< Acts 20 >
1 Biyoko bu bimanisa, Polo wutumisa minlonguki, wuba kindisa, wubavana mboti bosi wuyenda ku Maseduani.
When the uproar had ceased, Paul sent for the disciples; and, after speaking words of encouragement to them, he took his leave, and started for Macedonia.
2 Wusabuka bizunga bina, wukindisa mikhuikizi mu malongi mawombo, bosi wuyenda ku Ngelese.
Passing through those districts he encouraged the disciples in frequent addresses, and then came into Greece, and spent three months there.
3 Zingonda zitatu kakadila kuna. Thangu Polo kabaka lukanu lu kuendila ku Sili mu masuwa, Bayuda banyendila manenga, diawu kabakila lukanu luvutukila mu nzila yi Maseduani.
The Jews having planned to waylay him whenever he might be on the point of taking ship for Syria, he decided to travel back by way of Macedonia.
4 Batu baba bayenda yandi nzila yimosi: Sopatele muisi Belemuana Pilusi, Asitaleke ayi Sekundusi basi Tesalonika, Ngayusi muisi Delebe; Timote, Titsike ayi Tolofime basi Azi.
He was accompanied as far as the province of Asia by Sopater the Beroean, the son of Pyrrhus; by the Thessalonians, Aristarchus and Secundus; by Gaius of Derbe, and Timothy; and by the Asians, Tychicus and Trophimus.
5 Bawu batuama ku ntuala, batuvingidila ku Tolowasi.
These brethren had gone on and were waiting for us in the Troad.
6 Nyengo wu mampa momo ka mafunanga ko bu wuvioka, tukuma mu masuwaku Filipi. Bilumbu bitanu tusabukila nlangu bosi tuyiza babata ku Tolowasi; bilumbu bisambanu tuzingila kuna.
But we ourselves sailed from Philippi after the days of Unleavened Bread, and five days later joined them in the Troad, where we remained for a week.
7 Mu lumbu kitheti kilanda lumbu ki saba, tukutakana mu diambu di bukunamapha. Polo wulonga batu bobo bakutakana vana. Sumbu kaba mayindu ma kuenda mu lumbu kilanda, diawu kalongila nate mu midi miphipa.
On the first day of the week, when we had met to break bread, Paul, who was going away the next morning, was preaching to them, and prolonged his discourse till midnight.
8 Minda miwombo miba muna vinga kioki tukutikinina kuna banga.
Now there were a good many lamps in the room upstairs where we all were,
9 Ditoko dimosi, dizina diandi Ewutiku wukadila va nela, sumbu Polo kalongila ngolo, meso ma tulu mambuila, wusangumuka bua ku ntototona ku yilu banga kintatu. Mu thangu bannanguna, bammona wufua.
and a youth of the name of Eutychus was sitting at the window. This lad, gradually sinking into deep sleep while Paul preached at unusual length, overcome at last by sleep, fell from the second floor and was taken up dead.
10 Polo bu kakuluka, wufukama, wunsimba mu mioko miandi; wutuba: —Bikanu kueno mona boma, widi kuandi moyo!
Paul, however, went down, threw himself upon him, and folding him in his arms said, "Do not be alarmed; his life is still in him."
11 Wukuma diaka ku yilu banga; wubukuna dipha wudia. Wubuela longadiaka nate mu nsuka, bosi, wuyenda.
Then he went upstairs again, broke bread, and took some food; and after a long conversation which was continued till daybreak, at last he parted from them.
12 Banata muana ditoko wumoyo ayi bawu boso bakindusu buwombo.
They had taken the lad home alive, and were greatly comforted.
13 Beto bu tutuama ku ntuala, tukuma mu masuwa momo matunata ku Asosi; kuna tufueti vitudila Polo, buawu bobo bubela luzolo luandi. Bila wubaka lukanu lukuendila kuna dimalu.
The rest of us had already gone on board a ship, and now we set sail for Assos, intending to take Paul on board there; for so he had arranged, he himself intending to go by land.
14 Bu kayiza kutubata, bosi tukuma mu masuwa, tuyenda ku Mitilene.
Accordingly, when he met us at Assos, we took him on board and came to Mitylene.
15 Mu lumbu kilanda tubotuka kuna, tuyenda tula ku ndambu Kio. Mu lumbu kinzole, tutula ku Samosi. Lumbu kimvimba ki buela vioka bosi tutula ku Milete.
Sailing from there, we arrived the next day off Chios. On the next we touched at Samos; and on the day following reached Miletus.
16 Bila Polo wumanga kuandi telama ku Efeso mu diambu wumanga viokisa thangu ku Azi; bila wuzola tula ku Yelusalemi enati baka bubela mu lumbu ki nyengo wu Pantekoti.
For Paul's plan was to sail past Ephesus, so as not to spend much time in the province of Asia; since he was very desirous of being in Jerusalem, if possible, on the day of the Harvest Festival.
17 Buna tutula ku Milete, Polo wufidisa thumu kuidi bakulutu ba dibundu di Efeso muingi biza ndengana.
From Miletus he sent to Ephesus for the Elders of the Church to come to him.
