< Yohani 4 >

1 Lino aVafalisayi vakapulika imhola sa Yesu kuuti ikwofugha na kuuva na vavulanisivua vinga kukila uYohana umwofughi,
Therfor as Jhesu knew, that the Farisees herden, that Jhesu makith and baptisith mo disciplis than Joon,
2 (neke uYesu jujuo naakava ikwofugha, looli avavulanisivua vaake ve vano valyale vikwofugha),
thouy Jhesus baptiside not, but hise disciplis, he lefte Judee,
3 UYesu ye akagwile kuuti imhola saake sipulikiike, akavuuka mukighavo ikya Yudea akagomoka ku kighavo ikya Galilaya.
and wente ayen in to Galilee.
4 Ye vigomoka ku Samalia lukavoneka kuuti kwevule uvufumbue uvwa kukilila mu kighavo ikya Samalia, pe vakakilila isila ijio.
And it bihofte hym to passe bi Samarie.
5 Pe vakafika mu likaaja ilya Sikali lino lyale mukighavo ikya Samalia, ilikaaja ilio lilyale piipi nu mughunda ghuno u Yakobo alyampeliile umwanake u Yosefu.
Therfor Jhesus cam in to a citee of Samarie, that is seid Sicar, bisidis the place, that Jacob yaf to Joseph, his sone.
6 Apuo pwekilyale ikitiimu kya Yakobo. UYesu akikala palubale pa kitiimu ikio kuuti apuume, ulwakuva alyakatiile nu lughendo. Unsiki ughuo ghwale ghwa kavalilo aka ntanda pamwisi.
And the welle of Jacob was there; and Jhesus was weri of the iourney, and sat thus vpon the welle. And the our was, as it were the sixte.
7 Pe akiisa umukijuuva jumomonga uNsamalia kunegha amalenga pa kitimu kila, uYesu akam'buula akati, “Nisuuma amalenga ninyue.”
And a womman cam fro Samarie, to drawe watir. And Jhesus seith to hir, Yyue me drynk.
8 Ulwakuva avavulanisivu vaake vakava valutile kughula ikyakulia.
And hise disciplis weren gon in to the citee, to bie mete.
9 Umukijuuva jula uNsamalia akamwamula akati, “Uve uli Muyahudi, une nilinsamalia, lwandaani ghusuuma amalenga kulyune?” Alyajovile enendiki ulwakuva aVayahudi navalyale nu vuhangilanisi na Vasamalia.
Therfor thilke womman of Samarie seith to him, Hou thou, `whanne thou art a Jewe, axist of me drynk, that am a womman of Samarie? for Jewis vsiden not to dele with Samaritans.
10 UYesu akamwamula akati, “Ghwale ukagulaghe sino uNguluve ilonda kukukupeela na kuuti nene veeni ne juno nikukusuuma amalenga, ngale usumile une, une naale nikukupeela amalenga ghano ghikuvapeela avaanhu uvwumi.”
Jhesus answerde, and seide to hir, If thou wistist the yifte of God, and who `he is, that seith to thee, Yyue me drynk, thou perauenture woldist haue axid of hym, and he schulde haue youun to thee quyk watir.
11 Umukijuuva jula akamwamula uYesu akati, “Ghwe Ntwa uve nuli ni ndoovo ija kuneghela, kyope ikitiimu kitali. Lino ukughaagha kuughi amalenga gha vwumi?
The womman seith to him, Sire, thou hast not where ynne to drawe, and the pit is deep; wherof thanne hast thou quik watir?
12 Unkuulu ghwitu uYakobo alyatupeliile ikitiimu iki, umwene na vanaake vanywile amalenga agha kitiimu ulim'baha kukila uYakovo?”
Whethir thou art grettere than oure fadir Jacob, that yaf to vs the pit? and he drank therof, and hise sones, and hise beestis.
