< Matta 24 >

1 Əysa ibadǝthanidin qiⱪip, aldiƣa ketiwatⱪanda, muhlisliri yeniƣa kelip uning diⱪⱪitini ibadǝthana binaliriƣa tartmaⱪqi boldi.
As Jesus was leaving the Temple his disciples came to him, pointing proudly to the Temple buildings.
2 U ularƣa: — Mana bularning ⱨǝmmisini kɵrüwatamsilǝr? Mǝn silǝrgǝ bǝrⱨǝⱪ xuni eytip ⱪoyayki, bu yǝrdǝ bir tal taxmu tax üstidǝ ⱪalmaydu, ⱨǝmmisi ⱪaldurulmay gumran ⱪilinidu, — dedi.
But Jesus replied, “You see all these buildings? I tell you the truth: there won't be one stone left upon another. Every last one will come crashing down!”
3 U Zǝytun teƣida olturƣanda, muhlisliri astiƣina uning yeniƣa kelip: — Bizgǝ eytⱪinqu, bu degǝnliring ⱪaqan yüz beridu? Sening [ⱪaytip] kelixing wǝ zamanning ahirini kɵrsitidiƣan ⱪandaⱪ alamǝt bolidu? — dǝp soraxti. (aiōn g165)
As Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him in private, and asked, “Please tell us when this will happen. What will be the sign of your coming and the end of the world?” (aiōn g165)
4 Əysa ularƣa jawabǝn mundaⱪ dedi: — Ⱨezi bolunglarki, ⱨeqkim silǝrni azdurup kǝtmisun.
“Make sure no one misleads you,” Jesus replied.
5 Qünki nurƣun kixilǝr mening namimda kelip: «Mǝsiⱨ mǝn bolimǝn» dǝp, kɵp adǝmlǝrni azduridu.
“Many will come claiming to be me, saying, ‘I'm the Messiah,’ and they will deceive many people.
6 Silǝr urux hǝwǝrliri wǝ urux xǝpilirini anglaysilǝr, bulardin alaⱪzadǝ bolup kǝtmǝnglar; qünki bu ixlarning yüz berixi muⱪǝrrǝr. Lekin bular ahirǝt ǝmǝs.
You'll hear about wars, and rumors about wars, but don't be anxious. These things have to happen, but this isn't the end.
7 Qünki bir millǝt yǝnǝ bir millǝt bilǝn uruxⱪa qiⱪidu, bir padixaⱨliⱪ yǝnǝ bir padixaⱨliⱪ bilǝn uruxⱪa qiⱪidu. Jay-jaylarda aqarqiliⱪ, wabalar wǝ yǝr tǝwrǝxlǝr yüz beridu.
Nations will attack other nations, and kingdoms will fight against other kingdoms. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places,
8 Lekin bu ixlarning yüz berixi «tuƣutning tolƣiⱪining baxlinixi» bolidu, halas.
but all these things are just the beginnings of birth pains.
9 Andin kixilǝr silǝrni tutup azab-oⱪubǝtkǝ selip, ɵltüridu, mening namim wǝjidin pütkül ǝllǝr silǝrdin nǝprǝtlinidu.
Then they will arrest you, they will persecute you, and they will kill you. All people will hate you because of me.
10 Xuning bilǝn nurƣunlar etiⱪadidin tanidu, bir-birini tutup beridu wǝ bir-birigǝ ɵqmǝnlik ⱪilidu.
At that time many believers will give up believing. They will betray one another and hate one another.
11 Nurƣun sahta pǝyƣǝmbǝrlǝr mǝydanƣa qiⱪip, nurƣun kixilǝrni azduridu.
Many false prophets will come and deceive many people.
12 Itaǝtsizlik-rǝzilliklǝrning kɵpiyixi tüpǝylidin, nurƣun kixilǝrdiki meⱨir-muⱨǝbbǝt sowup ketidu.
The increasing evil will lead the love of many to grow cold,
13 Lekin ahirƣiqǝ bǝrdaxliⱪ bǝrgǝnlǝr ⱪutⱪuzulidu.
but those who hold out to the end will be saved.
