< Yaritilix 27 >

1 Isⱨaⱪ ⱪerip, kɵzliri torlixip, kɵzi ƣuwa kɵridiƣan bolup ⱪalƣanda xundaⱪ boldiki, u qong oƣli Əsawni qaⱪirip uningƣa: — Oƣlum! — dedi. U: — Mana mǝn! — dǝp jawab bǝrdi.
And it came to passe that Isaac wexed olde and his eyes were dymme so that he coude nat see. Tha called he Esau his eldest sonne and sayde vnto him: mi sonne. And he sayde vnto hym: heare am I.
2 U uningƣa: — Mana mǝn ǝmdi ⱪerip kǝttim, ⱪanqilik kün kɵridiƣinimnimu bilmǝymǝn.
And he sayde: beholde I am olde ad knowe not the daye of mi deth:
3 Xunga sǝndin ɵtünimǝn, ⱪoralliring, yǝni sadaⱪ wǝ oⱪyayingni elip janggalƣa qiⱪip, mǝn üqün bir ow owlap kǝl;
Now therfore take thi weapes thy quiver and thi bowe and gett the to the feldes and take me some venyson
4 mǝn yahxi kɵridiƣan mǝzzilik tamaⱪtin birni etip, manga kǝltürgin. Mǝn uni yǝp, ɵlüxtin ilgiri kɵnglümdin sanga bǝht-bǝrikǝt tilǝp dua ⱪilay, — dedi.
and make me meate such as I loue and brynge it me and let me eat that my soull may blesse the before that I dye:
5 Isⱨaⱪ oƣli Əsawƣa sɵz ⱪilƣanda Riwkaⱨmu anglidi. Əsaw ow owlap kǝlgili janggalƣa qiⱪip kǝtkǝndǝ,
But Rebecca hard whe Isaac spake to Esau his sonne. And as soone as Esau was gone to the felde to catche venyson and to brige it
6 Riwkaⱨ oƣli Yaⱪupⱪa: — Mana mǝn atangning akang Əsawƣa: «Sǝn ow owlap kelip, manga mǝzzilik bir taamni ǝtkin; mǝn uni yǝp ɵlüp ketixtin burun Pǝrwǝrdigar aldida sanga bǝht-bǝrikǝt tilǝp dua ⱪilay», — dǝp eytⱪinini anglap ⱪaldim.
she spake vnto Iacob hir sonne sainge? Behold I haue herde thi father talkinge with Esau thy brother and saynge:
bringe me venyson and make me meate that I maye eate and blesse the before the LORde yer I dye.
8 Əmdi, i oƣlum, sɵzümgǝ ⱪulaⱪ selip buyruƣinimni ⱪilƣin.
Now therfore my sonne heare my voyce in that which I comaunde the:
9 Sǝn dǝrⱨal padiƣa berip, ɵqkilǝrning iqidin esil ikki oƣlaⱪni elip kǝlgin; mǝn ulardin atang üqün u yahxi kɵridiƣan mǝzzilik bir taam tǝyyar ⱪilay.
gett the to the flocke and bringe me thece. ij. good kiddes and I will make meate of the for thi father soch as he loueth.
10 Sǝn uni atangning aldiƣa elip kirgin. Xuning bilǝn u yǝp, ɵlüp ketixtin burun sanga bǝht-bǝrikǝt tilǝp dua ⱪilidu, — dedi.
And thou shalt brige it to thi father and he shal eate yt he maye blysse the before his deth
11 Lekin Yaⱪup anisi Riwkaⱨƣa: — Mana akam Əsaw bolsa tüklük kixi, mǝn bolsam tüksiz siliⱪ tǝnlik adǝmmǝn.
Than sayde Iacob to Rebecca his mother. Beholde Esau mi brother is rugh and I am smooth.
12 Mubada atam meni silap ⱪalsa, undaⱪta mǝn uning nǝziridǝ uni mazaⱪ ⱪilƣuqi adǝm bolup ⱪelip, beximƣa bǝrikǝt ǝmǝs, bǝlki lǝnǝt taparmǝnmikin, dedi.
Mi father shal peradueture fele me ad I shal seme vnto hi as though I wet aboute to begyle hi and so shall he brige a curse vpo me and not a blessige:
13 Anisi uningƣa: — Əy oƣlum, sanga qüxidiƣan lǝnǝt manga qüxsun; ǝmma sǝn pǝⱪǝt sɵzümgǝ ⱪulaⱪ selip, berip [oƣlaⱪlarni] elip kǝl, — dedi.
and his mother saide vnto him. Vppo me be thi curse my sonne only heare my voyce and goo and fetch me them.
