in his sins wherein he has sinned, in them shall he die.
But if a just man turns himself away from his justice, and does iniquity in accord with all the abominations that the impious man so often does, why should he live? All his justices, which he has accomplished, shall not be remembered. By the transgression, in which he has transgressed, and by his sin, in which he has sinned, by these he shall die.
And when the righteous turneth from his righteousness and practiseth what is wrong, [and] doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked doeth, shall he live? None of his righteous acts which he hath done shall be remembered: in his unfaithfulness which he hath wrought, and in his sin which he hath sinned, in them shall he die.
But if the just man turn himself away from his justice, and do iniquity according to all the abominations which the wicked man useth to work, shall he live? all his justices which he hath done, shall not be remembered: in the prevarication, by which he hath prevaricated, and in his sin, which he hath committed, in them he shall die.
But if someone who is living according to what's right stops and does wrong, doing the same offensive things as the wicked, will that person live? Of course not! In fact, all the good things they did previously will be forgotten. That person will die because of their betrayal of me and the sins they've committed.
But if the righteous turne away from his righteousnes, and commit iniquitie, and doe according to all the abominations, that the wicked man doeth, shall he liue? all his righteousnes that he hath done, shall not be mentioned: but in his transgression that he hath committed, and in his sinne that he hath sinned, in them shall he die.
But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? None of his righteous deeds that he hath done shall be remembered; for his trespass that he trespassed, and for his sin that he hath sinned, for them shall he die.
But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, [and] doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked [man] doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die.
But when the righteous turns away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, shall he live? All his righteousness that he has done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he has trespassed, and in his sin that he has sinned, in them shall he die.
But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die.
But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die.
But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die.
But when the righteous turns away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, shall he live? All his righteousness that he has done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he has trespassed, and in his sin that he has sinned, in them shall he die.
But when the righteous man turns away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, according to all the transgressions which the transgressor has wrought, none of his righteousness which he has wrought shall be at all remembered: in his trespass wherein he has trespassed, and in his sins wherein he has sinned, in them shall he die.
But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth wrong, and doth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? all his righteousness that he hath done shall not he remembered: through his trespass which he hath committed, and through his sin that he hath done, —through them shall he die.
And in the turning back of the righteous from his righteousness, And he has done perversity, According to all the abominations That the wicked has done, Does he then live? All his righteous deeds that he has done are not remembered, For his trespass that he has trespassed, And for his sin that he has sinned, For them he dies.
But when the righteous turns away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, shall he live? None of his righteous deeds that he has done shall be remembered: in his trespass that he has trespassed, and in his sin that he has sinned, in them shall he die.
But when the righteous turns away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, shall he live? None of his righteous deeds that he has done shall be remembered: in his trespass that he has trespassed, and in his sin that he has sinned, in them shall he die.
But when the righteous turns away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, shall he live? None of his righteous deeds that he has done shall be remembered: in his trespass that he has trespassed, and in his sin that he has sinned, in them shall he die.
But when the righteous turns away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, shall he live? None of his righteous deeds that he has done shall be remembered: in his trespass that he has trespassed, and in his sin that he has sinned, in them shall he die.
But when the righteous turns away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, shall he live? None of his righteous deeds that he has done shall be remembered: in his trespass that he has trespassed, and in his sin that he has sinned, in them shall he die.
But when the righteous turns away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, shall he live? None of his righteous deeds that he has done shall be remembered: in his trespass that he has trespassed, and in his sin that he has sinned, in them shall he die.
But when the righteous turneth from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations which the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness which he hath done shall not be remembered; for his trespass which he hath trespassed, and for his sin which he hath sinned, for them shall he die.
But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? None of his righteous deeds that he hath done shall be remembered: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die.
But, when a righteous man, shall turn away, from his righteousness and do that which is perverse, Shall do, according to all the abominations which the lawless man hath done, Shall he live? None of his righteous acts which he hath done, shall be remembered, In his treachery wherein he hath been treacherous, And in his sin wherein he hath sinned, In them, shall he die.
And when turns away [the] righteous from righteousness his and he will do injustice according to all the abominations which he did the wicked [person] he will do and will he live? all (righteousness his *Q(K)*) which he did not they will be remembered for unfaithfulness his which he has acted unfaithfully and for sin his which he has sinned for them he will die.
and in/on/with to return: repent righteous from righteousness his and to make: do injustice like/as all [the] abomination which to make: do [the] wicked to make: do and to live all (righteousness his *Q(K)*) which to make: do not to remember in/on/with unfaithfulness his which be unfaithful and in/on/with sin his which to sin in/on/with them to die
But if a righteous person stops doing righteous things and [starts to] commit sins and does the same detestable things that wicked people do, he will certainly not [RHQ] [be allowed to] remain alive. I will not think about the righteous things that he did previously. Because he did not [do what pleases me], and because of [all] the sins that he has committed, he will be executed.
But if the righteous person turns away from his righteousness and commits iniquity and practices abominations like all the abominations that the wicked person does, then will he live? All the righteousness that he had done will not be called to mind when he betrays me in his treason. So he will die in the sins that he committed.
But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, [and] doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked [man] doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die.
But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die.
“But when the righteous turns away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, should he live? None of his righteous deeds that he has done will be remembered. In his trespass that he has trespassed, and in his sin that he has sinned, in them he shall die.
“But when the righteous turns away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, should he live? None of his righteous deeds that he has done will be remembered. In his trespass that he has trespassed, and in his sin that he has sinned, in them he shall die.
“But when the righteous turns away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, should he live? None of his righteous deeds that he has done will be remembered. In his trespass that he has trespassed, and in his sin that he has sinned, in them he shall die.
“But when the righteous turns away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, should he live? None of his righteous deeds that he has done will be remembered. In his trespass that he has trespassed, and in his sin that he has sinned, in them he shall die.
“But when the righteous turns away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, should he live? None of his righteous deeds that he has done will be remembered. In his trespass that he has trespassed, and in his sin that he has sinned, in them he shall die.
“But when the righteous turns away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, should he live? None of his righteous deeds that he has done will be remembered. In his trespass that he has trespassed, and in his sin that he has sinned, in them he shall die.
Forsothe if a iust man turneth awey hym silf fro his riytfulnesse, and doith wickidnesse bi alle hise abhomynaciouns, which a wickid man is wont to worche, whether he schal lyue? Alle hise riytfulnessis whiche he dide, schulen not be had in mynde; in his trespassyng bi which he trespasside, and in his synne which he synnede, he schal die in tho.
And in the turning back of the righteous from his righteousness, And he hath done perversity, According to all the abominations That the wicked hath done, he doth — thus he liveth, All his righteousnesses that he hath done are not remembered, For his trespass that he hath trespassed, And for his sin that he hath sinned, For them he doth die.
Kaj se virtulo deturnos sin de sia virteco kaj faros malbonagojn, agos simile al ĉiuj abomenindaĵoj, kiujn faras malpiulo: ĉu li tiam povas vivi? Ĉiuj bonaj agoj, kiujn li faris, ne estos rememorataj; pro siaj krimoj, kiujn li faris, kaj pro siaj pekoj, kiujn li faris, pro ili li mortos.
“Ke ne ame dzɔdzɔe aɖe ɖe asi le eƒe dzɔdzɔenyenye ŋu, eye wòwɔ nu vɔ̃ kple ŋukpenanu siwo ame vɔ̃ɖiwo wɔna la, ɖe wòanɔ agbea? Womagaɖo ŋku nu dzɔdzɔe siwo wòwɔ la dometɔ aɖeke dzi o. Le nuteƒe si mewɔ o kple nu vɔ̃ siwo wòwɔ ta la, aku.
Ja jos vanhurskas kääntyy vanhurskaudestansa, ja tekee pahaa, ja elää kaiken sen kauhistuksen jälkeen, jonka jumalatoin tekee: pitäiskö hänen saaman elää? Ja tosin kaikkea hänen vanhurskauttansa, jota hän tehnyt on, ei pidä muistettaman; mutta hänen pitää kuoleman ylitsekäymistensä ja synteinsä tähden, joita hän tehnyt on.
