< Yaritilix 20 >

1 Ibraⱨim u yǝrdin qiⱪip, jǝnub tǝrǝptiki Nǝgǝwgǝ kɵqüp kelip, Ⱪadǝx bilǝn Xurning ariliⱪida turup ⱪaldi; bir mǝzgildin keyin Gǝrarda olturaⱪlaxti.
And Abraham departed thence towarde the southcontre and dwelled betwene Cades and Sur ad sogeorned in Gerar.
2 Xu yǝrdǝ Ibraⱨim ayali Saraⱨ toƣrisida: «U mening singlimdur», degǝnidi. Xuning bilǝn Gǝrarning padixaⱨi Abimǝlǝk adǝm ǝwǝtip, Saraⱨni [ɵzigǝ] hotun boluxⱪa eliwaldi.
And Abraham sayde of Sara his wyfe that she was his sister. Than Abimelech kynge of Gerar sent and fett Sara awaye.
3 Lekin [bir küni] keqisi qüxidǝ Huda Abimǝlǝkkǝ kelip uningƣa: — Mana, sǝn ɵzünggǝ eliwalƣan ayal sǝwǝbidin ǝmdi ɵlgǝn adǝmdursǝn; qünki u baxⱪa birsining ayalidur — dedi.
And God came to Abimelech by nyghte in a dreame and sayde to him: Se thou art but a deed man for the womas sake which thou hast taken awaye for she is a mans wyfe.
4 Əmma Abimǝlǝk uningƣa tehi yeⱪinqiliⱪ ⱪilmiƣanidi. U Hudaƣa: — I Rǝb, ⱨǝⱪⱪaniy bir hǝlⱪnimu ⱨalak ⱪilamsǝn?
But Abimelech had not yet come nye her and therfore sayde: lorde wilt thou sley rightewes people?
5 U ɵzimu manga: «U mening singlim» dǝp eytmidimu? Yǝnǝ kelip, bu ayalmu «U mening akam», dǝp eytⱪanidi. Mǝn bolsam sap kɵnglüm wǝ durus niyitim bilǝn bu ixni ⱪildim, — dedi.
sayde not he vnto me that she was hys sister? yee and sayde not she herself that he was hir brother? wyth a pure herte and innocent handes haue I done this.
6 Huda qüxidǝ uningƣa yǝnǝ: — Bu ixni sap kɵngül bilǝn ⱪilƣiningni bilimǝn; xu sǝwǝbtin Mǝn seni aldimda gunaⱨ ⱪilixtin tosup, uningƣa tegixinggǝ ⱪoymidim.
And God sayde vnto him in a dreame. I wot it well that thou dydest it in the purenesse of thi herte. And therfore I kepte ye that thou shuldest not synne agenst me nether suffred I the to come nygh her.
7 Əmdi u kixining ayalini ɵzigǝ ⱪayturup bǝr; qünki u Pǝyƣǝmbǝr, u sening ⱨǝⱪⱪingdǝ dua ⱪilidu wǝ sǝn tirik ⱪalisǝn. Əgǝr uni yandurup bǝrmisǝng xuni bilip ⱪoyƣinki, sǝn wǝ ⱨǝmmǝ adǝmliring ⱪoxulup jǝzmǝn ɵlisilǝr, — dedi.
Now therfore delyuer the ma his wyfe ageyne for he is a prophete. And let him praye for the that thou mayst lyue. But and yf thou delyuer her not agayne be sure that thou shalt dye the deth with all that thou hast.
8 Abimǝlǝk ǝtigǝn tang sǝⱨǝrdǝ ⱪopup, ⱨǝmmǝ hizmǝtkarlirini qaⱪirip, bu sɵzlǝrning ⱨǝmmisini ularning ⱪulaⱪliriƣa saldi; bu adǝmlǝr naⱨayiti ⱪorⱪuxup kǝtti.
Than Abimelech rose vp be tymes in the mornynge and called all his servauntes and tolde all these thinges in their eares and the men were sore a frayde.
