< 1 Wakoritho 9 >
1 Une nanilimwavuke? Une nanili nsun'gua? Une nanilyanwaghile u Yesu Mutwa ghwitu? Umue na mulimeke sa mbombo sango mwa Mutwa?
Am I not free? Am I not an Apostle? Can it be denied that I have seen Jesus, our Lord? Are not you yourselves my work in the Lord?
2 Nave une nanilinsun'gua ghwa vanga, nakuva nilinsun'gua kulyumue umue. Ulwakuva umue mulivapesie ghwa vasun'gua vwango mwa Mutwa.
If to other men I am not an Apostle, yet at any rate I am one to you; for your very existence as a Christian Church is the seal of my Apostleship.
3 Uluo lwa lughinio lwango kuvano vikuhungila une.
That is how I vindicate myself to those who criticize me.
4 Vuli natunoghile kulia na kunyua?
Have we not a right to claim food and drink?
5 Natunoghile kutola un'dala juno umwitike ndavule vivomba avasun'gua avange, navanyalukolo va Mutwa, nhu Kefa?
Have we not a right to take with us on our journeys a Christian sister as our wife, as the rest of the Apostles do--and the Lord's brothers and Peter?
6 Nambe nilinemwene nhu Barnaba twevano tunoghile kuvomba imbombo?
Or again, is it only Barnabas and myself who are not at liberty to give up working with our hands?
7 Ghwe veeni juno ivomba imbombo heene n'sikali napikuhomba jujuo? Ghwe veeni juno avyala um'piki ghwa misabibu neke aleke pilia iseke sa ghwene? Nambe ghweveeni juno idima ikipugha juno nainyua utusiva twa ilipugha ilio?
What soldier ever serves at his own cost? Who plants a vineyard and yet does not eat any of the grapes? Or who tends a herd of cattle and yet does not taste their milk?
8 Vuli nijova iisi nuvutavulilua vwa kumuunhu? Indaghilo soope nasijova isio?
Am I making use of merely worldly illustrations? Does not the Law speak in the same tone?
9 Ulwakuuva lilembilue mundaghilo sa Musa, “Nungajibungaghe ing'ombe pano jibena.” Sakyaang'haani kuuti apa u Nguluve ikusivikila umwoojo ing'ombe?
For in the Law of Moses it is written, "Thou shalt not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain."
10 Nambe vuli naijova isio vwimila usue? Silembilue vwimila usue, umwene juno ilema ifya kubena lunoghile kulima kuno ihuvila, ghwope juno lunoghile apetaghe na kuhuvila aghakuhangilanila hene mpeto.
Is God simply thinking about the oxen? Or is it really in our interest that He speaks? Of course, it was written in our interest, because it is His will that when a plough-man ploughs, and a thresher threshes, it should be in the hope of sharing that which comes as the result.
11 Nave tulyavyalile ifinu fya munumbula munkate mulyumue, Vuli! Lisio livaha kulyusue tungapete ifiinu fya mpeto kulyumue?
If it is we who sowed the spiritual grain in you, is it a great thing that we should reap a temporal harvest from you?
12 Nave avange valyakavili ulu kuhuma kulyumue, vuli! usue natunoghole kughina? Nambe vulevule, natukahimbile ulwakyang'haani ulu. Pa uluo, tukagwila sooni isio kuleka kuuva kikuvasio kya livangili lya Kilisite.
If other teachers possess that right over you, do not we possess it much more? Yet we have not availed ourselves of the right, but we patiently endure all things rather than hinder in the least degree the progress of the Good News of the Christ.
13 Namukagwile kuuti voni vano vivomba imbombo munyimba inyimike ijakufunyila vikava ikyakulia kuvanave kuhuma munyumba inyimjke ija kufunyila? Namukagwile kuuti vooni vano vivomba imbombo pakitekelelo vikava ikighavo kya fino fitavulilua pa kitekelelo?
Do you not know that those who perform the sacred rites have their food from the sacred place, and that those who serve at the altar all alike share with the altar?
14 Vwimila vwa lululuo, u Mutwa alyalaghile ulwakuuti vooni vano vidalikila ilivangili luvanoghile pikukala vwimila vwa livangili lililio.
In the same way the Lord also directed those who proclaim the Good News to maintain themselves by the Good News.
15 Looli nanivahimbile sino sivanoghile sooni isio. Nanilemba iisi ulwakuuti kwesive simonga sivombekaghe vwimila une. Kuba une nifue kukila umuunhu ujunge juno ihambusia ulwa kughinia une.