Ja jos vanhurskas kääntyy pois vanhurskaudestansa ja tekee vääryyttä, tekee kaikkien niiden kauhistusten kaltaisia, joita jumalaton tekee-saisiko hän tehdä niin ja elää? Ei yhtäkään hänen vanhurskasta tekoansa, jonka hän on tehnyt, muisteta. Uskottomuutensa tähden, johon hän on langennut, ja syntinsä tähden, jota on tehnyt, niiden tähden hänen on kuoltava.
Et si le juste se détourne de sa justice et qu'il commette l'iniquité, selon toutes les abominations que le méchant commet, — il les ferait et il vivrait!... — de toutes ses œuvres de justice qu'il a pratiquées, on ne se souviendra plus; à cause de la transgression dont il s'est rendu coupable et de son péché qu'il a commis, à cause de cela il mourra.
« Mais quand le juste se détourne de sa justice, qu'il commet l'iniquité et qu'il se conforme à toutes les abominations que fait le méchant, doit-il vivre? On ne se souviendra d'aucune des actions justes qu'il a accomplies. Il mourra de la faute qu'il a commise et du péché qu'il a commis.
Et si le juste se détourne de sa justice et commet l’iniquité, faisant selon toutes les abominations que le méchant commet, vivra-t-il? De tous ses actes justes qu’il aura faits, aucun ne viendra en mémoire; dans son iniquité qu’il aura commise et dans son péché qu’il a fait, en eux il mourra.
Mais si le juste se détourne de sa justice, et qu'il commette l'iniquité, selon toutes les abominations que le méchant a accoutumé de commettre, vivra-t-il? il ne sera point fait mention de toutes ses justices qu'il aura faites, à cause de son crime qu'il aura commis, et à cause de son péché qu'il aura fait; il mourra pour ces choses-là.
Mais si le juste se détourne de sa justice, et qu’il fasse l’iniquité selon toutes les abominations que l’impie a coutume de commettre, est-ce qu’il vivra? toutes les œuvres de justice qu’il avait faites seront oubliées, et dans la prévarication par laquelle il a prévariqué, et dans le péché par lequel il a péché, il mourra.
Si le juste se détourne de sa justice et commet l’iniquité, s’il imite toutes les abominations du méchant, vivra-t-il? Toute sa justice sera oubliée, parce qu’il s’est livré à l’iniquité et au péché; à cause de cela, il mourra.
Et si le juste se détourne de sa justice et qu’il commette l’iniquité, selon toutes les abominations que le méchant commet, — il les ferait et il vivrait!... — de toutes ses œuvres de justice qu’il a pratiquées, on ne se souviendra plus; à cause de la transgression dont il s’est rendu coupable et de son péché qu’il a commis, à cause de cela il mourra.
Mais si le juste se détourne de sa justice, qu'il commette l'iniquité, en suivant toutes les abominations que le méchant a accoutumé de commettre, vivrait-il? On ne se souviendra plus d'aucun des actes de justice qu'il aura accomplis, à cause de l'infidélité dont il s'est rendu coupable, et du péché qu'il a commis; c'est à cause de cela qu'il mourra.
Que si le juste abandonne sa justice et fait le mal, et commet toutes les abominations que commet l'impie, vivrait-il? [Non!] de toute la justice qu'il aura pratiquée, il ne lui sera pas tenu compte, à cause du crime dont il s'est rendu coupable, et du péché qu'il a commis; c'est pour cela qu'il mourra.
Si le juste se détourne de sa justice et tombe dans tous les péchés que fait l'homme inique, toutes les œuvres de sa justice seront oubliées; il mourra dans sa chute et dans ses péchés.
Et si le juste renonce à sa vertu et commet l’iniquité, et s’il fait des abominations pareilles à celles qu’a faites le méchant, vivra-t-il? On ne lui tiendra compte d’aucune des vertus qu’il a pratiquées; pour l’infidélité qu’il a commise et les péchés qu’il a fait, il mourra.
Wenn sich der Fromme seiner Frömmigkeit entäußert und Schlechtes tut, und treibt er alle Greuel, die der Schlechte treibt, soll er am Leben bleiben? Gedacht wird nicht mehr aller seiner frommen Taten. Er stirbt des Frevels wegen, den er tut.
Wenn aber ein Gerechter von seiner Gerechtigkeit umkehrt und unrecht tut, nach all den Greueln tut, die der Gesetzlose verübt hat, sollte er leben? aller seiner gerechten Taten [W. Gerechtigkeiten, ] die er getan hat, soll nicht gedacht werden; wegen seiner Treulosigkeit, die er begangen, und wegen seiner Sünde, die er getan hat, wegen dieser soll er sterben. -
Wenn aber ein Gerechter von seiner Gerechtigkeit umkehrt und unrecht tut, nach all den Greueln tut, die der Gesetzlose verübt hat, sollte er leben? Aller seiner gerechten Taten, die er getan hat, soll nicht gedacht werden; wegen seiner Treulosigkeit, die er begangen, und wegen seiner Sünde, die er getan hat, wegen dieser soll er sterben. -
Wenn aber der Fromme von seiner Frömmigkeit abläßt und Frevel verübt gleich allen den Greueln, die der Gottlose verübt hat, so wird aller seiner frommen Thaten, die er gethan, nicht gedacht werden; infolge seines Abfalls, den er verübt, und seiner Sünde, die er begangen hat, - infolge derer soll er sterben!
Und wo sich der Gerechte kehret von seiner Gerechtigkeit und tut Böses und lebet nach allen Greueln, die ein Gottloser tut, sollte der leben? Ja, aller seiner Gerechtigkeit, die er getan hat, soll nicht gedacht werden, sondern in seiner Übertretung und Sünden, die er getan hat, soll er sterben.
Und wo sich der Gerechte kehrt von seiner Gerechtigkeit und tut Böses und lebt nach all den Greueln, die ein Gottloser tut, sollte der leben? Ja, aller seiner Gerechtigkeit, die er getan hat, soll nicht gedacht werden; sondern in seiner Übertretung und Sünde, die er getan hat, soll er sterben.
Wenn aber ein Gerechter sich von seiner Gerechtigkeit abwendet und Böses verübt, alle die Abscheulichkeiten begeht, die der Gottlose zu verüben pflegt: sollte er da am Leben bleiben? Nein, keine von all seinen gerechten Taten, die er vollbracht hat, soll ihm angerechnet werden: um des Treubruchs willen, dessen er sich schuldig gemacht, und wegen der Sünde, die er begangen hat, ihretwegen soll er sterben!
Wenn dagegen der Gerechte sich von seiner Gerechtigkeit abwendet und Unrecht tut und nach allen Greueln des Gottlosen handelt, sollte er leben? Nein, sondern es soll aller seiner Gerechtigkeit, die er getan hat, nicht gedacht werden; in seiner Übertretung, mit der er sich vergangen, und in seiner Sünde, mit der er sich versündigt hat, soll er sterben!
Und wo der Gerechte kehrt zurück von seiner Gerechtigkeit und tut Verkehrtes nach all den Greueln, die der Ungerechte tut, sollte der es tun und leben? All seiner Gerechtigkeit, die er getan, wird man nicht mehr gedenken in der Untreue, die er begangen und in den Sünden, die er gesündigt hat, in ihnen soll er sterben!
“No angĩkorwo mũndũ mũthingu no agarũrũke atigane na ũthingu wake, na ehie na eke maũndũ marĩ magigi ta marĩa mekagwo nĩ mũndũ mwaganu-rĩ, anga nĩagagĩtũũra muoyo? Hatirĩ ũndũ o na ũmwe wa maũndũ ma ũthingu marĩa aaneka ũkaaririkanwo. Tondũ wa mahĩtia ma kwaga kwĩhokeka na tondũ wa mehia marĩa ekĩte-rĩ, no agaakua.
