< Küylerning küyi 5 >

1 «Men öz béghimgha kirdim, Méning singlim, méning jörem; Murmekkemni tétitqulirim bilen yighdim, Here könikimni hesilim bilen yédim; Sharabimni sütlirim bilen ichtim». «Dostlirim, yenglar! Ichinglar, könglüngler xalighanche ichinglar, i ashiq-meshuqlar!»
Mi derlyng, come in to his gardyn, to ete the fruyt of hise applis. Mi sister spousesse, come thou in to my gardyn. Y have rope my myrre, with my swete smellynge spices; Y haue ete an hony combe, with myn hony; Y haue drunke my wyn, with my mylk. Frendis, ete ye, and drynke; and derewortheste frendis, be ye fillid greetli.
2 «Men uxlawatattim, biraq könglüm oyghaq idi: — — Söyümlükümning awazi! Mana, u ishikni qéqiwatidu: — — «Manga échip ber, i singlim, i amriqim; Méning paxtikim, méning ghubarsizim; Chünki béshim shebnem bilen, Chachlirim kéchidiki nemlik bilen höl-höl bolup ketti!»
Y slepe, and myn herte wakith. The vois of my derlyng knockynge; my sister, my frendesse, my culuer, my spousesse vnwemmed, opene thou to me; for myn heed is ful of dew, and myn heeris ben ful of dropis of niytis.
3 «Men töshek kiyimlirimni séliwetken, Qandaqmu uni yene kiyiwalay? Men putlirimni yudum, Qandaqmu ularni yene bulghay?»
I have vnclothid me of my coote; hou schal Y be clothid ther ynne? I haue waische my feet; hou schal Y defoule tho?
4 Söyümlüküm qolini ishik töshükidin tiqti; Méning ich-baghrilirim uninggha telmürüp ketti;
Mi derlyng putte his hond bi an hoole; and my wombe tremblide at the touchyng therof.
5 Söyümlükümge échishqa qoptum; Qollirimdin murmekki, Barmaqlirimdin suyuq murmekki témidi, Taqaqning tutquchliri üstige témidi;
Y roos, for to opene to my derlyng; myn hondis droppiden myrre, and my fyngris weren ful of myrre moost preued.
6 Söyümlükümge achtim; Biraq söyümlüküm burulup, kétip qalghanidi. U söz qilghanda rohim chiqip ketkenidi; Uni izdidim, biraq tapalmidim; Uni chaqirdim, biraq u jawab bermidi;
Y openede the wiket of my dore to my derlyng; and he hadde bowid awei, and hadde passid. My soule was meltid, as the derlyng spak; Y souyte, and Y foond not hym; Y clepide, and he answerde not to me.
7 Sheherni aylinidighan jésekchiler méni uchritip méni urdi, méni yarilandurdi; Sépillardiki közetchiler chümperdemni mendin tartiwaldi.
Keperis that cumpassiden the citee founden me; thei smytiden me, and woundiden me; the keperis of wallis token awey my mentil.
8 I Yérusalém qizliri, söyümlükümni tapsanglar, Uninggha néme deysiler? Uninggha, söygining: «Men muhebbettin zeipliship kettim! — dédi, denglar».
Ye douytris of Jerusalem, Y biseche you bi an hooli thing, if ye han founde my derlyng, that ye telle to hym, that Y am sijk for loue.
9 «Séning söyümlüküngning bashqa bir söyümlüktin qandaq artuq yéri bar, I, ayallar arisidiki eng güzili? Séning söyümlüküngning bashqa bir söyümlüktin qandaq artuq yéri bar? — Sen bizge shundaq tapilighan’ghu?».
A! thou faireste of wymmen, of what manner condicioun is thi derlyng `of the louede? of what manner condicioun is thi derling of a derling? for thou hast bisouyt vs bi an hooli thing.
10 «Méning söyümlüküm ap’aq we parqiraq, yüreklik ezimet, On ming arisida tughdek körünerliktur;
My derling is whyt and rodi; chosun of thousyndis.
11 Uning béshi sap altundindur, Budur chachliri atning yaylidek, Tagh qaghisidek qara.
His heed is best gold; hise heeris ben as the bowis of palm trees, and ben blake as a crowe.
12 Uning közliri éqinlar boyidiki paxteklerdek, Süt bilen yuyulghan, Yarishiqida qoyulghan;
Hise iyen ben as culueris on the strondis of watris, that ben waischid in mylk, and sitten besidis fulleste ryueris.
13 Uning mengziliri bir teshtek puraqliq ösümlüktektur; Aynighan yéqimliq güllüktek; Uning lewliri niluper, Ular suyuq murmekkini témitidu;
Hise chekis ben as gardyns of swete smellynge spices, set of oynement makeris; hise lippis ben lilies, droppynge doun the best myrre.
14 Uning qolliri altun turubilar, Ichige béril yaqutlar quyulghan. Qorsiqi neqishlik pil chishliridin yasalghan, Kök yaqutlar bilen bézelgen.
Hise hondis ben able to turne aboute, goldun, and ful of iacynctis; his wombe is of yuer, ourned with safiris.
15 Uning putliri mermer tüwrükler, Altun üstige tiklen’gen. Uning salapiti Liwanningkidek, Kédir derexliridek körkem-heywetliktur.
Hise lippis ben pilers of marble, that ben foundid on foundementis of gold; his schapplinesse is as of the Liban, he is chosun as cedris.
16 Uning aghzi bekmu shérindur; Berheq, u pütünley güzeldur; Bu méning söyümlüküm, — Berheq, bu méning amriqim, I Yérusalém qizliri!»
His throte is moost swete, and he is al desirable. Ye douytris of Jerusalem, siche is my derlyng, and this is my freend.

< Küylerning küyi 5 >