< Deuteronomy 30:16 >

For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways and to keep his commandments, his statutes, and his ordinances, that you may live and multiply, and that the LORD your God may bless you in the land where you go in to possess it.
بِمَا أَنِّي أَوْصَيْتُكَ ٱلْيَوْمَ أَنْ تُحِبَّ ٱلرَّبَّ إِلَهَكَ وَتَسْلُكَ فِي طُرُقِهِ وَتَحْفَظَ وَصَايَاهُ وَفَرَائِضَهُ وَأَحْكَامَهُ لِكَيْ تَحْيَا وَتَنْمُوَ، وَيُبَارِكَكَ ٱلرَّبُّ إِلَهُكَ فِي ٱلْأَرْضِ ٱلَّتِي أَنْتَ دَاخِلٌ إِلَيْهَا لِكَيْ تَمْتَلِكَهَا.
إِذْ إِنَّنِي قَدْ أَوْصَيْتُكُمُ الْيَوْمَ أَنْ تُحِبُّوا الرَّبَّ إِلَهَكُمْ وَأَنْ تَسْلُكُوا فِي طُرُقِهِ وَتُطِيعُوا وَصَايَاهُ وَفَرَائِضَهُ وَأَحْكَامَهُ لِتَحْيَوْا وَتَنْمُوا، فَيُبَارِكَكُمُ الرَّبُّ فِي الأَرْضِ الَّتِي أَنْتُمْ مَاضُونَ إِلَيْهَا لاِمْتِلاكِهَا.
আজি আপোনালোকৰ ওচৰত মোৰ আজ্ঞা এই যে, আপোনালোকে আপোনালোকৰ ঈশ্বৰ যিহোৱাক প্ৰেম কৰিব, তেওঁৰ পথত চলিব, আৰু তেওঁৰ আজ্ঞা, বিধি আৰু শাসন-প্ৰণালীবোৰ পালন কৰিব। তেনে কৰিলে আপোনালোক জীয়াই থাকিব আৰু সংখ্যাত বৃদ্ধি পাব; যি দেশ আপোনালোকে অধিকাৰ কৰিবলৈ গৈ আছে, সেই দেশত আপোনালোকৰ ঈশ্বৰ যিহোৱাই আপোনালোকক আশীৰ্ব্বাদ কৰিব।
Bu gün sizə Allahınız Rəbbi sevməyi, Onun qoyduğu yollarla getməyi, əmrlərinə, qaydalarına, hökmlərinə riayət etməyi əmr edirəm. Belə etsəniz, yaşayıb artacaqsınız və mülk olaraq almaq üçün gedəcəyiniz torpaqda Allahınız Rəbb tərəfindən xeyir-dua alacaqsınız.
Dilia da dilia Hina Gode amo Ea hamoma: ne sia: i na da wali eso dilima olelesa amo nabasea, dilia da Ema asigisia, Ema nabasu hou hamosea amola Ea sema amola hamoma: ne sia: i huluane amoma fa: no bobogesea, amasea dilia labe hou huluane da hahawane heda: mu amola dilia idi da bagade heda: mu. Dilia Hina Gode da soge amoga dilia da gesowale fimu amo ganodini dili hahawane dogolegelewane fidimu.
যদি আমি আজ তোমাকে এই আজ্ঞা দিচ্ছি যে, তোমার ঈশ্বর সদাপ্রভুকে ভালবাসতে, তাঁর পথে চলতে এবং তাঁর আজ্ঞা, তাঁর বিধি ও তাঁর শাসন পালন করতে হবে; তা করলে তুমি বাঁচবে ও বহুগুণ হবে এবং যে দেশ অধিকার করতে যাচ্ছে, সেই দেশে তোমার ঈশ্বর সদাপ্রভু তোমাকে আশীর্বাদ করবেন।
এজন্য আজ আমি তোমাদের এই আদেশ দিচ্ছি যে তোমরা তোমাদের ঈশ্বর সদাপ্রভুকে ভালোবাসো, তাঁর পথে বাধ্য হয়ে চলো, এবং তাঁর আজ্ঞা, অনুশাসন ও বিধান পালন করো; তাহলে তোমরা বাঁচবে ও সংখ্যায় বৃদ্ধি পাবে, এবং যে দেশ তোমরা অধিকার করতে যাচ্ছ যেখানে তোমাদের ঈশ্বর সদাপ্রভু তোমাদের আশীর্বাদ করবেন।
като ти заповядвам днес да любиш Господа твоя Бог, да ходиш в Неговите пътища и да пазиш заповедите Му, повеленията Му и съдбите Му, за да живееш и да се умножаваш, и да те благославя Господ твоят Бог в земята, в която влизаш, за да я завладееш.
Kung tumanon mo ang mga kasugoan ni Yahweh nga imong Dios, nga akong gisugo kanimo karong adlawa nga higugmaon si Yahweh nga imong Dios, nga maglakaw sa iyang dalan, ug motuman sa iyang mga sugo, sa iyang mga tulumanon, ug sa iyang mga balaod, mabuhi ka ug modaghan pa, ug panalanginan ni Yahweh nga imong Dios ang yuta nga imong adtoan aron panag-iyahan.
Niana nagasugo ako kanimo niining adlawa nga higugmaon mo si Jehova nga imong Dios, nga magalakaw ka sa iyang mga dalan, ug magabantay sa iyang mga sugo, ug sa iyang kabalaoran, ug sa iyang mga tulomanon, aron mabuhi ka ug modaghan, ug nga si Jehova nga imong Dios magapanalangin kanimo sa yuta nga pagasudlan mo aron sa pagpanag-iya niini.
Pakuti lero ndikukulamulani kuti mukonde Yehova Mulungu wanu, kuti muyende mʼnjira zake, ndi kusunga malamulo ake, malangizo ake. Mukatero mudzakhala ndi moyo ndi kuchulukana, ndipo Yehova Mulungu wanu adzakudalitsani mʼdziko limene mukulowa kukakhalamo.
Na Angraeng Sithaw to na palung o moe, a loklam ah na caeh o hanah, ang paek ih loknawk, a zaehhoihaih daannawk, a lokcaekhaihnawk to na pazui o hanah, na hing o moe, na pung o thai hanah, vaihniah lok kang paek o; na Angraeng Sithaw mah qawk ah toep han na caeh o ih prae thungah tahamhoihaih na paek o tih.
BOEIPA na Pathen na lungnah tih a longpuei ah pongpa ham neh a olpaek, a khosing, a laitloeknah ngaithuen sak ham te tihnin ah kai loh nang kang uen coeng. Te daengah ni na hing tih pang hamla na kun thil khohmuen ah na ping vaengah BOEIPA na Pathen loh nang te yoethen m'paek eh.
BOEIPA na Pathen na lungnah tih a longpuei ah pongpa ham neh a olpaek, a khosing, a laitloeknah ngaithuen sak ham te tihnin ah kai loh nang kang uen coeng. Te daengah ni na hing tih pang hamla na kun thil khohmuen ah na ping vaengah BOEIPA na Pathen loh nang te yoethen m'paek eh.
Pakai, Pathen in na thupeh chengseu keiman ka seidoh peh hohi nanit soh keiyuva, Pakai, Pathen na ngailut uva, Ama lamlhah jenga bou nalam lhah uva, Ama thupeh chengse leh achonna dan jouse na nitsoh keijyuva ahileh, nangho na pun diu, chule tua na jot lutna diu gam sunga khu phattheina lhingset na chan diu ahi.
Na hring teh na pungdaw nahan hoi na pang hane ram dawk na BAWIPA Cathut ni yawhawi na poe nahan na Cathut hah na lungpataw han, a hnuk na kâbang vaiteh, kâpoelawknaw, phunglawknaw, hoi lawkcengnaenaw hah tarawi loe telah lawk na thui.
吩咐你爱耶和华—你的 神,遵行他的道,谨守他的诫命、律例、典章,使你可以存活,人数增多,耶和华—你 神就必在你所要进去得为业的地上赐福与你。
Ako poslušaš zapovijedi Jahve, Boga svoga, koje ti danas dajem - ako ih poslušaš ljubeći Jahvu, Boga svoga, hodeći njegovim putovima, vršeći njegove zapovijedi, njegove zakone i njegove uredbe, živjet ćeš i razmnožit će te Jahve, Bog tvoj, i blagoslovit će te u zemlji u koju ulaziš da je zaposjedneš.
Což já přikazuji tobě dnes, abys miloval Hospodina Boha svého, chodě po cestách jeho a ostříhaje přikázaní jeho, ustanovení a soudů jeho, abys živ jsa, rozmnožen byl, a požehnal tobě Hospodin Bůh tvůj v zemi, do kteréž jdeš, abys ji dědičně obdržel.
Což já přikazuji tobě dnes, abys miloval Hospodina Boha svého, chodě po cestách jeho a ostříhaje přikázaní jeho, ustanovení a soudů jeho, abys živ jsa, rozmnožen byl, a požehnal tobě Hospodin Bůh tvůj v zemi, do kteréž jdeš, abys ji dědičně obdržel.
Hvis du lyder HERREN din Guds Bud, som jeg i Dag pålægger dig, så at du elsker HERREN din Gud og vandrer på hans Veje og holder hans Bud, Anordninger og Lovbud, så skal du leve og blive mangfoldig, og HERREN din Gud vil velsigne dig i det Land, du skal ind og tage i Besiddelse.
