< Matta 5 >

1 Muxu top-top adǝmlǝrni kɵrüp u bir taƣⱪa qiⱪti; u u yǝrdǝ olturƣinida, muhlisliri uning yeniƣa kǝldi.
And when he sawe the multitude, he went vp into a mountaine: and when he was set, his disciples came to him.
2 U aƣzini eqip ularƣa tǝlim berixkǝ baxlidi: —
And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying,
3 Mubarǝk, roⱨta namrat bolƣanlar! Qünki ǝrx padixaⱨliⱪi ularƣa tǝwǝdur.
Blessed are the poore in spirit, for theirs is the kingdome of heauen.
4 Mubarǝk, piƣan qǝkkǝnlǝr! Qünki ular tǝsǝlli tapidu.
Blessed are they that mourne: for they shall be comforted.
5 Mubarǝk, yawax-mɵminlǝr! Qünki ular yǝr yüzigǝ mirashordur.
Blessed are the meeke: for they shall inherite the earth.
6 Mubarǝk, ⱨǝⱪⱪaniyliⱪⱪa aq wǝ tǝxnalar! Qünki ular toluⱪ toyunidu.
Blessed are they which hunger and thirst for righteousnes: for they shalbe filled.
7 Mubarǝk, rǝⱨimdillar! Qünki ular rǝⱨim kɵridu.
Blessed are the mercifull: for they shall obteine mercie.
8 Mubarǝk, ⱪǝlbi pak bolƣanlar! Qünki ular Hudani kɵridu.
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
9 Mubarǝk, tinqliⱪ tǝrǝpdarliri! Qünki ular Hudaning pǝrzǝntliri dǝp atilidu.
Blessed are the peace makers: for they shall be called the children of God.
10 Mubarǝk, ⱨǝⱪⱪaniyliⱪ yolida ziyankǝxlikkǝ uqriƣanlar! Qünki ǝrx padixaⱨliⱪi ularƣa tǝwǝdur.
Blessed are they which suffer persecution for righteousnes sake: for theirs is the kingdome of heauen.
11 Mubarǝk, mǝn üqün baxⱪilarning ⱨaⱪarǝt, ziyankǝxlik wǝ ⱨǝrtürlük tɵⱨmitigǝ uqrisanglar;
Blessed shall ye be when men reuile you, and persecute you, and say all maner of euill against you for my sake, falsely.
12 xad-huram bolup yayranglar! Qünki ǝrxlǝrdǝ katta in’am silǝr üqün saⱪlanmaⱪta; qünki silǝrdin ilgiriki pǝyƣǝmbǝrlǝrgimu ular muxundaⱪ ziyankǝxliklǝrni ⱪilƣan.
Reioyce and be glad, for great is your reward in heauen: for so persecuted they the Prophets which were before you.
13 Silǝr yǝr yüzidiki tuzdursilǝr. Ⱨalbuki, ǝgǝr tuz ɵz tǝmini yoⱪatsa, uningƣa ⱪaytidin tuz tǝmini ⱪandaⱪmu kirgüzgili bolidu? U qaƣda, u ⱨeqnemigǝ yarimas bolup, taxlinip kixilǝrning ayiƣi astida dǝssilixtin baxⱪa ⱨeq ixⱪa yarimaydu.
Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt haue lost his sauour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be troden vnder foote of men.
14 Silǝr dunyaning nuridursilǝr. Taƣ üstigǝ selinƣan xǝⱨǝr yoxurunalmaydu.
Ye are the light of the world. A citie that is set on an hill, cannot be hid.
15 Ⱨeqkim qiraƣni yeⱪip ⱪoyup, üstigǝ sewǝtni kɵmtürüp ⱪoymas, bǝlki qiraƣdanning üstigǝ ⱪoyidu; buning bilǝn, u ɵy iqidiki ⱨǝmmǝ adǝmlǝrgǝ yoruⱪluⱪ beridu.
Neither doe men light a candel, and put it vnder a bushel, but on a candlesticke, and it giueth light vnto all that are in the house.
16 Xu tǝriⱪidǝ, silǝr nurunglarni insanlar aldida xundaⱪ qaⱪnitinglarki, ular yahxi ǝmǝlliringlarni kɵrüp, ǝrxtiki atanglarni uluƣlisun.
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good workes, and glorifie your Father which is in heauen.
17 Meni Tǝwrat ⱪanunini yaki pǝyƣǝmbǝrlǝrning yazƣanlirini bikar ⱪilƣili kǝldi, dǝp oylap ⱪalmanglar. Mǝn ularni bikar ⱪilƣili ǝmǝs, bǝlki ǝmǝlgǝ axurƣili kǝldim.
