< Esther 9:27 >

the Jews established and imposed on themselves, on their descendants, and on all those who joined themselves to them, so that it should not fail that they would keep these two days according to what was written and according to its appointed time every year;
أَوْجَبَ ٱلْيَهُودُ وَقَبِلُوا عَلَى أَنْفُسِهِمْ وَعَلَى نَسْلِهِمْ وَعَلَى جَمِيعِ ٱلَّذِينَ يَلْتَصِقُونَ بِهِمْ حَتَّى لَا يَزُولَ، أَنْ يُعَيِّدُوا هَذَيْنِ ٱلْيَوْمَيْنِ حَسَبَ كِتَابَتِهِمَا وَحَسَبَ أَوْقَاتِهِمَا كُلَّ سَنَةٍ،
وَوَافَقَ الْيَهُودُ عَلَى مُمَارَسَةِ هَذَا الاحْتِفَالِ فِي حَيَاتِهِمْ، وَإِحْيَائِهِ فِي ذُرِّيَّتِهِمْ وَفِي جَمِيعِ الْمُلْتَصِقِينَ بِهِمْ، لِيَظَلَّ تَذْكَاراً لَا يَزُولُ، فَيُعَيِّدُوا هَذَيْنِ الْيَوْمَيْنِ وَفْقاً لِمَا هُوَ مَكْتُوبٌ وَفِي مَوْعِدِهُمَا الْمُحَدَّدِ مِنْ كُلِّ سَنَةٍ.
যিহুদী লোকসকলে নিজৰ, আৰু তেওঁলোকৰ বংশধৰ সকলৰ, আৰু যি সকল লোক তেওঁলোকৰ লগত যোগদান কৰিছিল, সেই সকলো লোকে, সেই দুটা দিনক এটা নতুন প্রথা আৰু কৰ্ত্তব্য বুলি গ্রহণ কৰিছিল। সেই বিষয়ে লিখা মতে আৰু নিৰূপণ কৰা সময় অনুসাৰে তেওঁলোকে প্রতি বছৰে সেই দুটা দিন নিৰ্দিষ্ট প্রণালীৰে পালন কৰিছিল।
Yəhudilər özləri və sonrakı nəsilləri üçün, habelə onlara qoşulanlar üçün bir adət təsis etdirib bunu davam etdirdilər. Dedilər ki, bu iki günü hər il qaydalara və müəyyən vaxta görə qeyd etməkdə laqeydlik göstərməməlidirlər.
Amaiba: le, ilia da amo helefisu lolo nabe amoma Biulime dio asuli. Bai Modigai ea meloa dedei amola ilima doaga: i hou, amo Yu dunu da dawa: beba: le, ilia da ilila: sema hamoi. Amo sema da ilia, amola iligaga fi, amola nowa dunu da sinidigili Yu dunu hamosu, amo dunu huluane da ode huluane amoga Modigai ea sia: i defele, eso14amola eso 15 A: ida oubiga, hahawane helefili, lolo manu, amane sema hamoi.
তার জন্য ইহুদীরা নিজেদের ও নিজের নিজের বংশের ও যিহূদী মতাবলম্বী সবার কর্তব্য বলে এটা স্থির করল যে, সেই সম্মন্ধে লেখা আদেশ ও সঠিক দিন অনুসারে তারা বছর বছর দুই দিন পালন করবে, কোনোভাবে ভুল হবে না।
সেইজন্য ইহুদিরা ঠিক করেছিল যে, তারা একটি প্রথা প্রতিষ্ঠা করবে যেন তারা, তাদের বংশধরেরা এবং যারা ইহুদি হয়ে গিয়েছিল তারা সকলে সেই চিঠির নির্দেশ ও নির্দিষ্ট সময় অনুসারে প্রতি বছর এই দিন দুটি অবশ্যই পালন করবে।
юдеите постановиха, и възприеха за себе си и за потомството си, и за всички, които биха се присъединили към тях, непрестанно да пазят тия два дни, според предписаното за тях и във времето им всяка година;
gidawat sa mga Judio ang bag-ong gawi ug katungdanan. Kini nga gawi alang sa ilang mga kaugalingon, sa ilang mga kaliwat, ug sa tanan nga nakighiusa kanila. Saulogon nila kining duha ka mga adlaw matag tuig. Magsaulog sila niini sa samang paagi ug sa samang panahon sa matag tuig.
Ang mga Judio nagtukod, ug ilang gisaad alang sa ilang kaugalingon, ug sa ilang mga kaliwatan, ug sa tanan nga nanagpahiusa kanila, aron nga kini dili makawang, nga sila magabantay niining duruha ka adlaw sumala sa sinulat niini, ug sumala sa natudlong panahon niana, matag-tuig;
Ayuda onse anagwirizana kukhazikitsa lamulo lokhudza iwo, zidzukulu zawo ndi onse amene adzapanga nawo ubale kuti asalephere kusunga masiku awiri amenewa chaka chilichonse monga zinalembedweramo ndiponso potsata nthawi imene anayika.
Judahnawk loe angmacae hoi a caanawk boih, nihcae phung ah akun kaminawk boih, Mordekai mah tarik ih ca baktih, anih mah khaeh ih ni baktih toengah, aek ai ah saning kruek, hae ani hnetto hae uumhaih sak han ih,
Judah rhoek loh a doe, a doe uh tih amamih so neh a tiingan soah khaw, amih taengah aka naep boeih soah khaw a thoh puei uh. Te dongahA kum, kum takuem ah, a ca neh a tuetang bangla hnin hnih khuiah saii tih om thil ham te dal uh pawh.
Judah rhoek loh a doe, a doe uh tih amamih so neh a tiingan soah khaw, amih taengah aka naep boeih soah khaw a thoh puei uh. Te dongah A kum, kum takuem ah, a ca neh a tuetang bangla hnin hnih khuiah saii tih om thil ham te dal uh pawh.
Gamjousea Judate ten hiche chon nahi chepi dingin anom’un chuleh achilhahte jousen jong ajui diuvin ana kilol’un ahi. Amahon hiche nikho teni hi kumseh leh akitepna nikho ahi alopna neijing dingin ana phongdoh un ahi.
Judahnaw ni amamouh koehoi ca catoun, ahnimouh koe kambawngnaw pueng haiyah, hote hninhnin touh teh Mordekai e ca dawk kaawm e patetlah kum tangkuem a ya awh.
Židovi se neopozivo obvezaše i prihvatiše za se, za svoje potomke i za sve one koji se s njima budu udružili da će svake godine slaviti ta dva dana prema tom propisu i u to vrijeme.
Ustavili a přijali Židé na sebe i na símě své, i na všecky připojené k sobě, aby to nepominulo, že budou slaviti ty dva dni podlé vypsání jejich, a podlé určitého času jejich každého roku.
Ustavili a přijali Židé na sebe i na símě své, i na všecky připojené k sobě, aby to nepominulo, že budou slaviti ty dva dni podlé vypsání jejich, a podlé určitého času jejich každého roku.
gjorde Jøderne det til en fast Skik og Brug for sig selv, deres Efterkommere og alle, som sluttede sig til dem, at de ubrødeligt År efter År skulde fejre de to Dage efter Forskrifterne om dem og til den fastsatte Tid,
Jøderne stadfæstede og vedtoge det for sig og for deres Sæd og for alle dem, som sluttede sig til dem, som noget, ingen maatte overtræde, at de skulde holde disse to Dage efter deres Forskrift og deres bestemte Tid, Aar for Aar;
gjorde Jøderne det til en fast Skik og Brug for sig selv, deres Efterkommere og alle, som sluttede sig til dem, at de ubrødeligt Aar efter Aar skulde fejre de to Dage efter Forskrifterne om dem og til den fastsatte Tid,
jo-Yahudi nokawo wachno ka margi mondo obed timgi ne gin giwegi to gi nyikwagi mabiro to gi ji duto madwaro riwore kodgi ni nyaka rit ndalo ariyogo higa ka higa, e yo moketi kendo e kinde moseketi.