Thi jeg byder dig i Dag at elske Herren din Gud, at vandre i hans Veje og at holde hans Bud og hans Skikke og hans Befalinger, at du maa leve og formeres, og Herren din Gud maa velsigne dig i det Land, som du kommer hen til for at eje det.
Hvis du lyder HERREN din Guds Bud, som jeg i Dag paalægger dig, saa at du elsker HERREN din Gud og vandrer paa hans Veje og holder hans Bud, Anordninger og Lovbud, saa skal du leve og blive mangfoldig, og HERREN din Gud vil velsigne dig i det Land, du skal ind og tage i Besiddelse.
Nimar achikou kawuono mondo uher Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachu, kuwuotho e yorene kendo urito buchene kod chikene, eka unudag mi umedru mangʼeny kendo Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachu nogwedhu e piny ma udonjoe mondo ukaw kaka girkeni.
Want ik gebiede u heden, den HEERE, uw God, lief te hebben, in Zijn wegen te wandelen, en te houden Zijn geboden, en Zijn inzettingen, en Zijn rechten, opdat gij levet en vermenigvuldiget, en de HEERE, uw God, u zegene in het land, waar gij naar toe gaat, om dat te erven.
Zo gij luistert naar de geboden van Jahweh, uw God, die ik u heden geef, zo gij Jahweh, uw God, bemint, zijn wegen bewandelt en zijn geboden, bepalingen en voorschriften onderhoudt, dan zult gij leven, en talrijk worden, en zal Jahweh, uw God, u zegenen in het land, dat gij thans in bezit gaat nemen.
Want ik gebiede u heden, den HEERE, uw God, lief te hebben, in Zijn wegen te wandelen, en te houden Zijn geboden, en Zijn inzettingen, en Zijn rechten, opdat gij levet en vermenigvuldiget, en de HEERE, uw God, u zegene in het land, waar gij naar toe gaat, om dat te erven.
in that I command thee this day to love Jehovah thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his ordinances, that thou may live and multiply, and that Jehovah thy God may bless thee in the land where thou go in to possess it.
For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways and to keep his commandments, his statutes, and his ordinances, that you may live and multiply, and that the LORD your God may bless you in the land where you go in to possess it.
in that I command thee this day to love Jehovah thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his ordinances, that thou mayest live and multiply, and that Jehovah thy God may bless thee in the land whither thou goest in to possess it.
For I am commanding you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments, statutes, and ordinances, so that you may live and increase, and the LORD your God may bless you in the land that you are entering to possess.
In giving you orders today to have love for the Lord your God, to go in his ways and keep his laws and his orders and his decisions, so that you may have life and be increased, and that the blessing of the Lord your God may be with you in the land where you are going, the land of your heritage.
If thou wilt hearken to the commands of the Lord thy God, which I command thee this day, to love the Lord thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to keep his ordinances, and his judgments; then ye shall live, and shall be many in number, and the Lord thy God shall bless thee in all the land into which thou goest to inherit it.
If you will listen to the commands of the Lord your God, which I command you this day, to love the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, and to keep his ordinances, and his judgements; then you shall live, and shall be many in number, and the Lord your God shall bless you in all the land into which you go to inherit it.
so that you may love the Lord your God, and walk in his ways, and keep his commandments and ceremonies and judgments, and so that you may live, and he may multiply you and bless you in the land, which you shall enter in order to possess.
in that I command thee this day to love Jehovah thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his ordinances, that thou mayest live and multiply, and that Jehovah thy God may bless thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
That thou mayst love the Lord thy God, and walk in his ways, and keep his commandments and ceremonies and judgments, and thou mayst live, and he may multiply thee, and bless thee in the land, which thou shalt go in to possess.
I'm telling you today to love the Lord your God, to follow his ways, and to keep his commandments, rules, and regulations, so you can live and grow in number, and so the Lord your God may bless you in the country that you are entering and will own.
In that I commaund thee this day, to loue the Lord thy God, to walke in his wayes, and to keepe his commandements, and his ordinances, and his lawes, that thou mayest liue, and be multiplied, and that the Lord thy God may blesse thee in the land, whither thou goest to possesse it.
in that I command thee this day to love the LORD thy God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments and His statutes and His ordinances; then thou shalt live and multiply, and the LORD thy God shall bless thee in the land whither thou goest in to possess it.
In that I command thee this day to love the LORD thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments, that thou mayest live and multiply: and the LORD thy God shall bless thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
In that I command you this day to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments, that you may live and multiply: and the LORD your God shall bless you in the land where you go to possess it.
In that I command thee this day to love the Lord thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments, that thou mayest live and multiply: and the Lord thy God shall bless thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
In that I command thee this day to love YHWH thy Elohim, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments, that thou mayest live and multiply: and YHWH thy Elohim shall bless thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
In that I command thee this day to love Yhwh thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments, that thou mayest live and multiply: And Yhwh thy God shall bless thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
In that I command you this day to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments, that you may live and multiply: and the LORD your God shall bless you in the land where you go to possess it.
If you will listen to the commands of the Lord your God, which I command you this day, to love the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, and to keep his ordinances, and his judgments; then you shall live, and shall be many in number, and the Lord your God shall bless you in all the land into which you go to inherit it.
In that I command thee this day to love the Lord thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his ordinances; that thou mayest live and multiply; and that the Lord thy God may bless thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
in that today I am commanding you to love your God YHWH, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commands, and His statutes, and His judgments; and you have lived and multiplied, and your God YHWH has blessed you in the land to where you are going in to possess it.
If you obey the commandments of the LORD your God that I command you this day to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his ordinances, then you will live and multiply, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land where you are going to possess it.
If you obey the commandments of Jehovah your God that I command you this day to love Jehovah your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his ordinances, then you will live and multiply, and Jehovah your God will bless you in the land where you are going to possess it.
If you obey the commandments of the LORD your God that I command you this day to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his ordinances, then you will live and multiply, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land where you are going to possess it.
If you obey the commandments of the LORD your God that I command you this day to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his ordinances, then you will live and multiply, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land where you are going to possess it.
If you obey the commandments of YHWH your God that I command you this day to love YHWH your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his ordinances, then you will live and multiply, and YHWH your God will bless you in the land where you are going to possess it.
If you obey the commandments of the LORD your God that I command you this day to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his ordinances, then you will live and multiply, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land where you are going to possess it.
For I enjoin you today to 'ahav ·affectionately love· Adonai your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his mitzvot ·instructions·, his statutes, and his judgments, that you may live and multiply, and that Adonai your God may bless you in the land where you go in to possess it.
in that I command thee this day to love the LORD thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments, that thou mayest live and multiply, and that the LORD thy God may bless thee in the land whither thou goest in to possess it.
for thou must keep the commandments of Yahweh thy God which I am commanding thee to-day, to love Yahweh thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes, and his regulations, —so shalt thou live and multiply, and Yahweh thy God will bless thee, in the land which thou art entering to possess.
(If you will listen to [the] commandments of Yahweh God your *X*) which I [am] commanding you this day to love Yahweh God your to walk in ways his and to keep commandments his and statutes his and judgments his and you will live and you will increase and he will bless you Yahweh God your in the land where you [are] about to go there towards to take possession of it.
(if to hear: obey to(wards) commandment LORD God your *X*) which I to command you [the] day to/for to love: lover [obj] LORD God your to/for to go: walk in/on/with way: conduct his and to/for to keep: obey commandment his and statute his and justice: judgement his and to live and to multiply and to bless you LORD God your in/on/with land: country/planet which you(m. s.) to come (in): come there [to] to/for to possess: take her
[I say again], if you obey the commands of Yahweh our God that I am giving to you today, and if you love him and conduct your lives as he wants you to do, and if you obey all his rules and regulations, you will prosper and become very numerous, and Yahweh our God will bless you in the land that you are about to enter and possess.
If you obey the decrees of Yahweh your God, in which I am commanding you today to love Yahweh your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments, his regulations, and his statutes, you will live and multiply, and Yahweh your God will bless you in the land that you are entering to possess.
In that I command thee this day to love the LORD thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments, and his statutes, and his judgments, that thou mayest live and multiply: and the LORD thy God shall bless thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it.
In that I command thee this day to love the LORD thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments, that thou mayest live and multiply: and the LORD thy God shall bless thee in the land where thou goest to possess it.
For I command you today to love Yahweh your God, to walk in his ways and to keep his commandments, his statutes, and his ordinances, that you may live and multiply, and that Yahweh your God may bless you in the land where you go in to possess it.
For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways and to keep his commandments, his statutes, and his ordinances, that you may live and multiply, and that the LORD your God may bless you in the land where you go in to possess it.
For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways and to keep his commandments, his statutes, and his ordinances, that you may live and multiply, and that the LORD your God may bless you in the land where you go in to possess it.
For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways and to keep his commandments, his statutes, and his ordinances, that you may live and multiply, and that the LORD your God may bless you in the land where you go in to possess it.
For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways and to keep his commandments, his statutes, and his ordinances, that you may live and multiply, and that the LORD your God may bless you in the land where you go in to possess it.
