< Samu'il 1 14 >

1 Bir küni Saulning oƣli Yonatan yaraƣ kɵtürgüqisigǝ: — Kǝlgin, udulimizdiki Filistiylǝrning ⱪarawullar ǝtritining yeniƣa qiⱪayli, dedi. Əmma u atisiƣa ⱨeqnemǝ demidi.
Now it came to pass on a day, that Jonathan the son of Saul said to the young man that bore his armor, Come, and let us go over to the Philistines’ garrison, that is on the other side. But he told not his father.
2 Saul bolsa Gibeaⱨning qetidiki Migrondiki anar dǝrihining tegidǝ ⱪaldi. Uning ⱪexidiki hǝlⱪ altǝ yüzqǝ idi
And Saul tarried in the uttermost part of Gibeah under a pomegranate tree which is in Migron: and the people that were with him were about six hundred men;
3 (u waⱪitta ǝfodni Ahitubning oƣli, Ihabodning akisi Ahiyaⱨ kiyǝtti; u Xiloⱨda turuwatⱪan, Pǝrwǝrdigarning kaⱨini idi. Ahitub Finiⱨasning oƣli, Finiⱨas Əlining oƣli idi). Hǝlⱪ bolsa Yonatanning kǝtkinlikini bilmigǝnidi.
And Ahiah, the son of Ahitub, Ichabod’s brother, the son of Phinehas, the son of Eli, the LORD’s priest in Shiloh, wearing an ephod. And the people knew not that Jonathan was gone.
4 Yonatan Filistiylǝrning ⱪarawullar ǝtriti tǝrǝpkǝ ɵtmǝkqi bolƣan dawanning ikki tǝripidǝ tüwrüktǝk tik ⱪiya taxlar bar idi. Birining nami Bozǝz, yǝnǝ birining nami Sǝnǝⱨ idi.
And between the passages, by which Jonathan sought to go over to the Philistines’ garrison, there was a sharp rock on the one side, and a sharp rock on the other side: and the name of the one was Bozez, and the name of the other Seneh.
5 Bir ⱪiya tax ximaliy tǝripidǝ bolup, Mihmax bilǝn ⱪarixip turatti, yǝnǝ biri jǝbub tǝripidǝ Gebaning udulida idi.
The forefront of the one was situate northward over against Michmash, and the other southward over against Gibeah.
6 Yonatan yaraƣ kɵtürgüqisigǝ: — Kǝl, bu hǝtnisizlǝrning ⱪarawullar ǝtritigǝ qiⱪayli; Pǝrwǝrdigar biz üqün bir ix ⱪilsa ǝjǝb ǝmǝs, qünki Pǝrwǝrdigarning ⱪutⱪuzuxi üqün adǝmlǝrning kɵp yaki az boluxi ⱨeq tosalƣu bolmaydu, dedi.
And Jonathan said to the young man that bore his armor, Come, and let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised: it may be that the LORD will work for us: for there is no restraint to the LORD to save by many or by few.
7 Uning yaraƣ kɵtürgüqisi uningƣa: — Kɵnglüngdǝ ⱨǝr nemǝ bolsa xuni ⱪilƣin; barƣin, mana, kɵnglüng nemini halisa mǝn sǝn bilǝn billimǝn, dedi.
And his armor bearer said to him, Do all that is in your heart: turn you; behold, I am with you according to your heart.
8 Yonatan: — Mana, biz u adǝmlǝr tǝrǝpkǝ qiⱪip ɵzimizni ularƣa kɵrsitǝyli;
Then said Jonathan, Behold, we will pass over to these men, and we will discover ourselves to them.
9 ǝgǝr ular bizgǝ: — Biz silǝrning ⱪexinglarƣa barƣuqǝ turup turunglar, desǝ ularning ⱪexiƣa qiⱪmay ɵz jayimizda turup turayli;
If they say thus to us, Tarry until we come to you; then we will stand still in our place, and will not go up to them.