Bevestigden de Joden, en namen op zich en op hun zaad, en op allen, die zich tot hen vervoegen zouden, dat men het niet overtrade, dat zij deze twee dagen zouden houden, naar het voorschrift derzelve, en naar den bestemden tijd derzelve, in alle en ieder jaar;
aanvaardden de Joden voor zichzelf, voor hun nakomelingen en voor allen, die zich bij hen zouden aansluiten. voor altijd de verplichting, jaarlijks twee dagen feest te vieren op de tijd, die door het schrijven was vastgesteld,
Bevestigden de Joden, en namen op zich en op hun zaad, en op allen, die zich tot hen vervoegen zouden, dat men het niet overtrade, dat zij deze twee dagen zouden houden, naar het voorschrift derzelve, en naar den bestemden tijd derzelve, in alle en ieder jaar;
the Jews ordained, and took upon them, and upon their seed, and upon all such as joined themselves to them, so that it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to the writing of it, and according to the appointed time of it, every year.
the Jews established and imposed on themselves, on their descendants, and on all those who joined themselves to them, so that it should not fail that they would keep these two days according to what was written and according to its appointed time every year;
the Jews ordained, and took upon them, and upon their seed, and upon all such as joined themselves unto them, so that it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to the writing thereof, and according to the appointed time thereof, every year;
the Jews bound themselves to establish the custom that they and their descendants and all who join them should not fail to celebrate these two days at the appointed time each and every year, according to their regulation.
The Jews made a rule and gave an undertaking, causing their seed and all those who were joined to them to do the same, so that it might be in force for ever, that they would keep those two days, as ordered in the letter, at the fixed time every year;
And [Mardochæus] established it, and the Jews took upon themselves, and upon their seed, and upon those that were joined to them [to observe it], neither would they on any account behave differently: but these days [were to be] a memorial kept in every generation, and city, and family, and province.
And [Mardochaeus] established it, and the Jews took upon themselves, and upon their seed, and upon those that were joined to them [to observe it], neither would they on any account behave differently: but these days [were to be] a memorial kept in every generation, and city, and family, and province.
And whatever they suffered, and whatever was altered afterwards, the Jews received for themselves and their offspring and for all who were willing to be joined to their religion, so that none would be permitted to transgress the solemnity of these two days, to which the writing testifies, and which certain times require, as the years continually succeed one another.
the Jews ordained and took upon them, and upon their seed, and upon all such as joined themselves to them, so that it should not fail, that they would observe these two days according to their writing and according to their fixed time, every year;
And the things that they suffered, and that were afterwards changed, the Jews took upon themselves and their seed, and upon all that had a mind to be joined to their religion, so that it should be lawful for none to pass these days without solemnity: which the writing testifieth, and certain times require, as the years continually succeed one another.
the Jews committed themselves to adopt the practice that they and their descendants and all who join them should not forget to celebrate these two days as set down, and at the right time every year.
The Iewes also ordeined, and promised for them and for their seede, and for all that ioyned vnto them, that they would not faile to obserue those two dayes euery yeere, according to their writing, and according to their season,
the Jews ordained, and took upon them, and upon their seed, and upon all such as joined themselves unto them, so as it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to the writing thereof, and according to the appointed time thereof, every year;
The Jews ordained, and took upon them, and upon their seed, and upon all such as joined themselves unto them, so as it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to their writing, and according to their [appointed] time every year;
The Jews ordained, and took on them, and on their seed, and on all such as joined themselves to them, so as it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to their writing, and according to their appointed time every year;
The Jews ordained, and took upon them, and upon their seed, and upon all such as joined themselves unto them, so as it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to their writing, and according to their appointed time every year;
The Jews ordained, and took upon them, and upon their seed, and upon all such as joined themselves unto them, so as it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to their writing, and according to their appointed time every year;
The Jews ordained, and took upon them, and upon their seed, and upon all such as joined themselves unto them, so as it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to their writing, and according to their appointed time every year;
The Jews ordained, and took upon them, and upon their seed, and upon all such as joined themselves unto them, so as it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to their writing, and according to their appointed time every year;
And [Mardochaeus] established it, and the Jews took upon themselves, and upon their seed, and upon those that were joined to them [to observe it], neither would they on any account behave differently: but these days [were to be] a memorial kept in every generation, and city, and family, and province.
The Jews confirmed it as a duty, and took upon themselves, and upon their seed, and upon all such as join themselves unto them, so that no one should fail therein, that they would celebrate these two days according to their prescription, and at their appointed time, in each and every year.
the Jews have established and received on them, and on their seed, and on all those joined to them, and it does not pass away, to be keeping these two days according to their writing, and according to their season, in every year and year;
the Jews established, and imposed on themselves, and on their descendants, and on all those who joined themselves to them, so that it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to what was written, and according to its appointed time, every year;
the Jews established, and imposed on themselves, and on their descendants, and on all those who joined themselves to them, so that it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to what was written, and according to its appointed time, every year;
the Jews established, and imposed on themselves, and on their descendants, and on all those who joined themselves to them, so that it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to what was written, and according to its appointed time, every year;
the Jews established, and imposed on themselves, and on their descendants, and on all those who joined themselves to them, so that it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to what was written, and according to its appointed time, every year;
the Jews established, and imposed on themselves, and on their descendants, and on all those who joined themselves to them, so that it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to what was written, and according to its appointed time, every year;
the Jews established, and imposed on themselves, and on their descendants, and on all those who joined themselves to them, so that it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to what was written, and according to its appointed time, every year;
the Jews established and made it a custom for them, for their descendants, and for all who should join them, so that it might not be repealed, that they should continue to observe these two days as feasts each year,
the Jews established and made it a custom for them, for their descendants, and for all who should join them, so that it might not be repealed, that they should continue to observe these two days as feasts each year,
the Jews ordained, and took upon them, and upon their seed, and upon all such as joined themselves unto them, so as it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to the writing thereof, and according to the appointed time thereof, every year;
The Jews established and took upon themselves—and upon their seed, and upon all who should join themselves unto them, that it might not pass away, that they would continue to keep these two days, according to the writing concerning them and at their set time, —always year by year.
They imposed (and they accepted *Q(K)*) the Jews - on themselves - and on offspring their and on all who joined themselves to them and not it will pass away to be observing [the] two the days these according to writing their and according to appointed time their in every year and year.
to arise: establish (and to receive *Q(K)*) [the] Jew upon them and upon seed: children their and upon all [the] to join upon them and not to pass to/for to be to make: do [obj] two [the] day [the] these like/as writing their and like/as time their in/on/with all year and year
the Jews [throughout the empire] agreed to celebrate in that manner on those two days every year. They said that they would tell their descendants and those people who became Jews to be certain to celebrate this festival every year. They should celebrate just as [Mordecai] told them to do [in the letter] that he wrote.
the Jews accepted a new custom and duty. This custom would be for themselves, their descendants, and everyone who joined them. It would be that they would celebrate these two days every year. They would celebrate them in a certain way and at the same time each year.
