< Deuteronomy 32:49 >

“Go up into this mountain of Abarim, to Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is across from Jericho; and see the land of Canaan, which I give to the children of Israel for a possession.
«اِصْعَدْ إِلَى جَبَلِ عَبَارِيمَ هَذَا، جَبَلِ نَبُو ٱلَّذِي فِي أَرْضِ مُوآبَ ٱلَّذِي قُبَالَةَ أَرِيحَا، وَٱنْظُرْ أَرْضَ كَنْعَانَ ٱلَّتِي أَنَا أُعْطِيهَا لِبَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ مُلْكًا،
«اصْعَدْ إِلَى سِلْسِلَةِ جِبَالِ عَبَارِيمَ حَيْثُ جَبَلُ نَبُو الَّذِي فِي أَرْضِ مُوآبَ مُقَابِلَ أَرِيحَا، وَشَاهِدْ أَرْضَ كَنْعَانَ الَّتِي أَنَا وَاهِبُهَا مُلْكاً لِبَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ.
“তুমি যিৰীহোৰ বিপৰীতে মোৱাব দেশত থকা সেই অবাৰীম পৰ্ব্বতমালাৰ নবো পাহাৰৰ ওপৰলৈ উঠি যোৱা আৰু ইস্ৰায়েলীয়াসকলক অধিকাৰৰ অৰ্থে মই যি দেশ দিবলৈ গৈ আছোঁ, সেই কনান দেশ চোৱাগৈ।
«Yerixo qarşısında, Moav torpağında olan bu Avarim dağına, Nevo dağına çıx. İsrail övladlarına mülk olaraq verəcəyim Kənan torpağını gör.
“Di A: balime Goumiga gilisisu (Moua: be soge ganodini, Yeligou moilai bai bagade gadenene) amoga masa. Nibou Goumiba: le heda: le, Ga: ina: ne soge amo Na da Isala: ili dunuma iaha, amo ba: ma.
অর্থাৎ যিরীহোর সামনে অবস্থিত মোয়াব দেশে অবস্থিত অবারীম পর্বতে ওঠ এবং আমি অধিকারের জন্যে ইস্রায়েল সন্তানদের যে দেশ দিচ্ছি, সেই কনান দেশ দেখ।
“তুমি যিরীহোর উল্টোদিকে মোয়াব দেশের অবারীম পর্বতমালার মধ্যে নেবো পর্বতে গিয়ে ওঠো এবং অধিকার হিসেবে যে কনান দেশটি আমি ইস্রায়েলীদের দিচ্ছি তা একবার দেখে নাও।
Възкачи се на тая аваримска планина, планината Нево, която е в Моавската земя срещу Ерихон, и разгледай Ханаанската земя, който Аз давам на израилтяните за притежание;
“Tungas ngadto sa kabukiran sa Abarim, sa taas sa Bukid sa Nebo, nga mao ang yuta sa Moab, nga atbang sa Jerico. Tan-awa ang yuta sa Canaan, nga igahatag ko sa katawhan sa Israel ingon nga ilang mapanag-iya.
Tumungas ka niining bukira sa Abarim, sa bukid sa Nebo, nga anaa sa yuta sa Moab, nga anaa sa atbang sa Jerico; ug tan-awa ang yuta sa Canaan, nga akong gihatag aron mapanag-iya sa mga anak sa Israel;
“Pita ku mapiri a ku Abarimu ukakwere pa Phiri la Nebo ku Mowabu, moyangʼanana ndi Yeriko, ndipo ukaone dziko la Kanaani, dziko limene ndikulipereka kwa Aisraeli kukhala lawo.
Jeriko vangpui pacoengah kaom, Moab prae Abarim maesang ih Nebo maesom nuiah daw tahang ah loe, Israel kaminawk khaeah qawk ah toep han ka paek ih, Kanaan prae to dan ah;
Jerikho imdan Moab kho kah Abarim tlang, Nebo tlang la luei lamtah kai loh Israel ca rhoek taengah khohut la ka paek Kanaan kho te so lah.
“Jerikho imdan Moab kho kah Abarim tlang, Nebo tlang la luei lamtah kai loh Israel ca rhoek taengah khohut la ka paek Kanaan kho te so lah.
Jericho toh kigalsai, Moab gamsunga, Nebo molsang, Abarim molsang kiti lai akhun kaldoh in, hiche muna kon khun keiman Israel mite chenna dinga kapehna gamsung, Canaan gamsung khu nagavet ding ahi, ati.
Isarelnaw hah kai ni ka poe e ram hah khenhaw.
“Popni se na goru Nebo u Abarskom gorju - ono je u moapskoj zemlji nasuprot Jerihonu - pa pogledaj zemlju kanaansku što ću je dati u posjed Izraelcima.
Vstup na horu tuto Abarim, na vrch Nébo, kteráž jest v zemi Moábské naproti Jerichu, a spatř zemi Kananejskou, kterouž já dávám synům Izraelským právem dědičným.
Vstup na horu tuto Abarim, na vrch Nébo, kteráž jest v zemi Moábské naproti Jerichu, a spatř zemi Kananejskou, kterouž já dávám synům Izraelským právem dědičným.
"Stig op på Abarimbjerget der, Nebobjerget i Moabs Land over for Jeriko, og se ud over Kana'ans Land, som jeg vil give Israelitterne i Eje!
Gak op paa dette Abarims Bjerg, paa Nebo Bjerg, som er i Moabs Land, som er lige for Jeriko, og bese det Land Kanaan, hvilket jeg giver Israels Børn til Ejendom,
»Stig op paa Abarimbjerget der, Nebobjerget i Moabs Land over for Jeriko, og se ud over Kana'ans Land, som jeg vil give Israeliterne i Eje!
“Idh Got mar Nebo ma en achiel kuom gode mag Abarim manie piny Moab, yo Jeriko kendo ine piny Kanaan, ma en piny mabiro miyo jo-Israel kar girkeni margi.
Klim op den berg Abarim (deze is de berg Nebo, die in het land van Moab is, die tegenover Jericho is), en zie het land Kanaan, dat Ik den kinderen Israels tot een bezitting geven zal;
Bestijg hier het gebergte Abarim, de berg Nebo in het land Moab en tegenover Jericho, en werp een blik over het land Kanaän, dat Ik aan de kinderen Israëls in eigendom ga geven.
