< Ayup 28 >

1 — «Xübⱨisizki, kümüx tepilidiƣan kanlar bar, Altunning tawlinidiƣan ɵz orni bardur;
Surely there is a vein for the silver, and a place for gold where they fine it.
2 Tɵmür bolsa yǝr astidin ⱪeziwelinidu, Mis bolsa taxtin eritilip elinidu.
Iron is taken out of the earth, and brass is molten out of the stone.
3 Insanlar [yǝr astidiki] ⱪarangƣuluⱪⱪa qǝk ⱪoyidu; U yǝr ⱪǝrigiqǝ qarlap yürüp, Ⱪarangƣuluⱪⱪa tǝwǝ, ɵlümning sayisidǝ turƣan taxlarni izdǝydu.
He sets an end to darkness, and searches out all perfection: the stones of darkness, and the shadow of death.
4 U yǝr yüzidikilǝrdin yiraⱪ jayda tik bolƣan ⱪuduⱪni kolaydu; Mana xundaⱪ adǝm ayaƣ basmaydiƣan, untulƣan yǝrlǝrdǝ ular arƣamqini tutup boxluⱪta pulanglap yüridu, Kixilǝrdin yiraⱪta esilip turidu.
The flood breaks out from the inhabitant; even the waters forgotten of the foot: they are dried up, they are gone away from men.
5 Axliⱪ qiⱪidiƣan yǝr, Tǝkti kolanƣanda bolsayalⱪundǝk kɵrünidu;
As for the earth, out of it comes bread: and under it is turned up as it were fire.
6 Yǝrdiki taxlar arisidin kɵk yaⱪutlar qiⱪidu, Uningda altun rudisimu bardur.
The stones of it are the place of sapphires: and it has dust of gold.
7 U yolni ⱨeqⱪandaⱪ alƣur ⱪux bilmǝydu, Ⱨǝtta sarning kɵzimu uningƣa yǝtmigǝn.
There is a path which no fowl knows, and which the vulture’s eye has not seen:
8 Ⱨakawur yirtⱪuqlarmu u yǝrni ⱨeq dǝssǝp baⱪmiƣan, Əxǝddiy xirmu u jaydin ⱨeqⱪaqan ɵtüp baⱪmiƣan.
The lion’s whelps have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion passed by it.
9 Insan balisi ⱪolini qaⱪmaⱪ texining üstigǝ tǝgküzidu, U taƣlarni yiltizidin ⱪomuriwetidu.
He puts forth his hand on the rock; he overturns the mountains by the roots.
10 Taxlar arisidin u ⱪanallarni qapidu; Xundaⱪ ⱪilip uning kɵzi ⱨǝrhil ⱪimmǝtlik nǝrsilǝrni kɵridu;
He cuts out rivers among the rocks; and his eye sees every precious thing.
11 Yǝr astidiki eⱪinlarni texip kǝtmisun dǝp ularni tosuwalidu; Yoxurun nǝrsilǝrni u axkarilaydu.
He binds the floods from overflowing; and the thing that is hid brings he forth to light.
12 Biraⱪ danaliⱪ nǝdin tepilar? Yorutuluxning makani nǝdidu?
But where shall wisdom be found? and where is the place of understanding?
13 Insan baliliri uning ⱪimmǝtliklikini ⱨeq bilmǝs, U tiriklǝrning zeminidin tepilmas.
Man knows not the price thereof; neither is it found in the land of the living.
14 [Yǝr] tegi: «Mǝndǝ ǝmǝs» dǝydu, Dengiz bolsa: «Mǝn bilǝnmu billǝ ǝmǝstur» dǝydu.
The depth says, It is not in me: and the sea said, It is not with me.
15 Danaliⱪni sap altun bilǝn setiwalƣili bolmaydu, Kümüxnimu uning bilǝn bir tarazida tartⱪili bolmas.
It cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for the price thereof.
16 Ⱨǝtta Ofirda qiⱪidiƣan altun, aⱪ ⱨeⱪiⱪ yaki kɵk yaⱪut bilǝnmu bir tarazida tartⱪili bolmaydu.
It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire.
17 Altun wǝ hrustalnimu uning bilǝn selixturƣili bolmaydu, Esil altun ⱪaqa-ⱪuqilar uning bilǝn ⱨeq almaxturulmas.
The gold and the crystal cannot equal it: and the exchange of it shall not be for jewels of fine gold.
18 U ünqǝ-marjan, hrustalni adǝmning esidin qiⱪiridu; Danaliⱪni elix ⱪizil yaⱪutlarni elixtin ǝwzǝldur.
No mention shall be made of coral, or of pearls: for the price of wisdom is above rubies.
19 Efiopiyǝdiki seriⱪ yaⱪut uningƣa yǝtmǝs, Seriⱪ altunmu uning bilǝn bǝslixǝlmǝydu.
The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it, neither shall it be valued with pure gold.
20 Undaⱪta, danaliⱪ nǝdin tepilidu? Yorutuluxning makani nǝdidu?
From where then comes wisdom? and where is the place of understanding?
21 Qünki u barliⱪ ⱨayat igilirining kɵzidin yoxurulƣan, Asmandiki uqar-ⱪanatlardinmu yoxurun turidu.
Seeing it is hid from the eyes of all living, and kept close from the fowls of the air.
22 Ⱨalakǝt wǝ ɵlüm pǝⱪǝtla: «Uning xɵⱨritidin hǝwǝr alduⱪ» dǝydu.
Destruction and death say, We have heard the fame thereof with our ears.
23 Uning mangƣan yolini qüxinidiƣan, Turidiƣan yerini bilidiƣan pǝⱪǝtla bir Hudadur.
God understands the way thereof, and he knows the place thereof.
24 Qünki Uning kɵzi yǝrning ⱪǝrigiqǝ yetidu, U asmanning astidiki barliⱪ nǝrsilǝrni kɵridu.
For he looks to the ends of the earth, and sees under the whole heaven;
25 U xamallarning küqini taraziƣa salƣanda, [Dunyaning] sulirini ɵlqigǝndǝ,
To make the weight for the winds; and he weighs the waters by measure.
26 Yamƣurlarƣa ⱪanuniyǝt qüxürginidǝ, Güldürmamining qaⱪmiⱪiƣa yolini bekitkinidǝ,
When he made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder:
27 U qaƣda U danaliⱪⱪa ⱪarap uni bayan ⱪilƣan; Uni nǝmunǝ ⱪilip bǝlgiligǝn; Xundaⱪ, U uning bax-ayiƣiƣa ⱪarap qiⱪip,
Then did he see it, and declare it; he prepared it, yes, and searched it out.
28 Insanƣa: «Mana, Rǝbdin ⱪorⱪux danaliⱪtur; Yamanliⱪtin yiraⱪlixix yorutuluxtur» — degǝn».
And to man he said, Behold, the fear of the LORD, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.

< Ayup 28 >