The Jews ordained, and took upon them, and upon their seed, and upon all such as joined themselves to them, so as it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to their writing, and according to their [appointed] time every year;
The Jews ordained, and took upon them, and upon their seed, and upon all such as joined themselves to them, so as it should not fail, that they would keep these two days according to their writing, and according to their appointed time every year;
the Jews established and imposed on themselves, on their descendants, and on all those who joined themselves to them, so that it should not fail that they would keep these two days according to what was written and according to its appointed time every year;
the Jews established and imposed on themselves, on their descendants, and on all those who joined themselves to them, so that it should not fail that they would keep these two days according to what was written and according to its appointed time every year;
the Jews established and imposed on themselves, on their descendants, and on all those who joined themselves to them, so that it should not fail that they would keep these two days according to what was written and according to its appointed time every year;
the Jews established and imposed on themselves, on their descendants, and on all those who joined themselves to them, so that it should not fail that they would keep these two days according to what was written and according to its appointed time every year;
the Jews established and imposed on themselves, on their descendants, and on all those who joined themselves to them, so that it should not fail that they would keep these two days according to what was written and according to its appointed time every year;
the Jews established and imposed on themselves, on their descendants, and on all those who joined themselves to them, so that it should not fail that they would keep these two days according to what was written and according to its appointed time every year;
and whiche thingis thei suffriden, and whiche thingis weren chaungid aftirward, that it be not leueful to ony man to passe with out solempnyte these `daies, which the scripture witnessith, and certeyn tymes axen, while the yeeris comen contynuely oon aftir an other.
the Jews have established and received upon them, and upon their seed, and upon all those joined unto them, and it doth not pass away, to be keeping these two days according to their writing, and according to their season, in every year and year;
la Judoj decidis kaj akceptis por si, por sia idaro, kaj por ĉiuj, kiuj aliĝos al ili, ke ili nepre festados tiujn du tagojn laŭ la preskribo kaj en la difinita tempo ĉiujare.
Yudatɔ siwo katã nɔ fiaɖuƒe la me la lɔ̃ ɖe edzi be yewoadze kɔnu sia wɔwɔ gɔme, eye yewoatsɔe ade asi na yewoƒe dzidzimeviwo kple ame siwo katã azu Yudatɔwo. Woɖo be yewomagbe ŋkekenyui sia ɖuɖu le ŋkeke eve siawo dzi le ɣeyiɣi ɖoɖo la dzi ƒe sia ƒe o.
Ja Juudalaiset sääsivät sen, ja ottivat päällensä ja siemenensä päälle, ja kaikkein niiden päälle, jonka itsensä antoivat heidän tykönsä, ettei ne hylkää niitä kahta päivää, vaan pitävät ne joka vuosi, heidän kirjoituksensa ja aikansa jälkeen.
juutalaiset säätivät ja ottivat itsellensä ja jälkeläisillensä ja kaikille heihin liittyville muuttumattomaksi ja pysyväksi tavaksi, että näitä kahta päivää oli vietettävä määräyksen mukaisesti ja määräaikana joka vuosi
les Juifs établirent et adoptèrent pour eux, pour leurs descendants et pour tous ceux qui s'attacheraient à eux, la coutume irrévocable de célébrer chaque année ces deux jours, selon le rite prescrit et au temps fixé.
les Juifs établirent et imposèrent à eux-mêmes, à leurs descendants et à tous ceux qui se joindraient à eux, de ne pas manquer de célébrer chaque année ces deux jours selon ce qui était écrit et selon le temps fixé;
les Juifs établirent et acceptèrent pour eux et pour leur semence, et pour tous ceux qui se joindraient à eux, de ne pas négliger de célébrer chaque année ces deux jours selon leur ordonnance et selon leur temps fixé;
Les Juifs établirent et se soumirent, eux et leur postérité, et tous ceux qui se joindraient à eux, à ne manquer point de célébrer selon ce qui en avait été écrit, ces deux jours dans leur saison chaque année.
Tout ce qu’ils souffrirent, et les changements qui survinrent. Les Juifs prirent pour eux, pour leur race, et pour tous ceux qui voulurent s’associer à leur religion, l’engagement qu’il ne serait permis à personne de passer sans solennité ces deux jours, que cet écrit indique, et qui demandent des temps déterminés, les années se succédant sans interruption.
les Juifs prirent pour eux, pour leur postérité, et pour tous ceux qui s’attacheraient à eux, la résolution et l’engagement irrévocables de célébrer chaque année ces deux jours, selon le mode prescrit et au temps fixé.
les Juifs établirent et adoptèrent pour eux, pour leurs descendants et pour tous ceux qui s’attacheraient à eux, la coutume irrévocable de célébrer chaque année ces deux jours, selon le rite prescrit et au temps fixé.
Les Juifs établirent et adoptèrent, pour eux et pour leur postérité, et pour tous ceux qui se joindraient à eux, de ne point manquer de célébrer, chaque année, ces deux jours, selon leur règle écrite et leur époque déterminée.
les Juifs fixèrent et adoptèrent pour eux et leur postérité et pour tous ceux qui s'attacheraient à eux, l'usage inviolable de célébrer ces deux jours selon la règle écrite et à l'époque déterminée, chaque année,
Et il régla les choses ainsi. Et les Juifs adoptèrent l'usage de ces fêtes pour eux et pour leur race, et pour ceux qui se joignirent à eux pour les observer, et ils ne feront jamais autrement; et ces jours sont un mémorial gardé de générations en générations en chaque ville, chaque famille, chaque province.
les juifs reconnurent et acceptèrent pour eux, pour leurs descendants et pour tous ceux qui se rallieraient à eux l’obligation immuable de fêter ces deux jours-là, suivant la teneur des écrits et à la date fixée, année par année,
Drum machten es zu fester Pflicht und festem Brauch die Juden für sich und ihre Nachkommen sowie für alle, die sich ihnen anschließen. Unwiderruflich soll es sein: Sie haben diese beiden Tage nach Anordnung und Zeitbestimmung jedes Jahr zu feiern! Sie haben diese Tage als Gedächtnistage zu feiern, daß sie in allen Zeitaltern, Geschlechtern und in Provinzen und in Städten feierlich begangen werden.
setzten die Juden fest und nahmen auf sich und auf ihre Nachkommen und auf alle, die sich ihnen anschlossen, als eine ewige Satzung, [W. so daß es nicht vergehe] diese beiden Tage zu feiern, nach dem, was darüber geschrieben worden war, und nach ihrer bestimmten Zeit, Jahr für Jahr;
setzten die Juden fest und nahmen auf sich und auf ihre Nachkommen und auf alle, die sich ihnen anschlossen, als eine ewige Satzung, diese beiden Tage zu feiern, nach dem, was darüber geschrieben worden war, und nach ihrer bestimmten Zeit, Jahr für Jahr;
machten es die Juden für sich und ihre Nachkommen, sowie für alle, die sich ihnen anschließen würden, zu einer feststehenden Pflicht und zu einem unabänderlichen Brauche, daß sie alljährlich diese zwei Tage nach der über sie geltenden Vorschrift und Zeitbestimmung zu begehen hätten,
Und die Juden richteten es auf und nahmen es auf sich und auf ihren Samen und auf alle, die sich zu ihnen taten, daß sie nicht übergehen wollten, zu halten diese zween Tage jährlich, wie die beschrieben und bestimmt wurden,
richteten die Juden es auf und nahmen's auf sich und auf ihre Nachkommen und auf alle, die sich zu ihnen taten, daß sie nicht unterlassen wollten, zu halten diese zwei Tage jährlich, wie die vorgeschrieben und bestimmt waren;
ordneten die Juden an und setzten für sich und ihre Nachkommen und für alle, die sich ihnen anschließen würden, als unumstößliche Satzung fest, diese beiden Tage in der für sie vorgeschriebenen Weise und zu der für sie bestimmten Zeit Jahr für Jahr festlich zu begehen;
setzten die Juden solches fest und nahmen es an für sich und ihre Nachkommen und alle, die sich ihnen anschließen würden, daß sie nicht davon abgehen wollten, jährlich diese zwei Tage zu halten, wie sie vorgeschrieben und bestimmt worden waren.