9 Andin Abimǝlǝk Ibraⱨimni qaⱪirip uningƣa: — Bu bizgǝ nemǝ ⱪilƣining? Mǝn sanga zadi nemǝ gunaⱨ ⱪildim, sǝn mǝn wǝ padixaⱨliⱪimƣa eƣir bir gunaⱨni yüklǝp ⱪoydung? Manga ⱪilmaydiƣan ixlarni ⱪilding! — dedi.
And Abimelech called Abraham and sayde vnto him: What hast thou done vnto vs and what haue I offended the that thou shuldest brynge on me and on my kyngdome so greate a synne? thou hast done dedes vnto me that ought not to be done.
10 Abimǝlǝk Ibraⱨimƣa yǝnǝ: — Sǝn zadi bizning nemǝ iximizni kɵrgining üqün muxu ixni ⱪilding? — dedi.
And Abimelech sayde morouer vnto Abraham: What sawest thou that moved the to do this thinge?
11 Ibraⱨim jawab berip: — «Bu yǝrdǝ xübⱨisizki ⱨeqkim Hudadin ⱪorⱪmaydikǝn, ular meni ayalim tüpǝylidin ɵltürüwetidu», dǝp oyliƣanidim.
And Abraham Answered. I thought that peradveture the feare of God was not in this place and that they shulde sley me for my wyfes sake:
12 Əmǝliyǝttǝ, uning mening singlim ikǝnliki rast, lekin u mening ata bir, ana bɵlǝk singlim; keyin u mening ayalim boldi.
yet in very dede she is my sister the doughter of my father but not of my mother: and became my wyfe.
13 Lekin Huda meni atamning ɵyidin qiⱪirip sǝrgǝrdanliⱪⱪa yürgüzginidǝ, mǝn ayalimƣa: — Biz ⱪǝyǝrgila barsaⱪ, sǝn manga xundaⱪ xapaǝt kɵrsǝtkǝysǝnki, mening toƣramda: «Bu mening akam bolidu», degin, — dǝp eytⱪanidim — dedi.
And after God caused me to wandre out of my fathers house I sayde vnto her: This kyndnesse shalt thou shewe vnto me in all places where we come that thou saye of me how that I am thy brother.
14 Andin Abimǝlǝk ⱪoy-kalilar, ⱪullar wǝ dedǝklǝrni elip ularni Ibraⱨimƣa bǝrdi wǝ ayali Saraⱨnimu uningƣa ⱪayturup bǝrdi.
Than toke Abimelech shepe and oxen menservauntes and wemenseruauntes and gaue them vnto Abraham and delyvered him Sara his wyfe agayne.
15 Abimǝlǝk: — Mana mening zeminim bolsa aldingda turuptu; kɵzünggǝ ⱪaysi yǝr yaⱪsa xu yǝrdǝ turƣin, — dedi.
And Abimelech sayde: beholde the lande lyeth be fore the dwell where it pleaseth ye best.
16 U Saraⱨⱪa: «Mana, mǝn akangƣa ming kümüx tǝnggǝ bǝrdim; mana bular ɵz yeningdikilǝr, xundaⱪla ⱨǝmmǝ adǝmlǝrning kɵz aldida uyatni yapⱪuqi bolidu; xuning bilǝn sǝn ⱨǝrⱪandaⱪ daƣ-ǝyibtin halas bolisǝn».
And vnto Sara he sayde: Se I haue geuen thy brother a thousande peeces of syluer beholde he shall be a couerynge to thyne eyes vnto all that ar with the and vnto all men and an excuse.
17 Ibraⱨim Hudaƣa dua ⱪildi, Huda Abimǝlǝk, ayali wǝ kenizǝklirini saⱪaytti; andin ular [yǝnǝ] bala tuƣalaydiƣan boldi; qünki Pǝrwǝrdigar Ibraⱨimning ayali Saraⱨ tüpǝylidin Abimǝlǝkning ɵyidiki ⱨǝmmǝ hotunlarning baliyatⱪulirini etip ⱪoyƣanidi.
And so Abraham prayde vnto God and God healed Abimeleh and his wyfe and hys maydens so that they bare.
For the LORde had closed to all the matryces of the house of Abimelech because of Sara Abrahams wyfe.

< Yaritilix 20 >