14 Barliⱪ ǝllǝrgǝ agaⱨ-guwaⱨliⱪ bolsun üqün, [Hudaning] padixaⱨliⱪi ⱨǝⱪⱪidiki bu hux hǝwǝr pütkül dunyaƣa jakarlinidu; andin zaman ahiri bolidu.
The good news of the kingdom will be proclaimed around the whole world so everyone will be able to hear it, and then the end will come.
15 Daniyal pǝyƣǝmbǝr ⱪǝyt ⱪilƣan «wǝyran ⱪilƣuqi yirginqlik nomussizliⱪ»ning muⱪǝddǝs jayda turƣinini kɵrgininglarda (kitabhan bu sɵzning mǝnisini qüxǝngǝy),
So when you see the ‘idolatry that defiles’ standing in the holy place that the prophet Daniel spoke about (those who read this please consider carefully),
16 Yǝⱨudiyǝ ɵlkisidǝ turuwatⱪanlar taƣlarƣa ⱪaqsun;
then the people living in Judea should run away to the mountains.
17 ɵgzidǝ turƣan kixi ɵyidiki nǝrsǝ-kerǝklirini alƣili qüxmǝyla [ⱪaqsun].
Anyone who is on the housetop must not go down and fetch what's in the house.
18 Etizliⱪta turƣan kiximu qapinini alƣili ɵyigǝ yanmisun.
Anyone who is out in the fields must not go back to get a coat.
19 U künlǝrdǝ ⱨamilidar ayallar wǝ bala emitiwatⱪanlarning ⱨaliƣa way!
How awful it will be for those who are pregnant, and those who are nursing babies at that time!
20 Ⱪaqidiƣan waⱪtinglarning ⱪix yaki xabat künigǝ toƣra kelip ⱪalmasliⱪi üqün dua ⱪilinglar.
Pray that you don't have to run away in winter, or on the Sabbath day.
21 Qünki u qaƣda dunya apiridǝ bolƣandin muxu qaƣⱪiqǝ kɵrülüp baⱪmiƣan ⱨǝm kǝlgüsidimu kɵrülmǝydiƣan dǝⱨxǝtlik azab-oⱪubǝt bolidu.
For at that time there will be terrible persecution—more terrible than anything that has happened from the beginning of the world up till now, and won't ever happen again.
22 U künlǝr azaytilmisa, ⱨeqⱪandaⱪ ǝt igisi ⱪutulalmaytti; lekin [Hudaning] Ɵz talliƣanliri üqün u künlǝr azaytilidu.
Unless those days are cut short, nobody will be saved, but for the sake of the chosen those days will be cut short.
23 Əgǝr u qaƣda birsi silǝrgǝ: «Ⱪaranglar, bu yǝrdǝ Mǝsiⱨ bar!» yaki «[Mǝsiⱨ] ǝnǝ u yǝrdǝ!» desǝ, ixǝnmǝnglar.
So if anyone tells you, ‘Look, here's the Messiah,’ or, ‘There he is,’ don't believe it.
24 Qünki sahta mǝsiⱨlǝr wǝ sahta pǝyƣǝmbǝrlǝr mǝydanƣa qiⱪidu, ⱪaltis mɵjizilik alamǝtlǝr wǝ karamǝtlǝrni kɵrsitidu; xuning bilǝn ǝgǝr mumkin bolidiƣan bolsa, ⱨǝtta [Huda] talliƣanlarnimu azduratti.
For false messiahs will appear, and false prophets too, and they will perform incredible signs and miracles in order to deceive the chosen, if that were possible.
25 Mana, mǝn bu ixlar yüz berixtin burun silǝrgǝ uⱪturup ⱪoydum.
Notice that I've told you this before it even happens.
26 Xuning üqün, birsi silǝrgǝ: «Ⱪaranglar, u qɵl-bayawanda!» desǝ, u yǝrgǝ barmanglar. «Ⱪaranglar, u iqkiridiki ɵylǝrdǝ!» desǝ, ixǝnmǝnglar.