Ayahudi magĩĩtua kũgĩe mũtugo wa kũrũmĩrĩrwo, nĩguo o ene, na njiaro ciao, na arĩa othe mangĩtũũrania nao, marũmagie mĩthenya ĩyo yeerĩ o mwaka mategũtĩĩrĩria, na njĩra ĩrĩa kwandĩkĩtwo, na mahinda marĩa maatuĩtwo.
διέταξαν οι Ιουδαίοι, και εδέχθησαν εφ' εαυτούς και επί το σπέρμα αυτών και επί πάντας τους προστιθεμένους εις αυτούς, να μη λείψωσι ποτέ από του να φυλάττωσι τας δύο ταύτας ημέρας, κατά το γεγραμμένον περί αυτών και κατά τον καιρόν αυτών εκάστου έτους·
καὶ ἔστησεν καὶ προσεδέχοντο οἱ Ιουδαῖοι ἐφ’ ἑαυτοῖς καὶ ἐπὶ τῷ σπέρματι αὐτῶν καὶ ἐπὶ τοῖς προστεθειμένοις ἐπ’ αὐτῶν οὐδὲ μὴν ἄλλως χρήσονται αἱ δὲ ἡμέραι αὗται μνημόσυνον ἐπιτελούμενον κατὰ γενεὰν καὶ γενεὰν καὶ πόλιν καὶ πατριὰν καὶ χώραν
તેને લીધે યહૂદીઓએ પોતાના તરફથી, પોતાના વંશજો તરફથી અને યહૂદીધર્મ પાળનારાઓ તરફથી પ્રતિવર્ષ આ બે દિવસો લેખ પ્રમાણે ઠરાવેલ સમયે અને મોર્દખાયની સૂચના મુજબ અચૂક ઊજવવાનું માન્ય રાખ્યું.
jwif yo make dat sa a pou yo toujou fè fèt jou sa yo. Yo pran angajman pou yo, pou pitit yo ak pitit pitit yo, ak pou tout moun ki ta vle fè yo jwif, pou chak lanne lè de jou sa yo rive pou yo toujou fè fèt jan Madoche te ekri l' la.
Jwif yo te etabli e te fè kon koutim yo avèk desandan yo, pou tout sila ki te fè alyans avèk yo, pou yo pa ta manke selebre de jou sa yo selon règ e selon tan ki apwente chak ane.
Yahudawa suka ɗauki nawayar kafa al’adar cewa su, da zuriyarsu, da dukan waɗanda suka haɗa hannun da su, za su kiyaye waɗannan kwanaki biyu, kowace shekara yadda aka tsara, a kuma lokacin da aka keɓe dominsu.
Kau no na Iudaio i kanawai, a hoopaa hoi no lakou, a no ka lakou poe keiki, a no ka poe a pau i hai pa me lakou, i mea e haule ole ai, e malama lakou ia mau la elua, e like me ka palapala, a me ka manawa, i kela makahiki, i keia makahiki,
קימו וקבל (וקבלו) היהודים עליהם ועל זרעם ועל כל הנלוים עליהם ולא יעבור--להיות עשים את שני הימים האלה ככתבם וכזמנם בכל שנה ושנה
קִיְּמ֣וּ וְקִבֵּל (וְקִבְּל֣וּ) הַיְּהוּדִים֩ ׀ עֲלֵיהֶ֨ם ׀ וְעַל־זַרְעָ֜ם וְעַ֨ל כָּל־הַנִּלְוִ֤ים עֲלֵיהֶם֙ וְלֹ֣א יַעֲבֹ֔ור לִהְיֹ֣ות עֹשִׂ֗ים אֵ֣ת שְׁנֵ֤י הַיָּמִים֙ הָאֵ֔לֶּה כִּכְתָבָ֖ם וְכִזְמַנָּ֑ם בְּכָל־שָׁנָ֖ה וְשָׁנָֽה׃
קִיְּמ֣וּ וְקִבְּל֣וּ הַיְּהוּדִים֩ ׀ עֲלֵיהֶ֨ם ׀ וְעַל־זַרְעָ֜ם וְעַ֨ל כָּל־הַנִּלְוִ֤ים עֲלֵיהֶם֙ וְלֹ֣א יַעֲב֔וֹר לִהְי֣וֹת עֹשִׂ֗ים אֵ֣ת שְׁנֵ֤י הַיָּמִים֙ הָאֵ֔לֶּה כִּכְתָבָ֖ם וְכִזְמַנָּ֑ם בְּכָל־שָׁנָ֖ה וְשָׁנָֽה׃
קִיְּמוּ (וקבל) [וְקִבְּלוּ] הַיְּהוּדִים ׀ עֲלֵיהֶם ׀ וְעַל־זַרְעָם וְעַל כׇּל־הַנִּלְוִים עֲלֵיהֶם וְלֹא יַעֲבוֹר לִהְיוֹת עֹשִׂים אֵת שְׁנֵי הַיָּמִים הָאֵלֶּה כִּכְתָבָם וְכִזְמַנָּם בְּכׇל־שָׁנָה וְשָׁנָֽה׃
קימו וקבל היהודים עליהם ועל זרעם ועל כל הנלוים עליהם ולא יעבור להיות עשים את שני הימים האלה ככתבם וכזמנם בכל שנה ושנה׃
קִיְּמוּ וקבל וְקִבְּלוּ הַיְּהוּדִים ׀ עֲלֵיהֶם ׀ וְעַל־זַרְעָם וְעַל כָּל־הַנִּלְוִים עֲלֵיהֶם וְלֹא יַעֲבוֹר לִהְיוֹת עֹשִׂים אֵת שְׁנֵי הַיָּמִים הָאֵלֶּה כִּכְתָבָם וְכִזְמַנָּם בְּכָל־שָׁנָה וְשָׁנָֽה׃
קִיְּמ֣וּ וקבל הַיְּהוּדִים֩ ׀ עֲלֵיהֶ֨ם ׀ וְעַל־זַרְעָ֜ם וְעַ֨ל כָּל־הַנִּלְוִ֤ים עֲלֵיהֶם֙ וְלֹ֣א יַעֲב֔וֹר לִהְי֣וֹת עֹשִׂ֗ים אֵ֣ת שְׁנֵ֤י הַיָּמִים֙ הָאֵ֔לֶּה כִּכְתָבָ֖ם וְכִזְמַנָּ֑ם בְּכָל־שָׁנָ֖ה וְשָׁנָֽה׃
यहूदियों ने अपने-अपने लिये और अपनी सन्तान के लिये, और उन सभी के लिये भी जो उनमें मिल गए थे यह अटल प्रण किया, कि उस लेख के अनुसार प्रतिवर्ष उसके ठहराए हुए समय में वे ये दो दिन मानें।
यहूदियों ने यह संकल्प लिया, कि वे तथा उनके वंश इन लिखित संदेशों के अनुसार बिना चूक के, प्रति वर्ष इन दो ठहराए हुए दिनों पर यह उत्सव मनाया करेंगे.
Elhatározák és elfogadák a zsidók mind magokra, mind ivadékokra és mindazokra, a kik hozzájok csatlakoznak, örök időkre, hogy megtartják e két napot, írásuk és határozatuk szerint, minden esztendőben.