14 U berip ularni elip kelip, anisiƣa bǝrdi. Anisi uning atisi yahxi kɵridiƣan mǝzzilik bir taamni tǝyyar ⱪildi.
And Iacob went ad fett them and brought them to his mother. And his mother made meate of them accordinge as his father loued
15 Andin Riwkaⱨ tunji oƣli Əsawning ɵydǝ ɵz yenida saⱪlaⱪliⱪ ǝng esil keyimlirini elip kiqik oƣli Yaⱪupⱪa kiydürüp,
And she went and fett goodly rayment of hir eldest sonne Esau which she had in the house with hir and put them vpon Iacob hir yongest sonne
16 oƣlaⱪlarning terisini ikki ⱪoli bilǝn boynining tüksiz jayiƣa yɵgǝp,
ad she put the skynnes vpon his hades and apon the smooth of his necke.
17 andin ɵzi ǝtkǝn mǝzzilik taamlar bilǝn nanlarni oƣli Yaⱪupning ⱪoliƣa tutⱪuzdi.
And she put ye meate and brede which she had made in the hode of hir sonne Iacob
18 Yaⱪup atisining ⱪexiƣa kirip: — Əy ata! — dedi. U: — Mana mǝn! Oƣlum, sǝn kim bolisǝn? — dewidi,
And he went in to his father saynge: my father And he aswered: here am I who art thou my sonne?
19 Yaⱪup atisiƣa jawab berip: — Mǝn qong oƣulliri Əsawmǝn, manga eytⱪanliridǝk ⱪildim; ǝmdi orunliridin turup, olturup ⱪilƣan owumning gɵxigǝ eƣiz tegip, andin kɵngülliridin manga bǝht-bǝrikǝt tilǝp dua ⱪilƣayla, — dedi.
And Iacob sayde vnto his father: I am Esau thy eldest sonne I haue done acordinge as thou baddest me vp and sytt and eate of my venyson that thi soule maye blesse me.
20 Isⱨaⱪ oƣliƣa: — Əy oƣlum, ⱪandaⱪmu uni xunqǝ tez tepip kǝlding? — dewidi, u jawab berip: — Qünki Pǝrwǝrdigar Hudaliri uni dǝl yolumƣa yoluⱪturdi, — dedi.
But Isaac sayde vnto his sonne. How cometh it that thou hast fownde it so quicly my sonne? He answered: The LORde thy god brought it to my hande.
21 Isⱨaⱪ Yaⱪupⱪa: — Əy oƣlum, yeⱪinraⱪ kǝl, sǝn rast oƣlum Əsawmu, ǝmǝsmu, silap baⱪay, — dedi.
Than sayde Isaac vnto Iacob: come nere and let me fele the my sonne whether thou be my sonne Esau or not.
22 Xuning bilǝn Yaⱪup atisi Isⱨaⱪning ⱪexiƣa yeⱪin bardi; u uni silap turup: — Awaz Yaⱪupning awazi, lekin ⱪol bolsa Əsawning ⱪolidur, — dedi.
Than went Iacob to Isaac his father and he felt him and sayde the voyce is Iacobs voyce but the hades ar ye hades of Esau.
23 Uning ⱪolliri bolsa akisi Əsawning ⱪolliridǝk tüklük bolƣini üqün uni toniyalmay, uningƣa bǝht-bǝrikǝt tilǝp dua ⱪildi.
And he knewe him not because his handes were rough as his brother Esaus handes: And so he blessed him.
24 Andin u yǝnǝ: — Sǝn rast oƣlum Əsawmusǝn? dǝp soriwidi, u jawab berip: — Dǝl mǝn, — dedi.
And he axed him art thou my sonne Esau? And he sayde: that I am.
25 Isⱨaⱪ uningƣa: — Taamni elip kǝlgin, mǝn oƣlumning ow gɵxidin yǝp, kɵnglümdin sanga bǝht-bǝrikǝt tilǝp dua ⱪilay, — dedi. [Yaⱪup] uni uning aldiƣa ⱪoydi; u yedi. U xarab kǝltürüwidi, unimu iqti.
Than sayde he: brynge me and let me eate of my sonnes venyson that my soule maye blesse the. And he broughte him and he ate. And he broughte him wyne also and he dranke.
26 Andin atisi Isⱨaⱪ uningƣa: — Əy oƣlum, ǝmdi yeⱪin kelip meni sɵygin, — dedi.
And his father Isaac sayde vnto him: come nere and kysse me my sonne.
27 U uning ⱪexiƣa berip uni sɵydi. Atisi uning kiyimining puriⱪini purap uningƣa bǝht-bǝrikǝt tilǝp dua ⱪilip: — «Mana, oƣlumning tenidiki puraⱪ Pǝrwǝrdigar bǝrikǝtligǝn kɵklǝmzarning hux puriⱪiƣa ohxaydikǝn!