Όταν όμως ο δίκαιος επιστραφή από της δικαιοσύνης αυτού και πράξη αδικίαν και πράξη κατά πάντα τα βδελύγματα τα οποία ο άνομος πράττει, τότε θέλει ζήσει; Πάσα η δικαιοσύνη αυτού, την οποίαν έκαμε, δεν θέλει μνημονευθή· εν τη ανομία αυτού την οποίαν ηνόμησε και εν τη αμαρτία αυτού, την οποίαν ημάρτησεν, εν αυταίς θέλει αποθάνει.
ἐν δὲ τῷ ἀποστρέψαι δίκαιον ἐκ τῆς δικαιοσύνης αὐτοῦ καὶ ποιήσῃ ἀδικίαν κατὰ πάσας τὰς ἀνομίας ἃς ἐποίησεν ὁ ἄνομος πᾶσαι αἱ δικαιοσύναι αὐτοῦ ἃς ἐποίησεν οὐ μὴ μνησθῶσιν ἐν τῷ παραπτώματι αὐτοῦ ᾧ παρέπεσεν καὶ ἐν ταῖς ἁμαρτίαις αὐτοῦ αἷς ἥμαρτεν ἐν αὐταῖς ἀποθανεῖται
પણ જો ન્યાયી માણસ પોતાની નેકી છોડી દઈને વિશ્વાસઘાત કરે, જે ધિક્કારપાત્ર કૃત્યો દુષ્ટ માણસ કરે છે તેઓનું અનુસરણ કરે, તો શું તે જીવશે? તેણે કરેલાં નેક કામોમાંનું કોઈ પણ યાદ કરવામાં આવશે નહિ. તેણે પોતે કરેલાં પાપોને લીધે તે મૃત્યુ પામશે.
Men, si yon moun ki mache dwat sispann fè sa ki byen pou li lage kò l' nan fè sa ki mal ak tout lòt vye bagay derespektan mechan yo ap fè a, nan kondisyon sa a èske li ka viv toujou? Non. Yo p'ap chonje tout byen li te konn fè yo. L'ap mouri paske li pa t' kenbe pawòl li, paske li fè sa ki mal.
“Men, lè yon nonm ladwati vire kite ladwati li a, komèt inikite e fè selon tout abominasyon ke yon nonm mechan konn fè, èske li va viv? Tout zèv ladwati ke li te konn fè yo, p ap sonje akoz trèt ke li te fè ak peche ke li te komèt la. Nan peche li ke li te peche a, li va mouri.
“Amma in mai adalci ya juya daga adalcinsa ya yi zunubi ya kuma aikata abubuwa masu banƙyamar da mugun mutum ke aikatawa, zai rayu? Babu abubuwan adalcin da ya aikata da za a tuna da su. Saboda rashin amincinsa da kuma saboda zunubai da ya yi, zai mutu.
Aka, i ka wa e huli ae ka mea pono mai kona pono ae a hana ma ka hewa, a hana hoi mamuli o na mea inainaia a ka lawehala i hana'i, e ola anei ia? O kona pono a pau ana i hana'i, aole ia e oleloia'ku; iloko o kona hewa ana i hana'i, a iloko o kona lawehala ana i lawehala'i, e make no ia iloko o ia mau mea.
ובשוב צדיק מצדקתו ועשה עול ככל התועבות אשר עשה הרשע יעשה וחי--כל צדקתו אשר עשה לא תזכרנה במעלו אשר מעל ובחטאתו אשר חטא בם ימות
וּבְשׁ֨וּב צַדִּ֤יק מִצִּדְקָתֹו֙ וְעָ֣שָׂה עָ֔וֶל כְּכֹ֨ל הַתֹּועֵבֹ֜ות אֲשֶׁר־עָשָׂ֧ה הָרָשָׁ֛ע יַעֲשֶׂ֖ה וָחָ֑י כָּל־צִדְקָתֹו (צִדְקֹתָ֤יו) אֲשֶׁר־עָשָׂה֙ לֹ֣א תִזָּכַ֔רְנָה בְּמַעֲלֹ֧ו אֲשֶׁר־מָעַ֛ל וּבְחַטָּאתֹ֥ו אֲשֶׁר־חָטָ֖א בָּ֥ם יָמֽוּת׃
וּבְשׁ֨וּב צַדִּ֤יק מִצִּדְקָתוֹ֙ וְעָ֣שָׂה עָ֔וֶל כְּכֹ֨ל הַתּוֹעֵב֜וֹת אֲשֶׁר־עָשָׂ֧ה הָרָשָׁ֛ע יַעֲשֶׂ֖ה וָחָ֑י כָּל־צִדְקֹתָ֤יו אֲשֶׁר־עָשָׂה֙ לֹ֣א תִזָּכַ֔רְנָה בְּמַעֲל֧וֹ אֲשֶׁר־מָעַ֛ל וּבְחַטָּאת֥וֹ אֲשֶׁר־חָטָ֖א בָּ֥ם יָמֽוּת׃
וּבְשׁוּב צַדִּיק מִצִּדְקָתוֹ וְעָשָׂה עָוֶל כְּכֹל הַתּוֹעֵבוֹת אֲשֶׁר־עָשָׂה הָרָשָׁע יַעֲשֶׂה וָחָי כׇּל־צִדְקֹתָו אֲשֶׁר־עָשָׂה לֹא תִזָּכַרְנָה בְּמַעֲלוֹ אֲשֶׁר־מָעַל וּבְחַטָּאתוֹ אֲשֶׁר־חָטָא בָּם יָמֽוּת׃
ובשוב צדיק מצדקתו ועשה עול ככל התועבות אשר עשה הרשע יעשה וחי כל צדקתו אשר עשה לא תזכרנה במעלו אשר מעל ובחטאתו אשר חטא בם ימות׃
וּבְשׁוּב צַדִּיק מִצִּדְקָתוֹ וְעָשָׂה עָוֶל כְּכֹל הַתּוֹעֵבוֹת אֲשֶׁר־עָשָׂה הָרָשָׁע יַעֲשֶׂה וָחָי כָּל־צדקתו צִדְקֹתָיו אֲשֶׁר־עָשָׂה לֹא תִזָּכַרְנָה בְּמַעֲלוֹ אֲשֶׁר־מָעַל וּבְחַטָּאתוֹ אֲשֶׁר־חָטָא בָּם יָמֽוּת׃
וּבְשׁ֨וּב צַדִּ֤יק מִצִּדְקָתוֹ֙ וְעָ֣שָׂה עָ֔וֶל כְּכֹ֨ל הַתּוֹעֵב֜וֹת אֲשֶׁר־עָשָׂ֧ה הָרָשָׁ֛ע יַעֲשֶׂ֖ה וָחָ֑י כָּל־צדקתו אֲשֶׁר־עָשָׂה֙ לֹ֣א תִזָּכַ֔רְנָה בְּמַעֲל֧וֹ אֲשֶׁר־מָעַ֛ל וּבְחַטָּאת֥וֹ אֲשֶׁר־חָטָ֖א בָּ֥ם יָמֽוּת׃
परन्तु जब धर्मी अपने धार्मिकता से फिरकर टेढ़े काम, वरन् दुष्ट के सब घृणित कामों के अनुसार करने लगे, तो क्या वह जीवित रहेगा? जितने धार्मिकता के काम उसने किए हों, उनमें से किसी का स्मरण न किया जाएगा। जो विश्वासघात और पाप उसने किया हो, उसके कारण वह मर जाएगा।
“पर यदि कोई धर्मी व्यक्ति अपने धर्मीपन को छोड़कर पाप करता है और वही घृणित काम करने लगता है जो दुष्ट व्यक्ति करते हैं, तो क्या वह जीवित रहेगा? उसके द्वारा किए गये कोई भी धर्मी काम याद नहीं किए जाएंगे. अपने किए गये विश्वासघात के कारण वह दोषी है और अपने किए गये पापों के कारण वह मरेगा.