Megállapították és elfogadták a zsidók maguk számára, leszármazottjuk számára és mindenki számára, ki hozzájuk csatlakozott, hogy ne szeghessék meg ezen két nap megtartását előírásuk és idejük szerint minden évben,
Ndị Juu niile kwekọrịtara idebe mmemme a, na imekwa ka ụmụ ha, na ndị niile kwenyere iso ha, na-emekwa ya. Ha kpebiri na ha ga-edebe ụbọchị abụọ ndị ahụ kwa afọ, nʼụzọ nakwa oge e zubere ka ọ bụrụ.
ket inawat dagiti Judio ti baro a kaugalian ken pagrebbengan. Daytoy a kaugalian ket para kadakuada, kadagiti kaputotanda, ken ti tunggal maysa a nakitipon kadakuada. Rumbeng a rambakanda dagitoy a dua nga aldaw iti tinawen. Rambakanda dagitoy iti umno a wagas ken iti isu met laeng a tiempo iti tinawen.
mengakibatkan mereka membuat suatu peraturan bagi diri mereka sendiri, bagi keturunan mereka dan bagi semua orang yang akan menjadi warga bangsa Yahudi. Menurut peraturan itu setiap tahun mereka wajib merayakan kedua hari yang telah ditetapkan oleh Mordekhai.
orang Yahudi menerima sebagai kewajiban dan sebagai ketetapan bagi dirinya sendiri dan keturunannya dan bagi sekalian orang yang akan bergabung dengan mereka, bahwa mereka tidak akan melampaui merayakan kedua hari itu tiap-tiap tahun, menurut yang dituliskan tentang itu dan pada waktu yang ditentukan,
maka seluruh bangsa Yahudi menetapkan perjanjian secara resmi untuk merayakan kedua hari itu setiap tahun sesuai dengan apa yang sudah ditentukan.
i Giudei costituirono, e presero sopra sè, e sopra la lor progenie, e sopra tutti quelli che si aggiungerebbero con loro, per istatuto immutabile, di celebrar que' due giorni, secondo che n'era stato scritto; e [ciò], al tempo loro, ogni anno; e che la memoria di que' giorni sarebbe celebrata,
i Giudei stabilirono e presero per sé, per la loro stirpe e per quanti si sarebbero aggiunti a loro, l'impegno inviolabile di celebrare ogni anno quei due giorni, secondo le disposizioni di quello scritto e alla data fissata.
i Giudei stabilirono e presero per sé, per la loro progenie e per tutti quelli che si aggiungerebbero a loro, l’impegno inviolabile di celebrare ogni anno que’ due giorni secondo il tenore di quello scritto e al tempo fissato.
E'ina avu'ava zana Jiu vahe'mo'za kasege eri retro hazageno zamagripinti'ma fore'ma hanaza vahete'ene ru vahe'mo'zama Jiu vahe'enema mani'naku'ma hanaza vahete'enena kasegegna huno me'nena avaririgahaze. Hagi Jiu vahe'mo'za huama hu'za, maka kafua mani okanegosunanki ama ana tare knarera ne'zana kreta neneta musena hugahune hu'za hu'naze.
ಯೆಹೂದ್ಯರು ಸ್ಮರಿಸಿಕೊಂಡು ಪ್ರತಿವರ್ಷವೂ ಆ ಎರಡು ದಿನಗಳನ್ನು, ಅವುಗಳಿಗೆ ಸಂಬಂಧಪಟ್ಟ ಶಾಸನದ ಪ್ರಕಾರ, ನಿಯಮಿತ ಕಾಲದಲ್ಲಿ ಆಚರಿಸುವಂತೆ ತಮ್ಮಲ್ಲಿಯೂ ತಮ್ಮ ಸಂತಾನದವರಲ್ಲಿಯೂ ತಮ್ಮೊಂದಿಗೆ ಸೇರಿಕೊಳ್ಳುವವರಲ್ಲಿಯೂ ಯಾವ ವಿಧದಲ್ಲಿಯೂ ಮೀರಕೂಡದ ಪದ್ಧತಿಯನ್ನಾಗಿ ಪಾಲಿಸಲು ತೀರ್ಮಾನಿಸಿದರು.
ಯೆಹೂದ್ಯರು ಆ ಪತ್ರದ ಮಾತುಗಳನ್ನೂ ಅವುಗಳ ಸಂಬಂಧವಾಗಿ ತಾವೇ ಅನುಭವಿಸಿದ್ದನ್ನೂ, ತಮಗೆ ಸಂಭವಿಸಿದ್ದನ್ನೂ ಮನಸ್ಸಿಗೆ ತೆಗೆದುಕೊಂಡು,
뜻을 정하고 자기와 자손과 자기와 화합한 자들이 해마다 그 기록한 정기에 이 두 날을 연하여 지켜 폐하지 아니하기로 작정하고
뜻을 정하고 자기와 자손과 자기와 화합한 자들이 해마다 그 기록한 정기에 이 두 날을 연하여 지켜 폐하지 아니하기로 작정하고
mwet Jew elos orala sie ma sap nu selos sifacna, oayapa nu sin fwilin tulik natulos ac kutena mwet su ac fah wela mwet Jew, tuh len luo inge in akfulatyeyuk ke sun pacl fal la ke yac nukewa, in fal nu ke oakwuk ma Mordecai el oakiya.
جولەکەکان پەسەندیان کرد و کردیانە نەریت، خۆیان و نەوەکانیان و ئەوانەشی دەچنە پاڵیان پەیڕەویان کرد، بۆ ئەوەی لە یاد نەکرێن، هەمیشە لەو دوو ڕۆژەدا بەپێی ئەوەی کە نووسراوە و لە کاتی خۆیاندا هەموو ساڵێک ئاهەنگ بگێڕن.
quæque sustinuerunt, et quæ deinceps immutata sunt, susceperunt Judæi super se et semen suum, et super cunctos qui religioni eorum voluerunt copulari, ut nulli liceat duos hos dies absque solemnitate transigere, quos scriptura testatur, et certa expetunt tempora, annis sibi jugiter succedentibus.
quæque sustinuerunt, et quæ deinceps immutata sunt, susceperunt Iudæi super se et semen suum, et super cunctos, qui religioni eorum voluerunt copulari, ut nulli liceat duos hos dies absque sollemnitate transigere: quos scriptura testatur, et certa expetunt tempora, annis sibi iugiter succedentibus.
quæque sustinuerunt, et quæ deinceps immutata sunt, susceperunt Iudæi super se et semen suum, et super cunctos, qui religioni eorum voluerunt copulari, ut nulli liceat duos hos dies absque sollemnitate transigere: quos scriptura testatur, et certa expetunt tempora, annis sibi iugiter succedentibus.
quæque sustinuerunt, et quæ deinceps immutata sunt, susceperunt Judæi super se et semen suum, et super cunctos qui religioni eorum voluerunt copulari, ut nulli liceat duos hos dies absque solemnitate transigere, quos scriptura testatur, et certa expetunt tempora, annis sibi jugiter succedentibus.
quaeque sustinuerint et quae deinceps inmutata sint suscepere Iudaei super se et semen suum et super cunctos qui religioni eorum voluerint copulari ut nulli liceat duos hos dies absque sollemnitate transigere quam scriptura testatur et certa expetunt tempora annis sibi iugiter succedentibus
quaeque sustinuerunt, et quae deinceps immutata sunt, susceperunt Iudaei super se et semen suum, et super cunctos, qui religioni eorum voluerunt copulari, ut nulli liceat duos hos dies absque sollemnitate transigere: quos scriptura testatur, et certa expetunt tempora, annis sibi iugiter succedentibus.