Think not that I am come to destroy the Lawe, or the Prophets. I am not come to destroy them, but to fulfill them.
18 Qünki mǝn silǝrgǝ xuni bǝrⱨǝⱪ eytip ⱪoyayki, asman-zemin yoⱪimiƣuqǝ, uningda pütülgǝnlǝr ǝmǝlgǝ axurulmiƣuqǝ Tǝwrattiki «yod» bir ⱨǝrp, ⱨǝtta birǝr qekitmu bikar ⱪilinmaydu.
For truely I say vnto you, Till heauen, and earth perish, one iote or one title of the Law shall not scape, till all things be fulfilled.
19 Xu sǝwǝbtin, Tǝwrat ⱪanunining ǝⱪidilirigǝ, ⱨǝtta uning ǝng kiqikliridin birini bikar ⱪilip, wǝ baxⱪilarƣa xundaⱪ ⱪilixni ɵgitidiƣan ⱨǝrkim ǝrx padixaⱨliⱪida ǝng kiqik ⱨesablinidu. Əmma ǝksiqǝ, Tǝwrat ⱪanuni ǝⱪidilirigǝ ǝmǝl ⱪilƣanlar wǝ baxⱪilarƣa xundaⱪ ⱪilixni ɵgǝtküqilǝr bolsa ǝrx padixaⱨliⱪida uluƣ ⱨesablinidu.
Whosoeuer therefore shall breake one of these least commandements, and teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdome of heauen: but whosoeuer shall obserue and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdome of heauen.
20 Qünki mǝn silǝrgǝ xuni eytip ⱪoyayki, ⱨǝⱪⱪaniyliⱪinglar Tǝwrat ustazliri wǝ Pǝrisiylǝrningkidin axmisa, ǝrx padixaⱨliⱪiƣa ⱨeqⱪaqan kirǝlmǝysilǝr.
For I say vnto you, except your righteousnes exceede the righteousnes of the Scribes and Pharises, ye shall not enter into the kingdome of heauen.
21 Burunⱪilarƣa «Ⱪatilliⱪ ⱪilma, ⱪatilliⱪ ⱪilƣan ⱨǝrⱪandaⱪ adǝm soraⱪⱪa tartilidu» dǝp buyrulƣanliⱪini angliƣansilǝr.
Ye haue heard that it was sayd vnto them of the olde time, Thou shalt not kill: for whosoeuer killeth shalbe culpable of iudgement.
22 Biraⱪ mǝn ɵzüm xuni silǝrgǝ eytip ⱪoyayki, ɵz ⱪerindixiƣa bikardin-bikar aqqiⱪlanƣanlarning ⱨǝrbirimu soraⱪⱪa tartilidu. Ɵz ⱪerindixini «ǝhmǝⱪ» dǝp tilliƣan ⱨǝrkim aliy kengǝxmidǝ soraⱪⱪa tartilidu; ǝmma ⱪerindaxlirini «tǝlwǝ» dǝp ⱨaⱪarǝtligǝn ⱨǝrkim dozahning otiƣa layiⱪ bolidu. (Geenna g1067)
But I say vnto you, whosoeuer is angry with his brother vnaduisedly, shalbe culpable of iudgment. And whosoeuer sayth vnto his brother, Raca, shalbe worthy to be punished by the Councill. And whosoeuer shall say, Foole, shalbe worthy to be punished with hell fire. (Geenna g1067)
23 Xuning üqün, sǝn ⱪurbangaⱨ aldiƣa kelip [Hudaƣa] ⱨǝdiyǝ atimaⱪqi bolƣiningda, ⱪerindixingning seningdin aƣrinƣan yeri barliⱪi yadingƣa kǝlsǝ,
If then thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee,
24 ⱨǝdiyǝngni ⱪurbangaⱨ aldiƣa ⱪoyup turup, awwal ⱪerindixing bilǝn yarixiwal, andin kelip ⱨǝdiyǝngni ata.
Leaue there thine offring before the altar, and goe thy way: first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.
25 Əgǝr üstüngdin dǝwa ⱪilmaⱪqi bolƣan birsi bolsa, uning bilǝn birgǝ yolda bolƣiningda uning bilǝn tezdin yarixip, dost bolƣin. Bolmisa, u seni soraⱪqiƣa, soraⱪqi bolsa gundipayƣa tapxuridu, sǝn zindanƣa solitiwetilisǝn.