10 lekin ular: — Bizning ⱪeximizƣa qiⱪinglar, desǝ, qiⱪayli. Qünki xundaⱪ bolsa Pǝrwǝrdigar ularni ⱪolimizƣa beriptu, dǝp bilimiz; muxundaⱪ ix bizgǝ bir bexarǝt bolidu, dedi.
But if they say thus, Come up to us; then we will go up: for the LORD has delivered them into our hand: and this shall be a sign to us.
11 Ikkiylǝn ɵzini Filistiylǝrning ⱪarawullar ǝtritigǝ kɵrsǝtti. Filistiylǝr: — Mana, Ibraniylar ɵzini yoxurƣan azgallardin qiⱪiwatidu, dedi.
And both of them discovered themselves to the garrison of the Philistines: and the Philistines said, Behold, the Hebrews come forth out of the holes where they had hid themselves.
12 Ətrǝttikilǝr Yonatan bilǝn yaraƣ kɵtürgüqisigǝ: — Bizgǝ qiⱪinglar, biz silǝrgǝ bir nǝrsini kɵrsitip ⱪoyimiz, dedi. Yonatan yaraƣ kɵtürgüqisigǝ: — Manga ǝgixip qiⱪⱪin; qünki Pǝrwǝrdigar ularni Israilning ⱪoliƣa bǝrdi, dedi.
And the men of the garrison answered Jonathan and his armor bearer, and said, Come up to us, and we will show you a thing. And Jonathan said to his armor bearer, Come up after me: for the LORD has delivered them into the hand of Israel.
13 Yonatan ⱪol-putliri bilǝn ɵmülǝp qiⱪti, yaraƣ kɵtürgüqisi kǝynidin uningƣa ǝgǝxti. Filistiylǝr Yonatanning aldida yiⱪilixti; yaraƣ kɵtürgüqisi kǝynidin kelip ularni ⱪǝtl ⱪildi.
And Jonathan climbed up on his hands and on his feet, and his armor bearer after him: and they fell before Jonathan; and his armor bearer slew after him.
14 Xu tunji ⱨujumda Yonatan bilǝn yaraƣ kɵtürgüqisi tǝhminǝn yerim ⱪoxluⱪ yǝrdǝ ɵltürgǝnlǝr yigirmidǝk adǝm idi.
And that first slaughter, which Jonathan and his armor bearer made, was about twenty men, within as it were an half acre of land, which a yoke of oxen might plow.
15 Andin lǝxkǝrgaⱨdikikǝrni, dalada turuwatⱪanlarni, barliⱪ ǝtrǝtlǝrdikilǝrni wǝ bulang-talang ⱪilƣuqilarni titrǝk basti. Ular ⱨǝm titrǝp ⱪorⱪti, yǝrmu tǝwrinip kǝtti; qünki bu qong ⱪorⱪunq Huda tǝripidin kǝlgǝnidi.
And there was trembling in the host, in the field, and among all the people: the garrison, and the spoilers, they also trembled, and the earth quaked: so it was a very great trembling.
16 Əmdi Binyamin zeminidiki Gibeaⱨda turuwatⱪan paylaⱪqilar kɵrdiki, mana, lǝxkǝr topliri tarmar bolup uyan-buyan yügürüxüp kǝtti.
And the watchmen of Saul in Gibeah of Benjamin looked; and, behold, the multitude melted away, and they went on beating down one another.
17 Saul ⱪexidiki hǝlⱪⱪǝ: Adǝmlirimizni sanap kimning bu yǝrdin kǝtkǝnlikini eniⱪlanglar, dedi. Ular saniwidi, mana, Yonatan bilǝn yaraƣ kɵtürgüqisi yoⱪ qiⱪti.
Then said Saul to the people that were with him, Number now, and see who is gone from us. And when they had numbered, behold, Jonathan and his armor bearer were not there.