És ha az igaz elhajol az ő igazságától, és gonoszságot cselekszik, minden útálatosság szerint, melyeket a hitetlen cselekedett, cselekeszik, nemde éljen-é? Semmi igazságairól, a melyeket cselekedett, emlékezés nem lészen: gonoszságáért, melyet cselekedett, és az ő vétkéért, melylyel vétkezett, ezekért meg kell halnia.
De ha az igaz elfordul igazságától és jogtalanságot követ el, mindazon utálatosságok szerint cselekszik, amelyeket a gonosz cselekedett, éljen-e? Mind az igazságai, amelyeket cselekedett, nem tartatnak emlékezetben, hűtlenségéért, amellyel hűtlenkedett, és vétkéért, amellyel vétkezett, azokért hal meg.
“Ma ọ bụrụ na onye ezi omume esite nʼezi omume ya chigharịa, mee mmehie na-emekwa ihe arụ nke ndị ajọ mmadụ na-eme, ha ọ ga-adị ndụ? Mba! Ọ dịghị ihe ezi omume nke onye dị otu a mere nke a ga-echetakwa. Nʼihi ekwesighị ntụkwasị obi ha, ha bụ ndị ikpe mara, nʼihi mmehie ndị ha mere, ha ga-anwụ.
Ngem no ti nalinteg a tao ket tallikudanna ti kinalintegna ket agaramid iti dakes ken agaramid kadagiti makarimon a kas kadagiti makarimon nga ar-aramiden dagiti nadangkes a tattao, apay agbiagto aya isuna? Amin dagiti nalinteg nga inaramidna ket saanton a malagip inton panawannak gapu iti panagsalungasingna. Matayto ngarud isuna gapu kadagiti basol nga inar-aramidna.
Tetapi kalau seorang yang baik tidak berbuat baik lagi, malahan mulai melakukan kejahatan dan segala perbuatan menjijikkan yang biasanya dilakukan oleh orang jahat, apakah ia akan tetap hidup? Tidak! Dari perbuatan-perbuatannya yang baik itu, tidak satu pun diingat lagi. Ia akan mati karena berbuat dosa dan tidak setia kepada-Ku.
Jikalau orang benar berbalik dari kebenarannya dan melakukan kecurangan seperti segala kekejian yang dilakukan oleh orang fasik--apakah ia akan hidup? Segala kebenaran yang dilakukannya tidak akan diingat-ingat lagi. Ia harus mati karena ia berobah setia dan karena dosa yang dilakukannya.
Se altresì il giusto si ritrae dalla sua giustizia, e commette iniquità, [e] fa secondo tutte le abbominazioni che l'empio commette, viverà egli? tutte le sue giustizie ch'egli avrà operate, non saranno più ricordate; egli morrà per lo suo misfatto, ch'egli avrà commesso, e per lo suo peccato, ch'egli avrà fatto.
Ma se il giusto si allontana dalla giustizia e commette l'iniquità e agisce secondo tutti gli abomini che l'empio commette, potrà egli vivere? Tutte le opere giuste da lui fatte saranno dimenticate; a causa della prevaricazione in cui è caduto e del peccato che ha commesso, egli morirà.
E se il giusto si ritrae dalla sua giustizia e commette l’iniquità e imita tutte le abominazioni che l’empio fa, vivrà egli? Nessuno de’ suoi atti di giustizia sarà ricordato; per la prevaricazione di cui s’è reso colpevole e per il peccato che ha commesso, per tutto questo, morrà.
Hianagi fatgo avu'ama nehania ne'mo'ma atreno'ma kefo avu'ava ome nehuno, kasrino hi'mnage avu'avazama ome haniana, agra manigahio? I'o. Agra omanigahianki frisigeno maka fatgo avu'ava'ma hu'nea zamo'a amnezankna hanige'na, Nagra ana zankura nagesa ontahigahue. Na'ankure kefo avu'ava huno kumi hu'neankino ana kumimofo nona'a omanigahianki frigahie.
“ಆದರೆ ನೀತಿವಂತನು ತನ್ನ ನೀತಿಯನ್ನು ಬಿಟ್ಟು ಅನ್ಯಾಯ ಮಾಡಿ, ದುಷ್ಟನು ಮಾಡುವ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಅಸಹ್ಯವಾದವುಗಳ ಹಾಗೆ ಮಾಡಿದರೆ ಅವನು ಬದುಕುವನೇ? ಅವನು ಮಾಡಿರುವ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಸುಕೃತ್ಯಗಳು ಅವನ ಲೆಕ್ಕಕ್ಕೆ ಸೇರುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. ಅವನು ಮಾಡಿರುವ ಅಪರಾಧದಿಂದಲೂ, ಪಾಪದಿಂದಲೂ ಅವುಗಳಲ್ಲಿಯೇ ಅವನು ಸಾಯುವನು.
ಆದರೆ ಶಿಷ್ಟನು ತನ್ನ ಶಿಷ್ಟತನವನ್ನು ಬಿಟ್ಟು, ಅಧರ್ಮಮಾಡಿ, ದುಷ್ಟನು ನಡೆಸುವ ದುರಾಚಾರಗಳನ್ನೆಲ್ಲಾ ನಡೆಸಿದರೆ ಅವನು ಜೀವಿಸುವನೋ? ಅವನು ಮಾಡಿದ ಯಾವ ಸುಕೃತ್ಯವು ಅವನ ಲೆಕ್ಕಕ್ಕೆ ಸೇರಿಸಲ್ಪಡುವುದಿಲ್ಲ, ಅವನು ಮಾಡುತ್ತಿರುವ ಪಾಪ ಅಪರಾಧಗಳಿಂದಲೇ ಸಾಯುವನು.
만일 의인이 돌이켜 그 의에서 떠나서 범죄하고 악인의 행하는 모든 가증한 일대로 행하면 살겠느냐 그 행한 의로운 일은 하나도 기억함이 되지 아니하리니 그가 그 범한 허물과 그 지은 죄로 인하여 죽으리라
만일 의인이 돌이켜 그 의에서 떠나서 범죄하고 악인의 행하는 모든 가증한 일대로 행하면 살겠느냐 그 행한 의로운 일은 하나도 기억함이 되지 아니하리니 그가 그 범한 허물과 그 지은 죄로 인하여 죽으리라
“Tuh sie mwet suwohs el fin tui liki, ac el mutawauk in oru kain in ma koluk nukewa su mwet koluk elos oru, ku mea el ac moul? Mo! Ac wanginna ma wo ac esamyuk kacl. El ac misa ke sripen sesuwos lal ac ma koluk lal.
«لەگەڵ ئەوەشدا، ئەگەر مرۆڤی ڕاستودروستیش لە ڕاستودروستییەکەی گەڕایەوە و تاوان ئەنجام بدات و وەک هەموو کردەوە قێزەونەکانی خراپەکار بکات، ئایا دەژیێت؟ هەموو ئەو کردارە ڕاستودروستانەی کە کردوویەتی باس ناکرێن. بەو ناپاکییەی کە کردوویەتی و بەو گوناهەی کە ئەنجامی داوە دەمرێت.
Si autem averterit se justus a justitia sua, et fecerit iniquitatem secundum omnes abominationes quas operari solet impius, numquid vivet? Omnes justitiæ ejus quas fecerat, non recordabuntur: in prævaricatione qua prævaricatus est, et in peccato suo quod peccavit, in ipsis morietur.
Si autem averterit se iustus a iustitia sua, et fecerit iniquitatem secundum omnes abominationes, quas operari solet impius, numquid vivet? Omnes iustitiæ eius, quas fecerat, non recordabuntur: in prævaricatione, qua prævaricatus est, et in peccato suo, quod peccavit, in ipsis morietur.
Si autem averterit se iustus a iustitia sua, et fecerit iniquitatem secundum omnes abominationes, quas operari solet impius, numquid vivet? omnes iustitiæ eius, quas fecerat, non recordabuntur: in prævaricatione, qua prævaricatus est, et in peccato suo, quod peccavit, in ipsis morietur.