Jūdi to iecēla un nolika priekš sevis un saviem bērniem un visiem, kas viņiem pieķērās, ka to nepārkāptu, bet ka svētītu šās divas dienas pēc viņu rakstiem un pēc viņu nospriestā laika ikgadus;
Bayuda bakataki mpe bandimaki ete yango ekoma ezaleli mpo na bango, ezaleli ya bakitani na bango mpe ya bato nyonso oyo bakosangana na bango, mpo ete batosaka kosala feti ya mikolo oyo mibale, na mibu nyonso, ndenge ekatama na tango na yango.
Abayudaaya kyebaava balagira ne basuubiza, era ne basuubiriza ezzadde lyabwe n’abo bonna abanaabeegattangako, nti awatali kwekwasa nsonga yonna, bateekwa okukwatanga ennaku ezo zombi buli mwaka ng’ekiwandiiko kyazo bwe kyali era ng’ebiro byazo bwe byali.
dia nanao lalàna tsy azo ovana ny Jiosy ka nanaiky fa izy sy ny taranany ary izay rehetra miray aminy dia hitandrina izany andro roa izany araka ny voasoratra sy araka ny fotoany isan-taona;
ty nitroara’ o nte-Iehodao naho rinambe’ iareo ho am-bata’e naho ho amo tarira’ iareoo naho amy ze hirekets’ am’ iereo, t’ie tsy hapòke fa ho tana’ iareo i andro roe rey ty amy sinokitse ama’ey, amy andro namantañañey, boa-tao-boa-taoñe;
യെഹൂദന്മാർ ഈ രണ്ട് ദിവസങ്ങളെ അവയുടെ ചട്ടവും കാലവും അനുസരിച്ചു എല്ലാ വർഷവും മുടക്കംകൂടാതെ ആചരിക്കത്തക്കവണ്ണവും
യെഹൂദന്മാർ ഈ രണ്ടു ദിവസങ്ങളെ അവയുടെ ചട്ടവും കാലവും അനുസരിച്ചു ആണ്ടുതോറും വീഴ്ചകൂടാതെ ആചരിക്കത്തക്കവണ്ണവും
യെഹൂദന്മാർ ഈ രണ്ടു ദിവസങ്ങളെ അവയുടെ ചട്ടവും കാലവും അനുസരിച്ചു ആണ്ടുതോറും വീഴ്ചകൂടാതെ ആചരിക്കത്തക്കവണ്ണവും
തങ്ങളും തങ്ങളുടെ പിൻഗാമികളും, തങ്ങളോടു ചേരുന്നവരും മുടക്കംകൂടാതെ വർഷംതോറും നിർദിഷ്ടസമയത്ത് ഇവ ആചരിക്കണമെന്ന് യെഹൂദർ തീരുമാനിച്ചുറച്ചു.
यहूद्यांनी नवीन रीत व कर्तव्य स्विकारले. ही रीत आपल्यासाठी, आपल्या वंशजासाठी व जो प्रत्येकजन त्यांना जोडलेले आहे तो. आपण हे दोन दिवस प्रत्येक वर्षी साजरे करावेत. ते त्यांच्या नियमानुसार आणि प्रत्येकवर्षी त्याच वेळी साजरे करावे.
ယု​ဒ​အ​မျိုး​သား​များ​သည်​မိ​မိ​တို့​ကိုယ် တိုင်​သာ​မ​က သား​မြေး​များ​နှင့်​ယု​ဒ​ဘာ​သာ သို့​ကူး​ပြောင်း​လာ​သူ​များ​အ​တွက် ထုံး​တမ်း​စဉ် လာ​တစ်​ရပ်​အ​နေ​ဖြင့်​နှစ်​စဉ်​နှစ်​တိုင်း​အ​ချိန် ကျ​သော​အ​ခါ ဆို​ခဲ့​သော​နှစ်​ရက်​ကို​မော်​ဒ​ကဲ ၏​ညွှန်​ကြား​ချက်​များ​နှင့်​အ​ညီ​ကျင်း​ပ​ရန် သော်​လည်း​ကောင်း၊-
ယုဒလူတို့သည် ကိုယ်တိုင်မှစ၍ သားမြေး၊ ဘာသာဝင်သူ အပေါင်းတို့နှင့်တကွ၊ မော်ဒကဲမှာစာ၌ စီရင်ထုံးဖွဲ့သည်အတိုင်း၊ ထိုနေ့ နှစ်ရက်ကိုနှစ်တိုင်း အစဉ်မပြတ်စောင့်မည်အကြောင်း၊
ယုဒ လူတို့သည် ကိုယ်တိုင်မှစ၍သား မြေး၊ ဘာသာဝင် သူ အပေါင်း တို့နှင့်တကွ ၊ မော်ဒကဲမှာစာ၌ စီရင် ထုံးဖွဲ့သည်အတိုင်း ၊ ထို နေ့ နှစ် ရက်ကိုနှစ် တိုင်း အစဉ် မပြတ်စောင့် မည်အကြောင်း၊
I whakapumau ai nga Hurai i te tikanga, i whakaae ai hei mea ma ratou, ma o ratou uri, ma te hunga ano hoki e honoa ki a ratou, hei mea e kore e whakataka, kia whakaritea enei ra e rua, kia pera ano me te mea i tuhituhia, i te wa ano e tika ai i tenei tau, i tenei tau;
amaJuda akwenza umlandu wawo ukuthi aqalise umkhuba wokuthi wona kanye lezizukulwane zawo labo bonke abahlanganyela lawo kumele loba kutheni baphumule ngezinsuku lezi ezimbili minyaka yonke, ngendlela eyayimisiwe langesikhathi esasiqanjiwe.
amaJuda amisa azemukelela wona lenzalo yawo labo bonke abazihlanganisa lawo, ukuze bangeqi, ukugcina lezinsuku ezimbili, njengokombhalo wazo, lanjengokwesikhathi sazo esimisiweyo, kuwo wonke umnyaka lomnyaka,
यहूदीहरूले नयाँ चलन र कर्तव्यलाई स्वीकार गरे । यो चलन तिनीहरू, तिनीहरूका सन्तानहरू र तिनीहरूसँग मिल्ने हरेकको लागि थियो । हरेक वर्ष तिनीहरूले यी दुई दिनको उत्सव मनाउनुपर्ने भयो । हरेक वर्ष उही समयमा तिनीहरूले विशेष तवरले यो चाड मान्‍नुपर्ने भयो ।
fastsatte jødene og vedtok som ubrytelig skikk for sig og sine efterkommere og for alle som gikk over til deres tro, at de år efter år skulde høitideligholde disse to dager efter forskriften om dem og på den for dem fastsatte tid,
so gjorde jødarne det til fast skikk og bruk for seg og etterkomarane sine og for alle som gjekk yver til deira tru, at dei skulde år etter år, ubrigdeleg, høgtida desse tvo dagarne etter fyreskrifti um deim, og på den fastsette tidi,
ତତ୍‍ସମ୍ପର୍କୀୟ ଲିଖିତ ଆଜ୍ଞା ଓ ନିରୂପିତ ସମୟାନୁସାରେ ସେମାନେ ବର୍ଷକୁ ବର୍ଷ ଏହି ଦୁଇ ଦିନ ପାଳନ କରିବେ ଓ କୌଣସି ରୂପେ ତାହା ଲୋପ କରିବେ ନାହିଁ।
Yihuudoonni akka guyyoonni lamaan kunneen akkuma barreeffamettii fi yeroo murteeffametti utuu addaan hin citin waggaa waggaadhaan ayyaaneffamaniif bartee ofii isaanii, kan sanyiiwwan isaaniitii fi warra isaanitti dabalaman hundaa godhanii dhaabbatan.