Klim op den berg Abarim (deze is de berg Nebo, die in het land van Moab is, die tegenover Jericho is), en zie het land Kanaan, dat Ik den kinderen Israels tot een bezitting geven zal;
Get thee up onto this mountain of Abarim, to mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is opposite Jericho, and behold the land of Canaan, which I give to the sons of Israel for a possession.
“Go up into this mountain of Abarim, to Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is across from Jericho; and see the land of Canaan, which I give to the children of Israel for a possession.
Get thee up into this mountain of Abarim, unto mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is over against Jericho; and behold the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel for a possession;
“Go up into the Abarim Range to Mount Nebo, in the land of Moab across from Jericho, and view the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelites as their own possession.
Go up into this mountain of Abarim, to Mount Nebo in the land of Moab opposite Jericho; there you may see the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the children of Israel for their heritage:
Go up to the mount Abarim, this mountain Nabau which is in the land of Moab over against Jericho, and behold the land of Chanaan, which I give to the sons of Israel:
Go up to the mount Abarim, this mountain Nabau which is in the land of Moab over against Jericho, and behold the land of Chanaan, which I give to the sons of Israel:
“Ascend this mountain, Abarim, (that is, of crossings) onto Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, opposite Jericho, and look upon the land of Canaan, which I will deliver to the sons of Israel to obtain it. And you shall die upon the mountain.
Go up into this mountain Abarim, mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, which is opposite Jericho; and behold the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel for a possession,
Go up into this mountain Abarim, (that is to say, of passages, ) unto mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab over against Jericho: and see the land of Chanaan, which I will deliver to the children of Israel to possess, and die thou in the mountain.
“Climb up into the Abarim mountains to Mount Nebo, in the land of Moab opposite Jericho, and look over the country of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelites for them to own.
Goe vp into the mountaine of Abarim, vnto the mount Nebo, which is in the lande of Moab, that is ouer against Iericho: and beholde the lande of Canaan, which I giue vnto the children of Israel for a possession,
'Get thee up into this mountain of Abarim, unto mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is over against Jericho; and behold the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel for a possession;
Get thee up into this mountain Abarim, [unto] mount Nebo, which [is] in the land of Moab, that [is] over against Jericho; and behold the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel for a possession:
Get you up into this mountain Abarim, to mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is over against Jericho; and behold the land of Canaan, which I give to the children of Israel for a possession:
Get thee up into this mountain Abarim, unto mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is over against Jericho; and behold the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel for a possession:
Get thee up into this mountain Abarim, unto mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is over against Jericho; and behold the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel for a possession:
Get thee up into this mountain Abarim, unto mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is over against Jericho; and behold the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel for a possession:
Get you up into this mountain Abarim, unto mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is opposite to Jericho; and behold the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel for a possession:
Go up to the mount Abarim, this mountain Nabau which is in the land of Moab over against Jericho, and behold the land of Chanaan, which I give to the sons of Israel:
Get thee up into this mountain of 'Abarim, unto mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is in front of Jericho; and behold the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel for a possession;
“Go up to this Mount Abarim, Mount Nebo, which [is] in the land of Moab, which [is] on the front of Jericho, and see the land of Canaan which I am giving to the sons of Israel for a possession;
"Go up into this mountain of Abarim, to Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is over against Jericho; and see the land of Canaan, which I give to the children of Israel for a possession;
"Go up into this mountain of Abarim, to Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is over against Jericho; and see the land of Canaan, which I give to the children of Israel for a possession;
"Go up into this mountain of Abarim, to Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is over against Jericho; and see the land of Canaan, which I give to the children of Israel for a possession;
"Go up into this mountain of Abarim, to Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is over against Jericho; and see the land of Canaan, which I give to the children of Israel for a possession;
"Go up into this mountain of Abarim, to Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is over against Jericho; and see the land of Canaan, which I give to the children of Israel for a possession;
"Go up into this mountain of Abarim, to Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is over against Jericho; and see the land of Canaan, which I give to the children of Israel for a possession;
“Go up into this mountain of Abarim, to Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab [From father], that is across from Jericho [Fragrant, Moon]; and see the land of Canaan [Humbled], which I give to the children of Israel [God prevails] for a possession.
Get thee up into this mountain of Abarim, unto mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is over against Jericho; and behold the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel for a possession:
Get thee up into this mountain of the Abarim, Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, which is over against Jericho—and behold the land of Canaan which I am giving unto the sons of Israel, for a possession;
Go up to [the] mountain of the Abarim this [the] mountain of Nebo which [is] in [the] land of Moab which [is] on [the] face of Jericho and see [the] land of Canaan which I [am] about to give to [the] people of Israel to a possession.
to ascend: rise to(wards) mountain: mount [the] Abarim [the] this mountain: mount (Mount) Nebo which in/on/with land: country/planet Moab which upon face: before Jericho and to see: see [obj] land: country/planet Canaan which I to give: give to/for son: descendant/people Israel to/for possession
“Go to the Abarim Mountain range [here] in the Moab region, across from Jericho. Climb Nebo Mountain, and look [toward the west] to see Canaan land, the land that I am about to give to the Israeli people.
“Go up into this range of the mountains of Abarim, up Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, opposite Jericho. You will look at the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the people of Israel as their possession.
Ascend this mountain Abarim, [to] mount Nebo, which [is] in the land of Moab, that [is] over against Jericho; and behold the land of Canaan which I give to the children of Israel for a Possession:
Go up to this mountain Abarim, to mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is opposite Jericho; and behold the land of Canaan, which I give to the children of Israel for a possession:
“Go up into this mountain of Abarim, to Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is across from Jericho; and see the land of Canaan, which I give to the children of Israel for a possession.
“Go up into this mountain of Abarim, to Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is across from Jericho; and see the land of Canaan, which I give to the children of Israel for a possession.
“Go up into this mountain of Abarim, to Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is across from Jericho; and see the land of Canaan, which I give to the children of Israel for a possession.
“Go up into this mountain of Abarim, to Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is across from Jericho; and see the land of Canaan, which I give to the children of Israel for a possession.