So if they tell you, ‘Look, he's out in the desert,’ don't go looking there; or if they say, ‘Look, he's secretly here,’ don't believe it.
27 Qünki qaⱪmaⱪ xǝrⱪtin ƣǝrbkǝ yalt-yult ⱪilip ⱪandaⱪ qaⱪⱪan bolsa, Insan’oƣlining kelixi xundaⱪ bolidu.
For the coming of the Son of man will be like the lightning that flashes brightly from east to west.
28 Qünki jǝsǝt ⱪaysi yǝrdǝ bolsa, u yǝrdimu ⱪuzƣunlar toplixidu!
‘Vultures gather where the carcass is.’
29 U künlǝrdiki azab-oⱪubǝtlǝr ɵtüp kǝtkǝn ⱨaman, ⱪuyax ⱪariyidu, ay yoruⱪluⱪini bǝrmǝydu, yultuzlar asmandin tɵkülüp qüxidu, asmandiki küqlǝr lǝrzigǝ kelidu.
But right after those days of persecution the sun will be darkened, the moon will not shine, the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven will be shaken.
30 Andin Insan’oƣlining alamiti asmandin kɵrünidu; yǝr yüzidiki pütkül ⱪǝbililǝr yiƣa-zar kɵtürüxidu. Ular Insan’oƣlining küq-ⱪudrǝt wǝ uluƣ xan-xǝrǝp iqidǝ asmandiki bulutlar üstidǝ keliwatⱪanliⱪini kɵridu.
Then the sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and all the peoples of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and in brilliant glory.
31 U pǝrixtilirini zor jarangliⱪ bir kanay sadasi bilǝn ǝwǝtidu, ular uning talliƣanlirini dunyaning tɵt bulungidin, asmanning bir qetidin yǝnǝ bir qetigiqǝ ⱨǝryǝrdin yiƣip bir yǝrgǝ jǝm ⱪilidu.
With a blast from a trumpet he will send his angels to gather his chosen ones from every place, from one end of heaven and earth to the other.
32 Ənjür dǝrihidin mundaⱪ tǝmsilni biliwelinglar: — Uning xahliri kɵkirip yopurmaⱪ qiⱪarƣanda, yazning yeⱪinlap ⱪalƣanliⱪini bilisilǝr.
Learn an illustration from the fig tree. When its shoots become tender and leaves begin to sprout, you know that summer is coming.
33 Huddi xuningdǝk, [mǝn baya degǝnlirimning] ⱨǝmmisini kɵrgininglarda, uning yeⱪinlap ⱪalƣanliⱪini, ⱨǝtta ixik aldida turuwatⱪanliⱪini biliwelinglar.
In the same way when you see all these things happening, you know that his coming is near, in fact it's right at the door!
34 Mǝn silǝrgǝ bǝrⱨǝⱪ xuni eytip ⱪoyayki, bu alamǝtlǝrning ⱨǝmmisi ǝmǝlgǝ axurulmay turup, bu dǝwr ɵtmǝydu.
I tell you the truth: this generation won't pass away until all these things have happened.
35 Asman-zemin yoⱪilidu, biraⱪ mening sɵzlirim ⱨǝrgiz yoⱪalmaydu.
Heaven and earth may pass away, but my words won't pass away.
36 Lekin xu küni wǝ waⱪit-saitining hǝwirini bolsa, ⱨeqkim bilmǝydu — ⱨǝtta ǝrxtiki pǝrixtilǝrmu bilmǝydu, uni pǝⱪǝt Atamla bilidu.
But no one knows the day or hour when this will take place, not the angels in heaven, nor the Son. Only the Father knows.
37 Əmdi Nuⱨ pǝyƣǝmbǝrning künliridǝ ⱪandaⱪ bolƣan bolsa, Insan’oƣli [ⱪaytip] kǝlgǝndimu xundaⱪ bolidu.
When the Son of man comes it will be like it was during the time of Noah.
38 Qünki topan kelixidin ilgiriki künlǝrdǝ, Nuⱨ kemigǝ kirip olturƣan küngiqǝ, [xu zamandiki] kixilǝr yǝp-iqip, ɵylinip wǝ yatliⱪ bolup kǝlgǝnidi.