For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways and to keep his commandments, his statutes, and his ordinances, that you may live and multiply, and that the LORD your God may bless you in the land where you go in to possess it.
that thou loue thi Lord God, and go in hise weies, and kepe hise heestis, and cerymonyes, and domes; and that thou lyue, and he multiplie thee, and blesse thee in the lond to which thou schalt entre to welde.
in that I am commanding thee to-day to love Jehovah thy God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commands, and His statutes, and His judgments; and thou hast lived and multiplied, and Jehovah thy God hath blessed thee in the land whither thou art going in to possess it.
ordonante al vi ami la Eternulon, vian Dion, iri laŭ Liaj vojoj, kaj observi Liajn ordonojn kaj Liajn leĝojn kaj Liajn decidojn, por ke vi vivu kaj multiĝu, kaj por ke vin benu la Eternulo, via Dio, en la lando, en kiun vi venas, por ekposedi ĝin.
Mede se na mi egbea be mialɔ̃ Yehowa, miaƒe Mawu la, miazɔ le eƒe mɔwo dzi, eye mialé eƒe sewo me ɖe asi, ale be mianɔ agbe, eye miazu dukɔ gã aɖe, ekema Yehowa ayra mi le anyigba si le mia tɔ zu ge la dzi.
Siinä kuin minä tänäpänä käsken, ettäs rakastat Herraa sinun Jumalaas, ja vaellat hänen teissänsä, ja pidät hänen käskynsä, säätynsä ja oikeutensa; ettäs saisit elää ja enettäisiin, ja Herra sinun Jumalas siunais sinua siinä maassa, kuhunkas menet, sitä omistamaan.
kun minä tänä päivänä käsken sinua rakastamaan Herraa, sinun Jumalaasi, ja vaeltamaan hänen teitänsä ja noudattamaan hänen käskyjänsä, säädöksiänsä ja oikeuksiansa, että eläisit ja lisääntyisit ja että Herra, sinun Jumalasi, siunaisi sinua siinä maassa, jota menet ottamaan omaksesi.
en te prescrivant aujourd'hui d'aimer Yahweh, ton Dieu, de marcher dans ses voies et d'observer ses commandements, ses lois et ses ordonnances, afin que tu vives et que tu multiplies, et que Yahweh, ton Dieu, te bénisse dans le pays où tu vas entrer pour le posséder.
Car je te commande aujourd'hui d'aimer l'Éternel, ton Dieu, de marcher dans ses voies et de garder ses commandements, ses statuts et ses ordonnances, afin que tu vives et que tu multiplies, et que l'Éternel, ton Dieu, te bénisse dans le pays dont tu vas entrer en possession.
en ce que je te commande aujourd’hui d’aimer l’Éternel, ton Dieu, de marcher dans ses voies, de garder ses commandements et ses statuts et ses ordonnances, afin que tu vives et que tu multiplies, et que l’Éternel, ton Dieu, te bénisse dans le pays où tu entres pour le posséder.
Car je te commande aujourd'hui d'aimer l'Eternel ton Dieu, de marcher dans ses voies, de garder ses commandements, ses ordonnances, et ses droits, afin que tu vives, et que tu sois multiplié, et que l'Eternel ton Dieu te bénisse au pays dans lequel tu vas pour le posséder.
Afin que tu aimes le Seigneur ton Dieu, que tu marches dans ses voies, que tu gardes ses commandements, ses cérémonies et ses ordonnances; et que tu vives, et qu’il te multiplie et qu’il te bénisse dans la terre dans laquelle tu entreras pour la posséder.
Car je te prescris aujourd’hui d’aimer l’Éternel, ton Dieu, de marcher dans ses voies, et d’observer ses commandements, ses lois et ses ordonnances, afin que tu vives et que tu multiplies, et que l’Éternel, ton Dieu, te bénisse dans le pays dont tu vas entrer en possession.
en te prescrivant aujourd’hui d’aimer Yahweh, ton Dieu, de marcher dans ses voies et d’observer ses commandements, ses lois et ses ordonnances, afin que tu vives et que tu multiplies, et que Yahweh, ton Dieu, te bénisse dans le pays où tu vas entrer pour le posséder.
Car je te commande aujourd'hui d'aimer l'Éternel ton Dieu, de marcher dans ses voies, et d'observer ses commandements, ses statuts et ses ordonnances, afin que tu vives, et que tu multiplies, et que l'Éternel ton Dieu te bénisse, au pays où tu vas pour le posséder.
en te prescrivant aujourd'hui d'aimer l'Éternel, ton Dieu, de marcher dans ses voies et de garder ses commandements et ses statuts et ses lois, afin que tu vives et t'accroisses et que l'Éternel, ton Dieu, te bénisse dans le pays dont tu viens faire la conquête.
Si tu es docile a ce commandement du Seigneur ton Dieu, que je t'intime aujourd'hui: d'aimer le Seigneur ton Dieu, de marcher en toutes ses voies, d'observer ses jugements et ses ordonnances, vous vivrez tous, vous serez nombreux, et le Seigneur ton Dieu te bénira sur toute la terre en laquelle tu seras entré pour en faire ton héritage.
En faisant ce que je te recommande en ce jour: aimer l’Éternel, ton Dieu, marcher dans ses voies, garder ses préceptes, ses lois et ses décrets, tu vivras, tu grandiras et tu seras béni de l’Éternel, ton Dieu, dans le pays où tu vas entrer pour le conquérir.
Wenn ich dir heute befehle, den Herrn, deinen Gott, zu lieben, auf seinen Wegen zu wandeln und seine Gebote, Gesetze und Gebräuche zu beachten, dann bleibst du leben und mehrst dich. Und der Herr, dein Gott, segnet dich in dem Lande, in das du ziehst, es zu besetzen.
da ich dir heute gebiete, Jehova, deinen Gott, zu lieben, auf seinen Wegen zu wandeln und seine Gebote und seine Satzungen und seine Rechte zu beobachten, damit du lebest und dich mehrest, und Jehova, dein Gott, dich segne in dem Lande, wohin du kommst, um es in Besitz zu nehmen.
da ich dir heute gebiete, Jehova, deinen Gott, zu lieben, auf seinen Wegen zu wandeln und seine Gebote und seine Satzungen und seine Rechte zu beobachten, damit du lebest und dich mehrest, und Jehova, dein Gott, dich segne in dem Lande, wohin du kommst, um es in Besitz zu nehmen.
Wenn du den Geboten Jahwes, deines Gottes, die ich dir heute gebe, gehorchst, indem du Jahwe, deinen Gott, liebst, auf seinen Wegen wandelst und seine Gebote, Satzungen und Rechte beobachtest, so wirst du am Leben bleiben und dich mehren, und Jahwe, dein Gott, wird dich segnen in dem Land, in das du einziehst, um es in Besitz zu nehmen.
der ich dir heute gebiete, daß du den HERRN, deinen Gott, liebest und wandelst in seinen Wegen, und seine Gebote, Gesetze und Rechte haltest und leben mögest und gemehret werdest, daß dich der HERR, dein Gott, segne im Lande, da du einzeuchst, dasselbe einzunehmen.
der ich dir heute gebiete, daß du den HERRN, deinen Gott, liebst und wandelst in seinen Wegen und seine Gebote, Gesetze und Rechte haltest und leben mögest und gemehrt werdest und dich der HERR, dein Gott, segne in dem Lande, in das du einziehst, es einzunehmen.
Was ich dir heute gebiete, ist: den HERRN, deinen Gott, zu lieben, auf seinen Wegen zu wandeln und seine Gebote, seine Satzungen und Verordnungen zu beobachten, damit du am Leben bleibst und zahlreich wirst und der HERR, dein Gott, dich segnet in dem Lande, in das du jetzt einziehst, um es in Besitz zu nehmen.
Was ich dir heute gebiete, ist, daß du den HERRN, deinen Gott, liebest und in seinen Wegen wandelst und seine Gebote, seine Satzungen und seine Rechte haltest, auf daß du leben mögest und gemehrt werdest; und der HERR, dein Gott, wird dich segnen im Lande, darein du ziehst, um es einzunehmen.
Da ich dir heute gebiete, Jehovah, deinen Gott, zu lieben, in Seinen Wegen zu wandeln und Seine Gebote und Seine Satzungen und Seine Rechte zu halten. Und du wirst leben und dich mehren, und Jehovah, dein Gott, wird dich segnen in dem Lande, dahin du kommst, es einzunehmen.
Nĩgũkorwo ndagwatha ũmũthĩ wendage Jehova Ngai waku, na ũthiiage na njĩra ciake, na ũmenyagĩrĩre maathani make, na irĩra cia watho wa kũrũmĩrĩrwo, na mawatho; hĩndĩ ĩyo nĩũgatũũra muoyo na ũingĩhe, nake Jehova Ngai waku nĩagakũrathima ũrĩ bũrũri-inĩ ũrĩa ũratoonya ũwĩgwatĩre.
καθότι εγώ προστάζω εις σε σήμερον να αγαπάς Κύριον τον Θεόν σου, να περιπατής εις τας οδούς αυτού και να φυλάττης τας εντολάς αυτού και τα διατάγματα αυτού και τας κρίσεις αυτού, διά να ζης και να πληθύνησαι και διά να σε ευλογήση Κύριος ο Θεός σου εν τη γη, εις την οποίαν εισέρχεσαι διά να κληρονομήσης αυτήν.