ਯਹੂਦੀਆਂ ਨੇ ਆਪਣੇ ਲਈ, ਆਪਣੇ ਬੱਚਿਆਂ ਲਈ ਅਤੇ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਸਾਰਿਆਂ ਲਈ ਜਿਹੜੇ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਮਿਲ ਗਏ ਸਨ, ਇਹ ਗੱਲ ਪੱਕੀ ਕਰਕੇ ਸਵੀਕਾਰ ਕਰ ਲਈ ਤਾਂ ਜੋ ਇਹ ਅਟੱਲ ਹੋ ਜਾਵੇ ਕਿ ਉਹ ਇਹਨਾਂ ਦੋਹਾਂ ਦਿਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਆਪਣੀ ਲਿਖਤ ਦੇ ਅਨੁਸਾਰ ਠਹਿਰਾਏ ਹੋਏ ਸਮੇਂ ਉੱਤੇ ਹਰ ਸਾਲ ਮਨਾਉਣਗੇ।
یهودیان این را فریضه ساختند و آن را بر ذمه خود و ذریت خویش وهمه کسانی که به ایشان ملصق شوند، گرفتند که تبدیل نشود و آن دو روز را برحسب کتابت آنها وزمان معین آنها سال به سال نگاه دارند.
یهودیان این را به صورت رسم درآوردند که خود و فرزندانشان و تمام کسانی که به دین یهود می‌گروند این دو روز را هر ساله طبق دستور مردخای جشن بگیرند.
Postanowili też i przyjęli to Żydowie na się, i na nasienie swoje, i na wszystkich, którzy się do nich przyłączyli, aby tego nie przestępowano, ale żeby obchodzono te dwa dni według opisania ich, i według postanowionego czasu ich na każdy rok.
Żydzi postanowili i wzięli na siebie, na swoje potomstwo i na wszystkich, którzy się do nich przyłączyli, nieustający [obowiązek], aby obchodzono te dwa dni stosownie do pisma i zgodnie z ustalonym czasem każdego roku;
Os judeus confirmaram e comprometeram a si mesmos e a seus descendentes, e a todos os que se fossem próximos deles, que não deixariam de comemorar estes dois dias conforme o que foi escrito deles, e conforme seu tempo determinado, todos os anos;
Confirmaram os judeos, e tomaram sobre si, e sobre a sua semente, e sobre todos os que se achegassem a elles, que não se deixaria de guardar estes dois dias conforme ao que se escrevêra d'elles, e segundo o seu tempo determinado, todos os annos.
Confirmaram os judeus, e tomaram sobre si, e sobre a sua semente, e sobre todos os que se achegassem a eles, que não se deixaria de guardar estes dois dias conforme ao que se escrevera deles, e segundo o seu tempo determinado, todos os anos.
os judeus estabeleceram e impuseram a si mesmos, a seus descendentes, e a todos aqueles que se uniram a eles, para que não deixassem de guardar estes dois dias de acordo com o que estava escrito e de acordo com seu tempo designado a cada ano;
иудеий ау луат пентру ей, пентру сэмынца лор ши пентру тоць чей че се вор липи де ей хотэрыря ши ындаториря де нескимбат ка сэ прэзнуяскэ ын фиекаре ан ачесте доуэ зиле, ын фелул рындуит ши ла время хотэрытэ.
Iudeii au rânduit şi au luat asupra lor, şi asupra seminţei lor, şi asupra tuturor celor ce li s-au alipit, să nu neglijeze să ţină aceste două zile conform scrierii lor şi conform timpului lor hotărât, în fiecare an;
постановили Иудеи и приняли на себя и на детей своих и на всех, присоединяющихся к ним, неотменно, чтобы праздновать эти два дня, по предписанному о них и в свое для них время, каждый год;
Поставише Јудејци и примише на се и на семе своје и на све који се удруже с њима да је непроменљиво да славе та два дана као што је написано за њих и на време које је за њих одређено, сваке године,
Postaviše Judejci i primiše na se i na sjeme svoje i na sve koji se udruže s njima da je nepromjenito da slave ta dva dana kao što je napisano za njih i na vrijeme koje je za njih odreðeno, svake godine,
vaJudha vakasarudza kusimbisa tsika yokuti ivo navana vavo navose vaizobatana navo vaifanira kucherechedza mazuva maviri aya gore negore vasingatongoregi, sezvazvakanga zvakanyorwa uye nenguva dzakatarwa.
Устави убо, и тако прияша Иудее на себе и на семя свое и на ириложившихся к ним, ниже иначе да употребляют: дние же сии памяти совершаеми по роду и роду, и граду и отечеству и стране.
Judje odredili in vzeli nase in na svoje potomstvo in na vse tiste, ki so se jim pridružili, tako da to ne bi prešlo, da bodo vsako leto ta dva dneva ohranjali glede na njihovo pisanje in glede na njihov določeni čas.
Yuhuuddu waxay amreen oo dul saareen iyaga iyo farcankooda, iyo in alla intii iyaga ku darmatay, inaanay ka baaqan, inay labadaas maalmood u dhawraan sannad kasta sida waafaqsan waxa laga qoray, iyo goor waafaqsan xilligii la yidhi;
establecieron y tomaron los judíos sobre sí, y sobre su simiente, y sobre todos los allegados a ellos, y no será traspasado, el celebrar estos dos días según está escrito en orden a ellos, y conforme a su tiempo cada año;
los judíos se comprometieron a adoptar la práctica de que ellos y sus descendientes, y todos los que se unieran a ellos, no se olvidaran de celebrar estos dos días tal como se había establecido, y en el momento adecuado cada año.
los judíos establecieron y se impusieron a sí mismos, a sus descendientes y a todos los que se unieron a ellos, para que no dejasen de guardar estos dos días según lo que estaba escrito y según su tiempo señalado cada año;
los judíos establecieron para ellos, para su descendencia y para todos los que se unieran a ellos, que sin falta ellos observarían cada año estos dos días según está escrito,
los judíos establecieron como obligación para sí, para sus descendientes y para los que se les agregasen, celebrar irrevocablemente estos dos días, conforme a lo prescrito y en el tiempo señalado, año tras año
Establecieron y aceptaron los Judíos sobre sí, y sobre su simiente, y sobre todos los allegados a ellos, y no será traspasado, de hacer estos dos días según la escritura de ellos, y conforme a su tiempo cada un año.
Establecieron y tomaron los Judíos sobre sí, y sobre su simiente, y sobre todos los allegados á ellos, y no será traspasado, el celebrar estos dos días según está escrito en orden á ellos, y conforme á su tiempo cada un año;
Los judíos establecieron una regla y se comprometieron, haciendo que su simiente y todos los que se unieron a ellos hicieran lo mismo, para que esté vigente para siempre, que mantendrían esos dos días, según lo ordenado en la carta, en el horario fijo de cada año;
Wayahudi wakapokea jukumu na desturi mpya. Desturi hii iwe kwa ajili yao, watoto wao, na kila ambaye aliyeungana nao. Na itakuwa kwamba maadhimisho haya watayafanya kwa kila mwaka. Wataadhimisha kwa namna fulani na nyakati hizo hizo kila mwaka.
