< Yaritilix 26 >

1 [Ⱪanaan] zeminida Ibraⱨimning waⱪtidiki aqarqiliⱪtin baxⱪa yǝnǝ bir ⱪetimliⱪ aqarqiliⱪ yüz bǝrdi. Xuning bilǝn Isⱨaⱪ Gǝrar xǝⱨirigǝ, Filistiylǝrning padixaⱨi Abimǝlǝkning ⱪexiƣa bardi.
And there fell a derth in ye lande passinge the first derth yt fell in the dayes of Abraham. Wherfore Isaac went vnto Abimelech kinge of ye Philistias vnto Gerar.
2 Pǝrwǝrdigar uningƣa kɵrünüp mundaⱪ dedi: — Sǝn Misirƣa qüxmǝy, bǝlki Mǝn sanga kɵrsitip beridiƣan yurtta turƣin.
The the LORde apeared vnto him and sayde goo not doune in to Egipte but byde in ye land which I saye vnto ye:
3 Moxu zemindin qiⱪmay musapir bolup turƣin; xuning bilǝn Mǝn sǝn bilǝn billǝ bolup, sanga bǝht-bǝrikǝt ata ⱪilimǝn; qünki Mǝn sǝn wǝ nǝslinggǝ bu zeminlarning ⱨǝmmisini berip, atang Ibraⱨimƣa bǝrgǝn ⱪǝsimimni ada ⱪilimǝn;
Sogeorne in this lade and I wyll be with ye and wyll blesse ye: for vnto the and vnto thy sede I will geue all these cotreis And I will performe the oothe which I swore vnto Abraha thy father
4 nǝslingni asmandiki yultuzlardǝk awutimǝn wǝ nǝslinggǝ bu zeminlarning ⱨǝmmisini berimǝn; yǝr yüzidiki barliⱪ ǝl-yurtlar nǝslingning [nami] bilǝn ɵzlirigǝ bǝht-bǝrikǝt tilǝydu;
and will multiplye thy seed as ye starres of heave and will geue vnto thy seed all these contreis. And thorow thy seed shall all the natios of the erth be blessed
5 Qünki Ibraⱨim Mening awazimƣa ⱪulaⱪ selip, tapiliƣinim, ǝmrlirim, bǝlgilimilirim wǝ ⱪanunlirimni bǝja kǝltürdi, — dedi.
because yt Abraha harkened vnto mi voyce and kepte mine ordinauces comaudmetes statutes and lawes
6 Xuning bilǝn Isⱨaⱪ Gǝrarda turup ⱪaldi.
And Isaac dwelled in Gerar.
7 Əmma u yǝrlik kixilǝr uning ayali toƣrisida sorisa u: — Bu mening singlim bolidu, — dedi; qünki Riwkaⱨ intayin qirayliⱪ bolƣaqⱪa, Isⱨaⱪ ɵz-ɵzigǝ: «Bu mening ayalim bolidu», desǝm, bu yǝrlik adǝmlǝr Riwkaⱨning sǝwǝbidin meni ɵltürüwetǝrmikin, — dǝp ⱪorⱪti.
And yt me of the place asked hi of his wife and he sayde yt she was his sister: for he feared to calle her his wife lest the me of the place shulde haue kylled hym for hir sake because she was bewtyfull to ye eye.
8 Lekin u xu yǝrdǝ uzaⱪ waⱪit turƣandin keyin xundaⱪ boldiki, Filistiylǝrning padixaⱨi Abimǝlǝk dǝrizidin ⱪariwidi, mana Isⱨaⱪ wǝ ayali Riwkaⱨ bir-birigǝ ǝrkilixip turatti.
And it happened after he had bene there longe tyme yt Abimelech kinge of ye Philistias loked out at a wyndow and sawe Isaac sportinge with Rebecca his wife.
9 Andin Abimǝlǝk Isⱨaⱪni qaⱪirip: — Mana, u jǝzmǝn sening ayaling ikǝn! Sǝn nemǝ dǝp: «U mening singlim», deding? — dewidi, Isⱨaⱪ uningƣa: — Qünki mǝn ǝslidǝ uning sǝwǝbidin birsi meni ɵltürüwetǝrmikin, dǝp ǝnsirigǝnidim, — dedi.
And Abimelech sende for Isaac and sayde: se she is of a suertie thi wife and why saydest thou yt she was thi sister? And Isaac saide vnto hi: I thoughte yt I mighte peradventure haue dyed for hir sake.
10 Abimǝlǝk uningƣa: Bu bizgǝ nemǝ ⱪilƣining? Tas ⱪaptu hǝlⱪ arisidin birǝrsi ayaling bilǝn birgǝ bolƣili?! Undaⱪ bolƣan bolsa sǝn bizni gunaⱨⱪa patⱪuzƣan bolatting! — dedi.
