< Yohani 6 >

1 Pambele uYesu akalovoka ilisumbe ilya Galilaya, ilisumbe ilio ilitavua ilingi likatambulwagha Tibelia.
After these things Jesus went over the Sea of Galilee, or Tiberias.
2 Avaanhu vinga vakam'bingilila uYesu, ulwakuva valyale vikufyagha ifivalilo kukilila ifidegho fino avombagha mulwa kusosia avatamu.
And a huge crowd was following Him because they had seen His signs that He kept performing on the sick.
3 Pe uYesu na vavulanisivua vaake vakatogha ku kidunda, vakikala ukuo.
So Jesus went up on the mountain and sat down there with His disciples.
4 (Unsiki ughuo, ikyimike kya Pasaka kilyale piipi).
(Now the Passover, the feast of the Jews, was near.)
5 UYesu akalivona ilipugha lya vaanhu likwisa kwa mwene, pe akamposia uFilipo akati, “Ndepoonu tughula kuughi amakate, kuuti avaanu avavalie”?
Then, raising His eyes and observing that a huge crowd was coming toward Him, Jesus says to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread so that these folks may eat?”
6 (UYesu akamposia enendiki kukumughela, ulwakuva umwene alyakagwile kino iluta pivomba).
Now He said this to test him, for He Himself knew what He was about to do.
7 UFilipo akamwamula akati, “Nambe twale tuuve ni ndalama nyinga idinali filundo fivili kughula amakate, amakate aghuo naghaale ghikwila kukumpeela nu junge akamenyule akadebe.”
Philip answered Him, “Two hundred denarii worth of bread would not be enough for them, so that each of them could receive a little.”
8 Pe u Andleya, umo mu vavulanisivua vaake, unnuuna ghwa Simoni u petelo, akam'buula uYesu akati,
One of His disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, says to Him,
9 “Pwale apa umwana jumonga ali na makate ghahaano agha ngongilue ni samaki ivili. Neke ifyakulia ifi fitanga kiki ku vaanhu avinga ava?”
“There is a little boy here who has five loaves of barley bread and two small fish, but what are they for so many?”
10 UYesu akavavuula avavulanisivua vaake akati, “Muvakasie avaanhu” (Pe avaanhu vala vakikala apoonu pala pano valikalile) palyale pe lusoli, mulipugha lila avakinhaata veene valyale imbilima ihaano.
Then Jesus said, “Make the people recline.” Now there was plenty of grass in the place; so the men reclined, about five thousand in number.
11 Pe uYesu akatoola amakate ghala, akamhongesia uNguluve, akavaghavila avaanhu vooni vano pwevale pala. Akatoola isamaki akavomba vule vule, Nu junge akapelua ndavule avele ilonda.
Then Jesus took the loaves, and having given thanks He distributed them to the disciples, and the disciples to those who were reclining; so too with the fish, as much as they wanted.
12 Avaanhu vooni yevikwite, uYesu akavavuula avavulanisivu vaake akati, “Mukong'hanie ifisighasi fyoni, kileke kusova kimonga.”
So when they were full He says to His disciples, “Collect the leftover fragments so that nothing be wasted.”
13 Pe vakakong'hania ifisighasi ifya makate ghala agha ngongilue, vakamemia indiilo kijigho ni vili.
So they collected and filled twelve baskets with fragments from the five barley loaves that were left over from those who had eaten.
14 Avaanhu vala ye vakyaghile ikidegho kino avombile uYesu vakati, '“Kyang'haani umuunhu uju ghwe mbili juno twahuvilagha kuuti ikwisa mu iisi muno.”
Now then, having seen the miraculous sign that Jesus performed the men said, “This One really is the Prophet who is to come into the world.”
15 UYesu akakagula kuuti vilonda kukumwumilisia aave ntwa ghwave akavuuka pala, akaluta kange kukidunda, ukuo akava mwene.
So Jesus, perceiving that they were about to come and take Him by force to make Him king, withdrew up the mountain again by Himself, alone.
16 Ye vwilile, avavulanisivua vaake vakiika vakaluta ku lisumbe.
Now as evening came on His disciples had gone down to the sea,
17 Vakingila mu Ngalava vakatengula kulovoka ilisumbe kuluta ku Kapelenaumu. (Unsiki ughuo jilyale ng'iisi neke uYesu alyakyale kufika pa veene).
and getting into the boat they started to go across the sea toward Capernaum. Well it had been dark for a while and Jesus had not come to them.
18 Ilisumbe likatengula kusambaluka ulwakuva imhepo imbaha jikava jigugula.
Further, the sea was being agitated by a strong wind blowing.
19 Avavulanisivua va Yesu ye vaghendisie ingalava ikilomita ihano nambe ntanda ndiiki, vakamwagha uYesu ighenda pakyanya pa malenga alipiipi ni ngalava vakoghopa kyongo.