It will be as in the days before the flood, when they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, right up until the day that Noah went into the ark.
39 Topan tuyuⱪsiz kelip ⱨǝmmisini ƣǝrⱪ ⱪilƣuqǝ, kixilǝr bu ixning uningdin hǝwǝrsiz bolup turƣanƣa ohxax, Insan’oƣlining ⱪaytip keliximu xundaⱪ bolidu.
They didn't realize what was going to happen until the flood came and swept them all away. That's how the coming of the Son of man will be.
40 U küni, etizda ikki kixi turƣan bolidu; ulardin biri elip ketilidu, yǝnǝ biri ⱪaldurulidu;
Two men will be working in the fields. One will be taken, the other left.
41 ikki ayal tügmǝn bexida turup un tartiwatⱪan bolidu; ulardin biri elip ketilidu, yǝnǝ biri ⱪaldurulidu.
Two women will be grinding grain with a mill. One will be taken, the other left.
42 Xuning üqün, ⱨoxyar bolunglar, qünki Rǝbbinglarning ⱪaytip kelidiƣan waⱪti-saitini bilmǝysilǝr.
So stay alert, because you don't know what day your Lord is coming.
43 Lekin xuni bilinglarki, ǝgǝr ɵy igisi oƣrining keqisi ⱪaysi jesǝktǝ kelidiƣanliⱪini bilgǝn bolsa, sǝgǝk turup oƣrining ɵyni texip kirixigǝ ⱨǝrgiz yol ⱪoymaytti.
But consider this: if the house-owner knew what time a thief was coming, he would keep watch. He would not allow his house to be broken into and robbed.
44 Xuningƣa ohxax, silǝrmu tǝyyar turunglar. Qünki Insan’oƣli silǝr oylimiƣan waⱪit-saǝttǝ ⱪaytip kelidu!
You also need to be ready, because the Son of man is coming at a time when you're not expecting him.
45 Hojayini ɵz ɵyidikilǝrgǝ mǝs’ul ⱪilip, ularƣa ozuⱪ-tülükini waⱪti-waⱪtida tǝⱪsim ⱪilip berixkǝ tǝyinligǝn ixǝnqlik wǝ pǝmlik qakar kim bolidu?
For who is the trustworthy and thoughtful servant? It's the one his master puts in charge of his household to provide them with food at the proper time.
46 Hojayin [ɵyigǝ] ⱪaytⱪanda, qakirining xundaⱪ ⱪiliwatⱪinining üstigǝ kǝlsǝ, bu qakarning bǝhtidur!
How good it will be for that servant to be found doing that when his master returns!
47 Mǝn silǝrgǝ bǝrⱨǝⱪ xuni eytip ⱪoyayki, hojayin uni pütün igilikini baxⱪuruxⱪa ⱪoyidu.
I tell you the truth: the master will put that servant in charge over everything he has.
48 Lekin mubada xu qakar rǝzil bolup kɵnglidǝ: «Hojayinim ⱨayal bolup ⱪalidu» dǝp oylap,
But if he was evil, the servant would say to himself, ‘My master is taking a long time,’
49 baxⱪa qakar buradǝrlirini bozǝk ⱪilixⱪa wǝ ⱨaraⱪkǝxlǝrgǝ ⱨǝmraⱨ bolup yǝp-iqixkǝ baxlisa,
and would start beating the other servants, feasting and drinking with the drunks.
50 xu qakarning hojayini kütülmigǝn bir küni, oylimiƣan bir waⱪitta ⱪaytip kelidu
Then that servant's master will return when the man doesn't expect him, at a time he doesn't know.
51 wǝ uni kesip ikki parqǝ ⱪilip, uning nesiwisini sahtipǝzlǝr bilǝn ohxax tǝⱪdirdǝ bekitidu. Xu yǝrdǝ yiƣa-zarlar kɵtürülidu, qixlirini ƣuqurlitidu.
He'll cut him to pieces, and treat him in the same way as the hypocrites, sending him to a place where there's crying and gnashing of teeth.

< Matta 24 >