< Pǝnd-nǝsiⱨǝtlǝr 12 >

1 Kimki tǝrbiyini ⱪǝdirlisǝ, bilimnimu sɵygüqidur; Lekin tǝnbiⱨkǝ nǝprǝtlǝngǝn nadan-ⱨamaⱪǝttur.
He that loueth chastisyng, loueth kunnyng; but he that hatith blamyngis, is vnwijs.
2 Yahxi niyǝtlik adǝm Pǝrwǝrdigarning iltipatiƣa erixǝr; Əmma Pǝrwǝrdigar ⱨiylǝ-mikirlik adǝmning gunaⱨini bekitǝr.
He that is good, schal drawe to hym silf grace of the Lord; but he that tristith in hise thouytis, doith wickidli.
3 Adǝmlǝr yamanliⱪ ⱪilip amanliⱪ tapalmas; Lekin ⱨǝⱪⱪaniylarning yiltizi tǝwrǝnmǝs.
A man schal not be maad strong by wyckidnesse; and the root of iust men schal not be moued.
4 Pǝzilǝtlik ayal erining tajidur; Əmma uni uyatⱪa salƣuqi hotun uning ustihinini qiritǝr.
A diligent womman is a coroun to hir hosebond; and rot is in the boonys of that womman, that doith thingis worthi of confusioun.
5 Ⱨǝⱪⱪaniy adǝmning oy-pikri durus ⱨɵküm qiⱪirar; Yamanlarning nǝsiⱨǝtliri mǝkkarliⱪtur.
The thouytis of iust men ben domes; and the counselis of wickid men ben gileful.
6 Yamanlarning sɵzliri ⱪan tɵkidiƣan ⱪiltaⱪtur; Lekin durusning sɵzi adǝmni ⱪiltaⱪtin ⱪutuldurar.
The wordis of wickid men setten tresoun to blood; the mouth of iust men schal delyuere hem.
7 Yamanlar aƣdurulup, yoⱪilar; Lekin ⱨǝⱪⱪaniylarning ɵyi mǝzmut turar.
Turne thou wickid men, and thei schulen not be; but the housis of iust men schulen dwelle perfitli.
8 Adǝm ɵz zerikliki bilǝn mahtaxⱪa sazawǝr bolar; Əgri niyǝtlik kixi kɵzgǝ ilinmas.
A man schal be knowun bi his teching; but he that is veyn and hertles, schal be open to dispising.
9 Peⱪir turup hizmǝtkari bar kixi, Ɵzini qong tutup aq yürgǝn kixidin yahxidur.
Betere is a pore man, and sufficient to him silf, than a gloriouse man, and nedi of breed.
10 Ⱨǝⱪⱪaniy adǝm ɵz uliƣinimu asrar; Əmma rǝzil adǝmning bolsa ⱨǝtta rǝⱨimdilliⱪimu zalimliⱪtur.
A iust man knowith the soulis of hise werk beestis; but the entrailis of wickid men ben cruel.
11 Tirixip teriⱪqiliⱪ ⱪilƣan deⱨⱪanning ⱪorsiⱪi toⱪ bolar; Əmma ham hiyallarƣa berilgǝn kixining ǝⱪli yoⱪtur.
He that worchith his lond, schal be fillid with looues; but he that sueth idilnesse, is moost fool. He that is swete, lyueth in temperaunces; and in hise monestyngis he forsakith dispisyngis.
12 Yaman adǝm yamanliⱪ ⱪiltiⱪini kɵzlǝp olturar; Əmma ⱨǝⱪⱪaniy adǝmning yiltizi mewǝ berip turar.
The desir of a wickid man is the memorial of worste thingis; but the roote of iust men schal encreesse.
13 Yaman adǝm ɵz aƣzining gunaⱨidin tutular; Ⱨǝⱪⱪaniy adǝm muxǝⱪⱪǝt-ⱪiyinqiliⱪtin ⱪutular.
For the synnes of lippis `falling doun neiyeth to an yuel man; but a iust man schal scape fro angwisch.
14 Adǝm ɵz aƣzining mewisidin ⱪanaǝt tapar; Ɵz ⱪoli bilǝn ⱪilƣanliridin uningƣa yandurular.
Of the fruyt of his mouth ech man schal be fillid with goodis; and bi the werkis of hise hondis it schal be yoldun to him.