Wayahudi wakachukua na kuifanya desturi kwamba wao na wazao wao na wote ambao walijiunga nao wangefanya bila kuacha kushika siku hizi mbili kila mwaka, kwa njia ilivyoelekezwa na kwa wakati wake.
stadgade judarna och antogo såsom orygglig sed för sig och sina efterkommande och för alla, som slöto sig till dem, att alltid, år efter år, fira dessa båda dagar, efter föreskriften om dem och på den för dem bestämda tiden,
Och Judarna togo det uppå sig och sina säd, och uppå alla dem som gåfvo sig till dem, att de icke ville gå härifrå;
stadgade judarna och antogo såsom orygglig sed för sig och sina efterkommande och för alla, som slöto sig till dem, att alltid, år efter år, fira dessa båda dagar, efter föreskriften om dem och på den för dem bestämda tiden,
Ang mga Judio ay nangagpasiya at nagsipangako sa kanilang sarili at sa kanilang binhi, at sa lahat ng yaon na nagpipisan sa kanila, na anopa't huwag magkulang, na kanilang ipangingilin ang dalawang araw na ito ayon sa sulat niyaon, at ayon sa takdang panahon niyaon taon-taon;
tinanggap ng mga Judio ang isang bagong kaugalian at tungkulin. Itong kaugalian ay para sa kanilang mga sarili, kanilang mga kaapu-apuhan, at bawat isang sasama sa kanila. Ipagdiriwang nila ang dalawang araw na ito bawat taon. Ipagdiriwang nila sa tiyak na paraan at sa parehong panahon bawat taon.
யூதர்கள் அதை ஏற்றுக்கொண்டு, அந்த இரண்டு நாட்களைக்குறித்து எழுதியிருக்கிறபடியே, அவைகளை ஒவ்வொரு வருடமும், அவைகளின் சரியான காலத்தில் கொண்டாடாமல் இருப்பதில்லை என்பதையும்,
யூதர்கள் ஒரு வழக்கத்தை நிலைநிறுத்தவேண்டும் என்றும் உறுதி செய்துகொண்டார்கள். தாங்களும், தங்கள் சந்ததிகளும், தங்களுடன் இணைந்துகொள்ளும் எல்லோருடனும் வருடந்தோறும் இந்த இரண்டு நாட்களையும் நியமிக்கப்பட்ட காலத்திலேயும், விபரிக்கப்பட்ட விதத்திலேயும் தவறாது கைக்கொள்ளவேண்டும் என்றும் தீர்மானித்தார்கள்.
యూదులు ఈ రెండు రోజులను గూర్చి ఆజ్ఞ అందినట్టే ఏటేటా నియమించిన రోజుల్లో ఉత్సవం చేసుకుంటామని ఒప్పందం చేసుకున్నారు. ఈ పండగ రోజులను తరతరాలు ప్రతి కుటుంబంలో ప్రతి సంస్థానంలో ప్రతి పట్టణంలో జ్ఞాపకార్థంగా ఆచరిస్తామని నిశ్చయించుకున్నారు.
Naʻe tuʻutuʻuni ʻe he kakai Siu, pea fakahoko kiate kinautolu, pea ki honau hako, pea kiate kinautolu naʻe fakahoko ʻakinautolu kiate kinautolu, pea ke ʻoua naʻa ngata, kenau tauhi ʻae ongo ʻaho ni ʻo fakatatau ki heʻena tohi, pea fakatatau ki hono kuonga kuo tuʻutuʻuni ʻi he taʻu kotoa pē:
Verse not available
Yudafo a wɔwɔ ahemman no mu no nyinaa penee so sɛ, wɔbɛhyɛ saa amanne no ho fa, na wɔama wɔn awo ntoatoaso ne wɔn a wɔbɛyɛ Yudafo no nyinaa abɛhyɛ bi. Wɔn nyinaa gye too mu sɛ, saa nnaanu a wɔayi ato hɔ sɛ wɔnhyɛ fa no wɔ afe biara mu no, wɔremma ɛmpa wɔn ti so da.
Yudafoɔ a wɔwɔ ahemman no mu no nyinaa penee so sɛ, wɔbɛhyɛ saa amanneɛ no ho fa, na wɔama wɔn awoɔ ntoatoasoɔ ne wɔn a wɔbɛyɛ Yudafoɔ no nyinaa abɛhyɛ bi. Wɔn nyinaa gye too mu sɛ, saa nnanu a wɔayi ato hɔ sɛ wɔnhyɛ fa no afe biara mu no, wɔremma ɛmmpa wɔn tiri so da.
юдеї постанови́ли й прийняли́ на себе й на наща́дків своїх, та на всіх, хто поєдна́ється з ними, і не відсту́плять, але́ щоб святкува́ти два ті дні кожного року згідно з напи́саним про них та згідно з їхнім ча́сом.
यहूदियों ने ठहरा दिया, और अपने ऊपर और अपनी नस्ल के लिए और उन सभों के लिए जो उनके साथ मिल गए थे, यह ज़िम्मा लिया ताकि बात अटल हो जाए कि वह उस ख़त की तहरीर के मुताबिक़ हर साल उन दोनों दिनों को मुक़र्ररा वक़्त पर मानेंगे।
ئۆزلىرى، ئەۋلادلىرى ھەمدە ئۆزلىرى بىلەن بىرلەشكەن بارلىق كىشىلەرنىڭ پۈتۈلگەن ئەھكامنى تۇتۇپ، بەلگىلەنگەن ۋاقىتتا ئەشۇ ئىككى كۈننى ھەر يىلى مەڭگۈ ئۈزۈلدۈرمەي بايرام قىلىشىنى قارار قىلدى،
өзлири, әвлатлири һәмдә өзлири билән бирләшкән барлиқ кишиләрниң пүтүлгән әһкамни тутуп, бәлгүләнгән вақитта әшу икки күнни һәр жили мәңгү үзүлдүрмәй байрам қилишини қарар қилди,
özliri, ewladliri hemde özliri bilen birleshken barliq kishilerning pütülgen ehkamni tutup, belgilen’gen waqitta eshu ikki künni her yili menggü üzüldürmey bayram qilishini qarar qildi,
ɵzliri, ǝwladliri ⱨǝmdǝ ɵzliri bilǝn birlǝxkǝn barliⱪ kixilǝrning pütülgǝn ǝⱨkamni tutup, bǝlgilǝngǝn waⱪitta ǝxu ikki künni ⱨǝr yili mǝnggü üzüldürmǝy bayram ⱪilixini ⱪarar ⱪildi,
nên dân Giu-đa nhận và định thường lệ cho mình, cho dòng giống mình, và cho những người sẽ nhập bọn với mình, mỗi năm phải giữ hai ngày nầy tùy cái thơ nầy và theo thì nhất định, chẳng ai nên bỏ bê;
nên dân Giu-đa nhận và định thường lệ cho mình, cho dòng giống mình, và cho những người sẽ nhập bọn với mình, mỗi năm phải giữ hai ngày nầy tùy cái thơ nầy và theo thì nhứt định, chẳng ai nên bỏ bê;
cũng như theo lời yêu cầu của Mạc-đô-chê, người Do Thái trong toàn đế quốc đã ấn định cho họ, cho dòng dõi và cho những người nhập tịch Do Thái, mỗi năm phải giữ đúng ba ngày lễ ấy.
àwọn Júù fi lélẹ̀, wọ́n sì gbà á gẹ́gẹ́ bí ìlànà fún ara wọn àti fún irú àwọn ọmọ wọn àti gbogbo àwọn tí ó darapọ̀ mọ́ wọn, kò sì ní kúrò, wọn yóò sì máa pa àwọn ọjọ́ méjèèjì yìí mọ́ ní gbogbo ọdún, gẹ́gẹ́ bí a ti kọ ọ́ àti àkókò tí a yàn.
Verse Count = 212

< Esther 9:27 >