But I, for my part, have not used, and do not use, my full rights in any of these things. Nor do I now write with that object so far as I myself am concerned, for I would rather die than have anybody make this boast of mine an empty one.
16 Ulwakuuva nave nidalikila ilivangili, nanilinalumonga ulwakughinia, ulwakuva lunoghile nivombaghe vulevule. Iiga kulyune nave nanidalikila ilivangili!
If I go on preaching the Good News, that is nothing for me to boast of; for the necessity is imposed upon me; and alas for me, if I fail to preach it!
17 Ulwakuva ningavombe vulevule mu vughane vwango, nilinuluvinolo. Looli nave nanilimuvughane, looli lunoghile luno nipelilue kuuva mwimilili.
And if I preach willingly, I receive my wages; but if against my will, a stewardship has nevertheless been entrusted to me.
18 Lweli uluhombo lwango kye kinu kiki? Ulwakuuti pano nidalikila, nidalikilaghe ilivangili kidila luhombo kisila kuvomba muvukwisie uvwa kyangani vuno nilinavo mu livangili.
What are my wages then? The very fact that the Good News which I preach will cost my hearers nothing, so that I cannot be charged with abuse of my privileges as a Christian preacher.
19 Ulwakuuva nambe nilimwavuke kuvooni, nilyavombile n'kaami ghwa vooni, ulwakuuti nikagule pikuvakuva vinga kukila.
Though free from all human control, I have made myself the slave of all in the hope of winning as many converts as possible.
20 Kuva Yahudi nilyale heene Muyahudi, ulwakuuti nivakave ava Yahudi. Kuvala vano valipasi kululaghilo, nilyale heene jumo juno alipasi pa ndaghilo ulwakuuti nivakave vala vano valipasi pa ndaghilo. Nilyavombile vulevule napano une juno nemwene nanilyale pasi pa ndaghilo.
To the Jews I have become like a Jew in order to win Jews; to men under the Law as if I were under the Law--although I am not--in order to win those who are under the Law;
21 Kuvala vano valikunji nhi ndaghilo, nilyale heene ghwejumo kunji ku ndaghilo, nambe une nemwene nanilyale kunji ku ndaghilo sa Nguluve, looli pasi pa ndaghilo sa Kilisite. Nilyavombile vulevule ulwakuuti nivakave vala vano valikunji nhi ndaghilo.
to men without Law as if I were without Law--although I am not without Law in relation to God but am abiding in Christ's Law--in order to win those who are without Law.
22 Kuvavotevote nilyale m'botevote, ulwakuuti nivakave avavotevote. Nilyale nimbeelo sooni ku vaanhu vooni, ulwakuuti kusila sooni nikave kukuvapoka vamo.
To the weak I have become weak, so as to gain the weak. To all men I have become all things, in the hope that in every one of these ways I may save some.
23 Najune nivomba sooni isi vwimila vwa livangili, ulwakuuti nikave kuhasing'ana mu nyifunyo.
And I do everything for the sake of the Good News, that I may share with my hearers in its benefits.
24 Namukagwile kuuti kukimbila uluvilo vooni vanovilongolela kuluvilo vikimbila kyongo, looli juno ikwupila uluvonolo alijumo? Pa uluo mukimbila uluvilo ulwakuuti mukave uluvonolo.
Do you not know that in the foot-race the runners all run, but that only one gets the prize? You must run like him, in order to win with certainty.
25 Unena luneno ikusigha sooni pano alipimanyila. Avuo vivomba vulevule neke vupile ingela jino jinangika, looli usue tukimbila ulwakuuti tukave ingela jino najinangika.
But every competitor in an athletic contest practices abstemiousness in all directions. They indeed do this for the sake of securing a perishable wreath, but we for the sake of securing one that will not perish.
26 Pa uluo une nanikimbila kisila lyambulilo nambe nanilua imbuli heene nitova mwuja.
That is how I run, not being in any doubt as to my goal. I am a boxer who does not inflict blows on the air,
27 Looli nikughupumusia um'bili ghwango na pikughuvika heene n'kaami, ulwakuuti namve nimale kudalikila avange, june nemwene nileka kuva ghwa kukanua.
but I hit hard and straight at my own body and lead it off into slavery, lest possibly, after I have been a herald to others, I should myself be rejected.