18 Saul Ahiyaⱨⱪa: — Hudaning ǝⱨdǝ sanduⱪini elip kǝlgin, dedi. Qünki u waⱪitta Hudaning ǝⱨdǝ sanduⱪi Israilning arisida idi.
And Saul said to Ahiah, Bring here the ark of God. For the ark of God was at that time with the children of Israel.
19 Saul kaⱨinƣa sɵz ⱪiliwatⱪanda Filistiylǝrning lǝxkǝrgaⱨida bolƣan ƣǝlwǝ barƣanseri küqiyip kǝtti. Saul kaⱨinƣa: — Ⱪolungni yiƣⱪin, dedi.
And it came to pass, while Saul talked to the priest, that the noise that was in the host of the Philistines went on and increased: and Saul said to the priest, Withdraw your hand.
20 Andin Saul wǝ uning bilǝn bolƣan ⱨǝmmǝ hǝlⱪ yiƣilip jǝnggǝ qiⱪti; wǝ mana, Filistiylǝrning ⱨǝrbiri ɵz sǝpdixiƣa ⱪarxi ⱪiliq kɵtürüp zor parakǝndilik boldi.
And Saul and all the people that were with him assembled themselves, and they came to the battle: and, behold, every man’s sword was against his fellow, and there was a very great discomfiture.
21 U waⱪittin ilgiri Filistiylǝrning arisida bolƣan, ular bilǝn billǝ lǝxkǝrgaⱨning ǝtrapiƣa qiⱪⱪan Ibraniylar bar idi; ularmu Saul wǝ Yonatan bilǝn billǝ bolƣan Israillarƣa ⱪoxuldi.
Moreover the Hebrews that were with the Philistines before that time, which went up with them into the camp from the country round about, even they also turned to be with the Israelites that were with Saul and Jonathan.
22 Xuningdǝk Əfraim taƣlirida ɵzini yoxurƣan Israillar Filistiylǝrning ⱪaqⱪinini angliƣanda soⱪuxⱪa qiⱪip ularni ⱪoƣlidi.
Likewise all the men of Israel which had hid themselves in mount Ephraim, when they heard that the Philistines fled, even they also followed hard after them in the battle.
23 Xuning bilǝn Pǝrwǝrdigar u küni Israilƣa nusrǝt bǝrdi. Soⱪux Bǝyt-Awǝnning u tǝripigǝ ɵtti.
So the LORD saved Israel that day: and the battle passed over to Bethaven.
24 Lekin Israilning adǝmliri u küni zor besim astida ⱪaldi. Qünki Saul ularƣa ⱪǝsǝm iqküzüp: — Mǝn düxmǝnlirimdin intiⱪam almiƣuqǝ kǝq boluxtin ilgiri taam yegǝn kixigǝ lǝnǝt bolsun, dǝp eytⱪanidi. Xuning üqün hǝlⱪtin ⱨeqkim taam yemidi.
And the men of Israel were distressed that day: for Saul had adjured the people, saying, Cursed be the man that eats any food until evening, that I may be avenged on my enemies. So none of the people tasted any food.
25 Əmma barliⱪ zemindiki ⱪoxun bir ormanliⱪⱪa kirgǝndǝ yǝr yüzidǝ ⱨǝsǝl bar idi.
And all they of the land came to a wood; and there was honey on the ground.
26 Hǝlⱪ ormanliⱪⱪa kirgǝndǝ, mana bu ⱨǝsǝl eⱪip turatti; lekin ⱨeqkim ⱪolini aƣziƣa kɵtürmidi, qünki hǝlⱪ ⱪǝsǝmdin ⱪorⱪatti.
And when the people were come into the wood, behold, the honey dropped; but no man put his hand to his mouth: for the people feared the oath.