And he wet to him and kissed him. And he smelled ye sauoure of his raymet and blessed hi and sayde See ye smell of my sone is as ye smell of a feld which the lorde hath blessed.
28 Huda sanga asmanning xǝbnimi, Yǝrning munbǝt küqini ata ⱪilip, Axliⱪ-tülük bilǝn xarabnimu kɵp bǝrgǝy.
God geue the of ye dewe of heave and of the fatnesse of the erth and pletie of corne and wyne.
29 Hǝlⱪlǝr sening ⱪulluⱪungda bolƣay, Əl-millǝtlǝr aldingda tizlanƣay; Ⱪerindaxliringƣa hoja bolƣaysǝn; Anangning oƣulliri sanga tizlanƣay; Sanga lǝnǝt ⱪilƣanlar lǝnǝtkǝ ⱪalƣay; Sanga bǝht tiligǝnlǝr bǝht tapⱪay!» — dedi.
People be thy servauntes and natios bowe vnto the. Be lorde ouer thy brethre and thy mothers children stoupe vnto the. Cursed be he yt curseth the and lessed be he that blesseth the.
30 Xundaⱪ boldiki, Isⱨaⱪ Yaⱪupⱪa dua ⱪilip bolup, Yaⱪup atisi Isⱨaⱪning ⱪexidin qiⱪip boluxiƣa, akisi Əsaw owdin ⱪaytip kǝldi.
As soone as Isaac had made an end of blessig Iacob and Iacob was scace gone out fro the preasence of Isaac his father: then came Esau his brother fro his huntynge:
31 Umu mǝzzilik taamlarni etip, atisining ⱪexiƣa elip kirip, atisiƣa: — Ata ⱪopⱪayla, oƣullirining ow gɵxidin yǝp, kɵngülliridin manga bǝht-bǝrikǝt tilǝp dua ⱪilƣayla, — dedi.
And had made also meate and brought it in vnto his father and sayde vnto him: Aryse my father and eate of thy sonnes venyson that thy soule maye blesse me.
32 Atisi Isⱨaⱪ uningƣa: — Sǝn kimsǝn? — dedi. U jawab berip: — Mǝn oƣulliri, qong oƣulliri Əsawmǝn! — dedi.
Tha his father Isaac sayde vnto him. Who art thou? he answered I am thy eldest sonne Esau.
33 Buni anglap Isⱨaⱪ alaⱪzadilikkǝ qüxüp, pütün bǝdini jalaⱪlap titrǝp: — Undaⱪta bayatin ow owlap elip kǝlgini kim? Sǝn kelixtin burun uning ⱨǝmmǝ nǝrsisidin yǝp, uningƣa bǝht-bǝrikǝt tilǝp dua ⱪildim; wǝ bǝrⱨǝⱪ, u bǝht-bǝrikǝt kɵridu! — dedi.
And Isaac was greatly astoyned out of mesure and sayde: Where is he then that hath huted venyson and broughte it me and I haue eaten of all before thou camest and haue blessed him ad he shall be blessed styll.
34 Əsaw atisining sɵzlirini anglapla intayin eqinarliⱪ ⱨalda ün selip aqqiⱪ pǝryad kɵtürüp atisiƣa: — Menimu, i ata, menimu bǝht-bǝrikǝtligǝyla! — dedi.
Whe Esau herde the wordes of his father he cryed out greatly and bitterly aboue mesure and sayde vnto his father: blesse me also my father.
35 U jawab berip: — Sening ining ⱨiylǝ bilǝn kirip, sanga tegixlik bǝht-bǝrikǝtni elip ketiptu, dedi.
And he sayde thy brother came with subtilte ad hath take awaye thy blessynge.
36 Əsaw: — Rast uning eti Yaⱪup ǝmǝsmu?! Qünki u ikki ⱪetim meni putlap, ornumni tartiwaldi. Awwal tunjiliⱪ ⱨoⱪuⱪumni tartiwaldi wǝ mana ⱨazir u manga tegidiƣan bǝht-bǝrikǝtni elip kǝtti, — dedi, Andin yǝnǝ: — Mening üqün birǝr bǝht-bǝrikǝt ⱪaldurmidilimu? — dedi.
Than sayde he: He maye well be called Iacob for he hath vndermyned me now. ij. tymes fyrst he toke awaye my byrthrighte: and se now hath he taken awaye my blessynge also. And he sayde hast thou kepte neuer a blessynge for me?