The fayde Abimelech: whi hast thou done this vnto vs? one of ye people myght lightely haue lyne by thy wife and so shuldest thou haue broughte synne vpon vs
11 Andin Abimǝlǝk ⱨǝmmǝ hǝlⱪⱪǝ buyrup: — Kimki bu kixigǝ wǝ yaki hotuniƣa ⱪol tǝgküzsǝ jǝzmǝn ɵltürülmǝy ⱪalmaydu, — dǝp yarliⱪ qüxürdi.
Tha Abimelech charged all his people saynge: he yt toucheth this man or his wife shall surely dye for it.
12 Isⱨaⱪ u zeminda teriⱪqiliⱪ ⱪildi: u xu yili yǝrdin yüz ⱨǝssǝ ⱨosul aldi; Pǝrwǝrdigar uni bǝrikǝtligǝnidi.
And Isaac sowed in yt lade and founde in ye same yere an hudred bushels: for ye LORde blessed hi
13 Bu kixi bax kɵtürüp, barƣanseri rawaj tepip, tolimu katta kixilǝrdin bolup ⱪaldi.
and the man waxed mightye and wet forth and grewe till he was exceadinge great
14 Uning ⱪoy-kala padiliri wǝ ɵyidiki ⱪulliri intayin kɵpǝydi; Filistiylǝr uningƣa ⱨǝsǝt ⱪilƣili turdi.
yt he had possessio of shepe of oxe and a myghtie housholde: so yt the Philestians had envy at him:
15 Bu sǝwǝbtin uning atisi Ibraⱨimning künliridǝ atisining ⱪulliri koliƣan ⱪuduⱪlarning ⱨǝmmisini Filistiylǝr etip, topa bilǝn tinduruwǝtti.
In so moch yt they stopped and fylled vp with erth all the welles which his fathers servauntes dygged in his father Abrahams tyme.
16 Abimǝlǝk Isⱨaⱪⱪa: — Sǝn bizdin ziyadǝ küqiyip kǝtting, ǝmdi arimizdin qiⱪip kǝtkin, — dedi.
Than sayde Abimelech vnto Isaac: gett the fro me for thou art myhhtier then we a greate deale.
17 Isⱨaⱪ u yǝrdin ketip, Gǝrar wadisiƣa qedir tikip, xu yǝrdǝ turup ⱪaldi.
Than Isaac departed thense and pitched his tente in the valey Gerar and dwelt there,
18 Ibraⱨim ⱨayat waⱪtida [ⱪulliri] birmunqǝ ⱪuduⱪlarni ⱪazƣanidi; biraⱪ Ibraⱨim ɵlgǝndin keyin, Filistiylǝr bularni topa bilǝn tinduruwǝtkǝnidi. Isⱨaⱪ bu ⱪuduⱪlarni ⱪaytidin kolitip, ularƣa atisi ilgiri ⱪoyƣan isimlarni yǝnǝ ⱪoydi.
And Isaac digged agayne the welles of water which they dygged in the dayes of Abraha his father which the Philestias had stoppe after ye deth of Abraha and gaue the the same names which hys father gaue the.
19 Isⱨaⱪning ⱪulliri wadida ⱪuduⱪ kolawatⱪanda suliri urƣup qiⱪip aⱪidiƣan bir ⱪuduⱪni tepiwaldi.
As Isaacs seruautes dygged in the valey they founde a well of springynge water.
20 Lekin Gǝrardiki padiqilar Isⱨaⱪning padiqiliridin uni talixip: — Bu su bizningkidur, — dedi. Ular Isⱨaⱪ bilǝn jedǝllǝxkǝqkǝ, u bu ⱪuduⱪni «Esǝk» dǝp atidi.
And the herdme of Gerar dyd stryue with Isaacs herdme saynge: the water is oures Than called he the well Eseck because they stroue with hym.
21 Ular yǝnǝ baxⱪa bir ⱪuduⱪni kolidi, ular yǝnǝ bu ⱪuduⱪ toƣrisida jedǝllǝxti. Xuning bilǝn Isⱨaⱪ buning ismini «Sitnaⱨ» dǝp atidi.
Than dygged they another well and they stroue for yt also. Therfore called he it Sitena.
22 Andin u u yǝrdin ketip, baxⱪa yǝrgǝ berip, xu yǝrdimu yǝnǝ bir ⱪuduⱪ kolidi; ǝmdi Gǝrardikilǝr bu ⱪuduⱪni talaxmidi. Bu sǝwǝbtin u uning etini «Rǝⱨobot» ⱪoyup: «Əmdi Pǝrwǝrdigar biz üqün jay bǝrgǝnikǝn, bu zeminda mewilik bolimiz», — dedi.
And than he departed these and dygged a nother well for the which they stroue not: therfore called he it Rehoboth saige: ye LORde hath now made vs rowme and we are encreased vpo the erth.