18 Buna batula, ku kaba, wuba kamba: —Beno luzebi mboti buevi ndivuandidi yeno tona lumbu kitheti kiokinditula ku Azi.
Upon their arrival he said to them, "You Elders well know, from the first day of my setting foot in the province of Asia, the kind of life I lived among you the whole time,
19 Ndisadidi Pfumu mu kukikulula buwombo, mu matsuela mu meso ayi mu zithotolo ziozi ndimona kuidi Bayuda bu baba ku ndekilanga mintambu.
serving the Lord in all humility, and with tears, and amid trials which came upon me through the plotting of the Jews--
20 Muaki beno luzebi ti ndisia ku lusuekila ko mambu momo madi mfunu kuidi beno. Ndilulonga va nyalu-nguba ayi mu zinzo zieno.
and that I never shrank from declaring to you anything that was profitable, or from teaching you in public and in your homes,
21 Ndikamba kadika thangu Bayuda ayi basi Ngelese ti babalula mavanga ayi bawilukila Yesu, Pfumu eto.
and urging upon both Jews and Greeks the necessity of turning to God and of believing in Jesus our Lord.
22 Buabu ndiedi ku Yelusalemi. Buawu bobo bulembo thuminapheve Yinlongo, vayi ndisi zaba ko mambu mbi ndikuenda buani kuna.
"And now, impelled by a sense of duty, I am on my way to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there,
23 Vayi nzebi ti pheve Yinlongo yiba ku ndubulanga mu kadikadivula ti nloko ayi ziphasi bikuphingila.
except that the Holy Spirit, at town after town, testifies to me that imprisonment and suffering are awaiting me.
24 Vayi minu ndembo moni luzingu luama luidi kima kiphamba. Vayi ndilembo tombi mu tula ku tsuka yi thinu yi ndilembo zawula ayi manisa kisalu kioki Pfumu kaphana kioki kisamuna Nsamu Wumboti wu nlemvo wu Nzambi.
But even the sacrifice of my life I count as nothing, if only I may perfect my earthly course, and be faithful to the duty which the Lord Jesus has entrusted to me of proclaiming, as of supreme importance, the Good News of God's grace.
25 Buabu nzebi bumboti ti lulendi buela kumbona ko beno boso bobondilongidi Nsamu wumboti wu Kipfumu ki Nzambi.
"And now, I know that none of you among whom I have gone in and out proclaiming the coming of the Kingdom will any longer see my face.
26 Diawu ndilu kambidi buabu ti: kadi bila ndisi ko mu menga ma batu boso.
Therefore I protest to you to-day that I am not responsible for the ruin of any one of you.
27 Bila ndisi manga ku lukamba ko makani moso ma Nzambi.
For I have not shrunk from declaring to you God's whole truth.
28 Lukikeba bumboti ayi lukeba bumboti nkangu wu mamemi moso momopheve Yinlongo kalubiekila minsungi. Lukebanga bumboti Dibundu di Nzambidiodi kakudila mu menga mandi.
"Take heed to yourselves and to all the flock among which the Holy Spirit has placed you to take the oversight for Him and act as shepherds to the Church of God, which He has bought with His own blood.
29 Nzebi kuama ti minu kuenda, memvu ma tsisi mela kota va khatitsikꞌeno, malendi mona ko nkangu kiadi.
I know that, when I am gone, cruel wolves will come among you and will not spare the flock;
30 Batu bankaka bela totukila mu beno, bela telama mu longa mambu ma luvunu mu diambu di tuta minlonguki kuidi bawu.
and that from among your own selves men will rise up who will seek with their perverse talk to draw away the disciples after them.
31 Diawu luzibula meso! Lutebuka moyo ti, mu mimvu mintatu, builu ayi muini, ndibedi lubulanga kadika mutu ayi matsuela mama mu meso.
Therefore be on the alert; and remember that, night and day, for three years, I never ceased admonishing every one, even with tears.
32 Buabu ndieka lutambika mu mioko mi Nzambi ayi mu mambu mandi manlemvo andi, mawu mabeki lulendo lu kulukindisila ayi lu kuluvanina kiuka va kimosi ayi banlongo boso.
"And now I commend you to God and to the word of His grace. He is able to build you up and to give you your inheritance among His people.
33 Ndisia tomba phalata ko, nolo, voti minledi mi mutu ko.
No one's silver or gold or clothing have I coveted.
34 Beno veka luzebi ti mioko miama misala kisalu mu diambundibaka bima biobi ndiba tsatu ayi biobi bi bobo baba yama.
You yourselves know that these hands of mine have provided for my own necessities and for the people with me.
35 Ndilumonisa mu mambu moso, mu salanga phila yoyi; buawu tufueti sadisila batu balebakana ayi buawu tulenda tebukila mambu matuba Pfumu Yesu ti: “Khini yidi mu vana yiviokidi yoyi yidi mu tambula!”
In all things I have set you an example, showing you that, by working as I do, you ought to help the weak, and to bear in mind the words of the Lord Jesus, how He Himself said, "'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"
36 Polo bu kamanisa yoluka, wufukama va kimosi ayi bawu boso ayi wusambila.
Having spoken thus, Paul knelt down and prayed with them all;
37 Baboso badila, bosi bambumbakana bu bamfifa besi.
and with loud lamentation they all threw their arms round his neck, and kissed him lovingly,
38 Bamona kiadi kiwombo bu bawa ti balendi buela kummona ko. Bosi bayenda kumvekisa nate ku masuwa.
grieved above all things at his having told them that after that day they were no longer to see his face. And they went with him to the ship.