Then, after they had rowed some three or four miles, they see Jesus walking on the sea and coming near the boat; and they were afraid.
20 UYesu akavavuula akati, “Namungoghopaghe, neene!”
But He said to them, “It is I; don't be afraid!”
21 Pe aveene vakalondagha kuuti ingile mu ngalava, nakalingi ingalava jikafika imwambo jino vakava viluta.
Then they wanted to receive Him into the boat, and immediately the boat was at the land to which they were going.
22 Ikighono ikivingilili, avaanhu vinga vano valyajiighe imwambo ijingi ija lisumbe, vakajaagha pala ingalava jimo jeene. Kange vakakagwile kuuti uYesu naavuka na vavulanisivua vaake ye viluta ni ngalava ulwakuva avavulanisivua vaake vakalutile veene.
The next day the crowd that had stayed on the other side of the sea, having seen that there was no other boat there except the one into which His disciples had entered, and that Jesus had not gotten into the boat with His disciples but only His disciples had gone away—
23 (Pe avaanhu aange vakiisa ni ngalava isingi kuhuma kulikaaja ilya Tibelia vakafika pano avaanhu vakaliile amakate uYesu ye amhongisie uNguluve).
although other boats had come from Tiberias, near the place where they ate the bread after the Lord had given thanks—
24 Avaanhu vala ye vakagwile kuuti uYesu na pwale pala nambe avavulanisivua vaake, vakingila mu ngalava sila vakaluta ku Kapelenaumu kukumulonda uYesu.
so when the crowd saw that neither Jesus nor His disciples were there, they got into the boats and went to Capernaum, looking for Jesus.
25 Avaanu vala ye vafikile imwambo ija lisumbe vakamwagha uYesu vakamposia vakati, “Ghwe m'bulanisi ghwisalighi kuno?”
When they found Him on another side of the sea they said to Him, “Rabbi, when did you get here?”
26 UYesu akavamula akati, kyang'haani nikuvavuula, nakwekuti mukundonda ulwakuva mwafyagha ifivalilo kukilila ifidegho fino navomba, ulwene mukundonda ulwakuva mwalia amakate mukuta.
Jesus answered them and said: “Most assuredly I say to you, you are not seeking me because you saw miraculous signs, but because you ate the bread and were filled.
27 Namungatungumalilaghe ikyakulia kino kinangika, looli ikyakulia kino nakinangika, kino kikukupeela uvwumi uvwa kuvusila kusila, ikyakulia ikio kyekino une ne mwana ghwa muunhu nikuvapeela, ulwakuva uNguluve uNhata ahufisie kyang'haani kuuti une neene ghwa kuvomba imbombo ijio.” (aiōnios g166)
Do not work for the food that wastes away but for the food that endures into life eternal, which the Son of the Man will give you; because on Him God the Father has set His seal.” (aiōnios g166)
28 Pe aveene vakamposia vakati, “Tukite kiki neke tuvombe imbombo sino ikeela uNguluve?”
So they said to Him, “What should we do so that we may work the works of God?”
29 UYesu akavamula akati, “Imbombo jino ikela uNguluve je iji: Munnyitikaghe une ne juno nisunghilue nu mwene.”
Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe into the One whom He sent.”
30 Vakam'buula vakati, “Ghuhufia ikivalilo kiki tukyaghe neke twitike? Lino ghuhufia ikivalilo kiki?
So they said to Him: “Well then, what sign are you going to do so we may see and believe you? What are you going to perform?
31 Avakuulu viitu ye vali ku lukuve, valyaliile imana, ndavule lilembilue mu malembe amimike kuuti, “Alyavapeliile amakate kuhuma kukyanya.”
Our fathers ate the manna in the desert, just as it is written: ‘He gave them bread from Heaven to eat.’”
32 UYesu akavavuula akati, “Kyang'haani nikuvavuula, uMoose naghwe juno alyavapeliile amakate kuhuma kukyanya, looli ghwe Nhaata juno lino ikuvapeela amakate agha kyang'haani ghano ghihuma kukyanya.
Then Jesus said to them: “Most assuredly I say to you, Moses did not give you the bread from Heaven, but my Father gives you the true bread from Heaven.
33 Nijova uluo ulwakuva unkate ughwa kyang'haani neene ne juno uNguluve asung'hile kuhuma kukyanya kukuvapeela avaanhu uvwumi uvwa kuvusila kusila.”
For the bread of God is the One coming down out of Heaven and giving Life to the world.”
34 Pekambuula vakati, “Ghwe Mutwa, tusuuma utulaghe jaatu unkate ughuo.”
Then they said to Him, “Lord, give us this bread always.”
35 UYesu akavavuula akati, “Une neene nkate ghuno ghukuvapeela avaanhu uvwumi, umuunhu juno ikwisa kulyune, injala najilam'bava lusiku juno ikunyitika, ikyumilua nakilamwagha lusiku.”