Si autem averterit se justus a justitia sua, et fecerit iniquitatem secundum omnes abominationes quas operari solet impius, numquid vivet? Omnes justitiæ ejus quas fecerat, non recordabuntur: in prævaricatione qua prævaricatus est, et in peccato suo quod peccavit, in ipsis morietur.
si autem averterit se iustus a iustitia sua et fecerit iniquitatem secundum omnes abominationes quas operari solet impius numquid vivet omnes iustitiae eius quas fecerat non recordabuntur in praevaricatione qua praevaricatus est et in peccato suo quod peccavit in ipsis morietur
Si autem averterit se iustus a iustitia sua, et fecerit iniquitatem secundum omnes abominationes, quas operari solet impius, numquid vivet? omnes iustitiae eius, quas fecerat, non recordabuntur: in praevaricatione, qua praevaricatus est, et in peccato suo, quod peccavit, in ipsis morietur.
Bet kad taisnais nogriežas no savas taisnības un dara netaisnību un dara visu negantību, ko bezdievīgais dara, vai tam būs dzīvot? Visa viņa taisnība, ko viņš darījis, netaps pieminēta tās pārkāpšanas dēļ, ar ko viņš pārkāpis, un to grēku dēļ, ar ko viņš apgrēkojies, viņš mirs.
Kasi soki moto ya sembo atiki bosembo na ye mpe akomi kosala masumu, soki amipesi na makambo nyonso ya mbindo oyo moto mabe asalaka, bokanisi ete akozala solo na bomoi? Bakokanisa lisusu ata te makambo nyonso ya bosembo oyo asalaki. Akokufa solo mpo na bozangi boyengebene na ye mpe mpo na mabe na ye oyo asalaki.
“Naye omuntu omutuukirivu bw’alekeraawo okukola eby’obutuukirivu, n’akola eby’ekivve bye bimu n’eby’omuntu atali mutuukirivu, aliba mulamu? Tewaliba ne kimu ku ebyo eby’obutuukirivu bye yakola, ebirijjukirwa: Olw’obutaba mwesigwa aliba n’omusango, era n’olw’ebibi bye yakola, alifa.
Fa raha ny marina no miala amin’ ny fahamarinany ka manao meloka ary manaraka ny fahavetavetana rehetra izay nataon’ ny ratsy fanahy, ho velona va izy? Ny fahamarinany rehetra izay nataony dia tsy hotsarovana; noho ny fahadisoana izay nandisoany sy ny fahotana izay nanotany dia ho faty izy.
Fa naho mienga i havan­taña’ey ty vantañe naho manao hakeo, vaho fonga anoe’e ty sata tiva’ o tsivoka­tseo, ho veloñe hao? Toe tsy ho volilieñe ama’e ze hene havantañañe nanoe’e, fa i fiolàñe nandilara’ey naho o tahiñe nanoe’eo ty hivetraha’e.
എന്നാൽ നീതിമാൻ തന്റെ നീതി വിട്ടുതിരിഞ്ഞ് നീതികേട് പ്രവർത്തിച്ച്, ദുഷ്ടൻ ചെയ്യുന്ന സകലമ്ലേച്ഛതകളും ചെയ്യുന്നു എങ്കിൽ, അവൻ ജീവിച്ചിരിക്കുമോ? അവൻ ചെയ്ത നീതിയൊന്നും കണക്കിടുകയില്ല; അവൻ ചെയ്ത ദ്രോഹത്താലും അവൻ ചെയ്ത പാപത്താലും അവൻ മരിക്കും”.
എന്നാൽ നീതിമാൻ തന്റെ നീതി വിട്ടുതിരിഞ്ഞു നീതികേടു പ്രവൎത്തിച്ചു, ദുഷ്ടൻ ചെയ്യുന്ന സകലമ്ലേച്ഛതകളെയുംപോലെ ചെയ്യുന്നു എങ്കിൽ, അവൻ ജീവിച്ചിരിക്കുമോ? അവൻ ചെയ്ത നീതിയൊന്നും കണക്കിടുകയില്ല; അവൻ ചെയ്ത ദ്രോഹത്താലും അവൻ ചെയ്ത പാപത്താലും അവൻ മരിക്കും.
എന്നാൽ നീതിമാൻ തന്റെ നീതി വിട്ടുതിരിഞ്ഞു നീതികേടു പ്രവർത്തിച്ചു, ദുഷ്ടൻ ചെയ്യുന്ന സകലമ്ലേച്ഛതകളെയുംപോലെ ചെയ്യുന്നു എങ്കിൽ, അവൻ ജീവിച്ചിരിക്കുമോ? അവൻ ചെയ്ത നീതിയൊന്നും കണക്കിടുകയില്ല; അവൻ ചെയ്ത ദ്രോഹത്താലും അവൻ ചെയ്ത പാപത്താലും അവൻ മരിക്കും.
“എന്നാൽ നീതിനിഷ്ഠർ അവരുടെ നീതി വിട്ടുമാറി അധർമം പ്രവർത്തിക്കുകയും ദുഷ്ടർ ചെയ്യുന്ന സകലമ്ലേച്ഛതകളും പ്രവർത്തിക്കുകയും ചെയ്താൽ അവർ ജീവിക്കുമോ? അവർ ചെയ്ത വഞ്ചനയും അധർമവും നിമിത്തം അവർ മുമ്പുചെയ്തിട്ടുള്ള നീതിപ്രവൃത്തികളൊന്നും സ്മരിക്കപ്പെടുകയില്ല. അവരുടെ പാപംനിമിത്തം അവർ മരിക്കും.
जर नीतिमान आपला मार्ग नीतिमत्तेपासून वळेल आणि अपराध करेल आणि घृणास्पद, दुष्टतांच्या दुष्टतेसारखे करील, मग तो जगेल? त्याने केलेले नीतिमानाचे कार्य जमेस धरले जाणार नाही. जेव्हा त्याने देशद्रोही बनून विश्वासघात केला, तर त्याने केलेल्या पापात तो मरेल.
``သို့​ရာ​တွင်​ဖြောင့်​မတ်​သော​သူ​သည်​ကောင်း မှု​ကို​ရပ်​စဲ​၍ သူ​ယုတ်​မာ​တို့​ပြု​ကျင့်​တတ် သည့်​စက်​ဆုတ်​ဖွယ်​ရာ​ဆိုး​ညစ်​မှု​တို့​ကို ပြု​လျှင် သူ​သည်​ဆက်​လက်​၍​အ​သက်​ရှင် မည်​လော။ အ​သက်​မ​ရှင်​ရ။ သူ​ပြု​ခဲ့​သည့် ကောင်း​မှု​ကို​ငါ​အ​မှတ်​ရ​တော့​မည်​မ​ဟုတ်။ သူ​သည်​သစ္စာ​မဲ့​မှု​ကြောင့်​အ​ပြစ်​ရှိ​၍ မိ​မိ​ကူး​လွန်​ခဲ့​သည့်​အ​ပြစ်​များ အ​တွက်​သေ​ရ​လိမ့်​မည်။
သို့ရာတွင်။ တရားသောသူသည်ဖောက်ပြန်၍၊ အဓမ္မအမှုကို၎င်း၊ မတရားသောသူပြုသမျှသော စက်ဆုပ် ရွံ့ရှာဘွယ် အမှုတို့ကို၎င်းပြုလျှင်၊ အသက်ရှင်ရမည် လော။ အရင်ပြုသမျှသော ဖြောင့်မတ်ခြင်းအမှုတို့ကို မမှတ်၊ သူသည် လွန်ကျူးသောအမှု၊ ပြစ်မှားသော အပြစ်ကြောင့် အသေသတ်ခြင်းကို ခံရလိမ့်မည်။
သို့ရာတွင် ၊ တရား သောသူသည်ဖောက်ပြန် ၍ ၊ အဓမ္မ အမှုကို၎င်း ၊ မတရား သောသူပြု သမျှ သော စက်ဆုပ် ရွံ့ရှာဘွယ်အမှုတို့ကို၎င်းပြု လျှင် ၊ အသက်ရှင် ရမည်လော။ အရင်ပြု သမျှ သော ဖြောင့်မတ် ခြင်းအမှုတို့ကို မ မှတ် ၊ သူသည် လွန်ကျူး သောအမှု၊ ပြစ်မှား သော အပြစ် ကြောင့် အသေ သတ်ခြင်းကိုခံရလိမ့်မည်။
Ki te tahuri atu ia te tangata tika i tona tika, ki te mahia e ia te he, a ka rite tana mahi ki nga mea whakarihariha katoa i mahia e te tangata kino, e ora ranei ia? e kore ana mahi tika katoa e maharatia; ka mate ia i runga i tona kino i kino ai ia, i runga ano i tona hara i hara ai ia.