27 Lekin Yonatan atisining hǝlⱪⱪǝ ⱪǝsǝm iqküzgǝnlikini anglimiƣanidi. Xunga u ⱪolidiki ⱨasini sunup uqini ⱨǝsǝl kɵnikigǝ tiⱪip ⱪoli bilǝn aƣziƣa saldi. Xundaⱪ ⱪilip kɵzliri nurlandi.
But Jonathan heard not when his father charged the people with the oath: why he put forth the end of the rod that was in his hand, and dipped it in an honeycomb, and put his hand to his mouth; and his eyes were enlightened.
28 Əmma hǝlⱪtin biri: Sening atang hǝlⱪⱪǝ qing ⱪǝsǝm iqküzüp: — Bügün taam yegǝn kixigǝ lǝnǝt bolsun! dǝp eytⱪanidi. Xuning üqün hǝlⱪ ⱨalsizlinip kǝtti, dedi.
Then answered one of the people, and said, Your father straightly charged the people with an oath, saying, Cursed be the man that eats any food this day. And the people were faint.
29 Yonatan: — Mening atam zeminƣa azar bǝrdi; ⱪaranglar, bu ⱨǝsǝldin kiqikkinǝ tetixim bilǝnla kɵzlirimning xunqǝ nurlanƣinini kɵrmidinglarmu?
Then said Jonathan, My father has troubled the land: see, I pray you, how my eyes have been enlightened, because I tasted a little of this honey.
30 Hǝlⱪ bügün düxmǝnlǝrdin tartiwalƣan oljidin haliƣinini yegǝn bolsa Filistiylǝrning arisidiki ⱪirƣinqiliⱪ tehimu zor bolmasmidi? — dedi.
How much more, if haply the people had eaten freely to day of the spoil of their enemies which they found? for had there not been now a much greater slaughter among the Philistines?
31 Axu küni ular Mikmaxtin tartip Filistiylǝrni ⱪoƣlap Ayjalonƣiqǝ urup ⱪirixti; hǝlⱪ tola ⱨerip kǝtkǝnidi.
And they smote the Philistines that day from Michmash to Aijalon: and the people were very faint.
32 Xuning bilǝn hǝlⱪ olja üstigǝ etilip berip, ⱪoy, kala wǝ mozaylarni tutup xu yǝrdila soydi. Andin hǝlⱪ gɵxni ⱪanni adaliwǝtmǝyla yedi.
And the people flew on the spoil, and took sheep, and oxen, and calves, and slew them on the ground: and the people did eat them with the blood.
33 Saulƣa hǝwǝr kelip: Mana, hǝlⱪ ⱪanni adaliwǝtmǝyla gɵxni yǝp Pǝrwǝrdigarƣa gunaⱨ ⱪiliwatidu, dǝp eytildi. U: Silǝr Pǝrwǝrdigarƣa asiyliⱪ ⱪildinglar! Əmdi bu yǝrgǝ yenimƣa qong bir taxni domilitip kelinglar, dedi.
Then they told Saul, saying, Behold, the people sin against the LORD, in that they eat with the blood. And he said, You have transgressed: roll a great stone to me this day.
34 Saul yǝnǝ: Silǝr hǝlⱪning arisiƣa qiⱪip ularƣa: Ⱨǝrbiri ɵz kalisini, ɵz ⱪoyini ⱪeximƣa elip kelip bu yǝrdǝ soyup yesun; lekin gɵxni ⱪanni adaliwǝtmǝy yǝp, Pǝrwǝrdigarƣa gunaⱨ ⱪilmanglar, dǝnglar, dedi. Bu keqǝ hǝlⱪning ⱨǝmmisi ⱨǝrbiri ɵz kalisini elip kelip u yǝrdǝ soydi.
And Saul said, Disperse yourselves among the people, and say to them, Bring me here every man his ox, and every man his sheep, and slay them here, and eat; and sin not against the LORD in eating with the blood. And all the people brought every man his ox with him that night, and slew them there.