“Go up into this mountain of Abarim, to Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is across from Jericho; and see the land of Canaan, which I give to the children of Israel for a possession.
“Go up into this mountain of Abarim, to Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is across from Jericho; and see the land of Canaan, which I give to the children of Israel for a possession.
and seide, Stie thou in to this hil Abirym, that is, passyng, in to the hil of Nebo, which is in the lond of Moab, ayens Jerico; and se thou the lond of Canaan, which Y schal yyue to the sones of Israel to holde, and die thou in the hil.
'Go up unto this mount Abarim, mount Nebo, which [is] in the land of Moab, which [is] on the front of Jericho, and see the land of Canaan which I am giving to the sons of Israel for a possession;
Supreniru sur ĉi tiun monton Abarim, sur la monton Nebo, kiu estas en la lando Moaba, kontraŭ Jeriĥo; kaj rigardu la landon Kanaanan, kiun Mi donas al la Izraelidoj kiel posedaĵon;
“Yi Nebo to la dzi le Abarim towo dome le Moabnyigba dzi le Yeriko kasa. Yi to la tame ke, eye nàkpɔ Kanaanyigba la, anyigba si mele tsɔtsɔm na Israelviwo la ɖa.
Mene tälle Abarimin vuorelle, Nebon vuorelle, joka on Moabin maalla Jerihon kohdalla, ja katsele Kanaanin maata, jonka minä Israelin lapsille omaksi annan.
"Nouse tänne Abarimin vuoristoon, Nebon vuorelle, joka on Mooabin maassa vastapäätä Jerikoa, ja katsele Kanaanin maata, jonka minä annan israelilaisten omaksi.
« Monte sur cette montagne d'Abarim, sur le mont Nébo, au pays de Moab, vis-à-vis de Jéricho, et regarde le pays de Chanaan, que je donne aux enfants d'Israël pour être leur propriété.
« Monte sur cette montagne d'Abarim, sur le mont Nebo, qui est dans le pays de Moab, en face de Jéricho, et regarde le pays de Canaan que je donne en propriété aux enfants d'Israël.
Monte sur cette montagne d’Abarim, le mont Nebo, qui est dans le pays de Moab, qui est vis-à-vis de Jéricho; et regarde le pays de Canaan que je donne en possession aux fils d’Israël.
Monte sur cette montagne de Habarim, en la montagne de Nébo, qui est au pays de Moab, vis-à-vis de Jéricho; ensuite regarde le pays de Canaan, que je donne en possession aux enfants d'Israël.
Monte sur cette montagne d’Abarim, c’est-à-dire des passages, sur la montagne de Nébo qui est dans la terre de Moab contre Jéricho; et vois la terre de Chanaan que je livrerai moi-même aux enfants d’Israël pour l’occuper, et meurs sur la montagne.
Monte sur cette montagne d’Abarim, sur le mont Nebo, au pays de Moab, vis-à-vis de Jéricho; et regarde le pays de Canaan que je donne en propriété aux enfants d’Israël.
« Monte sur cette montagne d’Abarim, sur le mont Nébo, au pays de Moab, vis-à-vis de Jéricho, et regarde le pays de Canaan, que je donne aux enfants d’Israël pour être leur propriété.
Monte sur cette montagne d'Abarim, sur le mont Nébo, qui est au pays de Moab, en face de Jérico; et regarde le pays de Canaan, que je donne en possession aux enfants d'Israël.
Monte sur cette montagne d'Abarim, au mont Nébo qui est dans le pays de Moab vis-à-vis de Jéricho, et regarde le pays de Canaan que je vais donner en propriété aux enfants d'Israël.
Monte sur la cime d'Abarim, montagne du territoire de Nébo qui est en la terre de Moab, vis-à-vis Jéricho, et contemple la terre de Chanaan que je donne aux fils d'Israël,
"Monte sur cette cime des Abarîm, sur le mont Nébo, situé dans le pays de Moab en face de Jéricho, et contemple le pays de Canaan, que je donne aux enfants d’Israël en propriété;
"Steig auf das Abarimgebirge hier, auf den Berg Nebo im Moablande östlich von Jericho! Besieh das Land Kanaan, das ich den Israeliten zu eigen gebe!
Steige auf dieses Gebirge Abarim, den Berg Nebo, der im Lande Moab liegt, der Jericho gegenüber ist, und sieh das Land Kanaan, das ich den Kindern Israel zum Eigentum gebe;
Steige auf dieses Gebirge Abarim, den Berg Nebo, der im Lande Moab liegt, der Jericho gegenüber ist, und sieh das Land Kanaan, das ich den Kindern Israel zum Eigentum gebe;
Steige auf das Abarimgebirge hier, auf den Berg Nebo, der im Lande Moab östlich von Jericho liegt, und beschaue das Land Kanaan, das ich den Israeliten zum Erbbesitze verleihen werde.
Gehe auf das Gebirge Abarim, auf den Berg Nebo, der da liegt im Moabiterlande gegen Jericho über, und besiehe das Land Kanaan, das ich den Kindern Israel zum Eigentum geben werde,
Gehe auf das Gebirge Abarim, auf den Berg Nebo, der da liegt im Moabiterland, gegenüber Jericho, und schaue das Land Kanaan, das ich den Kindern Israel zum Eigentum geben werde,
»Steige auf das Gebirge Abarim hier, auf den Berg Nebo, der im Lande der Moabiter, Jericho gegenüber, liegt, und sieh dir das Land Kanaan an, das ich den Israeliten zum Eigentum geben will.
Steige auf dieses Gebirge Abarim, auf den Berg Nebo, welcher im Moabiterlande, Jericho gegenüber liegt, und beschaue das Land Kanaan, das ich den Kindern Israel zum Eigentum geben werde;
Steig hinauf auf diesen Berg Abarim, den Berg Nebo, der im Lande Moab ist, der vor Jericho ist, und siehe das Land Kanaan, das Ich den Söhnen Israels zum Eigentum gebe.
“Ambata, ũkinye mwambato wa Abarimu o, kũu kĩrĩma kĩa Nebo bũrũri-inĩ wa Moabi, kũngʼethanĩra na Jeriko, wĩrorere Kaanani, bũrũri ũrĩa ndĩrahe andũ a Isiraeli ũtuĩke igai rĩao.
