< Wǝⱨiy 3 >

1 — Sardistiki jamaǝtning ǝlqisigǝ mundaⱪ yazƣin: — «Hudaning yǝttǝ Roⱨi wǝ yǝttǝ yultuzining Igisi Bolƣuqi mundaⱪ dǝydu: — Sening ǝmǝlliringni wǝ xundaⱪla «ⱨayat» degǝn nam-abruyungning barliⱪini, lekin ǝmǝliyǝttǝ ɵlük ikǝnlikingni bilimǝn.
And to the angel of the church in Sardis write; The one having the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars, says these things; I know your works, that you have a name that you are living, and are dead.
2 Xunga, oyƣan, seningdǝ bar bolƣan, ǝmma ɵlǝy dǝp ⱪalƣan [hislǝtliringni] küqǝyt; qünki Hudayim aldida ǝmǝlliringning tügǝl ǝmǝslikini bildim.
Be you watchful, and strengthen the remaining things, which are about to die. For I have not found your works perfect before my God.
3 Uning üqün [sɵz-kalamni] ⱪandaⱪ ⱪobul ⱪilip angliƣiningni yadingƣa kǝltürüp, uni qing tutup towa ⱪilƣin. Lekin oyƣanmisang Mǝn oƣridǝk üstüngkǝ kelimǝn wǝ sǝn ⱪaysi saǝttǝ üstünggǝ kelidiƣinimni ⱨǝrgiz bilmǝysǝn.
Remember therefore how you have received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If you do not watch, I will come as a thief, and you shall not know what hour I will come upon you.
4 Lekin Sardista ɵz kiyimlirigǝ daƣ tǝgküzmigǝn birnǝqqǝ xǝhs bar. Ular aⱪ kiyim kiyip Mǝn bilǝn billǝ mangidu, qünki ular buningƣa layiⱪtur.
But you have a few names in Sardis who have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: because they are worthy.
5 Ƣǝlibǝ ⱪilƣuqilar mana xundaⱪ aⱪ kiyimlǝrni kiyidu. Mǝn ularning namini ⱨayatliⱪ dǝptiridin ⱨǝrgiz ɵqürmǝymǝn, bǝlki ularning namini Atam Hudaning wǝ Uning pǝrixtilirining aldida oquⱪ etirap ⱪilimǝn.
The one conquering shall thus be clothed in white garments; and I will not blot out his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before my Father, and in the presence of his angels.
6 Ⱪuliⱪi barlar Roⱨning jamaǝtlǝrgǝ degǝnlirini anglisun!»
Let the one having ears hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
7 — Filadelfiyǝdiki jamaǝtning ǝlqisigǝ mundaⱪ yazƣin: — «Muⱪǝddǝs wǝ Ⱨǝⱪiⱪiy Bolƣuqi, xundaⱪla Dawutning aqⱪuqiƣa igǝ Bolƣuqi, aqsam ⱨeqkim yapalmaydu, yapsam ⱨeqkim aqalmaydu degüqi munu ixlarni dǝydu:
And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; The holy, true one, the one having the key of David, the one opening, and no one shall shut; and the one shutting, and no one shall open; says these things.
8 — Sening ǝmǝlliringni bilimǝn. Sening bir’az küqüng bolƣaq sɵz-kalamimƣa itaǝt ⱪilƣining wǝ namimdin tenip kǝtmigining üqün, aldingda ⱨeqkim yapalmaydiƣan bir ixikni eqip ⱪoydum.
I know your works; behold, I have given before you an open door, which no one is able to shut: and you have a little power, and you have kept my word, and not denied my name.
9 Mana, Xǝytanning sinagogidikilǝrdin, Yǝⱨudiy ǝmǝs turup ɵzlirini Yǝⱨudiy dǝp atiwalƣan yalƣanqilarni bolsa xundaⱪ aⱪiwǝtkǝ ⱪaldurimǝnki, ularni kelip sening ayiƣingƣa bax uridiƣan wǝ Mening seni sɵygǝnlikimni bilidiƣan ⱪilimǝn.
Behold, I give of the synagogue of Satan, those who say they are Jews, and are not, but are lying; behold, I will make them that they shall come and worship before thy feet, and may know that I have loved thee with divine love.
10 Sǝn Mening sǝwr-taⱪǝt yolumdiki sɵz-kalamimni saⱪlap ǝmǝl ⱪilixing üqün bu dunyadiki insanlarni sinaxⱪa pütkül yǝr yüzigǝ qüxidiƣan wabaliⱪ sinaⱪning waⱪit-saiti kǝlgǝndǝ seni uningdin saⱪlap ⱪoƣdap ⱪalimǝn.