23 Andin u u yǝrdin qiⱪip Bǝǝr-Xebaƣa bardi.
Afterward departed he thece and came to Berseba
24 Pǝrwǝrdigar xu keqisi uningƣa kɵrünüp: — Mǝn bolsam atang Ibraⱨimning Hudasidurmǝn; ⱪorⱪmiƣin, qünki Mǝn sǝn bilǝn billimǝn, seni bǝht-bǝrikǝtlǝp, nǝslingni ⱪulum Ibraⱨimning sǝwǝbidin awutimǝn, — dedi.
And the LORde apered vnto hi the same nyghte and sayde. I am the God of Abraha thy father feare not for I am with the and will blesse the and multiplye thy sede for my seruaute Abrahams sake.
25 U xu yǝrdǝ bir ⱪurbangaⱨ yasap, Pǝrwǝrdigarning namiƣa nida ⱪilip ibadǝt ⱪildi. U xu yǝrdǝ qedirini tikti, Isⱨaⱪning ⱪulliri xu yǝrdǝ bir ⱪuduⱪ kolidi.
And than he buylded an aulter there and called vpo the name of the LORde and there pitched his tente. And there Isaacs servauntes dygged a well.
26 Əmdi Abimǝlǝk, aƣinisi Aⱨuzzat bilǝn lǝxkǝrbexi Fikol birgǝ Gǝrardin qiⱪip, uning ⱪexiƣa bardi.
Than came Abimelech to him fro Gerar and Ahusath his frende and Phicol his chefe captayne.
27 Isⱨaⱪ ularƣa: — Manga ɵqmǝnlik ⱪilip, meni aranglardin ⱪoƣliwǝtkǝndin keyin, nemǝ üqün mening ⱪeximƣa kǝldinglar? — dedi.
And Isaac sayde vnto the: wherfore come ye to me seige ye hate me and haue put me awaye fro you?
28 Ular jawabǝn: — Biz Pǝrwǝrdigarning sǝn bilǝn billǝ bolƣinini roxǝn bayⱪiduⱪ, xuning bilǝn biz sening toƣrangda: «Otturimizda bir kelixim bolsun, yǝni bizlǝr bilǝn sǝn bir-birimizgǝ ⱪǝsǝm berip ǝⱨdǝ ⱪilixayli» deduⱪ; xu wǝjidin sǝn bizgǝ ⱨeqⱪandaⱪ ziyan-zǝhmǝt yǝtküzmigǝysǝn; biz sanga ⱨeq tǝgmiginimizdǝk, xundaⱪla sanga yahxiliⱪtin baxⱪa ⱨeqbir nemǝ ⱪilmiƣinimizdǝk (bǝlki seni aman-esǝnlik iqidǝ yolungƣa ǝwǝtkǝniduⱪ) sǝnmu xundaⱪ ⱪilƣaysǝn. Mana ⱨazir sǝn Pǝrwǝrdigar tǝripidin bǝht-bǝrikǝt kɵrüwatisǝn! — deyixti.
Than sayde they: we sawe that the LORde was with the and therfore we sayde that there shulde be an oothe betwixte vs ad the and that we wolde make a bonde with the:
yt thou shuldeste do vs no hurte as we haue not touched the and haue done vnto the nothinge but good and sed the awaye in peace: for thou art now the blessed of the LORde.
30 Xuning bilǝn u ularƣa bir ziyapǝt ⱪilip bǝrdi. Ular bolsa yǝp-iqti.
And he made the a feast and they ate ad droke.
31 Ətisi tang sǝⱨǝrdǝ ular ⱪopup bir-birigǝ ⱪǝsǝm ⱪilixti; andin Isⱨaⱪ ularni yolƣa selip ⱪoydi; ular uning ⱪexidin aman-esǝn kǝtti.
And they rose vp by tymes in the mornynge and sware one to another. And Isaac sent the awaye. And they departed from him in peace.
32 U küni xundaⱪ boldiki, Isⱨaⱪning ⱪulliri kelip, uningƣa ɵzi koliƣan ⱪuduⱪ toƣrisida hǝwǝr berip: «Biz su taptuⱪ!» dedi.
And ye same daye came Isaacs servautes and tolde hi of a well which they had dygged: and sayde vnto hi that thei had founde water.
33 U uning namini «Xibaⱨ» ⱪoydi. Bu sǝwǝbtin bu xǝⱨǝrning ismi bügüngiqǝ «Bǝǝr-Xeba» dǝp atilip kǝlmǝktǝ.
And he called it Seba wherfore the name of the cyte is called Berseba vnto this daye.
34 Əsaw ⱪiriⱪ yaxⱪa kirgǝndǝ, Ⱨittiylardin bolƣan Bǝǝrining ⱪizi Yǝⱨudit bilǝn Ⱨittiylardin bolƣan Elonning ⱪizi Basimatni hotunluⱪⱪa aldi.
When Esau was. xl. yere olde he toke to wyfe Judith the doughter of Bely an Hethite and Busmath the doughter of Elon an Hethite
35 Əmma bular Isⱨaⱪ bilǝn Riwkaⱨning kɵngligǝ azab elip kǝldi.
also which were dishobedient vnto Isaac and Rebecca.

< Yaritilix 26 >