ἐὰν εἰσακούσῃς τὰς ἐντολὰς κυρίου τοῦ θεοῦ σου ἃς ἐγὼ ἐντέλλομαί σοι σήμερον ἀγαπᾶν κύριον τὸν θεόν σου πορεύεσθαι ἐν πάσαις ταῖς ὁδοῖς αὐτοῦ φυλάσσεσθαι τὰ δικαιώματα αὐτοῦ καὶ τὰς κρίσεις αὐτοῦ καὶ ζήσεσθε καὶ πολλοὶ ἔσεσθε καὶ εὐλογήσει σε κύριος ὁ θεός σου ἐν πάσῃ τῇ γῇ εἰς ἣν εἰσπορεύῃ ἐκεῖ κληρονομῆσαι αὐτήν
આજે હું તમને યહોવાહ તમારા ઈશ્વરની જે આજ્ઞાઓ ફરમાવું છું એટલે કે યહોવાહ તમારા ઈશ્વરને પ્રેમ કરવો, તેમના માર્ગોમાં ચાલવું, તેમની આજ્ઞાઓ, નિયમો અને કાનૂનો પાળવા, કે જેથી તમે જીવતા રહેશો. અને તમારી વૃદ્ધિ થશે, જે દેશનું વતન પામવા તમે જાઓ છો તેમાં યહોવાહ તમારા ઈશ્વર તમને આશીર્વાદ આપશે.
Sa m'ap mande nou jòdi a, se pou nou renmen Seyè a, Bondye nou an, se pou nou viv jan li vle l' la, se pou nou fè tou sa li mande nou fè nan kòmandman li yo, nan lòd li yo ak nan regleman li yo. Konsa, n'a gen lavi, n'a gen anpil pitit. Seyè a, Bondye nou an, va beni nou nan peyi nou pral pran pou rele nou pa nou an.
Nan tout sa mwen kòmande nou jodi a pou renmen SENYÈ a, Bondye nou an, pou mache nan chemen Li yo, epi pou kenbe kòmandman Li yo avèk lwa Li yo ak jijman Li yo, pou nou kapab viv e miltipliye, e pou SENYÈ a, Bondye nou an, kapab beni nou nan peyi kote nou ap antre pou posede a.
Gama na umarce ku a yau, ku ƙaunaci Ubangiji Allahnku, don ku yi tafiya a hanyoyinsa, ku kuma kiyaye umarnansa, ƙa’idodinsa da kuma dokokinsa, sa’an nan za ku rayu, ku kuma ƙaru, Ubangiji Allahnku kuwa zai albarkace ku a ƙasar da kuke shiga don ci gādonta.
I ka'u kauoha ana'ku ia oe i keia la e aloha aku ia Iehova kou Akua, e hele ma kona aoao, a e malama i kana mau kauoha, a i kona mau kanawai, a me kana mau olelo kupaa, i ola oe, a i mahuahua oe; a e hoomaikai mai o Iehova kou Akua ia oe ma ka aina au e hele aku nei e noho malaila.
אשר אנכי מצוך היום לאהבה את יהוה אלהיך ללכת בדרכיו ולשמר מצותיו וחקתיו ומשפטיו וחיית ורבית--וברכך יהוה אלהיך בארץ אשר אתה בא שמה לרשתה
אֲשֶׁ֨ר אָנֹכִ֣י מְצַוְּךָ֮ הַיֹּום֒ לְאַהֲבָ֞ה אֶת־יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהֶ֙יךָ֙ לָלֶ֣כֶת בִּדְרָכָ֔יו וְלִשְׁמֹ֛ר מִצְוֹתָ֥יו וְחֻקֹּתָ֖יו וּמִשְׁפָּטָ֑יו וְחָיִ֣יתָ וְרָבִ֔יתָ וּבֵֽרַכְךָ֙ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֔יךָ בָּאָ֕רֶץ אֲשֶׁר־אַתָּ֥ה בָא־שָׁ֖מָּה לְרִשְׁתָּֽהּ׃
אִם־תִּשְׁמַע אֶל מִצְוֹת יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ אֲשֶׁ֨ר אָנֹכִ֣י מְצַוְּךָ֮ הַיּוֹם֒ לְאַהֲבָ֞ה אֶת־יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהֶ֙יךָ֙ לָלֶ֣כֶת בִּדְרָכָ֔יו וְלִשְׁמֹ֛ר מִצְוֹתָ֥יו וְחֻקֹּתָ֖יו וּמִשְׁפָּטָ֑יו וְחָיִ֣יתָ וְרָבִ֔יתָ וּבֵֽרַכְךָ֙ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֔יךָ בָּאָ֕רֶץ אֲשֶׁר־אַתָּ֥ה בָא־שָׁ֖מָּה לְרִשְׁתָּֽהּ׃
אֲשֶׁר אָנֹכִי מְצַוְּךָ הַיּוֹם לְאַהֲבָה אֶת־יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ לָלֶכֶת בִּדְרָכָיו וְלִשְׁמֹר מִצְוֺתָיו וְחֻקֹּתָיו וּמִשְׁפָּטָיו וְחָיִיתָ וְרָבִיתָ וּבֵֽרַכְךָ יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ בָּאָרֶץ אֲשֶׁר־אַתָּה בָא־שָׁמָּה לְרִשְׁתָּֽהּ׃
אשר אנכי מצוך היום לאהבה את יהוה אלהיך ללכת בדרכיו ולשמר מצותיו וחקתיו ומשפטיו וחיית ורבית וברכך יהוה אלהיך בארץ אשר אתה בא שמה לרשתה׃
אֲשֶׁר אָנֹכִי מְצַוְּךָ הַיּוֹם לְאַהֲבָה אֶת־יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ לָלֶכֶת בִּדְרָכָיו וְלִשְׁמֹר מִצְוֺתָיו וְחֻקֹּתָיו וּמִשְׁפָּטָיו וְחָיִיתָ וְרָבִיתָ וּבֵֽרַכְךָ יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ בָּאָרֶץ אֲשֶׁר־אַתָּה בָא־שָׁמָּה לְרִשְׁתָּֽהּ׃
אֲשֶׁ֨ר אָנֹכִ֣י מְצַוְּךָ֮ הַיּוֹם֒ לְאַהֲבָ֞ה אֶת־יְהוָ֤ה אֱלֹהֶ֙יךָ֙ לָלֶ֣כֶת בִּדְרָכָ֔יו וְלִשְׁמֹ֛ר מִצְוֺתָ֥יו וְחֻקֹּתָ֖יו וּמִשְׁפָּטָ֑יו וְחָיִ֣יתָ וְרָבִ֔יתָ וּבֵֽרַכְךָ֙ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהֶ֔יךָ בָּאָ֕רֶץ אֲשֶׁר־אַתָּ֥ה בָא־שָׁ֖מָּה לְרִשְׁתָּֽהּ׃
क्योंकि मैं आज तुझे आज्ञा देता हूँ, कि अपने परमेश्वर यहोवा से प्रेम करना, और उसके मार्गों पर चलना, और उसकी आज्ञाओं, विधियों, और नियमों को मानना, जिससे तू जीवित रहे, और बढ़ता जाए, और तेरा परमेश्वर यहोवा उस देश में जिसका अधिकारी होने को तू जा रहा है, तुझे आशीष दे।
तुम्हारे लिए आज जो मेरा आदेश है: याहवेह, अपने परमेश्वर से प्रेम करते रहो, उन्हीं की नीतियों का पालन करो, और उनके आदेशों, अध्यादेशों और नियमों का पालन करो, कि तुम जीवित रह सको, तुम्हारी गिनती में वृद्धि होती जाए, और याहवेह तुम्हारे परमेश्वर जिस देश में, तुम्हें प्रवेश कर रहे हैं, उस पर तुम अधिकार कर लोगे, और याहवेह तुम्हारे परमेश्वर तुम्हें आशीष और समृद्धि प्रदान करें.
Mikor én azt parancsolom néked ma, hogy szeressed az Urat, a te Istenedet, hogy járj az ő útain, és tartsd meg az ő parancsolatait, rendeléseit és végzéseit, hogy élj és szaporodjál, és megáldjon téged az Úr, a te Istened a földön, a melyre bemégy, hogy bírjad azt.
amint hogy megparancsolom ma neked, hogy szeresd az Örökkévalót, a te Istenedet, hogy járj az ő útjain, hogy megőrizd parancsolatait, törvényeit és rendeleteit, hogy élj, sokasodjál és megáldjon téged az Örökkévaló, a te Istened az országban, ahová bemész, hogy azt elfoglaljad.
Enyela m gị iwu taa, sị gị hụ Onyenwe anyị bụ Chineke gị nʼanya, ana m asịkwa gị gbasoo ụzọ ya, ma debekwa iwu na ụkpụrụ ya niile, ka ị dịrị ndụ, ghọọkwa mba buru ibu, ka Onyenwe anyị bụ Chineke gị gọzie gị nʼala ahụ ị na-aga inweta.
No tungpalenyo dagiti bilbilin ni Yahweh a Diosyo, nga ibilbilinko kadakayo ita nga aldaw nga ayatenyo ni Yahweh a Diosyo, a magnakayo kadagiti wagasna, ken salimetmetanyo dagiti bilbilinna, dagiti alagadenna ken dagiti linlintegna, agbiag ken umadukayo, ket bendisionannakayo ni Yahweh a Diosyo iti daga a papananyo a tagikuaen.
Hari ini aku memerintahkan kamu untuk mencintai TUHAN Allahmu dan taat kepada-Nya serta melakukan segala hukum dan perintah-Nya supaya kamu makmur dan menjadi bangsa yang besar. TUHAN Allahmu akan memberkati kamu di negeri yang tak lama lagi kamu duduki.
karena pada hari ini aku memerintahkan kepadamu untuk mengasihi TUHAN, Allahmu, dengan hidup menurut jalan yang ditunjukkan-Nya dan berpegang pada perintah, ketetapan dan peraturan-Nya, supaya engkau hidup dan bertambah banyak dan diberkati oleh TUHAN, Allahmu, di negeri ke mana engkau masuk untuk mendudukinya.