Ανάβα εις το όρος τούτο Αβαρίμ, εις το όρος Νεβώ, το εν τη γη Μωάβ κατέναντι της Ιεριχώ· και θεώρησον την γην Χαναάν, την οποίαν εγώ δίδω εις τους υιούς Ισραήλ εις ιδιοκτησίαν·
ἀνάβηθι εἰς τὸ ὄρος τὸ Αβαριν τοῦτο ὄρος Ναβαυ ὅ ἐστιν ἐν γῇ Μωαβ κατὰ πρόσωπον Ιεριχω καὶ ἰδὲ τὴν γῆν Χανααν ἣν ἐγὼ δίδωμι τοῖς υἱοῖς Ισραηλ εἰς κατάσχεσιν
“મોઆબ દેશમાં યરીખોની સામે અબારીમ પર્વતોમાં નબો પર્વત પર ચઢીને જે કનાન દેશ હું ઇઝરાયલપુત્રોને આપવાનો છું તે તું જોઈ લે.
-Ale nan chenn mòn Abarim yo, ki nan peyi Moab anfas lavil Jeriko a. Moute sou mòn Nebo. Antan ou la, w'a voye je ou, w'a gade, w'a wè peyi Kanaran an, peyi mwen pral bay moun pèp Izrayèl yo pou yo rete a.
“Monte sou mòn sila nan Abarim nan, Mòn Nebo, ki nan peyi Moab, anfas Jéricho, e gade sou peyi a Canaan an ke Mwen ap bay a fis Israël yo kòm posesyon an.
“Ka hau Duwatsun Abarim zuwa Dutsen Nebo a Mowab, tsallake daga Yeriko, ka hangi Kan’ana, ƙasar da nake ba wa Isra’ilawa gādo.
E pii aku oe i keia kuahiwi, i Abarima, ma ka puu o Nebo, ma ka aina o Moaba, e ku pono ana i Ieriko, a e nana i ka aina o Kanaana, a'u e haawi aku nei i wahi e noho ai no na mamo a Iseraela;
עלה אל הר העברים הזה הר נבו אשר בארץ מואב אשר על פני ירחו וראה את ארץ כנען אשר אני נתן לבני ישראל לאחזה
עֲלֵ֡ה אֶל־הַר֩ הָעֲבָרִ֨ים הַזֶּ֜ה הַר־נְבֹ֗ו אֲשֶׁר֙ בְּאֶ֣רֶץ מֹואָ֔ב אֲשֶׁ֖ר עַל־פְּנֵ֣י יְרֵחֹ֑ו וּרְאֵה֙ אֶת־אֶ֣רֶץ כְּנַ֔עַן אֲשֶׁ֨ר אֲנִ֥י נֹתֵ֛ן לִבְנֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל לַאֲחֻזָּֽה׃
עֲלֵ֡ה אֶל־הַר֩ הָעֲבָרִ֨ים הַזֶּ֜ה הַר־נְב֗וֹ אֲשֶׁר֙ בְּאֶ֣רֶץ מוֹאָ֔ב אֲשֶׁ֖ר עַל־פְּנֵ֣י יְרֵח֑וֹ וּרְאֵה֙ אֶת־אֶ֣רֶץ כְּנַ֔עַן אֲשֶׁ֨ר אֲנִ֥י נֹתֵ֛ן לִבְנֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל לַאֲחֻזָּֽה׃
עֲלֵה אֶל־הַר הָעֲבָרִים הַזֶּה הַר־נְבוֹ אֲשֶׁר בְּאֶרֶץ מוֹאָב אֲשֶׁר עַל־פְּנֵי יְרֵחוֹ וּרְאֵה אֶת־אֶרֶץ כְּנַעַן אֲשֶׁר אֲנִי נֹתֵן לִבְנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל לַאֲחֻזָּֽה׃
עלה אל הר העברים הזה הר נבו אשר בארץ מואב אשר על פני ירחו וראה את ארץ כנען אשר אני נתן לבני ישראל לאחזה׃
עֲלֵה אֶל־הַר הָעֲבָרִים הַזֶּה הַר־נְבוֹ אֲשֶׁר בְּאֶרֶץ מוֹאָב אֲשֶׁר עַל־פְּנֵי יְרֵחוֹ וּרְאֵה אֶת־אֶרֶץ כְּנַעַן אֲשֶׁר אֲנִי נֹתֵן לִבְנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל לַאֲחֻזָּֽה׃
עֲלֵ֡ה אֶל־הַר֩ הָעֲבָרִ֨ים הַזֶּ֜ה הַר־נְב֗וֹ אֲשֶׁר֙ בְּאֶ֣רֶץ מוֹאָ֔ב אֲשֶׁ֖ר עַל־פְּנֵ֣י יְרֵח֑וֹ וּרְאֵה֙ אֶת־אֶ֣רֶץ כְּנַ֔עַן אֲשֶׁ֨ר אֲנִ֥י נֹתֵ֛ן לִבְנֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל לַאֲחֻזָּֽה׃
“उस अबारीम पहाड़ की नबो नामक चोटी पर, जो मोआब देश में यरीहो के सामने है, चढ़कर कनान देश, जिसे मैं इस्राएलियों की निज भूमि कर देता हूँ, उसको देख ले।
“अब तुम अबारिम के नेबो पर्वत पर चढ़ जाओ, जो येरीख़ो के सम्मुख मोआब देश में है. वहां जाकर तुम कनान देश पर दृष्टिपात करो, जो मैं अभिग्रहण के लिए इस्राएल को प्रदान कर रहा हूं.
Menj fel ebbe az Abarim hegységbe, a Nébó hegyére, a mely Moáb földén van és pedig Jérikhóval átellenben; és nézd meg a Kanaán földét, a melyet én Izráel fiainak adok örökségül.
Menj fel az Ábárim e hegyére, a Nebó hegyre, mely Móáb országában van, mely Jerichó előtt van, és nézd meg Kanaán országát, melyet és Izrael fiainak adok örök birtokul.