Kodwa nxa umuntu olungileyo eguquka ekulungeni kwakhe enze izono njalo enze zona kanye izinto ezinengayo ezenziwa ngumuntu omubi, kambe uzaphila na? Akukho okwezinto ezilungileyo azenzayo okuzakhunjulwa. Ngenxa yecala lokungathembeki langenxa yezono azenzayo, uzakufa.
Kodwa nxa olungileyo ephenduka ekulungeni kwakhe, esenza isiphambeko, enze njengokwezinengiso zonke azenzayo omubi, uzaphila yini? Ukulunga kwakhe konke akwenzileyo kakuyikukhunjulwa; esiphambekweni sakhe aphambeke ngaso, lesonweni sakhe asonileyo, uzafela kikho.
तर धर्मी मानिसले आफ्‍नो धार्मिकतालाई त्‍यागेर पाप गर्छ, र दुष्‍ट मानिसले गरेका घिनलाग्‍दा कामहरू गर्छ भने, के त्‍यो बाँच्‍नेछ र? उसले विद्रोह गरेर मलाई धोका दिएको कारणले उसले अघि गरेको कुनै पनि धर्मिकताको कामको सम्‍झना हुनेछैन । यसैले उसले गरेका पापहरूमा नै ऊ मर्नेछ ।
Men når en rettferdig vender om fra sin rettferdighet og gjør urett, gjør efter alle de vederstyggeligheter som den ugudelige gjør, skulde han da få leve? Ingen av de rettferdige gjerninger som han har gjort, skal tilregnes ham; for den troløshet han har vist, og for den synd han har gjort, skal han dø.
Men når ein rettferdig vender um frå si rettferd og gjer urett, alle slike styggjor som den ugudlege gjer, skulde han gjera det og liva? All hans rettferd som han gjorde, skal verta gløymd. For den truløysa han for med, for det skal han døy.
ମାତ୍ର ଧାର୍ମିକ ଲୋକ ଯଦି ଆପଣା ଧାର୍ମିକତାରୁ ଫେରି ଅଧର୍ମ କରେ ଓ ଦୁଷ୍ଟ ଲୋକର କୃତ ସକଳ ଘୃଣାଯୋଗ୍ୟ କ୍ରିୟାନୁଯାୟୀ ଆଚରଣ କରେ, ତେବେ ସେ କି ବଞ୍ଚିବ? ତାହାର କୃତ କୌଣସି ଧର୍ମକର୍ମ ସ୍ମରଣ କରାଯିବ ନାହିଁ; ସେ ଯେଉଁ ସତ୍ୟ-ଲଙ୍ଘନ କରିଅଛି, ସେହି ସତ୍ୟ-ଲଙ୍ଘନରେ ଓ ସେ ଯେଉଁ ପାପ କରିଅଛି, ତାହାର ସେହି ପାପରେ ସେ ମରିବ।
“Garuu namni qajeelaan tokko yoo qajeelummaa isaa irraa deebiʼee cubbuu hojjetee wantoota jibbisiisoo namichi hamaan sun hojjechaa ture sana hojjete inni lubbuudhaan ni jiraataa? Waan qajeelaa inni hojjete keessaa tokko iyyuu isaaf hin yaadatamu. Inni sababii amanamuu didee cubbuu hojjeteef ni duʼa.
ਪਰ ਜਦੋਂ ਧਰਮੀ ਆਪਣੇ ਧਰਮ ਤੋਂ ਮੁੜੇ ਅਤੇ ਬਦੀ ਕਰੇ ਅਤੇ ਉਹ ਸਾਰੇ ਘਿਣਾਉਣੇ ਕੰਮ ਕਰੇ ਜੋ ਦੁਸ਼ਟ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ, ਤਾਂ ਕੀ ਉਹ ਜੀਉਂਦਾ ਰਹੇਗਾ? ਉਸ ਦਾ ਸਾਰਾ ਧਰਮ ਜੋ ਉਸ ਕੀਤਾ ਚੇਤੇ ਨਾ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ। ਉਹ ਆਪਣੀ ਬੇਈਮਾਨੀ ਅਤੇ ਪਾਪ ਵਿੱਚ ਜੋ ਉਸ ਨੇ ਕੀਤਾ, ਮਰੇਗਾ।
و اگرمرد عادل از عدالتش برگردد و ظلم نموده، موافق همه رجاساتی که شریران می‌کنند عمل نماید آیااو زنده خواهد ماند؟ نی بلکه تمامی عدالت او که کرده است به یاد آورده نخواهد شد و در خیانتی که نموده و در گناهی که ورزیده است خواهدمرد.
اما اگر شخص درستکار عدالت را ترک گوید و مرتکب گناه گردد و مانند سایر گناهکاران رفتار کند، آیا او زنده خواهد ماند؟ البته که نه! تمام خوبی‌های گذشته‌اش نادیده گرفته می‌شود و به سبب خیانت و گناهانی که کرده است، خواهد مرد.
Ale jeźliby się odwrócił sprawiedliwy od sprawiedliwości swojej, a czyniłby nieprawość, czyniąc według wszystkich obrzydliwości, które czyni niezbożny, izali taki żyć będzie? Wszystkie sprawiedliwości jego, które czynił, nie będą wspominane; dla przestępstwa swego, które popełniał, i dla grzechu swego, którego się dopuścił, dla tych rzeczy umrze.
Ale [jeśli] sprawiedliwy odwróci się od swojej sprawiedliwości i popełni nieprawość, czyniąc według wszystkich obrzydliwości, które popełnia niegodziwy, czy taki będzie żył? Wszystkie jego sprawiedliwości, które czynił, nie będą wspominane. Z powodu swego przestępstwa, które popełniał, i z powodu swego grzechu, którego się dopuścił, z powodu tych [rzeczy] umrze.
Mas se o justo se desviar de sua justiça, e [passar a] praticar maldade, e fizer conforme a todas as abominações que o perverso faz, por acaso ele viveria? Todas as suas justiças que praticou não serão lembradas; por sua transgressão com que transgrediu, e por seu pecado com que pecou, por causa deles morrerá.
Mas, desviando-se o justo da sua justiça, e commettendo a iniquidade, fazendo conforme todas as abominações que faz o impio, porventura viveria? de todas as suas justiças que tiver feito não se fará memoria: na sua transgressão com que transgrediu, e no seu peccado com que peccou, n'elles morrerá.
Mas, desviando-se o justo da sua justiça, e cometendo a iniquidade, fazendo conforme todas as abominações que faz o ímpio, porventura viveria? de todas as suas justiças que tiver feito não se fará memória: na sua transgressão com que transgrediu, e no seu pecado com que pecou, neles morrerá.
“Mas quando o justo se afasta de sua justiça e comete iniqüidade, e faz de acordo com todas as abominações que o ímpio faz, deveria ele viver? Nenhuma de suas ações justas que ele tenha feito será lembrada. Em sua transgressão que cometeu, e em seu pecado que cometeu, morrerá neles.
