< Imbombo 3 >
1 Lino u Petro nhu Yohana yevalungumile munyumba imbaha inyimike ija kufunyila unsiki uwa kufunya, mukivalilo kya budika lubale.
Now Peter and John were going up together into the temple at the hour (the ninth) of prayer.
2 Umunhu jumonga, kivwale kuhuma iholua, alyale ipinduaipindua ifighono fioni valyale vikumughonia pamulyango ghwa nyumba imbaha inyimike ijakufunyila ghuno ghukatambulivuagha umuliango unono, ulwakuti akagule kusuma ikitekelo kuhuma kuvanhu Vene kulyalungime kunyimba imbaha inyimike ijakufunyila.
And a certain man, who had actually been lame from his mother's womb, was being carried (they would lay him daily at the temple gate, the one called Beautiful, to ask alms from those who entered the temple),
3 Ya vwene uPetro nhu Yohana valipipi kukwingila munyumba imbaha ijakufunyila, alyasumile ilitekelo.
who, upon seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple, began asking for alms.
4 Petro, akamulunguvalila amaso, palikimo nhu Yohana, akati, “tulolaghe usue.”
So Peter, with John, fastening his gaze on him said, “Look at us.”
5 Kivwale akavalola, akavahuvilagha kikava kimonga kuhuma kuvanave.
So he gave them his attention, expecting to receive something from them.
6 Loli u Petro akajova, “indalama ni sahabu une nanilinafyo, loli kinonilinakyo nihumia kulyuve. Mhu litavua ilya Yes kilisite ughwa mhu Nazareth, ghendagha.”
But Peter said: “I do not have silver and gold, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ the Natsorean, get up and walk!”
7 U Petro akantola nhi kivoko kya mwene ikyandio, akamwinamula munkyanya: nakalingi amaghulu gha mwene nififughamilo fya mwene ni fijeghe fikapata ingufu.
And grasping him by his right hand he lifted him up; immediately his feet and ankles were strengthened.
8 Akajumba mukyanya, umunhu kivwale pe akima pe akatengula kughenda, akingila munyumba imbaha inyimike ijakufunyila palikimo nhu Petro nhu Yohana, akaghenda, akajumba, napikumongesia u NGuluve.
So jumping up he stood, and began to walk! And he entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God.
9 Avanhu vooni vakambwene ighenda na pikumughinia uNguluve.
Well all the people saw him walking and praising God;
10 Vakakagulu Kati ghwe jula juno alyale ikukala na kusuma ilitekelo pa muliango unono ughwa nyumba inyimike ijakufunyila; valyamemile kudegha name kudegha kyongo pakila kinokikahumile Kwa mwene.
and they recognized him—that he was the one who used to sit at the Beautiful Gate of the temple, with a view to alms—and they were filled with wonder and amazement because of what had happened to him.
11 Ndavule alyavakolelile uPetro nhu Yohana, avanhuavanhu voni vakakimbiliila muvukumbi vuno vatambulagha Sulemani, vakadeghagha kyingo.
Now as the lame man who had been healed held on to Peter and John, all the people ran together to them in the portico, the one called ‘Solomon's’, really wondering.
12 U Petro Jeff alivwene iili, umwene akavamula avaanhu, “umue mwevanhu va much Israeli, kicking mudegha? Nakiki mulangamile amaso ghinu kulyusie, hence twesue tubombile uju ulwakuti aghendaghe ni ngufu siitu nhu vwitiki vwitu?
So upon observing this Peter responded to the people: “Men of Israel, why are you marveling at this, or why are you staring at us as if we have made him walk by our own power or godliness?
13 U Nguleve ghwa Ibrahim, nhu ghwa Isaka, nhu ghwa Yakobo, Nguluve ghwa Va Nhataa viitu, amwimike um'bombi ghwa mwene u Yesu. uju ghwe mwene Juno umue mukafumbatisie na panoramic umwene alyale ilonda kumulekesia ave mwavuke.
