< Nǝⱨǝmiya 6 >

1 Xundaⱪ boldiki, Sanballat, Tobiya, ǝrǝb bolƣan Gǝxǝm wǝ düxmǝnlirimizning ⱪalƣan ⱪismi mening sepilni yengiwaxtin ongxap qiⱪⱪanliⱪimni, sepilning ǝmdi bɵsüklirining ⱪalmiƣanliⱪini anglap (lekin u qaƣda mǝn tehi sepil ⱪowuⱪlirining ⱪanatlirini ornatmiƣanidim),
Now it came to pass, when it came to the hearing of Sanballat, and Tobiyah, and Geshem the Arabian, and the rest of our enemies, that I had built the wall, and that there was no breach left therein, although up to that time I had not yet set up the doors in the gates.
2 Sanballat bilǝn Gǝxǝm manga: — Kǝlsila, biz Ono tüzlǝnglikidiki Kǝfirim kǝntidǝ kɵrüxǝyli! — dǝp adǝm ǝwǝtiptu. Əmǝliyǝttǝ ular manga ⱪǝst ⱪilmaⱪqi ikǝn.
That Sanballat and Geshem sent unto me, saying, Come, let us meet together in Kephirim, in the plain of Ono. But they were thinking of doing me mischief.
3 Xunglaxⱪa mǝn ǝlqilǝrni ǝwǝtip: — Mǝn uluƣ bir ix bilǝn xuƣulliniwatⱪanliⱪimdin silǝr tǝrǝpkǝ qüxmǝymǝn. Mǝn ⱪandaⱪmu silǝrning ⱪexinglarƣa barimǝn dǝp, ixni taxlap uni tohtitip ⱪoyay? — dedim.
And I sent messengers unto them, saying, I am doing a great work, and I cannot come down: why should the work cease, while I leave it lying, and come down to you?
4 Ular uda tɵt ⱪetim muxu tǝriⱪidǝ adǝm ǝwǝtti, mǝn ⱨǝr ⱪetim xundaⱪ jawap bǝrdim.
And they sent unto me after this manner four times; and I answered them after the same manner.
5 Andin Sanballat bǝxinqi ⱪetim xu tǝriⱪidǝ ɵz hizmǝtkariƣa peqǝtlǝnmigǝn hǝtni ⱪoliƣa tutⱪuzup ǝwǝtiptu.
Then sent Sanballat unto me in like manner the fifth time his young man with an open letter in his hand:
6 Hǝttǝ: «Ⱨǝrⱪaysi ǝllǝr arisida mundaⱪ bir gǝp tarⱪilip yüridu, wǝ Gǝxǝmmu xundaⱪ dǝydu: — Sǝn wǝ Yǝⱨudalar birgǝ isyan kɵtürmǝkqi ikǝnsilǝr; xunga sǝn sepilnimu yengiwaxtin ongxaxⱪa kirixipsǝn; eytixlarƣa ⱪariƣanda sǝn ɵzüngni ularƣa padixaⱨ ⱪilmaⱪqikǝnsǝn.
Therein was written, It hath been heard among the nations, and Gashmu saith it, that thou and the Jews think of rebelling; wherefore thou art building up the wall; and that thou art to be king unto them, according to these reports.
7 Sǝn yǝnǝ Yerusalemda ɵzüng toƣruluⱪ: «Mana, Yǝⱨudiyǝdǝ ɵzimizning bir padixaⱨimiz bar!» dǝp jar selip tǝxwiⱪ ⱪilixⱪa birnǝqqǝ pǝyƣǝmbǝr ⱪoyupsǝn. Əmdi bu gǝplǝr sɵzsiz padixaⱨning ⱪuliⱪiƣa yetip bayan ⱪilinidu. Xunga, kǝlgin, biz birliktǝ mǝsliⱨǝtlixiwalayli» deyilgǝnikǝn.
And that thou hast also set up prophets to proclaim concerning thee at Jerusalem, saying, He is king in Judah: and now there may be reported to the king something like these words. Now therefore come, and let us take counsel together.
8 Mǝn uningƣa: «Sǝn eytⱪan ixlar ⱨeqⱪaqan ⱪilinƣan ǝmǝs; bular bǝlki ɵz kɵnglüngdin oydurup qiⱪarƣining, halas» dǝp jawap ⱪayturdum.
Then I sent unto him, saying, “There hath been done nothing like these reports of which thou speakest; but out of thy own heart thou inventest them.”
9 Əmǝliyǝttǝ, ular: «Muxundaⱪ ⱪilsaⱪ ularning ⱪoli maƣdursizlinip, ⱪurulux ixi ada ⱪilinmay ⱪalidu!» dǝp oylap bizni ⱪorⱪatmaⱪqi idi. — «Əmdi mening ⱪolumni ixta tehimu küqlǝndürgǝysǝn!».
For they all wished to make us afraid, thinking, Their hands will be withdrawn from the work, so that it will not be done. Now therefore, [O God, ] strengthen my hands.