37 Isⱨaⱪ Əsawƣa jawab berip: — Mana, mǝn uni üstünggǝ hoja ⱪildim; ⱨǝmmǝ ⱪerindaxlirini uning ⱪulluⱪida bolidiƣan ⱪildim; axliⱪ wǝ yengi xarab bilǝn uni ⱪuwwǝtlidim; ǝy oƣlum, ǝmdi sanga yǝnǝ nemimu ⱪilip berǝlǝymǝn? — dedi.
Isaac answered and sayde vnto Esau: beholde I haue made him thi LORde and all his mothers childern haue I made his seruauntes. Moreouer wyth corne ad wyne haue I stablesshed him what ca I do vnto the now my sonne?
38 Əsaw atisiƣa yǝnǝ: — Əy ata, silidǝ pǝⱪǝt xu birla bǝht-bǝrikǝt bar idimu? Manga, ǝy ata, mangimu bǝht-bǝrikǝt tilǝp dua ⱪilƣayla! dedi. Andin u ün selip yiƣlap kǝtti.
And Esau sayde vnto his father? hast thou but yt one blessynge my father? blesse me also my father: so lyfted vp Esau his voyce and wepte
39 Atisi Isⱨaⱪ uningƣa jawab berip: — «Mana, turalƣu jaying yǝrning munbǝt küqidin neri, Egiz asmanning xǝbnimidin yiraⱪ bolur;
Tha Isaac his father answered and sayde vnto himBeholde thy dwellynge place shall haue of the fatnesse of the erth and of the dewe of heauen fro aboue.
40 Sǝn ⱪiliqingƣa tayinip jan baⱪisǝn, Iningning hizmitidǝ bolisǝn; Lekin qegridin qiⱪip kǝzginingdǝ, Sǝn boynungdin uning boyunturuⱪini qiⱪirip sunduruwetisǝn» — dedi.
And wyth thy swerde shalt thou lyue and shalt be thy brothers seruaunte But the tyme will come when thou shalt gett the mastrye and lowse his yocke from of thy necke.
41 Xunga Əsaw atisi uningƣa tiligǝn bǝht-bǝrikǝt sǝwǝbidin Yaⱪupⱪa ɵqmǝnlik saⱪlap yürdi. Əsaw kɵnglidǝ: — Atamning matǝm künliri yeⱪinlixip ⱪaldi; xu qaƣda inim Yaⱪupni ɵltürüwetimǝn, dǝp hiyal ⱪildi.
And Esau hated Iacob because of the blessynge yt his father blessed him with all and sayde in his harte: The dayes of my fathers sorowe are at hade for I will sley my brother Iacob.
42 Lekin Riwkaⱨ qong oƣli Əsawning bu sɵzliridin hǝwǝr tapti. U kiqik oƣli Yaⱪupni qaⱪirip uningƣa: — Mana akang Əsaw seni ɵltürüwetimǝn dǝp ɵz-ɵzidin tǝsǝlli tepiwetiptu;
And these wordes of Esau hir eldest sonne were told to Rebecca. And she sente ad called Iacob hir yongest sonne and sayde vnto hi: beholde thy brother Esau threatneth to kyll the:
43 ǝmdi ǝy oƣlum, sɵzümgǝ ⱪulaⱪ selip, ⱪopup Ⱨaranƣa, akam Labanning ⱪexiƣa ⱪeqip kǝtkin;
Now therfore my sone heare my voyce make the redie and flee to Laba my brother at Haran
44 akangning ⱪǝⱨri yanƣuqǝ, uning ⱪexida birnǝqqǝ waⱪit turƣin.
And tarie with him a while vntill thy brothers fearsnes be swaged and
45 Akang aqqiⱪidin yenip, sening uningƣa ⱪilƣiningni untup kǝtküqǝ xu yǝrdǝ turup turƣin; andin mǝn adǝm ǝwǝtip, seni u yǝrdin aldurup kelimǝn. Nemǝ üqün bir kündila ⱨǝr ikkinglardin mǝⱨrum bolup ⱪalay? — dedi.
vntill thy brothers wrath turne away from the and he forgett that which thou hast done to him. Tha will I sende and fett the awaye from thence. Why shulde I lose you both in one daye.
46 Əmma Riwkaⱨ Isⱨaⱪⱪa: — Mǝn muxu Ⱨittiy ⱪizlar wǝjidin jenimdin jaⱪ toydum. Əgǝr Yaⱪupmu bu yurttiki ⱪizlardin, muxundaⱪ Ⱨittiy ⱪizni hotunluⱪⱪa alsa yaxiƣinimning manga nemǝ paydisi? — dedi.
And Rebecca spake to Isaac: I am wery of my life for feare of the doughters of Heth. Yf Iacob take a wife of the doughters of Heth soch one as these are or of the doughters of the lande what lust shulde I haue to lyue.

< Yaritilix 27 >