Agree with thine aduersarie quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him, lest thine aduersarie deliuer thee to the Iudge, and the Iudge deliuer thee to ye sergeant, and thou be cast into prison.
26 Mǝn sanga xuni bǝrⱨǝⱪ eytip ⱪoyayki, [ⱪǝrzingning] ǝng ahirⱪi bir tiyininimu ⱪoymay tɵlimigüqǝ, xu yǝrdin qiⱪalmaysǝn.
Verely I say vnto thee, thou shalt not come out thence, till thou hast payed the vtmost farthing.
27 Silǝr «Zina ⱪilmanglar» dǝp buyrulƣanliⱪini angliƣansilǝr.
Ye haue heard that it was sayd to them of olde time, Thou shalt not commit adulterie.
28 Biraⱪ mǝn ɵzüm xuni silǝrgǝ eytip ⱪoyayki, birǝr ayalƣa xǝⱨwaniy niyǝt bilǝn ⱪariƣan kixi kɵnglidǝ u ayal bilǝn alliⱪaqan zina ⱪilƣan bolidu.
But I say vnto you, that whosoeuer looketh on a woman to lust after her, hath committed adulterie with her already in his heart.
29 Əgǝr ǝmdi ong kɵzüng seni gunaⱨⱪa azdursa, uni oyup taxliwǝt. Qünki pütün bǝdiningning dozahⱪa taxlanƣinidin kɵrǝ, bǝdiningdiki bir ǝzaying yoⱪ ⱪilinƣini kɵp ǝwzǝl. (Geenna g1067)
Wherefore if thy right eye cause thee to offend, plucke it out, and cast it from thee: for better it is for thee, that one of thy members perish, then that thy whole body should be cast into hell. (Geenna g1067)
30 Əgǝr ong ⱪolung seni gunaⱨⱪa azdursa, uni kesip taxliwǝt. Qünki pütün bǝdiningning dozahⱪa taxlanƣinidin kɵrǝ, bǝdiningdiki bir ǝzaying yoⱪ ⱪilinƣini kɵp ǝwzǝl. (Geenna g1067)
Also if thy right hand make thee to offend, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for better it is for thee that one of thy members perish, then that thy whole body should be cast into hell. (Geenna g1067)
31 Yǝnǝ: — «Kimdikim ayalini talaⱪ ⱪilsa, uningƣa talaⱪ hetini bǝrsun» dǝpmu buyrulƣan.
It hath bene sayd also, Whosoeuer shall put away his wife, let him giue her a bill of diuorcement.
32 Biraⱪ mǝn ɵzüm xuni silǝrgǝ eytip ⱪoyayki, kimdikim ɵz ayalining buzuⱪluⱪ ⱪilmixidin baxⱪa [ⱨǝrⱪandaⱪ ixni baⱨanǝ ⱪilip] uni talaⱪ ⱪilsa, ǝmdi uni zinaƣa tutup bǝrgǝn bolidu; talaⱪ ⱪilinƣan ayalni ǝmrigǝ alƣan kiximu zina ⱪilƣan bolidu.
But I say vnto you, whosoeuer shall put away his wife (except it be for fornication) causeth her to commit adulterie: and whosoeuer shall marrie her that is diuorced, committeth adulterie.
33 Silǝr yǝnǝ burunⱪilarƣa «Ⱪǝsimingdin yanma, Pǝrwǝrdigarƣa ⱪilƣan ⱪǝsiminggǝ ǝmǝl ⱪil» dǝp buyrulƣanliⱪini angliƣansilǝr.
Againe, ye haue heard that it was sayd to them of old time, Thou shalt not forsweare thy selfe, but shalt performe thine othes to the Lord.
34 Biraⱪ mǝn ɵzüm xuni silǝrgǝ eytip ⱪoyayki, ⱪǝt’iy ⱪǝsǝm ⱪilmanglar; ǝrxni tilƣa elip ⱪǝsǝm ⱪilmanglar, qünki ǝrx Hudaning tǝhtidur;
But I say vnto you, Sweare not at all, neither by heauen, for it is the throne of God:
35 yaki yǝrni tilƣa elip ⱪǝsǝm ⱪilmanglar, qünki yǝr yüzi Hudaning tǝhtipǝridur. Yerusalemni tilƣa elipmu ⱪǝsǝm ⱪilmanglar, qünki u yǝr uluƣ padixaⱨning xǝⱨiridur.
Nor yet by the earth: for it is his footestoole: neither by Hierusalem: for it is the citie of the great King.