The God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, glorified His Servant Jesus, whom you delivered up; and you repudiated Him to Pilate's face, when he was intending to release Him.
14 Mulyakanile umwike kange unyavwakang'ani, niki umue mukamolonda um'budighwe alekue ave mwavuke.
Yes you repudiated the holy and righteous One, and you asked that a murderer be granted to you,
15 Umue mulya m'budile untua ughwa vuumi, Juno u NgeluveNgeluve aliyah syusisie kuhuma ku vafue use tulivolesi va iliio.
while you killed the Originator of the Life, whom God raised from among the dead, to which we are witnesses.
16 Lino mulwitiko mulitavua lya mwene, umunhu uju Juno mukam'bona napikagula, alyimikiluue kuvomba ningufu. Ulwitiko luno lukililakwa Yesu uvulamuke uvupesie, pavulongolo palyumue mwevoni.
Well His name, based on faith in His name, made this man strong, whom you see and know. Yes, the faith that is through Him has given him this wholeness in the presence of you all.
17 Lino, vanyalukolo, nikaguile kuti mulyavombile mhuvujasu, pe valyavombile vulevule avalongosi vinhu.
“So now, brothers, I know that you did it in ignorance, as also your rulers.
18 Loli amasio ghino uNguluve aliyah vavulile nga'aani kukilila mumalomo agha vaviilivaviili voni, Katie ujuuju kilisite ilipumuka lino akwisisie.
But the things that God foretold through the mouth of all His prophets, that the Messiah would suffer, He has thus fulfilled.
19 Lino, mulataghe, musyetuke, ulwakuti uvuhosi vwinu vuoni vuvusivie, ulwakuti ghuise unsiki ughwa kutengana vwimila nhu vutavulivua.
Repent therefore, and turn around, so that your sins may be erased, in order that times of refreshing may come from the Lord's face
20 Mulwakuti akagule pikumwomola kilisite Juno asalulivue vwimila umue, Yesu.
and that He may send Jesus, who had been ordained to be your Messiah,
21 Ujuo ghwe mwene uvulanga vumhupilile pano filava figomoka ifinhu fioni, silo u Nguluve alyasijovile pakali kukila mumalomo gha vaviili. (aiōn )
whom Heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things, of which times God spoke long ago by the mouth of all His holy prophets. (aiōn )
22 Sakyang'ani u Musa alyajovile, u Mutwa unguluve ikumwimiagha um'bili ndavule uneasy kuhuma munkate muvanyalukolo vitu. Mulikumpulikisyagha ifinhu fyoni fine ikuvavula umue.
“For example, Moses said to the fathers: ‘The Lord our God will raise up for you a Prophet, like me, from among your brothers. You must listen to Him, in all that He may say to you.
23 Lulihumila kuuti umunhu ghueni Juno naipulika Kwan m'biili ujuo ghwe itipulivuagha avuke pakate pa vannhu.
It will be that every person who will not listen to that Prophet will be extirpated from among the people.’
24 Ena, navavili voni kutengulila uSamweli navano valisile pambele pa mwene valyajovile kange vakapulisia ifighono ifi.
“Yes and all the prophets, from Samuel on down, as many as have spoken, have also foretold these days.
25 Umwe mhu livana vavvili kange valufingo luno uNguluve alyafingine palikimo nava nyenya, ndavule alyajovile Kwan Abrahimu, 'Mhu mbeju Jakob ing'olo sooni isa mhu iisi sifunyuagha.
You are sons of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying to Abraham, ‘Yes, in your seed all the families of the earth will be blessed.’
26 U Nguluve ya mwimisiemwimisie umbombi ghwake, alyamwomwile kulyumue tasi, ulwakuti avafunye umue ulwakushetuka kuhuma muvuhosi vwinhu.
God, having raised up His Servant Jesus, sent Him to you first, to bless you by turning each of you away from your iniquities.”