< Pǝnd-nǝsiⱨǝtlǝr 14 >

1 Ⱨǝrbir dana ayal ɵz ailisini awat ⱪilar; Əhmǝⱪ ayal ailisini ɵz ⱪoli bilǝn wǝyran ⱪilar.
The wise woman buildeth her house; But the foolish teareth it down with her hands.
2 Durusluⱪ yolida mangidiƣan kixi Pǝrwǝrdigardin ⱪorⱪar; Ⱪingƣir yolda mangƣan kixi [Hudani] kɵzgǝ ilmas.
He who walketh in uprightness feareth the LORD; But he who is perverse in his ways despiseth him.
3 Əhmǝⱪning tǝkǝbbur aƣzi ɵzigǝ tayaⱪ bolar; Aⱪilanining lǝwliri ɵzini ⱪoƣdar.
In the mouth of the foolish pride is a scourge; But the lips of the wise preserve them.
4 Ulaƣ bolmisa, eƣil pak-pakiz turar; Biraⱪ ɵküzning küqi bolƣandila [sangƣa] axliⱪ tolar.
Where there are no oxen, the crib is clean; But there is great increase by the strength of the ox.
5 Ixǝnqlik guwaⱨqi yalƣan eytmas; Sahta guwaⱨqi yalƣan gǝpni nǝpǝstǝk tinar.
A faithful witness doth not lie; But a false witness poureth forth lies.
6 Ⱨakawurlar danaliⱪ izdǝp tapalmas; Biraⱪ yorutulƣan adǝmgǝ bilim elix asanƣa qüxǝr.
The scoffer seeketh wisdom, and findeth it not; But knowledge is easy to the man of understanding.
7 Birawning aƣzida bilim yoⱪluⱪini bilip yǝtkǝndǝ, Uningdin ɵzüngni neri tart.
Go from the presence of a foolish man; For thou hast not perceived in him the lips of knowledge.
8 Əⱪil-parasǝtlik kixining danaliⱪi ɵz yolini oylinixtidur; Əhmǝⱪlǝrning ǝⱪilsizliki bolsa ɵzlirining aldinixidur.
The wisdom of the prudent is in giving heed to his way; But the folly of fools is deceit.
9 Əhmǝⱪlǝr bolsa «itaǝtsizlik ⱪurbanliⱪi»ni kɵzgǝ ilmaydu, Ⱨǝⱪⱪaniylar arisida bolsa iltipat tepilar.
Fools make a mock at sin; But with the upright is favor.
10 Kɵngüldiki dǝrdni pǝⱪǝt ɵzila kɵtürǝlǝr; Kɵngüldiki huxluⱪⱪimu baxⱪilar xerik bolalmas.
The heart knoweth its own bitterness. And a stranger cannot intermeddle with its joy.
11 Yamanning ɵyi ɵrülüp qüxǝr; Ⱨǝⱪⱪaniy adǝmning qediri güllinip ketǝr.
The house of the wicked shall be destroyed; But the tent of the upright shall flourish.
12 Adǝm balisiƣa toƣridǝk kɵrünidiƣan bir yol bar, Lekin aⱪiwiti ⱨalakǝtkǝ baridiƣan yollardur.
There is a way which seemeth right to a man, But its end is the way to death.
13 Oyun-külkǝ bolsa ⱪǝlbtiki ƣǝm-ⱪayƣuni yapar, Huxalliⱪ ɵtüp kǝtkǝndǝ, ƣǝm-ⱪayƣu yǝnila ⱪalar.
Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful, And the end of joy is grief.
14 Toƣra yoldin burulup yanƣan adǝm ⱨaman ɵz yolidin toyar; Yahxi adǝm ɵz ixidin ⱪanaǝtlinǝr.
The perverse in heart shall be filled with his own ways; And from himself shall the good man be satisfied.
15 Saddilar ⱨǝmmǝ gǝpkǝ ixinip ketǝr; Lekin pǝm-parasǝtlik kixi ⱨǝrbir ⱪǝdǝmni awaylap basar.
The simple man believeth every word; But the prudent looketh well to his steps.
16 Dana adǝm eⱨtiyatqan bolup awariqiliktin neri ketǝr; Əhmǝⱪ ⱨakawurluⱪ ⱪilip, ɵzigǝ ixinip aldiƣa mangar.
The wise man feareth, and departeth from evil; But the fool is haughty and confident.
17 Terikkǝk ǝhmǝⱪliⱪ ⱪilar; Nǝyrǝngwaz adǝm nǝprǝtkǝ uqrar.
He who is hasty in his anger will commit folly; And the man of wicked devices will be hated.
18 Saddilar ǝhmǝⱪliⱪⱪa warisliⱪ ⱪilar; Pǝm-parasǝtliklǝr bilimni ɵz taji ⱪilar.
The simple inherit folly; But the prudent are crowned with knowledge.