36 Ⱨǝtta ɵz bexinglarni tilƣa elipmu ⱪǝsǝm ⱪilmanglar, qünki silǝrning qeqinglarning bir telinimu aⱪ yaki ⱪara rǝnggǝ ɵzgǝrtix ⱪolunglardin kǝlmǝydu.
Neither shalt thou sweare by thine head, because thou canst not make one heare white or blacke.
37 Pǝⱪǝt degininglar «Bolidu», «bolidu», yaki «Yaⱪ, yaⱪ, bolmaydu» bolsun. Buningdin ziyadisi rǝzil bolƣuqidin kelidu.
But let your communication be Yea, yea: Nay, nay. For whatsoeuer is more then these, commeth of euill.
38 Silǝr «Kɵzgǝ kɵz, qixⱪa qix» dǝp buyrulƣinini angliƣansilǝr.
Ye haue heard that it hath bene sayd, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.
39 Biraⱪ mǝn ɵzüm xuni silǝrgǝ eytip ⱪoyayki, ǝski bilǝn tǝng bolmanglar. Kimdǝkim ong mǝngzinggǝ ursa, sol mǝngzingnimu tutup bǝr;
But I say vnto you, Resist not euill: but whosoeuer shall smite thee on thy right cheeke, turne to him the other also.
40 wǝ birsi üstüngdin dǝwa ⱪilip, kɵnglikingni almaⱪqi bolsa, qapiningnimu bǝr.
And if any man wil sue thee at the law, and take away thy coate, let him haue thy cloke also.
41 Birsi sanga [yük-taⱪini yüdküzüp] ming ⱪǝdǝm yol yürüxkǝ zorlisa, uning bilǝn ikki ming ⱪǝdǝm mang.
And whosoeuer will compell thee to goe a mile, goe with him twaine.
42 Birsi sǝndin tilisǝ, uningƣa bǝr. Birsi sǝndin ɵtnǝ-yerim ⱪilmaⱪqi bolsa, uningƣa boynungni tolƣima.
Giue to him that asketh, and from him that would borowe of thee, turne not away.
43 Silǝr «Ⱪoxnangni sɵygin, düxmininggǝ nǝprǝtlǝn» dǝp eytilƣanni angliƣan.
Ye haue heard that it hath bin said, Thou shalt loue thy neighbour, and hate your enemie.
44 Biraⱪ mǝn ɵzüm xuni silǝrgǝ eytip ⱪoyayki, silǝrgǝ düxmǝnlik bolƣanlarƣa meⱨir-muⱨǝbbǝt kɵrsitinglar, silǝrdin nǝprǝtlǝngǝnlǝrgǝ yahxiliⱪ ⱪilinglar, silǝrgǝ ziyankǝxlik ⱪilƣanlarƣa dua ⱪilinglar.
But I say vnto you, Loue your enemies: blesse them that curse you: doe good to them that hate you, and pray for them which hurt you, and persecute you,
45 Xundaⱪ ⱪilƣanda, ǝrxtiki Atanglarning pǝrzǝntliridin bolisilǝr. Qünki U ⱪuyaxining nurini yahxilarƣimu wǝ yamanlarƣimu qüxüridu, yamƣurnimu ⱨǝⱪⱪaniylarƣimu, ⱨǝⱪⱪaniyǝtsizlǝrgimu yaƣduridu.
That ye may be the children of your father that is in heauen: for he maketh his sunne to arise on the euill, and the good, and sendeth raine on the iust, and vniust.
46 Əgǝr silǝr ɵzünglarƣa muⱨǝbbǝt kɵrsǝtkǝnlǝrgila meⱨir-muⱨǝbbǝt kɵrsǝtsǝnglar, buning ⱪandaⱪmu in’amƣa erixküqiliki bolsun? Ⱨǝtta bajgirlarmu xundaⱪ ⱪiliwatmamdu?
For if ye loue them, which loue you, what rewarde shall you haue? Doe not the Publicanes euen the same?
47 Əgǝr silǝr pǝⱪǝt ⱪerindaxliringlar bilǝnla salam-sǝⱨǝt ⱪilixsanglar, buning nemǝ pǝziliti bar? Ⱨǝtta yat ǝlliklǝrmu xundaⱪ ⱪilidiƣu!
And if ye be friendly to your brethren onely, what singular thing doe ye? doe not euen the Publicanes likewise?
48 Xunga, ǝrxtiki Atanglar mukǝmmǝl bolƣinidǝk, silǝrmu mukǝmmǝl bolunglar.
Ye shall therefore be perfit, as your Father which is in heauen, is perfite.

< Matta 5 >