Ынсэ, дакэ чел неприхэнит се абате де ла неприхэниря луй ши сэвыршеште нелеӂюиря, дакэ се я дупэ тоате урычуниле челуй рэу, с-ар путя сэ трэяскэ ел оаре? Ну, чи тоатэ неприхэниря луй ва фи уйтатэ, пентру кэ с-а дат ла нелеӂюире ши ла пэкат, де ачея ва мури ын еле.
Dar când cel drept se întoarce de la dreptatea lui și face nelegiuire [și] face conform cu toate urâciunile pe care [omul] stricat le face, va trăi el? Toată dreptatea lui, pe care a făcut-o, nu va fi menționată; în fărădelegea lui pe care a încălcat legea și în păcatul lui pe care l-a păcătuit, în ele va muri.
И праведник, если отступит от правды своей и будет поступать неправедно, будет делать все те мерзости, какие делает беззаконник, будет ли он жив? все добрые дела его, какие он делал, не припомнятся; за беззаконие свое, какое делает, и за грехи свои, в каких грешен, он умрет.
Али кад би се праведник одвратио од правде своје и чинио неправду, и радио по свим гадовима које чини безбожник, хоће ли он живети? Праведна дела његова, шта је год чинио, неће се споменути; за безакоње своје које учини за грех свој којим згреши погинуће.
Ali kad bi se pravednik odvratio od pravde svoje i èinio nepravdu, i radio po svijem gadovima koje èini bezbožnik, hoæe li on živjeti? pravedna djela njegova, što je god èinio, neæe se spomenuti; za bezakonje svoje koje uèini i za grijeh svoj kojim zgriješi poginuæe.
“Asi kana munhu akarurama akatsauka pakururama kwake akaita chivi uye akaitawo zvinonyangadza zvinoitwa nomunhu akaipa, angararama here? Zvakarurama zvaakaita hazvizorangarirwi. Nokuda kwemhosva yokusatendeuka kwaanako uye nokuda kwezvivi zvaakaita, iye achafa zvirokwazvo.
И аще совратится праведник от правды своея и сотворит неправду по всем беззаконием, яже сотворил беззаконник, вся правды его, яже сотворил есть, не помянутся: в преступлении своем, имже преступи, и во гресех своих, имиже согреши, в них умрет.
Toda ko se pravični obrne proč od svoje pravičnosti in zagreši krivičnost in počne glede na vse ogabnosti, ki jih počne zloben človek, ali bo živel? Vsa njegova pravičnost, ki jo je storil, ne bo omenjena. V svojem prekršku, ki ga je prekršil in v svojem grehu, ki ga je zagrešil, v njima bo umrl.
Laakiinse ka xaqa ahu hadduu xaqnimadiisa ka leexdo, oo uu xumaan sameeyo, oo uu wada sameeyo waxyaalaha karaahiyada ah ee uu sharrowgu sameeyo oo dhan, markaas miyuu sii noolaan doonaa? Waxyaalihii xaqa ahaa ee uu sameeyey oo dhan innaba lama soo xusuusan doono, oo wuxuu ku dhex dhiman doonaa xadgudubkiisii uu xadgudbay, iyo dembigiisii uu dembaabay.
Mas si el justo se apartare de su justicia, y cometiere maldad, e hiciere conforme a todas las abominaciones que el impío hizo; ¿vivirá él? Todas las justicias que hizo no vendrán en memoria; por su rebelión con que prevaricó, y por su pecado que cometió, por ellos morirá.
“Pero si alguien que vive de acuerdo con lo que es correcto se detiene y hace el mal, haciendo las mismas cosas ofensivas que los malvados, ¿vivirá esa persona? Por supuesto que no. De hecho, todas las cosas buenas que hizo anteriormente serán olvidadas. Esa persona morirá por su traición a mí y por los pecados que ha cometido.
“Pero cuando el justo se aparta de su justicia y comete iniquidad, y hace conforme a todas las abominaciones que hace el impío, ¿habrá de vivir? Ninguna de sus obras justas que haya hecho será recordada. En su transgresión que ha cometido, y en su pecado que ha cometido, en ellos morirá.
Pero, si el justo se aparta de su justicia, comete repugnancia y hace conforme a todas las repugnancias que comete el perverso, ¿vivirá? Ninguna de las justicias que practicó le será tomada en cuenta. Por su infidelidad que practicó y por el pecado que cometió, por ellos morirá.
Pero cuando el justo se desviare de su justicia cometiendo iniquidad e imitando todas las abominaciones del impío, ¿acaso vivirá? Ninguna de sus justicias que ha hecho le será imputada. Por la prevaricación en que ha caído, y por el pecado que ha cometido, por ellos morirá.
Mas si el justo se apartare de su justicia, e hiciere maldad, e hiciere conforme a todas las abominaciones, que el impío hizo, ¿vivirá él? Todas las justicias que hizo no vendrán en memoria: por su rebelión con que rebeló, y por su pecado que pecó, por ellos morirá.
Mas si el justo se apartare de su justicia, y cometiere maldad, é hiciere conforme á todas las abominaciones que el impío hizo, ¿vivirá él? Todas las justicias que hizo no vendrán en memoria; por su rebelión con que prevaricó, y por su pecado que cometió, por ello morirá.
Pero cuando el hombre recto, apartándose de su justicia, haga el mal, como todas las cosas repugnantes que hace el hombre malo, ¿tendrá vida? Ninguno de sus actos rectos se guardará en la memoria; en el mal que hizo y en su pecado, la muerte lo alcanzará.
Lakini kama mtu mwenye haki ageukapo kutoka kwenye haki yake na kufanya maovu na kutenda machukizo kama machukizo yote ambayo mtu mwovu afanyayo, basi ataishi? Haki yake yote aliyoifanya haitakumbukwa wakati atakaponisaliti katika uhaini wake. Hivyo atakufa katika dhambi alizofanya.
“Lakini kama mtu mwenye haki akiacha haki yake na kutenda dhambi na kufanya mambo ya machukizo ambayo mtu mwovu hufanya, Je, ataishi? Hakuna hata mojawapo ya matendo ya haki aliyotenda litakalokumbukwa. Kwa sababu ya kukosa uaminifu kwake anayo hatia na kwa sababu ya dhambi alizozitenda, atakufa.
Men om den rättfärdige vänder om från sin rättfärdighet och gör vad orätt är, alla sådana styggelser som den ogudaktige gör -- skulle han då få leva, om han gör så? Nej, intet av all den rättfärdighet han har övat skall då ihågkommas, utan genom den otrohet han har begått och den synd han har övat skall han dö.
Och om den rättfärdige vänder sig ifrå sine rättfärdighet, och gör det ondt är, och lefver efter all den styggelse som en ogudaktig gör, skulle han lefva? Ja, all hans rättfärdighet, som han gjort hafver, skall intet ihågkommen varda; utan han skall dö uti sin öfverträdelse och syndom, som han gjort hafver.
Men om den rättfärdige vänder om från sin rättfärdighet och gör vad orätt är, alla sådana styggelser som den ogudaktige gör -- skulle han då få leva, om han gör så? Nej, intet av all den rättfärdighet han har övat skall då ihågkommas, utan genom den otrohet han har begått och den synd han har övat skall han dö.
Nguni't pagka ang matuwid ay humiwalay sa kaniyang katuwiran, at gumagawa ng kasamaan, at gumagawa ng ayon sa lahat na kasuklamsuklam na ginagawa ng masamang tao, mabubuhay baga siya? Walang aalalahanin sa kaniyang mga matuwid na gawa na kaniyang ginawa: sa kaniyang pagsalangsang na kaniyang isinalangsang, at sa kaniyang kasalanan na kaniyang ipinagkasala, sa mga yaon mamamatay siya.
Subalit kung ang matuwid na tao ay tumalikod sa kaniyang pagkamakatuwiran at isinagawa ang mga kasuklam-suklam tulad ng lahat ng kasuklam-suklam na ginagawa ng masamang tao, mabubuhay ba siya? Lahat ng matuwid na kaniyang ginawa ay hindi aalalahanin kapag ipinagkanulo niya ako sa kaniyang kataksilan. Kaya siya ay mamamatay sa mga kasalanang kaniyang ginawa.