35 Saul bolsa Pǝrwǝrdigarƣa bir ⱪurbangaⱨ yasidi. Bu uning Pǝrwǝrdigarƣa yasiƣan tunji ⱪurbangaⱨi idi.
And Saul built an altar to the LORD: the same was the first altar that he built to the LORD.
36 Saul: — Bu keqidǝ Filistiylǝrning peyigǝ qüxüp, ǝtǝ tang atⱪuqǝ ularni talap ⱨeq birini tirik ⱪoymayli, dedi. Hǝlⱪ: — Nemǝ sanga yahxi kɵrünsǝ xuni ⱪilƣin, dǝp jawab bǝrdi. Lekin kaⱨin sɵz ⱪilip: — Pǝrwǝrdigarning yeniƣa kirip [yolyoruⱪ sorap] qiⱪayli, dedi.
And Saul said, Let us go down after the Philistines by night, and spoil them until the morning light, and let us not leave a man of them. And they said, Do whatever seems good to you. Then said the priest, Let us draw near here to God.
37 Saul Hudadin: — Ya Filistiylǝrning kǝynidin qüxüymu? Sǝn ularni Israilning ⱪoliƣa tapxuramsǝn? — dǝp soridi. Lekin u küni U uningƣa ⱨeq jawab bǝrmidi.
And Saul asked counsel of God, Shall I go down after the Philistines? will you deliver them into the hand of Israel? But he answered him not that day.
38 Saul: — I hǝlⱪning ⱨǝmmǝ qongliri, bu yǝrgǝ qiⱪinglar. Bügün kim gunaⱨ ⱪilƣanliⱪini eniⱪlap beⱪinglar.
And Saul said, Draw you near here, all the chief of the people: and know and see wherein this sin has been this day.
39 Qünki Israilƣa nusrǝt bǝrgǝn Pǝrwǝrdigarning ⱨayati bilǝn ⱪǝsǝm ⱪilimǝnki, bu gunaⱨ ⱨǝtta oƣlum Yonatanda tepilsimu u jǝzmǝn ɵltürülsun, dedi. Lekin pütkül hǝlⱪtin ⱨeqkim uningƣa jawab bǝrmidi.
For, as the LORD lives, which saves Israel, though it be in Jonathan my son, he shall surely die. But there was not a man among all the people that answered him.
40 Andin u pütkül Israilƣa: — Silǝr bir tǝrǝptǝ turunglar, mǝn oƣlum Yonatan yǝnǝ bir tǝrǝptǝ turayli, dedi. Hǝlⱪ uningƣa: — Nemǝ sanga yahxi kɵrünsǝ, xuni ⱪilƣin, dedi.
Then said he to all Israel, Be you on one side, and I and Jonathan my son will be on the other side. And the people said to Saul, Do what seems good to you.
41 Saul Israilning Hudasi Pǝrwǝrdigarƣa: — Bu qǝk bilǝn ǝyni ǝⱨwalni axkara ⱪilƣaysǝn, dedi. Qǝk bolsa Saul bilǝn Yonatanni kɵrsǝtti, hǝlⱪ ⱪutuldi.
Therefore Saul said to the LORD God of Israel, Give a perfect lot. And Saul and Jonathan were taken: but the people escaped.
42 Saul: — Mening bilǝn oƣlum Yonatanning otturisiƣa qǝk taxlanglar, dedi. Xundaⱪ ⱪiliwidi, qǝk Yonatanƣa qiⱪti.
And Saul said, Cast lots between me and Jonathan my son. And Jonathan was taken.
43 Saul Yonatanƣa: — Ⱪilƣiningni manga eytⱪin, dedi. Yonatan uningƣa: — Ⱪolumdiki ⱨasa bilǝn kiqikkinǝ ⱨǝsǝl elip tetip baⱪtim wǝ mana, xuning üqün mǝn ɵlümgǝ mǝⱨkum boldum! — dǝp jawab bǝrdi.