13 UYesu akamwamula akati, “Umuunhu ghweni juno inyua amalenga agha kitimu iki, ikwumilua kange,
Jhesus answerde, and seide to hir, Eche man that drynkith of this watir, schal thirste efte soone;
14 neke umuunhu juno inyua amalenga ghano nikumpeela ghiiva nkate mwa mwene, kiiva kindwivu kya malenga ghikumpeelagha uvwumi vuno navusila lusiku.” (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
but he that drynkith of the watir that Y schal yyue hym, schal not thirste with outen ende; but the watir that Y schal yyue hym, schal be maad in hym a welle `of watir, spryngynge vp in to euerlastynge lijf. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
15 Pe umukijuuva jula akansuuma uYesu akati, “Ghwe Ntwa, umeele amalenga aghuo, nileke pikwumilua, kange nileke pikwisa apa kunegha amalenga.”
The womman seith to hym, Sire, yyue me this watir, that Y thirste not, nether come hidur to drawe.
16 UYesu akambuula akati, “Lutagha, unkemeele umughosi ghwako, ghwise naghwo apa.”
Jhesus seith to hir, Go, clepe thin hosebonde, and come hidir.
17 Umukijuuva jula akamwamula akati, “Une nili nsila mughosi.” UYesu akambuula akati, “Ujovile seseene kuuti, 'ulinsila mughosi,'
The womman answerde, and seide, Y haue noon hosebonde. Jhesus seith to hir, Thou seidist wel, That Y haue noon hosebonde;
18 Ulwakuva ulyatolilue na vaghosi vahano, ghwope juno ghukukala naghwo lino, naghwako. Mu ulu ujovile isa kyang'haani!”
for thou hast hadde fyue hosebondis, and he that thou hast, is not thin hosebonde. This thing thou seidist sotheli.
19 Umukijuuva jula akamwamula akati, “Ghwe Ntwa, nivona uve uli m'bili.
The womman seith to hym, Lord, Y se, that thou art a prophete.
20 Avakuulu viitu valyale vikumwimika uNguluve pa kidunda iki, neke umue mwiti ku Yelusalemu kwe kuno kunoghiile kukumwimika uNguluve.”
Oure fadris worschipiden in this hil, and ye seien, that at Jerusalem is a place, where it bihoueth to worschipe.
21 UYesu akam'buula akati, “Ghwe mukijuva uve, ghwitikaghe sino nijova, ghukwisa unsiki ghuno namukumwimikagha uNguluve uNaata pa kidunda iki nambe ku Yelusalemu.
Jhesus seith to hir, Womman, bileue thou to me, for the our schal come, whanne nether in this hil, nethir in Jerusalem, ye schulen worschipe the fadir.
22 Umue mu kumwimika uNguluve juno namunkagwile, neke usue tukumwimika uNguluve juno tunkagwile, ulwakuva uNguluve ikuvapokea avaanhu kukilila ku Vayahudi.”
Ye worschipen that ye knowen not; we worschipen that that we knowen; for helthe is of the Jewis.
23 Lino unsiki ghukwisa, kange ghufikile, pano avaanhu vano vikumwitika uNguluve uNhaata mu vwakyanghaani, vikumwimikagha mutwa kulongosivua nu mhepo ghwake na vule vulungika uvwakyang'haani vwake.
But the tyme is comun, and now it is, whanne trewe worschiperis schulen worschipe the fadir in spirit and treuthe; for also the fadir sekith suche, that worschipen hym.
24 UNguluve ghwe mhepo, avaanhu vano vikumwimika umwene, vanoghiile kukumwimika mu ngufu isa mhepo ghwake na mu vwakyang'haani.”
God is a spirit, and it bihoueth hem that worschipen hym, to worschipe in spirit and treuthe.
25 Umulijuuva jula akamwamula akati, “Nikagwile kuuti uMesiya, (juno ghwe Kilisite). Ikwisa iliva isile, ujuo ilikutuvuula sooni.
The womman seith to hym, Y woot that Messias is comun, that is seid Crist; therfor whanne he cometh, he schal telle vs alle thingis.
26 UYesu akam'buula akati, “Une ne juno nijova nuuve, neene Mesiya.”
Jhesus seith to hir, Y am he, that spekith with thee.