“Bilie ga nʼugwu Nebo nke dị nʼetiti ugwu Abarim, nʼala Moab, na ncherita ihu Jeriko, leekwa ala Kenan anya, bụ ala ahụ m na-enye ụmụ Izrel dịka ihe nketa ha.
“Sumang-atka iti masakupan dagiti bantay Abarim, iti ngato ti Bantay Nebo, nga adda iti daga ti Moab, a ballasiw ti Jerico. Matan-awam ti daga ti Canaan, nga it-itedko kadagiti tattao ti Israel a kas sanikuada.
"Pergilah ke Pegunungan Abarim di negeri Moab di seberang kota Yerikho. Lalu naiklah ke Gunung Nebo dan pandanglah tanah Kanaan yang tak lama lagi Kuserahkan kepada bangsa Israel.
"Naiklah ke atas pegunungan Abarim, ke atas gunung Nebo, yang di tanah Moab, di tentangan Yerikho, dan pandanglah tanah Kanaan yang Kuberikan kepada orang Israel menjadi miliknya,
“Naiklah ke gunung Nebo di Pegunungan Abarim, di wilayah Moab, di seberang kota Yeriko. Pandanglah ke arah Kanaan, negeri yang akan Aku berikan kepada bangsa Israel.
Sali sopra questo monte di Abarim, al monte di Nebo, che [è] nel paese di Moab, dirincontro a Gerico, e riguarda il paese di Canaan, il quale io do a possedere a' figliuoli d'Israele;
«Sali su questo monte degli Abarim, sul monte Nebo, che è nel paese di Moab, di fronte a Gerico, e mira il paese di Canaan, che io dò in possesso agli Israeliti.
“Sali su questo monte di Abarim, sul monte Nebo, ch’è nel paese di Moab, di faccia a Gerico, e mira il paese di Canaan, ch’io do a possedere ai figliuoli d’Israele.
Moapu mopamofo zage hanati kaziga vunka, Abarim agonaramimpi uhanatinka, Nebo agonafi marerinka morusapi uhanatitenka, Jodani timofo kantu kaziga Jeriko kuma'ma me'nea kaziga Kenani mopama Israeli vahe'ma zamisua mopa ome kegahane.
“ನೀನು ಈ ಅಬಾರೀಮ್ ಬೆಟ್ಟದ ಮೇಲೆ ಅಂದರೆ, ಮೋವಾಬ್ ದೇಶದಲ್ಲಿ ಯೆರಿಕೋವಿಗೆ ಎದುರಾಗಿ ಇರುವ ನೆಬೋ ಪರ್ವತದ ಮೇಲೆ ಏರಿ ಹೋಗು. ನಾನು ಇಸ್ರಾಯೇಲರಿಗೆ ಸೊತ್ತಾಗಿ ಕೊಡುವ ಕಾನಾನ್ ದೇಶವನ್ನು ನೋಡು.
“ನೀನು ಈ ಅಬಾರೀಮ್ ಬೆಟ್ಟಗಳನ್ನು ಅಂದರೆ ಮೋವಾಬ್ಯರ ದೇಶದಲ್ಲಿ ಯೆರಿಕೋ ಪಟ್ಟಣಕ್ಕೆ ಎದುರಾಗಿರುವ ನೆಬೋ ಬೆಟ್ಟವನ್ನು ಹತ್ತಿ, ನಾನು ಇಸ್ರಾಯೇಲರಿಗೆ ಸ್ವದೇಶವಾಗುವುದಕ್ಕೆ ಕೊಡುವ ಕಾನಾನ್ ದೇಶವನ್ನು ನೋಡು.
너는 여리고 맞은편 모압 땅에 있는 아바림 산에 올라 느보 산에 이르러 내가 이스라엘 자손에게 기업으로 주는 가나안 땅을 바라보라
너는 여리고 맞은편 모압 땅에 있는 아바림산에 올라 느보산에 이르러 내가 이스라엘 자손에게 기업으로 주는 가나안 땅을 바라보라
“Fahla nu Fineol Abarim in acn Moab tulanang siti Jericho. Fanyak Fineol Nebo ac ngetla liye facl Canaan ma nga akola in sang nu sin mwet Israel.
«سەربکەوە بۆ سەر زنجیرە چیای عەڤاریم، بۆ چیای نیبۆ کە لە خاکی مۆئابە و بەرامبەر بە ئەریحایە و لەوێوە تەماشای خاکی کەنعان بکە کە من وەک موڵک بە نەوەی ئیسرائیلی دەدەم.
Ascende in montem istum Abarim, id est, transitum, in montem Nebo, qui est in terra Moab contra Jericho: et vide terram Chanaan, quam ego tradam filiis Israël obtinendam, et morere in monte.
Ascende in montem istum Abarim, id est, transitum, in montem Nebo, qui est in Terra Moab contra Iericho: et vide Terram Chanaan, quam ego tradam filiis Israel obtinendam, et morere in monte.
Ascende in montem istum Abarim, id est, transitum, in montem Nebo, qui est in Terra Moab contra Iericho: et vide Terram Chanaan, quam ego tradam filiis Israel obtinendam, et morere in monte.
Ascende in montem istum Abarim, id est, transitum, in montem Nebo, qui est in terra Moab contra Jericho: et vide terram Chanaan, quam ego tradam filiis Israël obtinendam, et morere in monte.
ascende in montem istum Abarim id est transituum in montem Nebo qui est in terra Moab contra Hiericho et vide terram Chanaan quam ego tradam filiis Israhel obtinendam et morere in monte
Ascende in montem istum Abarim, id est, transitum, in montem Nebo, qui est in Terra Moab contra Iericho: et vide Terram Chanaan, quam ego tradam filiis Israel obtinendam, et morere in monte.
“Kāp uz šo Abarim kalnu, tas ir Nebus kalns, Moaba zemē pret Jēriku, un skaties Kanaāna zemi, ko Es Israēla bērniem došu iemantot.
« Mata na ngomba Abarimi, ngomba Nebo oyo ezali kati na Moabi mpe etalana na Jeriko; mpe tala mokili ya Kanana, mokili oyo nazali kopesa epai ya bana ya Isalaele lokola libula na bango.