So Jesus said to them: “I am the bread of the Life. Whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes into me will never thirst.
36 Neke nivavuulile kuuti napano munyaghile, mujiighe namukunyitika.
But, as I told you, you have actually seen me, yet you do not believe.
37 Avaanhu vooni vano uNhaata ikumeela, vikwisa kulyune na kukunyitika, juno ikwisa kulyune nanilantaagha lusiku.
All that the Father gives me will come to me, and the one who comes to me I will not throw out;
38 Nijova uluo ulwakuva une nisilie kuhuma kukyanya kuuti nivombage isa vughane vwa Nhaata juno asung'hile, nanisile kuvomba isa vughane vwango.
because it is not to do my own will that I have come down out of Heaven, but the will of the One who sent me.
39 Uvughane vwa Nhaata juno asung'hile vwe uvu, nileke kusofia nambe jumo mu vano amheliile, looli nivasyusie ikighono ikya vusililo.
Now this is the will of the Father who sent me, that I should lose nothing out of all that He has given me, but should raise it up at the last day.
40 UNhaata ghwango ilonda kuuti, umuunhu juno akagwile kuuti une nili mwanaake na kukunyitika upile uvwumi uvwa kuvusila kusila: Na juune nilikunsyusia ikighono ikya vusililo. (aiōnios g166)
Again this is the will of Him who sent me, that everyone who ‘sees’ the Son and believes into Him may have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.” (aiōnios g166)
41 Pe aVayahudi vakatengula kukung'hulasia ulwakuva uYesu ajovile kuuti, “Une neene nkate ghuno uNguluve aletile kuhuma kukyanya.”
Then the Jews started complaining about Him, because He said, “I am the bread that came down out of Heaven.”
42 Vakiposania veene viiti, “Asi umuunhu uju naghwe Yesu umwana ghwa Yosefu, avapaafi vaake tuvamanyile? Lino lwandaani iti ahumile kukyanya?”
And they were saying: “Isn't this Jesus the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? So how can he say, ‘I have come down out of Heaven’?”
43 UYesu akavamula, akati, “Muleke pikung'hulasia.
So Jesus answered and said to them: “Stop complaining among yourselves.
44 Nakwale umuunhu juno ndepoonu ikwisa kulyune, nave uNhata juno asung'hile une naamulongwisie, na juune nilikunsyusia umuunhu ujuo ikighono ikya vusililo.
No one is able to come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day.
45 Um'bili jumonga alyalembile mu malembe amimike kuuti, 'Vilivulanisivua nu Nguluve.' Umuunhu juno ikumpulikisia uNhaata na kumanyila kwa mwene, ikwisa kulyune.
It is written in the prophets, ‘And they will all be taught by God.’ Therefore everyone who listens and learns from the Father comes to me.
46 Nakwale umuunhu juno amwaghile uNhaata, looli une neene nimwaghile ulwakuva nihumile kwa mwene.
(Not that anyone has seen the Father, except the One who is from God—He has seen the Father.)
47 Kyang'haani nikuvavuula, umuunhu juno ikunyitika une, ali nu vwumi uvwa kuvusila kusila. (aiōnios g166)
Most assuredly I say to you: the one believing into me has eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
48 Une neene nkate ghuno ghukuvapeela avaanhu uvwumi.
“I am the bread of the Life.
49 Avakuulu viinu nambe valyaliile imana ku lukuve, valyafwile.
Your fathers ate manna in the desert, and they died.
50 Neke apa pweghule unkate ghuno ghuhumile kukyanya, umuunhu angalie, naifu.
This is the bread that comes down out of Heaven, so that anyone may eat of it and not die.
51 Une neene nkate ghuno ghuhumile kukyanya. Umuunhu juno ilia unkate ughu, iiva nu uvwa uvwa kuvusila kusila. Unkate ughuo ghwe m'bili ghwango ghuno nitavula kuuti avaanu vooni vavisaghe nu vwumi uvwa kuvusila kusila. (aiōn g165)
I am the living bread which came down out of Heaven. If anyone eats of this bread he will live forever. Actually, the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give on behalf of the life of the world.” (aiōn g165)
52 Avayahudi vakatengula kukang'hana na kuposania veene viiti, “Asi umuunhu uju ikutupeela ndaani um'bili ghwake tulie?”
At that the Jews started quarrelling among themselves, saying, “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?!”
53 UYesu akavavuula akati, “Kyang'haani nikuvavuula, nave namulia um'bili ghwango ne mwana ghwa muunhu, na kunyua idanda jango, namuuva nu vwumi uvwa kuvusila kusila.
So Jesus said to them: “Most assuredly I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of the Man and drink His blood, you do not have Life within yourselves.