27 Unsiki ughuo avavulanisivua vaake vakagomoka, vakadegha kyongo kuvona uYesu ijova nu mukijuuva, neke nakwealyale juno alyaghelile kukumposia kuuti, “Ghulonda kiki?” nambe kuuti “Kiki ghujova naghwo?”
And anoon hise disciplis camen, and wondriden, that he spak with the womman; netheles no man seide to hym, What sekist thou, or, What spekist thou with hir?
28 Umukijuuva jula akaluleka pala pala ulusaaji lwake ulwa malenga akaluta kukikaaja, akavavuula, avanu akati,
Therfor the womman lefte hir watir pot, and wente in to the citee, and seide to tho men,
29 “Mwise mulole umuunhu juno ambulile sooni sino nivombile. Asi umuunhu ujuo ndepoonu iiva ghwe Kilisite?”
Come ye, and se ye a man, that seide to me alle thingis that Y haue don; whether he be Crist?
30 Avaanu yepulike isio vakaluta kuno kwale uYesu.
And thei wenten out of the citee, and camen to hym.
31 Unsiki ughwa pamwisi avavulanisivua vaake vakam'buula uYesu vakati, “Ghwe m'bulanisi ulie ikyakulia.”
In the mene while hise disciplis preieden hym, and seiden, Maistir, ete.
32 Umwene akavavuula akati, “Une nili ni kyakulia kino umue namukikagwile.”
But he seide to hem, Y haue mete to ete, that ye knowen not.
33 Avavulanisivua vaake vakatengula kuposania viiti, 'Asi, kuli muunhu isile vwa Nhaata, juno kukumuletela ikyakulia?”
Therfor disciplis seiden togidir, Whether ony man hath brouyt him mete to ete?
34 UYesu akavamula akati, “Ikyakulia kyango une, kwe kuvomba isa vughane vwa Nhaata juno asung'hulile nimale imbombo jaake.
Jhesus seith to hem, My mete is, that Y do the wille of hym that sente me, that Y perfourme the werk of hym.
35 Asi, namwamujova kuuti, “Gasighile ameesi ghahaano kupeta?” Neke une nikuvavuula niiti, lola amaghunda vule ghalivuo pano lukwiline kupeta!
Whether ye seien not, that yit foure monethis ben, and rype corn cometh? Lo! Y seie to you, lifte vp youre iyen, and se ye the feeldis, for now thei ben white to repe.
36 Ghwope juno ipeta ikwupila uluhombo lwake, umpeto ve vaanhu vano vikwupila uvwumi uvwa kuvusila kusila, apuo juno ivyala na juno ipeta vooni vivisagha nu lukeelo palikimo. (aiōnios g166)
And he that repith takith hire, and gaderith fruyt in to euerlastynge lijf; that bothe he that sowith, and he that repith, haue ioye togidere. (aiōnios g166)
37 Kwelule ulujovo luno luuti, 'Jumonga ivyala ujunge ipeta ulujovo uluo lwa kyang'haani.'
In this thing is the word trewe, for anothir is that sowith, and anothir that repith.
38 Une nivasunghile umue kupeta fino namuhangajikile, Avange vakavombile imbombo inalamu, umue mupeta vwimila imbombo jaave.”
Y sente you to repe, that that ye `haue not trauelid; `othere men han trauelid, and ye han entrid `in to her trauels.
39 AVasamalia vinga ava mulikaaja lila ilya sikali vakamwitika uYesu ulwakuva valyapuliike sino alyajovile umukijuuva jula kuuti, “Umuunhu ujuo ambulile sooni sino nivombile.”
And of that citee many Samaritans bileueden in hym, for the word of the womman, that bare witnessyng, That he seide to me alle thingis that Y haue don.
40 Pe aVasamalia vala vakafika pano pwale uYesu vakampelepesia kuuti ikale palikimo na veene, pe akikala mu likaaja ilio ifighono fivili.
Therfor whanne Samaritans camen to hym, thei preieden hym to dwelle there; and he dwelte there twey daies.