15 Əhmǝⱪ ɵz yolini toƣra dǝp bilǝr; Əmma dǝwǝtkǝ ⱪulaⱪ salƣan kixi aⱪilanidur.
The weie of a fool is riytful in hise iyen; but he that is wijs, herith counsels.
16 Əhmǝⱪning aqqiⱪi kǝlsǝ, tezla bilinǝr; Zerǝk kixi ⱨaⱪarǝtkǝ sǝwr ⱪilar, sǝtqilikni axkarilimas.
A fool schewith anoon his ire; but he that dissymelith wrongis, is wijs.
17 Ⱨǝⱪiⱪǝtni eytⱪan kixidin adalǝt bilinǝr; Yalƣan guwaⱨliⱪ ⱪilƣuqidin aldamqiliⱪ bilinǝr.
He that spekith that, that he knowith, is a iuge of riytfulnesse; but he that lieth, is a gileful witnesse.
18 Bǝzlilǝrning yeniklik bilǝn eytⱪan gepi adǝmgǝ sanjilƣan ⱪiliqⱪa ohxar; Biraⱪ aⱪilanining tili dǝrdkǝ dǝrmandur.
A man is that bihetith, and he is prickid as with the swerd of conscience; but the tunge of wise men is helthe.
19 Rastqil mǝnggü turƣuzulidu; Lǝwzi yalƣan bolsa birdǝmliktur.
The lippe of treuthe schal be stidfast with outen ende; but he that is a sudeyn witnesse, makith redi the tunge of leesyng.
20 Yamanliⱪning koyida yürgüqining kɵnglidǝ ⱨiylǝ saⱪlanƣandur; Amanliⱪni dǝwǝt ⱪilƣuqilar huxalliⱪⱪa qɵmǝr.
Gile is in the herte of hem that thenken yuels; but ioye sueth hem, that maken counsels of pees.
21 Ⱨǝⱪⱪaniy adǝmning bexiƣa ⱨeq külpǝt qüxmǝs; Ⱪǝbiⱨlǝr bala-ⱪazaƣa qɵmülǝr.
What euere bifallith to a iust man, it schal not make hym sori; but wickid men schulen be fillid with yuel.
22 Yalƣan sɵzlǝydiƣanning lǝwliri Pǝrwǝrdigarƣa yirginqliktur; Lekin lǝwzidǝ turƣanlarƣa U apirin eytar.
False lippis is abhominacioun to the Lord; but thei that don feithfuli, plesen him.
23 Pǝmlik adǝm bilimini yoxurar; Biraⱪ ǝhmǝⱪ nadanliⱪini jakarlar.
A fel man hilith kunnyng; and the herte of vnwise men stirith foli.
24 Tirixqan ⱪol ⱨoⱪuⱪ tutar; Ⱨurun ⱪol alwanƣa tutular.
The hond of stronge men schal haue lordschip; but the hond that is slow, schal serue to tributis.
25 Kɵngülning ƣǝm-ǝndixisi kixini mükqǝytǝr; Lekin meⱨribanǝ bir sɵz kixini roⱨlandurar.
Morenynge in the herte of a iust man schal make hym meke; and he schal be maad glad bi a good word.
26 Ⱨǝⱪⱪaniy kixi ɵz dosti bilǝn birgǝ yol izdǝr; Biraⱪ yamanlarning yoli ɵzlirini adaxturar.
He that dispisith harm for a frend, is a iust man; but the weie of wickid men schal disseyue hem.
27 Ⱨurun ɵzi tutⱪan owni pixurup yeyǝlmǝs; Biraⱪ ǝtiwarliⱪ bayliⱪlar tirixqanƣa mǝnsuptur.
A gileful man schal not fynde wynnyng; and the substaunce of man schal be the prijs of gold.
28 Ⱨǝⱪⱪaniyliⱪning yolida ⱨayat tepilar; Xu yolda ɵlüm kɵrünmǝstur.
Lijf is in the path of riytfulnesse; but the wrong weie leedith to deeth.

< Pǝnd-nǝsiⱨǝtlǝr 12 >