நீதிமான் தன்னுடைய நீதியைவிட்டு விலகி, அநீதி செய்து, துன்மார்க்கன் செய்கிற எல்லா அருவருப்புகளின்படியும் செய்தால், அவன் பிழைப்பானோ? அவன் செய்த அவனுடைய எல்லா நீதிகளும் நினைக்கப்படுவதில்லை; அவன் செய்த தன்னுடைய துரோகத்திலேயும் அவன் செய்த தன்னுடைய பாவத்திலேயும் மரிப்பான்.
“ஆனால் நீதிமான் ஒருவன் தன் நீதியிலிருந்து விலகி, பாவம் செய்து, கொடியவன் செய்வது போன்ற அருவருப்பான அதே காரியங்களையும் செய்வானேயாகில் அவன் பிழைப்பானோ? அவன் செய்த நீதியான காரியங்கள் எதுவுமே நினைக்கப்படுவதில்லை. உண்மையற்றவனாய் இருப்பதன் நிமித்தம் அவன் குற்றவாளியாயிருக்கிறான். அவன் தான் செய்த பாவங்களினிமித்தம் மரிப்பான்.
“కాని, నీతిమంతుడు తన నీతిని విడిచి పాపం చేసి, దుష్టులు చేసే అసహ్యమైన పనులు జరిగిస్తే అతడు బ్రతుకుతాడా? అతడు నాకు నమ్మకద్రోహం చేసి రాజద్రోహం జరిగించాడు గనుక అతడు చేసిన నీతి పనులు ఏమాత్రం జ్ఞాపకానికి రావు. కాబట్టి అతడు చేసిన పాపం కారణంగా చస్తాడు.
Ka ʻi he liliu ʻae māʻoniʻoni mei heʻene māʻoniʻoni mo ne fai angahala, pea ne fai ʻo tatau mo e fakalielia kotoa pē ʻaia ʻoku fai ʻe he tangata angahala, ʻe moʻui ia? Ko ʻene māʻoniʻoni kotoa pē ʻaia kuo ne fai, ʻe ʻikai ha lau ki ai: ʻi he fai kovi kuo ne fai, mo e angahala, kuo ne angahala ai, ʻe mate pe ia ʻi ai.
“Doğru kişi doğruluğundan döner, günah işler, kötü kişinin yaptığı bütün iğrenç şeyleri yaparsa, yaşayacak mı? Onun yaptığı doğru işlerin hiçbiri anılmayacaktır. Sadakatsizliği yüzünden suçludur, günahları yüzünden ölecektir.
“Na sɛ ɔtreneeni twe ne ho fi ne trenee nneyɛe ho, kɔyɛ bɔne, na ɔyɛ akyiwade a amumɔyɛfo yɛ a, obenya nkwa ana? Wɔrenkae ne trenee nneyɛe no. Esiane sɛ odi nokwaredi ho fɔ na wayɛ bɔne nti, obewu.
“Na sɛ ɔteneneeni twe ne ho firi ne tenenee adeyɛ ho, kɔyɛ bɔne, na ɔyɛ akyiwadeɛ a amumuyɛfoɔ yɛ a, ɔbɛnya nkwa anaa? Wɔrenkae ne tenenee nneyɛɛ no. Esiane sɛ ɔdi nokorɛdie ho fɔ na wayɛ bɔne enti, ɔbɛwu.
А коли б справедливий відвернувся від своєї справедливости й став робити кривду, — усі ті гидо́ти, які робить несправедливий, то чи такий буде жити? Усі справедливості його, які він робив, не згадаються, — за своє спроневі́рення, що він спроневі́рив, і за гріх свій, що згрішив, за них він помре!
लेकिन अगर सादिक़ अपनी सदाक़त से बाज़ आए, और गुनाह करे और उन सब घिनौने कामों के मुताबिक़ जो शरीर करता है करे, तो क्या वह ज़िन्दा रहेगा? उसकी तमाम सदाक़त जो उसने की फ़रामोश होगी; वह अपने गुनाहों में जो उसने किए हैं और अपनी ख़ताओं में जो उसने की हैं मरेगा।
ھەققانىي كىشى ئۆز ھەققانىيلىقىدىن يېنىپ، قەبىھلىك قىلغان، رەزىل ئادەملەرنىڭ يىرگىنچلىك قىلمىشلىرى بويىچە ئىش قىلغان بولسا، ئۇ ھايات قالامدۇ؟ ئۇنىڭ قىلغان ھەققانىيلىقلىرىدىن ھېچقايسىسى ئەسلەنمەيدۇ؛ ئۆتكۈزگەن ئاسىيلىقى، سادىر قىلغان گۇناھ ئىچىدە، ئۇ ئۆلىدۇ.
Һәққаний киши өз һәққанийлиғидин йенип, қәбиһлик қилған, рәзил адәмләрниң жиркиничлик қилмишлири бойичә иш қилған болса, у һаят қаламду? Униң қилған һәққанийлиқлиридин һеч қайсиси әсләнмәйду; өткүзгән асийлиғи, садир қилған гуна ичидә, у өлиду.
Heqqaniy kishi öz heqqaniyliqidin yénip, qebihlik qilghan, rezil ademlerning yirginchlik qilmishliri boyiche ish qilghan bolsa, u hayat qalamdu? Uning qilghan heqqaniyliqliridin héchqaysisi eslenmeydu; ötküzgen asiyliqi, sadir qilghan gunah ichide, u ölidu.
Ⱨǝⱪⱪaniy kixi ɵz ⱨǝⱪⱪaniyliⱪidin yenip, ⱪǝbiⱨlik ⱪilƣan, rǝzil adǝmlǝrning yirginqlik ⱪilmixliri boyiqǝ ix ⱪilƣan bolsa, u ⱨayat ⱪalamdu? Uning ⱪilƣan ⱨǝⱪⱪaniyliⱪliridin ⱨeqⱪaysisi ǝslǝnmǝydu; ɵtküzgǝn asiyliⱪi, sadir ⱪilƣan gunaⱨ iqidǝ, u ɵlidu.
Nhưng nếu kẻ công bình xây bỏ sự công bình của mình, nếu nó phạm sự gian ác, nếu nó bắt chước mọi sự gớm ghiếc mà kẻ dữ tự làm, thì nó sẽ sống không? Không có một việc công bình nào nó đã làm sẽ được nhớ lại; vì cớ sự phạm pháp mà nó đã làm, và tội lỗi nó đã phạm, nên nó sẽ chết trong đó.
Nhưng nếu kẻ công bình xây bỏ sự công bình của mình, nếu nó phạm sự gian ác, nếu nó bắt chước mọi sự gớm ghiếc mà kẻ dữ tự làm, thì nó sẽ sống không? Không có một việc công bình nào nó đã làm sẽ được nhớ lại; vì cớ sự phạm pháp mà nó đã làm, và tội lỗi nó đã phạm, nên nó sẽ chết trong đó.
Nếu người công chính lìa bỏ đường ngay, phạm những tội gớm ghê như người gian ác, thì chúng có được sống không? Không, dĩ nhiên không! Tất cả việc công chính của chúng sẽ bị quên lãng, và chúng sẽ chết vì những tội ác đã phạm.
“Ṣùgbọ́n bí ènìyàn rere bá yípadà kúrò ni ọ̀nà òdodo rẹ̀ tó sì ń dẹ́ṣẹ̀, tí ó sì tún ń ṣe àwọn ohun ìríra tí ènìyàn búburú ń ṣe, yóò wa yè bí? A kì yóò rántí ọ̀kankan nínú ìwà rere rẹ̀ mọ́, nítorí ó ti jẹ̀bi ìwà àrékérekè àti ẹ̀ṣẹ̀ tó dá, yóò sì kú.
Verse Count = 211

< Ezekiel 18:24 >