Kasihilah TUHAN Allahmu, hiduplah menurut kehendak-Nya, dan taatilah perintah, ketetapan, serta peraturan-Nya. Dengan demikian, bangsa kita akan tetap hidup serta bertambah besar, dan TUHAN Allah akan memberkati kalian di negeri yang sebentar lagi kalian duduki.
Conciossiachè io ti comandi oggi di amare il Signore Iddio tuo, di camminar nelle sue vie, e di osservare i suoi comandamenti, e i suoi statuti, e le sue leggi; acciocchè tu viva, e cresca; e che il Signore Iddio tuo ti benedica, nel paese dove tu entri per possederlo.
poiché io oggi ti comando di amare il Signore tuo Dio, di camminare per le sue vie, di osservare i suoi comandi, le sue leggi e le sue norme, perché tu viva e ti moltiplichi e il Signore tuo Dio ti benedica nel paese che tu stai per entrare a prendere in possesso.
poiché io ti comando oggi d’amare l’Eterno, il tuo Dio, di camminare nelle sue vie, d’osservare i suoi comandamenti, le sue leggi e i suoi precetti affinché tu viva e ti moltiplichi, e l’Eterno, il tuo Dio, ti benedica nel paese dove stai per entrare per prenderne possesso.
Hagi nagra menima hiho hu'nama nehuana, Ra Anumzana tamagri Anumzamofo avesinenteta kasege'ane, tra ke'ane Agri avu'ava'ene avaririho hu'na huneramantoe. E'i anama hanutma amama unefraza mopafina knare huta mani'neta vahera kasepazi nehanageno, Rana tamagri Anumzamo'a asomu huramantegahie.
ನೀವು ನಿಮ್ಮ ದೇವರಾದ ಯೆಹೋವ ದೇವರನ್ನು ಪ್ರೀತಿಸಿ, ಅವರ ಮಾರ್ಗಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ನಡೆದುಕೊಂಡು, ಅವರ ಆಜ್ಞಾತೀರ್ಪುಗಳನ್ನೂ, ಅನುಸರಿಸಬೇಕೆಂದು ಈ ಹೊತ್ತು ನಿಮಗೆ ಆಜ್ಞಾಪಿಸಿದ್ದೇನೆ. ಹಾಗೆ ಮಾಡಿದರೆ, ನೀವು ಬದುಕಿ ಹೆಚ್ಚುವಿರಿ. ನಿಮ್ಮ ದೇವರಾದ ಯೆಹೋವ ದೇವರು ನೀವು ಸ್ವಾಧೀನಮಾಡಿಕೊಳ್ಳುವುದಕ್ಕೆ ಹೋಗುವ ದೇಶದಲ್ಲಿ ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಆಶೀರ್ವದಿಸುವರು.
ನಾನು ಈಗ ನಿಮಗೆ ಬೋಧಿಸುವ ಪ್ರಕಾರ ನೀವು ನಿಮ್ಮ ದೇವರಾದ ಯೆಹೋವನನ್ನು ಪ್ರೀತಿಸಿ, ಆತನು ಹೇಳಿದ ಮಾರ್ಗದಲ್ಲಿ ನಡೆದು, ಆತನ ಆಜ್ಞಾವಿಧಿ ನಿಯಮಗಳನ್ನು ಅನುಸರಿಸಿದರೆ ನೀವು ಬದುಕಿಕೊಂಡು ಹೆಚ್ಚುವಿರಿ; ಮತ್ತು ನೀವು ಸ್ವಾಧೀನಮಾಡಿಕೊಳ್ಳುವುದಕ್ಕೆ ಹೋಗುವ ದೇಶದಲ್ಲಿ ನಿಮ್ಮ ದೇವರಾದ ಯೆಹೋವನು ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಅಭಿವೃದ್ಧಿಪಡಿಸುವನು.
곧 내가 오늘날 너를 명하여 네 하나님 여호와를 사랑하고 그 모든 길로 행하며 그 명령과 규례와 법도를 지키라 하는 것이라 그리하면 네가 생존하며 번성할 것이요 또 네 하나님 여호와께서 네가 가서 얻을 땅에서 네게 복을 주실 것임이니라
곧 내가 오늘날 너를 명하여 네 하나님 여호와를 사랑하고 그 모든 길로 행하며 그 명령과 규례와 법도를 지키라 하는 것이라 그리하면 네가 생존하며 번성할 것이요 또 네 하나님 여호와께서 네가 가서 얻을 땅에서 네게 복을 주실 것임이니라
Nga sapkin nu suwos misenge tuh kowos in lungse LEUM GOD lowos, ac aksol, ac liyaung ma sap lal, oakwuk lal, ac nununku lal nukewa, na kowos ac fah kapkapak ac orala sie mutunfacl lulap. LEUM GOD lowos fah akinsewowoye kowos in facl se su kowos apkuran in oakwuki we.
لەبەر ئەوەی من ئەمڕۆ فەرمانم پێکردن کە یەزدانی پەروەردگارتان خۆشبوێت و ڕێگاکانی بگرنەبەر و فەرمان و فەرزەکانی بەجێبهێنن و یاساکانی پەیڕەو بکەن، بۆ ئەوەی ئێوە بژین و گەشە بکەن و یەزدانی پەروەردگارتان لەو خاکەی ئێوە دەچنە ناوی هەتا دەستی بەسەردا بگرن، بەرەکەتدارتان بکات.
ut diligas Dominum Deum tuum, et ambules in viis ejus, et custodias mandata illius ac cæremonias atque judicia: et vivas, atque multiplicet te, benedicatque tibi in terra, ad quam ingredieris possidendam.
ut diligas Dominum Deum tuum, et ambules in viis eius, et custodias mandata illius ac ceremonias atque iudicia: et vivas, atque multiplicet te, benedicatque tibi in Terra, ad quam ingredieris possidendam.
ut diligas Dominum Deum tuum, et ambules in viis eius, et custodias mandata illius ac ceremonias atque iudicia: et vivas, atque multiplicet te, benedicatque tibi in Terra, ad quam ingredieris possidendam.
ut diligas Dominum Deum tuum, et ambules in viis ejus, et custodias mandata illius ac cæremonias atque judicia: et vivas, atque multiplicet te, benedicatque tibi in terra, ad quam ingredieris possidendam.
ut diligas Dominum Deum tuum et ambules in viis eius et custodias mandata illius et caerimonias atque iudicia et vivas ac multiplicet te benedicatque tibi in terra ad quam ingredieris possidendam
ut diligas Dominum Deum tuum, et ambules in viis eius, et custodias mandata illius ac ceremonias atque iudicia: et vivas, atque multiplicet te, benedicatque tibi in Terra, ad quam ingredieris possidendam.
Es tev šodien pavēlu To Kungu, savu Dievu, mīļot, Viņa ceļos staigāt un turēt Viņa baušļus, likumus un tiesas, ka tu dzīvo un vairojies, un Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, tevi svētī tai zemē, ko tu ej iemantot.
Tala likambo oyo Ngai natindi yo lelo: linga Yawe, Nzambe na yo, tambola na banzela na Ye mpe batela mitindo na Ye, bikateli na Ye mpe mibeko na Ye. Bongo okozala na bomoi, mpe bokokoma ebele; mpe Yawe, Nzambe na yo, akopambola yo kati na mokili oyo bozali kokota mpo na kozwa.
Kubanga nkulagira leero okwagalanga Mukama Katonda wo, okutambuliranga mu makubo ge, awamu n’okukwatanga amateeka ge n’okugobereranga ebiragiro bye byonna. Bw’onookolanga bw’otyo ojjanga kuba mulamu era oyale, ne Mukama Katonda wo anaakuwanga omukisa ng’oli mu nsi gy’oyingira okugifuna.
tamin’ ny nandidiako anao androany ho tia an’ i Jehovah Andriamanitrao ka handeha amin’ ny lalany ary hitandrina ny didiny sy ny lalàny ary ny fitsipiny, mba ho velona ianao ka hihamaro, ary mba hitahian’ i Jehovah Andriamanitrao anao any amin’ ny tany izay efa hidiranao holovana.
Ami’ty andiliako azo androany ty hikokoa’o t’Iehovà Andrianañahare’o: ty hañaveloa’o o lala’eo, ty hambena’o o lili’eo naho o fañè’eo naho o fepe’eo, soa t’ie ho veloñe naho hanaranake vaho hitahy azo amy tane andena’o ho tavane’oy t’Iehovà Andrianañahare’o.
എന്തുകൊണ്ടെന്നാൽ, നീ ജീവിച്ച് പെരുകി, കൈവശമാക്കുവാൻ ചെല്ലുന്ന ദേശത്ത് ദൈവമായ യഹോവയുടെ അനുഗ്രഹം പ്രാപിക്കുന്നതിന് അവനെ സ്നേഹിക്കുവാനും അവന്റെ വഴികളിൽ നടക്കുവാനും അവന്റെ കല്പനകളും ചട്ടങ്ങളും വിധികളും പ്രമാണിക്കുവാനും തന്നെ.