“Yambuka olinnyerinnye ku Lusozi Nebo oluli mu nsozi za Abalimu mu nsi ya Mowaabu, osusse amaaso Yeriko olengere ensi ya Kanani gy’empa abaana ba Isirayiri okuba obutaka bwabwe obw’enkalakkalira.
Miakara amin’ ity tendrombohitra Abarima ity, dia ny tendrombohitra Nebo, izay eo amin’ ny tany Moaba tandrifin’ i Jeriko; ary tazano ny tany Kanana, izay omeko ny Zanak’ Isiraely ho lovany.
Mañambonea mb’am-bohitse Avarime mb’eo pak’ am-bohi-Nebo an-tane’ i Moabe tandrife Ieriko añe; le isaho ty tane’ Kanàne atoloko amo ana’ Israeleo ho fanañañe;
നീ യെരിഹോവിനെതിരെ മോവാബ് ദേശത്തുള്ള ഈ അബാരീംപർവ്വതത്തിൽ, നെബോമലമുകളിൽ കയറി, ഞാൻ യിസ്രായേൽ മക്കൾക്ക് അവകാശമായി കൊടുക്കുന്ന കനാൻദേശം നോക്കി കാണുക.
നീ യെരീഹോവിന്നെതിരെ മോവാബ്ദേശത്തുള്ള ഈ അബാരീംപൎവ്വതത്തിൽ നെബോമലമുകളിൽ കയറി ഞാൻ യിസ്രായേൽമക്കൾക്കു അവകാശമായി കൊടുക്കുന്ന കനാൻദേശത്തെ നോക്കി കാൺക.
നീ യെരീഹോവിന്നെതിരെ മോവാബ്ദേശത്തുള്ള ഈ അബാരീംപർവ്വതത്തിൽ നെബോമലമുകളിൽ കയറി ഞാൻ യിസ്രായേൽമക്കൾക്കു അവകാശമായി കൊടുക്കുന്ന കനാൻദേശത്തെ നോക്കി കാൺക.
“യെരീഹോവിനെതിരേ മോവാബ് ദേശത്തുള്ള അബാരീം പർവതത്തിലെ നെബോമലയിലേക്കു കയറി, ഞാൻ ഇസ്രായേൽജനത്തിന് അവരുടെ അവകാശമായി നൽകുന്ന ദേശമായ കനാൻ കണ്ടുകൊൾക.
“मवाब देशात, यरीहो शहराच्या समोर अबारीम पर्वतांमध्ये जो नबो डोंगर आहे त्या डोंगरावर जा. मी इस्राएलांना जो कनान देश देणार आहे तो तू तेथून पाहू शकशील.
``ယေ​ရိ​ခေါ​မြို့​တစ်​ဘက်​မော​ဘ​ပြည်​ရှိ​အာ​ဗ ရိမ်​တောင်​တန်း​သို့​သွား​၍ နေ​ဗော​တောင်​ထိပ်​ပေါ် သို့​တက်​လော့။ ထို​တောင်​ထိပ်​ပေါ်​မှ​နေ​၍ ဣ​သ​ရေ လ​အ​မျိုး​သား​တို့​အား ငါ​ပေး​မည့်​ခါနာန်​ပြည် ကို​မြော်​ကြည့်​လော့။-
ဣသရေလ အမျိုးသားတို့အား ငါအပိုင်ပေး သော ခါနာန်ပြည်ကို ကြည့်ရှုလော့။
ဣသရေလ အမျိုးသား တို့အား ငါ အပိုင် ပေး သော ခါနာန် ပြည် ကို ကြည့်ရှု လော့။
E piki koe i tenei maunga, i Aparimi, ki Maunga Nepo, i te whenua o Moapa, e anga atu ana ki Heriko; ka titiro atu ki te whenua o Kanaana e hoatu nei e ahau ki nga tama a Iharaira hei kainga:
“Khwela uye okhahlamba lwezintaba zase-Abharimi eNtabeni yaseNebho kwelamaMowabi, ngaphetsheya kweJerikho, ukuze ubone iKhenani, ilizwe engilinika abako-Israyeli ukuba balithathe libe ngelabo.
Yenyukela kule intaba yeAbarimi, intaba yeNebo, eselizweni lakoMowabi emaqondana leJeriko, ubone ilizwe leKhanani engilinika abantwana bakoIsrayeli ukuba yilifa,
“यरीहोको सामु मोआब देशमा भएको अबारीम पहाडको नेबो डाँडामाथि उक्लेर जा । मैले इस्राएलीहरूलाई तिनीहरूको अधिकारस्वरूप दिन लागेको कनान देशलाई हेर् ।
Gå op på Abarim-fjellet her, på Nebo-fjellet i Moabs land midt imot Jeriko, og se ut over Kana'ans land, som jeg gir Israels barn til eiendom,
«Stig upp på Abarimfjellet her, på Nebotinden, som ligg i Moablandet, midt for Jeriko, so skal du få skoda Kana’ans-landet, som eg gjev Israels-borni til eigedom,
“ତୁମ୍ଭେ ଏହି ଅବାରୀମ୍ ପର୍ବତ, ଅର୍ଥାତ୍‍, ଯିରୀହୋ ସମ୍ମୁଖସ୍ଥିତ ମୋୟାବ ଦେଶୀୟ ନବୋ ପର୍ବତ ଉପରକୁ ଯାଅ, ପୁଣି ଆମ୍ଭେ ଇସ୍ରାଏଲ-ସନ୍ତାନଗଣକୁ ଅଧିକାରାର୍ଥେ ଯେଉଁ ଦେଶ ଦେଉଅଛୁ, ସେହି କିଣାନ ଦେଶ ଦେଖ।
“Biyya Moʼaab kan fuullee Yerikoo jiru, tulluuwwan Abaariim keessa tulluu Nebootti ol baʼiitii biyya Kanaʼaan, biyya ani Israaʼelootaaf dhaala godhee kennu fuulleetti ilaali.