Then Saul said to Jonathan, Tell me what you have done. And Jonathan told him, and said, I did but taste a little honey with the end of the rod that was in my hand, and, see, I must die.
44 Saul: — Sǝn qoⱪum ɵlüxüng kerǝk, i Yonatan; undaⱪ ⱪilmisam, Huda manga sening bexingƣa qüxkǝndinmu artuⱪ qüxürsun! — dedi.
And Saul answered, God do so and more also: for you shall surely die, Jonathan.
45 Lekin hǝlⱪ Saulƣa: — Israilda bu uluƣ nusrǝtni ⱪazanƣan Yonatan ɵltürülǝmdu? Bundaⱪ ix bizdin neri bolƣay! Pǝrwǝrdigarning ⱨayati bilǝn ⱪǝsǝm ⱪilimizki, uning bexidin bir tal qaq yǝrgǝ qüxmǝydu; qünki bügünki ixni u Hudaning yardimi bilǝn ǝmǝlgǝ axurdi, dedi. Xundaⱪ ⱪilip hǝlⱪ Yonatanni ɵlümdin halas ⱪildi.
And the people said to Saul, Shall Jonathan die, who has worked this great salvation in Israel? God forbid: as the LORD lives, there shall not one hair of his head fall to the ground; for he has worked with God this day. So the people rescued Jonathan, that he died not.
46 Andin Saul Filistiylǝrni ⱪoƣlaxtin tohtidi; Filistiylǝrmu ɵz jayiƣa ⱪaytip kǝtti.
Then Saul went up from following the Philistines: and the Philistines went to their own place.
47 Xundaⱪ ⱪilip Saul Israilning sǝltǝnitini ɵzining ⱪildi; andin u qɵrisidiki düxmǝnlirigǝ, yǝni Moablar, Ammoniylar, Edomiylar, Zobaⱨdiki padixaⱨlar wǝ Filistiylǝrgǝ ⱨujum ⱪildi. U ⱪaysi tǝrǝpkǝ yüzlǝnsǝ ƣalip kelǝtti.
So Saul took the kingdom over Israel, and fought against all his enemies on every side, against Moab, and against the children of Ammon, and against Edom, and against the kings of Zobah, and against the Philistines: and wherever he turned himself, he vexed them.
48 U zor jasarǝt kɵrsitip Amalǝklǝrni urup Israilni bulang-talang ⱪilƣuqilardin ⱪutⱪuzdi.
And he gathered an host, and smote the Amalekites, and delivered Israel out of the hands of them that spoiled them.
49 Saulning oƣulliri Yonatan, Yixwi wǝ Malⱪi-Xua idi; uning ikki ⱪizining ismi bolsa — qongining Merab, kiqikining Miⱪal idi.
Now the sons of Saul were Jonathan, and Ishui, and Melchishua: and the names of his two daughters were these; the name of the firstborn Merab, and the name of the younger Michal:
50 Saulning ayalining ismi Aⱨinoam bolup, u Ahimaazning ⱪizi idi. Saulning ⱪoxunining sǝrdari Abnǝr idi; u Saulning taƣisi Nǝrning oƣli idi.
And the name of Saul’s wife was Ahinoam, the daughter of Ahimaaz: and the name of the captain of his host was Abner, the son of Ner, Saul’s uncle.
51 Saulning atisi Kix wǝ Abnǝrning atisi Nǝr bolsa, ikkisi Abiǝlning oƣulliri idi.
And Kish was the father of Saul; and Ner the father of Abner was the son of Abiel.
52 Saul pütkül ɵmridǝ Filistiylǝr bilǝn ⱪattiⱪ jǝngdǝ bolup turdi. Saul ɵzi ⱨǝrⱪaqan batur ya palwanlarni kɵrsǝ, uni ɵz hizmitigǝ salatti.
And there was sore war against the Philistines all the days of Saul: and when Saul saw any strong man, or any valiant man, he took him to him.

< Samu'il 1 14 >