എങ്ങനെയെന്നാൽ നീ ജീവിച്ചിരുന്നു പെരുകുകയും നീ കൈവശമാക്കുവാൻ ചെല്ലുന്ന ദേശത്തു നിന്റെ ദൈവമായ യഹോവ നിന്നെ അനുഗ്രഹിക്കയും ചെയ്യേണ്ടതിന്നു നിന്റെ ദൈവമായ യഹോവയെ സ്നേഹിപ്പാനും അവന്റെ വഴികളിൽ നടപ്പാനും അവന്റെ കല്പനകളും ചട്ടങ്ങളും വിധികളും പ്രമാണിപ്പാനും ഞാൻ ഇന്നു നിന്നോടു ആജ്ഞാപിക്കുന്നു.
എങ്ങനെയെന്നാൽ നീ ജീവിച്ചിരുന്നു പെരുകുകയും നീ കൈവശമാക്കുവാൻ ചെല്ലുന്ന ദേശത്തു നിന്റെ ദൈവമായ യഹോവ നിന്നെ അനുഗ്രഹിക്കയും ചെയ്യേണ്ടതിന്നു നിന്റെ ദൈവമായ യഹോവയെ സ്നേഹിപ്പാനും അവന്റെ വഴികളിൽ നടപ്പാനും അവന്റെ കല്പനകളും ചട്ടങ്ങളും വിധികളും പ്രമാണിപ്പാനും ഞാൻ ഇന്നു നിന്നോടു ആജ്ഞാപിക്കുന്നു.
നീ ജീവിക്കുകയും വർധിക്കുകയും നീ അവകാശമാക്കാൻപോകുന്ന ദേശത്തു നിന്റെ ദൈവമായ യഹോവ നിന്നെ അനുഗ്രഹിക്കുകയും ചെയ്യേണ്ടതിനു നിന്റെ ദൈവമായ യഹോവയെ സ്നേഹിക്കാനും അവിടത്തെ വഴികളിൽ നടക്കാനും അവിടത്തെ കൽപ്പനകളും ഉത്തരവുകളും നിയമങ്ങളും പ്രമാണിക്കാനും ഇന്നു ഞാൻ നിന്നോടു കൽപ്പിക്കുന്നു.
तुमच्या परमेश्वर देवावर प्रेम करा, त्याच्या मार्गाने जा व त्याच्या आज्ञा, नियम पाळा अशी माझी तुम्हास आज्ञा आहे. म्हणजे तुम्ही जो प्रदेश आपलासा करायला जात आहात तेथे दीर्घकाळ रहाल, तुमच्या देशाची भरभराट होईल, तुम्हास तुमचा देव परमेश्वर ह्याचे आशीर्वाद मिळतील.
ငါ​ယ​နေ့​ပေး​သော​သင်​တို့​၏​ဘု​ရား​သ​ခင် ထာ​ဝ​ရ​ဘု​ရား​၏​ပ​ညတ်​တော်​များ​ကို​စောင့် ထိန်း​လျှင်၊ ကိုယ်​တော်​ကို​ချစ်​၍​အ​မိန့်​တော်​ကို နာ​ခံ​လျက် ပ​ညတ်​တရား​တော်​ရှိ​သ​မျှ​ကို စောင့်​ထိန်း​လျှင် သင်​တို့​၏​နိုင်​ငံ​သည်​ဖွံ့​ဖြိုး​၍ လူ​ဦး​ရေ​များ​ပြား​လိမ့်​မည်။ သင်​တို့​၏​ဘု​ရား​သ​ခင်​ထာ​ဝ​ရ​ဘု​ရား​သည် သင်​တို့​သိမ်း​ယူ နေ​ထိုင်​မည့်​ပြည်​တွင်​သင်​တို့​အား​ကောင်း​ချီး ပေး​တော်​မူ​လိမ့်​မည်။-
သင်သည် အသက်ရှင်၍ တိုးပွားမည်အကြောင်း နှင့် သင်ဝင်စားလတံ့သောပြည်၌၊ သင်၏ဘုရားသခင် ထာဝရဘုရားသည် သင့်ကို ကောင်းကြီးပေးတော်မူမည် အကြောင်း၊ သင်၏ဘုရားသခင် ထာဝရဘုရားကို ချစ် သဖြင့် နောက်တော်သို့လိုက်၍၊ စီရင်ထုံးဖွဲ့တော်မူချက် ပညတ်တရားတော်တို့ကို စောင့်ရှောက်လော့ဟု ငါမှာ ထား၏။
သင်သည် အသက်ရှင် ၍ တိုးပွား မည်အကြောင်းနှင့် သင် ဝင်စား လတံ့သောပြည် ၌ ၊ သင် ၏ဘုရားသခင် ထာဝရဘုရား သည် သင့် ကို ကောင်းကြီး ပေးတော်မူမည် အကြောင်း၊ သင် ၏ဘုရားသခင် ထာဝရဘုရား ကို ချစ် သဖြင့် နောက် တော်သို့ လိုက် ၍ ၊ စီရင် ထုံးဖွဲ့တော်မူချက်ပညတ် တရားတော်တို့ကို စောင့်ရှောက် လော့ဟု ငါ မှာထား ၏။
I ahau e whakahau nei i a koe i tenei ra kia aroha ki a Ihowa, ki tou Atua, kia haere i ana huarahi, kia pupuri i ana whakahau, i ana tikanga, i ana whakaritenga, kia ora ai koe, kia nui ai hoki, kia manaaki ai a Ihowa, tou Atua, i a koe ki te w henua e haere nei koe ki reira ki te tango.
Ngakho ngiyalilaya lamuhla ukuthi lithande uThixo uNkulunkulu wenu, lihambe ezindleleni zakhe, kanye lokugcina imilayo yakhe, izimiso lemithetho; ngalokho lizaphila lande, njalo uThixo uNkulunkulu wenu uzalibusisa elizweni eselingena kulo ukuba lilithathe libe ngelenu.
Ngoba ngiyakulaya lamuhla ukuthanda iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho, lokuhamba endleleni zayo, lokugcina imilayo yayo lezimiso zayo lezahlulelo zayo, ukuze uphile wande; leNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho izakubusisa elizweni oya kulo ukudla ilifa lalo.
तिमीहरूले परमप्रभु तिमीहरूका परमेश्‍वरलाई प्रेम गर्न, उहाँका मार्गहरूमा हिँड्न र उहाँका आज्ञाहरूसाथै उहाँका निर्देशनहरू, विधिविधानहरू पालन गर्न आज मैले तिमीहरूलाई दिएका परमप्रभु तिमीहरूका परमेश्‍वरका आदेशहरू पालन गर्‍यौ भने तिमीहरू बाँच्ने छौ र तिमीहरूको वृद्धि हुने छ अनि परमप्रभु तिमीहरूका परमेश्‍वरले तिमीहरू प्रवेश गर्न लागेका देशमा तिमीहरूलाई आशिष् दिनुहुने छ ।
idet jeg idag byder dig å elske Herren din Gud, å vandre på hans veier og ta vare på hans bud og hans lover og hans forskrifter, så du kan leve og bli tallrik, og Herren din Gud kan velsigne dig i det land du kommer inn i og skal ta i eie.
Gjer du som eg segjer med deg i dag, elskar du Herren, din Gud, og gjeng på hans vegar, og held bodi og fyresegnerne og loverne hans, då skal du liva og veksa, og Herren, din Gud, skal velsigna deg i det landet du kjem til å eiga.
ଆଜି ମୁଁ ସଦାପ୍ରଭୁ ତୁମ୍ଭ ପରମେଶ୍ୱରଙ୍କୁ ପ୍ରେମ କରିବାକୁ, ତାହାଙ୍କ ପଥରେ ଚାଲିବାକୁ ଓ ତାହାଙ୍କ ଆଜ୍ଞା, ବିଧି ଓ ଶାସନ ପାଳିବାକୁ ତୁମ୍ଭକୁ ଯେଉଁ ଆଜ୍ଞା ଦେଉଅଛି, ତାହା କଲେ ତୁମ୍ଭେ ବଞ୍ଚିବ ଓ ବର୍ଦ୍ଧିଷ୍ଣୁ ହେବ, ପୁଣି, ଯେଉଁ ଦେଶ ଅଧିକାର କରିବାକୁ ଯାଉଅଛ, ତହିଁରେ ସଦାପ୍ରଭୁ ତୁମ୍ଭ ପରମେଶ୍ୱର ତୁମ୍ଭକୁ ଆଶୀର୍ବାଦ କରିବେ।
Ani akka ati Waaqayyo Waaqa kee jaallattu, akka karaa isaa irras deemtuu fi akka ati ajajawwan isaa, qajeelchawwan isaatii fi seerawwan isaa eegdu si ajaja; ergasiis ati lubbuun jiraattee ni baayʼatta; Waaqayyo Waaqni kees biyya ati dhaaluuf itti galtutti si eebbisa.