“ਤੂੰ ਇਸ ਅਬਾਰੀਮ ਦੇ ਪਰਬਤ ਉੱਤੇ ਨਬੋ ਦੀ ਚੋਟੀ ਤੇ ਚੜ੍ਹ, ਜੋ ਮੋਆਬ ਦੇਸ਼ ਵਿੱਚ ਯਰੀਹੋ ਦੇ ਸਾਹਮਣੇ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਕਨਾਨ ਦੇਸ਼ ਨੂੰ ਵੇਖ ਜਿਹੜਾ ਮੈਂ ਵਿਰਾਸਤ ਹੋਣ ਲਈ ਇਸਰਾਏਲ ਨੂੰ ਦੇਣ ਵਾਲਾ ਹਾਂ।
«به این کوه عباریم یعنی جبل نبوکه در زمین موآب در مقابل اریحاست برآی، وزمین کنعان را که من آن را به بنی‌اسرائیل به ملکیت می‌دهم ملاحظه کن.
«به کوهستان عباریم واقع در سرزمین موآب مقابل اریحا برو. در آنجا بر کوه نبو برآی و تمام سرزمین کنعان را که به قوم اسرائیل می‌دهم، ببین.
Wstąp na tę górę Abarym, na górę Nebo, która jest w ziemi Moabskiej przeciw Jerychu, a oglądaj ziemię Chananejską, którą Ja dawam synom Izraelskim w osiadłość.
Wstąp na tę górę Abarim, na górę Nebo, która jest w ziemi Moabu naprzeciw Jerycha, i spójrz na ziemię Kanaan, którą daję synom Izraela w posiadanie.
Sobe a este monte de Abarim, ao monte Nebo, que está na terra de Moabe, que está em frente de Jericó, e olha a terra de Canaã, que eu dou por herança aos filhos de Israel;
Sobe ao monte d'Abarim, ao monte Nebo, que está na terra de Moab, defronte de Jericó, e vê a terra de Canaan, que darei aos filhos de Israel por possessão.
Sobe ao monte de Abarim, ao monte Nebo, que está na terra de Moab, defronte de Jericó, e vê a terra de Canaan, que darei aos filhos de Israel por possessão.
“Suba a esta montanha de Abarim, ao Monte Nebo, que está na terra de Moab, que fica do outro lado de Jericó; e veja a terra de Canaã, que eu dou aos filhos de Israel por uma possessão.
„Суе-те пе мунтеле ачеста Абарим, пе мунтеле Небо, ын цара Моабулуй, ын фаца Иерихонулуй, ши привеште цара Канаанулуй пе каре о дау ын стэпынире копиилор луй Исраел.
Urcă-te pe muntele acesta, Abarim, pe muntele Nebo, care este în ţara Moabului, care este în dreptul Ierihonului; şi priveşte ţara Canaanului, pe care o dau în stăpânire copiilor lui Israel,
взойди на сию гору Аварим, на гору Нево, которая в земле Моавитской, против Иерихона, и посмотри на землю Ханаанскую, которую я даю во владение сынам Израилевым;
Изиђи на ову гору аваримску, на гору Навав, која је у земљи моавској према Јерихону, и види земљу хананску коју дајем синовима Израиљевим у државу.
Izidi na ovu goru Avarimsku, na goru Navav, koja je u zemlji Moavskoj prema Jerihonu, i vidi zemlju Hanansku koju dajem sinovima Izrailjevijem u državu.
“Kwira kumakomo eAbharimu uende mugomo reNebho muMoabhu, riri mhiri kweJeriko, ugoona nyika yeKenani, nyika yandiri kupa vaIsraeri kuti ive yavo.
взыди на гору Аварим, сия гора Навав, яже есть в земли Моавли прямо Иерихону, и виждь землю Ханааню, юже аз даю сыном Израилевым во обдержание:
»Povzpni se na to gorovje Abarím, na goro Nebó, ki je v deželi Moáb, ki je nasproti Jerihe in poglej kánaansko deželo, ki jo dajem Izraelovim otrokom v posest.
Waxaad fuushaa buurtan Cabaariim, oo ah Buur Nebo oo ku dhex taal dalka reer Moo'aab, oo ka soo hor jeeda Yerixoo, oo bal waxaad fiirisaa dalka reer Kancaan oo aan reer binu Israa'iil hantida u siinayo,
Sube a este monte de Abarim, al monte Nebo, que está en la tierra de Moab, que está en derecho de Jericó, y mira la tierra de Canaán, que yo doy por heredad a los hijos de Israel;
“Sube a los montes de Abarim al monte Nebo, en la tierra de Moab, frente a Jericó, y mira la tierra de Canaán, que doy a los israelitas para que la posean.
“Sube a este monte de Abarim, al monte Nebo, que está en la tierra de Moab, que está al otro lado de Jericó; y mira la tierra de Canaán, que yo doy a los hijos de Israel en posesión.
Sube a esta montaña Abarim, a la montaña Nebo, que está en la tierra de Moab frente a Jericó, y contempla la tierra de Canaán que Yo doy en posesión a los hijos de Israel,
“Sube a esta montaña de Abarim, al monte Nebo, que está en el país de Moab, frente a Jericó; y mira la tierra de Canaán, que voy a dar en posesión a los hijos de Israel.
Sube a este monte de Abarim, al monte de Nebo, que está en la tierra de Moab, que está en derecho de Jericó; y mira la tierra de Canaán, que yo doy a los hijos de Israel por heredad:
Sube á este monte de Abarim, al monte Nebo, que está en la tierra de Moab, que está en derecho de Jericó, y mira la tierra de Canaán, que yo doy por heredad á los hijos de Israel;
Sube a esta montaña de Abarim, al Monte Nebo en la tierra de Moab frente a Jericó; allí puedes ver la tierra de Canaán, que estoy dando a los hijos de Israel por su herencia:
“Nenda katika usawa huu wa milima wa Abarimu, juu ya mlima wa Nebo, ambao upo katika nchi ya Moabu, mkabala na Yeriko. Utatazama nchi ya Kanani, ambayo ninawapatia watu wa Israeli kama miliki yao.
“Kwea katika mapangano ya Mlima Abarimu hadi kilima cha Nebo kilichoko Moabu, ngʼambo ya Yeriko, na uitazame Kanaani, nchi ninayowapa Waisraeli kama milki yao wenyewe.
