< Zǝbur 144 >

1 Dawut yazƣan küy: — Ⱪollirimƣa jǝng ⱪilixni, Barmaⱪlirimƣa uruxni ɵgitidiƣan, Mening Ⱪoram Texim Pǝrwǝrdigarƣa tǝxǝkkür-mǝdⱨiyǝ ⱪayturulsun!
[A Psalm] of David concerning Goliad. Blessed [be] the Lord my God, who instructs my hands for battle, [and] my fingers for war.
2 Mening ɵzgǝrmǝs xǝpⱪitim wǝ mening ⱪorƣinim, Mening egiz munarim wǝ nijatkarim, Mening ⱪalⱪinim wǝ tayanƣinim, mǝn Uningdin ⱨimayǝ tapimǝn; U Ɵz hǝlⱪimni ⱪol astimda boysundurƣuqidur!
My mercy, and my refuge; my helper, and my deliverer; my protector, in whom I have trusted; who subdues my people under me.
3 I Pǝrwǝrdigar, Sǝn uningdin hǝwǝr alidikǝnsǝn, adǝm degǝn zadi nemǝ? Uning toƣruluⱪ oylaydikǝnsǝn, insan balisi degǝn nemǝ?
Lord, what is man, that thou art made known to him? or the son of man, that thou takest account of him?
4 Adǝm bolsa bir nǝpǝsturla, halas; Uning künliri ɵtüp ketiwatⱪan bir kɵlǝnggidur, halas.
Man is like to vanity: his days pass as a shadow.
5 I Pǝrwǝrdigar, asmanlarni egildürüp qüxkǝysǝn; Taƣlarƣa tegip ulardin is-tütǝk qiⱪarƣaysǝn;
O Lord, bow thy heavens, and come down: touch the mountains, and they shall smoke.
6 Qaⱪmaⱪlarni qaⱪⱪuzup ularni tarⱪitiwǝtkǝysǝn; Oⱪliringni etip ularni ⱪiyⱪas-sürǝngǝ salƣaysǝn;
Send lightning, and thou shalt scatter them: send forth thine arrows, and thou shalt discomfit them.
7 Yuⱪiridin ⱪolliringni uzitip, Meni azad ⱪilƣaysǝn; Meni uluƣ sulardin, Yaⱪa yurttikilǝrning qanggilidin qiⱪarƣaysǝn.
Send forth thine hand from on high; rescue me, and deliver me out of great waters, out of the hand of strange children;
8 Ularning aƣzi ⱪuruⱪ gǝp sɵzlǝydu, Ong ⱪoli aldamqi ⱪoldur.
whose mouth has spoken vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of iniquity.
9 I Huda, mǝn Sanga atap yengi nahxa eytimǝn; Ontarƣa tǝngkǝx bolup Sanga küylǝrni eytimǝn.
O God, I will sing a new song to thee: I will play to thee on a psaltery of ten strings.
10 Sǝn padixaⱨlarƣa nijatliⱪ-ƣǝlibǝ beƣixlaysǝn; Ⱪulung Dawutni ǝjǝllik ⱪiliqtin ⱪutuldurisǝn.
[Even] to him who gives salvation to kings: who redeems his servant David from the hurtful sword.
11 Meni ⱪutuldurƣaysǝn, yat yurttikilǝrning ⱪolidin azad ⱪilƣaysǝn; Ularning aƣzi ⱪuruⱪ gǝp sɵzlǝydu, Ong ⱪoli aldamqi ⱪoldur.
Deliver me, and rescue me from the hand of strange children, whose mouth has spoken vanity, and their right hand is a right hand of iniquity;
12 Xundaⱪ ⱪilip oƣullirimiz yaxliⱪida puhta yetilgǝn kɵqǝtlǝrgǝ ohxaydu, Ⱪizlirimiz ordiqǝ nǝⱪixlǝngǝn tüwrüklǝrdǝk bolidu;
whose children are as plants, strengthened in their youth: their daughters are beautiful, sumptuously adorned after the similitude of a temple.
13 Axliⱪ ambarlirimiz toldurulup, Türlük-türlük ozuⱪlar bilǝn tǝminlǝydiƣan, Ⱪoylirimiz otlaⱪlirimizda minglap, tümǝnlǝp ⱪozilaydiƣan;
Their garners are full, and bursting with one kind of store after another; their sheep are prolific, multiplying in their streets.
14 Kalilirimiz boƣaz bolidiƣan; Ⱨeqkim besip kirmǝydiƣan, ⱨeqkim [jǝnggǝ] qiⱪmaydiƣan; Koqilirimizda ⱨeq jedǝl-ƣowƣa bolmaydiƣan;
Their oxen are fat: there is no falling down of a hedge, nor going out, nor cry in their folds.
15 Əⱨwali xundaⱪ bolƣan hǝlⱪ nemidegǝn bǝhtliktur! Hudasi Pǝrwǝrdigar bolƣan hǝlⱪ bǝhtliktur!
Men bless the people to whom this lot belongs, [but] blessed is the people whose God is the Lord.

< Zǝbur 144 >