ਕਿਉਂਕਿ ਮੈਂ ਅੱਜ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਹੁਕਮ ਦਿੰਦਾ ਹਾਂ ਕਿ ਯਹੋਵਾਹ ਆਪਣੇ ਪਰਮੇਸ਼ੁਰ ਨਾਲ ਪ੍ਰੇਮ ਰੱਖੋ, ਉਸ ਦੇ ਮਾਰਗਾਂ ਉੱਤੇ ਚਲੋ ਅਤੇ ਉਸ ਦੇ ਹੁਕਮਾਂ, ਬਿਧੀਆਂ ਅਤੇ ਕਨੂੰਨਾਂ ਦੀ ਪਾਲਨਾ ਕਰੋ ਤਾਂ ਜੋ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਜੀਉਂਦੇ ਰਹੋ ਅਤੇ ਵਧੋ ਅਤੇ ਯਹੋਵਾਹ ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਪਰਮੇਸ਼ੁਰ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਉਸ ਦੇਸ਼ ਵਿੱਚ ਜਿਸ ਉੱਤੇ ਅਧਿਕਾਰ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਜਾਂਦੇ ਹੋ, ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਬਰਕਤ ਦੇਵੇ।
چونکه من امروز تورا امر می‌فرمایم که یهوه خدای خود را دوست بداری و در طریقهای او رفتار نمایی، و اوامر وفرایض و احکام او را نگاه داری تا زنده مانده، افزوده شوی، و تا یهوه، خدایت، تو را در زمینی که برای تصرفش به آن داخل می‌شوی، برکت دهد.
من امروز به شما دستور داده‌ام که یهوه خدایتان را دوست داشته در راه او گام بردارید و فرمانها و فرایض و قوانین او را نگاه دارید تا زنده مانده، قومی بزرگ بشوید و یهوه خدایتان به شما در سرزمینی که تصرف خواهید کرد، برکت بدهد.
Albowiem ja rozkazuję tobie dziś, abyś miłował Pana, Boga twego, i chodził drogami jego, i przestrzegał przykazań jego, i ustaw jego, i sądów jego, abyś żył, i rozmnożył się, i żebyć błogosławił Pan, Bóg twój, w ziemi, do której idziesz, abyś ją posiadł.
Gdyż dziś ci nakazuję, abyś miłował PANA, swego Boga, i chodził jego drogami, i przestrzegał jego przykazań, ustaw i praw, abyś żył i rozmnożył się, i PAN, twój Bóg, będzie ci błogosławił w ziemi, do której idziesz, aby ją posiąść.
Porque eu te mando hoje que ames ao SENHOR teu Deus, que andes em seus caminhos, e guardes seus mandamentos e seus estatutos e seus regulamentos, para que vivas e sejas multiplicado, e o SENHOR teu Deus te abençoe na terra à qual entras para possuí-la.
Porquanto te ordeno hoje que ames ao Senhor teu Deus, que andes nos seus caminhos, e que guardes os seus mandamentos, e os seus estatutos, e os seus juizos, para que vivas, e te multipliques, e o Senhor teu Deus te abençoe na terra a qual entras a possuir.
Porquanto te ordeno hoje que ames ao Senhor teu Deus, que andes nos seus caminhos, e que guardes os seus mandamentos, e os seus estatutos, e os seus juízos, para que vivas, e te multipliques, e o Senhor teu Deus te abençoe na terra a qual entras a possuir.
Pois eu vos ordeno hoje que ameis a Javé vosso Deus, que andeis nos seus caminhos e guardeis seus mandamentos, seus estatutos e suas ordenanças, para que vivais e vos multipliqueis, e para que Javé vosso Deus vos abençoe na terra onde entrardes para possuí-la.
Кэч ыць порунческ азь сэ юбешть пе Домнул Думнезеул тэу, сэ умбли пе кэиле Луй ши сэ пэзешть порунчиле Луй, леӂиле Луй ши рындуелиле Луй, ка сэ трэешть ши сэ те ынмулцешть ши ка Домнул Думнезеул тэу сэ те бинекувынтезе ын цара пе каре о вей луа ын стэпынире.
În aceea că îţi poruncesc astăzi să îl iubeşti pe DOMNUL Dumnezeul tău, să umbli în căile lui şi să păzeşti poruncile lui şi statutele lui şi judecăţile lui, ca să trăieşti şi să te înmulţeşti, şi ca DOMNUL Dumnezeul tău să te binecuvânteze în ţara în care mergi să o stăpâneşti.
Если будешь слушать заповеди Господа Бога твоего, которые заповедую тебе сегодня, любить Господа Бога твоего, ходить по всем путям Его и исполнять заповеди Его и постановления Его и законы Его, то будешь жить и размножишься, и благословит тебя Господь Бог твой на земле, в которую ты идешь, чтоб овладеть ею;
Јер ти заповедам данас да љубиш Господа Бога свог ходећи путевима Његовим и држећи заповести Његове и уредбе Његове и законе Његове, да би жив био и умножио се, и да би те благословио Господ Бог твој у земљи у коју идеш да је наследиш.
Jer ti zapovijedam danas da ljubiš Gospoda Boga svojega hodeæi putovima njegovijem i držeæi zapovijesti njegove i uredbe njegove i zakone njegove, da bi živ bio i umnožio se, i da bi te blagoslovio Gospod Bog tvoj u zemlji u koju ideš da je naslijediš.
Nokuti ndinokurayira kuti ude Jehovha Mwari wako nhasi, kuti ufambe munzira dzake nguva dzose uye uchengete zvaakarayira, mitemo nemirayiro yake; ipapo uchararama ugowanda, uye Jehovha Mwari wako achakuropafadza munyika yauri kupinda kuti uitore.
Аще послушаеши заповедий Господа Бога твоего, яже аз заповедаю тебе днесь, любити Господа Бога твоего, ходити во всех путех Его и хранити оправдания Его и заповеди Его и суды Его, и поживеши, и умножишися, и благословит тя Господь Бог твой на всей земли, в нюже входиши наследити ю тамо.
v tem, da sem ti ta dan zapovedal, da ljubiš Gospoda, svojega Boga, da hodiš po njegovih poteh in varuješ njegove zapovedi, njegove zakone in njegove sodbe, da boš lahko živel in se množil in Gospod, tvoj Bog, te bo blagoslovil v deželi, kamor greš, da jo vzameš v last.
oo waxaan maanta idinku amrayaa inaad Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah jeclaataan, oo aad jidadkiisa ku socotaan, oo aad wada xajisaan amarradiisa iyo qaynuunnadiisa iyo xukummadiisa inaad noolaataan oo badataan iyo in Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu idinku barakeeyo dalka aad ugu socotaan inaad hantidaan.
porque yo te mando hoy que ames al SEÑOR tu Dios, que andes en sus caminos, y guardes sus mandamientos y sus estatutos y sus derechos, para que vivas y seas multiplicado, y el SEÑOR tu Dios te bendiga en la tierra a la cual entras para heredarla.
Yo les exhorto para que amen al Señor su Dios, que sigan sus caminos, y que guarden sus mandamientos, normas, y preceptos, para que puedan vivir y crecer en número, y para que el Señor su Dios los bendiga en el país que están entrando y que les pertenecerá.
Porque hoy te ordeno que ames a Yahvé, tu Dios, que sigas sus caminos y guardes sus mandamientos, sus estatutos y sus ordenanzas, para que vivas y te multipliques, y para que Yahvé, tu Dios, te bendiga en la tierra a la que entras a poseer.
porque hoy te mando que ames a Yavé tu ʼElohim, que andes en sus caminos y guardes sus Mandamientos, Estatutos y Decretos, a fin de que vivas y te multipliques, para que Yavé tu ʼElohim te bendiga en la tierra adonde entras para poseerla.
pues lo que hoy te mando, es que ames a Yahvé, tu Dios, andando en sus caminos, y guardando sus mandamientos, sus leyes y sus preceptos, para que vivas y te multipliques, y para que Yahvé, tu Dios, te bendiga en el país en cuya posesión has de entrar.
Porque yo te mando hoy que ames a Jehová tu Dios: que andes en sus caminos y guardes sus mandamientos y sus estatutos, y sus derechos, porque vivas y seas multiplicado, y Jehová tu Dios te bendiga en la tierra a la cual entras para heredarla.
Porque yo te mando hoy que ames á Jehová tu Dios, que andes en sus caminos, y guardes sus mandamientos y sus estatutos y sus derechos, para que vivas y seas multiplicado, y Jehová tu Dios te bendiga en la tierra á la cual entras para poseerla.
Te ordeno hoy de tener amor por el Señor tu Dios, ir por sus caminos y guardar sus leyes y sus mandamientos, sus decisiones, para que puedan tener vida y ser multiplicados, y te bendecirá el Señor tu Dios en la tierra donde van a tomar posesión, la tierra de tu herencia.
Iwapo utatii maagizo ya Yahwe Mungu wako, ambayo ninakuamuru leo kumpenda Yahwe Mungu wako, kutembea katika njia zake, na kushikilia amri zake, kanuni zake, na sheria zake, utaishi na kuongezeka, na Yahwe Mungu wako atakubariki katika nchi ambayo unaingia kumiliki.
Ninakuamuru leo kwamba umpende Bwana Mungu wako, utembee katika njia zake, na kutunza maagizo yake, amri na sheria zake; ndipo utakapoishi na kuongezeka, naye Bwana Mungu wako atakubariki katika nchi unayoingia kuimiliki.
då jag nu i dag bjuder dig att älska HERREN, din Gud, att vandra på hans vägar och hålla hans bud och stadgar och rätter, för att du må leva och föröka dig, och för att HERREN, din Gud, må välsigna dig i det land dit du nu kommer, för att taga det i besittning.