"Stig upp här på Abarimberget, på berget Nebo i Moabs land, gent emot Jeriko, så skall du få se Kanaans land, som jag vill giva åt Israels barn till besittning.
Gack upp på berget Abarim, uppå Nebo berg som ligger i de Moabiters land, tvärtöfver Jericho, och bese landet Canaan, som jag Israels barnom till eget gifva skall;
»Stig upp här på Abarimberget, på berget Nebo i Moabs land, gent emot Jeriko, så skall du få se Kanaans land, som jag vill giva åt Israels barn till besittning.
Sumampa ka sa bundok na ito ng Abarim, sa bundok ng Nebo na nasa lupain ng Moab, na nasa tapat ng Jerico; at masdan mo ang lupain ng Canaan, na aking ibinibigay sa mga anak ni Israel, na pinakaari:
“Umakyat ka sa bandang ito ng mga bundok ng Abarim, itaas ng Bundok Nebo, na nasa lupain ng Moab, kabila ng Jerico. Mapagmamasdan mo ang lupain ng Canaan, na ibibigay ko sa bayan ng Israel bilang kanilang pag-aari.
“நீ எரிகோவுக்கு எதிரேயுள்ள மோவாப் தேசத்திலுள்ள இந்த அபாரீம் என்னும் மலைகளிலிருக்கிற நேபோ மலையில் ஏறி, நான் இஸ்ரவேல் சந்ததியாருக்கு சொந்தமாகக் கொடுக்கும் கானான் தேசத்தைப் பார்;
“நீ எரிகோவுக்கு எதிரேயுள்ள மோவாப் நாட்டிலே இருக்கும் அபாரீம் மலைத்தொடரில் ஏறி நேபோ மலைக்குப்போ. அங்கிருந்து இஸ்ரயேலருக்கு நான் உரிமைச்சொத்தாகக் கொடுக்கும் கானான் நாட்டைப் பார்.
అంటే నెబో కొండ ఎక్కు. నేను ఇశ్రాయేలీయులకు వారసత్వంగా ఇస్తున్న కనాను దేశాన్ని నువ్వు చూస్తావు.
“Ke ke ʻalu hake ki he moʻunga ni ko ʻApalimi, ki he moʻunga ko Nipo, ʻaia ʻoku ʻi he fonua ko Moape, ʻaia ʻoku hangatonu atu ki Seliko; pea vakai ki he fonua ko Kēnani, ʻaia ʻoku ou foaki ki he fānau ʻa ʻIsileli ko honau tofiʻa:
“Haavarim dağlık bölgesine, Eriha karşısında Moav ülkesindeki Nevo Dağı'na çık. Mülk olarak İsrailliler'e vereceğim Kenan ülkesine bak.
“Kɔ Moab, kɔ mmepɔw a ɛwɔ asu no apuei no so, na foro Nebo bepɔw a ɛne Yeriko di nhwɛanim no. To wʼani hwɛ Kanaan asase no, asase a mede rema Israelfo sɛ wɔn agyapade no.
“Kɔ Moab, kɔ mmepɔ a ɛwɔ asuo no apueeɛ no so, na foro Nebo bepɔ a ɛne Yeriko di nhwɛanim no. To wʼani hwɛ Kanaan asase no, asase a mede rema Israelfoɔ sɛ wɔn agyapadeɛ no.
„Вийди на ту го́ру Аварім, на гору Нево́, що в моавському кра́ї, що навпроти Єрихону, і побач ханаанський край, що Я даю Ізраїлевим синам на володіння.
“तू इस कोह — ए — 'अबारीम पर चढ़ कर नबू की चोटी को जा, जो यरीहू के सामने मुल्क — ए — मोआब में है; और कनान के मुल्क की जिसे मैं मीरास के तौर पर बनी — इस्राईल को देता हूँ देख ले।
سەن ئۇشبۇ ئابارىم تېغىغا، يەنى يېرىخونىڭ ئۇتتۇرىدىكى، موئابنىڭ زېمىنىدىكى نېبو تېغىغا چىققىن ۋە شۇ يەردە مەن ئىسرائىللارغا ئۆز تەۋەلىكى بولۇش ئۈچۈن بېرىدىغان قانائان زېمىنىنى كۆرگىن.
Сән ушбу Абарим теғиға, йәни Йерихониң уттуридики, Моабниң зиминидики Небо теғиға чиққин вә шу йәрдә Мән Исраилларға өз тәвәлиги болуш үчүн беридиған Қанаан зиминини көргин.
Sen ushbu Abarim téghigha, yeni Yérixoning utturidiki, Moabning zéminidiki Nébo téghigha chiqqin we shu yerde Men Israillargha öz teweliki bolush üchün béridighan Qanaan zéminini körgin.
Sǝn uxbu Abarim teƣiƣa, yǝni Yerihoning utturidiki, Moabning zeminidiki Nebo teƣiƣa qiⱪⱪin wǝ xu yǝrdǝ Mǝn Israillarƣa ɵz tǝwǝliki bolux üqün beridiƣan Ⱪanaan zeminini kɵrgin.
Hãy đi lên núi A-ba-rim, trên đỉnh Nê-bô, ở trong xứ Mô-áp, đối ngang Giê-ri-cô; rồi nhìn xứ Ca-na-an mà ta ban cho dân Y-sơ-ra-ên làm sản nghiệp.
Hãy đi lên núi A-ba-rim, trên đỉnh Nê-bô, ở trong xứ Mô-áp, đối ngang Giê-ri-cô; rồi nhìn xứ Ca-na-an mà ta ban cho dân Y-sơ-ra-ên làm sản nghiệp.
“Hãy lên Núi Nê-bô thuộc dãy A-ra-rim trong đất Mô-áp, đối diện Giê-ri-cô để xem đất Ca-na-an là đất Ta cho Ít-ra-ên.
“Gòkè lọ sí Abarimu sí òkè Nebo ní Moabu, tí ó kọjú sí Jeriko, kí o sì wo ilẹ̀ Kenaani, ilẹ̀ tí mo ń fi fún àwọn ọmọ Israẹli, bí ìní i wọn.
Verse Count = 212

< Deuteronomy 32:49 >