Because you have kept the word of my patience, and I will keep you from the hour of temptation, which is about to come upon the whole world, to try those dwelling upon the earth.
11 Mǝn pat arida kelimǝn. Tajingni ⱨeqkimning tartiwalmasliⱪi üqün, ɵzüngdǝ bar bolƣanni qing tutⱪin.
I am coming quickly: hold fast that which you have, that no one may take your crown.
12 Ƣǝlibǝ ⱪilƣuqini bolsa, Hudayimning ibadǝthanisiƣa tüwrük ⱪilimǝnki, u u yǝrdin ǝsla qiⱪmaydu. Mǝn uning üstigǝ Hudayimning namini, Hudayimning xǝⱨirining namini, yǝni ǝrxtin — Hudaning yenidin qüxidiƣan yengi Yerusalemning namini wǝ Mening yengi namimni yazimǝn.
The one conquering, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go out no more: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God: and my new name.
13 Ⱪuliⱪi barlar Roⱨning jamaǝtlǝrgǝ degǝnlirini anglisun!»
Let the one having ears, hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
14 — Laodikiyadiki jamaǝtning ǝlqisigǝ mundaⱪ yazƣin: — «Amin Atalƣuqi, yǝni Sadiⱪ wǝ Ⱨǝⱪiⱪiy Guwaⱨqi, Hudaning kainitining kelip qiⱪixining Sǝwǝbqisi mundaⱪ dǝydu:
And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write; The Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God, says these things;
15 Sening ǝmǝlliringni bilimǝnki, sǝn soƣuⱪmu ǝmǝs, ⱪiziⱪmu ǝmǝs. Mǝn sening ya soƣuⱪ, ya ⱪiziⱪ boluxungni halayttim!
I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I would that you were either cold or hot.
16 Sǝn ya soƣuⱪ ya ⱪiziⱪ ǝmǝs, bǝlki ilman bolƣanliⱪing üqün, seni aƣzimdin ⱨɵ ⱪilimǝn.
Thus because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I am about to spew you out of my mouth.
17 Sǝn bay adǝmmǝn, dɵlǝtmǝn boldum, ⱨeq nǝrsigǝ ⱨajǝtmǝn ǝmǝsmǝn degining bilǝn ɵzüngning ƣerib, biqarǝ, yoⱪsul, kor wǝ yalingaq ikǝnlikingni bilmigǝqkǝ,
Because you are saying, That I am rich, and have increased in riches, and have need as to nothing, and do you not know that you are miserable, and pitiful, and poor, and blind, and naked?
18 bay boluxung üqün otta tawlanƣan altun, yalingaqliⱪ nomusluⱪungning yepilixi üqün kiygüzülüxünggǝ aⱪ kiyim-keqǝk, kɵrüxüng üqün kɵzliringgǝ sürtüxkǝ tutiyani mǝndin setiwelixingni nǝsiⱨǝt ⱪilimǝn.
I counsel you to buy from me gold which has been purified by the fire, in order that you may be rich; and white garments, in order that you may be clothed, and the shame of your nakedness may not be exposed; and eye salve to anoint your eyes, that you may see.
19 Mǝn kimni sɵysǝm, xuning ǝyibini kɵrsitip tǝrbiyilǝymǝn; xuning üqün ⱪizƣin kɵyüp-pixip towa ⱪil.
So many as I love, I rebuke and chastise; be zealous, and repent.
20 Mana, Mǝn ⱨazir ixik aldida turup, ixikni ⱪeⱪiwatimǝn. Əgǝr biri awazimni anglap ixikni aqsa, uning yeniƣa kirimǝn. Mǝn uning bilǝn, umu Mǝn bilǝn billǝ ƣizalinidu.
Behold, I stand at the door, and am knocking: if any one may hear my voice, and may open the door, I will come in unto him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
21 Ƣǝlibǝ ⱪilƣuqini bolsa, Mǝnmu ƣǝlibǝ ⱪilip, Atamning tǝhtidǝ uning bilǝn birgǝ olturƣinimdǝk, unimu tǝhtimdǝ Mǝn bilǝn birgǝ olturuxⱪa muyǝssǝr ⱪilimǝn.
The one conquering, I will give unto him to sit with me on my throne, as I indeed have conquered, and sat down with my Father on his throne.
22 Ⱪuliⱪi barlar Roⱨning jamaǝtlǝrgǝ degǝnlirini anglisun!»
Let the one having ears hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

< Wǝⱨiy 3 >