41 Avaanhu vinga fiijo vakamwitika uYesu vwimila ilisio lyake.
And many mo bileueden for his word,
42 Vakam'buula umukijuva jula vakati, “Lino nakwekuti tumwitiike umuunhu uju vwimila si sino utuvulile uve, looli tumwitike ulwakuva tupulike sino ajovile, kange tukagwile kuuti kyang'haani umuunhu uju ghwe mpoki ghwa vaanhu vooni.”
and seiden to the womman, That now not for thi speche we bileuen; for we han herd, and we witen, that this is verili the sauyour of the world.
43 Ifighono fivili ye fikilile, akavuuka kiluta ku Galilaya.
And aftir twei daies he wente out fro thennus, and wente in to Galilee.
44 UYesu alyoliike kuuti um'bili naikwoghopua na vaanhu ava mu kikaaja kyake.
And he bar witnessyng, that a profete in his owne cuntre hath noon onour.
45 Avaanhu ava ku Galilaya valyamwupiile uYesu, ulwakuva valyasivwene sooni sino alyavombile ku kyimike ikya Pasaka ku Yelusalemu, kukyimike ukuo voope kwevalyale.
Therfor whanne he cam in to Galilee, men of Galilee resseyueden hym, whanne thei hadden seyn alle thingis that he hadde don in Jerusalem in the feeste dai; for also thei hadden comun to the feeste dai.
46 UYesu akaluta kange ku kikaaja ikya Kana mu kighavo ikya Galilaya. Kukikaaja ikio kwe kuno alyahambwisie amalenga kuuva luhuuje kwe alyale umulongosi jumonga ughwa selikali ku Kapelnaumu, umulongosi ujuo umwanaake alyale ntamu.
Therfor he cam eftsoone in to the Cane of Galile, where he made the watir wiyn. And `a litil kyng was, whos sone was sijk at Cafarnaum.
47 Ye apulike kuuti uYesu isile kange ku Galilaya kuhuma ku Yudea akaluta kukumpelepesia uYesu kuuti alute ku Kapelenaumu, ansosi umwanaake ulwakuva umwanaake ujuo ghulyale ghukova.
Whanne this hadde herd, that Jhesu schulde come fro Judee in to Galilee, he wente to hym, and preiede hym, that he schulde come doun, and heele his sone; for he bigan to die.
48 UYesu akamwamula akati, “Umue namunganyitike kisila kufyagha ifivalilo ni fidegho.
Therfor Jhesus seide to him, But ye se tokenes and grete wondris, ye bileuen not.
49 Umulongosi jula akamwamula akati, “Ghwe Mutwa nikukusuuma luvuke unsosie umwanango pano akyale pifua.”
The litil kyng seith to hym, Lord, come doun, bifor that my sone die.
50 UYesu akam'buula akati, “Vujagha, umwanaako asokile.” Akitika amasio gha Yesu akavuuka ivuja.
Jhesus seith to hym, Go, thi sone lyueth. The man bileuede to the word, that Jhesus seide to hym, and he wente.
51 Umulongosi jula ye ali mu sila ivuja, akatang'hana na vavombi vaake vakambuula vakati umwanaako asokile nkafu.
And now whanne he cam doun, the seruauntis camen ayens hym, and telden to hym, and seiden, That his sone lyuede.
52 Pe akavaposia akati. Asokile unsiki ghuliku, “Aveene vakamwamula vakati, asooka pamihe pamwisi akavalilo aka lekela lubale.”
And he axide of hem the our, in which he was amendid. And thei seiden to hym, For yistirdai in the seuenthe our the feuer lefte him.
53 Uviise ghwa mwana jula akakagula kuuti asooka unsiki ghula ghuno uYesu ajova kuuti, “Umwanaako asookile.” Pe umwene palikimo na vaanhu vooni ava munyumba jaake vakamwitika uYesu.
Therfor the fadir knewe, that thilke our it was, in which Jhesus seide to hym, Thi sone lyueth; and he bileuede, and al his hous.
54 Ikidegho ikio kyale kivalilo kya vuvili kino alyavombile uYesu ku Galilaya ye ahumile ku Yudea.
Jhesus dide eft this secounde tokene, whanne he cam fro Judee in to Galilee.

< Yohani 4 >