Det jag bjuder dig i dag, att du skall älska Herran din Gud, och vandra i hans vägar, och hålla hans bud, lag och rätter, och få lefva, och varda förökad; och Herren din Gud skall välsigna dig i landena, der du indrager till att intaga det.
då jag nu i dag bjuder dig att älska HERREN, din Gud, att vandra på hans vägar och hålla hans bud och stadgar och rätter, för att du må leva och föröka dig, och för att HERREN, din Gud, må välsigna dig i det land dit du nu kommer, för att taga det i besittning.
Na iniuutos ko sa iyo sa araw na ito na ibigin mo ang Panginoon mong Dios, na lumakad ka sa kaniyang mga daan, at tuparin mo ang kaniyang mga utos, at ang kaniyang mga palatuntunan, at ang kaniyang mga kahatulan, upang ikaw ay mabuhay at dumami, at upang pagpalain ka ng Panginoon mong Dios sa lupain na iyong pinapasok upang ariin.
Kung susundin ninyo ang mga panuntunan ni Yahweh na inyong Diyos, na sinasabi ko sa inyo sa araw na ito na mahalin si Yahweh na inyong Diyos, para mamuhay ng naaayon sa kaniyang paraan, at sundin ang kaniyang mga kautusan, ang kaniyang mga batas at kaniyang mga ordenansa, mabubuhay kayo at paparamihin, at pagpalain kayo ni Yahweh na inyong Diyos sa lupain na inyong pupuntahan para angkinin.
நீ பிழைத்து, பெருகுவதற்கும், நீ சொந்தமாக்கப்போகிற தேசத்தில் உன் தேவனாகிய யெகோவா உன்னை ஆசீர்வதிப்பதற்கும், நீ உன் தேவனாகிய யெகோவாவில் அன்புசெலுத்தவும், அவருடைய வழிகளில் நடக்கவும், அவருடைய கற்பனைகளையும், கட்டளைகளையும், நியாயங்களையும் கைக்கொள்ளவும், நான் இன்று உனக்குக் கற்பிக்கிறேன்.
ஏனெனில், இன்று உங்கள் இறைவனாகிய யெகோவாவிடத்தில் நீங்கள் அன்பு வைக்கவும், அவருடைய வழிகளில் நடக்கவும், அவருடைய கட்டளைகளையும், விதிமுறைகளையும், சட்டங்களையும் கைக்கொள்ளவும் நான் உங்களுக்குக் கட்டளையிடுகிறேன். கைக்கொள்வீர்களானால் நீங்கள் வாழ்ந்து பெருகுவீர்கள். நீங்கள் உரிமையாக்கிக்கொள்ளும்படி போகும் நாட்டிலே உங்கள் இறைவனாகிய யெகோவா உங்களை ஆசீர்வதிப்பார்.
మీ దేవుడైన యెహోవాను ప్రేమించి ఆయన మార్గాల్లో నడుస్తూ ఆయన ఆజ్ఞలూ చట్టాలూ విధులూ ఆచరించమని నేను మిమ్మల్ని ఆజ్ఞాపిస్తున్నాను. అలా చేస్తే మీరు స్వాధీనం చేసుకోడానికి ప్రవేశించే దేశంలో మీ యెహోవా దేవుడు మిమ్మల్ని ఆశీర్వదిస్తాడు.
Koeʻuhi ʻi heʻeku fekau kiate koe he ʻaho ni ke ke ʻofa kia Sihova ko ho ʻOtua, ke ʻalu ʻi hono ngaahi hala, pea tauhi ʻene ngaahi fekau mo ʻene ngaahi tuʻutuʻuni mo ʻene ngaahi fakamaau, koeʻuhi ke ke moʻui pea hoko ʻo tokolahi: pea ʻe tāpuaki koe ʻe Sihova ko ho ʻOtua ʻi he fonua ʻaia ʻoku ke ʻalu ki ai ke maʻu ia.
Bugün size Tanrınız RAB'bi sevmeyi, yollarında yürümeyi, buyruklarına, kurallarına, ilkelerine uymayı buyuruyorum. Öyle ki, yaşayasınız, çoğalasınız ve mülk edinmek için gideceğiniz ülkede Tanrınız RAB tarafından kutsanasınız.
Na Sɛ mutie Awurade, mo Nyankopɔn no, mmara a merehyɛ ama mo nnɛ yi, nam so dɔ Awurade, mo Nyankopɔn, nantew nʼakwan mu, di ne mmara so a, mubenya nkwa na mo ase adɔ, na Awurade, mo Nyankopɔn behyira mo wɔ asase a morekɔ akɔtena so no so.
Sɛ motie Awurade, mo Onyankopɔn, mmara a merehyɛ ama mo ɛnnɛ yi, nam so dɔ Awurade, mo Onyankopɔn, nante nʼakwan mu, di ne mmara so a, mobɛnya nkwa na mo ase adɔre, na Awurade, mo Onyankopɔn bɛhyira mo wɔ asase a morekɔ akɔtena so no so.
Бо я сьогодні наказую тобі любити Господа, Бога свого, ходити Його дорогами, та додержувати заповіді Його, і постанови Його, і зако́на Його, щоб ти жив, і розмножився, і поблагосло́вить тебе Господь, Бог твій, у кра́ї, куди ти входиш на насліддя.
क्यूँकि मैं आज के दिन तुमको हुक्म करता हूँ, कि तू ख़ुदावन्द अपने ख़ुदा से मुहब्बत रखे और उसकी राहों पर चले, और उसके फ़रमान और आईन और अहकाम को माने ताकि तू ज़िन्दा रहे और बढ़े; और ख़ुदावन्द तेरा ख़ुदा उस मुल्क में तुझको बरकत बख़्शे, जिस पर क़ब्ज़ा करने को तू वहाँ जा रहा है।
چۈنكى ئۆزۈم ساڭا ھۆكۈم بېرىپ: ــ سىلەر پەرۋەردىگار خۇدايىڭلارنى سۆيۈپ، ئۇنىڭ يوللىرىدا مېڭىپ، ئەمرلىرى، بەلگىلىمىلىرى ھەم ھۆكۈملىرىگە ئەمەل قىلىڭلار، دەپ بۈگۈن سىلەرگە تاپىلىدىم؛ شۇنداق قىلساڭلار سىلەر ياشاپ ئاۋۇپ، ئۇنى ئىگىلەشكە كىرىدىغان زېمىنغا بارغىنىڭلاردا پەرۋەردىگار خۇدايىڭلار سىلەرنى بەرىكەتلەيدۇ.
чүнки өзүм саңа һөкүм берип: — Силәр Пәрвәрдигар Худайиңларни сөйүп, Униң йоллирида меңип, әмирлири, бәлгүлимилири һәм һөкүмлиригә әмәл қилиңлар, дәп бүгүн силәргә тапилидим; шундақ қилсаңлар силәр яшап көпийип, уни егиләшкә киридиған зиминға барғиниңларда Пәрвәрдигар Худайиңлар силәрни бәрикәтләйду.
chünki özüm sanga höküm bérip: — Siler Perwerdigar Xudayinglarni söyüp, Uning yollirida méngip, emrliri, belgilimiliri hem hökümlirige emel qilinglar, dep bügün silerge tapilidim; shundaq qilsanglar siler yashap awup, uni igileshke kiridighan zémin’gha barghininglarda Perwerdigar Xudayinglar silerni beriketleydu.
qünki ɵzüm sanga ⱨɵküm berip: — Silǝr Pǝrwǝrdigar Hudayinglarni sɵyüp, Uning yollirida mengip, ǝmrliri, bǝlgilimiliri ⱨǝm ⱨɵkümlirigǝ ǝmǝl ⱪilinglar, dǝp bügün silǝrgǝ tapilidim; xundaⱪ ⱪilsanglar silǝr yaxap awup, uni igilǝxkǝ kiridiƣan zeminƣa barƣininglarda Pǝrwǝrdigar Hudayinglar silǝrni bǝrikǝtlǝydu.
vì ngày nay, ta bảo ngươi thương mến Giê-hô-va Đức Chúa Trời ngươi, đi trong các đường lối Ngài, và gìn giữ những điều răn luật lệ và mạng lịnh Ngài, để ngươi sống, gia thêm, và Giê-hô-va Đức Chúa Trời ngươi ban phước cho ngươi trong xứ mà ngươi sẽ vào nhận lấy.
vì ngày nay, ta bảo ngươi thương mến Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời ngươi, đi trong các đường lối Ngài, và gìn giữ những điều răn luật lệ và mạng lịnh Ngài, để ngươi sống, gia thêm, và Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời ngươi ban phước cho ngươi trong xứ mà ngươi sẽ vào nhận lấy.
Hôm nay, tôi khuyên anh em phải yêu kính Chúa Hằng Hữu, Đức Chúa Trời của anh em, đi theo đường lối Ngài, tuân giữ giới lệnh, luật pháp của Ngài; như vậy anh em mới được sống, được gia tăng nhân số, và Chúa mới ban phước lành cho anh em trong lãnh thổ anh em sắp chiếm hữu.
Ní èyí tí mo pàṣẹ fún ọ ní òní láti máa fẹ́ Olúwa Ọlọ́run rẹ, láti máa rìn ní ọ̀nà rẹ̀ àti láti máa pa àṣẹ rẹ̀, àti ìlànà rẹ̀, àti ìdájọ́ rẹ̀ mọ́, kí ìwọ kí ó lè yè, kí ó sì máa bí sí i, kí Olúwa Ọlọ́run lè bù si fún ọ ní ilẹ̀ náà, ní ibi tí ìwọ ń lọ láti gbà á.
Verse Count = 212

< Deuteronomy 30:16 >