54 Umuunhu juno ilia um'bili ghwango na kunyua idanda jango, ali nu vwumi uvwa kuvusila kusila, na juune nilikunsyusia ikighono ikya vusililo. (aiōnios g166)
Whoever chews my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. (aiōnios g166)
55 Nijova uluo ulwakuva um'bili ghwango kye kyakulia ikya kyang'haani, naji danda jango jivusia ikyumilua kyang'haani.
Really, my flesh is genuine food and my blood is genuine drink.
56 Juno ilia um'bili ghwango na kunyua idanda jango ujuo ikukala mulyune, na juune nikukala mwa mwene.
Whoever chews my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him.
57 Ndavule uNhaata juno asung'hile vule mwumi, na june nili mwumi mu ngufu saake, fye enendiiki kwa muunhu juno ilia um'bili ghwango, iiva mwumi mu ngufu sango.
Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so also the one who feeds on me will live because of me.
58 Une nili nkate ghuno ghuhumile ghuhumile kukyanya, naghuli ndavule unkate ghuno avakuulu viinu valyaliile, vakafua. Umuunhu juno ilia unkate ughu iiva nu vwumi uvwa kuvusila kusila. (aiōn g165)
This is the bread that came down out of Heaven. Whoever feeds on this bread of mine will live forever (in contrast to your fathers who ate the manna and died).” (aiōn g165)
59 UYesu alyajovile amasio aghuo ye ali pivulanisia mu sinagogi, ku Kapelenaumu.
He said these things while teaching in a synagogue in Capernaum.
60 Avaanhu vinga mu vavingilili vaake ye vapuliike isio, vakajova vakati, “Imbulanisio isi nhalamu kyongo, ghwe veeni juno ndepoonu ikwupila imbulanisio isio?”
Therefore, upon hearing this many from among His disciples said: “This word is hard! Who is able to hear it?”
61 UYesu ye alutang'hinie kuuti avavingilili vaake vikung'hulasia vwimila imbulanisio isio, akavaposia akati, asi ilisio ili likuvakuvasia?
So Jesus, knowing in Himself that His disciples were complaining about this, said to them: “Does this offend you?
62 Pe luliiva ndaani mliiva mukunyaagha ne mwana ghwa muunhu nitogha kuluta kukyanya kuno nilyale ulutasi?
What if you should see the Son of the Man going up to where He was at first?
63 Umhepo ghwa Nguluve ghwe juno ikuvapeela avaanhu uvwumi uvwa fighono fyoni. Ingufu sa muunhu nasingampeele umuunhu uvwumi. Amasio ghano nivavulile ghikuvapeela umue kuuva nu mhepo ghwa Nguluve, ghwope ikuvapeela uvwumi.
The Spirit is the One who makes alive; the flesh does not benefit anything. The words that I speak to you are spirit, are Life.
64 Neke pwevale vamonga pakate palumue vano navikunyitika.” Ulwakuva alyakagwile kuhuma kuvutengulilo ve va veeni vano navikumwitika, kange ghwe veeni juno ilikumwohela.
But there are some among you who do not believe.” (For Jesus knew from the start who they were who did not believe, and who was betraying Him.)
65 Pe akafijovagha akatisagha, fye nambe nivavulile kuuti, nakwale umuunhu juno ndepoonu ikwisa kulyune nave uNhaata naamulongwisie.”
And He said, “That is why I told you that no one can come to me unless it has been granted to him by my Father.”
66 Kuhuma unsiki ughuo vinga mu vavingilili vaake vakamuleka vakavuhiila kukum'bingilila.
From that time many of His disciples turned back and stopped going around with Him.
67 Pe uYesu akavaposia avavulanisivua vala kijigho na vavili akati, “Asi najumue mulonda pikundeka?”
So Jesus said to the twelve, “You don't want to go away too, do you?”
68 USimoni uPeteli akamwamula akati, “Ghwe mutwa, tukuleke tulute kwani uve uli na masio ghano ghikutupeela uvwumi uvwa kuvusila kusila. (aiōnios g166)
So Simon Peter answered Him: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
69 Usue tukwitika kange tukagwile kuuti uve veeve mwimike kuhuma kwa Nguluve.”
Further, we have come to believe and to know that you are the Christ, the Son of the Living God!”
70 Pe pano uYesu akavavuula akati, “Asi nanivasalwile umue, kange jumonga pakate palyumue ilongosivua nu Setano?
He said to them: “Did I myself not choose you twelve? Yet one of you is a devil.”
71 Apuo uYesu alyale ikunjova uYuda umwana ghwa Simoni uIsikalioti, ulwakuva napano alyale umo mu vavulanisivua kijigho na vavili, ghwe juno ilikumwohela.
He was referring to Judas Iscariot, son of Simon, for it was he who would betray Him, being one of the twelve.

< Yohani 6 >