10 Mǝⱨǝtabǝlning nǝwrisi, Delayaning oƣli Xemaya ɵzini ɵz ɵyigǝ ⱪamiwalƣanidi; mǝn uning ɵyigǝ kǝlsǝm u: — Biz Hudaning ɵyidǝ, ibadǝthanining iqidǝ kɵrüxǝyli wǝ ibadǝthanining dǝrwaza ⱪanatlirini etip ⱪoyayli; qünki ular seni ɵltürgili kelidu; xübⱨisizki, keqisi kelip seni ɵltürmǝkqi boldi! — dedi.
And I came also into the house of Shema'yah the son of Delayah the son of Mehetabel, who had shut himself up; and he said, Let us meet together in the house of God, within the temple, and let us lock the doors of the temple; for they are coming to slay thee: yea, in the night are they coming to slay thee.
11 Mǝn: — Manga ohxax bir adǝm ⱪandaⱪmu ⱪeqip kǝtsun? Mǝndǝk bir adǝm jenimni ⱪutⱪuzimǝn dǝp ⱪandaⱪmu ibadǝthaniƣa kiriwalƣudǝkmǝn? Mǝn ⱨǝrgiz u yǝrgǝ kiriwalmaymǝn! — dǝp jawap bǝrdim.
And I said, Should a man like me flee? and who is there that is like me, that would go into the temple and live? I will not go in.
12 Qünki mǝn ⱪarisam, uning Huda tǝripidin ǝwǝtilgǝn ǝmǝs, bǝlki Tobiya bilǝn Sanballat tǝripidin setiwelinip, manga zeyan yǝtküzmǝkqi bolup bu bexarǝt bǝrgǝnlikigǝ kɵzüm yǝtti.
And I perceived that, lo, God had not sent him; but that he pronounced this prophecy over me, because Tobiyah and Sanballat had hired him.
13 Uni setiwelixidiki mǝⱪsǝt, meni ⱪorⱪutup, xularning deginidǝk ⱪilƣuzup gunaⱨ ⱪilduruxtin ibarǝt idi. Xundaⱪ ⱪilƣan bolsam, namimni bulƣap meni ⱪarilaxⱪa xikayǝt ⱪilalaydiƣan bolatti.
Therefore was he hired, in order that I should become afraid, and do so, and sin, and that it might serve them for an evil report, so that they might cast reproach upon me.
14 — «Aⱨ Huda, Tobiya bilǝn Sanballatni esingda tutup, ularning ⱪilƣanliriƣa yarixa ɵz bexiƣa yandurƣaysǝn, xundaⱪla meni ⱪorⱪatmaⱪqi bolƣan ayal pǝyƣǝmbǝr Noadiya bilǝn baxⱪa pǝyƣǝmbǝrlǝrningmu ⱪilƣanlirini ɵz bexiƣa yandurƣaysǝn!».
Think, O my God, of Tobiyah and Sanballat according to these their works, and also of No'adyah the prophetess, and the rest of the prophets, who wished to make me afraid.
15 Elul eyining yigirmǝ bǝxinqi küni sepil pütti, pütün ⱪuruluxⱪa ǝllik ikki kün waⱪit kǝtti.
And so was the wall finished on the twenty and fifth day of the month Elul, in fifty and two days.
16 Xundaⱪ boldiki, düxmǝnlirimiz buningdin hǝwǝr tapti wǝ ǝtrapimizdiki barliⱪ ǝllǝr ⱪorⱪup ketixti; ɵz nǝziridǝ ⱨǝywiti bǝk qüxüp kǝtti wǝ bu [ⱪuruluxni] Hudayimizning Ɵzi elip barƣan ix ikǝnlikini bilip yǝtti.
And it came to pass, when our enemies heard this, and all the nations that were about us saw it, that they sank greatly in their own eyes; and they perceived that by the aid of our God had this work been wrought.
17 Xu künlǝrdǝ Yǝⱨudiyǝdiki mɵtiwǝrlǝr Tobiyaƣa nurƣun hǝt yazdi, Tobiyamu ularƣa jawabǝn daim hǝt yezip turdi.
Moreover in those days the nobles of Judah despatched frequently their letters unto Tobiyah, and those of Tobiyah came unto them.
18 Qünki Yǝⱨudiyǝdǝ Tobiyaƣa baƣlinip ⱪelip, ⱪǝsǝm iqkǝn nurƣun kixilǝr bar idi; qünki u Araⱨning oƣli, Xekaniyaning küy’oƣli idi, ⱨǝmdǝ uning oƣli Yoⱨanan Bǝrǝkiyaning oƣli Mǝxullamning ⱪizini hotunluⱪⱪa alƣanidi.
For many in Judah were sworn friends unto him; because he was the son-in-law of Shechanyah the son of Arach, and Jehochanan his son had taken the daughter of Meshullam the son of Bercehyah.
19 Xuningdǝk ular yǝnǝ mening aldimda pat-pat Tobiyaning yahxi ixlirini tilƣa elip ⱪoyuxatti ⱨǝm mening gǝplirimnimu uningƣa yǝtküzüp turuxatti; Tobiya bolsa manga pat-pat tǝⱨdit selip hǝt yezip turatti.
Also his good deeds were they reporting before me, and my words they used to carry out to him: also Tobiyah sent letters to make me afraid.

< Nǝⱨǝmiya 6 >