19 Yamanlar yahxilarning aldida igilǝr; Ⱪǝbiⱨlǝr ⱨǝⱪⱪaniyning dǝrwaziliri aldida [bax urar].
The evil bow before the good; Yea, the wicked at the gates of the righteous.
20 Namrat kixi ⱨǝtta ɵz yeⱪiniƣimu yaman kɵrünǝr. Bayning dosti bolsa kɵptur.
The poor is hated even by his own neighbor; But the rich hath many friends.
21 Yeⱪinini pǝs kɵrgǝn gunaⱨkardur; Lekin miskinlǝrgǝ rǝⱨim ⱪilƣan bǝrikǝt tapar.
He who despiseth his neighbor sinneth; But happy is he who hath mercy on the poor.
22 Yamanliⱪ oyliƣanlar yoldin adaxⱪanlardin ǝmǝsmu? Biraⱪ yahxiliⱪ oyliƣanlar rǝⱨim-xǝpⱪǝt, ⱨǝⱪiⱪǝt-sadiⱪliⱪⱪa muyǝssǝr bolar.
Do not they who devise evil fail of their end? But they who devise good meet with kindness and truth.
23 Ⱨǝmmǝ meⱨnǝttin payda qiⱪar; Biraⱪ ⱪuruⱪ paranglar adǝmni moⱨtajliⱪta ⱪaldurar.
In all labor there is profit; But the talk of the lips tendeth only to penury.
24 Aⱪilanilǝr üqün bayliⱪlar bir tajdur; Əhmǝⱪlǝrning nadanliⱪidin pǝⱪǝt yǝnǝ xu nadanliⱪla qiⱪar.
Riches are a crown to the wise; But the promotion of fools is folly.
25 Ⱨǝⱪⱪaniy guwaⱨliⱪ bǝrgüqi kixilǝrning ⱨayatini ⱪutⱪuzar; Yalƣan-yawidaⱪ sɵzlǝydiƣan [guwaⱨqi] yalƣan gǝpni nǝpǝstǝk tinar.
A true witness saveth lives; But a deceitful witness poureth forth lies.
26 Pǝrwǝrdigardin ⱪorⱪidiƣanning küqlük yɵlǝnqüki bar, Uning balilirimu ⱨimayigǝ igǝ bolar.
In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence; Yea, to his children he will be a refuge.
27 Pǝrwǝrdigardin ⱪorⱪux ⱨayatning buliⱪidur; U kixini ǝjǝllik tuzaⱪlardin ⱪutⱪuzar.
The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life; By it men escape from the snares of death.
28 Padixaⱨning xan-xǝripi puⱪrasining kɵplikidindur; Puⱪrasining kǝmliki ǝmirning ⱨalakitidur.
In a numerous people is the glory of a king; But the want of people is the destruction of a prince.
29 Eƣir-besiⱪ kixi intayin aⱪil kixidur; Qeqilƣaⱪ ǝhmǝⱪliⱪni uluƣlar.
He who is slow to anger is of great understanding. But he who is of a hasty spirit setteth folly on high.
30 Hatirjǝm kɵngül tǝnning saⱪliⱪidur; Ⱨǝsrǝt qekix bolsa sɵngǝklǝrni qiritar.
A quiet heart is the life of the flesh; But the ferment of passion is rottenness to the bones.
31 Miskinni bozǝk ⱪilƣuqi — Pǝrwǝrdigarƣa ⱨaⱪarǝt ⱪilƣuqidur; Ⱨajǝtmǝnlǝrgǝ xapaǝt ⱪilix Uni ⱨɵrmǝtligǝnliktur.
He who oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker; But he who hath mercy on the poor honoreth him.
32 Yaman ɵz yamanliⱪi iqidǝ yiⱪitilar; Ⱨǝⱪⱪaniy adǝm ⱨǝtta sǝkratta yatⱪandimu hatirjǝm bolar.
By his wickedness the wicked is thrust down; But the righteous hath hope even in death.
33 Yorutulƣan kixining kɵnglidǝ danaliⱪ yatar; Biraⱪ ǝhmǝⱪning kɵnglidikisi axkara bolmay ⱪalmas.
Wisdom resteth quietly in the heart of the wise; But in the breast of fools it will be made known.
34 Ⱨǝⱪⱪaniyǝt ⱨǝrⱪaysi ǝlni yuⱪiri kɵtürǝr; Gunaⱨ ⱨǝrⱪandaⱪ millǝtni nomusⱪa ⱪaldurar.
Righteousness exalteth a people; But the reproach of nations is sin.
35 Padixaⱨning iltipati ǝⱪilliⱪ hizmǝtkarning bexiƣa qüxǝr; Biraⱪ uning ƣǝzipi nomusta ⱪaldurƣuqi uyatsiz hizmǝtkarining bexiƣa qüxǝr.
The king's favor is toward a wise servant; But his wrath is against him that causeth shame.

< Pǝnd-nǝsiⱨǝtlǝr 14 >